SSJ 100 series aircraft. Location of the best places

Most modern parents still have problems with raising children, and the main question of parents is that. After all, the child himself cannot understand what he can do, but what is impossible. Cerenately parents are mainly advised with friends or relatives or are looking for information on the Internet, but if you think about all the people who are advised to you, do not understand this issue, without any experience in this problem.

You can continue to listen to them, but as you see yourself, the result does not give you it. Psychologists found out the main reasons and methods that will help you understand how to properly explain the child about prohibitions, and applied these tips on other families. The surprise of psychologists is all 100% of parents who followed their advice, solved this problem for almost 3-4 days. Your choice is yours, listen to relatives and loved ones who understand this little, for the sake of respect or once and forever solve the problem.

What do you want to ban a child

The first and important problem on the solution of the issue how to explain the child about the prohibitionsIt is that parents themselves do not understand what to prohibit the child. You probably also do not understand what you want from the child, and already create a problem that does not make sense. Calm down, take and write all that you are going to ban the child to do, see and think. It is more effective than just meaningless about something to think and worry.

You need to act, and for this you need to understand what you want from the child. Bans must be moderately reasonable, because you love your child, and you want him to live healthy, happy and free life. You need to choose those prohibitions that can harm the child. Psychologists allocate the most important and frequent bans that can harm the child, it is: television, smoking, alcohol, crimes, theft, offensive words, Internet, incorrect companies. This is just a small part of the list, but the basis of you is understandable. Make up your list, thinking about the problem.

The child does not want to listen to your prohibitions..

Also, a frequently found problem on the way to solving the issue, how to correctly explain the child about the prohibitions is that the child simply does not want to listen to you and, what you prohibit, continues to do. It immediately proven that screams and physical use will not help. Need a different approach, psychological. Since all children are different, you need to either learn your child yourself or turn to a psychologist. But in any case, you can simply read the article: how to educate an obedient child, which will help you solve your problem that prevents you from solving the issue and main problem. Of course, the cruel control of the child is not needed, and constantly monitor that the child does forbidden, it makes no sense. You need to learn how to correctly explain to the child, share your own experience and on the example show how good it is or bad. Words play a little role, but if they are backing up to see the child to see how it is, then you will not need to control the child anymore, as he himself knows that it is bad.

How to explain to the child

First of all you need to not only be able to forbid a child Something to do, you need to just learn to explain to the child about the prohibitions. Everyone can prohibit the child something, but to tell, show and explain the few. In fact, everything is simple, you need to highlight 1 day of their life on all this. This day will only be devoted to the child. On this beautiful day you need difficult to constantly talk about what is possible, and what is impossible. You just need to spend good together time, start trusting, respecting and love each other. Without this, the subsequent conversation will be meaningless. Determine the place where you will spend together this day, decide immediately with the topics of conversations, prepare a child to a pleasant time to rebuild. Everything should not be very serious and forcibly.

If the child does not want, set aside the next day. In the process of communication with the child, when you started trusting each other, understand and love Start talk about life. Ask a child about what he wants to achieve in life if he has a dream, goals, happy if he is, and that he lacks for complete happiness. After that, it's not enough to hint that in order for him to achieve his dreams, he needs to refuse those or other bad habits, not the right lifestyle and everything that is in your list. You will not believe, but 100% of the subjects of families who used this method have improved that this day the state in the family, they no longer need to control the children, as they themselves understand that it cannot be done, because it will prevent them from achieving their dreams And become happy.

Spend more often your time with family and children

Each family has problems, were and will be, but in order to explain to the child that he can not do, explain to him better how to live if you yourself have experience. Since the problem is not in children, but in parents who have not yet learned to live, and besides, they have bad habits and make bans that they want to ban children. If you do, then understand that the child is the smartest person, he copies his parents, and will do everything that the parent does. Therefore, change, first yourself, if you want to change the children. It makes no sense to teach the child to what you yourself do not understand. Love your children, appreciate each mistake, let them a chance to fix it yourself.

Cut more time with family and children if the work does not give you it to do, then realize that you are more important than work or family. After all, you can spend time with your family and work, combining pleasant with useful. All in your hands, your mind will do everything you want, you just need to learn how to think and think correctly that everyone can. If you want to develop creative abilities in your child, which is simple enough, read the article: We teach children to draw, because when a child is busy with some kind of activity, he will not have time on bad things.

If you have experience, knowledge or you have developed your opinion about this issue and the problem, write your thoughts in the comments. If problems or issues related to this topic have arisen, feel free to ask them in the comments.

They involuntarily repeat this model. But even worse when they want to correct the previous mistakes in new relationships.

What do you want from life? This is an eternal parent question. At all times, parents complain that their children do not want to learn. Pope and Moms with enviable persistence repeat this issue and do not want to understand that children do not want to learn at all. Parental talent manifested exactly that the child needs to be interested in studying.

Parents, concerned about the reluctance of the child to learn, are very actively fond of the process of learning their child. We can say that such parents almost occupy their child at the desk. Make all the tasks for him, control and put a backpack. Should someday such "crazy" parents stop and explain to the child the need to learn?

Each parent is confident that good education and successful training will ensure their children a wonderful future. Parents naturally right. But there is a reverse side of the medal. Intensive training, the fear of becoming a loser and to be criticized parents or get the "honorable" title "Botany" can turn school years in this hell. It is impossible to learn daily "from under the stick", in constant stressful state it is impossible to love school.

First, the child will try to finish their studies as quickly as possible, and then all his life will hate school, parents and teachers who forced him to learn. It turns out that the force can be achieved completely opposite results. They did not notice that most children do not even fit the piano after studying at the music school.

Today, modern education is complicated and hard. This "severity" can be felt by lifting the student's portfolio. Add to this yet insatiable ambitions of parents, exorbitant demands of teachers, etc. The child is raised an unrealistic task - to carry out unfulfilled plans of their parents. At the same time, parents do not think even on a moment that their desire can exceed the ability of their children. Sometimes parents come terrified when they get "pleasure" to watch their child who managed to "break away" from parental control for some time.

Most parents are convinced that their child is simply lazy and wants only to deviate from their duties. Of course, such conviction has founded. However, not all children think the same, in fact most of them are ready to learn. They can also do business, and relaxing, wisely combining them. Children also dream of a successful future. They are able to learn well and conscientiously doing business. In such cases, the need to learn to explain should not be necessary and can only be rejoiced. How to achieve this?

First of all, parents themselves must understand that everything and always control cannot be controlled and not everyone is subject to regulation. If parents can understand that victories, miscalculations and defeat children are not only their success and mistakes, but also children. They will be able to explain it to their children. It is necessary to give a child a little freedom and teach him self-organization. The child is much faster thanks when he is given some independence when he is busy business, which they are also organized and a positive result will depend only on how he can distribute its actions and time.

It turns out that before the parents should not sharpen the question, how to explain to the child the need to learn? Often, such a suffocating concern about his child occurs at Mom, who do not work and live only by the problems of their child. Having a lot of free time, mom starts to "help" learn to her child. Hires a bunch of tutors, writes a child to all sorts of sections and groups. From such intense life, the child becomes even weaker and inattentive, and in response, mom begins to tighten control. Instead, the mother must teach the child to manage themselves. Inattentive and braked, children become due to the fact that their parents decide for them and make instead of them. Their guardianship does not have any restrictions at all. Even before school, parents do not give the child the opportunity to express themselves and do something to themselves, and with admission to school the problem only exacerbates.

Parents support their actions with excuses of type: "The child does not cope with himself! "It is the parents who do not want to notice that the source of all problems is not in the child, but in them. The schoolboy is growing, and the control and demand of the elders increase with it. The child first persuade, then scare that there will be in the future revenge of the yards, then go to punishments and do everything for him. As a result, the child stops learning at all. Parent desire and will beat the child to study.

The task of parents is to understand the child and his condition why he resists his studies. Put yourself in place, and then imagine that someone constantly controls you and checks: did you eat whether you needed, leaving the house, were paid on accounts, did you explain with the girlfriend, did not forget whether the documents and so on .? All this will happen to you with no moments, but constantly. I wonder how much time will pass before you start rebelting against such guardianship and hate controlling? ! The whole child feels against the parents. Now imagine how much time the child spends the resistance, even the most passive one. Yes, there is a lot of strength and energy for this. As a result, the child weakens and loses the motive to study.

In the world there are many things on the topics of which a person speaks with some embarrassment. Therefore, before explaining to the child, everything relate to the issues of continuing the kind, you need to understand some moments. Share what sex is rather difficult, especially if you pre-prepare. We are in the essence of psychology and give effective recommendations.

Why do the child need to explain what sex is?

1. Education of the child in the modern world no longer imposes hard limits. Talk about sex and the continuation of the kind have if not paramount, then exactly secondary importance in the development of personality.

2. At certain stages of cultivation, the younger generation will definitely be prompted by the issues to get the answer. Well, if the child hears them from you, and not from strangers and certainly unfeasured peers.

3. If you avoid a delicate theme, it may later lead to the formation of an incorrect understanding of sex and attitudes towards it. In the launched cases, psycho-emotional plan deviations are possible.

4. In cases where parents provide children with the necessary and comprehensive information on time, the likelihood of obtaining this information on the side is eliminated. In other situations, the risk of what child learns distorted and perverted data from peers. It is possible to form the concept of sex, as a shameful action.

5. Everyone is known to the saying that the forbidden fruit is honeycomb sweet. If you intentionally avoid issues, the younger generation can develop not too healthy interest in sexual life. Therefore, it is so important to know how to explain the child is correct and correctly what sex is.

6. There were cases when parents, by virtue of their embarrassment, postponed conversations on "then". Subsequently, the child found all the information on the Internet and even more. Typically, such requests in the network lead to pornography sites or perverted erotica of a different plan.

7. Any your silence leads to the instability of the emotional environment. Due to the fact that the information received on the Internet is not filtered, the child will develop interest in this child even more. And if parents tell about sexual life, they will be able to introduce pre-filtered data.

How to tell a child about sex?

Children tell about sex, observing certain faces and thoroughly thinking information. Stick the rules below.

1. Tune in advance to the dialog, do not be nervous. Watch yourself when discussing any other (non-delicate) theme. So you will place the child to yourself, the child will not suspect the wrong.

2. Do not like to parents who read long instructive lectures on the topic of continuing the genus and sexual relations. It is enough to 10 minutes on the presentation of everything you think right. However, and this time may seem like a child by eternity, if he is not having fun. Let questions questions, answer them expanded, but intelligible.

3. Before you explain to the child, everything relate to this topic and deepen in the question of what sex is, thinking your relationship with the father of the family. Choo does not want to hear and understand the sole biological aspects of an intimate life. It is interesting for him to listen to how you feel about this biology itself and my husband.

4. Do not be afraid that, in your opinion, the baby will hear too much information about sex. Most likely, incomprehensible things will disappear from his head quickly enough.

5. So how to explain to the child from where children are taken from, it is not always possible, observe calm. Do not call the genitals as they are actually called. A similar words are suitable, for example, "Pip Justion", "Pipping", "Cushion", "Krank", etc.

6. In cases, if the younger generation is expressed indecently, you should not scold him for somewhere heard words. In a relaxed atmosphere, explain that specifically this word means. Ask Chado no longer express in a similar way. Agregate it like this: "A strange thing will be unpleasant to hear from you, express your feelings differently."

7. Paul ripening is the most difficult part of clarification. Talks about it begin in advance until transitional age. Changes in the physiological plan (polling, menstruation, the development of dairy glasses, etc.), early 10 years of age can begin.

8. Deciding how to explain to the child is correct and it is clear what sex should be prepared in advance. Girls need to tell about the male erection, and boys are about menstrual cycle. Talking with children of adolescence, should not be excluded from conversations the topic of prostitution and homosexuality. Otherwise, they will recognize this from films and the Internet.

9. Children preschoolers and schoolchildren must necessarily possess knowledge, how to protect themselves from sexual harassment. Teach the child to speak solid "no!" unfamiliar uncles and aunts. Starting from 4-5 years, they say so: "Adults get acquainted with children, because it is difficult for them to find friends. But if strangers ask to make the wrong things, for example, so that you put your hand in my pants, say "no!" And go. Immediately tell me everything! "

10. Thinking how to explain the child about sex, you should not hide anything. Tell us that you can add messy ties. If not to be protected, you can pick up serious illnesses. Outlies information about AIDS, how dangerous and death is deadly. Carefully monitor the reaction.

11. Of course, you do not need to tell different passions little babywho barely turned 6-8 years old. It is also important to understand that with a conversation on a spicy topic should not be delayed. In adolescence can already be too late.

12. Pick up the appropriate time. When talking about sex, try to make the child not embarrassed. No need to ask him awkward questions. Tell all as it is, only in a more smoothed form. No need to say that it is still small for a dialogue on a similar topic.

13. If you have not yet decided how to explain the child in a softer form, what is sex, just tell him about it. You need to prepare yourself and build an approximate dialogue in my head. If necessary, consult with a psychologist. The specialist will help solve an urgent question.

14. After you spent the appropriate conversation with the child, make sure that everything came to him. Ask to tell everything relating to the theme of sex from his point of view. Feel free to answer new questions. This testifies to the interest and correctly filed information.

How not to behave when talking with a child about sex

If the baby asked you about intimate proximity between people, react correctly. It does not need:

  • try to transfer the topic to otherwise;
  • ignore the question;
  • scold a child and shout because of his new interests;
  • rant for a long time;
  • emphasize special emotions and embarrassed;
  • ask the child to retell the whole conversation if he does not want himself;
  • talking immediately about everything (a lot of information is not always good).

As soon as the child ask you a rather interesting question, digest in my head and calmly explain everything.

At what age talk to the child about sex

When the baby grows to the conscious age (about 4 years), it begins to ask questions about its own appearance.

Every year this topic will pop up more and more. Here just need to gradually submit information.

Therefore, it is not necessary to worry about how to explain the child is intelligibly, what is sex and where children are taken from. At each stage complement the information.

Do not complicate the conversation, it should be light and understandable. Do not forget to talk about love. It is loving people who must be close and caring with each other.

How to tell the child about sex depending on age

The main and main mistake is that parents tell the child about his very young age. Allegedly he was not allowed to know about the intimate details of adults.

4-5 years old

If the baby began to be interested in where he came from, start a conversation with a simple. Tell us that the child was first at Mom in his stomach, and then began to grow and appeared outside. It happened, because my mother and dad loved each other very much.

6-8 years old

At this age, some details can be disclosed. For example, the child was very small "bean" in the womb. Within 9 months, he has grown and developed. Then the time of birth came, the baby was born thanks to the doctors.

An excellent example will be the case if you have a pet. A child learns a lot if the animal is waiting for the offspring. Speak the chad that children should appear only in love.

8-10 years old

It is easier here, as you can explain the child that such sex is possible on the example of loving people. If the offspring exhibits an increased interest in such a topic, it is worth talking about the physiological features of women and men.

In stores with books you can easily pick up the appropriate children's literature. Editions are issued depending on the age of the baby. Therefore, you do not need to say that adult relationships are built only on sex.

Teenage years

At such age, interest in intimate life increases. The process is natural due to the ripening of the body. Hormones start racing. Therefore, the conversation with the child for souls is especially important.

Talk to him and try to explain that the emotional and physiological system is rebuilt. New feelings and thoughts appear. Submire to a teenager that sex must occur by love. Do not forget to talk about protection.

Before explaining the child about the feelings between people and tell what sex is, you need to prepare morally. Answer all questions. Prevent everything in an affordable and understandable form. Do not hesitate and do not see a personal conversation.

1. This machine with the serial number of the manufacturer 95025 is prepared for the third test flight. On May 31, the board was transferred to the customer - Aeroflot Airlines. Because of it, the car with number 95028 looks out. She made the first flight on March 24 and will soon go to the Mexican airline Interjet.

2. Initially, the Superwit Cab is designed with the screw columns, but after several meetings with representatives of airline (and not only from Russia) at the design stage, the steering wheel was replaced with the side handle. When talking with test pilots during a press tour, some expressed that the steering wheel on Dreamline-787 was already the last century and Boeing the next aircraft will be forced to do with a side handle.

3. Cab is completely English-language (even the aircraft documentation is now on english language). There is no Russian version and will not. And why? English has become a standard in aviation. I saw the Tu-204 cabin, on the number of Russian cuts, driven only to designers, the brain overlapped and fell into a collapse. I do not argue, the thing is the habit, but why to invent a bike if there are already spent standards.

4. On the left screen, where Thales is written, and which is still closed with a protective film, you can withdraw anything - a picture from cameras, documentation, schemes, maps, etc. There is regular Windows. True, download something there will not be so easy. Despite the USB connector, you can stick the flash drive, but the system will not see it - you need authorization. And, of course, this is a separate system that is not connected with the control of the aircraft.

5. Designed the Cabin two GSS Divisions - the cabkers were combined with the consoles, and the avionics department developed an indication. A huge contribution to the ideology of the cab and indications was made by pilot tests.

6. Thank you kukuksumushu. For my photo. By the way, all lighting in the LED cabin, with the exception of a magnetic compass - it has an internal illumination of incandescent lamps.

7. Equipment of the cabin at the time of factory tests and flight. Parachutes (tests still) and armchairs with additional cargoes that "sit" in them. They provide the necessary aircraft centering.

8. Rear hermetic spine. On the right, near the door, an emergency recorder is installed and an online data transmission system on the state of the aircraft.

9. As I said, the plane from the plant is exactly the same. The installation of the cabin is carried out either in Ulyanovsk or in Venice.

10. The new aircraft porthcomes are very clean!

11. Aviation is very conservative and any innovations are with difficulty. There are a lot of reasons, I will not go into details. This applies to both complex new systems and a simple indicator. For example, the installation on the lamp of the front toilet's employment light bulbs (the idea was introduced by Yablonesev) demanded a long burdation with the designists of the interior and the consoles to tie them with each other. Copened.

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12. The engine SSJ100 degree of two-constructures by 0.53 - 0.93 (it depends on the engine model) is lower than that of CFM-56, which stands on B737 and A320. At the same time, if you compare the SSJ100 engine with Soviet production engines - D-30 and its modifications that stood on Tu-134, Tu-154 and IL-76, then the BY-PASS Ration is more at 3.17. The degree of dual-circuitfulness has a positive effect on the specific costs of fuel and negatively on high-speed characteristics, i.e. With an increase in the number of flight, the engine with a lesser degree of dual circuit begins to win. But for this winning, the difference in degrees should be small (D-30 will never win at CFM-56), and the engine should have a good margin on the gas temperature behind the turbine. Due to the fact that the SAM-146 is better for both these parameters, today it is the best in its class of thrust by the engine in terms of VSS (high-speed characteristics), both in the right and specific consumption.

13. Our board is time to roll out of the workshop.

14. This is his third flight on the program of factory tests. Here the liner learns to fly.

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15. In the hangar, another aircraft for Mexican interjet with serial number 95028.

16. But before the first flight it is necessary to undergo tests in the fox.

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17. Then run jogging with an outstanding front leg. The process relieves information from ACMS - Aircraft Central Monitoring System. There are all information from all on-board systems, is analyzed and issued to a technical crew, already with recommendations to eliminate or identify potential or detected failures. And, if everything is in order, the board goes to the first flight.

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18. Unlike the railway, where there is a pedal of vigilance, such systems are not used in aviation, as they always lead to additional operator boot. For the driver's speed train, it is not scary, because it is actually an observer, the route and speed mode is withstanding automatics (I will immediately say that there are different control systems, both manual and fully automatic). The plane flies mainly under the crew, even when flying under the autopilot. Holding the route is the responsibility of the pilot. Dispatcher ATC - only agrees and sends. For a pilot, a condition is needed that does not require additional actions. Work on such systems is most advanced in combat aviation, to determine the moment of loss of pilot performance and transition to fully automatic control. For civil aviation The principle of cross-control inside the crew is still valid.

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19. To ensure the required level of flight safety, all aircraft systems must meet strict reliability requirements. At the same time, the cost and deadlines for the development of any system are growing in almost geometric progression, depending on the required level of reliability, because A demonstration of conformity is made by a huge amount of tests in the entire expected area of \u200b\u200boperation. By the way, precisely because of these requirements, the cost of aircraft and the timing of development is now more than at the beginning of the reactive era. Since the collision warning systems between aircraft, and / or collisions with Earth (TCAS, GPWS, T2CAS, TAWS) must be massive and be able to be installed on airplanes issued earlier, and the basis for excluding this event there was also compliance with the prescribed flight plan, For these systems by the aviation authorities of the ICAO Contracting States, which Russia is, it was decided to make the level of reliability corresponding to the system of recommendatory type. This made it possible to create such systems within a reasonable time and reasonable value. But this level of reliability assumes that the false response of such a system in flight is not fully excluded. Therefore, it is possible to disable it if the crew accurately recognized the wrong operation of this system. But if from the point of view of flight safety, the system is key, then its manual shutdown is not possible.

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20. An example of such a system on SSJ100 is tools for limiting flight limit modes implemented in SDU. These algorithms meet the highest reliability requirements and cannot be disconnected by the crew in flight. Hydraulic system, power supply system, management system, warning and alarm system, aircraft system, etc. All of them can not be disabled by the crew in flight. By the way, an example with a modern car is quite acceptable. For example, an important ABS system - you can only turn off the "man-made", pulling the fuse, to disconnect the power steering or braking system to disassemble, but the ESP auxiliary system is turned off with the button. Again with the reservation, sometimes it happens that it is also impossible to disable it too.

21. "Low-owned" engines still cause many battles in these ones. They say, the garbage will suck, stones, snow, water, sand, and so on, which is lying on the strip. But, for example, Aeroflot as of October 2012 (another information today failed to find) there has not yet been a single removal of engines due to foreign objects. And recently, at the end of 2012, an addition to the certificate of the aircraft type was obtained by the WFP covered with snow (up to 60 mm), slush (up to 13 mm) and wet snow (up to 15 mm).

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Yes, you can just see this video - test by the pool. Water into the engine for some reason does not want to fall.

22. In the class of regional aircraft SSJ-100 - the only aircraft today with a completely remote SDU without a mechanical reserve. And this is really not a simple matter, provide the necessary level of reliability with such restrictions in the volume of the glider and the development price, because the cost of one super-income is an order of magnitude less than that of A380 or B787 trunk liners. By the way, the development of SDU on B787 and A-400M was started almost simultaneously with SDA for SSJ100, so here we can talk about the bootter in the technology level.

Wallpaper: 1024x768 | 1280x1024 | 1280x800 | 1366x768 | 1440x900 | 1680x1050 | 1920x1080 | 1920x1200 | 2560x1440 | 2880x1800.

23. Refueling the aircraft before departure.

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24. White details are details of composites.

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25. What is interesting, in the test flights, board are sent without any on-board numbers On the fuselage or wings.

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26. Type Self portrait :)

27. Switches in Direct Mode were installed only on experienced machines. They were necessary for certification tests. There are no such switches on serial machines. The standard flight is performed when working in the main mode Normal Mode, without controlling its work on the crew. The reliability of monitoring algorithms SDU is set at such a level that any spontaneous movements of the steering wheel, requiring shutdown by manually by the crew, are completely excluded, with any refusal state or the presence of errors in computers SDU. Certification tests included a large amount of checks, including lines breaks inverse ties drives, jamming, mismatching input signals, short circuits in the cable network SDU and software errors in the main circuit, etc.

28. For the first time, this board took off on February 22. After the transfer of Aeroflot, it wears onboard - RA-89014.

Reporting Igor Kudryavin from the cab pilots SSJ100

Did you have a dream in childhood? Personally, I dreamed of being a pilot, a pilot of civil aviation, and more specifically, I dreamed of controlling the Yak-40 aircraft. I had his models, photos from magazines, pictures, I found out where the School of Pilots is and sent me for admission, but fate made me an air defense officer. Fly on airplanes turned out and more than once, but only as a passenger to which the pilot cabin is a free zone. But yesterday I was lucky, I visited the holy of the Holy Russian Aviaprom: KNAF CJSC "GSS", this is the very, glorious place where the SSJ100 civilian plane is collected. I visited where I could not go and dream: Cabin pilots!

I still saw a lot of things, for example, what does the engine look like without a sheaving and a lot more interesting.

Heart of the aircraft

There are things for which you look and understand that there is no limit for admiration for the engineering thought of human. This manual masterpieces can be safely attributed to the aircraft engine. He is beautiful! Especially when the engine produced on your homeland as a plane

Handsomely? Do you know what exactly is located on the protection of the metal? So know:

This is a view of in front

This is from behind

There is a myth that the engine for the dry SSJ100 aircraft is imported that does not correspond to reality. This engine is designed and assembled on our, Russian enterprise, in cooperation with the French, while 2/3 of its components are manufactured by Russia.

See also: