Route on the White River in Arkyse. Arkhyz, Attractions, Routes

For a long time planned this route, and here the weather is good, we go!
Rutting route: Glacier farm - Oz. Aimatlah - Jali - Oz. Big Sofia-look. Small Sofia - Oz. Upper comma - VDP. Hommesh Chat - Oz. Lower comma - glacier farm
I decided to invite Jeepers for the sake of the experiment, 2 crews of Vikhter79 (Victor and Tatyana +2 Child) and Xoka (Oleg and Victoria) and the longtime friend (Tourist) Oleg are replied.
Agreed to meet on the glacial farm, I left late, after lunch. Akb sat down, while they bored, bought food, in general, late.
On the way there was nothing remarkable, rushing after Arcise on the sign on Taulo, we left for a conditional off-road, the road is good, but the knockers are of course there, but in general is passable for any car. Kilometers 7 after the first fodder through Sofia along a wooden bridge, the road spars a little and here the element of crossovers and jeeps. True, it seems to me that the classic can neatly drive if it is dry.

I shouted to the radio, but I did not hear the answer when the connection still appeared, I realized that we were already approaching the destination. Part of the way, approximately meters 400 you need to go through the water, in the evening there was a lot of water, about the Niva hub, but there are no large stones, so this area can be slipped without slowing speed. At dusk, we move the last trip and Oleg meets us, we arrived in the latter, the guys have already broke the camp and prepared for dinner. Oleg arrived at Hyundai IX35, and Victor on the Niva 2121.
Coming out of the car, immediately changed, it was cold, but weakly. Met, dinner, spawned the nuances and went to bed at the beginning of 11. Victor and Tatiana with the defense decided to go to Sofia waterfalls, on and all the rest on the previously scheduled plan.
Running on Saturday at 5 am, breakfast and collect assault backpacks jumped into the car and went to the start point, from the meadow it is about 3.5 km. My car showed a temperature of 3 degrees, and Oleg 5, shaped that in fact 4 :) All the greens were covered with a thick layer of Inea.
We finally wake up to us for the first ferrod through Sofia, the water in the morning is significantly less than the evening, slightly above the knee, but what kind of bodry ...

In general, on the trail, we were at 7 am, the rise immediately began, went slowly, someone mutilated, someone just could not catch his breath. The trail is elegant, the view of the opposite ridge of the Sofia Valley is interesting, it is interesting to observe how much you rose, soon the road seemed fine white string that was wriggled in the valley. They stayed on vacation Quite often, in the 9th sun, the sun was on all, and we were smeared with protective cream, one trait he does not help me.
Lifting up parallel to the influx of Sofia R. Kashha-Echny, the origins of which are located in Lake Aimatla-Jajals, we watched the waterfalls and soon came to the first of the 6 lakes.

Lake Aimatla-Jajals is located at an altitude of 2404 meters, according to A.V. The solid name of this lake is translated from Karachay as "Berea-Aimata"
The lake is beautiful, transparent as a tear, a small ripple on the water because of numerous streams did not prevent the reflection of neighboring mountains.
We spend 15 minutes on the lake and go further. The trail is gaining an increasingly steep corner, but it goes fine.

Here, the thought visits me, not the first time. I make up the impression that the presence of a full backpack when walking on such a relief is not very slow. I have an average speed of 1.5 km / h that in full loading. On the way, we pass another nameless lake.

After a half hours, we arrive at the Big Sophia Lake, Wow! The lake is already open completely, only small snowflies still not melted. The lake is surrounded by the walls of the Cool Bashi massif.
The height of the lake according to different sources varies, in the network I found several options 2811 and 2830 and 2832 N.M. Maximum depth of 17 meters. In general, July is the most lake time, there is still a contrast with greens, sky and snowballs.

Time 12, it's time to dine. The stratum as always scored a lot, but there is something particularly and do not want to boil the water, two brave volunteers I and Oleg (COCA) decided to swim. The driver is mildly refreshing, I don't know how in winter on baptism when swimming in a hole, but here when you dive first you do not feel anything, but after a second your body burns cold, getting across the shore you all burn, as if thousands of needles stuck in the body, cool Feeling, but not to abuse. In such a water, a person will endure a couple of minutes, then shock from supercooling and shops. The second time to dive did not become, but my wife dropped glasses from a big stone, and I had to go to the water again and get them.

At this time, we saw a group in the south, which was shown on the Irkiz pass. Well, we need north to the valley of the Gammesh Chat River.
We are engaged in popularizing outdoor activities :)

After 10 minutes, we passed past the small Sofia Lake, it is not so impressive as the first, but I guess Irkiz will look quite harmoniously.
After 40 minutes, we pass by the city of Pester (3010m-for other sources slightly lower) and went to the lake the top comma, the lake was very pretty and really reminded of comma. Behind was Sophia in all its glory.

The height of the lake is 2230m, so that it is necessary to descend enough to go down to it, descended 30 minutes. Even before the descent escaped to see the jumper, it's not an option on the top, from the south, only from the north of a major scree. I decided to run away with my wife, the guys remained on the lake. But after having passed 1/4 of the lift, looked at the sky and time, they decided not to go, for the third hour, and the clouds are slowly boiled, and not alone we, but wait for us at least 1.5 hours. We decided to go to the top next time, but we will go on another route. In general, we quickly returned and began to pour into the Gammesh Chat Valley. Me light ansv and Aluha Marshava They warned that the descent to this valley was nasty, the light offered as an option to fall from the top of the comma directly to the accuracy to the place of the fodder through Sofia, but there are no paths there and I did not decide to lead the people in this direction and on the voting decided to watch 6 Lake Lay Mass And dump down the trail. The descent is very cool, it is necessary to go carefully, by this time the spouse already las on the left foot and in this hike replaced me in terms of disability (usually knee shoots, but by 2-3 days) at the middle of the descent overlooking the chic waterfall (Gammesh -Chat), which falls from the Sofia Range.

Going to the lake. We did not find anything in it, for which you can stop on it, quite mediocre. From the height it looks much more beautiful.

We came up with a couple of tourists and asked, we did not see the chance of their comrade who broke up at Sofia Lakes, time was 17-00, they were worried that he was drunk and ran through the slopes they were looking for him. In a normal trail, he did not go, we did not see it, apparently left somehow tops. I do not know how it ended, but I hope that the guy managed to go down and did not catch a cold night.
From the lake, this tedious descent continued, among the thickets of Rhododendron, Borshevik and nettle.

As a result, in the pinewatch we went to a good path and quietly descended down. Through Sofia, we were transferred through the sodes. On the road were exactly 18-00. It was necessary to go through another 3 kilometer to the car, but we stopped the local tablet and she threw us. True, a little guts were not spoiled from shaking :))

Having arrived at the camp, we learned that Victor, Tatiana and Nazar with Evdokia went to Sofia Waterfalls, came out at 10 came at 16-00. Children are just smart, 3 Summer Nazar Protopal is all without problems. And in general, they surprised me, calm such kids, it is immediately clear that the familiar familiarity is :)

More chip of this hike-beer! I always dream about a bottle in the mountains, naturally it is always dreams, and here after the running day they got calmly in the stall Karachai, this is the day! Dream, not a hike :)) In 10, everyone went to bed. It was cool and very starry sky.
Judging by my track:
For the day, 15 km took place, a set of 1322 meters, 10 run hours, average speed 1.5km \\ h
There are doubts about a set of height, I looked through the route at Mneu in advance.

Looking at 7 am, began to gather, have breakfast, stuffed things in the backpacks, the tent left to dry. They said goodbye to the guys and moved to Sofia Waterfalls. They walked a rotate, do not need to rush. An hour later we were in the waterfalls, no one, except for two Circassians who took water treatments. For about 30 minutes we were stuck near the waterfalls, even saw the local rainbow, which was in the pack of waterfall. The waterfall itself is impressive, especially if you move away from it to 100-150 meters.

Feeding around the chocolate, began the descent. And here we reached for a meeting the endless flow of tourists (mattresses) they were brought by local on tablets. How well, we got married early. I do not know how many there were, but obviously more than 100 people.
Having collected the camp, removing the rest of the garbage. We at 14-00 moved home, on the way they had lunch in Arkhyze Khachyami and Dombii beer.
A couple of hours before that, as I was later known, 6 kilometers from the glacial farm, lay on the side of Krasnodar Uais, raised him with a shishigoy and there was a decent plug, the crew did not seem to be injured.
Having left the arcze to the tail, I fell 2 cruza, I don't understand what they needed, overtaking, I do not hinder, fly as a bird, 80 :) kilometers. Almost does not slow down the speeds go to the gravel portion of the road and I hide them with a cloud of dust and small gravel, I see blink, well, I am on the road and go out of the car, and I will meet Lotsman and a company to meet me, where we meet :)
The guys had its own route on the CBD, spread the words with a couple of words and drove.
For the psebay, they naked a little corn in the fields :) houses were at 21-00.
These are weekend, thank you so much for the company, it was cool, fun and interesting!
I hope you also liked it!
The budget of the trip amounted 1400 rubles per person (this is without beer and hitch)
Track of the campaign can be downloaded
Track to Sofia Waterfalls
From negative. Large Sophia Lake is very "clogged" in the area of \u200b\u200bBig Stone, a lot of tourist garbage. There is a thought to go again on the lake, everything is removed, I think a person 10 will be able to endure all the garbage and return through the Irkiz pass. If anyone supports the initiative, we will be happy to participate and organize a Sofia Saturday.

Sofia waterfalls are a rapid flow of water, which is collapsed from the mountain slope of Sofia Mountain, the second height in the region, its height is 3637 meters. The first vertex of Arkhyza is Mount Pshish, its height is 3790 meters. Do not be confused with the Mountain Dynas (3489 m). In the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Arkhyz merging of four mountain rivers: Digy, Arkhyz, Kizgych and Sofia, a river is formed Big Zelechuk - The very full volume in the Zelenchuk district. And all these beauty of the mountains, mountain rivers and green valleys is an integral part beautiful nature Karachay-Cherkessia.

The Sofia River originates on the Sofia Glacier, from which on the sheer slopes of the mountains, it flows into the valley with a rapid flow. The village of Arkhyz is the most closest settlement Snowdly recently, a ski resort Romantic grew up to Sofia Waterfalls. Of course, first of all, the Archyz is the ski resort and the main flow of tourists accounts for the winter months, well, in the summer of tourists in Arkhyz, it is primarily the Sophia Waterfalls. And since Sofia Waterfalls are the most visited by the landmark of Arcise, it is from it that we will begin.

How to get to Sofia Waterfalls

  • If you have a car. By regional highway R-265 Cherkessk - Zelenchukskaya - Arkhyz The length of 111 km is destroyed to the village of Arkhyz. You can get to Cherkesska with the track R-217 Caucasus near Mineral Water. or Nevinnomyssk. For the village of Arkhyz, you need to turn left by the pointer and move the bridge across the Arkhyz River, after that the asphalt road will change the soil and very soon you will find yourself in Polyana Taul.
  • If you are traveling yourself without a motor vehicle. By train you can get to Nevinnomyssk or Kislovodsk. From Kislovodsk to go to Arcise further, but transfer options more. From Kislovodsk ( from bus station at 7.55) Before Arkhyz, the passage goes the passage costs 430 rubles, and it goes for 5 hours. From Nevinnomysk to Arkhyz, the minibus comes in 4 hours 20 minutes and the passage costs 390 rubles. These options entail a lot of inconsistencies between the arrival time of the train and the departure time of minibuses. Therefore, there are some more options.
  • Transfer. As a shuttle, you can use the services of any taxi. As a proven fund, you can use the services of a taxi recommended by the official site of the Arkhyz ski resort. In addition, you can take advantage excursion buslike a flight and get to Arkhyz from any city of KMV. The cost of such an excursion will be up to 1500 p. With a person, the truth about the transfer is hardly so possible to save.

If you are traveling to the arcity campaign, do not forget that Sofia Waterfalls, like Sofia Lakes, are located near the border with Abkhazia, so you must have a passport with you. One of the popular routes in tourists looks like this: a shuttle to the glacial farm - Sofia Lakes - Lake Upper Missing - Lake Lay Musion - Exit to Polyana Taul.

Excursion to Sofia Waterfalls

The route to Sofia Waterfalls is the most visited attraction of Arkhyz and without exaggeration itself is spectacular. However, visiting Sofia Waterfalls is associated with some difficulties. Located waterfalls B. 15 km From the village of Arkhyz, so only those tourists who plan to spill on the mountains are driving on foot. Otherwise, you will need transport, but not abubs, but preferably all-wheel drive and with a high road lumen, since in one place will have to forcing the river.

Where to live on vacation?

Booking system The oldest on the Russian market. Hundreds of thousands of accommodation options from apartments and hostels to hotels and hotels. You can find suitable option Accommodation, at a good price.

Without booking a hotel now you risk overpaying then. Book accommodation through

UAZ 4x4 - It is this car that is easy to meet throughout the route from Arkhyz to Sofia Waterfalls. It is the excursion to the UAZ will offer you local private owners. Pleasure it costs 650 r per person, provided that the excursion will drop 6 people, otherwise you will be asked to divide the cost of renting a car (4000 p.) On the number of people. As a rule, the lack of fellow travelers is not only on Saturday and Sunday, on any other day with the search for those who want to visit a particular excursion there may be a problem that, by the way, no one will decide for you. The serious work of the tourist is to lead to the guide of all six people, in order not to hit the car's cost of the tour.

There is another nuance. On Saturday and Sunday, the excursions start at 9-10 am from a stop on Lenin Street in the village of Arkhyz, here you can talk to them, on any other day all the cars are based on the Poland Taul, located in 5 km From the village. Congress to Polyana Taulu is located between the village of Arkhyz and resort village Romantic. From the Polyana Towlu to Sofia Waterfalls 10 km. Finding phone tours will not be difficult, in the village literally all or familiar with them, or consist of related. You can go to any cafe or in any shopping tent and ask the tour guide.

Polyana Taulu, Arkhyz

For those who visited Elbrus or Cheget, you can simply explain. Polyana Towu for Arcise is the same as Polyana Azau for Elbrus. It is here that the main tourist life of those who arrived in Arkhyz. Here is the market, with delicacies and souvenirs for every taste. Here you can easily find the guide, they are here for the sake of this and stand immediately on our all-wheel drive horses. In the district of Polyana Towulu there are countless houses and tent cursorieswhose places are sold. To come here for the weekend and put the tent will cost 150 p. per person. Through the Psychez river flows through the glade. It is the Polyana Taulo, which is sometimes referred to as Sofia Polyany and start a route to Sofia Falls, as well as to Sofia Lakes, but this is another story.

Road to Sofia Waterfalls

Looking back, it is safe to say that the road itself is not less picturesque to Sofia waterfalls than the waterfalls themselves. She passes through the Sofia Gorge, moving in the Sofia Valley. On the left side rises the Ridge Chant Chat. You can stop at least every hundred meters and each time different types will be opened, intercepting breathing. If the weather is favorable and the peaks of the mountains will open, they can easily notice that the Sophia Glacier and the nearest peaks of the mountains are very similar to the throne, for which Mount Sofia is also called Mount Tron. And if you count the third peak on the left, then you can see the silhouette of a stone eagle.

In Arkhay, the hills, illustrious Karachay breed graze on the slopes of the hills and in the valleys, can be found by Karachai, and they will meet buffaloes.

The place where we met the buffaloes are called a glacier farm. Here is the fork of two routes: Sofia Waterfalls and Sofia Lakes.

Veliko temptation to visit both of these routes in one day, but here are dry numbers. From the glacial farm to Sofia waterfalls 2 km and the height set of 300 meters. From the Landela Farm to Sofia Lakes 4 km and 900 meters a set of height. Thus, for the Light Day will have to overcome 12 km of the path and dial a height of 1200 meters. In absolute values, this complexity of the category A1 category is difficult, but overcome. The question will be only that you will have time to go down from the mountains before the onset of darkness? As practice shows, it darkens in the mountains unexpectedly quickly and many night fastens right in the mountains, where it is easy to lose the path. Therefore, be alert if you are going to visit both attractions in one day, it is advisable to first go to Sofia Lakes, since the road is harder there, though you risks then stay without Sofia waterfalls.

Before you start pedestrian route Until Sofia Waterfalls, our guide was involved in the opposite slope, offering the views of the Waterfalls themselves and the Sofia Valley.

As mentioned above, a pedestrian trail from the meadow, not far from the glacial farm takes 2 km and 300 meters up. The path here is one, she is good protozan, and you need to go all the time along the river, because it is the same Sofia River, which originates on the glacier. So this route is simply impossible to get lost. The first kilometer is easy and careless, the sun shines, the murmur of the streams, the weather is excellent.

The second kilometer together with the rise brings and difficulties. Even in mid-June, and then, then we visited Arkhyz, snowing snow on the slopes of Sofia. Waterfalls themselves open only at the end of May. Ice water and snow affect the air temperature, which begins to drop. The higher we climb, the lower the temperature. On average, the temperature difference on Sofia waterfalls and on the glacial farm is 5-7 degrees. In addition, there will have to go through the snow, and at some point you have to force the river, it's good if the flow is not strong and can be crossed by stones. From here a few tips on clothes. Dress up according to. These are mountains, take a windbreaker, dress sneakers or shoes, do not dress slippers and shale. Do not forget the cream from the sun, the sun ruthlessly in the mountains. Comfortable shoes will help you safely overcome the snowballs and protect you from sharp stones.

The protracted climb leads directly to the waterfalls, on the road will have to forcing a rapid mountain stream. Depending on the season, it varies from a weak stream to a rapid river. And evenly, there are also things with the waterfalls themselves. The largest Sofia waterfalls are in the midst of summer (July, August), when there is an active melting of the glacier. Running to the waterfalls travelers will be fully rewarded for their efforts with a beautiful view of the Sofia Valley, which opens from the wall of the waterfalls. And the Sophia Waterfalls themselves, frightened at the distance of an elongated hand awaken the real admiration for nature.

From the foot of the Sofia Waterfalls opens fascinating his beauty view of the Ridge Abishir Ahuba. And the saddle on the ridge is Pass Fedoseev, followed by mountain lakes, also the route beloved by tourists, and now also simplified, due to the appearance cableway on the ski resort Romantic.

If you look good, then the turquoise glacier language is noticeable.

It is not rare on the mountain slopes, and the higher the more often, you can meet a beautiful rhododendron mountain or Caucasian flower. This frost-resistant plant is very useful for health, in the village with its leaves you can buy mountain tea.

The entire walk from the parking lot to Sofia Waterfalls will take about 2 hours on the rise and 1 hour to the descent, so having laid the time interval at 4 o'clock you will have time and climb to waterfalls and admire them and go back. The cost of the excursion includes a return transfer, so do not be afraid to remain without transport, all guides, although they do not go with you to waterfalls, wait for you below. Here in the cafe you can taste the National Karachai cuisine. Shorp soup - broth with lamb and potatoes, lamb kebabs, shychins with meat or cheese and delicious mountain tea.

Our guide to Sofia Waterfalls became Ismail, he stopped the car at the first request and waited patiently while we arrive in Sofia waterfalls. In the village they know everything, so if you want to use our advice just ask anyone in the village of his phone.

Video Report from Sofia Waterfalls

In addition to photographs and our reviews from Arkhyz and Sofia Waterfalls, we brought a refreshing video with which you can make a more detailed view of the area. Because how not to twist, it is easy to focus only in the place where you have already visited.

I realized that now and the autumn passes and decided to finally ride, especially since all week was rapidly accumulated on the arrival of the case. The forecast promised rain, but before that for several days it was sunny, I decided to risk. Indeed, the clouds diverged, but away, above the archyz - it is completely clear. I drive in general, cool, it was not necessary to go especially quickly.

But more often the gorge along Zelenchuk in the shadows, the Bogoslovsky lake company clearly spent the night. Well, our telescope from above, of course:

Drived Arkhyz. Now it is clear if you look back:

But ahead is less comfortable, the clouds are lowered lower:

Turn towards Sofia Polyana on a new bridge:

Despite the fact that the tourist season seems to be ends, Taulu's Polyana people and the trade:

I'm going straight, leaving the right hand turn to

Build new base recreation. But the slides in the distance were gloomy, the Digit (Mountain) is lost in the clouds, the glaciers are almost not visible. Food along the sink (River)

Still a couple of years ago, the borderzone began here (about 4 km from Towulu). Now the joyful inscription that "after 7 km the border zone! Entry (pass) on passing ..." But so far my plans do not go.

The road looks like this, but even on my bike is quite passable:

More often - nice primer

When three weeks ago were in Chamonix, it was thought that the nature was almost the same, but at almost the "wild" trail mono suddenly bug into a civilized pointer. Now we have such inscriptions appeared:

Already a long time ago, the rain was filmed, but quite tolerant, the jacket (with the sale in the same chamonium) was successfully sustained the test drive. Sometimes the rain stopped, the slides were opened. There are almost no snow on the southern slopes of snow:

Ratchwork crosses the road:

Somewhere 8 km from Towlu came out to the White River. And first even doubted, it seemed that there was not enough water, not deeper than knee, a couple of jeeps easily drove. And before that, I was a couple of times in these places solely descending from above with and it seemed that I just did that they crossed the streams on the logs. Again streams?

Moreover, the logs and there was:

But I decided to check, dragged the bike along the trail along the river, without moving. Soon realized that they would have to leave it before the big lift. Literally meters after 300-400, dying along a very narrow trail (there was a broad tourist) entered the primer, where it was ... Two "Niva", not much so hot. It seems that it was possible to roll earlier and drive (there was a marriage for half a kilometer to the river, but decided that too larger puddles). I assured me that I was on the right track.

Still up. So the waterfall. Unfortunately, the photo is not very intelligible, it seems that it is very gentle.

But it is not. It is remembered that in the middle of summer it is so close to him at all, and now the water slept. But still, tested harsh.

I tried and video:

All this time was raining, constantly rubbed the lens. On the self-timer at least something happened

He turned back, at times he looked around the sun, then rain again.

Divided the fire under the pine tree, took part.

And this "delicious" photo was the swan song of my PowerShot SX130IS. In general, I didn't like it from the very beginning, two years ago I bought as a compact replacement of an old IS older, but the replacement is so-so. In the penultimate trip, I dropped it in Barajas-T4, so he worked now with strong squeezing. And when I decided to remove cross stars - stupidly dropped on the asphalt, the lens cracked. So it has already been filmed from the mobile phone:

And back, on wet road:

Thought still to pop up for the "romantic", see how

A trip to the Waterfall on the White River is a good option for those who do not want or can not walk a lot. Almost to the waterfall itself can be driven up on an SUV, and only 250-300 meters will remain walking.


Map of the main attractions of Arkhyza. To see the items, you can open and enlarge the image in the new tab.


The main part of the path to the waterfall on the White River coincides with the route to Sofia Falls. The roads diverge in the Polyana Taulu: left through wooden bridge - On Sofia, straight - in the gorge Dotsch to the waterfall on the White River. Travel is possible only on an SUV or horses or on foot.
After the clearing, the road to the waterfall goes to the left shore r. Digital (river constantly on the left hand) and after 8 km leads to a merger of r. White and sink. Hence the pedestrian part of the route begins.

To get to the waterfall, you need to climb along the r. White, keeping as close as possible to it (left). The length of the foot of the route is only 250-300 meters. Back to descend the same way.

When to go?

The snow from the waterfall comes early, so you can go here in mid-April. The end of the season walks - in December, although from mid-October here is gray and sad. It is better to come early in the morning while the waterfall is not too crowded.

Alone or with a guide?

The route to the waterfall on the White River is simple, you can go here yourself. But if you want to optimize the cost of renting UAZ (drivers call the price for the car, and not for the passenger; one tariff - at least 10 people rides, at least two), it is better to unite with other tourists, or join the group.

Sofia waterfalls are waterfalls of glacial origin flowing with Sofia glacier Mountains Sofia, which is a symbol of archyza. To swim in the ice jets or gain a bottle of clean water, we rose a little more than an hour in the river bed flowing out of the waterfalls itself. And the most interesting thing is that during the rise of the waterfalls are visible, and all the time it seems that it seems to be a hand to them, but no, it is rather far and places are hard with unaccustomed (the last hundred meters is the coolest place of lifting - we already "worked "), although the route is considered one of the easiest in Arkhyse. I got to the foot of the mountain, we from the village just about an hour (16 km) by mountain road And with a crossing through the River Sofia), then even entertainment !!! The most popular view of the SUV in Arkhyze - "Tablets" or "Buanka" - remember Soviet ambulances - here they are the most. It shakes more than on the carousels, but it is brought as close as possible, easily overcoming and the beds of mountain rivers, and forest off-road, and ravines with stones and ughabs.

Sofia waterfalls are the largest in Arkhyse. They are called pulsating - water flows in them are inconsistent, their peak falls on the flooding period of July-August, the time of the greatest melting of snow in the mountains. Local say that if you were not in Sofia waterfalls - you did not see Arkhyz. The most powerful waterfall is the one who first meets the trail. To approach it, you need to move through a mountain river (we did not get closed). In some places overhead hangs a loose glacier. Along the cliffs on wet ledge, you can approach the rest of the waterfalls. From the waterfalls opens, as on the palm, the entire Sofia Valley.

By the way, during the lift we found another fan for tourists - the block of last year's snow, near and at which everyone was happy to be photographed, the pieces of memory were laid out and played snowballs. And at the very beginning of the rise, one of the trees was the "wood desire" - all the ribbons risen to the waterfalls tie ribbons, strings and other interesting things "for memory".

Well, a photo report ..

Under the mountain, there is a small market, where you can eat with delicious crackers or kebabs and pose a "thoughtfulness room" without a door, but "face to the mountains", so that no one saw

And on the way to waterfalls, we still drove a monument to the fallen soldiers .. The photo was done on the go, sorry ...

That's the way we drove

Awesome views of the glacier opened on the way

And when we moved the river, the cow blown the road, and this is not uncommon in Arkhyze, I had to go around))

Our driver is resting-and under it sobssno "Tablet", she is "loaf"))

I'm trying to lick ice ships))

See also: