Znamenka Kirovograd. Signal Map Detailed - Streets, Rooms of houses, Areas

Yesterday I talked about the Znamensky Children's home board. After visiting B. orphanage We had a little time, and we decided to walk and see the city.

The history of the city is directly connected with the railway. The banner was founded in 1869 as a station on the railway Elisavetgrad Hooks, in the middle of the Black Forest.
Now the banner is a major railway node.

Therefore, it was not by chance that we traveled to the sign of the railway on express.

01. I had to get up very early, and all we could have breakfast was fast food.

02. Quite quickly we overcame 300 km from Kiev.

03. Our team on the platform.

04. Near the station there is a legendary steam locomotive, the first sign in the exempted signs from the Nazis.

05. Vocation parking.

06. Children's playground.

07. Traces of Western capitalism are also seen here.

08. Typical accommodation in Znamenka.

09. The building of the district administration and district Rada.

10. And this is the building of the city council.

11. Department of State Treasury.


13. Corporate Kiosk.

14. The gears of modern architecture are visible here.

15. Monument to the Ukrainian Kobzary.

16. Another modern building.

17. Dimensional life in the sign.

18. Metal hatches here have long been put in scrap metal.



21. High rise sign.

22. Sometimes you can meet this car.

23. It would seem ordinary Khrushchev.

24. But no, the relatives of Taras Shevchenko lived in this house.

25. Real estate agency.

26. Olympic object.

27. Flower business is very popular in the banner.



30. If you look carefully, you can see that the shoes in the sign are selling more profitable than perfume.

31. In the banner is good.

32. Here you know what webmoney is.

33. Stela in the city center.

34. Soviet stop.

35. central square In his best.

36. What do you think what kind of building I have behind my back?

37. We are with measles.

38. So this is the building of the Palace of Culture.

39. Entry to it is limited.

40. What does not prevent some nevertheless to approach the entrance.

41. Oddly enough, in the banner is really pure as in Minsk. What confirms my theory is purely where there are no people.

42. Here people relax, looking at the fountain.

43. For christian churches In the banner just grace!

44. How relying cultural Center Cities can be seen extremes.

45. There are cozy cafes.

46. \u200b\u200bMonument to the victims of the Afghan War.

47. Right in the center, the city turns into the village.

48. In the banner it is very loved to fold the houses with tiles.

49. Artistic on the gate.

50. And in the courtyard, cleanliness and order.

51. Furniture store.

52. Stop, crouched grass.

53. Many real estate for sale.

54. What would you think of this building on the sidewalk?

55. I did not guessed that it was a well.

56. Hall of the Kingdom of Jehovah's Witnesses.

57. And here interesting case. As you probably remember, in the old days, the Communists turned the Orthodox churches in clubs and cinemas. Here, the opposite, the club was transformed into the Orthodox church.

58. Traces of antiquity are still visible.

59. Found a cat on the road.

60. I could not pass by)


62. Fire part. What is noteworthy, right next to her, some man rushing trash. One of the firefighters took place near him: - What, to the palette? - Ta Polah, and sho to rob. - Well, just carefully!

63. Beautiful commercial premises.

64. In the banner there are people of different wealth.

65. There are supermarkets and refueling.

66. Dogs graze, pulling herbs.

67. In the banner strictly followed by order.

68. Europe, and how did you think!

69. Znamensky station was built in 1952.

70. A fairly beautiful building.

71. The main employer of the city - Ukrainian railwaysWith a locomotive and wagon depot, the path, power supply, SCB and communication, a large sorting station, a recovery train.

72. We are waiting for the arrival of our express.

73. So he.

The city of Znamenka is located in the state (country) Ukrainewhich in turn is located in the continent Europe.

In which region (regions) is the city of Znamenka?

The city of Zamenka is part of the region (region) Kirovograd region.

The characteristic of the region (region) or the subject of the country is the possession of the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlementsincluded in the region (region).

The region (region) Kirovograd region is an administrative unit of state Ukraine.

The population of the city of Zamenka.

The population in the city of Znamenka is 29 234 people.

The basis of the founding of the city of the Replaced.

The founding of the city of Znamenka: 1869.

Draft city code Zamenka

Delivery phone code Znamenka: +380 5233. In order to call the city of Znamenka with mobile phoneYou must type code: +380 5233 and then directly the subscriber number.

The comfortable hotel offers you 11 elegant rooms equipped with everything you need for your. unforgettable rest. Dimensional and resting to rest and solitude atmosphere of the hotel allows guests to experience true comfort and present hospitality, feel at home relaxed. Lіleya

The comfortable hotel offers you 11 elegant rooms equipped with everything you need for your unforgettable holiday. Dimensional and relaxing to rest and solitude the atmosphere of the hotel allows guests to experience true comfort and present hospitality, feel at home relaxed. All the rest will take care of the courteous and qualified hotel staff. Responsive hotel staff will help you navigate in the city. The hotel offers a 24-hour front desk. All rooms are non-smoking hotels.
We bring to your attention the following categories of rooms:
Additionally, a tourist collection in the amount of 1% of the cost of the entire residence period is charged.
Payment is carried out: cash and cashless form of payment.

Our additional services:
Included in the price:
- free Wi-Fi Internet,
-satellite television,
-FEN (at the administrator);
- Iron (at the administrator);
- call taxi;
- child stay up to 3 years;
Silent services:
- Guarded parking in the closed area of \u200b\u200bthe hotel.

Rooms are performed in tranquil tones for guests preferring comfort and functionality: double, triple, quadruple rooms.
In the room:

- refrigerator;
- satellite television,
- a shower room with a shower and with all the necessary accessories and amenities for several numbers,
- towels in the set;
- slippers.
The cost of living in the room from 130.00GRN. until 190.00GRN. For single placement.

Four rooms are made in calm tones for guests preferring comfort and functionality. Hotel Room - Miniuxers - a respectable room, which is ideal for both work, and for recreation, there are double-bedroom, one-time, single beds. At the request of guests, it is possible to single and double accommodation in the room.
There is a room decorated in traditionally Ukrainian style.
In the room:
- bedroom;
- hallway;
- Beds with orthopedic mattresses;
- wardrobe, table, chairs, mirror;
- refrigerator;
- air conditioning system,
- satellite television,
- towels in the set;
- slippers.
The cost of living in the room is 400.00GRN. - per room.
The price is per day in the national currency of Ukraine.

Significantly differ in increased area, layout, furnished with exquisite functional furniture, aged in modern design. Color range, stylistics, decor have an imprint of elegant advantage inherent in the interiors of modernity. At the request of the guests it is possible to triple accommodation.
In the room:
- bedroom;
- kitchen - living room;
- shower room with all the necessary accessories and amenities;
- double bed with orthopedic mattresses;
- Sleeping set, kitchen corner, hallway;
- angular sofa (double place);
- refrigerator;
- air conditioning system,
- satellite television;
- towels in the set;
- slippers.
Room accommodation:
-600.00 UAH. - for one, double accommodation,
-840.00 UAH. - For triple accommodation.
The price is per day in the national currency of Ukraine.

Before you map Znamenki with streets → Kirovograd region, Ukraine. Learning detailed map Zamenki with house numbers and streets. Real-time search, weather today, coordinates

More about the streets of Zamenki on the map

A detailed map of the city of Zamenka with street name shows all routes and objects, including ul. Partisan and Frunze. The city is located near.

For a detailed study of the territory of all areas, it is enough to change the scale of the online scheme +/-. On the page interactive Card. The city of Zamenka with addresses and routes of the area, move its center to find the streets.

You will find all the necessary detailed information About the location of urban infrastructure - shops and houses, squares and roads, highways and alleys. The ability to find out the distance and length of the city, pave the route around the territory, search for addresses. Ul. Oktyabrskaya and sediment, too, in the visibility zone.

Satellite map Znamenka with a search for Google is waiting for you in your heading. You can use the search for Yandex to find the desired house number on the national map of the city and the Kirovograd region of Ukraine in real time. Here

The sun is the source of life on the planet. Its rays give the necessary light and warm. At the same time, the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun is detrimental for all living things. To find a compromise between the useful and harmful properties of the Sun, meteorologists calculate the ultraviolet radiation index, which characterizes its degree of danger.

What uv radiation of the sun is

The ultraviolet radiation of the Sun has a wide range and is divided into three areas, two of which reaches the Earth.

  • UV. Long-wave radiation range
    315-400 Nm

    The rays are almost free through all atmospheric "barriers" and reach the ground.

  • UV-B. Middle-wave radiation range
    280-315 Nm

    The rays are 90% absorbed by the ozone layer, carbon dioxide and water vapor.

  • UV-c. Shortwave radiation range
    100-280 Nm

    The most dangerous area. Completely absorbed by the stratospheric ozone, without reaching the Earth.

The larger the atmosphere of ozone, clouds and aerosols, the less the destructive effect of the sun. However, these saving factors have high natural variability. Annual maximum of the stratospheric ozone falls on the spring, and at least - for autumn. Cloudy is one of the most non-permanent weather characteristics. Carbon dioxide can also change all the time.

Under what values \u200b\u200bof the UV index there is a danger

The UV index gives an estimate of the UV-radiation of the Sun on the surface of the Earth. The values \u200b\u200bof the UV index vary from safe 0 to the extreme 11+.

  • 0 - 2 low
  • 3 - 5 moderate
  • 6 - 7 high
  • 8 - 10 very high
  • 11+ Extreme

In medium latitudes, the UV index approaches unsafe values \u200b\u200b(6-7) only maximum height Sun over the horizon (occurs at the end of June - early July). At the equator, during the year, the UV index reaches 9 ... 11+ points.

What is useful for the Sun.

In small doses, UV-radiation of the Sun is simply necessary. The sun rays synthesize the melanin, serotonin, vitamin D necessary for our health, prevent Rahit.

Melanin Creates a kind of protective barrier for skin cells from the harmful effects of the Sun. Because of him, our skin darkens and becomes elastic.

Horone of happiness serotonin It affects our well-being: it improves the mood and increases the overall vitality.

Vitamin D. Strengthens the immune system, stabilizes blood pressure and performs anti-developing functions.

What is dangerous sun

Taking sunbathing, it is important to understand that the border between the useful and harmful sun is very thin. Excessive tan always borders with a burn. Ultraviolet radiation damages DNA in skin cells.

The protective system of the body cannot cope with such aggressive impact. This reduces immunity, damages the retina of the eyes, causes skin aging and can lead to cancer.

Ultraviolet destroys the DNA chain

How the sun affects people

The susceptibility to UV radiation depends on the type of skin. People of the European race are most sensitive to the Sun - protection is required for them under the index 3, and 6 is considered to be dangerous.

At the same time, for Indonesians and African Americans, this threshold is 6 and 8, respectively.

Who is most falling under the influence of the sun

    People with light
    tone leather

    People having many moles

    Residents of medium latitudes during rest in the south

    Winter lovers

    Skiers and climbers

    People having a family-friendly skin cancer story

In what weather the sun is more dangerous

The fact that the sun is dangerous only in hot and clear weather - a common misconception. It is possible to burn in cool cloud weather.

Cloudy, whatever dense it, does not reduce the amount of ultraviolet to zero. In medium latitudes, cloudiness significantly reduces the risk of burning, which cannot be said about traditional places beach holidays. For example, in the tropics, if in sunny weather you can burn in 30 minutes, then in the cloud - in a couple of hours.

How to protect against the sun

To protect against destroyed rays, follow the simple rules:

    Less are in the sun at midday hours

    Wear bright clothes, including broad-colonged hats

    Use protective creams

    Wear sunglasses

    On the beach more in the shade

What sunscreen to choose

Sunscreen varies according to the degree of protection from the Sun and marked from 2 to 50+. The numbers mean the share of solar radiation, which overcomes the protection of the cream and reaches the skin.

For example, when applying a cream with marking 15, only 1/15 (or 7%) ultraviolet rays will overcome the protective film. In the case of cream 50 - only 1/50, or 2%, affect the skin.

Sunscreen creates a reflective layer on the body. However, it is important to understand that no cream is able to reflect 100% ultraviolet.

For everyday use, when the time of staying under the sun does not exceed half an hour, it is quite suitable for a protection cream 15. For a sunbathing on the beach it is better to take 30 and higher. However, it is recommended to use a 2+ cream to be used for ceiling.

How to apply sunscreen

Cream should be applied evenly on all open skin, including face, ears and neck. If you plan to sunbathe enough for a long time, the cream should be applied twice: 30 minutes before the exit and, additionally, before entering the beach.

Required volume for applying to specify the cream instructions.

How to use sunscreen when bathing

Sunscreen should be applied each time after bathing. Water blends the protective film and, reflecting the sun's rays, increases the dose of the resulting ultraviolet. Thus, when bathing, the risk of burning increases. However, due to the cooling effect, you may not feel the burn.

Abundant sweating and wiping with a towel - also a reason to re-protect the skin.

It should be remembered that on the beach, even under the umbrella, the shadow does not provide full-fledged protection. Sand, water and even the grass reflect up to 20% of ultraviolet rays, increasing their impact on the skin.

How to defend your eyes

Sunlight, reflected from water, snow or sand, can cause a painful back of the retina. To protect your eyes, use sunglasses with an ultraviolet filter.

Danger for skiers and climbers

In the mountains atmospheric "Filter" thinner. For every 100 meters, the height of the UV index increases by 5%.

The snow reflects up to 85% of ultraviolet rays. In addition, up to 80% of the reflected snow cover of ultraviolet is again reflected by the clouds.

Thus, in the mountains of the Sun is most dangerous. Protect the face, the lower part of the chin and ears is necessary even in cloud weather.

How to deal with sunburns if you burned

    Treat the body with a wet sponge to moisten the burn

    Lubricate the burnt plots by anti-sparkling cream

    When the temperature is raised, contact your doctor, you may be advised to accept the antipyretic

    If the burn is strong (the skin swells heavily and bubbles), consult medical attention

See also: