Is it possible to carry perfume in hand baggage. Is it possible to take perfume in the manual put into the plane

As women, so men are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to take perfume in the manual put on the plane? Often, passengers are carrying bottles with spirits as a gift to relatives or friends and are afraid that the fragile glass will break in the luggage compartment. In order for a valuable perfume or not forced to pour it right there, you need to carefully read the rules for the transport of liquids in the cabin of the aircraft.

Rules may differ depending on. Can I take on the plane toilet water, Perfume and other liquids need to be specified in advance.

Inspection hand luggage in the airoport

  • On the aviation company's website, you need to clarify all the features regarding hand-made bags and main baggage.
  • Find out if the change in the rules to the nearest time is scheduled.

General rules for transportation of liquids in the aircraft

According to the rules of 2020, you can take the aircraft in the cabin:

  • Not more than 1 liter of fluid in total. But this liter must be distributed in 100 ml.
  • The size of the package in which water or perfume should be packed must be no more than 20 by 20 cm.

Liquids are considered:

Memo. What can be taken with you in the cabin of the aircraft

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Perfumery - fragile products. Its transportation in the plane always causes many questions. Can I pass it into the luggage? After all, with an inaccurate handling of a suitcase, everything will break. Is it possible to take a perfume in the plane? What are the rules of transportation by airlines?

General rules for transportation of liquids and aerosols

An ordinary passenger should pay attention to the two main differences in the requirements for transporting alcohol-containing liquids and aerosols on board the aircraft in the luggage compartment or in hand-made. This is the total volume of such goods and the packaging method.

The permitted number of alcohol-containing liquids and aerosols in the baggage is up to 2 liters, the permissible volume of each container: not more than 500 ml.

It is allowed to take with you to the salon not more than 1 l, and the maximum volume of each bottle cannot exceed 100 ml.

Transportation of such goods in baggage does not require the tightness of the packaging, the rules indicate only that the packaging should be securely closed. In particular, the balloon with the aerosol should be covered with a cap.

In turn, the provision in the cabin of the aircraft obliges the passenger to pack such items into a securely closing package of transparent material.

Thus, to the question whether it is possible to take a perfume in the manual journal, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation gave a positive answer.

Existing rules

Today, rules for transporting liquids, incl. And the spirits are clearly regulated by the Ministry of Transport and the airlines themselves. To take the spirits to the aircraft is quite possible if they comply with the simple rules:

  • Bottle no more than 100 ml
  • The total number of different liquids is not higher than 1 l
  • The tanks are securely packed and sealed in packets (they must be transparent) 20 per 20 cm.

And for one person, one package is assumed. It is important to understand that it is the bottle that should be no more than 100 ml. If it is more, and the spirits in it less than 100 ml, it will not miss the vessel in the salon.

You can take them in such a situation only in the baggage. Therefore, the answer to the question is whether it is possible to carry in the hand-made perfume, yes, it is possible, but with a clear and mandatory observance of a number of rules.

What kind of spirits can be pronounced

The main rules that are valid for Aeroflot, Victory and other Russian companies:

  • The volume of the bottle should be no more than 100 ml.
  • Even if the volume of the container is more than 100 ml, and in it only 100 ml, such a container will not be allowed to carry.
  • On the bottle must be specified by volume.

Rules in other countries:

  • In the US, the maximum volume of spirits in the cabin is limited to 90 ml.
  • Up to 5 bottles can be imported to Turkey, each no more than 120 ml.
  • In Israel, you can ride no more than 250 ml of perfumes per passenger.

Perfume from Duty Free

Duty free shops Duty Free is a real find for people of any age and gender. Here you can find everything - from toys and bottles for kids to elite alcohol, the cost of which exceeds hundreds of thousands of rubles. Naturally, in each airport you can find Duty Free with perfumes and cosmetics.

Such stores have several important advantages over competitors:

  • first of all, it is time to purchase goods that are not always really found on the shelves of ordinary stores - they are simply not taken into the country;
  • secondly, the cost of goods can be significantly lower than in the city's network stores.

It is not surprising that many ladies try to buy spirits in Duty Free not only for themselves, but also for relatives, friends, colleagues and many other acquaintances. But how much can you buy perfumes so that they are free to carry them in hand luggage?

Products purchased in Duty Free are not subject to strict rules of fluid transport, but also have its own features:

  • all purchases are packaged in a special package with appropriate marking;
  • perfumes are in hermetic factory packaging;
  • all purchases are accompanied by a check, issued at the Duty Ree Cass, indicating the place and time of purchase;
  • hand baggage weight with a package of Duty FREE should not exceed the norms installed by the airline.

If the weight of the hand-made bag, together with the package of Duty Free, will significantly exceed the established norms, then the airline may require a surcharge - remember this by making purchases.

Note! Once you have unpacked products from Duty Free, it immediately falls under all strict rules for transporting hand-made bags, so refrain from detailed consideration of purchases to the final destination, especially if the flight will be held with transfers.

Otherwise, the likelihood that all your purchases will have to be passed into luggage.

Why entrusted restrictions

Air carriers are responsible for passengers, therefore establish limits for flavored means. The fact is that the smell applies instantly.

And since there are different people in the cabin, among them there may be allergies or respiratory diseases, as well as children. The fragile liquid can make discomfort or cause harm to others.

Another reason for which free toilet water is prohibited - the risk spoil your things. Most of these liquids contain alcohol and essential oils. If you get to the fabric, they are capable of changing the color, leaving a light spot. So is it possible to join perfume in the cabin? Yes, you can. But under certain conditions.

Requirements for packaging

Any fluids allowed for transport within the limits of established norms must be properly packaged in order not to encounter extra problems when entering the landing. The Airlines Regulations set the following packaging rules:

  1. Tara with liquid should be hermetic and tightly closed.
  2. Bottles and bottles need to be removed from cardboard and other similar packages.
  3. The entire container must be packaged in a transparent plastic bag with a reliable clasp (on the lock, velcro or cord).
  4. In one plastic bag, you can put no more than 10 units of products.
  5. One passenger can take one such plastic bag.
  6. Free access must be provided with the contents of the package (for those cases if the security officer wishes to check the contents).
  7. Transparent packaging can not be opened during the flight, that is, to use perfume in the plane will not work.

Take into the plane as hand-made bags purchased in Duty Friends also permitted, but the products must be packed in the same way. Usually, the sellers of duty-free shops are helping. They put a purchase in a transparent package and make a purchase check for it in such a way that it can be considered without opening the package.

Acquired in Duty Free Flakes is allowed to invest in a package in its own original packaging. As in the case described above, open the package and disrupt the integrity of the packaging on board the aircraft is prohibited.

Many girls, however, and I am not an exception, in my handbag always worn with you spirits. It is difficult to imagine it difficult to part with them at least for a few minutes, not to mention a few hours of flight.

Is it possible to carry perfume with you in the plane? Many are asked by this issue, and some panic fear that their favorite toilet water can be selected during inspection.

This should be feared if the vehicles have a bottle volume more than 100 ml. In hand-laying, as most is known, you can carry liquids (yes, and perfume including) in packages up to 100 ml, and by a total volume of up to 1 liter. It is necessary to pack the perfume and the rest of liquid cosmetics and under the shape of the gel in Ziplokpaket and do not worry about anything.

Excellent news, for those traveling with registered luggage. In this case, the spirits can be transported as much as 2 liters. Of course, to pack the toilet drive is needed quite reliable. It is better to put the packaging between the clothes, so that it is "flew" inside the suitcase.

The last situation that can interest you is how to deal with spirits purchased in the Duty Free stores at the airport. In no case can you unpack, it is desirable to land on the plane to save the check from the place of purchase, if it is necessary to prove where the spirits bought. In most shops, all purchased packaged in special packages.

In Europe, during the transplant of perfume bought outside the European zone in the stores of Duty Free can be withdrawn.

In any situation, it is important to remember that every airline can have its own rules for the moves of spirits in hand-made or registered baggage. Do not be lazy in advance before landing learn all the nuances, so that unpleasant surprises were waiting for you at the airport.

Perfumery - fragile products. Its transportation in the plane always causes many questions. Can I pass it into the luggage? After all, with an inaccurate handling of a suitcase, everything will break. Is it possible to take a perfume in the plane? What are the rules of transportation by airlines?

Perfume in manual sting

The state has the rules of how to carry perfume in the aircraft directly in the passenger compartment. The bottle capacity should not exceed 0.1 liters. At the same time, the bottle itself should be hermetically closed and packed in a plastic bag with other cosmetics. Packaging can be obtained at the front desk or directly when inspection before boarding the aircraft.

All bottles should be labeled: volume, manufacturing date, expiration date, manufacturer's name. If they were bought before the flight and not in the duty-free trading zone, you need to save the check. Security service may ask for it.

Important! The total volume of perfumes transported in manual bag should not exceed 1 liter per person.

It is forbidden to carry toilet water and cologne, in which the volume of the vial exceeds 100 ml. Even if the amount of fluid is in this mark. Such products are immediately confiscated on the inspection.

You can pay for hand baggles planting place. Its mass should not be more than 15 kg. In some cases, this baggage transportation option is more profitable than in the total cargo compartment. Such nuances need to be clarified by the airline employees.

Is it possible to carry a deodorant on the plane

This type of perfumery falls under the general rules for transporting liquids. The volume of the bottle should not exceed 100 ml. If he exceeds this indicator, it is better to pass it into luggage.

Important. All bottles with perfumed liquids must be marked. It will not cause additional questions from security officers.

Deodorants are packaged with another perfume in a transparent plastic bag. During the flight, this package is forbidden to open, since these liquids are easily flamped.

Perfume Transport Rules from Duty Free

Products from duty-free shops does not fall under strict rules for the carriage of perfumed liquids. When buying a cologne or other perfume, they will be packed in a special labeled package. The buyer will only save the check to provide its security service.

Important! Perfume in manual bedside in the plane can not be opened before arrival at the destination.

Many air carriers establish a ban on the transportation of aerosol deodorants. These rules are written on the company's website. Such products are better to immediately pass into the luggage. The deodorizing spray bottle should be no more than 500 ml. Each passenger can carry up to 2 liters of deodorants and sprays.

Perfume in luggage: how to pack

In the baggage you can transport an unlimited number of perfumery. The main thing is that its bottles do not exceed 100 ml. They must be packed in special plastic bags.

Important. It is worth considering that in some countries there are restrictions on the import of perfumery. You can clarify the permitted quantity by telephone hotline of the customs service.

If the passenger is lucky a large number of Perfumes, it can be packaged in a separate suitcase. It should be a marker about fragile cargo. This sticker is issued in the luggage registration department. Suitcases with such a litter are placed in a special compartment. In order for the surface of the bag is not damaged, it can be wrapped in a food film.

In what cases perfume can confiscate

Safety of airports are put forward strict requirements. Their violation entails administrative, and sometimes criminal liability. Therefore, when transporting any perfumery, it is necessary to comply with the established rules not only by airlines and customs, but also the airport security services.

If the passenger flies from Russia to the European Union, and the spirits are brought with me, which were bought in the duty-free trade zone, they can confiscate them. Exceptions are countries:

  • Singapore;
  • Canada.

It is worth considering that some states tighten the requirements for transporting perfumes in baggage and hand-made bags. This is due to terrorist threats. With the slightest suspicion, the security service confiscates acquired perfume.

Preparation for flight

Each traveler, acquiring aircraft tickets, must learn all the rules transportation rules with perfume. These funds are considered explosive, and can be a threat to people's health.

So that no problems arose in the luggage inspection zone, you need to find out the following:

  1. Rules for inspection at the airport of departure and arrival points. You can do this on the airline's website or by telephone hotline.
  2. Clarify the ability to change the established rules in the near future. Make it better immediately before the day of departure. Transportation rules are often changing.
  3. If you can put a perfume in baggage, you should not neglected such an opportunity. The rules for its transportation in hand baggles are also subject to change. They can catch the passenger directly in flight.

In order to avoid conflict situations, all containers with liquid from hand baggage must be removed, and show them to security service staff. After that, the bottle must be packaged in special transparent packages. It is better not to carry with you a valuable perfume in large volumes. It can be confiscated when suspected that it is dangerous. Return the confiscated product will not work out. It is disposed of according to the established rules. All valuable is better to leave on storage at the airport or in relatives.

Perfume part of the image, so many women prefer to wear them in her handbags. And what about the flights? Put in luggage? But after all, they are not always treated carefully. It will be a pity if an expensive perfume breaks. Learn whether they are allowed to take perfume on the aircraft to manually and under what conditions.

Why made restrictions

Air carriers are responsible for passengers, therefore establish limits for flavored means. The fact is that the smell applies instantly. And since there are different people in the cabin, among them there may be allergies or respiratory diseases, as well as children. The fragile liquid can make discomfort or cause harm to others.

Another reason for which free toilet water is prohibited - the risk spoil your things. Most of these liquids contain alcohol and essential oils. If you get to the fabric, they are capable of changing the color, leaving a light spot. So is it possible to join perfume in the cabin? Yes, you can. But under certain conditions.

What requirements should be observed

Each airline establishes its luggage and hand baggage. According to general rules, you can take a perfume in the salon if:

  1. The volume of the bottle does not exceed 100 ml. (Approximately two small bottles, height and width of which with matchboxes).
  2. ATTENTION: The amount of liquid contained does not matter! In order to avoid misunderstandings, carry the vials indicating the volume.

  3. The perfume is sealing into a sealed package with a zip-lock, which reduces the likelihood of leakage. You can carry it together with the rest of liquids.

Such requirements are established by the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2007. They operate in Aeroflot, "Victory" and other airlines.

How to pack perfume in manual sting

In order not to have problems with inspection of things and did not confiscated perfume, choose a hermetic packaging for it. Please note that it should be transparent, dense and have a zip-clasp.

Remember that the weight of the hand-bag should not exceed 5-10 kg, depending on the selected tariff and the conditions of the company. Even the extra 100 g is a reason to pay extra for the advantage. In addition, you need to clarify how many milliliters of the fluid allowed to carry in the handbag. Usually up to 1 liter.

Is it possible to transport deodorants and sprays

According to the general rules - yes. They are subject to restrictions similar to the transaction of the toilet water: the bottle should not exceed 100 ml.

In fact, most airlines are prohibited in the salon aerosols, which include deodorants and sprays. They are prescribed in the rules of baggage and hand-made baggage. Exception - Medical preparations. Of course, it is possible to clarify information at the inspection point, but it is better to immediately put them into baggage (the maximum volume of one bottle is 500 ml).

Is there any difference between perfumes from the house and acquired in Duty Free

If you buy a perfume tool in Duty Free stores, it is allowed to take to the cabin of the aircraft. But there are two conditions:

  1. You have forbidden to print perfume until the end of the flight, even in transplant points.
  2. Keep the check that is issued after purchase. It indicates the date and place of purchase. This information confirms that you do not violate the rules.

When can confiscate

Unfortunately, sometimes perfume is confiscated when inspection of luggage. This happens if the bottle was suspicious or violated the above rules. But there is another influencing factor - the place of acquisition.

If you buy perfumes on the territory of the European Union and travel within it, while follow the rules of the Spirits, nothing happens. But if the purchase took place elsewhere, at the entrance perfume confiscated.

"Women's world is unthinkable without perfume. They are its mandatory accessory, because the fragrant train symbolizes the aura of femininity, seduction, charm ... Perfume is an autograph of the personality "(Paloma Picasso).

Indeed, it's difficult to do without this fragrant means. But now you know what conditions it is necessary to keep it to be allowed to carry. Observing them, your trip does not overshadow such a nuisance as confiscation of your favorite perfume.

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