A place in portugal where there are huge waves. Nazare: giant waves and other features of the resort

For fans of big waves and surfers, Nazare (Portugal) is a well-known resort located an hour's drive from the capital of the country. The town was founded at the beginning of the 16th century.

It is here that, due to the peculiarities of the seascape, there are waves up to 30 meters high. Only the most courageous athletes can tame the roaring and raging elements. The best surfers from all over the world come to Nazar every year. The rest of Nazar is a small fishing town, there are many cafes and restaurants, souvenir shops.

Photo: waves in Nazar (Portugal).

general information

Tourists call Lisbon the heart of the country, and Nazaré is its soul. And this soul is passionate, beautiful and noble. You can endlessly fall in love with the town and also endlessly admire the big waves of Nazare in Portugal.

The population of the city is just over 10 thousand inhabitants. It is located in the Leiria region, which is known for centuries-old fishing traditions and the legend of the miraculous rescue of the monarch by the Mother of God. For many decades, pilgrims from all over the world came to Nazar, but the town gives an incredible sense of unity with nature and allows you to enjoy beautiful landscapes.

Local residents honor ancient traditions, prefer to wear old clothes, and you can often hear folk songs on the streets. Women in Nazar still wear seven skirts and, in the old-fashioned way, repair nets and dry fish, sitting on the shore. Many tourists have the feeling that time has stopped here, but this did not prevent the city from becoming one of the most visited resorts in the country. All conditions for a comfortable stay are created here.

The town is divided into two parts. The upper one is ancient; the main sights of Nazare in Portugal are concentrated here. In the lower town there is a beach, souvenir shops, cafes, restaurants, shops and all the tourist infrastructure.

On a note! It is better to buy souvenirs in the lower part of Nazare, as they are cheaper here.

Features of rest

If you love the ocean, then Nazare will be perfect for you regardless of the season of the year. The high season begins in the second half of May and lasts until the beginning of autumn, during the rest of the year, elderly people and surfers come here.

Summer resort

If your main goal is beach vacation Summer is best for this. However, it should be borne in mind that the Atlantic coast is quite cool, the water here does not warm up above +18 degrees. In addition, the ocean is often stormy. On weekends, the beach is filled not only with tourists, but also with the local population.

In the midst of the high season, the temperature varies from +17 to +30 degrees, but in the sun it feels +50 degrees. It almost never rains, the vegetation becomes scarce, faded, and fires often occur.

Nazare in autumn

With a decrease in temperature, the waves are gaining strength, the weather is quite windy, it rains, but in sunny weather locals wear T-shirts.

Helpful information! An umbrella in Nazar will not save you from the rain, as strong gusts of wind simply turn it inside out. It is best to stock up on a waterproof hooded jacket.

The most comfortable months for rest are September and the first half of October. At this time, the temperature is kept at + 20 ... + 25 degrees, there is little precipitation.

Nazare in the spring

Early spring is quite cool here, the temperature does not rise above +10 degrees, it rains regularly. The weather becomes comfortable for rest only in May.

Nazare in winter

The average temperature ranges from +8 to +15, this is an ideal time for extreme surfing and just to watch the brave athletes. It is during the cold season that Nazaré in Portugal has the largest waves in the world.


This amazing surfer's paradise was found by an athlete with Hawaiian Islands Garrett McNamaru. He owns the world record - Garrett was able to conquer a huge wave of 24 meters (although some fans of exaggeration say that the height was 34 meters). Since then, surfers from many countries have flocked to Nazaré to test their courage and courage.

Interesting fact! The secret of constant big waves in Nazar is that there is a canyon opposite the town at the bottom of the ocean, the stream of water, falling into it, pushes a huge amount of water to the surface in the form of high waves.

If you just want to watch the athletes, climb the cape, from where you can see beautiful view and you can get plenty of air filled with iodine.

While traveling along the Portuguese Golden Circle in Nazar, they often stop to eat, as they prepare delicious fish and seafood dishes.

What else needs to be done in Nazar:

  • take an ancient tram to Citiu;
  • eat in one of the restaurants;
  • admire the surfers;
  • watch the sunset on the shore Atlantic Ocean and drink port - a famous drink in Portugal.

What to watch and where to go

The beach is a strip of sand 150 meters wide and about 1.7 km long, which is located between the harbor and the cliff. On the cliff, there is the São Miguel Arcanjo fort, built in the 17th century, a lighthouse and an observation deck, where tourists come to see the city from a bird's eye view.

The beach has a well-developed infrastructure, soft, clean sand and many cafes and taverns. There is no natural shade on the beach, but in the summer, awnings are installed here to protect from the heat. In the cold season, there are practically no vacationers on the Nazare beach and you can admire the beauty of nature almost alone.

On a note! There is a fishing market not far from the beach, where locals bring their catch.

Sitiu District

This is the historical district of the city, where all the sights are collected, from here a panoramic view of Nazare opens.

Temple of Our Lady

What to visit in Citiu:

  • temple of the Mother of God;
  • fort of the Archangel Michael;
  • Lighthouse;
  • chapel where the Black Madonna was previously kept.

The area is located on a hill; delicious nuts and dried fruits are sold here. The souvenir shops are full of beautiful handicrafts, shells from the depths of the ocean. The place is atmospheric, in the evenings they come here to relax and sit in cozy cafe... There is a toilet in the square, clean and tidy.

If you want to tickle your nerves a little, take a walk along the path that runs right above the cliff. Under bell ringing walk to the lighthouse and listen to the noise ocean waves... You can always use the funicular, it works until 23-00.

Viewpoint Miradoru do Suberco

The observation deck is located at an altitude of 110 meters, overlooking the city of Nazare, the beach and the ocean with its big waves.

Associated with this place beautiful legend, according to which the appearance of the Madonna to the inhabitants of Nazare took place here. The saint saved the knight Fuas Rupinho from death, who lost his way in the fog and, without the help of the Virgin Mary, would have fallen off the cliff.

The observation deck is a place visited by tourists, so it is quite crowded here. From here, the beach looks like a large anthill with scurrying people and colorful awnings. Just behind the beach you can see the port with boats of local fishermen.

The two parts of the city - the upper and the lower - are connected by a path, along which it is better to walk with a flashlight at night, since it is not illuminated. If you don't want to go on foot, use the funicular, which runs from 6-00 to 23-00. The lower part of Nazare is a maze of streets that intertwine in a bizarre way.

Most of them are only for hiking... Mount San Bras rises in a southeast direction. You can also consider a new microdistrict under construction.

The fort is a surf museum and is used as a lighthouse, which was installed here in 1903. This is a traditional fortification that protected the settlement from enemy attacks.

The museum exposition is dedicated to Garrett McNamar and the huge wave he conquered. The surfer managed to ride the entire wavelength and stay on his feet.
It was after this event that Nazare became famous and became the center of surfing and a favorite place for nature lovers. The museum exhibits photographs of a surfer, colorful posters with views of Nazare, detailed descriptions of the area.

The lighthouse has several viewing platforms, they are installed at different heights. A wobbly, not fixed staircase leads to one of them, so it is rather difficult to get there, it will take some courage. Not only tourists but also local fishermen gather at the sites.

A picturesque view opens from the lighthouse - the new district of Nazare and the city beach. A staircase leads from the lighthouse to the ocean, you can go down straight to the water and feel the salt spray on your face.

Located in Citiu Square. This is a very beautiful and sophisticated building. The legend of the Madonna is associated with it, namely, a small sculpture of the Black Madonna. The sculpture is believed to have accomplished trip around the world and got to the village from Nazareth, in honor of this legend the city is named. The Black Madonna was brought to Portugal by a monk, since then the sculpture of the saint has been kept in the town. Every year hundreds of thousands of pilgrims and believers from all over the world come to touch it.

The landmark building was reconstructed three times, the last reconstruction was carried out in the 17th century. A bizarre staircase leads to the entrance. Bells are installed under exquisite, beautifully shaped domes. Inside, the temple looks very luxurious and solemn. The premises are decorated with arches, columns and gilding. An organ is installed in the church, and opposite musical instrument there is an altar with a sanctuary. In comparison with Catholic buildings in European countries, the local Church of Our Lady looks elegant and festive.

To the right of the main entrance is the Museum of Religious Arts, which can be visited completely free of charge. The exhibits include old church robes, sculptures and paintings on biblical themes and household items of priests.

There is a souvenir shop at the exit. Is it possible to leave the attraction and not buy a souvenir as a keepsake.

How to get there

Nazare is located in the Leiria region, approximately one hour by car from the capital of Portugal. If you are traveling from Porto, the journey will take two hours. You need to go along the A8 highway. This is a toll track.

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By bus

For tourists who travel without personal transport, The best way to get to Nazar - by bus. In Lisbon, flights depart from the Sete Rios bus station, you can get here by metro - the Linhea Azul line, the required station - Jardim Zoologico. To the resort Nazare public transport arrives at the bus station located not far from the center.

All buses are new and comfortable, equipped with air conditioning and Wi-Fi. The frequency of flights is approximately once an hour. Please note that on weekends and holidays the number of flights is decreasing.

You can also get from Lisbon by train, but the journey will take longer, since there is no railway station in Nazaré. Trains arrive at the village of Valado de Frades (6 km from the resort). You can reach the final destination by taxi or bus (Rodoviária do Tejo).

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Nazare (Porugalia) is a unique town, attractive and amazing at any time of the year. You can come here in winter, when there are big waves in Nazar, or in summer to soak up the beach. The resort offers relaxation for all tastes - you can enjoy the soft sand on the beach, go shopping or tasting local dishes, keep fit on the simulators, extreme species sports or visiting attractions.

How big the waves are in Nazar can be seen in the video.

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Why Nazar has the biggest waves in the world? July 15th, 2017

There is a place in the world from which photo and video reports about giant waves are often made. For the past few years, records in Big Wave surfing for the largest wave taken (both with hands and with a jet) have been set on the same wave of Nazare. The first such record was set by Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara in 2011 - the wave height was 24 meters. Then, in 2013, he broke his record by riding a 30-meter wave.

Why is it in this place that the largest waves in the world?

Let's first recall the mechanism of wave formation:

So, everything starts far, far away in the ocean, where strong winds blow and storms rage. As we know from the school geography course, the wind blows from an area with high pressure to an area of ​​low pressure. In the ocean, these areas are separated by many kilometers, so the wind blows over a very large area of ​​the ocean, transferring some of its energy to the water through friction. Where this happens, the ocean is more like a bubbling soup - have you ever seen a storm at sea? There is about the same, only the scale is larger. There are small and large waves here, all interspersed, superimposed on each other. However, the energy of water also does not stand still, but moves in a certain direction.

Due to the fact that the ocean is very, very large, and waves of different sizes move at different speeds, during the time until all this seething porridge reaches the shore, it is "sifted", some small waves add up to others into large ones, others, on the contrary, mutually destroyed. As a result, what is called the Groung Swell comes to the shore - flat ridges of waves, divided into sets from three to nine with very large intervals of calm between them.

However, not every swell is destined to become the waves of surfing. Although, it would be more correct to say - not everywhere. In order for a wave to be caught, it must break in a certain way. Wave formation for surfing depends on the structure of the bottom in the coastal area. The ocean is very deep, so the mass of water moves evenly, but as it approaches the coast, the depth begins to decrease, and the water that moves closer to the bottom, in the absence of another outlet, begins to rise to the surface, thereby raising waves. In the place where the depth, or rather shallowness, reaches a critical value, the rising wave can no longer become larger and collapses. The place where this happens is called the line-up, and this is where surfers sit, waiting for a suitable wave.

The waveform directly depends on the shape of the bottom: the sharper it becomes shallow, the sharper the wave. Usually, the sharpest and even trumpeting waves are born where the elevation change is almost instantaneous, for example, at the bottom of a huge rock or the beginning of a reef plateau.

Photo 2.

Where the drop is gradual and the bottom is sandy, the waves are gentler and slower. These waves are best suited for learning to surf, which is why all surf schools conduct their first beginner lessons on sandy beaches.

Photo 3.

Of course, there are also other factors that affect the waves, for example, the same wind: it can improve or degrade the quality of the waves depending on the direction. In addition, there are so-called wind swells, these are waves that do not have time to "sift" by distance, since the storm is raging not so far from the coast.

So, now about the highest waves. Thanks to the winds, huge energy is accumulated, which then moves towards the coast. As you get closer to the coast, the oceanic swell transforms into waves, but unlike other places on our planet, a surprise awaits it off the coast of Portugal.

Photo 4.

The thing is that it is in the area of ​​the city of Nazare that the seabed is a huge canyon with a depth of 5000 meters and a length of 230 kilometers. This means that the oceanic swell does not undergo changes, but reaches, as it is, to the continent itself, falling on the coastal cliffs with all its might. Wave height is usually measured as the distance from the crest to the base (where, by the way, something like a depression is often sucked in, which increases the height compared to if it was measured at the mean sea level at a given tide height).

Photo 5.

However, unlike such waves as Mavericks or Teahupu, on Nazar the ridge, even if it collapses, never hangs over the base, moreover, it is separated from the bottom point by about 40 meters along the horizontal axis. Due to the spatial distortion of perspective, when viewed from the front, we see a block of water 30 meters, technically, it is even larger, but this is not the height of the wave. That is, strictly speaking, Nazare is not a wave, but a water mountain, a pure oceanic swell, powerful and unpredictable.

Photo 6.

However, the fact that Nazaré is not exactly a wave does not make this spot any less scary and dangerous. Garrett McNamara says that getting through Nazar is incredibly difficult. Usually three people help him in the water: one pulls him on a jet to the line-up, accelerates him to the wave and does not float far to see that everything is in order with the surfer. He is secured by a second jet, as well as a third one a little further away, the driver of which is watching all three. Also, near the lighthouse on a cliff, Garrett's wife stands and tells him on the radio what waves are going and what waves you can take. On the day he set his second record, not everything went smoothly. The first driver was knocked off the jet by a wave, so the second had to pull Garrett out of the foam, and the third rushed to help the first. Everything was done clearly and quickly, so no one was hurt.

Photo 7.

Garrett himself says the following: “of course, all these safety net and technical devices in surfing on big waves Is a kind of cheating. And in principle, you can do without them, but in this case the chances of dying are much higher. As for me personally, since I had a wife and children, I feel more responsibility for them and fear for my life, so I go to all the technical tricks in order to most likely return home alive. "

Photo 8.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 17.

Photo 18.

Photo 19.

Photo 20.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.


Description of the excursion

Nazare city Is one of the many Portuguese cities where special miracles have taken place over a long, eventful history. Officially, the city received this name only at the beginning of the 20th century. He combined several settlements, including "the place of Nazare", in Portuguese Sitio da Nazare. This is the upper part of the city, where the important historical monuments... One of them is the Temple of Our Lady of Nazareth, where the sacred image of Our Lady of Nazareth is kept, otherwise it is called the Black Madonna. It is in her honor that the city is named.

Church "Nossa Senhora da Nazare". In the left wing there is a hospital, and in the right wing there used to be royal chambers ...

The image is carved out of wood, measuring only 25 cm, and represents the Mother of God sitting on a skylight with Jesus in her arms. The original was cut by Joseph himself when Jesus was a baby. The first Christians of Nazareth worshiped him, an image made of wood. Over time, it was multiplied and spread throughout the world.

Perhaps the church in Nazar left the most pleasant memories of all the others in Portugal ... here you can look into the holy of holies

So, in the 5th century, one of the images was brought from Nazareth by a Greek monk to the Spanish city of Merida. Merida in those days was the religious capital of the entire Iberian Peninsula. For two centuries, the monks of one of the monasteries of Merida prayed to this sacred image.

Madonna of Nazareth behind glass ... at arm's length

At the beginning of the 8th century, the Moors appeared on the Iberian Peninsula. With a new religion. They quickly conquered city after city. The Muslim faith was forcibly implanted. Those who voluntarily converted to a new religion were given life. Those who disagree were threatened with death. In the battle for Merida, the Moors were victorious. The leader of the Christians, King Rodrigo, managed to escape from the battlefield, he took refuge in the very monastery where the image of the Mother of God was located. Fleeing from the inevitable reprisal, with one of the monks, he went to the Atlantic coast, taking the image with him. Having covered more than 300 km, the king and monk decided to become hermits and settled in different places. Don Rodrigo - in an abandoned church on Mount de São Bartolomeu. And the monk lived until the end of his days in a cave, just at the cliff where Sitio da Nazare is located, keeping with him the sacred image of Our Lady of Nazareth.

Upper town "Sitio da Nazare". This is where the history of modern Nazare began ...

It is unlikely that at that time this place, Sitio da Nazare, was inhabited. Who could settle in the seven winds without an order from above? Near the sand dunes ... in any case, I did not find information. The continuation of the story takes us to 1182. By then, during the Reconsists, the territory that is now Portugal was liberated from Muslim rule. With the help of the knights of the religious orders. As a token of gratitude, King Afonso the Great, or the Founder, awarded them with lands. Here and there fortresses, castles, abbeys arose. But now about something else. In the early morning of September 14, 1182, Don Fouache Roupino, the commander of one of the fortresses, the Templar, was on a hunt with his comrades. Fog. Don Fouache, on horseback, is chasing a deer. The deer jumps out of fear into the abyss, off the cliff.

This is how it was ...

Another moment, and the horse, along with the rider, will follow there. And then Don Roupino cries out for help to the Virgin Mary. An unknown force stops the horse at the very edge ... How to express gratitude to the savior? Don Fouache decides to build a chapel. For the construction I had to look for material. So, the masons ended up in the same cave. And they found an ivory box. And in it is a sacred image and parchment, where the story of how the image of the Virgin Mary ended up here was recorded. When the chapel was built, the image was placed inside for worship. The news of the miracle attracted pilgrims from everywhere. Commoners and kings prayed in this tiny chapel. Over time, the pilgrims did not have enough space. Therefore, in the XIV century, a church was built near the chapel. Madonna settled there. And Sitio began to grow under the tutelage of the kings themselves. The church was completed, decorated with gold and Azuleja tiles, made by special order in Holland. Now the image of the Mother of God of Nazareth can be viewed at arm's length. For 2 euros

This is the very Chapel that Roupino built. Where until the XIV century there was a sacred image. Going down 6 steps, the pilgrims prayed to the Virgin Mary

Believe it or not in these stories? Let's believe! It's more interesting ... Here's another unconfirmed one. In 1609, Father Bartalameo, a chronicler, a monk of the monastery in Alkubas, discovered ancient parchments in the archives of the monastery, which described the events and details of the events concerning the cave and the rescue of the Templar. This news was presented to the public. Only where the parchments are now, it seems, no one knows. And modern science has not confirmed the authenticity of the image itself. But who needs it and why? The main thing is that people believe in miracles! The legend helped the whole city grow! And for us - the opportunity to have fun, to think, to dream about our own miracle ... The Mother of God appeared in Portugal more than once ... She is considered the patroness of the country, and from time to time helps her subjects ... Brave Portuguese sailors also believed in her miraculous power. They asked her blessing and help before their long and dangerous travels right here, in Nazar. Vasco de Gama, Pedro Cabral, the great Jesuit Francis Xavier and many others.

This is a view of the new Nazare. Once upon a time there was an ocean on the site of these houses ... and a little warmer ...

What else is Nazaré famous for? In huge waves. The highest in Europe. Thanks to underwater canyon, 5,000 meters deep, they gain strength and rise off the coast to incredible heights. They begin in late autumn, when serious storms play out on the Atlantic Ocean. It was at this time that the championships among surfing professionals take place. So, in 2011, a world record was set here, which is entered in the Guinness Book of Records. The brave Garrett McNamara became another the legend of Nazare... In 2013, he improved his record by conquering the 34-meter wave. Footage of this sporting feat has been featured in news stories around the world. Watch the video! The power of the ocean and people who are with this power on "you"

But the ocean in Nazar is not always harsh. In summer and early autumn, you can have a nice rest here. Sunshine, beaches, refreshing breezes, excellent healthy food at reasonable prices. And the authorities have recently been paying attention to the possibilities of replenishing the budget at the expense of vacationers. This means that it will be clean, festive, safe and hospitable. And if you consider that just a few tens of kilometers from Nazare there are no less “wonderful” cities: Alkubasa, Leiria, Fatima, Kaldash da Rainha, Obidos, Tomar, then curious tourists will definitely have no time to get bored. Therefore, come! Booking offers 66 accommodation options in hotels, aparthotels, hostels, apartments.

Tents protect from wind and sun ... with such protection you can stay on the beach from morning to evening. And cafes and restaurants with everything you need are 50 steps away ...

Other sights of Nazare. Archangel Michael Fort... It is from its site that those who wish to watch the surfer competitions. Built in the 16th century to protect against pirates and corsairs. Inside is Garrett's Museum and Plaque. Joaquim Manso Museum(Joaquim Manco), where it is interesting to trace the history of the development of the city. Fisherman's museum. Modern lift connecting the upper and lower Nazare.

This is lower Nazare, on the left is the beach, and here are shops, cafes, restaurants, hotels. And the apartments offered by strolling nazareans who do not know the Internet and Booking ...

Dinosaur footprints... Wall in Sitio ( Muralha do Sitio), which was erected at the beginning of the 18th century to protect the houses of brave residents from wind and sand. Sandstorms were common. Houses fell asleep to the top. People had to climb out through the rooftops.

This woman inspired me to dress up with a howl suit ... she herself offered to be photographed in it. The kindness and openness of the provincial Portuguese require a separate discussion ...

Later, by royal order, the landing began. pine forests... Thanks to them, living in Nazar has become easier ... Cave (Gruta da Nazare)... Only the distant part of it, which would be just interesting, is walled up. Too many people who have gone deep have never returned. Women of Nazaré who proudly walk in their seven "Nazarene" skirts, shawls and heavy clogs.

Seafood and fish... Fishing has developed in Nazar since time immemorial. Was very life-threatening. And he formed a special, somewhat sullen type of "Nazarenovskiy" man. They write that Vashko de Gama highly appreciated the composure and endurance of local fishermen, recruiting them into Indian expeditions. And the fish in Nazar is especially good! Plankton, forming in the depths of the canyon, has some magical properties. Fish and various reptiles feed on it and are filled with a pronounced taste. And you can enjoy it in numerous restaurants and cafes of the city. As well as natural vegetables, fruits, wine, local sweets and the most polite service. Market in the city of Nazare... Here you will fill the consumer basket at very reasonable prices.

You can buy everything here! What is missing for happiness ... in the city of Nazare

Tempting? Want to go to Nazar? Dear friends! If the note seemed interesting to you, share it with your friends on social networks! After all, perhaps some of them are now thinking about where to spend their vacation, and will be interested the city of Nazare in Portugal

Take a walk through the city of Nazare, you can dine at a wonderful fish restaurant on the shore during. To order an excursion in Nazar, fill out the application in the section "" or call by phone, Viber, WhatsApp +79221529970

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Dear friends! Welcome to Portugal! I will help you organize your vacation in this wonderful country. You can contact me for a transfer, an excursion in any city of the country, for advice on which hotel to stay or where to eat deliciously and on all other issues related to Portugal.

Nazare is a small town on the Atlantic coast of Portugal, with a population of only 10 thousand people. Founded in 1514. The two parts of the city, the upper and the lower, are connected by a 314-meter cable car route. Tourists prefer to settle in the lower, seaside part of Nazare, where most of the hotels and almost all of the tourist infrastructure are located - restaurants, cafes, service and retail establishments. On the coast, there is a beautiful promenade about a kilometer long, with palm trees and snow-white colonial-style buildings. The embankment serves tourists as a promenade avenue, here you can enjoy the healing ocean air around the clock, but sometimes it is very windy.

In the upper part of Nazare, the Sitio quarter, the main sights of the city are concentrated (temples, museums, an old fort). From here opens great view on the ocean coast, picturesquely outlined by the foam of the surf.

Compared to other resorts on the Portuguese coast, rest in Nazar is inexpensive. A hotel room can be rented for 3000 rubles per day. True, in fish restaurants the prices are slightly higher than in Lisbon and Porto, but high price is compensated by the excellent taste of local fish caught here. Nazare was and remains a city of fishermen, fish are even depicted on the city's coat of arms.


The Virgin Mary is considered the patroness of the city of Nazare; the main Catholic church in the Sitio quarter, built in the XIV century, is dedicated to her. Not far from the temple is the Chapel of Remembrance, in honor of the event of the XII century, when the Portuguese king hunting in this place miraculously escaped falling into the abyss.

There are three museums in Nazar, all of them are also located in the upper part of the city, in the Sitio quarter: the Museum of Religious Arts, Ethnographic and Archaeological Museum, House-Museum of the Fisherman. And another memorial site, Fort Sau Miguel Arcanjo, is located under open air, on the far side of the quarter protruding into the sea - here Portuguese fishermen and peasants fought with Napoleon's soldiers.

Last changes: 02.10.2017

Surfing in Nazar

Not standing out too much among the many seaside towns on the Atlantic coast of Portugal, Nazaré has nevertheless gained worldwide fame as a surf center. It was here that the American surfer Garrett McNamara set a world record: he conquered a wave 30 meters high. Such, and sometimes even higher waves are not uncommon here. During the winter months, the most favorable for surfing, Nazar attracts "wave conquerors" from all over the world.

The secret of the unusually high waves, even for the restless Atlantic coast of Portugal, in Nazaré is in the unique structure of the seabed in the coastal waters. The local seabed is a huge canyon stretching from west to east and "abutting" its eastern edge against the coast in the Nazare region. The canyon is 5,000 meters deep and 230 kilometers long. Having originated in the vastness of the Atlantic Ocean, giant waves on their way to the coast do not meet natural obstacles in the form of underwater rocks, reefs and shoals, sweep over a deep canyon and reach the coast, almost without losing their height and power.

Surfing in Nazar is not only a test and "adrenaline" for the surfers themselves, but also a fascinating spectacle that attracts many tourists to this town. The photos and videos taken here of huge waves with brave athletes sliding on their surface are excellent material for blogs and social networks.

Last changes: 02.10.2017

When is the best time to come

The season in Nazar continues all year round, but the best time to relax is summer and early autumn. In summer, there are many swimmers on the beach adjacent to the promenade, although it is not always safe because of the high waves.

Last changes: 02.10.2017

How to get to Nazare

It is impossible to get to Nazaré by sea. The best option is by railroad from Lisbon, trains run several times a day. From Portela airport, bypassing the capital, you can get to Nazare by regular bus. Motorists can reach the city via the A8 motorway.

Last changes: 02.10.2017

Video Nazare

Last changes: 02.10.2017

Did you know that here, in Portugal, not far from us, there is a place where 30-meter waves rise and set Guinness records on them? This place is called Nazare.

Nazare (port. Nazaré;) is an urban-type settlement in Portugal, the center of the municipality of the same name within the Leiria district. Population - 10.1 thousand inhabitants (village), 15.1 thousand inhabitants (municipality). The settlement and the municipality are part of the economic and statistical region Central Region and the Oeshte sub-region. The old way administrative division was part of the province of Estremadura.

In fact, Nazare is an ordinary fishing village. The main fishing village of the country. There is even a fisherman's museum. Other attractions include the Sitiu Quarter with a panoramic view, the Church of Our Lady, and the rest of the nonsense. We are interested in surfing and this is what this village has become famous for in the last 5 years.

Yes, one of the city's main attractions today is the waves and surfing opportunities created by the Nazaré Canyon ("Canhão da Nazaré"), an underwater geomorphological phenomenon that produces giant waves. This is the largest underwater gorge in Europe, stretching along the coast for almost 170 km along the coast and reaching depths of up to 5000 m in some places.

In 2011, Hawaiian surfer Garrett McNamara became world famous when he conquered the world's largest wave on a sandy bottom, reaching 30 meters, at Praia do Norte Beach, received the Billabong XXL Global BigWave Awards. and broke the Guinness World Record. Just like him, every year he comes to Nazar from all over the world a large number of surfers to ride.

Here, on the cape, there is a lighthouse, inside of which they made a museum to them. Garrett V. McNamarrowski. Here is his board produced by the Mercedes Benz concern, on which this Guinness record was set. You can also watch a short video about the preparation process for the record. Impressive however. A brave man.

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