Strategic assessment of the state border of Indonesia. Indonesia Economic and Geographic Areas

Geographical position

The Republic of Indonesia is the largest state in Southeast Asia and the largest island state in the world.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe state is 1904.5 thousand square kilometers. In the world, it takes the 16th place in the area.

As part of the country more than 14 thousand islands. Among them, the following island groups can be distinguished: large sordic (Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java, Madura, etc.) and small probe, Molukskie Islands and the western part of the island New Guinea (Irian Jay). Only half of them are inhabited.

Indonesia has land borders with Malaysia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea. Sea borders pass with Australia, Singapore, Philippines, etc.

In the north and east, the country was washed by the water of the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean, in the south and west - the waters of the Indian Ocean.

The capital of the country is the city of Jakarta.

The country relief is distinguished by a very large variety. There are also small elevations, and real mountains. The most highly areas of the country are Java, New Guinea and Bali. Most of Indonesia is covered by mountains. Only along the coastal feature of the islands passes a narrow strip of lowlands.

The highest volcano is Kerinchi, located on Sumatra. Its height is 3,800 meters. The most famous volcano is considered to Krakatau 813 meters high. It forms a small island between Jawa and Sumature.

In Indonesia, Equatorial and subequatorial marine climate. In the low-year low-year countries, the air temperature is 26-27 s, in mountainous areas a little cooler.

Almost all year round in Indonesia sunny weather. Most of the precipitation falls on mountain areas. The rains go mostly early in the morning or at night. The total amount of precipitation is more than 3000 mm. in year.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls from January to February. Sea water temperature year-round does not fall below 26-28 C.

Visas, entry rules, customs regulations

For entering the country, the Russians need a visa. You can arrange it at the Embassy of Indonesia in Moscow. The amount of visa is from 2 to 10 days.

You can also get a visa upon arrival. Its cost is 25 USD.

It is impossible to import weapons, drugs, pornographic materials, printed publications on chineseChinese medicines. Limited import of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes.

It is forbidden to export antiques, rare plants and animals, as well as objects that represent historical and artistic value (special permission is required).

You can import and export foreign currency from Indonesia without restrictions. You can export a national currency in an amount not exceeding 50,000 IDR. Required Declaration.

Duty to the export of Indonesia is not allowed a large number of Cigarettes, cigars, tobacco and alcoholic beverages.

At the entrance to the country and leaving it, professional photo, video and audio equipment must be registered by the authorities.

When departing from the country, you must pay a small airportal collection. When flying inside the country, airport fee paid in rupees is also charged.

Population, political condition

The total population of the country is about 240 million people. Indonesia on this indicator in the world ranks 4th. The population of the country consists of 365 ethnic groups. The largest of them can be called Yavavans (46%), sundov (13%), Madurians (6%) and Malaysev (5.5%).

In Indonesia, people from other Asian countries live - the Chinese (more than 4 million people), Arabs, Indians, etc.), Arabs, Indians, etc.

AT politically Indonesia is a unitary republic. At the head of state and government is the president who is elected for a five-year term.

The legislature is the Parliament (Council of People's Representatives). The highest state authority is the People's Advisory Congress, which is going once every five years.

Administratively, the entire territory of the country is divided into 30 provinces that governors manage. There are also 2 special administrative units with the status of the province and 1 Metropolitan District.

State language - Indonesian ("Bahasa-Indonesia"), which is the option of Malay. In addition, more than 250 languages \u200b\u200band dialects are used in Indonesia - "Bahasa Daerakh".

For part of the population, the main language is Chinese. AT tourist places English is widespread.

What to see

Island Java is one of the most famous islands Archipelago. Landscapes are affected by their painting. On the island there is a large number of volcanoes. Local flora and fauna are very diverse. On Java, you can also see many temples, palaces, sanctuary and mosques. Folk crafts are flourished here.

Jakarta until 1949 was called Batavia. This is the capital and the most big City states. He lies on the north-western coast of Java.
Here you can see many buildings of the XVII-XVIII centuries., Channels and "National" Quarters. Each of them is distinguished by its unique flavor.
One of the city centers can be called Taman Fatakhila Square, located in the cat area.
Not far from here is located Historical Museum Jakarta, which works in the building of the former urban town hall, built in 1627. An interesting old gun "Si Yago" is interesting, it is worth visiting the Museum of Dolls and Ritual Accessories Vaang.
Bahari Museum has watching Tower. In the Chinese district, Glodak is the oldest temple of the capital - Jing-Yuan. It was built in the XVII century.
Another center of the city is considered to be the Square of Medan Merdek (Freedom Square). It can see the National Monument (Monas), whose height is 132 meters.
In the National Museum of Indonesia, you can see unique historical and ethnological collections. The museum will tell about the life and traditions of the peoples inhabiting the archipelago.

Large interest to tourists are buildings such as: Church of Willelm, presidential palace, City Council Building, Palace of Arts, Indonesia Maritime Museum, Penang Gate.

The obtricul mosque is one of the largest in Southeast Asia. The Palace of the Governor's General was built in 1760. Currently, he is a national archive.

Bazaar "Glodok" and the famous Zoo "Ragunan", located in the south of the city. The largest and most famous park of recreation in the capital is Jay-Anlas.

Outside the historical and business centers of the city, poor areas are located, which are not worth visiting tourists. The whole city is strongly polluted and over-selected.

The Botanical Garden of Kebun-Paradise is known for the whole world. Its area is 80 hectares.

In the west island lies a mountain resort Bandung. It attracts numerous tourists with a large number of museums and Dago waterfall. Volcano Tangkuban-Praia (Tangkuban-Perahu) and Lake Situptenngang have very picturesque surroundings.

The most prestigious beaches of this area can be called: Annieres and Karang Bolong. Chiater has hot volcanic sources.

Worth to visit National Park Pendant. Maribia hot springs are surrounded by majestic volcanic landscapes. These places are considered the most suitable for trekking.

Exquisite temple complex Lara-Jongrang ("Slender Virgo") was created at the beginning of the X century. and is located in the nearby Prambanne.

Surabaiis an The capital of Eastern Java. The temples of the Malang district of Malang and Volcano Bromo are attracted here.

42 km. north-west of Jokyakarta is Stupa Borobudur. This name can be translated as "Monastery on Mount" or "Temple of Thousand Buddhas." This unique monument of medieval Indonesian art belongs to 778-856. Externally, he resembles a stepped stone pyramid with 10 tiers. Its height is 34 m.

The walls of this building symbolize the sacred mountain measure. The steps decorate 1460 reliefs dedicated to the life of Buddha and illustrating the ancient Indian epic "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata".

In Niche, you can see 504 Buddha statues. All this on the spiral of a female fivekilometer "expensive process". She symbolizes the path of knowledge of the spiritual principle in man. At the top of the structure there is a sanctuary, the diameter of which is 15 m. It symbolizes the highest goal and spiritual freedom. This building is the largest monument to Buddhism in the southern hemisphere.

Bali Island lies between Java and Lombok Islands. It is the most popular country resort. Its length from East to West is 150 km., From north to south - 80 km.

The highest point of the island is the acting volcano Agung height of 3142 m, located on the slope sacred Mountain Gunung Agung. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe island is 5561 square meters. km. The population is 2.9 million people.

Denpasar It is the capital and administrative center of the island. He lies in his southern part. This is a calm green town.

Its main attractions are: the ethnographic Museum "Negn-Prancessi" and the Arts Center Taman-Vedi-Budayia. Not far from the city international Airport NGUR-Rai is the main transport node of the island.

The temple complex of Pura-Bescash (Mother Temple) stands on the seaside cliff Tanan-Lot ("Temple of the Sea"). The sacred "forest monkeys" Alas-Kedaton is interesting. AT MEGVIA is available "Royal Temple" Taima-Ayun, surrounded by water.

Higher popular tourists enjoys a craft and ethnographic center with the Puri-Lucisan Museum, located in Ubud..

In Pedgeng, Yech Pula and Pura-Samun-Tig can be seen rocky temples.

AT Tampaxiringit is worth visiting the monastery and the sacred source of Pura Tirta Empul. Of the other attractions of the island, you can call the Temple of Pura-Panatran-Sasi, the gigantic gallery of the rocky bas-reliefs in the GE Pool and the waterfall of GIT-GIT is 40 meters high.

In the "ivory cave" of Goe-Gadzha is the statue of Ganesh, relating to the XIII century. Lake Battur is located in the crater of the extinct volcano and is surrounded by great botanical garden. Be sure to go to the "Cave of Bassuch Mice".

Bali Barat is the only National Park on the island. Its area is 20 thousand hectares.

AT Taman Burung It is worth visiting the park of birds, and in Desa-Taro - Elephant Elephant Park "Elephant Safari". AT Kuta There is an aquapark, in Taman Coupu-Coupu - "Park of Butterflies".

Bali is also famous for its beaches. Resorts are most popular Sanur, Kuta, Jimbaran, Benoa, Tuban Legian, Nusa-Dua and Kandy Dasa.

Coastal watersislands Menjangang, Gili-Tepecong, Gili Viha attract numerous divers.

Sulawesi Island (Kebates) is interested in the fact that various ancient tribes have been preserved here. There are cave burials on this island, coral reefs in the area of \u200b\u200bManado Bay, great mountain lakes. Here you can see the lush folk ceremonies. AT Udjungpandangthere is a museum of folk art.

Satisfied fifth largest island in the world. Local beaches are covered with dark volcanic sand. On the island there are ruins of ancient temple complexes and palaces.

On the shore of the wonderful volcanic lake Toba lies prestigious resort Parapat. It is worth viewing the royal graves and the Palace of the island Samosier. Palace of Istana Maimoon, Military Museum "Bukit-Barisan" Med.

Lake Toba is the largest volcanic lake of Southeast Asia. A large number of legends and legends is associated with Bukitting - The capital of the people of Mengkabau. In the probe is the "volcano killer" Krakataau.

In the northern part Sumatrayou can visit the largest reserve of Indonesia - Gunung Lörser. It dwells the rarest kind of Sumatran rhino, as well as tigers and orangutans.

Kalimantan (Borneo) is the habitat of gods, which is one of the last "wild" tribes in the world. They still live according to the laws of the Stone Age.

In the village Melak You can see the Orchid Garden. "River City" Pontianak Interested in with its floating houses, canals and wooden mosque Mejah-Abduurraham. Local rivers are great for rafting.

On the island Lombok.many resort complexes. The beaches of the island are especially valued Jili.. The height of the Rindjani volcano is 3726 m. It has crater lake. Another attraction are Falls Fallops and Sendang Jil.

Island Flores. It is one of the rare places on our planet, where whales hunting is allowed. It can be found in the archipelago Aloora and island Solor. In the waters of the River Mahakov, the only on-planet freshwater dolphin lives.

At altitudes about 1600 m. There is a unique "tricolor" lake Kelie-Mata.. The water of this lake has different color due to various mineral salts. These salts come from volcanic crater at the bottom of the lake.

Island Madura Famous races on bulls ("Kerapan Sapi"). On the island Sumba You can observe the group fights of riders.

Islands Komodo and Rinka They are famous reserves in which the "Komodorsky Dragon" (Varan) is found. This Varan is the largest reptiles in the world.

On a small volcanic island Moyo Right in the jungle is the Ammanwana complex, which is the "most secluded hotel in the world."

The best places for diving in the country lie north of Jakarta: Palau Damar, Palau Ticus, Palau Paris, Palau-Putri, etc.

In the first century of our era, such religious flows as Buddhism and Hinduism appeared on the archipelago. In a thousand years after that, Islam penetrated here, which replaced the previous religions.

Indonesia for Europeans opened in 1292 the famous Marco Polo navigator. Europeans at this archipelago attracted its convenient geographical location. He was on the main shopping offshores. Europeans also liked the spices that were grown in Indonesia.

The development of the archipelago islands was started only in 1511. Long century, the main marine states of Europe tried to take possession of the largest islands of the archipelago.

Modern Indonesia of its centralization is largely owned by the colonial activities of the Netherlands. This state in the period from 1610 to 1945 could take possession of most of the Isles of the Archipelago, defeating Portugal. Portugal, however, managed to keep his sovereignty for the part of Timor.

During World War II, the Japanese intervention put an end to the domination of the Dutch. On December 27, 1949, Indonesia gained independence and became an independent state.

But so far, territorial and religious conflicts continue inside the state.

In 2002, East Timor came out of Indonesia. He was occupied by Indonesia in 1975.

On September 20, 2004, the president was first elemented for the first time. They became a resignation, Sushilo Babng Yudyono. Earlier, the president was elected by the People's Advisory Congress.

On July 8 of this year, the next elections were held, in which Yudonoo was re-elected for a second term.

International trade

Last year, exports brought Indonesia 139 billion dollars. The country exports oil, gas, wood, textiles and rubber.

The main trading partners in exports are: Japan 20%, America 10% and Singapore 9%.

Imports a country mainly machinery and equipment, chemicals, fuel, food (116 billion dollars in 2008).

The main suppliers are: Singapore 17%, China 12%, Japan 12%.

External debt of Indonesia last year amounted to $ 141 billion.

The shops

Shops usually work from 10:00 to 18:00, large shopping centers Can be open until 21:00 on weekdays and on Saturdays, and on Sunday - until 14:00.

The best souvenirs from Indonesia can be called a variety of handmade products. It sells unique figurines from ebony, sandalwood and mahogany, exotic paintings of local artists, bone carving and wood, puppet dolls, and works of pottery art.

The traditions of their manufacture are maintained and transmitted from generation to generation. They cost enough inexpensively according to our standards.

But you need to know that there are also very many fakes of poor quality, the purchases of which it is worthwhile.

Of great interest are also silverware which can be purchased at Bali. Interesting and batik (hand painted on fabric), paintings and a variety of silk products are offered.


In ethnic plan, the country's population is distinguished by a great variety. In Indonesia they live: Yavavantsa 45%, Sudanese 14%, Madurians 7.5%, Malays 7.5%, Other 7.5%: Balinese, Minangkabau, Ache, Bandjars, Dweaveki, Makassars, Bugs, Minahastsy, Galev, etc.

The average life expectancy of the country's population is 69 years. The average life expectancy of men is 65.6 years old, and in women - 70.4 years.

The share of the population aged from0 to 14 years is 30%; 15 - 64 years - 65%; 65 years and older - 5%.


The basis of the economy of the country is the production and refining of oil and gas. Mining is carried out mainly on Sumatra, Java, Kalimantane and in the western part of Irian-Jay. The petrochemical industry controls the state company Pertamina. The main industrial centers of Indonesia are: Jakarta, Surabaya, Jokyakarta, Palembang. They developed oil and gas processing, metallurgy, engineering, chemical industry. 2/3 busy falls on the esophagus and textile industry. The light industry, which is of great importance, works only on imported raw materials.

Flora and fauna

The Nature of Indonesia is distinguished by a large variety of flora and fauna. Here you can see the nature of the original form. Indonesia accounts for 12% of mammal species recorded on our planet, 17% of all bird species, 16% of all reptiles and amphibians, more than 33% of insects, as well as more than 4 thousand species of plants.

The slopes of the mountains in the upper tier are covered with mixed and coniferous forests. The wet tropical forests predominate somewhat below. Trees have grown up to 50 m high.

Forests made of palm trees and ficuses prevail on the plains. A fern is found in the undergrowth. In the territories with a large amount of precipitation grows rare casuarine ("red") tree and bamboo.

The southern islands occurs vegetation, characteristic of Australia - Eucalyptus, etc. On coasts in the wetlands of the country, mangrove thickets are dominant.

On the territory of Indonesia, you can also see the largest flower in the world, which is called Rafflesia. In diameter, it can reach 1 meter and has a bright orange color.

In the Western Islands of the Archipelago, such Asian animals are found as: rhino, elephant, tiger and orangutane. On the Eastern Island, New Guinea meets the sample species of animals: the echides, the slices and wood kangaroo.

Indonesia has a large number of endemic animals. The Malay Bear lives on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. On Java and Kalimantane, a wild bull is found, on Sulawesi - Babirus (wild pig).

In the tropical forests of the country dwell snakes, crocodiles and lizards. On the island of Komodo you can see a giant lizard, which is called Varan Komodo.

Birds are represented on the islands of the paradise bird, a rhino bird, a kuzaire, as well as a variety of parrots.

Banks and money

There are long-distance buses in the country, which have a clear schedule within one island. Some routes can move between the islands, for the crossing they use ferries.

Tickets are inexpensive, you can buy them at bus stations or in the office bus companies The day before the trip.

City buses are mainly old and worn. They usually have a lot of people. Money for travel is paid to the conductor or driver. Foreigners in buses often often calculate.

Area - 1919.4 thousand km2.

Population - 206.1 (2001) million people.

Capital - Jakarta (8.8 million people).

Territory and geographical position. Indonesia is the largest country of Southeast Asia and one of the largest island countries of the world. In terms of territory, it takes the 13th place in the world.

Indonesia is located on more than 13.5 thousand islands of the Malay archipelago, which spread along the equator between Indochite and Australia. The Malay Archipelago consists of a group of large and small probe islands. In the composition of Indonesia, Molukskie islands, as well as the western part of New Guinea island (Irian Jaya) and the island adjacent to it. The country's 2/3 of the country is occupied by the Large Sunda Islands (Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java).

Composition of the territory of Indonesia
Square, thousand km2
The share of the country area,%

Large Stern Islands:

Kalimantan (except the northern part)



Small Stern Islands:






Molukskie Islands:

Irian Jaya (Western About. New Guinea)

Like an island country, Indonesia is predominantly sea borders. The shores are washed by the two oceans and 13 seas. In the north-west, Malack Strait separates it from Malaysia and Singapore, in the northeast of the Philippines Sea of \u200b\u200bSulawesi, and in the south-east of the sea Timor and Arafur - from Australia. Indonesia's land borders with Malaysia (on about. Kalimantan) and Papua - New Guinea (on about. New Guinea).

Natural conditions and resources. The relief of Indonesia is strongly disseminated and characterized by a combination of mountain and equible territories. Most of the surface of the islands is mountainous. Mountains have steep slopes and considerable height. The highest peak of the city of Jay (5029 m.) Is in the western part of. New Guinea.

Allyvial plains stretch along the coast of the seas and river valleys. They take the largest squares in the eastern part of Sumatra, in the south of Kalimantan and in the western part of New Guinea. A significant part of the lowlands is bursting. The swamps are a serious obstacle to the economic development of the territory.

Indonesia is an active volcanic and seismic activity area. There are more than 500 volcanoes on the archipelago, of which about 100 are valid. The eruption of volcanoes, which are often accompanied by earthquakes, cause great damage to the farm.

Mountain relief affects the level of economic development of the territory and makes it difficult to transport links. The most mastered and favorable fertile and favorable farm mountain valleys and gentle slopes of the mountains. In the mountains there are significant reserves of minerals.

Minerals. The component structure of Indonesia mineral resources is rather diverse, although its subsoil is still not fully explored.

The largest stocks of fuel and energy resources, especially oil, whose deposits are estimated at 1.2 billion tons, almost 2/3 of the total reserves of Southeast Asia. Especially rich in Oil Sumatra, the east coast of Kalimantana, north coast Java and marine deposits in the Yavansky Sea. On the east coast, Sumatra is one of the richest in Asia and the country's largest oil field in the country. Natural gas reserves are estimated at 865 billion m3, which is 1/3 of the total reserves of the subregion. Almost all of them are located within the oil areas.

Stone coal reserves are small. The main deposits are located on Sumatra. Low quality stone coal. Significant reserves of brown coal is on Kalimantane. From other fuel and energy resources there are uranium and peat.

Indonesia is allocated by the reserves of tin, which are estimated at 1 million tons. Almost all the main fields of tin are located on the islands of Bangui, Blautung and Sinkug, who are often called "tin islands." According to the reserves of tin, the country ranks third in the world and the second - in the subregion (after Malaysia).

There are relatively large bauxite deposits in the country. According to their reserves, which are estimated at 150 million tons, Indonesia ranks second in Southeast Asia. They have a great content of alumina, and their development is mainly in an open way. Stocks of other metal ores are small. The main reserves of iron ore are concentrated on Sulawesi. Opened stocks of manganese, nickel, cobalt and copper.

On Sumatra there are reserves of gold and silver, and on Kalimantane - diamonds. The country is also sulfur, phosphorites and other minerals.

Climatic resources. The territory of Indonesia is located in the equatorial and subequatorial climatic belt zone. The seasonality of the climate is manifested only within the subequatorial belt and is associated with a change in monsoon winds. Most of the territory of the country lies within the equatorial climatic belt. For the equatorial climates, high temperatures are characterized with an equatorial climate - +24 ° ... 26 ° C. Only in the mountains, the temperature decreases to + 15 ° C. The preciputes fall uniformly during the year in the form of a rain. On the equilibin territories, on average, they fall to 2000 mm in the year., And in the mountains - up to 4000 mm. The most wet place is located in the western part about. Sumatra, where more than 6000 mm falls over the year. precipitation. The least precipitation in the valley of Palu in the south-west of about. Sulawesi - up to 500 mm. in year.

In the framework of the subequatorial climate is located only the east coast of about. Java and Small Stern Islands. For this region, high temperatures are characterized during the year and a pronounced alternation of two seasons: wet and dry. On average, per year on the plains drops to 1000 mm. precipitation, and in the mountains - up to 2000 mm. The dry season lasts from May to October.

In most areas, the climate is favorable for people's lives, especially at a height of 500 to 1000 m. These areas have the greatest population density.

Climatic conditions are favorable for the development of agriculture. The upper boundary of agricultural activities of a significant part of the country is at a height above 2000 m. Over the sea level. High temperatures during the year allow you to collect 2-3 crops from one field.

Soil resources. In the soil cover of Indonesia, latheric soils are dominated in conditions of high humidity and constantly high temperatures. Red soils are common in the territory with seasonal moisture. Significant areas occupy meadow and alluvial meadow soils. These soils were converted and demand ameliorative work. Storm rains reduce soil fertility, but it is restored by river seizures and volcanic activities. A significant part of the soil cover as a result of intensive cutting of forests is subjected to erosion.

Water resources. The year in Indonesia is a lot, but their length is small. The largest river - Kapuhau proceeds on about. Kalimantan.

Most year are full for the whole year. Seasonal flock fluctuations are observed in the territories of the monsoon climate. In the wet season of the river often leave the shores, in dry - merge, and some dry out.

The Indonesia Rivers have a multifunctional value. In off-road conditions, they serve as messages, used for the forest alloy, for irrigation and catch fish. Hydropower resources, according to different estimates, are from 10 to 15 million kW.

Rivers bring natural disasters when bottled during the rain. Stormy floods are especially dangerous - Bandjara. To protect the elements along the shores of many rivers, the dams are built.

Numerous lakes are small. More - Lake Toba on Sumatra.

Forest resources. In Indonesia, the largest forest area of \u200b\u200bSoutheast Asia is concentrated. Forests cover 59.7% of the country's territory. High forestry at Kalimantane, Sumatra and Irian Jai, and low - on Java.

The species composition of the forests is very diverse. The most common wet evergreen forests, which occupy 2/3 of the forest-plated area. Many species of trees have valuable wood and edible fruits. In the south-east of the country, monsoon deciduous forests are growing. Especially appreciated by teak and eucalyptus forests. On the coast grow mangrove forests. Their wood is used mainly on fuel.

For local needs, bamboo harvest. The exports are breeds of trees that have durable and beautiful wood. A significant part of the wood is lost due to the complex conditions of transportation.

Intensive cutting down of forests leads to an increase in soil erosion. The country develops activities aimed at re-deployment of some territories.

Population. The ethnic composition of the population of Indonesia is very motley. About 300 ethnic groups and 16 large ethnic groups live in the country.

In anthropological relationship most of the population belongs to the southern branch of the Mongoloid race. The largest peoples include Javanese, Sundanzi, Madurians, Malays. They constitute 2/3 of the total population of the country and speak in languages \u200b\u200brelated to the Malaysian-Polynesian language family. In the extreme east of the country there are Papuan peoples belonging to the Australoid race. Among the representatives of non-cristed peoples, the Chinese are dominated by the Chinese, Indians, Japanese, Arabs and Europeans.

State language - Indonesian.

In terms of population, Indonesia refers to the largest countries of the world. In mid-2000, 206.1 million people lived on its territory (fourth place in the world). Every year the population of the country grows by 3-4 million people. Over the past ten years, the average growth rate of the population was 1.8% per year, and in the late 90s decreased to 1.4%.

The increase in population is mainly due to natural growth. External migrations did not have a significant impact on the formation of modern ethnicity population and on the dynamics of its number. For 1930-1995, the country's population increased by 3.2 times.

In the late 1990s, the fertility rate in Indonesia amounted to 24 people per 1000 inhabitants, and mortality - 7 people per 1000 inhabitants. The main reason for the high natural increase was the decrease in mortality, especially children's. An indicator of child mortality in Indonesia - 64 children per 1000 born - corresponds to an average similar indicator in the world.

In the age structure of the population, young age groups are dominated. Children under 14 are 31.0% of the total population, and persons over 65 years old are only 4.0%. The average life expectancy of men is 65 years old, women - 70 years.

Young age structure The population led to a decrease in the share of economically active population - about 40%. In the industry structure, the high proportion of employed in agriculture is 45% and low - the share of employed in industry - 11%. Unemployment rate - 5.5% (1998). This indicator on Java is especially high, where 2/3 of the economically active population is concentrated.

The average population density is 110 people per km2 (2000). According to this indicator, the country takes the 69th place in the world. The greatest population density on about. Java is 813 people per km2, and the least populated about. Irian-Jaya - 4 people per km2. The country has developed a program for the migration of residents with about. Java to other islands.

The majority of the population of Indonesia live in rural areas. For the country, the so-called false urbanization is characterized, in which the increase in the number of urban population is caused mainly by agricultural overpopulation, and not by the development of industry. In the mid-1990s, 32% of the population lived in cities. Especially high levels of urbanization on Yava, which is explained by the presence of large cities here. Of the six cities - Millionaires of the country are four are on this island. The largest city of Indonesia - Jakarta, in which 8.8 million people live (1996). More than 2 million inhabitants each counts the cities of Surabaya and Bandung. About 10% of the total population of the country live in cities - million pictures. Large cities are located mainly on the coast of the islands.

More than 80% of the population profess Islam, mainly a Sunni sense. The second value and number of religion is Christianity. Protestants prevail among Christians. Other religions are common Hinduism and Buddhism. Some small nations adhere to traditional beliefs.

Features of development and general characteristics of the economy. The first states in the territory of modern Indonesia arose at the beginning of our era.

Before the arrival of Europeans, Java and some other islands have achieved quite high for that time of economic development. They led the lively trade with China, India and the countries of the Middle East. The main subject of their trade was spices, which were grown in the Molukskie Islands.

From the end of the XVI Art. The colonization of Indonesia began - first by the Portuguese, and then the Dutch. More than 350 years, right up to World War II, Indonesia was the colony of Holland.

During this period, the pace of economic development was very slow. In addition to traditional crops that have long been cultivated in the country (spices, fig), new cultures were introduced, which were in demand in the global market. For example, at the beginning of the XVIII century. The Dutch was brought into the country a coffee tree. For a long time coffee, sugar cane, and from the beginning of the XX century. - Gevei, were among the most profitable cultures.

The agrarian reform of 1870 liberated the peasants from the forced breeding of commodity crops and secured the plots behind them, they were treated at that time. Land residues were transferred to Europeans to organize a plantation economy. In the agriculture of Indonesia, two main sectors were formed: a large plantation economy of foreign monopolies and a small peasant farm in Indonesians. The main area of \u200b\u200bthe plantation economy was Java. From the beginning of the XX century. Expanded the area under the plantation on Sumatra and Kalimantane.

At the end of the XIX century. The extractive industry began to develop, especially the production of tin and oil. They have become important countries exporting countries and the source of large profits of monopolies. In the pre-war period, Indonesia provided 3.2% of global oil production.

However, the main object of operation and the source of foreign capital inflows in Indonesia had agriculture.

During World War II, Japan occupied Indonesia. The Japanese expanded rice crops (for the needs of the army), cotton, frames and other fibrous crops.

The Japanese occupation violated the external economic ties of the country, which developed historically, paralyzed her economic life. This led to the decline of important sectors of agriculture.

In August 1945, the Indonesian Republic was proclaimed, which in the fall of 1945 was suppressed as a result of armed aggression on the part of Holland. Only in 1949, Holland recognized Indonesia's independence.

In the early 50s of the XX century. The restoration of the farm, destroyed during the Japanese occupation and the Dutch intervention, began. In 1959, the President of the Republic of Sukarno proclaimed the concept, the essence of which was to strengthen the role of the state in economic life. The country held the nationalization of Dutch enterprises. By 1965 the country developed under the slogan of "Indonesian Socialism," which led it to the economic crisis.

In 1965, the state coup in Indonesia, a military dictatorship and a "new order" regime was established. Since the late 60s, the country proclaimed the "open model" of the economy, which provided for a wide attraction of foreign capital. The new government has begun to denationalize the economy. A long-term program for the development of the economy for 30 years (1970-2000) was adopted. The main task was to restructure the structure of the economy and raising the level of socio-economic development of the country.

For 20 years, Indonesia overcame the economic crisis. In the structure of GDP, positive quantitative and qualitative transformations occurred, which changed the nature of the economy with the agrarian-raw material in the agrarian industrial. In the mid-1990s, 40% of the country's GDP was produced in the industrial sector of the economy. In terms of GDP, which is estimated at 850 billion dollars (in PPS NC. Currency, 2000), Indonesia ranks first in Southeast Asia. It accounts for a third of the economic potential of the subregion. However, in terms of socio-economic development - only the sixth place. GDP per inhabitant here is only $ 4,100, which is almost three times less than the same indicator in the region.

The strategy for the economic development of the country for a long time was based on natural resources and agricultural products. Economic policy provided high GDP growth rates. For example, if in the 60s they did not exceed 3.5% per year, then 7.8% have already achieved in the 70s.

High rates of economic growth were observed in 1980, when they reached 9.8%. Significantly decreased in the 80s, and in the early 1990s, up to 6.5% rose again.

The level of industry and the rates of its growth were determined by the development of the extractive industry, especially oil producing. Modern industries developed on the basis of the import of capital and the new technique.

Industry is developing in a faster pace compared to other sectors of the economy. As a result, the share of industry in the creation of GDP increased to 35% (2000). Priority are branches processing local raw materials, ensuring the development of agriculture and producing products that replace imports.

In the industry industry structure dominates the mining industry, which produces 2/3 of the total gross industrial products. Until 1973, the cost of gross production prevailed the manufacturing industry. Increased oil prices led to a change in the ratio between the mining and manufacturing industry.

Indonesia mining industry is deeply integrated into the world economy. It gives raw materials for the development of the manufacturing industry and is an important source of foreign exchange earnings.

In the sectoral structure of the mining industry, the leading place is occupied by the fuel industry.

Area - 1 919,440 square meters. KM
Population -189136000
Capital - Jakarta (6,504,000)
Another major city - Surabaya (2,028,000)
Higher point - Mount Bunkak-Jay (5 030 m)
State language - Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
Major religions - Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism
Monetary unit - Indonesian rupee
Major Export Articles - Oil, Liquefied Natural Gas, Timber, Rubber, Coffee
Form of Board - Multipartery Republic

Indonesia occupies the world's largest archipelago, consisting of more than 13,600 highly islands with a multitude of active volcanoes. This seismically dangerous zone geologists are called the Pacific Fire Belt. In Indonesia, the strongest of the famous history of volcanic eruptions took place. However, people continue to live near the smoking volcanoes, since volcanic ashes enriches and fertilizes the soil. The climate is wet and warm here with abundant seasonal rains. There are many transparent lakes on the islands, coastal mangrove groves and picturesque rainforest. Here is found here - the biggest flower in the world (diameter up to 1 meter), bright orange, with an unpleasant smell attracting insects. Rare animals are found in the forests, including rhinos and tigers. The main income of the country receives from agriculture, forest industry and fisheries. In the seas of Indonesia, they produce a scumbers, anchovy, tuna, as well as pearls and shells. For a long time, the merchants and pirates came to the islands for spices - pepper, cloves and nutmegs that grow here and to this day. In addition, the country exports coffee, rubber, tobacco and oil. In Indonesia, there are deposits of copper, nickel and stone coal. In the 1960s, the development of oil fields, which brought significant income to the country.

Population and history
Apparently, the first inhabitants of the islands were among mainland Malaysia. From the VIII century, these islands, replete with spicy plants and located at the intersection of important trade routes, attracted navigators from different countries World. Indian merchants brought Hinduism to Islands, and the Arab merchants - Islam. In the XVI-XVII centuries, the island tried to capture the Portuguese and the British, but it was possible to do it by the Dutch fell in 1798. During the Dutch domination of the island, they united in the struggle for independence, and in 1945 Indonesia was proclaimed by the Republic. One of the main political forces of the state was the army, which in 1965 suppressed the communist uprising. In 1976, the eastern part of Timor is an attached to Indonesia. The first president of the sovereign Indonesia was Ahmed Tsukarno, who inspired the genuine sense of national pride in Indonesians. After a military coup to power in the country, General Suharto came, whose board was distinguished by political and religious tolerance.
Most of the islanders are engaged in agriculture. In the daily life of the Indonesian people, Buddhist, Hindu and folk customs are combined, although mostly the Indonesians profess Islam. Each island lives in its traditions.

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Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, the largest state in Southeast Asia and the largest island state in the world. The territory of Indonesia extends between 6 "11" northern latitude and 11 "15" southern latitude, between 94 "54" and 141 "05" East longitude. According to the latest data, the Islands include the islands, of which about 1000 have a permanent population. The borders of the country are predominantly sea. In the north-west, Indonesia is separated by the Malaccian Strait and the South China Sea from Western Malaysia and Singapore, in the northeast by the seas of Sulav and Sulawesi from the Philippines and the Pacific Ocean from Palau, in the south-east of Timor and Arafur seas from Australia. On Kalimanthane Indonesia borders on East Malaysia, on about. Timor - with East Timor and on. New Guinea - with Papua - New Guinea. Indonesia. Capital - Jakarta. The population is 238.5 million people (July 2004). Density - 110 people per 1 square meter. km. City population - 34%, rural - 66%. Area - 1919.4 thousand square meters. km. SAMI high Point - Jaya Mountain (5030 m). State language - Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia). Major religions: Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Animism, Confucianism. Administrative and territorial division - 27 provinces. Monetary unit: Indonesian rupee \u003d 100 hats. National holiday: Independence Day - August 17.

Nature Indonesia spread out on the islands of the Malay Archipelago (large and small sordic o-va), Molukkskiy, and the western part about. New Guinea, which stretched along the equator. The extreme western and eastern dots of the country share approximately 5150 km, and the extreme northern and southern - 1931 km. The total Sushi area of \u200b\u200bIndonesia is 1919.4 thousand square meters. km, and water area - 7.9 million square meters. km. The coastline is rather slightly weak, the natural bays are small; Along the coast, coral reefs and sandy shallow are often found. The coasts of the inland seas lowlands, almost everywhere wetlands with extensive mangroves or bay rice fields. Shores in the south Sumatra, Java and Islands Eastern Indonesia addressed to Indian Ocean., on the contrary, high and places with rocky cliffs. Relief. Islands of Indonesia differ significantly in size. The largest of them are New Guinea (829 thousand square meters. Km, of which Papua Province accounts for 421.9 thousand square meters. Km), Kalimantan (734 thousand square meters. Km, Indonesia belongs to 539.5 thousand square meters. km), Sumatra (473.6 thousand square meters), Sulawesi (189.2 thousand square meters) and Java (126.5 thousand square meters). The remaining Islands of Indonesia in Square is significantly inferior to those listed, the majority refers to the Small Prordan and Molukski Islands. The composition of Indonesia also includes many tiny coral atolls and solitary rocks.

Area: Total: sq. km. Water: 4.85 sq. Km. Bier A. Pain. City

The climate of Indonesia is Equatorial and subequatorial. For stretching along the equator and surrounded from all sides by the seas of Indonesia is characterized by very insignificant rapid climatic differences and high relative humidity of the air (80%). The average monthly air temperature at sea level approximately corresponds to the average annual temperature of + 26-27 ° C. On relatively removed from the equator of small probe O-WAH, JAVA and BALI, the equilibrant climatic effect of the ocean is quite strongly felt. So, in the seaside city of Kupanga on Timor, where there is the most southern meteorological station of the country, the average annual air temperature is + 26 ° C, and the average monthly indicators range from + 24-27 ° C. Although not so high and more differentiated indicators are recorded in the elevated areas The air temperatures, its monthly values \u200b\u200bremain stable. At the heights of more than 1500 m are freezing.

Water resources. Climate features and relief favors the formation of a thick river network. Thanks to the abundance of atmospheric precipitation of the river, almost all year round and play a large role in the irrigation system. In the mountainous areas of the river are a potential source of electricity. At the same time, in the region, floods are often frequent, and rivers carry a significant number of or strong material that makes navigation and declared in the coastal zone. Self large rivers Indonesia on O. Kalimantan - R.Kapuas, or Capeuba Bearer (1040 km, pool area - 97 thousand square meters. Km) in Western Kalimantane, Mahakov (715 km) in East Kalimanthane, Martapura and Barito (650 km) in South Kalimantane . Most rivers are originated in the Central Mountain Arrays; on the plains, closer to the coast, they leak through extensive swamps; The channel is often changing. Along many rivers, settlements are also formed as transport arteries.

Vegetable world. Thanks to the hot and humid climate, the spreadsheet of the relief, as well as the geographical position of Indonesia, has a rich and diverse floral worldincluding approx. 40 thousand species (Java only numbers approx. 10 thousand species). With the exception of Java and Bali, about 90% of the territory of the country are covered with forests in which approx. 3 thousand trees. To a large extent, this is already a secondary forest (Belukar), which is very common in those parts of the external islands, where the gravy-firing agriculture system is practiced. In more dry areas, with such a type of land use, natural vegetation was often completely supplanted by the cover of hard grass Lalang.

Animal world. The conventional line conducted by the English scientist 19 century. A.R.Uolles along the outer edge of the probe continental shelf, east of Kalimantan and Java, corresponds to the approximate border of the Asian fauna in the West and Australian - in the East. Accordingly, such large animals like an elephant, rhino (single-legged on Java and twisted on Sumatra), Tiger and Orangutan, dwell to the west of the marked border, and smaller monkeys are found and east - on the islands of Sulawesi and Timor. Even further, many Asian species of birds, reptiles and insects (including butterflies) penetrate east. As it removes to the east of this line, the number of Australian animal species increases, which is primarily noticeable in the province of Papua, for which there are typical animals.

Protected areas. In total, in excess of 35 national parks (9.7% of the country, 1997), created for the protection of rare animals and the preservation of wildlife. Many species of animals, incl. Orangutang, Javanese and Sumy Rhino, are on the verge of extinction and meet them now almost exclusively in reserves. The List of UNESCO World Heritage List included Parks: Dwong Pendant (Western Java, 1206 square meters), KoModo (Komodo, 1817 square meters. Km), Loustz (Western Papua, sq. Km), as well as parks of the project "Heritage of Tropical Forests Sumatra" - Kerinchi Selabe National Park (Central Sumatra, sq. Km. Other natural parks - Siberut (Western Sumatra, 4030 square meters), Tanjung Putin (Central Kalimantan, 3040 square meters), Kutai (East Kaliman, Oak sq. Km), Mere Betiri (East Java, 580 sq. M. Km), Alas Purvo (Southeast Java, 434 square meters). The status of the protected area is also distributed to the extensive network of marine reserves.

The population increase in the number of population occurs due to the natural growth characterized by a high birth rate and gradually decreased mortality. Annual growth rates in 1963-1970 were estimated at 2.8% per year, in 1970-1980 - 2.34%, in 1985 - 2.9%, but thanks to the successful implementation of the family planning program in 1990-1995 decreased to 1.7 %. Now the population growth is 1.5%. Birth rate (2003) at the rate of 1000 people is 21.49 people. The mortality rate is 6.26 per 1000 people. The average life expectancy is 68.94 years. When maintaining the current growth rates, the expected population in 2025 should reach 287 million people.

Languages. In terms of alive languages, Indonesia ranks second in the world. Here they speak 728 languages \u200b\u200band dialects. The languages \u200b\u200bof indigenous ethnic groups differ significantly, although they all relate to the Malay-Polynesian (Austronesian) language family, including Yavansky, the most widespread in Indonesia. It is native for 75 million inhabitants, especially on about. Java. The exceptions are only Papua Russian languages, which are spoken in West Papua and other regions of the eastern part of Indonesia.

Economy Indonesia is a developing industrial-agricultural country with a multi-way economy and the world's largest exporter of commodities. The economy development strategy is based on five-year plans. The period from 1969 to 1997 is characterized by the high rates of industry growth and services sector, attracting foreign investment and attempts to diversify the economy. After 30 years of sustainable economic growth, the Indonesian economy in 1998 experienced a strong decline. The crisis was particularly strongly struck in Indonesia and undermined the position of President Sukharto, breeding the most acute political situation in the country from the mid-1960s. Although the crisis has highlighted a lot of shadow phenomena, most economists and businessmen believe that in the long run, Indonesia is waiting for a favorable future based on the use of rich natural resources. In the structure of the Indonesian economy, significant shifts are observed, as evidenced by the distribution of the national product. The share of agriculture in the gross domestic product (GDP) gradually decreased by approximately 45.5% in the early 1970s to 22% in the mid-1980s, and then up to 16-17% in 1997, the total industry increased from about 7% in 1970 Up to 16% in 1985 and from 25% in 1997 to 43.6% in 2004 (including processing - from 8.4% in 1970 to 13% in 1980 and up to 25% in 2002). Particularly decreased by the role of the oil and gas industry, in which there was an average of 30% of GDP and only 14% in 1990 and 6% in the same years a sector of services grew from 29.8% in 1970 to 39.9% in 2004 .

Health. Indonesia has reached certain health care success. Thanks to the family planning program, it was possible to reduce the high birth rate. The life expectancy of men rose from 51.1 years in 1980 to 67 years in 2003, women - from 54.4 years to 71 years. Children's mortality (per 1 thousand live births) decreased from 105 cases in 1980 to 37 in however, child mortality in rural areas is much higher than the average. Despite vaccination, various diseases are common for tropical climates everywhere. Foci of malaria are saved on Kalimantane and Sumatra. The unsanitary conditions of the life of the majority of the population also have a negative impact on the health care condition, especially on overcrowded islands. According to 2000 data, there are no access to safe drinking sources of 90% of urban and 69% of rural residents, about 12 million people suffer from malnutrition.

Culture cultural influences. On the Malay-Polynesian origin of the indigenous population of the country shows the high social position of the woman and the symbolic meaning attached by boats. As a result of collective creative efforts of various peoples who came to the archipelago, the layering of different cultures occurred. Hinduism and Buddhism, which came to the islands, primarily from India and from 8 V were consistently provided. successfully secured on Java and Bali; Islam, brought in 14 V. from the Middle East merchants and preachers; European traditions that were introduced by the Portuguese in the 16th century. And then the Dutch until the beginning of the 19th century. Music and dance. An example of the compound of the Hindu influence and local tradition can serve as the famous Javanese Theater of Shadows (Vaang-Kulit), popularly on Bali. During the presentation, the doll (Dalang) moves in front of a white-screen figure of dolls made of buffalo leather, on which the light of the oil lamp is directed. Against the background of the screen, dolls are clearly visible, and on the screen of their shadow. The ongoing all night of the representation of the Vaown-Kulitis is not only a performance, but also a peculiar ritual action. Placing the plots from Indian epos of Ramayana and Mahabharata is the glorification of the gods, the peacefulness of the spirits and the enrichment of the soul of the audience. It is believed that the ancient art of Vajang Kulit could be born in China

Indonesia is a country located on a variety of tropical islands. Each Indonesian island has its own unique culture, architecture, people and traditions. In Indonesia, there is all - jungle, tropical forests, lakes, existing volcanoes And, of course, the paradise beaches. In Indonesia, you will find friendly residents, and you can also see the sunrise over the most beautiful Buddhist temples.

Indonesia geography

Indonesia is located in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago, which consists of more than 17.5 thousand islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, including Kalimanthane, Sumatra, Java, and a new Guinea (only 6 thousand of them are inhabited). Indonesia borders with Malaysia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea. Other nearby countries - Singapore, Philippines, Palau and Australia. The total area of \u200b\u200bthis country is 1,919,440 square meters. km.

Much of the territory of the islands that are part of Indonesia, are occupied by mountains. The largest local vertex - Punchak Jaya Mountain on New Guinea Island, the height of which reaches 4,884 meters.

The geographical position of Indonesia determines that there is very strong seismic and volcanic activity in this country. those. In Indonesia, earthquakes often occur and volcanic eruptions. However, special services can already predict all these cataclysms. In general, in Indonesia now there are about 150 active volcanoes, including the "famous" Krakataau and Tamboz.

On the island of Kalimanthan there are three largest rivers of Indonesia - Mahakam, Barito and Kapulau.


The capital of Indonesia - Jakarta, in which more than 9.7 million people now live. Archaeologists argue that the settlement of people on site of modern Jakarta existed already in the first century of our era. However, the city itself was officially founded in 1527.

Official language

Official language in Indonesia - Indonesian, belonging to Austronesian language family.


More than 88% of the population of Indonesia are Muslims (mainly Sunni Muslims). Another 8% of the population of this country belongs to Christians.

State Device Indonesia

According to the current Constitution of 1945, Indonesia is the parliamentary republic. Her chapter is the president, elected for 5 years.

Parliament in Indonesia Two-Palace - People's Advisory Congress, consisting of the Council of People's Representatives (560 deputies) and the Council of Regional Representatives (132 deputies). The country's parliament has the right to declare impeachment to the president.

The main political parties in Indonesia - Democratic Party, Golkar party, "Dem-I party of struggle of Indonesia", "The Party of Justice and Swelling", and the "Mandate Party".

Climate and weather in Indonesia

The climate in Indonesia is equatorial with elements of the subequatorial. In general, in Indonesia it is very hot and humid. The average annual air temperature is + 27.7C. The average annual precipitation is 1,755 mm. The rainy season in this country has to since October to April. However, rains are in the so-called. "Dry season."

Some travelers love to relax in Indonesia and in the rainy season (October-April). At this time, rains in Indonesia usually go in the evening no more than 2 hours. All the rest of the time Indonesia is very hospitable. This season, as a rule, prices for hotels in Indonesia are much smaller than in the dry season.

On Sumatra and Java, the rainy season lasts from November to March (rains fall out in the afternoon). The best time to travel to Java or Sumatra is May-September.

On the island of Bali, the rainy season falls on October-March. However, on Bali between the rain shower a lot of sun and a bright blue sky. Therefore, Bali can be resting in the rainy season. The best months for a trip to Bali - from May to August.

Sulawesi Island, amazing place for beach holidaysIt has two opposite climatic zones. In the south-west of this island, the Mussian period continues from October to March, and in the North - from June to July. On the coast of Slavsi, the air temperature can reach + 34C, and in the middle of the island, on the hill - + 24c.

The average air temperature on Bali Island:

January - + 26c
- February - + 26c
- March - + 27c
- April - + 27c
- May - + 28c
- June - + 27c
- July - + 27c
- August - + 27c
- September - + 27c
- October - + 27c
- November - + 27c
- December - + 27c

Ocean in Indonesia

The shores of the Indonesian Islands wash the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The average temperature of the sea near Bali Island:

January - + 29c
- February - + 29c
- March - + 29c
- April - + 28c
- May - + 28c
- June - + 28c
- July - + 27c
- August - + 27c
- September - + 27c
- October - + 27c
- November - + 27c
- December - + 27c

Rivers and lakes

On some Indonesian Islands there are many rivers. The largest rivers flow along the island of Calimanthane (this is the Mahakov Rivers, Barito and Kapulau). On the island of Sumatra is the largest volcanic lake on Earth - Lake Toba.

History of Indonesia

On the territory of Indonesia, the ancestors of modern people lived already during the days of Lower Paleolithic (Javanese monkeys and a Floresian man). Approximately 45 thousand years ago, a reasonable man appeared on the territory of modern Indonesia. And Indonesia was settled by representatives of the Negroid and Mongoloid races.

The first states in Indonesia existed already in the IV century AD. - Kutay and Taruma, and later - Srevyjaya. On all these states big influence Present India and Buddhism.

In the XIII century, the Empire Majapakhit Empire reaches. At the same time, Islam begins to spread in Indonesia.

Europeans in Indonesia appeared at the beginning of the XVI century. These were Portuguese navigators. Then the Dutch, formed by the Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands, were applied to Indonesia. At this time, there were several states on the territory of modern Indonesia, among which the Sultanate Matami should be allocated. Gradually, these states became the colony of the Netherlands.

In 1811, Indonesia became the colony of Great Britain. However, after the end of the Napoleonic wars, the United Kingdom returned Indonesia the Netherlands.

In the first half of the XX century, Indonesians form several political parties (for example, the Communist Party of Indonesia and the National Party).

In the spring of 1942, Indonesia (Netherlands East India) was captured by Japanese troops. Occupation by the Japanese Indonesia lasted until August 1945. It was in August 1945 that Indonesia's independence was proclaimed. However, the Netherlands did not want to part with their colony, and unleashed hostilities. The fighting ended only in 1950. President of the country was elected Sukarno.

In March 1968, the People's Advisory Congress was elected President of Indonesia Sukto, who previously commanded the ground forces.

Since 2004, Indonesia's president is elected by direct universal voting.


The contemporary culture of Indonesia is the result of the interaction of traditions of different peoples who live in this country. In addition, Portuguese traders and Dutch colonists were noticeable on Indonesian culture.

In everyday life, Indonesians are guided by the principles of mutual assistance ("Gotong Royong") and the exchange of opinion ("MUSYAWARAH"), which helps to come to agreement ("Mufakat").

Indonesian art is under a very strong religious influence. The traditions of the famous dance drama Java and Bali go up to Hindu mythology (they can notice the effect of Hindu Epos "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata").

In Indonesia, tourists we recommend to see local festivals, which are held everywhere and almost every month. The most ambitious of them are a Gallungan festival on Bali, the submission of the "Ballet Ramayana" on Java, the feast of silence on Bali, the Buddhist festival of the Beak in Borobudre, Easter parade on the island of Laranduk.


The main food product in Indonesia is rice, however, in the eastern part of the country, potatoes, corn, sago and manica are distributed. Naturally, a very large part in Indonesian cuisine is occupied by fish and various seafood (oysters, shrimps, lobsters, crabs, squid). In addition, Indonesian cuisine is impossible to imagine without coconut (oil made from it, and the flesh is added to many dishes).

As for meat, the beef and poultry meat are popular in Indonesia. Pork can be found only in Chinese restaurants or in those areas where little Muslims lives.

Traditional Indonesian dishes - "Nasi Goring" (fried rice), "Mie Goring" (fried noodles), and "Gado-Gado" (vegetables with eggs in peanut sauce).

In Indonesia, a lot of a wide variety of exotic fruits (Jackfrurt, Durian, Papaya, Pineapple and Mango).

The traditional alcoholic drink in Indonesia is Tuak wine, which is made of palm red sugar. However, most Indonesians drink black tea, because Islam prohibits alcohol.

Attractions Indonesia

Be sure that travelers in Indonesia are not boring. Of course, resting on the beaches under the Indonesian sky is a great pleasure. But sometimes I want to visit interesting places. There are a lot of such interesting attractions in Indonesia. The top ten Indonesian attractions, in our opinion, can enter the following:

Cities and resorts

The biggest Indonesian cities are Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Tangerang, Bekasi, Decok, Palembang, Semarang, Makasar, and, of course, Jakarta.

Thanks to its geographical position in Indonesia, there are excellent conditions for recreation. Tourists have long appreciated such islands in Indonesia, such as Bali and Lombok. However, some other Indonesian Islands offer opportunities for beautiful rest No worse. We advise you to pay attention to the islands of Papua, Lemborgan, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java.

Almost every hotel in Indonesia offers spa services. In general, many argue that the best spa treatments are made in Indonesia. Particularly diverse spa programs on Bali island.

Traditional Indonesian spa services include a milk bath ("Mandi Susu"), which is considered a beauty bathroom Princesses Java, Mandi Luhur, "Floral Baths" (in warm water add jasmine petals, garpendee, hibiscus, magnolia), which, As the rules are the final stage of the spa session.

In addition, in Indonesian spa, wrapping in the grass (used to remove impurities from the body and cure spots on the skin), as well as a traditional massage.

Souvenirs / Shopping

From Indonesia as souvenirs usually bring products from bamboo and coconut (for example, baskets, rugs), wooden spoons, bowls, figurines, painted ceremonial masks, batik fabric and «ikat» (as well, for example, tablecloths from these fabrics) , Waalian dolls, traditional musical Indonesian tools ("Gamelan", drums, bamboo flutes), tea.

Work hours of institutions

State institutions:
Mon-Fri: 08: 00-16: 00

See also: