Shaan-kaya mountain. Shaan-kai rock Shaan-kai rock lake how to get

A few kilometers north-west of Alupka, the majestic, almost 900 meters high, Shaan-Kaya rock rises. And on the way to the rock, between the pine trees, a small, nameless lake was hidden. A stunning view of Shaan-Kaya opens from here, and a little further - to the mountains of the Crimean ridge. The lake itself is also very picturesque: this quiet corner is loved by tourists for its clean greenish water, bright greenery along the banks, and also for the opportunity to have a great rest and get a charge of positive emotions.

You can get to the lake by a well-trodden hiking trail. To do this, along the South Coast Highway we get to the turn to Alupka, and there we move for about one and a half kilometers towards the mountains. And here we have everything that is needed for camping, except perhaps the benefits of civilization. When planning a trip to the lake, you should remember that there are no shops, cafes, or hotels within a radius of several kilometers, so you need to stock up on provisions and equipment in advance and to the maximum. In particular, food and drinking water are essential travelers for a tourist, so you can replenish their supplies in Alupka. In addition, tourists who have already rested in this truly fabulous place talk about the fact that in the nearby rocks you can find a source with drinking water, so everything depends only on you. We must not forget about the fuel, which will be needed both for cooking and in order to simply sit by the fire, admiring the clear waters of the lake in the moonlight. Finding firewood and brushwood is not a problem here, but if you are not used to finding fuel on your own, it is better to take a couple of armfuls of firewood or a gas burner with you. In this case, you can spend two or three unforgettable days on the lake, enjoying the silence, fresh air and unique landscape.

The water in the lake comes from underground sources, so although it is crystal clear, it is very cold. However, you can swim here in summer, and even "walruses" come here in winter. And the place for fishing is the most successful one. As in other mountain lakes, everything is standard here: mainly crucian carp, perch and carp are caught. If you are lucky with the weather, you will find something more interesting on the hook, for example, grass carp. For his fishing, ordinary carp tackle and plant bait are suitable - reed stalks, corn, cucumber ovaries. Fishermen claim that even trophy specimens can be caught on this lake - up to 10 kg, so go for it! In general, although this and similar lakes are not famous for abundant catches of rare species of fish, they still have one big advantage. Such tranquil places are ideal for beginner fishermen, as fishing requires neither a lot of experience, nor special skill, nor specific equipment. To enjoy fishing, and perhaps even to pamper yourself with a fish soup on a fire, a float rod and patience are enough.

I must say that the vicinity of Shaan Kai is a real paradise for hikers. There are dozens of hiking routes to the cliff, from which almost the entire southern coast of Crimea can be seen. The road to it runs through vineyards, thickets of pines, rocky areas with huge boulders on the sides, and in some places - through an ominous forest dead after fires. The mountain has become a real Mecca for local climbers - even though the ascent is extremely difficult. And more recently, Shaan-Kaya (or Nishan-Kaya, as it is also called) has been chosen by rope jumpers. For five years now, thrill-seekers have been jumping off a cliff on a dynamic rope. An unusual feature of the rock - its negative slope - allows you to do this with the least risk to the jumpers.

The lake near the Shaan-Kaya rock is an amazing body of water that attracts romantics and savages like a magnet. It is a dream of many to set up a tent city on the shore of such a reservoir, but even an ordinary short walk towards the lake will not leave indifferent connoisseurs of untouched nature.

Shaan-Kaya (Nishan-Kaya, Ishan-Kaya, Target) is a strongly overhanging peak not standing from the Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla near Alupka. Translated from the Turkic Shaan-Kai (871m) means "Falcon Rock", accessible only to falcons. The drop of the wall on the south side is about 250 m, the northern slope is more gentle.

Translated from the Turkic Shaan-Kai means
Falcon Rock.

Shaan-Kaya is a cult mountain for Crimean mountaineering, only a few routes go to the top, and almost all of them are as difficult as possible. The cliff of the mountain for its entire height consists of very strong light gray massive and only in places indistinctly layered recrystallized Upper Jurassic limestones. They formed on the shelf of the shallow bottom of the Tethys Ocean about 130 million years ago. It was a warm sea. Limestones were formed from the skeletal remains of organisms that lived at the bottom of this ocean.

Mount Shaan-Kaya is a popular destination for climbers

Mainly from the remains of coral and lime-producing algae. Later, the organic remains were compacted and recrystallized under the influence of the pressure of the overlying rocks (which did not survive) and turned into very hard limestones. A small number of cracks in these rocks, on the one hand, makes the Shaan-Kai wall resistant to rock falls and talus, and, on the other hand, creates certain difficulties in its passage on rocky routes.

Limestones emerged from the sea level and acquired their present position as a result of the mountain educational processes that created the Crimean Mountains on the site of the former Tethys Ocean. Climbing routes on Shaan-Kai require a fairly high level of training - the category of routes is not lower than 5B according to mountaineering classification, the level of climbing on some routes reaches 8b. Due to its complexity and rebelliousness, Mount Shaan Kaya is iconic in mountaineering and rock climbing. This mountain has not yet been ascended by free climbing. ... Several difficult routes have been laid along the wall:

  1. Route Grishchenko (right) 5А, F6а +, A0, 260m
  2. "Sofia", 5B, VI, A2. 275 (M. Chaplinsky I. Nedosekov S. October 12, 2008)
  3. Shaan-Kaya, 5B, 6b, A2 (A. Maksimenya)
  4. Grishchenko's route (left) 6A, VI, A2
  5. Samurai 6A, F6c, A3, 290m (A. Shelkhakov - D. Popov, 2001)
  6. Zenit 6A (V. Pavlotos)
  7. Hyperborea 6A, F7a, A3 +, 300m (V. Yarechevsky - V. Marunich, 2001)
  8. Galitsky route 6A, VI, A3, 305m
  9. Pianissimo (6B extra F6b / 6c, A4, 280m) M. Volshanovsky, A. Rushkovsky, K. Gostev
  10. Atlant-M F8a + / 8b, 250m (A. Vedenmeer, 2004)

Atlant-M is the most difficult multi-pitched (several pitches) climbing route in the CIS, preliminary its category is estimated at 8B, length is 220 meters. (In Crimea, the French system of classification of climbing routes is used: the simplest - 5A, the most difficult - 9A) You need to pass it along the natural relief, without additional support points and without additional devices, that is, on the arms and legs. His equipment - punching with bolts, cleaning of "live" stones - took almost a month of work by a whole team of climbers and rock climbers.

The diagram illustrates the system of the Alupka-Simeiz paths

Gathering information about the Shaan-Kaya rock, we found an old Crimean legend about it, which is called "The Bird of Happiness from Falcon Rock" / For the first time this legend was printed in A. Konchevsky's notes in 1929. Its plot is borrowed from other peoples, in whose folklore there are also motifs about happiness in the form of a bird, which is not easily given to a poor person.

Shaan Kaya is a fantastic sight.

When you look from afar, it is lost against the background of the high main ridge of the Crimean mountains, but the closer you come to it, the more severe it looks. When you stand directly under it, the wall hangs over, covering half the sky. It grows out of the ground among the pine forest. It is worth seeing with your own eyes. Coordinates for those who want to see the place where the most difficult route begins - "Atlant-M" N 44 ° 26.103 "E 34 ° 01.180" and admire the rock below.

"Crimean Shanghai" ... the picture that pops up in the head with such a phrase does not correspond to reality in the least. In fact, Shaan-Kaya Mountain (translated from the Turkic "Falcon Mountain") is called here with such an outlandish name, it is also Nishan-Kaya. It is clear that the consonant name just begs for an analogy with a Chinese city. What is this place famous for and what can a simple tourist do there? Let's just say: in terms of adrenaline, Mount Shaan-Kaya can be called one of the coolest places in the entire CIS.

Firstly, this huge rock, standing aside from the Ai-Petrinsky Yaila, attracts climbers like a magnet. It has a negative slope, because the routes here are extremely difficult, but also extremely interesting. They say that climbers first conquered Mount Shaan-Kaya only in 1966. Secondly, the surrounding beauty is simply incredibly picturesque, here you can walk for hours and days, enjoying each new bend of the path and the opening angle. To do this, despite the very negative slopes, is as easy as shelling pears - two, albeit not easy, but quite pedestrian trails surround the local "Shanghai". Finally, Shaan-Kaya is a mecca of rope jumpers who make incredible free-fall jumps of 160 m from its summit.

If you look at Shaan-Kaya from above, you will see that this rock broke off from the main mountain range Ai-Petri and slid down a little, wanting to get to the sea. Who knows, maybe someday she will succeed. Its northern slope is quite flat and gentle - it is here that hikers and other loitering onlookers stroll. But the southern slope is just the same very steep, tortured flocks of climbers pass here, competitions take place, in a word, life is in full swing.

The height of the Shaan-Kaya rock is 871 m.

If you look at Mount Shaan-Kai from above, you will see that this rock broke off from the main mountain range Ai-Petri and slid down a little, wanting to get to the sea. Who knows, maybe someday she will succeed.

Climbers should know that the height difference of the Shaan-Kai wall reaches 250 m; in terms of complexity, local routes are classified as 6th category.

As for the crazy Rope Jumpers, you can't say much about them. You have to be a notorious daredevil to jump from a height of 235 m, reaching 160 m of free fall. However, all this happens under the strict guidance of instructors, from a comfortable platform, and not just from a suitable boulder, but also with professional equipment. As a rule, all jumpers are accompanied by their own director, who then mounts the brutal faces of people diving into a stone abyss.

On the southern coast of Crimea. It is not part of the Main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, but is extended to the sea, in front of the Alupka Wall.

If you look at Shaan-Kaya from above, you will see that this rock broke off from the main mountain range Ai-Petri and slid down a little, wanting to get to the sea. Who knows, maybe someday she will succeed.

Its northern slope is quite flat and gentle - it is here that hikers walk. But the southern slope is just the same very steep, tortured groups of climbers pass here, competitions are held, in a word, life is in full swing. Climbers should know that the height difference of the Shaan-Kai wall reaches 250 m; in terms of complexity, local routes are classified as 6th category.

Shaan-Kaya can be considered a place where three cultures meet. It is often compared to the top of El Capitan in the United States - the same sheer wall extending 250 meters upward. Also, this place can be associated with China, because the locals nicknamed it Shanghai. Nearby, by the way, are the Small Shanghai cliffs. The main name of the mountain is translated as "Falcon Rock". It is named so because it is almost impossible to get here from the southern slopes. Only in 1966 was the summit conquered by Soviet climbers. This conquest went down in history: after all, the largest overhang in the USSR with a negative bias.

Address: Southern coast of Crimea, not far from Alupka and Simeiz.
How to get there: to just walk under or around Shaan-Kai, you can take buses No. 28 or No. 42 from the Yalta bus station, which follow to the stop "Pitomnik" in Alupka. From there - up the road, then through the vineyards to get to the dirt road, which will lead almost under the wall of the ridge. It takes a long time to walk, so the best option is to drive your own car, taxi, or catch a fellow traveler.
For rope jumpers and climbers, everything is easier: they are taken out as part of teams, as a rule, for several days - with preliminary instructions and overnight in tents.

The article was prepared by the brilliant copywriter Andrey (Zuckerberg is resting), for all questions, write< [email protected] >

Yosemite National Park USA is considered one of the most beautiful places on our planet. Meeting with the reserve, concealing the amazing beauty of virgin nature, leaves no one indifferent. However, do not go on a long journey to enjoy the delightful landscapes.

In Crimea, not far from Alupka, next to the Ai-Petrinskaya yayla, there is a miraculous landmark, which is a miniature copy of the unique ecological system of America.

Neighborhoods reminiscent of the scenery for science fiction films

Falcon Mountain, or Shaan-Kaya, is an unusual natural monument, which separated from the Ai-Petrinsky massif many centuries ago, obeying tectonic movements. Having crawled one and a half kilometers away, it rises on its own at an altitude of about 250 meters above sea level. As tourists who have been in the vicinity say, this corner is very similar to the scenery for science fiction films, when the main characters are transported to the era of dinosaurs. Everything here reminds of prehistoric times, but without the strolling predatory lizards.

The majestic rock is an amazing sight: when you look at it from afar, it loses a little against the background of the rest of the Crimea mountains, but it looks quite severe and powerful up close. It seems that Shaan-Kaya (Crimea) grows right out of the ground in the midst of century-old pines, hanging over a person and closing the sky. The unusual terrain has made the mountain one of the most challenging climbing routes. Only in 1966, the first daredevils were able to conquer the top, for which they received the titles of champions.

The miraculous sight of Crimea

The Shaan-Kai ledge, overhanging the Black Sea, not far from the village of Simeiz, is distinguished by a gentle northern slope overgrown with forest, and on the southern side it is a sheer rock, which many extreme sportsmen dream of conquering. The mountain is 871 meters high and consists of limestone formed over 130 million years ago at the bottom of the Tethys Ocean. It existed back in the Mesozoic era, dividing the two most ancient continents.

At the foot of the mountain, scientists often find traces with imprints of extinct organisms on the stones, which appeared after various processes, as a result of which the mountains of Crimea grew on the site of the dried-up ocean.

Extreme magnet

Shaan Kaya is an iconic mountain for all climbers. There are several routes of high difficulty for climbers. The fact is that there are very few flat areas and a small number of cracks. However, the difficulty of the ascent does not scare the thrill-seekers. The mountain was chosen by rope jumpers jumping from the top to the negative slope of the cliff, which allows them to do it with minimal risk. In addition, it was chosen by paragliders flying more than 200 meters in the air.

A special platform for extreme sports has been created here, where experienced instructors work. In addition, those who wish are provided with video equipment that allows them to capture what is happening. It is curious to observe on film the storm of vivid emotions experienced by those jumping down from a height. And all the tourists do not take their eyes off the paragliders competing with each other.

Attractive place for tourists

However, ordinary tourists, who do not even think about climbing or jumping from the Shaan-Kaya cliff, will be interested in finding themselves in a stone-pine city. At the foot of the gigantic mountain, "torn off" from the southern ridge, everyone feels its power, and the clean air and incredible landscapes make it possible to walk in the vicinity for hours, getting real pleasure. The steep slope of the cliff, opening before the eyes of travelers, is simply mesmerizing.

"Emerald bead"

Nearby there is a small lake Shaan-Kaya, which attracts romantics. This is a "not promoted" place, and a few tourists pitch their tents near a picturesque reservoir, the beauty of which does not leave connoisseurs of beauty indifferent. Local residents also fish here, catching small perches and carp. But most often people come here in search of a quiet and peaceful place, where the air smells delightfully of pine needles and there is no fuss.

The lake near the Shaan-Kaya rock (locals affectionately call it the "emerald bead") arose as a result of a decrease in both the relief and karst waters. They come to the surface and harbor a natural wonder that offers stunning views from its shores.

There is pure icy water here, which remains cool even in the sweltering heat, but this does not frighten the bathing people, warming themselves later by the kindled fire. You can stock up on life-giving moisture, since it takes about an hour to go to the nearest store. And those who wish to stay overnight enjoy a delightful sight: shining sparks of stars are reflected in the purest water.

A hiker's paradise

The vicinity of Shaan-Kai is considered a real paradise for savages who choose to go hiking in companies. There are dozens of hiking trails leading to the cliff, from the height of which you can clearly see the winding road goes through pine thickets, tiny vineyards, areas covered with boulders, and you will also have to go through a blackening dead forest that survived a terrible fire several years ago. There are parking lots where you can hide from the pouring rain and make a fire.

It often happens that little-known places are of particular interest even for travelers who have seen a lot. And they are the ones that deserve to be visited by as many tourists as possible. Amazing corners, unfamiliar to the general public, leave an indelible mark on the soul, evoking the most sincere emotions.

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