What to visit in Brussels for 2 days. Brussels - What to see in the capital of Belgium

From Portugal, we flew home with a change in Brussels. We had a fairly large reserve of time between flights, about six hours, so we decided to go to the Brussels Center and walk around the city.

From Brussels Airport to central attractions you can get by bus or by train. We chose the train, because despite the fact that the ticket for it is more expensive, it goes faster and takes 15-20 minutes on the road one way. The entire electric train is mainly clogged with tourists or migrants from all over the world. Yes, and in the center of Brussels, they are not small.

In general, it seems that the indigenous Belgians in the country are very small. As soon as you get to the city, immediately striking the consequences of the so-called "Brusselization". The fact is that in the 60s-1970s of the XX century, in the capital of Belgium, they began to massively demolish historical buildings and build offices from glass and concrete. Moreover, judging by the result, the aesthetic appearance of new buildings was not thought out and their combination with the preserved old houses.

At the end of the XIX century, the King of Belgium Leopold II was already attempts to demolish historical objects, including the Square of the Gran Plas, most famous in Brussels, but then the mayor of the capital Charles Bles could not only defend the oldest buildings, but also to achieve their reconstruction.

In memory of the merits of the former city holder on a small area near the Gran Plas, a monument was established by Charle Bles, where he was portrayed by a fountain with a book and a beloved dog. It is a pity that he subsequently did not have such a zealous defender of the antiquity.

Then we headed for the Grand Place on the streets, on which numerous restaurants and shops with souvenirs spread. There are a huge number here. For tourists, the famous Belgian waffles with various fillers and Belgian chocolate are sold here, one of the most delicious in the world.

We go on a relatively small, but very ancient central Square Brussels Grand Plas. Once upon a time there was no impassable swamps in its place, in the XII century they were dried and laid out the trading area with covered pavilions. One of the buildings called the "Bread House", as it was located in the grain warehouse. It has survived to this day, naturally rebuilt it many times over the past centuries, but individual elements are striking with their antiquity.

By the way, the second name of this house in French sounds like the "House of the King", although it is known that the monarchs never lived in this building.

At the beginning of the 15th century, an urban town hall was launched on Square. This also one of the few buildings in the city who survived after numerous fires and the attacks of enemies. The rest of the houses on the square were built mainly in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Guilds of various artisans.

The most important events in the city took place on the Gran Plas, the royal decrees were read here, held knight tournamentsThe city uprisings began and the lush walks were arranged on holidays. The famous writer Viktor Hugo, who lived for some time in Brussels, called this area of \u200b\u200bone of the most beautiful in Europe. You can argue with this, at least she seems to me somewhat gloomy, but the openwork facades of buildings and magnificent gothic statues adorning the city hall and craft houses are undoubtedly very interesting.

Every two years, Grand Plasa admires tourists with his "floral carpet". Starting from August 15, the entire area is covered with flowers for several days forming a surprisingly colorful spectacle. Tourists from all over the world go to this miracle.

Unfortunately, our trip though fell to the right even year, but there was a little earlier than this unusual event. At Gran Plas, as well as in most tourist towns, there is a place of execution of desires.

In the Arcade "House of the star" there is a monument-bas-relief to an important political figure of the XIV century Lord Everrand Srclas. During his life, he was chosen several times in residents of the head of the municipal council and liberated the city from the authority of Graph Flanders. In 1388, he survived the villainous attempt and died at the very place where at the end of the XIX century a memorable bas-relief appeared, called the "Sleep Knight". There is a legend that everyone who touchs Lord's hand can count on the execution of cherished desire. That is why there are always full of people around the monument, and the entire bas-relief literally shines in gold.

Next to the "Sleepy Knights" there is a memorable board dedicated to the Grador Charlery Buls and architects, which restored the Gran Plas in the XIX century.

Past of the arcade of the house of the star, we go to another famous landmark of Brussels - the so-called "pissing boy." If it were not for the crowd of people who seek to take pictures with this miniature sculpture, I would never notice him.

On a small elevation there is a sculpture of the baby, which pissing into the pool. According to legend, such a fountain appeared in Brussels in 1388 and he was associated with the legend about how an unknown boy would appear on enemy ammunition and thereby saved the city from the fire.

According to the second legend, during one of the battles, the leader of the troops hung the cradle with his son to a tree under which the battle had to break out. By his plan, the appearance of the future heir was to inspire soldiers to victory. However, the baby instead of inspiring warriors, wrote on them from above. Nevertheless, this bronze kid has become very popular in the city. Many sculptors worked on his image, but the statue is constantly abducted. The last time it happened in the 60s. XX century. In addition, we were lucky to catch the pissing boy closed in the next outfit. For various holidays, it is dressed in a wide variety of costumes, which are more than 800, and they are stored in a special museum.

Then we walked along the central streets that would seem very faceless if there were not different interesting graffiti. The fact is that Brussels is considered to be a comic homeland, and therefore even the walls of the houses are decorated here by those or other characters of drawn stories.

Before the departure to the airport, we sat in one of the pubs and tried the famous Belgian beer, which is considered one of the most delicious in the world. There are about thousands of different varieties, including with fruit fillers. It is such a popular drink that even in ancient times, brewing in the city was no less than churches. I have not yet tried the beer anywhere than in Brussels.

In general, this city is not highlighted by some special beauty, and rather disappointing the inconvenience of architecture and a huge number of migrants and homeless. However, its central square included in the list World Heritage UNESCO, as well as several other historical objects, be sure to see with their own eyes.

And it is unfair. Strange thing and our guide when we drove into Brussels, advised him at all not to visit it, but to go immediately in Brugge, scared with an indispensable number of Roma on main SquareYes, and in principle, to put it mildly, not flattering responded about the city, in which the headquarters of the European Union is located, saying: "What a union, such and the capital" 🙂

Panorama of the Store City of Brussels

"Eagle and Rusk" also devoted their release Brussels The way it is not interesting and not very beautiful.

We are in Brussels were walking on him, we saw a lot and we could say with confidence that this is the nicely town in which the vintage buildings are combined with modern, sometimes strange, architecture, but we love eclectics (actually, Brussels Far to Moscow with its mixing of all possible directions in architecture), so we liked the city.

That's what you can and need to look in the capital of Belgium:

Central Square - Grande Place

Central brussels Square - Grande Palace (Grote Markt), is called the most beautiful area of \u200b\u200bEurope, and quite deservedly, every building around it is a work of art. So there is:

City Hall - Building S. high Tower And a beautiful patio, do not be lazy, go there - very cute fountains and flower beds.

Town Hall for Grand Dance

House of King. Previously, it was a bakery, now - museum of BelgiumIn general, despite the name, the king never lived here, he has a separate solid accommodation - the Royal Palace.

Facade of the House of King (left)

Houses of rich citizensXVII "The square was once destroyed by French troops, and those who took her to restore, actually at her at home and built - it turned out beautifully.

Floral benches. Yes, there is a wonderful, famous for the whole world, Brussels tradition - once every 2 years rid of the entire area with floral carpet. But, at the time when the carpet is not, it's still beautiful, because many shops selling flowers and lush bouquets are exhibited in special boxes, straight on the square.

Advice from our guide - no matter how impressed you Grande Place.still do not forget about vigilance and do not miss your bags \\ backpacks, especially if there are some values, and it is better not to take anything valuable for this walk - on the main square Brussels, really, quite a lot of dubious people like Roma and immigrants from the East and Africa. There were many cases of theft of money, phones and photographic equipment. This does not mean that the most beautiful area in Europe is the focus of theft, just be careful.

Viewing platforms Brussels

1. Very beautiful types of Brussels open from the observation deck Basilica Sacre-Ker (Basilique du Sacré-Coeur) - the complete namesake of the Snow Whole Parisian Church on Montmartre.

Brussels Sacre-Ker impresses with dimensions, stained glass and dome (by the way, it is included in the 10 largest churches of the world). The building is quite new - its construction ended only 50 years ago. Entrance to church is free, lift to looking platform worth - 5 Euro. It pleases that it is necessary to rise not on the steps, but conveniently and comfortable - on the elevator.

Basilica Sacre-Ker Located next to the famous Atomium, that is, slightly away from historic CenterTherefore, it is better to get to it on the subway (SIMONIS Station)

2. Supplying panorama of the city can be contemplated from the place of name. Mountain art.Once it was a wasteland between Royal Palace and Grande Place. - Old buildings demolished, and build new ones, somehow did not reach the hands. It was necessary to resolve the issue before the World Exhibition 1910, which Brussels took - not Commilfo, because the guests see this incomprehensible, ineterial place. Naspeched the garden, tiers descending from the hill, set flower beds, fountains. It turned out so fortunately that remained Mount Artthe garden, in which tourists and local and local and from which are loved by resting and leaving the central part of Brussels.

View of Brussels from the Mountain of Arts

By the way, your name Mount Art fully justifies - quite next to it are located Museum of Artist Rene Magritt, Royal Museum fine arts and Museum of musical instruments. Mountain of Arts, so to speak, surrounded by works of art.

3.Sature platform in the upper sphere Atomumum - an unusual and very famous Brussels structure, resembling an increased atom of an iron at times. This place is now one of the characters. Brussels. Unusually, modernly, it is definitely worth a visit.


In addition to the view that opens to the whole city, there is still exhibition halls, Restaurant (truth, dear), souvenir shop. And the spheres are connected Atomumum Escalators who pass on beautifully highlighted corridors and are accompanied by unusual sounds. In general, a bit of space and contemporary art.

Atomium ticket price – 11 Euro. You can, here, in the box office Atomumumbuy a combo ticket to visit and Atomumum And being very close Park "Mini Europe"which is understandable from the title, is a reduced layout of the whole old light.

Pissing boy and company

This landmark Brusselswe, like many, did not understand. Why is she famous for her? The miniature inconspicuous monument of the pissing boy is fairly included in the top of the most disappointing attractions of the world. But the Belgians themselves are simply obsessed with themselves - not only in Brussels, but also in other cities of Belgium, you can meet the mountains of souvenir products with this boy. Magnitics, mugs, corkscrews (yes-yes, actually Corkscrew is a causal place), just glass and porcelain figures.

Brussels did not stop at Pissing boy (after all, feminism, all things) and put a monument to the pissing girl, and later, apparently at the request of animal lovers, also a pissing dog. There are rumors that Brussels are not going to stop at what has been achieved and are going to put a monument to Pissing Cow (dedicated to some special breed of Belgian cows).

Here is a story. For all lovers of such oddities, report the addresses of Pisunov:

Pissing boy - Crossing the streets of Rue de L'Étuve (Stoofstraat) and Rue Du Chêne (Eikstraat)

Pissing girl - Street deadlock Impasse de la Fidélité (GetRouwheidsgang)

Pissing dog - Crossing the streets of Rue Des Chartreux (Kartuizersstraat) and Rue Du Vieux-Marché (Oude Graanmarkt)

Why of all sights his beautiful cozy city, Brussels are so proud exactly pissing boy - unclear. But nevertheless, crowds of tourists come to him and disappoint.

Palace of King Belgium

And this is really worthy and very beautiful sight. Honestly, this palace is also not permanent housing of the Belgian Royal Family, but is used only for official receptions.

Palace of King Belgium

Everything here is as it should be in the present palace - a luxurious staircase, a frontal room with a white-gold finish, a small and large white halls, in which everything is very elegant and kept, a hall with tapestries, created according to the sketches of Goya, the Italian Hall with Harp (on which by This day loves to play the current Queen of Belgium). The very ground is throne, with huge columns and somehow unreal in their beauty chandeliers. But the most unusual is a mirror hall. The hall and hall, at first glance, but the raisins adds it a ceiling made by order of the queen ... From dark green, transfusions in the sun shelves-scarab geeks.

In general, the royal palace himself, and the garden around it, mandatory for visiting attractions Brussels. This place will cause accurately more emotions than a writing team.

And, attention - the entrance to the Royal Palace is free. A rarity, is it not true?

"Velo Brussels" - a gastronomic paradise

There are B. Brussels Little Rossian (actually, it's just one street - Rue des Bouchers.), located very close to the Grand Dance, in which one by one, are dozens of restaurants and cafes with the most diverse cuisine. There are places where you can order the freshest seafood ( Lobster.House.), Italian pizzerias, bars with delicious Belgian beer (for example, Delirium.Pub.), French cuisine restaurants ( LAVielle.Porte) - In general, very, very many institutions.

Why should you be ready when you go to "Velo Brussels": Here there is always a lot of people, respectively, little free places and you can wait a long time when you are served; it tourist place, so be prepared, to the fact that some super-atmosphere and an individual approach to you will not be - the stream is a stream; In this place a large number of Restaurants, respectively, high competition, so the waiters will be very obsessively called you (literally to drain 🙂) it is in its institution.

If you are looking for, where to eat in Brusselsand you are not afraid of the inconvenience listed above, then look into it in "Velo Brussels" It is definitely worth it - here, despite the promotion and a large number of tourists, quite inexpensive (there is a complex lunch with options for dishes, not exceeding the cost of 15 euros) and, yet, the truth is delicious.

Where to eat in Brussels

In addition to restaurants located in the "Jere Brussels", there are several more good seatsin which it is clearly quieter:

RockSalt.Chilli.Peppers -a small restaurant in which good meat is prepared (address: 34-36, Rue des Cultes)

Streets of Brussels

WinesBar.dES.Marolles. - Institution with some kind of infinite wine card and a very cozy atmosphere. (Address: Rue Haute 198)

Tonton.Garby -and this, roughly speaking, the usual sandwich, devoid of all gloss, but very beloved and local and tourists. There are places that become cult due to their simplicity and soulfulness, here Tonton Garby is one of them. Sit here is not the best idea, but take a sandwich with you and go on to walk in the city - what you need. (address - 6 duquesnoy).

Moeder.Lambic.Fontainas -the place in which you should follow the excellent crafting Belgian beer. If you are in Brussels, then come here - both the atmosphere and the choice of beer are beautiful here.

Belgian chocolate is the most delicious landmark of Brussels

The latter, as I would like to tell - about the edible business card of Belgium - Belgian chocolate. Here it is sold without exaggeration at every step. You can buy chocolate, you can taste.

Showcase of a chocolate store in Brussels

From shops advise Neuhaus. (Address: 2, Postweg in Vlezenbeek (Sint-Pieters-Leeuw) - here is quite inexpensive, compared to other places. There is also a wonderful
Pierre Marcolini.with a very large choice (address: Place du Grand Sablon) and Mary Chocolatier - This is a place, on a second, makes chocolate for the royal family (address: 73 RoyalStreet).


Here is ON. Brussels - Miscellaneous, beautiful, with lots of interesting places. We were only told about part of them, the fact that they themselves had to see, and so there is still a lot of, many things: the museum of comic, museums of beer, lace, military equipment, Coloring Museum of Eastern Art, a large number of pasty monuments illustrating our daily life.

Do not listen to anyone who will name this city faceless, he has a bright individuality, its atmosphere and it is worth come here.

The capital of Belgium, located on the shores of Senna, annually attracts millions of tourists from different cities World. Tourists are interested not only by what you can see in Brussels, but seek to become part of this unusual city. The city leaves a feeling of unreality and magic, because only here is an amazing way to get the ultra-modern buildings and monuments of architecture in the Gothic style, and numerous cafes and restaurants are complemented by an atmosphere, which serves fragrant coffee and famous waffles.

Attractions in the capital of Belgium such a huge amount that the city can rightly be called a museum under open sky. Of course, it is impossible to visit all historical and architectural places in Brussels in one day, but you can create tourist route and inspect the most significant attractions. Our article will help to figure out - where to go to the capital of Belgium, and what to see in Brussels for 1 day.

What to see in Brussels in one day

Before you begin to get acquainted with the city, buy a Brussels map with attractions in Russian. It will help you navigate the kaleidoscope museums, palaces, parks.

1. Historical center of the capital of Belgium

Historically, it happened that Brussels is divided into two parts - Upper citywhere rich people lived, luxurious palaces were built, and the lower city, where representatives of the working class lived.

It is better to start acquaintance with the historic center - Grand Place Square, which is the best proof of the high aesthetic and social level of Belgians and is considered to be a masterpiece of architectural art. Perfectly Grand Plas received the status of the most beautiful square in Europe, its exclusive barcode - the spire of the City Town Hall, a height of 96 meters, which is visible from any point of Brussels.

Interesting fact! The Town Hall Spire is decorated with the statue of Archangel Mikhail, who is the patron saint of the city.

Opposite the city hall is the house of the king, a luxurious palace that is more like a decoration to a fantastic film. Each building is an object cultural heritage And impregnated with the spirit of history, the medieval atmosphere.

Good to know! The tourist, which was in Brussels for the first time, is difficult to concentrate attention, I want to have time to see everything. This will help the guide that will hold sightseeing tour And there will be many interesting facts and legends associated with Brussels.

According to one of the legends, Louis XIV, being in the capital of Belgium, envied the beauty and magnificence of the city and ordered it to burn it. However, the merchants of Brussels on their own money rebuilt the square and made it even more beautiful. Grand Place is a unique architectural ensemble, where every detail is thought out.

Here is the residence of the mayor of the capital - the City Hall, decorated in the Gothic style. The left part of the building was built in the early 15th century. The right side of the Town Hall is built in the middle of the 15th century. Two rear towers are made in the baroque style. The facade and inside the building is decorated or luxurious. Tourists conduct excursions in English, Dutch and French. The cost of excursion is 5 euros.

Decoration of Square - House of Guilds. In total, they are 29 and they are built around the perimeter of Grand Place. Each house is decorated in a certain style characteristic of the 17th century. The facades of the houses are a real work of art, because families tried to demonstrate their wealth.

Interesting fact! Most tourists are attracted by the Swan House, which belonged to the Guild of Butchers. The facade of the house of haberdasher decorates the burner in the form of a fox. The house of the archers guild is decorated with a formidable stupid. It is believed that sculptures bring happiness if they touch them.

In Brussels there is a tradition - every two years Grand Plas turns into a flower garden.

Another event is associated with Christmas holidays, when the most tourists go to the capital of Belgium to visit the brightest fair in Europe. AT holidays Grand Place sparkles with multi-colored lights, fragrant with different odors and manites with different tastes. Representatives of all Belgian provinces come here to present the original dishes and drinks.

Children will delight numerous attractions and, of course, the rink. The center is installed fir, sparkling thousands of lights.

How to get:

  • train - from the station only 400 meters on foot;
  • mETRO - DE BROUCKERE station, then 500 meters on foot;
  • tram - stop Bears;
  • bus - Stop Parlement Bruxellois.

The majestic building is built on Torrenberg Hill. It is proudly towers between two parts of the city. This is the main metropolitan cathedral, erected in the 11th century and decorated in the Romanesque style. In the 13th century it was reconstructed and reailed in the Gothic stylist. Today it is a unique building, whose architecture is a mixture of Gothic and Romanesque styles.

The walls of the temple of white color, give the whole building a feeling of lightness and weightlessness. Tourists can watch the basement, where the ruins of the ancient cathedral are stored.

The facade of the sights is represented by two tower in the traditional, gothic style, a gallery is built between them, decorated with openwork patterns carved from stone.

It is interesting! The height of each tower is almost 70 meters. From the viewing sites there is a picturesque view of the city.

The greatness and grandeur of the premises do not leave anyone indifferent. Travelers wander with columns, sculptures, admire huge windows decorated with stained glass windows.

In the Cathedral, you can visit the concert of organ music. On Sunday, the melodies, tagged with the bells of the temple, are heard in the entire district.

Ticket price:

  • full - 5 euros;
  • children and for older tourists - 3 euros.

You can see the cathedral daily:

  • on weekdays - from 7-00 to 18-00;
  • on Saturday and Sunday - from 8-00 to 18-00.

How to get there:

  • metro - Gare Centrale station;
  • tram and bus - Stop PARC.

The oldest department store in Europe among the attractions of Brussels (Belgium) occupies an honorable place. The building is built in the middle of the 19th century. This is a unique, harmonious combination of culture and commerce under the cylindrical roof of glass.

It is important! Tourists call the department store of beautiful European galleries.

In the opening of the landmarks took part Monarch Leopold with his sons. The department store consists of three galleries.

The building is decorated in the stylistry of the neoress. There are more fifty stores here and any product can be purchased. If you want to buy a souvenir in memory of Brussels, be sure to visit the incredible metropolitan department store. There is a theater and a museum, an exhibition of photographs, you can have a delicious snack and just enjoy the atmosphere.

The entrance to the gallery is organized from four streets. In the passage of 212 meters long and 8 meters width, you will definitely find something to do and what to see.

Important information:

  • gallery address - Galerie du Roi 5;
  • site - Galeries-Saint-Hubert.be.

The attraction is located in the historic district of Brussels with the same name and, enters the list of places to look at one day travel in the capital. Nearby built royal residence. For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200breferring to the territory adjacent to the castle came to the monarch of Leopold II.

Interesting fact! The opening of the park was timed to the 50th anniversary of the independence of Belgium, which was celebrated in 1880.

A well-groomed park area, an area of \u200b\u200b70 hectares, decorated with flowers and shrubs, greenhouses are organized here - this is a greenhouse complex designed by architect Alphonse Bala. The hill is a monument to Leopold I, as well as the Chinese pavilion and the Japanese tower.

To fully enjoy the beauty of the flowering park and watch unique plants, it is best to come to Brussels in the second half of April or in early May. The greenhouse opens only 20 days. Ticket price For inspecting one of the main attractions of Brussels is 3 euros.

The church is the oldest in Brussels and famous in what the painter Peter Bruegel and his spouse buried under her. At the beginning of the 12th century, the Benedictine's temple was founded on the site of the temple, over time, houses of poor residents were built around it. Today, this area is called Marol. In the future, the chapel expanded and became the church, she was repeatedly destroyed and rejected.

In the middle of the 13th century, the temple gave a relic - part of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. From this time, the Church became the attraction of Brussels, pilgrims came here every year.

During the reconstruction, the bell tower decorated with a dome and a cross attached to the temple. In addition, the church is kept an ancient font, created in 1475, and the department, made of wood at the beginning of the 18th century.

6. Museum of Natural Sciences

The attraction is unique in that the largest collection of a wide variety of dinosaurs is presented here. There are also rooms dedicated to:

  • human development;
  • whales;
  • insect.

The exposition presents more than 2 thousand minerals. Here come entire families, since the walk through the halls is a real journey into the world of amazing discoveries. In addition to dinosaurs, guests can see the real Mammont, will get acquainted with the life of ancient hunters. Here are the exhibits, whose age is difficult to even submit. The history of mankind is shown as exciting and accessible as possible. Among the exhibits there are extinct animals and birds, lunar stone, meteorites.

Rue Vautier, 29, Maelbeek, daily (except Monday) from 9-30 to 17-00.


  • mETRO - TRONNE station;
  • bus - Muséum stop.

Ticket price:

  • full - 9.50 euros;
  • children's (from 6 to 16 years old) - 5.50 euros.

For children under 6 years old, visit is free.

7. Parliamentarium

In Brussels there is a European parliament, where tourists get acquainted with the work of the European Union from the inside. The building is a palace decorated in futuristic stylistics. His tower impresses unfinished - the symbol of an incomplete list of EU states.

Near the entrance is a sculpture that symbolizes the combined European countries.

In the main building of the European Parliament, excursions can even visit the plenary session. The main feature of the excursion is completely interactive, it gives great pleasure to children, because you can press any buttons. View the attraction is free.

How to get there:

  • bus number 34, 38, 80 and 95;
  • metro, Lines 2 and 6, TRONE / TROON station;
  • metro, Lines 1 and 5, Maalbeek Station.

The main entrance is located on parliamentary square.

Working hours:

  • monday - from 13-00 to 18-00;
  • from Tuesday to Friday - from 9-00 to 18-00;
  • weekends - from 10-00 to 18-00.

Go to the building can be 30 minutes before closing - at 17-30.

If you visit these attractions of Brussels in one day, you will probably have your own impression about it. unique city Belgium.

What else to see in Brussels

If your journey to the capital of Belgium is not limited to one day, be sure to meet Brussels. After all, there is a collected incredible amount unique placesThat cannot be viewed in one day.

The attraction is located in the center of the capital of Belgium on Avenue Louise, this is a huge, well-groomed forest-based zone, where they come to relax families and friendly companies. Why does the park not included in the list of attractions that can be viewed in one day? The fact is that I want to spend much more time - it is convenient to stay in the shade of trees, organize a picnic. The inhabitants of Brussels call the park of fresh air slot in the city chaos.

Cultural and entertainment events are held in the park, you can visit theater, night club, eat in a restaurant. The attraction takes 123 hectares, so it is better to use the bike or rollers for inspection.

Interesting fact! In the park you can take a few lessons and learn roller skating.

Museum Automir

If Gothic, medieval Brussels you are a little tired, pay attention to the Museum of Retro cars.

The exposition will delight not only adult vendors of cars, but also children. Located a museum in the southern lobby of a complex built in the 50th anniversary park. Here are more than fifty cars of different epochs - from the second half of the 19th century to today. What can be seen in the museum:

  • the cars of the Belgian production of a pre-war period, by the way, they are no longer produced for a long time;
  • first models of cars;
  • first fire trucks;
  • vintage military cars;
  • limousines;
  • a fleet owned by the family of monarchs;
  • roosevelt and Kennedy cars.

Exhibits are placed in thematic halls and on two floors - each symbolizes a certain era.

Good to know! The museum has a souvenir shop, here you can buy any car model presented in the exposure.

You can see the attraction at: PARC DU CINQUANTENAIRE, 11.

Working hours:

  • april-September - from 10-00 to 18-00;
  • october-March - from 10-00 to 17-00, on Saturday and Sunday - from 10-00 to 18-00.

Ticket price:

  • full - 9 euros;
  • children's (from 6 to 12 years old) - 3 euros.

Children up to 6 years old visits to free.

Useful information can be found on the AUTOWORLD.BE website.

Another metropolitan attraction, to the inspection of which one can spend one day, enthusiastically studying the process of producing beer. The Brewer Museum is located near the Central Station at Gheude 56. Distance about Grand Place is about 1.5 km away.

This area of \u200b\u200bBrussels is called Anderlecht, immigrants from Africa live here. Brewery is behind the door resembling entrance to the garage. You can get acquainted with the process of cooking beer since October to April. The main product is a beer Lambik, his difference from other varieties is spontaneous fermentation. Be prepared that the placement of brewery is far from sterile, and on the piles you can see the mold.

Interesting fact! Lambique is the basis for the preparation of other varieties of beer - Goyuse, Creek, Faro.

Cost of visiting 6 euros, the tour involves two beer glasses, the Guest variety chooses independently.
Opening hours: from 9-00 to 17-00 on weekdays, from 10-00 to 17-00 on Saturday, Sunday - day off.

Sightseeing is located in Saint Roshze, this is a museum complex. The park was created by the decision of the monarch Leopold II. In 1910, in Brussels was held World exhibitionThe king makes a decree - to carry old buildings and organize a park area in their place to surprise guests.

The park is divided into an artificially created hill, the royal library and the Palace of Congresses are located on its top, and on the slopes 2 museum - musical instruments and elegant arts. The top is a picturesque staircase, complemented by fountains. On the observation site work shops with sweets.

Next to the park there is a metro station Gare Centrale and a bus stop Royale.
The address: Rue Royale 2-4.
Official site: www.montdesarts.com.

Park Mini Europe

Another metropolitan attraction, to the inspection of which you can spend one day. Located a park near the atomium. Park area 2.4 hectares, guests come here since 1989.

You can get to the park on the subway and tram before the Heysel stop, then you need to walk no more than 300 meters.


  • from March 11 to July and September - from 9-30 to 18-00;
  • in July and August - from 9-30 to 20-00;
  • from October to January - from 10-00 to 18-00.

Ticket price:

  • adult - 15.30 euros;
  • children's (under 12 years old) - 11.40 euros.

For children in growth below 120 cm. FREE FREE.

Park site: www.minieurope.com.

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Grand Sablon Square

The attraction is located on a hill that shares the capital into two parts. The second name of the square is sandy. This is due to the fact that in the 13th century there was a sandy hill. Then they built a chapel with the statue of the Virgin Mary. In the 15th century, the chapel becomes the church, in it they serve and crubble rites. In the middle of the 18th century, a fountain was built here, which was preserved today. In the 19th century, a large-scale reconstruction was carried out. Today it is a respectable metropolitan area where restaurants, boutiques, luxury hotels, chocolate houses, antique shops are concentrated.

Opposite the attractions have a picturesque garden decorated with sculptures. In the eastern part there is a church of Notre Dam-du-Sablon, the construction of which dates back to the 15th century.

You can take a tram number 92 and 94 and on the subway, the Louise station. On weekends, markets are operating here, where antique things are presented.

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Attractions on the map of Brussels a huge amount, of course, inspecting them in one day it is impossible. However, being in the capital of Belgium, you will probably want to come back here again. Prepare for yourself Landmarks of Brussels with photos and descriptions and immerse yourself in its incredible atmosphere.

At the beginning of this summer, we visited Brussels. Ten years ago, traveling around Europe in a bus tour, we already visited the headquarters of the European Union. But it was in the winter and for three hours of staying, we only managed to the Central Square of the Gran Plas and "Manichen Prant". This time it was more than enough, we had a whole day walked on Brussels, a lot of things had to see, and the Belgian chocolate was laughed, probably ahead.

We had a small map of Brussels and with its help, we did not rush to the lanes to the Grand Platz. From here it is more expedient to just start familiarizing with the city and its sights.

Flower market at Grand Plyans.

Grand Place in Brussels, this is something! When you get here from the adjacent street, then the mouth of beauty and grandeur opens. It is now the Grand Plas Square is a great attraction. Once this area was the market on the site of dried swamps.

The area is surrounded by houses of amazing beauty. Each house belonged to one of the guild. These were guilds of shipboards, butchers or logging managers. On the square every morning the flower market is organized, and on Sundays the bird market. Probably Brussels love flowers, birds, beer and chocolate.

Grand Place. House of the king or bread house, the XIII century.

City Hall in Brussels with a 91 meter tower. On the spire of the weather with Archangel Mikhail. If you put it up, you can see it. Statues in the second and third floors, this is unfortunately a copy. If you manage to see the Town Hall in the dark, you will be amazed at how it is covered. This is a truly exciting spectacle.

Bas-relief EVERARD SERKLAS. Located on the house number 8, which is called the "House Star". There are signs that if you make a desire and touch the figure of Everclas, then it will certainly come true.

Square Gran Dance met us a noisy crowd. Many excursion groups are probably from all over the world. Sat through such a porcitution is not easy. After lunch, when we again wandered on the square, the scene was already preparing for the performance of some artists and the people were even more. If you are lucky enough to visit Brussels in August, then on the Grand Place you will see a stunning sight, a carpet from the living colors. This holiday flower is arranged since 1971 every two years. So not everyone can be lucky. The flower carpet has a size of 24 to 75 meters. Unfortunately, we also did not see this, only in the photo.

The many confectionery and chocolate stores struck and in each special chocolate, both to taste and packaged. On the shelves in front of the shelf with chocolate there is a small box with pieces for tasting. Going to the next store with chocolates, the hand involuntarily stretches to the probe and then a piece of chocolate already in your mouth. It's just some kind of obsession. Chocolate prices are quite humane, and most importantly, chocolate is really delicious and just melts in the mouth. And, by the way, consider if you buy chocolate home that it cannot be kept for a long time. This is because in Brussels in chocolate does not add flavors. After such walks you understand that the capital of chocolate is really.

Shop with belgian chocolate.

Chocolates and candy from Brussels.

Chocolate fountain in Brussels.

At first, in terms of Walking in Brussels, we had a visit to the Chocolate Museum, but after several stores with such affordable tastings, I could no longer look at chocolates and the museum, naturally disappeared. But if anyone is interested, it is almost at the Gran Plyans at the address "Rue de la Tete D" OR 9-11 ". Open from 10.00 to 16.00 every day, except Monday.

Street with fountain "Jenicen Prame".

We continue our pedestrian route In Brussels and go to look at the "Pissing Girl", more precisely on Jeanneken Pis, a monument-fountain "Little Pissing Jeanne". Probably everyone knows that there is a fountain of a pissing boy in Brussels, but few people know about the girl. With the Gran Plysa to her meters 200.

The girl sits behind bars, because it turned out to be a lot of those who wish her a lot in contrast to her boyfriend.

If you have to go in the opposite direction through the Gran Plas, then you will go to the fountain "Pissing Boy." There is also a crowd of people and make a good picture very hard. This fountain is proud and most important attractions of Brussels. As long as we go to the fountain, we meet in the shop windows of stores hundreds of pissing fountains in the form of souvenirs.

Souvenir from Brussels.

We pass through the Gran Dance and accidentally discover the sign "Museum of the Belgian beer" on it. Look inside. The impressions did not produce, apparently because the excursions in Russian did not see, and it is meaningless to look at the chains and the devices for the production of beer are completely uninteresting, despite the tasting, in which we would not understand anything at all. There is a Museum of Belgian Beer in House No. 10, this is the house of the guild of brewers, and Karl Marx lived and worked nearby in the house number 9, where he wrote the "Manifesto Communist Party". Perhaps after visiting the beer.

Inside the Brussels Museum of Beer.

Shop with Belgian beer.

It will not work a lot to try, for this you need to live ten days in Brussels, no less. There are such beer bottles that need to be opened using a corkscrew. But how much can you drink beer at a time?

We tried it, I really liked it, the taste is great.

And here is the square itself.

Fountain "Manicane Prame" is at the intersection of the streets of Rue De Stoofstraat and Rue du Chene. Somewhere I read that this is one of the most disappointing attractions. We are waiting to see something, but it turns out nothing special. But the people are very much going around and squeeze to the fence not so simple.

By the way, here is near, if you look at the photo to the right, there is a magnificent store with chocolate products and with its tasting. If you do not buy, then you can get the holidays of this chocolate.

In just a day or in a few hours in Brussels see the main attractions, without losing time, you can on sightseeing tours.

An independent walk around the city logichly will start with the main square - Grand Place, located just 400 meters from Central Station. The famous sights of the square are the Gothic buildings of the Brussels Town Hall and the City Museum, also known as the King House or Bread House. Large luck - to be in Brussels on the days of the festival "Flower Carpet", which is held every two years in mid-August.

From Square, the tourist route leads on Charles Bul Street, then Schuva Street Street, then there is a fountain "Pissing Boy" - this is, without exaggeration, the most popular monument in the Belgian capital. The statue height is only 61 cm, but it is unlikely to pass: next to the fountain is always crowded, tourists crowd and take pictures of the monument.

You can continue the route to the mountain of the arts - the area built up in a neoclassical and postmodern style, and then go to the Troyrenberg Hill, where the magnificent Brussels Cathedral is located, which has been built over four centuries and completed at the end of the XV century. The cathedral is located closer to the station than the Place Place Square, so tourists arriving in Brussels by train will be more convenient to start a sightseeing walk from the temple.

The second half of the day for those who are going to see all the same, - a trip to the metro station to Heysel station, overview of the sights of Lippack. To see this area in detail, and not just take a picture of the atomium, it is better to distinguish separate day.

Panorama "Flower Carpet on Grand Place"

What to see in Brussels for 2 days

If the visit to the Lippark is scheduled for the second day, then it will be enough for an atomum tour and lifting on its observation platform, walks along the nearest landscape and exhibition park "Mini Europe".

Everything is still on the subway (to Maelbeek station or to Montgomery) you can get to the Sengankanirere Park (Fiftiethlete), created to the National Exhibition of 1880 and named after the 50th anniversary of the independence of Belgium. The triumphal arch at the entrance to the park was built by 1905. The complex of parking attractions includes the Belgian Museum of the Royal Army and Military History and has an impressive retrocomating museum "World Auto". For a walk through the park and museum platforms, you can pay a whole day.

Finally, for the second or third day in Brussels, it will be possible to plan a visit to the expositions of interests: to visit the museum of comics or bypass all the expositions of the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, see the performance in the theater, finally see the Royal Palace, and when traveling with children - dedicate the day of attractions and interactive exhibitions.

See also: