Matuces secrets: What hide the subsoil of the Kuril Island. Will the Kuril Island of Matua become a new base of the Pacific Fleet of Russia The results of the expedition to the island of Matu

TV channel "Star" removed the documentary "Muto Island" about the research expedition of the Russian Geographical Society and the Ministry of Defense of Russia. Experts went to the island back in 2016 and for many months they collected materials about its natural, historical and cultural Heritage. Why exactly Matu is interested in RGO and what secrets keep the island - in the "360" material.

From the nice island to the canned military base

Matu Island enters the middle group of big ridge smoked and belongs to Sakhalin region. However, it was not always. The orthonous population of Matu is the Aina - ancient people Japanese islands. In his language, the island is called the "hellish mouth".

For a long time, Matuis existed in itself, and only in the XVII century the first expeditions went to Kuriles. There were Japanese, Russians and Dutch, who even declared Earth with the property of their East India company.

By 1736, Aina accepted Orthodoxy and became Russian submitted, paying the inhabitants of Kamchatka Yasak - a natural tax in the form of fur, livestock and other items. Russian Cossacks regularly visited the island, and the first scientific expedition arrived at Matua in 1813. The population of the island has always been small: in 1831, only 15 inhabitants counted on Matu, although then the census took into account only adult men. In 1855, the Russian Empire officially received the right to the island, but after 20 years, Matu was under the rule of Japan - such was the price for Sakhalin.

Shortly before the Second World War, the island became the main reference point of the Kuril Ridge. The Matou has a fort with anti-tank moats, underground tunnels and trenches. For officers, they created an underground residence in a hill. After the start of the war, Nazi Germany was delivered to Matua. The island has become one of Japan's key naval databases. In August 1945, the garrison of 7.5 thousand people capitulated without a single shot. Matua switched to the Soviet Union.

Until 1991, the military unit was located on the island. During this time, Matu was interested not only by historians, but also politicians. US President Harry Truman immediately after the end of World War II suggested Joseph Stalin to give way to the island for the United States Naval Base. Then the leader of the USSR either in a joke, or even seriously agreed to exchange Matu on one of the Aleutian islands. The question was closed.

The Russian border post was on Matua until 2000. Then the whole naval infrastructure was molded, and residents left him. Now Matu is uninhabited. A small island is a length of 11 kilometers and a wide one more than six still keeps in itself a lot of secrets. Disclose them and members of the Russian Geographical Society and the employees of the Russian Ministry of Defense went.

Secrets Matuy

Last September, the Commander of the Pacific Fleet Admiral Sergey Avakianz told reporters about the results of the first expedition to Matu. She began in April and lasted almost six months. The expedition was attended by the Minister of Defense and the President of the Russian Geographical Society Sergey Shoigu.

Studies on Matu were held for the first time since 1813. According to Avakian, there were many underground structures on the island. Some of them were definitely referred to the fort, but the destiny of the rest was still failed.

It was originally the assumption that these storage facilities, but everything was taken out of them. And if it were storage facilities, then any material traces would remain. Moreover, it was found that a high-voltage cable is suitable for these premises, and the power supply system allowed to feed to 3 thousand volts there. Naturally, this is an excess stress for warehouses. But it is obvious that some works were held in these structures.

Sergey Avakianz.

Among the unusual finds are a high-voltage cable on the slope of the Sarychev volcano. Nearby are remnants old roadwhich leads to Zhero Volcano. At the same time, from the helicopter, the members of the expedition noticed the entrances to underground structures. What exactly is in the thicker of the volcano is still unknown. Experts also occupied another question: why the garrison surrendered without a fight in August 1945. Such behavior is atypically for Japanese soldiers, which speaks of a thoughtful plan. "We concluded that the garrison fulfilled his main task - removed all the traces and all the facts that could lead to the disclosure of the true nature of the activity on this island," the admiral explained.

Photo: RIA "News" / Roman Denisov

Last year, the members of the expedition decided to study the collected materials, and a few months later to return to the Matu to reveal other secrets of the island. The more Russians will surprise a small block of land, which was the path from drawing land to the secret Japanese fort, "time will show.

Matua is a small island located in the heart of the Kuril Ridge. During the Great Patriotic War The Japanese turned it into inaccessible fortressWhen planning to use as a bridgehead in case of war from the USSR.

The Ministry of Defense of Russia adopts unprecedented measures to develop military infrastructure on Sakhalin and Kurilla. The expedition of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) began engineering work on the study of fortification facilities on the Kuril Island Matu. This was announced by the head of the press service of the Eastern Military District Colonel Alexander Gordeyev.

"On the slopes of the hills and the foot of the Sarychev volcano, the liberation was launched (underground corridors for reporting between fortifications, forts of the fortress or supporting points of fortified areas) and warehouses," Gordeev said. -What groups of search engines "carry out earthworks using a bulldozer, excavator and other special techniques."

According to the participants of the military-historical expedition, the conduct of scientific research will help to find answers to many questions and "dispel the halo of the mysteriousness of the island of Matu." Before starting work in each fortifications, air samples are taken, which in the laboratory are carefully analyzed for the presence of poisoning substances.

Until the end of World War II, Japan has actively mastered these islands, including the mysterious Matu Island, located in the center of Kuril Rud. On this island, Japan mined some valuable minerals. After the end of World War II, Truman even turned to Stalin with a request to transfer the island of Moto USA. The island did not give, but also do not use it by the dungeons for some reason.

During World War II, the Union Aviation, which was bombed in the Pacific, all that belonged to Japan, went by Magua. And when the war ended, President Truman turned to Stalin with an unexpected request to provide the United States only one of the islands in the center of Kuril, engaged in Soviet troops. What was the little Islet of Matua so attracted President of America?

Matua is a small island located in the heart of the Kuril Ridge. During the Great Patriotic War, the Japanese turned him into an impregnable fortress, planning to use as a bridgehead in case of war from the USSR. The war really began, but in 1945, 3811 Japanese soldiers and officers "Valiantly" surrendered to 40 Soviet border guards.

The island, which went to the USSR, was along and across the moans, trenches and artificial caves. Numerous dots and hangars were constructed to conscience. The entire coast of the Matuier around the perimeter was stipped by a dense ring of dollars laid out of a stone or rolled into the rock. They were made so good that members of amateur expeditions, many years already studying the island, argue that today dots could be used according to their direct appointment. Moreover, their device was not limited to the preparation of the point for the maintenance of fire. Each such position had an extensive network underground strokesAlso wounded in the rock.

Even more carefully built the airfield of the island. It is located so successfully and is made so technically correctly that the planes could take off and land in the wind of any strength and direction. Japanese engineers have provided "antisno-" design. Under the concrete coating were laid pipes in which he received hot water from thermal sources. So icing take-off strip Japanese pilots did not threaten, and aircraft could take off and land and in winter and in the summer.

In one of the coastal cliffs, hardworking the Japanese cut down a huge cave, where the submarine could easily hide. Nearby was the underground residence of the command of the garrison, disguised in one of the surrounding hills. Her walls were neatly laid out a stone, there is a pool and an underground bath nearby.

One of the secrets of the island is a non-traced disappearance of the whole military equipment. Despite the careful searches that are conducted since 1945, there was nothing on the island. And there is an amazing, straight mystical pattern - people who tried to engage in searches, gibbles in fires, which often happened on the island, fell into snow avalanches.

In the late 1990s, as a result of an accident, the deputy head of the border shop, who led these searches. And when they tried to restore the destroyed communications, the volcano was unexpectedly awakened in the center of the island. The eruption occurred with such a force that huge boulders flying out of the taper knocked out birds who were playing hundreds of meters from Crater!

Here is an opinion on the unsolved mysteries of the island of Matua Researcher-enthusiast Evgeny Vereshchakh: "There is an unusual hill with a height of more than 120 meters and 500 meters in diameter.

Nature does not like so correct forms. It involuntarily suggests that all this commander is made by the hands of a person. This is an artificial snow that served as a disguised Angar for aircraft. At its slope, a very wide man-made swelling, overgrown with trees and shrubs, is clearly distinguished. Probably, the gateway was located here in the hangar, which were first blown away, and then covered with the ashes of the spewing volcano.

In addition, hundreds of rusty barrels are scattered on the island - mostly German, and absolutely whole and with the flammable times of the fascist third Reich. Translated the marking on them was the "Fuel Wehrmacht, 200 liters". And the dates - 1939, 1943 - until the victorious 1945.

So, overtook earth, Allied guitler submarines moored at Matu and delivered goods!?

By the way, about the volcano. Questions where military equipment disappeared, which, judging by the underground facilities, was literally stupid the island fortress, there was a lot. One of the participants in amateur expeditions expressed, it would seem that an incredible assumption was committed: "Perhaps the Japanese dropped all their ammunition in Zhero, and then undermined it, causing it powerful eruption. This version, at first glance, sounds like fiction. But the road was laid up on the volcano cone, where and after decades, traces of tracked technique can be distinguished. The Japanese can only guess the Japanese. "

But all these grandiose structures are alive - only the external, visible part of the Japanese secret underground fortress. After the end of World War II, more than half a century passed, but it was not possible to solve the secrets of the dungeons to anyone.

The Japanese, referring to the secrecy of this information, did not stubbornly responded to requests at first Soviet, and then Russian researchers of the Matuy Island. It was also failed to understand a strange interest in the island of American president.

What hides in their depths of the Kuril Island? And what if the death of military researchers of the island, and not on time awakened volcano, and the interest of the American president to Matua, and the refusal of the Japanese in the provision of materials is not a random chain of events? Maybe in secret not yet found by the dungeons of the island of the fortress, not the necessary military equipment, and the secret laboratories, who have developed a secret weapon who have developed during the war have been involved in the secret and universal laboratories.

At dawn on August 12, 1945, three days before the announcement of Japan's capitulation, in the Japanese Sea, the destruction of the Korean Peninsula, sounded a deafening explosion. A fireball rose a fiery ball with a diameter of about 1000 meters. Following him, a giant mushroom cloud arose. According to the American expert Charles Stone, the first and last atomic bomb of Japan blown here, and the power of the explosion was about the same as the American bombs blown out a few days before the Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

C. Stone's statement that during World War II, Japan has led the work on the creation of an atomic bomb and succeeded, was met with great doubts by many US scientists. More carefully for this information was the military historian John Dauer.

According to this well-known scientist, completely eliminate the likelihood that at dawn on August 12, 1945 in the Japanese Sea off the coast of Korea was blown up the first and last atomic bomb of Japan, it is impossible. Certificate of this can serve as a huge secret military Hynnam complex, located in the territory of modern DPRK. It was quite powerful and equipped with everything necessary for the production of an atomic bomb.

The truthfulness of the unexpected hypothesis of C. Stowan confirms the research of the former American intelligence officer of Theodore McNelli. At the end of World War II, he served in the analytical intelligence of the headquarters of the commander of the allies on the Pacific Ocean of General Makatur.

In his article, McNelli writes that American intelligence has reliable data about the large Japanese nuclear center in the Korean city of Hynnam, but kept information about this object secretly from the USSR. Moreover, in the morning of August 14, 1945 american airplanes brought air samples to their airfields, taken over the Japanese sea nearby eastern coast Korean Peninsula. Processing the resulting samples gave stunning results. She showed that in the aforementioned area Japanese Sea On the night of August 12 August 13 there was an explosion of an unknown nuclear device!

Assuming that in underground city On the island of the fortress, the developing of the most terrible weapons of the 20th century - nuclear weapons, it gives an answer to many questions that are inserted by the organizers of amateur research expeditions to the deadlock.

Why did President Truman, turning to Stalin, requested to transfer the US Matu Island?

Even before the end of World War II, the Americans began to prepare for an armed clash from the USSR. After declassifying materials about the Second World War in the British archive, a folder was found with the inscription "unthinkable operation". Indeed, no one could think about such an operation! On document Date - May 22, 1945. Consequently, the development of the operation was started before the end of the war, the plan was described in the document in the industry's industry ... a massive strike on Soviet troops!

The main trump card with a military collision could be a nuclear weapon, which is only among the United States. Soviet tank divisions that have passed the second world Warwere in the center of Europe. If Stalin had received a nuclear weapon created by Japanese scientists to his superiority in the ground forces, then in the case of a military collision, the outcome of the war would be predetermined and Europe would have become fully socialist.

Why did the Japanese, referring to the secrecy of the information, do not persist in requests at first Soviet, and then Russian researchers of the Matuy Island?

And how should they come?

If the Underground Classified Center was found on the island of Matu, in which nuclear weapons were developed, and not only was developed, but the technology of its manufacture was brought to practical implementation, this would lead to the revaluation of the events of the Second World War. The atomic bombing of Japanese cities would be justified: American pilots simply ahead of the future atomic raids of Japanese. The requirements for the return of the southern smoke could be considered as a desire to continue work on the creation of secret weapons, which stopped as a result of the defeat of Japan.

And so on this mysterious islandThe Pacific Fleet of Russia unfolded unprecedented research.

The representative of the Eastern Military District recalled that "Mobile airfield complexes have already been deployed on the island to ensure flights aircraft". The drainage system is cleared and the preparation is completed for landing of helicopters of any types.

The personnel of the Military Historical Expedition continues to be active in the bay of double in order to "prepare the coastal section of the island for the approach of a large landing ship to the coast" to the emphasis "for loading equipment and material resources," Gordeev said.

As previously reported, 200 participants in the expedition of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Russian Geographical Society, the Eastern Military District and the Pacific Fleet under the leadership of the Deputy Commander of Tof Vice-Admiral Andrei Ryabukhin on the six ships and courts on May 7 came out of Vladivostok and 14 May arrived on Matu Island.

The detachment of the Pacific Fleet, among which is large a landing ship "Admiral Nevelskoye", Kil-168 film vessel and Sat-522 rescue towing, delivered Matu's Kuril Island of the Joint Expedition of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and RGO, as well as more than 30 units of various techniques.

Matu Island is located in the middle of the Kuril Ridge and is significantly removed from the villagers of Sakhalin and Kamchatka. The size of the island is 11 kilometers in length and 6 and a half in width. It is characterized by an abnormally cold climate with a lot of precipitation. Matu is one of the most active existing volcanoes Region - Sarychev volcano. There is a powerful layer of historical and cultural heritage, which is divided into Ainsk, Japanese and Russian. In addition, the Matua is the most northern point of distribution of cord ceramics - the archaeological culture of Neolithic "Zemon".

This year, the scientific composition of the expedition expanded significantly. Hydrogeologists, volcanologists, hydrobiologists, landscapes, soils, submariners, search engines and archaeologists from Vladivostok and Moscow, Kamchatka and Sakhalin will work on the island of Matu. Participation in the project accept the expedition center of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, Russian Geographical Society and Personal Composition of the Pacific Fleet.

During the work, a collection of materials will be collected for the preparation of an atlas-determinant of the marine inhabitants of the waters of the island of Matu and the neighboring islands, and a video shooting of the bottom of the bottom in the fields of dives to analyze hydrographic characteristics.

The activity of the Volcano Peak Sarychev for the last 100 thousand years will be reconstructed, the level of its modern activity is determined. This is necessary to assess the volcanic hazard of the territory and the formation of a long-term forecast.

In addition, work continues on the search and study of the objects of historical military equipment and fortification facilities of the period of World War II. The development of archaeological works to identify and study monuments of history and culture of various eras, including Ainskaya.

According to the results of the expedition of 2017, materials will be prepared on the prospects for further development of the island: hazardous maps are compiled natural phenomenaThe analysis of alternative sources of energy, the chemical composition of natural waters, potential soil fertility.

In 2016, the Russian Geographical Society together with the Ministry of Defense for the first time an expedition was organized for the first time. Its purpose was the study of the artifacts of World War II and drawing up a historical and geographical portrait of the island.

The second expedition of the Ministry of Deferition of Russia and the Russian Geographical Society on the island of Matu Kuril's ridge was landed today in Aina Bays and Double. The detachment of the Pacific Fleet ships delivered more than 100 military personnel and civilian specialists and 30 units of technology.

Earlier in the Ministry of Defense reported on the plans to create on the matiu item of the basing of the ships of the Pacific Fleet and restore the airfield. Head of the Military Office of Russia Sergei Shoigu noted : "We assume to restore, and not only restore, but also actively exploit this island."

From June to September, the Expedition Center of the Ministry of Defense, the RGO and military sailors are planning to map the terrain, to explore the Volcano Peak Sarychev, hydrography and the terrification of the coastal bottom, to make the Atlas of the Sea inhabitants of the adjacent water area. Hydrogeologists, volcanologists, hydrobiologists, soils, submariners, search engines and archaeologists will work on the mat. Experts will analyze the chemical composition of natural waters and potential soil fertility. This is a region of increased seismic activity, and volcanologists intend to reconstruct the activity of the Volcano Peak Sarychev for the last 100 thousand years to evaluate the volcanic danger of the territory to the perspective.

© Photo: Russian Geographical Society / Andrey Gorban

© Photo: Russian Geographical Society / Andrey Gorban

Lost in the ocean Matu Square of only 52 square kilometers is not in vain causes such close interest.

Strategic value

The Navy studies the possibility of creating ships on the smoke points. Far aviation has its own interest. Two expeditions on Matua are actually a full cycle of design and survey work, which must be fulfilled on the eve of the large-scale construction of a new naval base, more precisely, the point of logistical and technical support of the Pacific Fleet.

The first expedition examined Matua in May-July 2016. Experts conducted radiation and chemical intelligence, studied fortifications and other historical objects, fulfilled more than a thousand laboratory studies, made hundreds of measurements of the external environment, including the hydrography of bays and bays.

Matua is the island of the middle group of a large ridge of the Kuril Islands (in a straight line to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - 670 kilometers, to Japanese Hokkaido - 740 kilometers). Administratively. During World War II was one of the largest Japanese naval databases. The root inhabitants of the island were Hunters - Aina, in 1875 they were replaced by Japanese military personnel. In 1945, Soviet border guards settled on the island, later - air defense units. In 2000, military facilities were molded on Matu, and the island became uninhabited for 15 years.

The island resembles a fortress in the middle of the ocean. Matuy reliably protected by impregnable rocks and high shores ,. Not bad Japanese dots, paved roads, three runways of the military airfield, as well as spacious underground structures of incomprehensible destination.

In the southwestern part of the Matua there is a convenient and relatively safe for the basing of the ships, covered by the winds with a small island of ax. It was here that the Japanese raid and berths were located. Since the 1930s, the island served as the Japanese bridgehead for further expansion in the direction of Kamchatka.

In August 1945, Soviet paratroopers found almost unarmed Japanese on Matu: 3,800 surrendered soldiers and officers turned out to be only 2000 rifles, and pilots, sailors and artillerymen simply disappeared (the garrison numbered 7.5 thousand military personnel). For comparison: Soviet troops seized on the island, Soviet troops seized more than 60 Japanese tanks. From interrogations of the commander of the Northern Group, General Tsumi Fusaki, it is known that the Matu's garrison did not obey him and managed directly from the bet on Hokkaido. The island had a special status and until this day keeps many secrets.

New fortress

Russia borders on the sea with 12 countries, and not all of them are friendly. Until recently, our Pacific neighbors - the United States practiced the military-political "deterrence" of Russia. And Japan claims four russian islands - ITUURUP, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomaia. And the strengthening of the Far Eastern frontier looks quite natural, where since 2015, a single coastal defense system is being created, necessary to control the pouring areas of the Kuril Islands and Bering Strait, covering the fleet deployment routes and increasing the combat stability of marine strategic nuclear forces. Steel Kuril Rud - Measure forced, but very efficient.

In Kurilla, the Okhotsk Sea is formed today almost completely cover the BRC (it is logical to assume the presence on the line of smoke and anti-aircraft missile systems C-400). New features of missile weapons allow you to create particularly protected areas of the sea (Anti-Access / Area-Denial), the most favorable for combat Patrol Patrol RPKSN - in four thousand miles from San Francisco and the positions of American strategic forces of ground-based in Wyoming, Montana and North Dakota .

Kuriles and Kamchatka should turn into an uncomplicated sea \u200b\u200bfortress Russia. And to realize this purpose, the small island of Matou is of great importance.

Recently on tiny uninhabited island Matua Kuril's ridge (area of \u200b\u200babout 52 square kilometers) has begun to work the second expedition of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. An impressive squad of warships and courts under the command arrived to the island from Vladivostok deputy Commander Tof Vice Admiral Andrei Ryabukhina. As part of the detachment of the BDK Admiral Nevelskoy, Kil-168 killeter and Sat-522 rescue tug. On their boards about hundreds of researchers and 30 units of engineering equipment to ensure various works.

Exactly a year ago, the first one expedition on the same "Admiral Nevelsky" has already visited Matu. And he also led her vice-admiral of Ryabukhin. Specialists conducted more than 1000 laboratory studies on physicochemical and biological indicators, more than 200 measurements of the external environment were made, radiation and chemical intelligence were carried out. Divers were examined by both tiny bays of this Sushi Klobe - Ain (maximum depths of up to 25 meters) and Yamato (depth of 9 meters). During the Second World War, it was through them that the seven-thousand Japanese garrison was supplied to the Mato, on which the largest and well-equipped military base of the imperial army was located. Most of its defensive structures were cut down in the surrounding rocks and served as a reliable shelter for personnel and combat seals.

But the main thing on the island was not numerous artillery dots and underground tunnels. The main importance was the largest military airfield at the time, which allowed the Japanese from these places to control the extensive part of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of \u200b\u200bOcean, as well as most of the islands of the Kuril ridge. Three concerned and heated thermal underground sources of the runway (GDP) in length in 1200 meters each did an airfield almost all-weather. Nevertheless, in 1945, the Japanese 41rd separate mixed regiment was defended here (in three thousand soldiers and officers, the rest of the garrison was already evacuated by the rest of the garrison) surrendered to the Soviet paratroopers without a single shot.

Despite the fact that after World War II, the island remained almost delubful and the Soviet authorities, almost nothing was used, as it turned out, that airfield and today in good condition. In any case, Russian military helicopters since the summer of 2016 are already sitting at him. Is it capable of the island's airfield after small restoration work, also planes? And if yes, what types of? This, too, last year found out the expedition of Vice Admiral of Ryabukhin.

The goal of such an unprecedented activity of the Far Eastern seafarers is not a secret. For the first time about it in May 2016, at the military council of the Eastern Military District announced colonel-General Sergey Surovikin: The possibility of accommodation on the island of the new base of the Pacific Fleet on the island is studied. Moreover, on June 29, when the work of the first expedition was still in full swing, a certain unnamed source in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated RIA Novosti that construction of base objects on Matu It will be started at a rabid pace - until the end of 2016. However, contrary to these plans while there is nothing there. Why?

It is known at least about one unexpected problem with which the TOO command faced: fresh water. When the Japanese garrison stood here, the water on Matu was clearly plenty. This is evidenced by huge concrete tanks, preserved in the rocks. As well as an extensive network of ceramic pipes, which stretches from them to defensive structures. While the pipes, understandable things, are empty. How to fill the cunning Japanese plumbing again, our engineers did not find out today. According to Vice Admiral of Ryabukhin, "We still do not understand exactly what and where I went and from where it flows out." In the meantime, this is a secret, it is impossible to start a construction site. Tankers and vessels-Aquarius of her needs in the lifeful moisture not satisfy.

But all this, apparently, temporary difficulties and a new base on this island, our fleet will ever ever receive. It seems to be important to try to understand why she is for us? And in general, what will it be for the base?

What can be said for sure today - for warships and auxiliary vessels there can be only temporary moorings. The reasons are not only that the bays of Ain and Yamato nature are too open and not enough protected from the ocean winds and storms. Although they are marked as possible places of anchor parking.

The main problem for creating a full-fledged ship-based location, obviously represents matu Vulcan Sarychev high 1446 meters high. His strong eruptions over the past century happened four times, in 1928, 1930, 1946, 1976, one eruption occurred in 2009. Then the two flux of hot lava crawled into the ocean, froze and increased the area of \u200b\u200bthe island immediately to one and a half square kilometers. No wonder in the language of those who had once in these parts of the people of Ainov Matuy - "Little Burning Pill".

But the volcano is not the only problem for Matu. This is a region of increased seismic activity. Regular mighty earthquakes cause destructive tsunami. Let's say, the most powerful in the history of modern smoked Simushirous earthquake, which happened on November 15, 2006, wrapped on the island giant wave, I have reached a height of 20 meters. What apparently is comparable to the consequences of a close underwater nuclear explosion. What would remain in this case from the berths and our ships on Matu?

Thus, the new item of ship basing Tof on Matu We will build hardly. Then in the name of what cheese bor? Restat a military airfield? Taking into account the three wonderful WFP built by the Japanese, their return to life, obviously, will not require great effort. But the length of each, as mentioned, 1200 meters, width - 80 meters. To plant even a helicopter regiment of this more than enough. For SU-27, Su-35 and MiG-29 fighters, too. But, let's say, for heavy bombers Tu-22M3 will be not enough, the strips will have to lengthen almost twice. But after all, it was in landing here the Russian long-distance aviation see the main meaning of the new military base on Mosti, most Russian military experts. Because in this case, within reach of our heavy bombers, the Pacific Coast of the United States will be. So, not only the "strategy" Tu-95ms and Tu-160 will be able to fly to patrolling the "state" front. The circle of potential threats to the Americans from Russia will be much wider.

On this account is full of optimism former commander-in-chief Air force RF General Army Peter Daenekin: "As for the airfield on Matu, then he is currently not enough to ensure heavy aircraft flights. But in the future everything will be done so that this airfield turns into an aviation base. "

The only question is whether this relief will allow terrain? After all, at least one lane for Tu-22M3 will have to lengthen more than twice as much as - up to 3-3.5 km. With the maximum length of the island at 11 kilometers and a 6.4 kilometer width, this may be a problem. Especially if you consider that a significant part of the territory is the volcano Sarychev. Surely and on the solution of this problem today, the expedition of Vice-Admiral of Ryabukhin is beating.

Meanwhile, even if the Russian long-range aviation will not be able to "plant" on Matuy, and it will be limited to fighters, a lot of meaning in a new island database will still be. Because the boundaries of our air cover opportunities of the atomic underwater rocket cruisers of strategic appointments, including new Boreev, in Vilyuchinsk (Kamchatka) will also be decently spread.

After all, today the task of a fighter cover of the Kamchatka is placed mainly on the 865th separate aircraft that flies on MiG-31 interceptors. The regiment is based on the aerodrome of Elizovo near Petropavlovsky-Kamchatsky. And Matua is about 700 kilometers south-west of the aircraft parking lots of the 865th separate shelf. Accordingly, in this direction to the center of the Pacific Ocean, the far boundary of the potential interception of the enemy air attack will be shifted. Winning in time and space for us in case of a sudden attack more than impressive.

There is nothing to say that the same thing on Matua will surely be done with the complexes of anti-religious winged rockets "Bastion", "Ball", as well as anti-aircraft missile systems S-400 "Triumph". Since last year, such a weapon is already deployed in Kamchatka, which immediately caused a completely understandable sharp response in the United States and Japan. There were concerned about the fact that in the Peninsula, Russia creates another "A2 / AD access limiting zone, as such areas are called in the Pentagon.

It was still believed that "A2 / AD zones" we have already been created in Kaliningrad, Crimea, under St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Yerevan and in Syrian Tartus. But all this in the North-West, Western and southwest directions. Now it was the turn of the Russian Far East. To the previous list of overseas strategists, it is necessary to plus and Kamchatka. However, if we manage to quickly turn into the fortress. And the island of Matuy, even the defense of the base of Russian atomic rocket cruisers will become deep-elapted. And to close to the peninsula will not work with impunity.

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