Flight Schedule Airport named after Karamzin. Airports Ulyanovsk

Departure time in flight brataevka Airport (Ulyanovsk) Local is indicated. Information about the departure time and arrival of the aircraft can be displayed with a small delay.

from June 13, 2016, due to the reconstruction of the runway of the airfield complex Ulyanovsk (Brataevka), in order to quickly complete construction work, all regular flights will be temporarily executed in / from the airport.

How to get to Brataevka Airport:Get to Brataevka Airport from the center of Ulyanovsk can be route taxi № 12, 66, 91, 116, 123, 156. In addition, the airport with the city connects special bus flight - №330.

If for some reason you do not want to go to public transport, You can order a taxi Ulyanovsk Bratayevka Airport. Or get to the airport on your own car, leaving it on Program near the airport.

Schedule of the aroport of Ulyanovsk:

Ulyanovsk Airport Brataevka Flight schedule:In the city of Ulyanovsk, there are 2 airports - and central. The most flights receive the East Airport - about 16, and the most lowered - central, takes about 9 flights. In total, Ulyanovsk takes 25 aircraft daily. The flight schedule of Ulyanovsk airport consists of 25 flights, among which 12 are connections and 13 - departures. The maximum number of flights falls on the evening. In the evening, on a schedule, the aircraft fly along the routes: Ulyanovsk- Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk-Ufa, Ulyanovsk-Moscow, Ulyanovsk-Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk-Ufa and flights Ufa Ulyanovsk, Moscow-Ulyanovsk, Ufa Ulyanovsk, Moscow-Ulyanovsk, Moscow-Ulyanovsk. The first aircraft at 07:30 is sent in the direction of Ulyanovsk-Moscow. Last flight At 22:40, from the city of Ulyanovsk, according to the schedule, the Ulyanovsk-Moscow route is made. In the schedule of airport aircraft there are flights in 4 directions such as Ulyanovsk-Moscow, Ulyanovsk-Ufa, Ulyanovsk-Nizhny Novgorod and others. Major airline airport Ulyanovsk Airlines Rusline, CJSC Avia Management Group (DEXTER), UTair.

Country: Russia

Central City Airport Ulyanovsk
Time Zone GMT (Winter / Summer): +4/+4
Airport geographic coordinates: Latitude (54.27), longitude (48.22)
Location: 9 km south-west of the center of Ulyanovsk
The number of terminals: 1

IATA codeBaratayevka Ulyanovsk: ULV

ICAO codeBaratayevka Ulyanovsk: UWLL

Internal codeBaratayevka. : Ulk
Brataevka International Airport Address postal : 432045, Russia, Ulyanovsk, ul. Aviation, 20
Brataevka Ulyanovsk International Airport Phone Hotline: +7 8422 455 645
Brataevka Ulyanovsk Airport Phone Reference: +7 8422 455 644
Fax: +7 8422 455 645
E-mail:[email protected].

international Airport Brataevka Ulyanovsk is located 10 kilometers from the city center of Ulyanovsk, and provides acceptance, sending and maintenance of 2-4 class aircraft.

In 2013, the passenger turnover of Bratageevka Ulyanovsk International Airport amounted to more than 147 thousand people, and in 2014 it is planned to increase it to 160 thousand. After the reconstruction of the main part of the airpower in 2013, the capacity of Brataevka Ulyanovsk International Airport.

Chronology of the development of the airport "Ulyanovsk Bratayevka"

The year of the founding of the airport "Ulyanovsk Brata'evka" is considered to be 1925, since it was this year that the construction of the airfield began. Initially, the Kuibyshev detachment and the third squadron was based on it. After a decade, all the detachments were attached to the airfield as training. It was in 1935 who studied here a large number of Young pilots.

In the war year, Ulyanovsk Bratayevka was used to teach fighters and the basing of military aircraft. Civil apparatus of the airfield performed the front of the front with flammable and ammunition.

The large-scale construction of the airproof began in 1955. The construction was commissioned in two years. The new airport had a bandwidth of 50 passengers per hour. At that time summer school continued its activities.

First regular passenger Transportation They were configured from Kuibyshev to Moscow landing in Ulyanovsk. The flights were carried out on IL-14 and An-2 aircraft. A very long time the airport did not have the possibility of receiving the aircraft of the larger mass, since there was no modern runway. In 1970, another airproof was built with a passenger turnover of 400 people per hour.

The modern stage of development for Ulyanovsk Brataevka Airport was launched with a large reconstruction of the entire complex in 2009. At the same time, the airport was transferred to federal property. All work was funded by the state.

Airport condition by this moment Excellent, since it is a popular and competitive complex that meets the requirements of the modern aviation industry. It is worth noting that the airport "Ulyanovsk Brataevka" since July 2014 has the opportunity to accept and maintain international flights.

Runway stripes Brataevka Ulyanovsk International Airport

Brataevka Ulyanovsk International Airport has three runway runways, each of which is actively used. The length of the greatest runway is 3826 meters with a width of 60 meters, and a concrete component is used as a WDP coating. The second length of the runway is a WFP length, which is 2500 meters with a width of 100 meters, and a prepared soil is used as a coverage of the runway. The smallest runway is a runway with a total length of 800 meters and a width of 60 meters, and a prepared primer is also used as a coating.

Brataevka Ulyanovsk International Airport can take all types of helicopters, as well as aircraft 2, 3 and 4 classes, in particular, this refers to the An-24, An-72 aircraft, An-148, Tu-134, Tu-154, Airbus A320, Boeing 737, etc.

Infrastructure of Brataevka Ulyanovsk International Airport

Brataevka Ulyanovsk International Airport has a well-developed and continuing internal infrastructure.

The airport is located:

    ATMs and payment terminals;

    Room of mother and baby;

    Retail stores;

    Children's entertainment platform;

    High residence hall;

    Free library;

    Car parking;

    Baggage storage compartment.

Brathaevka Ulyanovsk also has its own hotel on the territory of Brataevka International Airport, however, passengers awaiting their flight can take advantage of hotel complexes located in Ulyanovsk:

    Hotel "Abazhur";

    Hotel "Crown";

    Hotel "Crown".

Brataevka Ulyanovsk can be reached at the International Airport, you can one of the following methods:

    Route taxi number 12;

    Route taxi number 66;

    Route taxi number 91;

    Route taxi number 116;

    Route taxi number 123;

    Route taxi number 156;

The trip time in the route taxi from the city center to the airport is about 30 minutes.

Route Networks of Brataevka Ulyanovsk International Airport

As of mid-2014, Brataevka Ulyanovsk International Airport actively cooperates four russian air carrierIn particular, such airlines as "Rusline", "Ak Bars Aero", "Dexter" and "UTair". From here, flights to Ufa, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg and other Russian cities are regularly performed.

Basic data:

    Chief City Airport of Ulyanovsk.

    The coordinates of the airport: latitude 54.27, longitude 48.22.

    GMT Time Zone (Winter / Summer): + 4 / + 4.

    Airport location country: Russia.

    Location: 9 km south-west of the center of Ulyanovsk.

    The number of airport terminals: 1.

    ICAO Airport Code: UWLL.

    Internal code: ULK.

Airport Brataevka Ulyanovsk on the map:

Contact details:

    Airport email address: [email protected].

    Fax airport: +78422455645.

    Airport control telephone: +78422455645.

    Airport help telephone: +78422455644.

    The postal address of the airport: Aviance St., 20, Ulyanovsk, Russia, 432045.

Airports in Ulyanovsk: how to get to airports, official sites, phone numbers, flights, taxi, service and airport services Ulyanovsk.

Two aerials operate in Ulyanovsk - Ulyanovsk Airport. Karamzin (informal name - Brataevka) and Ulyanovsk-East. The latter has international status. Brataevka Airport is located only 9 km from the city center and near the village of the same name.

In addition to civil aviation Brataevka Ulyanovsky Airport is used to perform educational and research flights of the Ulyanovsk Supreme Aviation School.

He is able to take all types of aircraft and helicopters without restrictions. From these air gates of Ulyanovsk, flights to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi and Ufa are performed. You can see the flight schedule on the official airport site. In addition, aerozel is used to perform educational and research flights of the Ulyanovsky Supreme Aviation School.

The East Airport was built in 1983 mainly for testing the Ulyanovsky Aviation Plant. You can find out the necessary information on the official airport site. Interestingly, the airfield runway is one of the longest in the world - 5100 meters. It is here that the newest models of aircraft are experiencing.

How to get

From Brataevka Airport, Ulyanovsk Center can be reached by route taxi No. 12, 66, 91, 116, 123, 156. Time on the way is 25-30 minutes.


Both Ulyanovsk airport offer passengers only the most necessary services. There is a cafe, small shops selling newspapers and magazines, VIP-hall.

Next to Brataevka Airport is the Museum of Civil Aviation History.

Not far from the East International Airport hotel "Forest Forest" and the hotel "Aviastar". Brataevka Airport also features a hotel.

    What if the flight was canceled

    If the flight has canceled more than 24 hours before departure, passengers transplanted with similar flights of the airline. Expenditures carry a carrier, a free service for the passenger. If none of the options proposed by the airline, you do not suit you, most airlines can be issued "forced return". After confirming the airline, the money will return to your account. Sometimes it may take several weeks.

    How to register at the airport

    Online registration is available on most airlines sites. Most often it opens 23 hours before the start of the flight. You can pass it no later than 1 hour before the departure of the aircraft.

    To register at the airport you will need:

    • identification certificate specified in the order
    • birth certificate when flying with children,
    • printed route receipt (optional).
  • What can be taken with you

    Manual sting are things that you take with you to the cabin of the aircraft. Weight rate hand luggage It may vary from 5 to 10 kg, and its size most often should not exceed the sum of three dimensions (length, widths and height) from 115 to 203 cm (depending on the airline). The lady's bag does not apply to hand-made bags and shifts freely.

    In the bag that you take on the plane, there should be no knives, scissors, medicines, aerosols, cosmetics. Alcohol from shops duty Free. You can shift only in sealed packages.

    How to pay luggage at the airport

    If the weight of baggage exceeds the norms installed by the airline (most often - 20-23 kg), you need to pay for each kilogram of the advantage. In addition, many Russian and foreign airlines, as well as louxers there are tariffs that do not include free provocative Luggage and it must be paid separately as an additional service.

    Luggage It is necessary to register at the airport at a separate Drop-OFF front desk. If you do not have the ability to print a boarding pass, you can get it on the usual airline front desk, and register and pass the luggage.

    Where to learn the time of arrival if you meet

    You can find out the time of arrival of the aircraft on the online table of airport. On the site Tutu.ru there is an online scoreboard of the main Russian and foreign airports.

    You can find out the output number (Gate) on the board of arrival at the airport. This room is a close to the information about the arriving flight.

19:40 - REGNUM In the Ulyanovsk region today, September 6, after the reconstruction, an international airport named after N. M. Karamzin opened. The solemn event in which the Governor Sergey Morozov took part with landing at the airport of the IL-76 technical flight airport, reports correspondent IA REGNUM..

Air harbor put into operation, including the runway.

"Today is a grand event: the main aerial doors The aviation capital of Russia - the Ulyanovsk region is fully prepared for full work and waiting for passengers. We were looking forward to this event, congratulations to all residents and guests of the region, " - said the governor Sergey Morozov.

The reconstruction of the artificial runway and the objects of the airfield complex are made according to the Federal Target Program "Development transport system Russia. Works began in 2015. During this time, laying a new asphalt concrete, the length of which, according to new standards, is 3100 meters, as well as the arrangement of the perrone, the cooler tracks, replacing the lighting equipment, the construction of a new start-up-dispatch point, aircraft parking sites, a drainage-drainage network. Also replaced by radio beacons, flat equipment, the patrol road is equipped, transformer substations are mounted. The total cost of work amounted to 1.48 billion rubles.

"Now the airport runway meets all modern requirements, it is capable of taking almost any kind of aircraft, comfortable and safe conditions for the service of passengers have been created. Already from Tuesday at Ulyanovsk Airport (Brata'evka), Rusline airline will be carried out flights to Moscow, " - told the airport general director Sergey T'echny.

Representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Ulyanovsk Region in the Federation Council, Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Economic Policy Sergey Ryabukhin I called this event an important event "For cadets of the Civil Aviation Institute, for which the airport is basic, and, of course, for passengers who will use the airport in Brataevka, which received the status of international.

Recall that from 2010 to 2013, the building of Ulyanovsk Central was reconstructed. During the work done appearance Airproof buildings, glazed building, replaced engineering networks, external communications are connected, an integrated video surveillance is integrated, the latest security control equipment has been launched, baggage reception, the "arrive-departure" system. Now the modern airport is able to accept aircraft Any type, and the aircraft complex complies with international requirements.

History of the question

In the 1990s, the availability of aviation transport for most people's population has decreased significantly, which led to a significant reduction in the number of airports in the country, and many of the remaining proven to be in a serious position.
Of the one and a half thousand airports of Russia from the USSR, no more than three hundred remained. In many areas of Siberia and the Far East, this has become a big problem for the population.
To correct the situation with the state of airports in 2008, the concept of the development of the airfield network by 2020 was developed. In accordance with the program of 117 airports appointed "reference" in the airfield network of Russia. The concept provides for the reconstruction of 103 airports and the construction of the airport in Tobolsk. About 300 billion rubles are allocated for these purposes.
Within the framework of the program, Norilsk Airport is reconstructed, new terminals are being built at Emelyanovo Airport in Krasnoyarsk, and in Simferopol Airport, new airports are being built in Rostov-on-Don and in Zhukovsky near Moscow. Reconstructions of airport buildings and take-off stripes In Moscow "Sheremetyevo", in Ulyanovsk, Novosibirsk and a few more airports. There is a preparation for the reconstruction of several dozen small airports of the Far East.

See also: