Halkidiki interesting places.

Halkidiki on Greece map

Detailed map of Halkidiki

Halkidiki Map

Chalkidiki is a peninsula on the northeastern coast of the Aegean Sea, in the north of Greece, in the administrative region of Central Macedonia. The peninsula juts out into the sea for 120 kilometers.

The map of Halkidiki draws a trident-shaped peninsula. The Greeks themselves call "teeth" - "fingers". The three "fingers" of Halkidiki are the peninsulas of Kassandra, Sithonia and Athos (Agion-Oros). The surface of the peninsula is an elevated plain with peaks reaching heights of up to 2033 meters (Mount Athos). The coastline is about 500 kilometers long. The capital of the peninsula is the city of Poliyyros.

Kassandra is closest to other Halkidiki peninsulas to the northern capital of Greece, Thessaloniki. It is separated from the mainland of the peninsula by the Potidea Canal, which runs in the narrowest part of the isthmus and connects the Thermaikos Gulf with the Kassandra Gulf.

The middle "finger" - the Sithonia peninsula - is washed by the waters of the Toroneos and Siengitiko gulfs. The coast of Sithonia is cut by picturesque bays.

The Athos Peninsula has a length of 60 kilometers, and its width in different areas varies from 8 to 12 kilometers. Mount Athos (2033 meters) rises in the south-eastern part of the peninsula.

Halkidiki Map with sights located in the map tab, in the locations section. This service will help you navigate the terrain while traveling.

On each of the peninsulas there are many small picturesque towns and villages and resorts. A detailed map of Halkidiki will introduce you to the main resorts and ancient cities with a rich history.

The local population has such an expression: "Without Halkidiki there would be no Greece." And indeed, there is something in it. After all, the Halkidiki peninsula, this Greek trident, is the highlight of all Greece. It is here that tourists from all over the world flock to contemplate with their own eyes the splendor of the local nature, amazing Greek beaches, washed, and get an unforgettable experience of exploring local attractions.

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Halkidiki consists of three peninsulas, or as the local population of "three fingers" says:

  • Sithonia- a place of quiet rest in cozy hotels, with beautiful, incomparable nature.
  • Cassandra- it is in this place that all the entertainment establishments of the peninsula are located, as well as many shops, markets, souvenir shops and a variety of entertainment.
  • Agios Oros- almost all local attractions are located here. It is here, on Mount Athos, that you will find the world famous Greek monasteries.

Now let's plunge into the atmosphere of this wonderful peninsula and take a closer look at it.

History of Halkidiki

There is an ancient myth about the origin of this peninsula. The giant Athos, getting angry, threw a huge stone into the sea, and that, split, formed three "fingers" of the peninsula - the mountain range Athos, Kassandra, named after the king, and Sithonia.

There is also a legend associated with Cassandra. Allegedly, Athena herself, at war with the giants, threw a stone at them, which covered one of them - Engelados. And for many centuries, Engelados has been trying to free himself from the stone that crushed him, causing local earthquakes.

There is another myth that tells about the history of the emergence of Halkidiki. The titans Athos and Seaton quarreled among themselves over the charming mermaid Palini. Poseidon, angry at the titans, threw his trident at them - and so there were three "fingers" on this peninsula.

There is still a great many myths and legends, to which the Greeks are great hunters, but let's talk about the sights of this extraordinary peninsula.

Attractions of the Halkidiki Peninsula

  • Petralona cave

This is one of the largest and most incredibly beautiful limestone caves... It is located on Mount Katsika, 260 meters above sea level.

In the distant 50s of the XIX century, a resident of a local village explored Mount Katsika in search of a source of water and accidentally stumbled upon a deep crevice inside. Going down into it, the man and his comrades, whom he called for help, were amazed to find a very beautiful and large room - everywhere there was a bizarre pattern formed from stalactites and stalagmites.

When the site began to be surveyed, many bones and skulls belonging to humans and animals were found - all of them had lain in this cave for hundreds of thousands of years. Now everything discovered is on display in the showcases of the cave, as proof of the theory about the development of life on Earth. The dimensions of this unique cave are more than 2 thousand kilometers. The temperature here, as befits underground premises, does not rise above 17 degrees. When going here for an excursion, do not forget about warm clothes.

  • Meteora monasteries

Halkidiki is truly phenomenal. "Meteora" is translated from Greek as "soaring in the air." And in fact, looking at these unique buildings, the illusion is created that they are hovering in the skies.

Meteors represent vertical bulk of rocks, located perpendicular to each other, and on their tops can be seen white-stone monasteries under red roofs. These monasteries were erected by ascetic monks in the 14th century. It is even difficult to imagine how much work and time this construction cost them.

To date, only 6 monasteries out of 24 have survived. The status of a monastery remained with only four of them, 2 more work as museums. The most majestic, the Transfiguration Monastery, is located at an altitude of 620 meters above sea level. This was and is the most prosperous monastery of those present - all his funds were invested in it by the emperor of Serbia, who decided to change the rank of the emperor to monastic.

When visiting these places, you must follow a kind of dress code: no bare shoulders and legs. If for some reason you could not dress properly, then for a symbolic amount of 2 euros, you will be provided with the necessary clothes.

  • Mount Olympus

Who has not heard of Olympus? Absolutely all ancient Greek legends, one way or another, are associated with this place. In Halkidiki, you can see this legendary mountain with your own eyes.

Olympus is the highest point in the northeastern part... The summit of Olympus consists of 6 peaks, the highest of which is 2920 m, and the lowest is 2800 m. Around the snow-capped peaks is located Muses plateau, and just below - magnificent in their beauty, alpine meadows.

On the ascent to the peaks of Olympus, you can find ancient monasteries built in the XIV century. This confirms the ancient legends about the eternal desire of man to be closer to the gods.

Today Olympus and its surroundings have been declared a national park in order to preserve the local flora and fauna.

  • Fortress Platamonas

At the foot of Olympus, on the sea coast, there is a village of the same name Platamonas. Not far from it, there is another attraction - the Platamonas fortress.

The fortress was erected in the XIII century by order of King Boniface. Initially, it belonged to the ancient city of Heraclius and had a very important strategic and defensive significance. Inside the fortress, you can now find the ruins of houses and churches, as well as a still functioning church.

This historical monument is a vivid and vivid example of Byzantine architecture, attracting the attention of tourists from all over the world.

  • Afytos Halkidiki

Afitos is a very popular resort village located on the steep, high bank of Kassandra. Locals call Afitos "the stone balcony of Kassandra" because of its location and the beautiful view of the Sithonia Peninsula and Toroneos Gulf.

Afytos differs from all other villages and settlements of Halkidiki with its architecture. All buildings here are made of local porous stone. Getting to Afytos, one gets the impression that you have found yourself somewhere in the 18th century - old stone houses, narrow streets and the special atmosphere of Afytos will not leave any visitor indifferent.

  • Thermal source

Of course, if you are already in Greece, it would be a mistake not to visit the local thermal springs. There are more than 20 of them here. There is also a source in Halkidiki. It is located in the province of Almopia, near the village of Loutraki and is called "Loutra Pozar Resort"... Here you will find spas renowned for their healing massages and anti-aging treatments.

  • Kassandra Peninsula

Kassandra, as mentioned above, is one of the "fingers" of Halkidiki. This peninsula will simply charm you with its unearthly beauty - the cleanest air, magnificent natural landscapes and many local attractions make this peninsula a must-see place on the map of every tourist.

Of course, there is a story here as well. For example, the peninsula is named in honor of the king, whose father-in-law was the notorious Alexander the Great. Each of the churches, of which there are many, are associated with the names of the ancient Greek gods: the temple of Poseidon, the temple of Zeus-Amon, the sanctuary of Dionysus and many others.

When you arrive in Halkidiki, do not forget to see the splendor of this peninsula.

  • Mount Athos

Unlike the abode of the gods - Olympus, is the abode of monks... This mountain is considered the place of the earthly residence of the Mother of God. On this score, there are many beliefs and legends that can be learned by arriving here on an excursion.

At an altitude of over 2200 m above sea level, there are 20 monasteries from the Byzantine culture. Every year, many pilgrims from all over the world flock here, including royals and famous personalities - all of them men. For women, the entrance to the monasteries is closed, but it is quite possible for the fair sex to admire the local picturesque nature, Byzantine architecture and feel the atmosphere of the local holiness.

  • Ancient city of Ouranoupoli

One of the oldest cities in Greece- it was laid back in 315 BC. e., the philosopher Alexarch. His goal was to gather here a lot of people who speak different languages ​​and to equalize the rights of all. Unfortunately, Alexarch's idea failed miserably, but there are many legends about this that will be told here with great pleasure.

Today Ouranoupoli is a cozy resort town with beautiful beaches, a special climate and a variety of leisure activities. Thanks to its landscapes, ancient history and wonderful climate, many tourists from all over the world flock here.

  • Porto Carras. Winery

From ancient times Halkidiki was home to vineyards and winemakers... 400 hectares of Chalkidiki are covered with wonderful vineyards that give a rich harvest. The best grapes for delicious red and white wines are grown here. Many wines of this plant are known all over the world and are highly appreciated by connoisseurs.

Arriving here, you can see the local production with your own eyes and taste the wines you like.

Today we discussed the most significant sights of this magnificent peninsula, which are present on the map of every Russian tourist. But upon arriving here, you will see that there are much more of them - many more temples and churches, objects of ancient architecture and picturesque views are waiting for you in Halkidiki!

The Halkidiki peninsula washed by the Aegean Sea is the pearl of all Greece, and many tourists from all over the world come to see the sights of this territory.

The place is rich in its history.

For the first time this name was used by Herodotus, Aristotle was born here, the Peloponnesian war was fought here.

Now tourists come here to enjoy the warm sea, clean beaches, and see beautiful historical buildings and structures.

It takes several days to explore the peninsula of Halkidiki to see all the brightest places. But the famous Chalkida, founded in ancient times, despite the similarity of the name, is not located on the Chalkidiki peninsula, but on the island of Evia.

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Halkidiki - famous sights with photos

The main attractions of the Halkidiki peninsula are the old buildings that have survived from ancient times. In addition, there are many natural attractions here that will not leave you indifferent.

White Tower in Thessaloniki

An important landmark of the city, located near the sea. The color of the tower is not at all white, but rather sandy.

Now it is interesting for tourists with its observation deck and the Byzantine Museum, which is located right there.

Meteora of Halkidiki

Ancient temple complex on the rocks. You should definitely listen to a guided tour about this place, because the origin story is fantastic.

Note: the road is not easy, you have to constantly go uphill, because the attraction is located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level.

Fortress Platamonas

The Platamonas fortress was founded in the 12th century, but even now the fortress has been preserved in good condition. Its views are often painted on postcards and magnets, and tourists are taken here on excursions. If history is interesting to you, then this place is simply not to be missed.

Monastery Great Lavra

There are many monasteries in this area.

The Great Lavra is the main complex on Mount Athos in Halkidiki, it will take about half an hour to climb to it, but it is really beautiful and unusual. Bright burgundy color, beautiful architecture, sights inside - that's what you need to see.

Old town in Thessaloniki

All ancient cities must have an "Old City", and Thessaloniki also has one.

Only here you can see the remnants of Byzantine culture, the old walls of the former fortress, streets. Although now there are many modern establishments - restaurants, taverns, cafes.

Waterland water park

From history to the present. For active travelers, this type of entertainment is suitable.

This water park is located in Thessaloniki. Entrance costs around € 14 for adults and € 10 for children. The park is huge, you can find slides and pools for every taste, so if you get tired of looking at old buildings, then go here.

Arch and tomb of Galerius

Gaius Galerius is a Roman monarch, this complex was erected to him, which is now located in the center of Thessaloniki.

The arch was connected with the mausoleum and the palace, thus the building increased in size.


This is the name of the fortress that used to serve the Turks.

The name translates as "fortress of seven towers", after the 19th century there was a prison here, at the same time many parts of the fortress were destroyed, so only a small building survived to us. It is located in Thessaloniki; all history lovers should definitely visit here.

Ancient city of dion

Now it is a small area with ancient excavations, but earlier in this place there was a city dedicated to Zeus. Dion was in no way inferior to Athens. Here you can see the residential quarter, the streets of the ancient city, you can visit the archaeological museum right in the city. Dion is located 90 kilometers from Thessaloniki.

Iversky monastery on Athos

It was founded in the tenth century, the name was received in honor of the founder - John of Iversky.

The building of the Iversky Monastery itself has a rather beautiful architecture, so even non-believers will be interested in visiting it.

Vatopedi monastery

Vatopedi Monastery in Athos... Built in the 10th century. Vatopedi is famous for its library, which contains more than 1,500 manuscripts.

Gregoriates monastery

The monastery of Grigoriates was built only in the 14th century, but it is here that the relics of many saints are kept. And ten years ago, they began to build another temple in honor of Seraphim of Sarov.

Dionysiates monastery

Dionysios Monastery stands on a rock 80 meters high. Even atheists will love the picturesque place. Now about 50 monks live here, although earlier there were much more of them.

Dochiar monastery

The Orthodox complex was founded in the 10th century, now there are more than 50 monks.

The beautiful building is faced with marble, and Dochiar itself stands close to the coast. Here is a particle of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Monastery of Xenophon

Sixteenth Monastery on Mount Athos.

The monastery of Xenophon is small, now there are only 30 monks, and it was originally dedicated to George the Victorious.

Monastery of Xiropotam

The name translates as "Dry Stream", according to legends Xiropotam was founded here in the fifth century, although it is officially recognized that it was nevertheless built five centuries later. There are some relics here.

Kutlumush monastery

Interestingly, the Kutlumush monastery has its own marina.

Monastery Pantokrator

The Pantokrator monastery is located on a cliff near the sea. There are beautiful courtyards, temples and churches.

Monastery of St. Paul

The monastery of St. Paul is located almost above all the others, at an altitude of 150 meters. Founded in the 9th century, about 120 monks now live here. The monastery has its own library, where many manuscripts and printed books are preserved.

Simonopetra monastery

Founded in the 13th century, named after the founder.

The main building of the Simonopetra Monastery is located at an altitude of more than 300 meters, offering beautiful views. 120-130 monks live here.

St. Panteleimon Monastery

Russian monks settled here, and this continued until the beginning of the 20th century. Now there are Russian abbots left here, but there are fewer of them.

Outwardly, St. Panteleimon Monastery resembles our churches and cathedrals.

Aristotle square

It is difficult to imagine a city without the main square, in Thessaloniki this is it. Here is the best hotel in the city and a cinema that you can visit if you wish.

The square of Aristotle itself is quite large; locals and visitors like to meet here.

Church of St. Demetrios

At this place, the church stood in the 4th century, but it was rebuilt more than once, and that's how the new church of St. Demetrios was founded.

Outwardly, the Church of St. Demetrios does not at all look like traditional religious buildings, but people come here to services.

The most beautiful mosaics on the ceiling are the decoration of this building. Finding a church is not difficult in Thessaloniki; it has a museum.

Church of St. Sophia in Thessaloniki

The site is included in the UNESCO list, so you should definitely see this church.

The church of St. Sophia was founded in the 7-8 centuries, which is not outwardly typical for such buildings. Inside there are mosaics and icon painting. The temple is not very large, and its history is unique. During the conquest of the city by the Turks, a mosque was located here.

The most beautiful place in Halkidiki

It is difficult to judge what is the most beautiful in Greece, what are the most picturesque places, what is the most interesting of what Northern Greece can offer a tourist? In Halkidiki, several places can apply for this title:

  1. Cassandra. Not much is not enough, but this is the attraction of the Halkidiki peninsula. Part of the peninsula, in total there are three "fingers" - Kassandra, Sithonia and Athos.
    So Kassandra is considered the most suitable territory for a beach holiday, here the cleanest water in the sea, and the beaches have become the best in all of Europe more than once.
  2. Afitos (Halkidiki). A small town in Kassandra, where every street is picturesque.
    Small houses, many flowers, clear sea - this is the guarantee of a good life.
  3. Waterfalls of Edessa. Not far from Thessaloniki, you can find this gem. The waterfalls originated around the 14th century, now there are 14 waterfalls.
    The largest of them is the Koranos.
  4. Mount Olympus. It is undoubtedly the most important mountain in Greece.
    It was here, according to legends, that the Gods lived, it was from here that the Olympics began, the whole history of this country is connected with Olympus. The highest peaks reach a height of 2,900 meters, there are developed hiking routes for tourists, shelters and hotels are located.
  5. Alistrati cave. The cave was found in the 20th century by hunters who noticed that the animals had disappeared from sight somewhere, as if they had disappeared underground.
    After all the research, the cave was opened for tourists and it was right, people come here in droves, although you need to get to the cave from Thessaloniki.
  6. Petralona Cave. The remains of an ancient man were discovered in this cave, discovered by Petralona in the 1950s.
    The cave is huge and interesting for everyone who loves something new. It is better to go along with the excursion, which is sold at every turn.

Everyone should find their own picturesque place for themselves, where it will be pleasant to retire with nature, without unnecessary fuss. Greece is generally famous for its blue water bays, cliffs, dense forests and flower parks.

Thermal springs of Halkidiki

Often people come to another country to improve their health, this can also be done in Greece. Thermal springs are located in several places, in order to visit them, it is better to go to the resort.

The most popular is Lutra Pozar, where there are spa centers, massages and other procedures. You can also visit the springs in Thessaloniki, they are called Suroti and Fermi , there is still a source of the Canister.

In general, there are 20 thermal springs throughout the country, this allows Greece to take first place in this indicator in Europe. The springs are able to help in the treatment of many types of diseases, even in ancient Greece, warriors rested in the thermal waters. It is better to find out in advance how much it costs to enter the territory of the complex, and think over a travel plan. It does not take much money and time, but you can heal your body in the healing waters in Greece.

Halkidiki map with landmarks in Russian

Outwardly, the peninsula looks like three fingers, it is even connected with this legend.

Any traveler will need a map so as not to get lost in the area.

Sights are scattered throughout the peninsula, it may take more than two weeks to get around everything, so plan your route correctly.

Note: it is better to stay in Thessaloniki, because from there you can get to many places - to Meteora, waterfalls of Edessa, to thermal springs and almost to all monasteries.

There are no problems with transport, there is at least one bus that goes in the direction you need, but it is better to travel by your own car, so you can stop in the most picturesque places of the peninsula.


Greece is a wonderful country, lately more and more Russian tourists have begun to choose it for their holidays.

Low prices, beautiful nature, huge cultural and historical heritage - all this attracts travelers. And Halkidiki is one of the most popular destinations in Greece, so you definitely need to drop in here.

Often people come here only in summer, although it is worth remembering that in winter the temperature here is more than 20 degrees, of course, you should not swim, but you should definitely see the nature.

In addition, traveling outside the tourist season means that prices will be lower, there are fewer people, and the pleasure is the same. Therefore, feel free to go to Greece even in winter, taking a history textbook with you to keep abreast of everything that happened here.

Watch a video in which a specialist talks about the most famous sights of Halkidiki (Greece):


Sunny Greece is famous for its amazing and memorable resort areas. One of these zones is the Halkidiki peninsula. On the map of Greece, it looks rather unusual: like three fingers, or as the Greeks themselves call "legs", are extended 120 kilometers into the Aegean Sea. In fact, these are three thin elongated peninsulas - Kassandra, Sithonia and Athos (Aion-Oros).

For its unusual shape, Halkidiki is also called "Poseidon's trident".

Interestingly, the names of the peninsulas forming the "fingers" are associated with ancient myths.

For example, the Athos peninsula was formed as a result of a prolonged battle between the mighty giants and the numerous gods of Olympus. As you know, Halkidiki was the birthplace of giants. And they waged a war with the gods of Olympus from here, throwing huge stones at each other. And one such stone, thrown by the giant Athos, fell into the sea, forming a mountain "finger" - Athos.
And the Sithonia peninsula is named after the son of Poseidon - Sithon.
On the third peninsula - "finger", named after the king Kassandra, who formed Thessaloniki, according to legend, under the stone thrown by Athena, there is a giant Engelados, who still does not abandon attempts to get out of the trap, creating earthquakes.

Greece Halkidiki - location on the map

The peninsula itself is located in the northern part of the Aegean Sea in the northeast of modern Greece and is the main part of the province of Halkidiki. It is immersed in greenery even at the peak of the summer heat, has pristine beaches, with a total length of about 550 kilometers, many of which are marked with a "blue flag", and is popularly considered the pearl of Greece.


The first settlements on the peninsula appeared around the 6th century BC. These were the Thracians and Pelasgians who settled in Olynthos, Akante and Stagira.
And the first mentions of Halkidiki are found in the descriptions of the Persian Wars, at the end of which the large cities of the peninsula began to enter into the Athenian Union.

The dawn of the peninsula and the emergence of new cities such as Thessaloniki, Kassandria, Ouranoupolis and Antigonia falls on 348 BC, when Halkidiki became part of the Macedonian kingdom.
In 168 BC. the peninsula, together with Macedonia, was captured by the Romans. And after the division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern (Byzantine) in 395, Greece, together with the capital in Constantinople, became part of the Eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empire. The Byzantines at this time built many temples and monasteries, as well as defensive structures, but even this did not help. In 1430 the peninsula passed to the Turks.
At the beginning of the 20th century, local residents fought for the freedom of Greece, and in 1912 Halkidiki was liberated from the Turks and became part of the Greek province of Macedonia.
And now the peninsula is the most popular resort for numerous tourists.


Due to the fact that the mountains reliably shelter Halkidiki from the winds, it is dry and hot in summer. The climate of the peninsula is subtropical. The air temperature in the summer season averages + 28 ° С, sometimes it can reach + 33 ° С, and the water in the sea warms up to + 25 ° С ... + 27 ° С.
The tourist season runs from May to mid-October. Precipitation is not abundant, but sometimes it dilutes sunny and dry days. Fall out much more often in winter. This time is usually used by fans of historical excursions to explore the many ruins left over from buildings of different eras.


Each of the three peninsulas of Halkidiki has its own unique places, man-made and natural creations, heritage of history.
The main attractions of Halkidiki are:

- the Petralona cave, with amazing stalactites and stalagmites, where the remains of the presence of the first people living in Greece were found;
- the sacred Mount Athos with many temples and monasteries, where, alas, not everyone can get: the passage is closed for women.
- Monasteries of Meteora, which are located on the tops of giant rocks, bizarre shapes, hanging over the city of Kalambaka.
- The ancient traditional Greek village of Afytos.
- Ruins of the ancient city of Toroni
- Ancient Stagira is the birthplace of Aristotle.
- Vineyards of Porto Carras
- Spa resort Loutra Pozar.

And there are many other great places to visit in Halkidiki.

How to get there

There is no airport on the peninsula itself. Therefore, you will have to fly by plane to Thessaloniki, and from there take a bus or taxi to Halkidiki. The distance between Thessaloniki and the cities and regions of the peninsula is 60-150 km. By bus, the travel time, depending on the selected region, will be one and a half to three and a half hours. But for the price it is the cheapest option. The taxi will cost more, while the time will be a little faster - only two and a half hours along the longest route.

Halkidiki is truly an amazing place, visiting which you will fall in love with it forever.

One of the most extraordinary in form and mysterious in origin, the Halkidiki peninsula is a real pearl of resort Greece. The p / o jutting into the Aegean Sea is divided into 3 "fingers", each of which is a wonderful corner of the paradise tropics, with amazing beaches, cozy bays and healing air saturated with the aroma of pine needles. The names of the "fingers" are associated with the ancient Greek mythology, which tells about the giant heroes who waged a long-term war with the gods of Mount Olympus. Huge stones served as a tool for them, which subsequently formed three ledges. Let's talk about the most popular sights of Halkidiki.

A stone thrown by the giant Athos and falling into the sea formed the Athos mountain range. The second stone, which formed another protrusion, the "finger", was named Sithonia; and the third received the name of the king Kassander. The legend of earthquakes is associated with the latter - the goddess Athena, fighting the giants, threw a stone that covered one of the giants of Engelados. For many centuries he has been trying to free himself from the stone, causing earthquakes with his powerful body movements.

Whoever visits Halkidiki for the first time, sees the local beauties and feels the beneficial effects of the surrounding ecology, will willingly believe in the divine origin of these places. All year round in Halkidiki, you can have a great rest, combining a stay on the beach and swimming in azure waters with sightseeing of unique sights. , of which there are many.

Despite the huge difference in the territories of Greece and China, Greece is the second country after China in the number of limestone caves. One of the largest and most amazing in beauty is the Petralona Cave, located on the slope of Mount Katsika, 270 meters above sea level, not far from the village of the same name. It was discovered in 1959 by one of the villagers, who examined the mountain for a source of water and stumbled upon a deep crevice.

When risky young people, who expressed a desire to descend into it, found themselves in a spacious dungeon, they were shocked by the peculiar beauty of the cave. Bizarre formations of stalactites and stalagmites, intertwining into fantastic patterns, have created a special, uniquely beautiful natural design. Since that time, a serious survey of the unique dungeon began, as a result of which the bones and skulls of people and animals that lived in these places hundreds of thousands of years ago were discovered.

Now all these exhibits are exhibited in the showcases of the cave, being irrefutable proof of many scientific theories about the development of life on Earth. The dimensions of the cave are impressive: if you add together the length of all its halls and corridors, you get at least 2 thousand km. A tour of the mysterious cave labyrinths is a journey into the world of beauty and mystery. Before descending into the cave, you need to remember that this is a dungeon, where the temperature is not summer (17 degrees), and you should dress warmly.

It is very interesting to visit the Anthropological Museum located nearby: its expositions are a visual aid for studying human life.

In the popular tourist region of Greece - Thessaly, there are phenomenal mountain cliffs, located in a vertical bulk over the city of Kalambaka. Their almost absolute perpendicularity is surprising, but the presence on the tops of these rocks of monasteries erected by ascetic monks in the 14th century is even more striking. It remains only to assume what effort it took to build the monasteries of Meteora in such hard-to-reach places.

"Meteora" translated from Greek sounds like "soaring in the air." Indeed, it seems that white-stone buildings under red roofs soar in the heavenly heights. Of the 24 monasteries, only 6 have survived, one of which is female, now only 4 have preserved their monastic status, the rest have become a kind of museums. Due to the influx of tourists, many monks left their habitats so as not to tempt themselves with the bustle of the world.

Now a steep asphalt road leads to the foot of the holy sites, driving along which is quite extreme. But the opportunity to plunge into the monastic life, to understand and feel the spirit of the people who performed such a miracle under heaven is worth it. The Transfiguration Monastery - the most majestic and grandiose - is located in a valley located at an altitude of 623 m above sea level. It was founded in the 14th century.

Athanasius and began to prosper, thanks to the funds invested in him by the Emperor of Serbia Uros, who decided to change the rank of ruler to a monastic and donate his treasures to the development of the Great Meteor (another name for the monastery). The entrance to the monasteries has its own requirements: you cannot be here to bare your shoulders and legs. Long skirts and trousers are provided to tourists by the services of the monastery. There is something to see here: ancient books, manuscripts, manuscripts, household items made by monks - everything that transports modern people to the distant past.

A cozy resort town located on the Cape of Ayon Oros, shrouded in numerous legends. The gentle waters of the Aegean Sea, washing the city, beautiful beaches, and a comfortable climate attract thousands of tourists here. It is no coincidence that the city was founded here in prehistoric times (315 BC). Only in such a blessed place, in the opinion of its founder, the philosopher Aleksarch, could multilingual people, absolutely equal in rights, live.

An attempt to unite in Ouranoupoli ("city of heaven") residents speaking different languages ​​was unsuccessful, but the legend about it remained. Probably, it cannot be reliably asserted that the current resort of Ouranoupoli is the place where they tried to create a new type of linguistic statehood. But the name stuck, the city developed, thanks to the close location of the monastic republic to Mount Athos. All conditions have been created here for a wonderful relaxing family vacation, providing various types of beach and cultural leisure.

If Mount Olympus is the abode of the gods, then Mount Athos is the world famous monastic republic, the stronghold of world Orthodoxy, uniting male monks from different countries of the planet under the canopy of holiness. 20 monasteries, located at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level, are located on the eponymous pedestal among the fertile subtropical nature. For 15 centuries, Byzantine culture and the highest spirituality have been preserved here, attracting millions of pilgrims here, including great, famous personalities, male royals (for women, it is taboo here).

Mount Athos is considered the abode of the earthly sojourn of the Mother of God, which is associated with many beliefs and legends that tell how this place was chosen by the Holy Virgin. Here, it seems, the air itself is saturated with purity of holiness, Orthodox prayers and sinlessness of thoughts. It is no coincidence that famous movie and pop stars come here to feel this atmosphere of holy purity. The monastic republic lives according to the Charter, established in 1924, according to which all monasteries are under the spiritual jurisdiction of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

The western "finger" of Halkidiki - Kassandra bears the name of the king, whose father-in-law was the famous Alexander the Great. Active life began here in the 4th century BC, as evidenced by the results of archaeological excavations. Truly paradise nature, the proximity of the sea, the purest air, the extraordinary beauty of the surrounding landscapes attracted the first settlers here, happily settling in the enchanting area.

Here, drawings on rocks were found in relict caves, testifying to the presence of primitive people on Kassandra. The archaeological complex-museum "Olynth" displays exhibits illustrating the antiquity of Kassandra. A fascinating journey can be made through the churches of Kassandra, each of which is associated with the names of the ancient Greek gods and saints of the righteous: the temple of Zeus-Amon and Poseidon, the Sanctuary of Dionysus, the Acropolis of Antigone, the Church of St. Dmitry and other religious sites.

Modern Kassandra is a territory of resort towns and villages, with a well-developed hotel chain, beach infrastructure, comfortable climate and uniquely beautiful views. Among them, Neo Moudania, Nea Potidea, Kallithea, Pefkohori, Afitos are very popular. The healing sea air, clean beaches, amazing landscapes of the peninsula make it the most attractive destination for recreation and tourism.

The nature of Halkidiki is immensely generous and rich, it has endowed the inhabitants with real treasures, one of which is the natural spa resort of Loutra Pozar. It is located in a cozy place, under the reliable protection of two mountain peaks blocking the path of cold winds. You need to come here for health: hot thermal springs, mountain air infused with the aromas of mountain herbs, calm serenity of nature, natural products, without exaggeration, will heal from many diseases.

Bathing water has a beneficial effect on the improvement of the respiratory, nervous and circulatory systems, bones and joints, skin. Drinking water helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems, dissolves excess salts in the body, and improves kidney function. You can take water procedures here all year round. There are many cozy hotels and apartments in Loutra Pozar with relatively low prices. Staying at this resort will give you maximum pleasure from water treatment, from walks in amazingly picturesque mountain landscapes, hospitality of local residents and delicious local cuisine made from the freshest natural products.

If you want to visit ancient Hellas in reality, you need to go to the traditional Greek village of Afytos (formerly called Afitis). Here you can see rare historical monuments of the Neolithic era. In ancient times, Afitis was an independent settlement with its own currency, which is confirmed by the excavations of the Temple of Zeus and the Sanctuary of Dionysus. Locals called Afitos a "stone balcony" for its location on a steep rocky slope cutting into the Aegean Sea.

Already approaching the village from the side of the bay, one can once and for all be enchanted by the fantastic view of the original white stone houses, immersed in emerald tropical greenery, interspersed with bright spots of flower beds and lawns; white sands of beaches and cote d'azur. For those who are tired of the frantic rhythms of city life, here is a real Eden, where measured calmness and the magical beauty of nature coexist.

Fans of antiquities can visit the ruins of the Temple of Zeus, the sanctuary of Dionysus, an ancient city of the Neolithic era. The main modern sights of Afytos are the Church of St. Dimitri, the Ethnographic Museum, the Parali Artist's House, the Katsanis mansion and other interesting objects.

Halkidiki has long been the birthplace of vineyards and olive plantations, as described in ancient manuscripts that mention the names of the first winegrowers and winemakers. On the slopes of Mount Meliton, they grew grapes and produced wine. In the 60s of the last century, Janis Karras decided to revive the ancient traditions, and soon wild vegetation gave way to vineyards.

Now the entire western slope of Meliton, right up to the Toronean Gulf, is covered with the richest vineyards (400 hectares) of the best wine varieties of white and red grapes. The Karras Winery produces specialty wines under the brand name "Slopes of Meliton", the taste of which is highly appreciated by wine connoisseurs all over the world.

The famous mountain, or rather the mountain range, is the highest point in the northeastern part of Greece. Olympus is familiar to everyone from childhood as the abode of the all-powerful ancient Greek gods, who chose for themselves an unattainable place under the clouds. How many myths have been put together about their lives, how many plots have been invented for films and cartoons about the amazing, mysterious Olympus!

The top of the mountain consists of 6 high peaks that have their own name: Mitikas (the highest - 2917 m), Skolio, Stephanie, Skala, Agios Antonios, Profitas Ilias (Ilya the Prophet - the lowest - 2803 m). Surrounded by the mythical snow-capped peaks of the Plateau of the Muses and the beautiful alpine meadows located just below. According to legend, people from ancient times tried to climb Olympus to be closer to the gods, although mere mortals were strictly forbidden to enter there. The gatekeepers of the ora (goddess of the seasons) vigilantly guarded the approaches to the mountain.

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