The main attractions of Annecy with a photo and description. France, Annecy - Unique Lake and the Ancient City of Lake Annecy Temperature

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The incredible beauty of Lake Annecy, located in the Department of Upper Savoy in the pre-founded region of France, is the second largest inland water reservoir and popular place For the "non-jar" beach holiday. The same city can boast a considerable amount of significant historical attractions, including medieval castle And the Palace on the island in the center of the city canal. And in the small resorts along the shores of the lake, you can relax in the surroundings of very beautiful nature, among the silence and in the blessed solitude.

How to get to Lake Annecy

The main transport node of the region, he also the main resort on Lake Annecy wears the similar name - Annecy. Annecy can be easily accessible by train, bus or even plane.

TGV high-speed trains to Annecy are sent daily from the Lyon Station of Paris. Time on the way - 3 hours 42 minutes, the ticket will cost in the amount of 90-105 EUR in grade 2. Also from this station, regional electric trains are followed - they are much slower, but cheaper - from 60 EUR. Sustainable railway communication is installed with Lion (1 hour 57 minutes on the way; a ticket - 18-29 EUR) and the closest cities of the region - Chambery (on the road 49 minutes, a ticket - 11-17 EUR) and ex-le bin (on foot 35 Minutes, the fare is about 9-15 EUR).

Annecy's small airport takes board internal airlines from Paris (1 hour and 10 minutes in the air) as well as regional flights from Switzerland and Summer Charters from European countries.

In the city of Annecy a large number of Channels dividing it into many islands (an amazing island of the Palace was built on one of them), for which Annecy was informal name of the Savoy Venice.

Prices on the page are shown in August 2018.

Climate region

Lake Annecy is under the influence of a moderately continental climate. Winters here are soft, but snow, and summer is moderately hot. The average temperature of the winter season varies within 0 .. +5 ° C. At the same time on outdoor shores It may be zyabko and with the positive indicators of the thermometer, the reason for which is the increased humidity of the air and the frequent permeating wind. In summer, the air in the region is heated to +23 .. +27 ° C, the temperature of the water in July and August +22 .. +24 ° C, so even "disturbing" and "marriages" will be able to enjoy bathing.

Resorts of Lake Annecy

The city of Annecy - the capital of the Department of Upper Savoy and the main tourist centre Region. Annecy leads its history from the 14th century, when a massive stone castle was built here - the residence of the Savoy graphs. The core of the city gradually raised by residential quarters - and today history Center Annecy is a labyrinth of narrow medieval streets built up by colorful mansions. Annex the feature of Annecy is a large number of channels dividing the city in many islands (an amazing island of the Palace was built on one of them), for which Annecy was informal than the Savoy Venice. Well, for beach holidays here are a few comfortable sections of the coast. Among the best - the sandy beach of the Imperial (from 4 to 7 EUR), Marquise Beach (herbian) and the oldest on Lake Albini Beach (in the old city of Annecy) - also herbal.

Wairie-du-varnish is a charming place on the eastern bank of Annecy. In the town of tourists only a few private pensions, and the silence of local places is not violating even in the midst of the season. In Weyrie-du-varnish, two beach are a modern and well-equipped bruson with a sandy strip in front of the entrance to the water, an extensive herbal lawn with sun beds and a smooth depth and a democratic plan.

Taloore is another picturesque town on the southeastern shore of Lake Annecy. There are almost no historical buildings here, and the roles of attractions are colorful mansions under tiled roofs with indispensable blooming vases before entering. Beach recreation lovers will find several here. excellent beaches: Very spacious municipal, modern sand-grass Angon and picturesque Espas-varnish surrounded by lush vegetation.

Sevrie on the west coast of the lake, a few kilometers south of Annecy, offers a resting rear restful rest in a picturesque pre-founded region and a subtle charm of French provincial life. Relaxing on a hot summer day can be on the municipal beach. He is sandy-herbal, spacious and planted with sprawling trees, so that the absence of umbrellas does not drench the rest.

Saint-Jhorio - a secluded village south of Sevrie. The shore here naturally goes into the blue expanses of the lake and on this picturesque cape there is an excellent sandy beach with a gentle sunset and a smooth decrease in depth. An additional pleasant bonus is an exciting landscapes of alpine peaks on the opposite side of Annecy.

Lake Annecy

Lake Ansey and surroundings

In addition to the many attractions of the city of Annecy, almost every resort of the lake introduces a molding (and often very interesting) contribution to the regional "excursion".

Eco-tree "Wood and Forest" in the town tone will tell about the beauty of local landscapes and dedicate in the subtleties of dendrology; Here you can see an accurate copy of the 19th century sawmill. In Saint-Zhoro, it is certainly worth visiting the Museum of the Lodon Museum, the exposition of which will introduce you to the village house of the 19th century. In the museum of butterflies, more than 4500 exhibits are presented in Faverge from five continents. "Secret Gardens" in this is almost 7,000 square meters. m flower beds, thematic gardens, fountains and incredible garden pavilions. In Lovagnia, it is certainly worth a walk to Canyon Fierre, created by the centuries-old river at a depth below 25 m, and visit the medieval castle of Montrötier, which presents the valuable meeting of furniture, faience, lace and weapons from around the world. Sevrian is interesting to the ekloise of Lake Annecy. And of course, every resort has its own observation deck on the slope of the "home" peak with which opens great view On the lake and the Alps.

Annecy town (Annecy) and his lake are famous for all Savoy. Compared to the Lake Geneva, which is nearby, water in Annese is incomparably, and many people choose it as a place to relax.

About the charming Annecy, to which I am personally very not indifferent, on the difficulty .NET there were already several articles - about its main attractions - "Annecy: Romantic city Resort in Savoy "and photo report from Winter Annecy. Many who rolling in the Alps is interesting, for example, to break away from mountain Ski. And go to day in Annecy in the winter. Of course, it is at any time of the year.

But I could not get around the attention and topic summer holiday In Annecy, after all, there are so many entertainment on the lake, and it itself is one of the main centers for attracting residents of the region and a huge number of tourists.

Thanks to the special measures to protect the environment, undertaken in the region since the 1960s, Lake Annecy today is considered one of the purest in Europe, and the first tourists reached here in the XIX century, attracted by romantic mountain and lake species. The final absorption of Savoy France in 1860, nevertheless, did not affect the nature and tradition of land of the former independent and powerful state. There are many local specialties taking their own history in gastronomic traditions. historical area Savoy. Pay special attention to the cheese called Reblochon and Tome Des Bauges, local species Fish from the lake, which are served in Annecy restaurants, local white wines, as well as on chocolate and all sorts of products from it.

So, what to do in Annecy in the summer. First, of course, sunbathing and swimming on numerous comfortable beaches (photo below) both near the old town of Annecy and located in the distance from it around the lake. On the site of Lake Annecy, 13 beaches are indicated, but they are much more. Beach Annecy. The water temperature in the lake in the summer average is 24 degrees.

Secondly, the most popular view active rest Here - to open Annecy and its surroundings by bike, according to specially laid routes. Also incredibly popular cruises on boats and yachts. In Annecy, there are several sightseeing companies that will not only take you from point A to the point b along the lake, but also will provide the support of the guide (for foreigners there are mainly engaged personnel, although it is possible that they can find a Russian-speaking guide).

List active entertainment, including extreme, which can be experienced in Annecy, is truly huge: here and paragliding, diving, and water skiing, yachting, kayak, water Safari, flights over the mountains on hot-air balloon, Gyrocopter and much more. In a word, a traveler of any age, health and physical training will find something suitable for himself.

In Annecy has his own Holiday Lake With a grand 70 minute musical and pyrotechnic show, which takes place in the first Saturday of August. This holiday originates in 1860, the time of joining Savoy to France and solemn events in the "Venetian style" on this occasion in Annecy in honor of Napoleon III. At different times, the holiday of the lake in Annecy with Salute attracted up to 200,000 viewers at a time.

Other important events in Annecy and its surroundings:

Venetian carnival (in 2019 will be held from March 15 to March 17). Annecy is not in vain called "French Venice, and a" mask show "on the streets of the old city and against the background of his channels really resemble the insane Italian carnivals.

"Lake King" - Wakesurfing competition (on a board without fasteners), attracting hundreds of athletes. Competitions are accompanied by broadcasts on large screens, parties, concerts, etc. For everyone.

From November 23, 2018 to January 6, 2019, Christmas celebrations and ideas will be held in Annecy. Every year Christmas festivities have a new topic.

Calendar of the rest of the events in Annecy (and there are a lot of them!).

Summer photos Annecy and Lake

Annese the Old Town of Annecy in the summer decorated with flowers, although, of course, to the "flower madness" located in the Savoy of the village of Ivoire, he far.

The most important attraction of Annecy - Palais de l`Is.

Cafe with the most original seats in the old town of Annecy, in which constantly problems with customers. Apparently, visitors are slightly afraid of such beauty.

Annecy Old Town is quite large, so for a day or two walks to learn it "by heart" will not work.

The lake beat small fountains. During the holidays and festivities, the embankments are decorated, and the fountains are beautifully highlighted.

Picnics on the grass near the lake - the most beloved pastime of the citizens. In the photo - pre-wedding bachelorette party ...

And this is not a gay parade, but guys from a bachelor party.

The purity of the water that is protected and which is proud of Annecy is at the height.

Around the lake, as I mentioned, 13 equipped beaches. One of the closest to the city and comfortable - the empire near the hotel, the entrance is 4-5 euros for a whole day. There is everything here to spend great time.

Annecy - unique turquoise water natural phenomenon Delicious beauty. The lake is located in the Department of Upper Savoy filled with the purest drinking quality water. Annecy in French - Lac D "Annecy, so often the name of the name - Annecy is often found. The natural reservoir is almost not inferior in beauty and popularity with its larger neighbors - Geneva Lake And lacquer du-turbe.

Where is an amazing lake?

Geographic coordinates of the natural reservoir: 45 ° 51 'S.Sh. 6 ° 10 'V.D. On his north shore is the city of Annecy. In France this locality With more than 50 thousand inhabitants are considered an administrative center of Upper Savoy. Another closest city is Crane-Zhivrier. Lake Annecy is 145 km from Lyon - the capital of the Rhone-Alpes region. Through this major city runs the road from Paris to the East, to the Alps. The natural reservoir is located 80.5 km south of Swiss Geneva. The road is laid through the most beautiful terrain, it is in the frame of the snow-covered mountains and solar valleys.

How to get to the city and the same lake

In Annecy from many French and trains and buses are sent. There is an option to get from the ex-le-ban railway. From the Swiss city you need to go by train toward the upper Savoy, France. Annecy has modern multifunctional railway stationCombined with the bus station. Another version of the trip from Geneva is to go on your own or rented car. The train from Paris goes for 3 hours 30 minutes, from Lyon to Central Station Annecy - 1 hour and 50 minutes. The station has parking and buses that depart in the nearby ski resortsas well as in big cities Region. Direct bus goes from Lyon Airport to Annecy.

In this charming area, tourists can stay in comfortable hotels, which have more than 40, rent chalets, rent apartments. Northern I. west Coast In different epochs were built up with villas, castles and cottages.

Lake Annecy, France. Origin

A stunning lake with crystal clear water lies at the foot of the Alps, surrounded by mountains and forests. Calm smooth reflects magnificent landscapes. Basin Annecy is owned by the ancient glaciation and tectonic movements. During the last climate cooling period, 18-19 thousand years ago and the subsequent melting and the retreat of alpine glaciers occurred, the erosion of the stones and sand, filling the waters of the gorges and lowland.

The main characteristics of the lake:

  • absolute height - 446.6 m;
  • length from north to south - 14.6 km;
  • width - 3.3 km;
  • the average and the highest depth is 41.5 m and 82 m, respectively.

Natural Features Climate

All France, Annecy, including, lies in the zone of moderate climate with sufficient moisture. In the summer, during the beach season, the air in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 25 ° C, water is heated to 22 ° C. In January, the average water temperature reaches 6 ° C. The precipitate falls out throughout the year evenly, there are fogs. Snow and frost - rare phenomena.

A large role in the water supply of the lake is given to seven major streams and mining sources. When filling the hollow, part of the water goes into the Tiou River, which merges with p. Fie. She, in turn, carries its waters further in Ron, falling into the Mediterranean Sea. The eastern and northern banks of the lake are protected by mountains. Heat and moisture in the region is enough to make it possible to grow trees, shrubs and flowers. Over 20 species of fish live in the lake, wild animals are found in the coast.

Ecology and tourism

Clean air, vineyards and gardens - all this provincial France. Annecy is the most environmentally friendly corner of the country. Stories about an unusual turquoise lake - not advertising trick. Water is really striking blue shade due to the special composition of phytoplankton.

A strict ban on the reset of industrial and utal drains in the reservoir was introduced in 1960. Since then, the popularity of the lake as a beach holiday site has increased significantly. In Annecy come round yearBut most tourists prefers summer period. Here, full of bathing in the purest waters, fishing, horse riding. From Napoleon's Embankment III Tourists go to the waterfront beautiful lake. Other rest opportunities:

  • cycling routes around the perimeter of the lake (40 km);
  • closely located alpine ski resorts;
  • thermal towns and spa;
  • places for mini golf.

The city of Annecy, France. sights

In a quiet provincial part of East France, the Spirit of Romance Middle Ages still hovers. Annecy City is a network of narrow paved streets, canals and bridges. Three rivers flow through the old part, some at home stand right on the water, which served as a reason for comparing the city with Venice. Tourists gladly walk along the lake and around the city.

Gides-translators and detailed tourist maps Help solve the problem with what to see in Annecy. France is a country in which they tremble towards a rich historical and cultural heritage. Its part declared the castle of Pale de Lill. Externally, the main architectural landmark of the city resembles the nose of the ship. Since its appearance in the XII century, the building served as a prison, a mint, then the foundation was transferred cultural heritage France. Exhibitions are held in the castle, excursions are organized for the inspection of former champions. Other popular Attractions Annecy:

  • the building of the former private hotel de Sal, built at the end of the XVII century;
  • well of sv. Jean;
  • xVI century bell tower;
  • former Town Hall;
  • estimated in the XV century Cathedral of St. Maurice - Patron of Annecy;
  • church of St. Francis;
  • statue of the Catholic patron of journalists and writers of Francis Salsky;
  • st. Peter's Cathedral, built in 1535;
  • former Episcopal Palace, in which a conservatory is now located;
  • bridge of love.

The connoisseurs of antiquities, beach and outdoor activities on the water, skiing are admired by the city and the lake, which is famous for the Upper Savoy, France. Annecy chose Catholic Bishop Francis Salsky, who fled from Geneva during the Reformation period. It was the first wave of travel to the lake at the beginning of the XVI century. Francis accompanied the retinue from the cultural and religious elite of Europe.

Nowadays, the reservoir acquired fame as prestigious resort. Tourists attract colorful festivals and holidays. One of the main is the annual holiday of the lake. During his holding, a magnificent pyrotechnic show is organized.

France is a country of poets, artists, scientists and writers, powerful kings and desperate revolutionaries. Country of exquisite cuisine and no less sophisticated beauty. But there is a tiny pearl in it, which is capable of touching even the most sophisticated tourist, her name Annecy, which, according to merit, is called " beautiful countryside"France.

Annecy on the map of France

Annecy France is a city located at the base of the Alps, on the border with Switzerland. Annecy, it is sometimes called Annecy (Annecy), is the center of the Upper Savoy Department. In the north, the Department is bordered by Switzerland, and in the East with Italy. Until the mid-19th century, the Upper Savoy belonged to Switzerland, and the city itself was a residence of Geneva's graphs. In 1860, the Department became part of France. Annecy is 85 km north of Grenoble, and 45 km south of Geneva.

Thousands of years ago, lakes with clean water and the proximity of the mountain alpine valleys and meadows contributed to the birth of the settlement, named Annecy, or Annecy (Annecy, Latin Annesium). The first information about Annecy dates back to 2500 BC. e. It was a settlement of 2000 people. Later, Annecy was a port on the lake, that is, a large and significant place. As a settlement is mentioned in the documents of the Emperor Lotara, in 876, which is why this year is considered to be considered the time of the city.

Weather in Annecy (Annecy), France

The climate in Annecy is moderately warm. There is a large amount of precipitation, the most arid month of July (precipitation 66 mm). Maximum precipitation falls in November - 96 mm. The average annual temperature in the city of +10 ° C. The warmer month of the year - July middle temperatures +19.5 ° C. The lowest temperature is in January, it is about +0.6 ° C.

Annecy France

Interesting! The city lost in the competition for the right to take the 2018 Winter Olympics in the city and its surroundings in the winter are biathlon competitions and other sports competitions.

Annecy in France: Attractions

Annecy (France) is called "Alpine Venice", since three rivers and many channels pass through the city. In the city you can see many attractions related to the story of not only the city itself, but also the entire Department of the Upper Savoy.

Island Palace Palee de Lill

Located on a small island right in the middle of the channel, flowing between the lake and the Fewer River. It is called the Palace on the island, has the shape of the ship. This is the most popular place in the city and it is believed to be in Annecy and not make a photo by the Palace on the island - a non-disabilities of time. This castle was built in 1132 g and belonged to the Graphs of Geneva to the 13th century. His feature is that during the construction, each centimeter of the island was used, so in its form it resembles a ship.

Initially, he was conceived, as a reference to receiving payment during the transition of the bridge. Then he was a prison, a mint, a residence for nobility, a ridiculous, shelter, a school of drawing, the gymnastic hall, the Palace of Justice. At the beginning of the 20th century, a city bath was not built in his place, but with the arrival of the period of the revival of the ancient palace, he began to guard him as historical monument architecture. At the expense of the situation in the middle of the channel and the coziness of the surrounding streets, in fact, and there was a charm of this place. Inside him is now the Museum of History Annecy with the exposition on the history of the region.

Palace Palace de Lill

Castle Annecy

This is the castle and the residence of the Geneva graphs. The lock is on the elevation. He was built from the 12th to the 15th century. The castle was often rooted and was finally abandoned in the 17th century. Later was used as barracks until the end of World War II. The city bought the castle in 1953 and now there are a museum of contemporary art and the local history museum. In Tower, Perry has a popular science collection. This is the most ancient part of the castle with the walls of four-meter thickness. Also in the tower, the observatory is now open, a charming view of the terrace has a charming view of old city Annecy and Lake.

Church of St. Francis Salsky

The Church of St. Francis is standing on the banks of the Tiwa River, the most short river of France. The church was built in the 17th century in honor of Francis Salsky, Bishop Geneva, as well as his spiritual student John de Chantal.

Saint Francis was born in 1567 in Sal Castle, 20 kilometers from the city. Sal Castle in the 18th century was destroyed by Louis XIII. Francis received religious education and became a priest. He was a talented preacher, helped poor and disadvantaged and distinguished to meekness and patience. The author of many books.

Church of St. Francis Salsky

Cathedral of St. Peter

St. Peter's Cathedral in Annecy is a national historical monument and cathedral Diocese Annecy. It was built at the beginning of the 16th century. Combines the architectural elements of the late Gothic and Renaissance. In the first half of the 17th century, Saint-Pierre's cathedral studied and sang a very young Jean-Jacques Rousseau. The future composer and thinker entered the seminary, and after he studied in a choral school and sang from the choirs of the Cathedral of St. Peter. In 1822, the cathedral was given the status of the Cafedry. In the 19th century, a large body of the Master of the Royal Yard Nicola Antoine was installed in the cathedral.

Interesting! The main cathedral bell weighs about three tons. The inner interior decorates the altar in the style of "New Baroque", as well as stained glass windows depicted on them scenes from the life of Saint Francis Salsky.

Bridge of lovers

In love with couples, it is necessary to look at the bridge of lovers, which is widely known among tourists, although it is pretty recently built. Despite the short lifespan, the bridge has already managed to enter the legends of tourists. In love, it is necessary to go through the bridge so that their feelings become stronger and the union is preserved forever. However, the bridge looks like from afar, with boats in the foreground and a lake smoothing surrounded by ancient Yves in the back.

Lake Annecy

In itself, the lake in the framing of the mountains is so beautiful, which is an undoubted attraction at any time of the year. Near the lake there is an office of a boat company and in the summer here sell tickets for walking ships. You can also order a cruise with lunch or dinner on Lake Annecy. From the end of October, this company spends walks on the ship only once a day - at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, as well as at 11 o'clock on weekends. There is such an hour walk 14 euros. * You can sit on a private boat for a little big price. When inspecting the banks of Annecy, you can see the chapels, at home and on the protrusion of the coast of the castle Annecy.

Lake Annecy

Events in the city and surroundings

In August, Annecy Festival of Flowers and the Festival of Lake Annecy is held. During these holidays over the lake at night, unrealistic beautiful fireworks are satisfied. Can inspect the lake with ring road Around him, but often it is very loaded, so much calmer to inspect the shores of the lake during excursions on ships. They provide for stopping or a return with a later flight. A variety of trips with stops on the shores of the lake offers Compagnie de Navigation on Place Bois, near the waterfront takes (Quai Bayreuth), the full circle on the lake is worth 13.30 € *.

On the eastern coast Located a large Menthon Castle (Chateau de Menthon) with towers. The road to it is marked by a pointer near the city of Menton-Saint-Bernard (Menthon-Saint-Bernard). A few kilometers from this town stands on the shore there is an adorable Talloires. Here is the luxurious Hotel De Vabbaye in the former Benedictine Monastery of the 11th century.

The Fierzer River, arising from Lake Annecy, formed a narrow Gorges Du Fier in rock limestones. The trail leading to the gorge whose length is 300 meters, is marked on the highway D14 pointer at the lavanya. The trail goes down, runs along the gorge on high beats, from whom Montrotier Castle (Chateau de Montrottier). You can walk along the path, having passed another 3 kilometers. In the castle of the 13th century, an eclectic exhibition of furniture, pottery, lace, and exotic objects from former French colonies are stored.

How to get to Annecy

Annecy can be arrived by train or bus from Geneva. Routiere Bus Station in Geneva - the closest to Annecy, from here there is a direct bus, the ticket costs 15.5 francs, * the road takes 1.5 hours. When calculating credit card, 2 franc can take 2 franc.

Routiere Station address in Geneva: Place Dorcière, 1201 Genève. Located on the left bank, not far from the railway station. This station is one small booth and a buse area.

In Annecy Railway Station, it is combined with the railway station. A ticket to both ends is valid for one day, time on the ticket is not specified. The city also has an airport that takes domestic flights in France.

Annecy is distinguished by a calm, almost rural life, so the rest will help to relax and relax from the city bustle.

* Prices are relevant for 2018.

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