Aeroflot baggage that can be taken. Aeroflot - Luggage and hand baggage standards

From February 15, 2018, Aeroflot tightens control over hand-made procurement in Sheremetyevo's base airport and airports throughout route network Companies. Control will be valid throughout the passage of the passengers of the suggested procedures.

The passenger is obliged to show all the luggage, manual sting, as well as things transported without additional payment over the standards of free luggage and hand baggage (list of these things, as well as baggage and hand baggage standards are posted on the Aeroflot PJSC website). When you enter the landing, employees or agents of the company will check the manual stack of passengers for compliance with the standards of the airline in size, weight with the help of special measuring instruments, as well as by the number of seats.

If the hand-made passenger on any parameters does not comply with the standards set by the Aeroflot PJSC, the passenger is obliged to pass a manual sting as a recorded baggage. If the result is exceeded free norm Luggage, provided for by a passenger ticket, he is obliged to pay such an excess luggage.

Luggage in the aircraft, sizes and weight in 2017, new luggage provisions

Luggage is suitcases, bags, Baulas, which passengers pass upon registration, they fly in the cargo compartment. Manual sting we take with you to the cabin of the aircraft ..

Manual laying on an airplane sizes and weight. C.then you can take with you in the cabin of the aircraft

5 kg - the minimum hand-made weight, which the passenger can take a plane for free. Until now, the weight of hand-made bags was not registered at all in any laws and rules, everything was given to the deposit of airlines. On the other hand, the norms are less than 5 kg. No Russian carrier (even "victory" literally put 5 kg in their rules). More - as much as you like. At Aeroflot, for example, 10 kg. The order does not prohibit airlines to leave more generous norms. And, of course, 5 kg must comply with aviation safety standards (i.e. liquids - in tanks up to 100 ml).

Mobile phones, cameras, laptops and other gadgets, as well as umbrellas and books, were excluded from the list of things that can be taken into the cabin for free above the hand-made standard. The argument of the Ministry of Transport: They can be removed into the lady's handbag, a briefcase or backpack. With a mobile phone - it is not a question, it can be put in his pocket, and a light one, the advantage will not create. But a professional camera or laptop, combined, may well. In the luggage technique you will not pass.

New rules of baggage, "victory"

If you purchased a ticket until 09/29/2017 (including this date) on the flight, performed after 09/30/2017 (including this date), you can transport no more than 10 kg of registered baggage with dimensions to 203 cm in three dimensions and manual stack provided for by clause 9.4 of these Rules.

If you purchased a ticket after 09/30/2017 (including this date), you can drive a manual stall in the manner provided for by paragraphs 9.4, 9.5, 9.7 of these Rules.

The rules and conditions of transportation, delivery and receipt of registered baggage are defined in Appendix 2 to the rules.

Due to the need to safely accommodate manual bags of all passengers in the passenger compartment, in accordance with the recommendations of the aircraft manufacturer, the following restrictions on the hand-made venxes are used on the flights of the Victory Airlines.

general dimensions no more than 36 x 30 x 27 centimeters,

total weight no more than 5 kilograms.

If you are not sure that your Manual jack Complies with the installed dimensions, place it in the mechanical hand-bag meters with the airline logo installed at the airport. The measurement of hand-made bags must be made before passing the passenger inspection zone. The hand-made carriage rate is applied to each passenger separately and does not apply to children under 2 years transported for free.

The recorded luggage site, transported in the luggage compartment of the aircraft, on each flight, except in cases transfer transportation Luggage on airline flights

Name of service

Web site

Call centre

Airports of the Russian Federation

Airports of foreign states

Registered baggage, up to 10 kg

Registered baggage, up to 20 kg

Surchargeought 1 kg advantage

Transportation of oversized baggage (over 203 cm over the sum of three dimensions). One place of baggage up to 20 kg (for 1 place for 1 flight)

Bike, for 1 piece, not more than 20 kg

Fishing gear, for 1 set, not more than 20 kg

Ski or snowboard, for 1 set, not more than 20 kg

Musical instrument, for 1st place, not more than 20 kg

Full rules of baggage and hand baggage are published on the official website of Victory.

Hand-made aeroflot, sizes and weight, 2017

Things for passenger and transported in the cabin of the aircraft, the weight and dimensions of which are installed by the carrier and allow you to safely place them in the aircraft cabin, are called manual sting.

Norms of carrying hand-baled in the aircraft cabin on Aeroflot flights: business - 1 place weighing up to 15 kg (in the sum of three dimensions up to 115 cm), class Comfort and class Economy - 1 place weighing up to 10 kg (in the sum of three dimensions up to 115 cm ). The size of the clashes should not exceed 55 cm. In length, 40 cm. In width, 20 cm. Height.

Above the installed norm of hand-baggage, you can additionally transport the following things if they are in the passenger and are not invested in luggage:
lady handbag / men's portfolio, folder for papers, umbrella, cane, bouquet of flowers, top clothes, laptop computer, camera, camcorder, printed reading in flight, baby food for a child during the flight, children's cradle with a child, a suit in Portralee, phone cellular communication, crutches, folding walkers, shopping bag from the store " Duty Free." These things are not presented for weighing, not subject to design and not marked with tags.

Aeroflot, baggage norm by weight 2017 economy class

Service class /group of tariffs

Registered baggage

(dimensions no more than 158 cm in the amount of 3 measurements)

Manual jack

(dimensions no more than 115 cm in terms of 3 measurements)

Business class - All tariff groups

2 places no more than 32 kg each

1 place no more than 15 kg

Comfort class - all tariff groups

2 places no more than 23 kg each

1 place no more than 10 kg

Class Economy - Premium Tariffs Group

2 places no more than 23 kg each

1 place no more than 10 kg

Economy class - all other tariff groups

1 place no more than 23 kg

1 place no more than 10 kg

Passengers the largest airline RF is often faced with such a term as additional baggage In Aeroflot, which on the official site is called excess. This category includes those types of goods that go beyond the standards of free transportation of things installed by the carrier. The passenger who violated the rules should pay for the existing tariffs. How much is an extra room for baggage in Aeroflot? What does the price depend on? How to make a payment? These and other points will consider in detail.

Existing norms

For additional luggage provisions in Aeroflot airplanes, it is not a surprise, it is necessary to clearly imagine the rules that the carrier is installed for customers.

It all depends on the class of service, which chose a passenger:

  • In the class "Business" It is allowed to register baggage into two places, each of which should not exceed 32 kg. For hand clashes - 1 * 15 kg.
  • In the class "Comfort" and "Economy" (Group "Premium") permissible rate less. It is also allowed to occupy two places, but the limit mass should not exceed 23 kg. For hand clashes - 1 * 10 kg.
  • In the rest of the tariffs of the class "Economy" You can take only one place, and the upper plank weight is only 23 kg. For hand clashes - 1 * 10 kg.

For all three cases on dimensions are identical - no more than 115 cm (in relation to hand-made) and 158 cm (for ordinary cargo). In the rest of the situations will have to buy a place for additional luggage in Aeroflot liners.

If the total weight of the transported cargo is not more than 10 kg, the number of places is not limited. In this case, the mark of the number of permissible positions under the free cargo is placed on the receipt. Mentioned registration standards are relevant from the point of departure to the city of destination or the first city of the stop. In the case of cooperation with other airlines, when carrying out the flight rate of transportation may vary.

How much is an additional luggage in Aeroflot?

Knowledge of shipping norms are required for all air carrier passengers. Otherwise, oversized or superheavy luggage will be detected during the registration period, which can lead to a flight delay and inability to reach the plane. That is why the conditions and norms of transportation of things should be specified in advance, before buying a ticket and registration.

How much is an additional luggage in Aeroflot? Since 11/15/2016, new tariffs have been introduced for passengers of the air carrier. The cost of supernorumative cargo depends on the type of "violation", and the amount of payments is given in different currency. Full information The price of additional baggage can be found on the official website of Aeroflot.

Main tariffs:

  • In the event of an increase in the number of places (when the norm is limited only by one position) for the next place will have to pay 2500 r., And for the third - 7500. When transporting from other countries, the cost of additional baggage sites is calculated in euros and US dollars (100 and 200, respectively).
  • If at the rate, the norm was two places, but they did not have enough passenger to accommodate things, for the third and each subsequent position will have to pay 7500 p. In the US currency and the EU, this is 200 dollars (euro), respectively.
  • In the case when the weight of additional baggage transported in the Aeroflot liner exceeded 23 kg, the cost of the surcharge will be 2500 p. (125 in currency). At the same time, the upper limit should not be more than 32 kg. If a higher rate was exceeded in 32 kg (but not more than 50 kg), you will have to buy an additional place for baggage for the amount of 5000 p. (200 US dollars and euros).
  • Another situation is related to the carriage of large cargo, the dimensions of which came out for the permissible limits. If dimensions (over the sum of three dimensions) are more than 158 cm, but less than 203 cm, the payment of additional baggage in Aeroflot will be 5000 p. (125 dollars and euros).

Exceeding of dimensions in 203 cm will cost more - in the amount of 7500 r. (in the EU and US currency - 200).

Features of tariffs

It is worth considering that the above tariffs are valid only for airline airlines Aeroflot. For clarification cases, it is worth clarifying how much the additional luggage place in the plane costs, because the tariff plan for another carrier may differ. This information is desirable to get in advance using the contact center operator.

If the cargo transported has a mass of more than 32 kg, and its dimensions (sizes) are out of the permissible limits of the norm (from 203 cm or more), transportation can be carried out after resolving the issue with representatives of the airline.

Another point is how to pay extra luggage when transporting it by Aeroflot. You can do this directly at the airport - near the rack where baggage is carried out. But it is better to perform the work in advance - through the official website. If the real weight of the cargo turned out to be more, at the airport you can pay the difference.

The plane is, of course, not the train and not a personal car. Loading into it too much baggage, of course, it is impossible. Any airline is therefore there are certain standards for weight and dimensions of personal belongings. Not in this regard exceptions and Aeroflot. Luggage passengers who bought tickets for a flight belonging to this company can take with them not too heavy and voluminous.

Basic concepts

All the aircraft transported by passengers is customary to divide into two main categories:

  • actually baggage;
  • manual sting.

The latter group is the portable lung personal belongings of the clients of the airline. Their passengers have the right to take with them to the cabin of the aircraft. The passenger itself is responsible for the safety of hand-made bag.

Luggage is called more overall and heavy things, handed over to a special compartment when registering. For their preservation, the Aeroflot is responsible for their safety. The luggage of passengers must be delivered by the company safe and safety and put on the client by hand immediately after arriving at the destination airport.

Standards for hand-made

The weight of things allowed for transportation without registration depends on the passenger flies in the cabin. The more expensive is a plane ticket, the more privileges are provided to the Client of Aeroflot. So, business class passengers have the opportunity to bring suitcases and bags with them to the salon, whose weight in total does not exceed 15 kg. For clients of the company who bought a ticket economy or comfort class, this figure decreases to 10 kg. In this case, the amount of length, widths and height of the carrying bag should not exceed 115 cm.

With respect to the weight of things that are not subject to registration, there may be exceptions to the rules for certain flights. What exactly the routes are provided for other hand-made norms, it is necessary to check in the ticket office of the company "Aeroflot". So, for example, flight passengers Moscow - Cancun and business, and in economy class can carry no more than 5 kg of things.

Children from 2 to 12 years have the right to take the aircraft "Aeroflot" as many hand clashes as adults.

Prohibited items

Thus, it is clear what are envisaged in the company "Aeroflot" manual baggage by weight and dimensions. Of course, not all things can be transported in the plane without registration. For example, "Aeroflot" prohibits passengers to take too much to the salon:

  • water;
  • cosmetics;
  • all sorts of aerosols;
  • soup.

The entire product listed above must be placed in special packages. In this case, the volume of each such means should not exceed 100 ml. If such products are packed in a container containing less than 100 ml, it should be put in a special plastic package of 1 l with zipper.

In some cases, Aeroflot, which is strictly normalized by baggage, can do exceptions from these rules. For example, baby food or medicines, the vital passenger, can be transported in the cabin and in large than 100 ml of quantities.

In the countries of the European Union, among other things, meat and dairy products are not allowed. This is Aeroflot's passengers also to keep in mind.

What things are not weighed

Some items of the Aeroflot passenger can take with them the default salon. That is, such things are not weighed and they are not normalized. These subjects include, for example:

  • crutches;
  • mobile phone, laptop, camera or camera;
  • package from Duty Free;
  • umbrellas, canes and portfolios;
  • newspapers and magazines.

Of course, the outer clothing of passengers in the winter season is not weighed.

Labage rate "Aeroflot": free shipping

The overall and heavy things of passengers are the same as the manual sting, is transporting free of charge. But, of course, only if their weight does not exceed the established standards. Luggage for rent to a special compartment of the aircraft, as already mentioned, when registering at the airport. It is normalized by his weight as well depending on how the passenger flies.

For example, 23 kg per place and 46 kg - two - there is such a luggage rate of 1PC. Aeroflot transports heavier things only for an additional fee. 1RS is the usual economy class. For business class passengers, these figures increases, respectively, up to 32 and 64 kg.

An additional fee for the transportation of things by Aeroflot is charged not only if their weight exceeds the normative. There is a company and price list on the number of luggage sites. Also, three dimensions of suitcases or bags for the economy class should not exceed 158 cm, for a business class - 203 cm.

Aeroflot: Luggage Luggage Supervertinal

Payment for the transportation of "unnecessary" things in this company is provided pretty large. How much it is necessary to additionally pay the client in one way or another, you can see the table below.

Of course, even for an additional fee, it is allowed to transport not too heavy and bulky cargo in the aircraft of Aeroflot. Luggage whose weight exceeds 32 kg per place, and the dimensions are 203 kg, the passenger will not be accepted.

If the company's client things are too voluminous, it is most likely to pay for the second luggage place - 2500 r., And for all subsequent - 7500 p. (50 and 150 dollars, respectively).

Shares "Aeroflot"

Some group of passenger groups can transport an excess luggage for less or at all for free. For example, additional places are provided for participants of the Aeroflot-Bonus program and those carrier clients who fly to Israel, USA, China or Japan.

In some cases, Aeroflot company can do discounts and on the transport of certain categories of things. Luggage skiers and snowboarders (equipment), for example, from November 1, 2016 to May 5, 2017. Flights from this carrier are made free of charge. Also before March 25, Aeroflot passengers may not give money additionally for accessories for diving and surfing.

Company Responsibility in damage to customer

The rate of baggage "Aeroflot" is thus definite. However, of course, not only passengers are imposed on the transport of things some requirements. It takes certain obligations in this regard and the company "Aeroflot".

For loading, storage and unloading of passengers of this carrier, specially hired movers are responsible. Of course, the company's management requires the most responsible attitude to the case from these employees. But in some cases, the luggage of passengers during loading / unloading can, of course, is damaged. In this case, Aeroflot undertakes:

  • send the passenger's things for repair at their own expense;
  • if the repair is impossible to return the full cost of damaged baggage to the client.

In order to receive no problems when receiving compensation, the passenger needs to be preserved to maintain a luggage tag until receiving and checking the safety of things.

Loss of baggage

Of course, from time to time the company's passengers arises such a trouble. In the case of loss of baggage, the company's client should immediately contact the search service at the airport. Here it will be necessary to fill in a special waiting form and get the case number. Further, the company's employees will actually move to tracking the movement of lost things using the World Tracer program. The latter, by the way, is also available for ordinary people. Passengers can be traced on their luggage on the official website of Aeroflot, in the "Search".

Passenger Opinion

Most passengers believe that the company is too tough, the company has a luggage provision. Aeroflot (economy and business class salons in this company - the pleasure of quite expensive), according to many customers, could have a little and increase weight and dimensions of free of charged things. In this regard, the company exists, unfortunately, mostly not too much good feedback.

Everything else, how can you judge by reviews, the staff of Aeroflot usually do not make our customers any discounts even with the slightest weight or sizes of suitcases. This, according to many passengers, is not observed with almost any other carrier. Some customers even have to just throw out things from bags in case of exceeding the norms, since the cost is much less than the amount of surcharge for additional places. So when collecting baggage at home, Aeroflot passengers should be as close as possible.

Also not particularly good customer reviews This company has earned a baggage procedure for too complex. In order to do this, passengers often have to raise many hours.

The things of the Customer "Aeroflot" loses not so often. However, this is still sometimes happening. There are negative feedback from those passengers, from the suitcases whose personal belongings or souvenirs were pulled out.

The limit norms per dimensions, a mass of hand-made and baggage registered for transportation on the aircraft for 2019 Aeroflot left unchanged. Relevant, known former travelers, restrictions on the number of places, for maximum weight and dimensions remain relevant. All standards for baggage and hand-bag vary depending on the class of service, additional charges are charged for their exceed.

The Aeroflot's hand-made category traditionally relates all things that are in passengers, can be safely placed in the cabin and are suitable for established requirements. Responsibility for their condition and harm caused by them is fully imposed on the client. During the registration process, manual sting passes the weighing procedure and check for compliance.

Number of seats

For things this category on the company's airliners, no more than one place is distinguished regardless of class. In other words, one passenger is allowed to take one bag into the salon. If the flight is executed by the family, the number of seats corresponds to the number of its members on which individual places are ordered, whatever age.

Limit dimensions

As a general rule, the size of the hand-made must provide the possibility of placing it under the chair or on the top shelf. In Aeroflot, maximum permissible dimensions in length, width and height are 55x40x25, respectively. For the sum of three dimensions, it is 120 centimeters for any tariff.

Permitted mass

Hand baggage weight for transportation in the aircraft Aeroflot is established depending on the class. For customers performing a flight at a business tariff, permissible mass per place does not exceed 15 kilograms. Economy class and comfort provide the opportunity to take a plane at no more than 10 kilograms per seat.

Personal things

Aeroflot, like other carriers, allows its customers to take some things into the salon without taking into account these limitations. They are among the personal and not taken into account when weighing. The list includes:

  • briefcases and women's handbags;
  • cell phones;
  • portable computers, video and photo equipment;
  • business papers in a folder;
  • books, newspapers and magazines;
  • bag with purchases from Duty Free.

This list is much larger, with a more detailed list you can find on the airline's website.

Non-standard things

In the list of goods allowed for free transportation in the cabin, there are objects inappropriate under the weighting norm. These are special wheelchairs for disabled people and baby carriages that are used by the client. They will be required to pass the flight attendant at the entrance to the salon. If a wheelchair has an electric drive and weighs more than 32 kilos, it is necessary to preliminarily appreciate, no later than 36 hours before departure (the time is taken on schedule). Mandatory approval will be required to transport all musical instruments, regardless of their size. Only a guide is allowed to fly from animals for free to the flight in the cabin, if there are appropriate documents (certificate and veterinary certificate). Flight in the cabin with other animals is allowed only in a special container weight, which, together with animals, no more than 8 kilograms.

Other restrictions

In addition to listed for this category of things, restrictions on the volume of liquids and compositions equated to it are provided. This applies to drinking water, alcoholic beverages, cosmetics. The total volume of such substances cannot exceed the liter, all liquids must be spilled in the container not more than 100 ml. Not allowed for transportation in the cabin of the aircraft:

  • all types of weapons and ammunition, objects imitating them;
  • hazardous chemicals (toxic, flammable, explosive);
  • objects can apply cut wounds;
  • things and devices containing magnets or magnetized components.

Some of these items can be transported only in baggage, others are completely prohibited for air transport. You can clarify the list and details of restrictions on the website or at employees contact the center.

Requirements for baggage

The category of baggage Aeroflot includes things that exceed the mastery characteristics of hand-made bags and are transported in a luggage compartment on the aircraft. Things of this category are recorded in a piece system, taking into account the above-mentioned parameters. Dimensions and weight, the number of places are differentiated in accordance with the rules for using a specific tariff.

Number of places and overall restrictions

For tariffs, business, comfort and economy premium is provided with two tickets. According to the standards of group of economical tariffs, this parameter is limited to one place. If the total weight of the registered things is less than 10 kilograms - the number of places for free baggage Not limited. In the ticket, their number is usually indicated under the PC (Piece Plan) abbreviation. Permissible dimensions in all cases should not be more than 158 centimeters over the sum of three dimensions (W * B * d).

Massing restrictions

The permissible weight of baggage in the plane varies depending on the tariff. The limit for a business group is 32 kilograms. For other groups, including the comfort of mass limits are tougher. In this case, you can carry no more than 23 kilograms per person. For minors there are norms similar to the requirements for adults. These requirements may vary depending on the flight, so before the flight it is desirable to clarify what weight can be taken with you through the contact center of the carrier.

Excess norm

All cases of exceeding the rules of things are recorded as an excess luggage. The calculation is performed for each parameter if the cost of transportation is allowed in all requirements will be determined based on the total amount. Surcharge will need:

  • for the second, third and every subsequent place, 2.5 and 7.5 thousand, respectively;
  • for exceeding the permissible mass, depending on the class of service, 2.5, if excess is from 23 to 32 kilo and 5, when the weight goes beyond 32, but does not exceed 50;
  • for exceeded sizes from 158 to 203 centimeters, 5 thousand is charged, more than 203-7.5.

The amounts are fixed, on domestic flights are accrued in rubles, on international currency. In the latter case, payment is made in ruble equivalent at the current course of the Central Bank.

Non-standard loads

Special transport rules are made to heavy and / or oversized cargo. This category is the objects of mass from 32 to 50 kilos, no more than 203 centimeters in the amount of length, widths and heights. As one luggage place permissible for free transportation, sports equipment is regarded:

  • ski set with sticks and shoes in a case;
  • hurried snowboard with a pair of shoes;
  • pair of sticks in a case with packaged equipment;
  • bike prepared for transportation;
  • hurried golfing equipment;
  • a pair of rods with a set of tackle in the appropriate packaging.

In addition to sports equipment, weapons with ammunition, various types of musical instruments, animals are present in the list of luggage non-standard. In the category of non-standard, the usual containers can get to the travelers, for example, if the mass-border characteristics of the suitcase goes for the allowable framework, it is considered oversized. The rules for transporting this category of goods must be required from employees or on the airline's website.

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