Interesting case in summer at sea. Works

The writing

In the summer I was on the Mediterranean Sea with parents and older sister. Rest on the sea is my favorite vacation. Sun, sea, mountains, pines, sand, shells, riding on the banana and boat - all this was unforgettable. We traveled to an excursion in Antalya and floated on a yacht to the Cleopatra caitation.

Ahead is such a familiar and such an unknown sea. How will it meet us this year? Will the weather be warm? Will you see old buddies or everything will be new?
The closer to the sea, the stronger the heart beats: now it will seem, it will stop, spurry! The sea is not yet visible, but there is no strength to tear the view from the window. And how much you are waiting for, it will still suddenly spark on the blue strip on the horizon. Sea!
Pacific and calm or stormy, storms - it's all the same sea. Choose ashore, and it also rejoices a meeting, licks legs, bursts them into the sand. Hello, the sea!

With dad we took the rental of scuba and underwater gear and plunged into the sea. I have not seen such an unforgettable beauty. Little diligent fish flooded next to us and did not be afraid of us. Huge number of multicolored corals impressed. But these corals can not be abandoned, they are under guard. Most of all under the water, I liked large and flat fishery - skates. With them you could play like with dogs and they were very kind.

I am very happy to travel to the sea, and I hope that Dad and Mom will take me to the sea and the next year.

July I spent my grandmother at the cottage. My friend Matvey came to me. We helped my grandmother at the cottage: mowed and cried grass.
There I noted my ninth birthday. Friends and relatives came to me. It was fun.
In August I was in Moscow. Playing football with friends - no worse holidays on the sea.

Soon to school - it means that we have become a year older.

A selection of writings about "summer" for grade 3

The writing "How I spent the summer holidays"

In the summer, the longest holidays. I went to relax in Sochi. Spent there for a month. Went to the sea, sunbathe. Went to the water park and in the zoo. I liked this city. I visited a lot of excursions, was in the country of Stalin. I learned a lot important for yourself. The excursion was very cognitive and interesting. And I went to Vorontsov caves. There was scary, but exciting. I am delighted with what I saw, from the sea and the city of Sochi.

My summer was very interesting. In June, I rested with my grandmother in the country. There we went on berries. We scored a whole jar of forest strawberries, she was very sweet. In July, I went with my parents to the Black Sea, in Anapa. There we sunk, bathed in the warm sea and walked around the city. We also visited the water park. It was very fun to ride a water slide. Anapa is a very beautiful and pure city resort. I liked it there very much. In August, I was at home, I was preparing for the new training city and I was looking forward to September 1 to see my school friends again.

Letter friend "How I spent this summer"

Hello. For a long time, I have not seen you and so I decided to write you a letter. This summer impressed me. This summer I visited many cities. But the main goal of our trip was a trip to the Black Sea. For the first time I visited there and I am very glad to remember in my memory. I tried to taste salted waterAnd she seemed to me not tasty. I went to the dolphinarium. Visited the water park. I liked it all very much. I believe that this trip managed and I do not regret the days spent on the beach. I think everything told everything. And how did you spend our summer vacation? I will look forward to the answer.
Your girlfriend (name)

Essay "My Summer Vacations"

I love summer for its beauty and warmth. In the summer, everything is so beautiful: beautiful flowers, multicolored butterflies, amazing insects. This summer I spent fun and interesting. At the beginning of the summer I went to Bashkiria. She bathed in the lake, took part in the games on Sabanta. Very remembered visiting the park of birds. There I saw different birds and animals, rode in a carriage, went through the hanging bridge. I look forward to the next summer!

Essay "How I spent this summer" Grade 3

During the summer holiday, I was engaged in many things. For example, I read books. I especially liked the book "Seven Underground Kings." I also learned to understand the computer. Dad took me on fishing, it was fun, although the fish caught a little. Summer turned out good, although at the end it already wanted to go to school!

Essay "Favorite season - Summer"

Summer is my favorite season. I go to school, in the third class and I have the longest holidays in summer. I know that every time of year has its own advantages. In winter, I like to dress up a Christmas tree, make a snowy angel and go to visit Christmas. In the fall, it is often raining, and I can walk in your favorite rubber boots. And in the fall, we celebrate the cheerful Halloween holiday - I adore to dress up in terrible costumes.

According to numerous letters of our readers, we decided to write an approximate work plan on the topic " How I spent the summer at sea. If you remember the advice from the article ", first of all you need to make a plan. And if you draw up a detailed plan, it will only remain to write out the answers to the questions set, and the essay will be ready. Let's try to draw up these questions together. For convenience, I will highlight them in blue in italics. Who does not need comments, you can easily be able to answer questions and as a result you will get a ready essay. So, at the beginning always goes Introduction. Here we write that a long-awaited vacation is sometimes beloved. Because on vacation it is fun and careless. Mom with dad take the summer at work vacation and the whole family goes to relax. Here it is time to answer the first question - Where did your family rested this summer? You write a full answer - this summer we rested in such resort town, Selo or holiday home.

Next should go to main Part His essay. Why did your family choose this place as a vacation? An example of a response - our family chose this city because it is on the shore of such a sea. Why is the sea so called? To answer this question you go to Yandex or Google and are looking for an answer. For a wide range of outlook you will definitely raise the score. Just do not get carried away and do not move away from the theme of the essay. After all, we have about you about you and your summer at sea, and not about myths and legends. It is enough to write literally one or two sentences. Next comes the question - Before that summer, have you already been to this sea? Now it would be good to write What impression did you have a meeting with the sea? For example - I experienced joy at the sight of the sea. It's time to start sea description . Usually this item causes for some reason the greatest difficulties. So that there are at least some transition between paragraphs, and not just a list of answers, it is desirable to write a line like: "What it is black / red / yellow / etc. sea?" And then you can answer a number of questions:

  • What color of sea water? Compare the real water color with the name of the sea, if the color is specified in the title. For example, write what color water in the Red Sea or in the Black Sea is actually
  • What is the taste of taste? If you have already been on other seas, then compare this taste with the taste of the water of the other seas. For example, the water of the Red Sea is more salty than the water of the Black Sea.
  • Whose animal and birds did you see the sea? For example, did the seagulls fly on water? Have there been fish? What were the colors or some bizarre forms? Was Dolphins? Have you seen jellyfish? What were they colors, size? Were there algae? Were danger from the vegetable and animal world?
  • What was the bottom of the sea? Sand, pebble or stony?
  • What was the water temperature in the sea?
  • What was the beach: sandy, pebble or stony?
  • What was the weather on the sea during your holiday? Replies options: Light bright hot sun All days or lil rain and the sea was a storm
  • What climate in the resort area where did you resist? What grown there local residents? For example, bananas that do not grow in your homeland.
  • If there were any features, then write about them. For example, very quickly darkens. Or you can mention what kind of people live in this area. For example, Indians.

After describing the sea and nature, you can open a new paragraph and go to the description of your holiday. And here questions will be as follows:

  • Have you visited waterslides? For example: "The sea was water slides right under the open sky."
  • What were the slings? Was there many of them?
  • What feelings did you experience when visiting the water park? What a hill did you like most?
  • Did you ride something? For example, on the "banana" or hydromotocycle?
  • Did you jump from a parachute? From Tarzanka?
  • Did you dive with the mask? What did you see under water?
  • Did you play any games on the water? What kind? Describe your feelings.

In the next paragraph, you can describe the cultural events of your holiday.

  • Have you visited excursions? Museums? Interesting places? What exactly are they remembered for you?
  • Did you make photos? How many?
  • Will you share your impressions with friends?
  • Have you visited concerts? Who performed? In what genre?
  • Have you visited the disco? Show?

Another paragraph can be devoted to sports if you were engaged. For example, you can write about what they played the beach volleyball. Perhaps even participated in competitions for their corps or for their country on site. Here you can remember who won and with what score. Sometimes Dad and Mom buy excursions to the open sea. Or even under the water. Such excursions are worthy of a separate description, i.e. They allocate a whole paragraph. What questions may be here?

  • What schoon did you go to the open sea?
  • What was your ship called?
  • What was the color?
  • What flag was on the ship?
  • In what place did you have during the journey?
  • Did you bathe in the open sea?
  • What was the water temperature in the open sea? Did it differ from the water temperature near the shore? Did she differ in color?
  • What did you see in the open sea?
  • If it was immersion under water, what did you see under water?
  • What was most impressed with you during a maritime excursion?
  • What new have you recognized?

If the essay by volume does not suit you, then you can additionally write about how you get to the sea. For example, describe a plane or train. You may have learned from an interesting person during the way or read a useful book. At this, the main part of the writing can be considered complete and boldly move towards Conclusion. And imprisoned usually summarize above. To do this, you need to answer questions:

  • Did you like a trip to the sea?
  • What do you remember from all the most?
  • Would you like to go there again?
  • Did you spend the summer vacation?

Now essay on this topic " How I spent the summer at sea»Can be considered completed.

Excellent marks!

Rubber! 1

Perhaps the summer is the most favorite time of the year of schoolchildren, because it is time for the vacation. We study nine months to enjoy beautiful weather and holidays from classes. This summer has become special for me.

In June, I went to my grandmother to the cottage. My grandmother in the country almost round year. There is easy to get even in winter, and she does not miss such a chance. Probably, like most grandmothers, she likes to plant a variety of plants and grow flowers. I drove to my grandmother with my brother, so I did not have to miss. Fortunately, all June the weather was solar and not at all rainy. In the morning we went on bicycles to the store for products. Granny pleased us with various delicious breakfasts: the pancakes or pancakes cakes, then buns or croissants with ham and cheese, sometimes just scrambled eggs, but madly delicious, with tomatoes and fresh greens. In general, in one month, at the cottage, a kilogram for two each with my brother. In the afternoon, we went to the river to sunbathe and swim, and in the evening they sat down from Granule to watch news and some movie on TV. I liked to sit at sunset with my brother on the porch with a cup of strawberry tea and talk. These moments of unity with family and nature a lot for me mean.

In July, our parents decided to arrange a surprise to us and reported that we were going on a trip to Italy! We could not believe our ears! Holiday was planned for two weeks, mom and dad rented a house on the seafront. We went to many excursions and bathed in the sea. To be honest, everything that the guide told us was difficult for us to catch a brother, so the parents just briefly explained to us that before us and why it was a landmark. We were told about the arch of Constantine, the Borghese Gallery, the Vatican Museum Complex and the many other historical places. We made a lot of photos, and when you arrived home, my mother designed them in a separate beautiful album. Before leaving home, we walked home in search of gifts to relatives and friends. This trip is very remembered to me, because it was my first vacation abroad!

All August I spent in the city. Since most of my friends and classmates, if we left somewhere on vacation, in August came back home, so we spent time together. This summer, premieres of many films took place, so in a month in the movie I managed to go as much as four times. Every weekend in the park conducted any events for children and adults, we liked the parents. There are many interactive sites, carry out different master classes, both for adults and for children. We also went to the amusement park on August 12 on August 12. This day I will never forget! It was very fun and at the same time scary. At the end of August I was preparing for school: I bought textbooks, clothing and school supplies.

This summer was very saturated for me. I almost did not sit at home and barely found time on the works that we were asked to read for the holidays. I am grateful to my parents and friends, because without them my holidays would not be so wonderful.

Even more writings on the topic: "How I spent the summer":

Finally, the difficult school year ended, and the long-awaited summer vacation began. Grown long summer days have come. Until late evening, we spent time in the courtyards. We played football from neighboring yards with the guys, I was a goalkeeper, I got very well.

My parents went to picnics ashore of an unusually beautiful lake. It was very nice to spend time. Swimming in transparent water, fried meat and vegetables, played badminton. This summer I learned to swim. I decided to sign up in the pool.

With my father, in the early morning we went fishing. I really liked to spend time near the river. Beauty and silence of nature fascinates. With caught fish, we cooked delicious ear.

For a month I went to kid `s camp As shore of the Black Sea. There I got acquainted with many boys and girls, we exchanged addresses and phones, we will keep in touch and be friends.
In the morning, breakfast, we went to the beach, sunbathe, bathed in the water and collected beautiful shells on the shore. I brought them home, painted beautifully on the shelf, in memory of the camp.

After lunch, I went to the mugs. We burned various drawings on a skid. From cardboard and paper made wonderful crafts. Drew paints on the glass. Lepili toys and plates from clay. I brought these crafts like souvenirs to my loved ones and friends. They were very satisfied.
In the evening, they spent time by the fire, sang, danced, played a variety of exciting games. It was a pity to part with new friends.

At the end of the summer I had a birthday, my parents arranged to me and my friends a wonderful holiday. In a cafe on the summer platform, we covered tables with very tasty dishes. Everything was decorated balloonsVarious interesting contests were held. It was very fun.
There were good holidays, I would look forward to the following.


Summer holidays this year turned out to be interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events. Which one to start?

At the beginning of the summer, together with classmates, we went to the summer labor camp. It was necessary to work a lot: to ride the field from weeds, plant seedlings, clean the dry in the forest. But the main thing for me was time free from work. We played a lot in sports games, competed in various sports, conducted various contests. I liked to invent and organize competitive programs - it turned out well with me, and the guys began to ask me to do it. Even the evenings usually discos, who also liked everyone. We shivered among themselves, learned each other better than at school.

When I returned home after the camp, my parents had a vacation, and we went to relax in the Crimea, in Feodosia. Stony beaches, wonderful gentle sea, numerous excursions - I really liked it all. Mom and dad allowed me to dive with aqualung. And I got the opportunity to study the life of the seabed. And we visited the water park, ride on the catamaran, made walks on the ship, ride horses. Rest on the sea brought unforgettable impressions!

Upon returning from the Crimea, I drove to the grandparents and grandfather. I am not the first time I come to them in the summer, and I have a lot of friends in the village. We bathed whole days and fished, the evenings were going to big fun companies. Now, when everyone went down home, friends call, write messages - negotiate new meetings.

Summer holidays, although the longest duration, fly surprisingly quickly. Now just started the school year, but I already wait for the new holidays, new impressions, new friends, travel, classes.


The last call the last thing in this school year. The estimates were put up in diaries, and the summer welcomed me by the occasion of the vacation. I spent the first month of summer in the city, with friends. We played in the yard from morning to evening, and only in bad weather were collected from someone at a party to play on a computer or any other games available at home.

Then I went to relax in the children's camp. I very quickly made friends with the guys from my squad. We also became friends with the councils, they came up with various tasks and entertainment for us. Each day in the camp there was interesting events: the military game "Zarnitsa", the day of the manager, the day Neptune, as well as many, many concerts and contests. From the camp I came to the rested and even slightly fascinated.

After rest in the camp, I went to the village to the grandmother, where a cousin was already waiting for me. How long have I dreamed of this meeting! My brother and I are the best friends, but since we live in different cities, then you can only see vacation.

From all summer entertainment holidays at your grandmother I liked the most. Every day we came up with new games and entertainment. We played baseball according to our own rules, using homemade bits and a tennis ball, built Shalashi, played war, in the forest and even managed to make a real raft, which was able to swim by local lake, calmly withstanding me and my brother.

After all summer adventures, it was again nice to be at home. A few days just enough to go to calm urban life. And there and the first of September burst as always, and here I am in school again.


Summer holidays always bring pleasant impressions. Behind the lessons, school calls and change, and ahead - waiting for something good.

Along with my sister, we care for our vegetables. On our green garden, dill, parsley, sorrel and radish are growing. We are happy to pour and wean our green bed. And it's very nice to hear the following words from Mom for lunch: "What a surprisingly delicious salad turned out of your vegetables! What are you clever, my girls! "

Summer time is enough: you can walk with girlfriends, and go to visit, and play different games. But most of all I expected a trip to the sea with my parents. I finally learned to swim this summer And very glad to it.

I really like the sea. It is so deep and wide, and such a mysterious thing that sometimes even scares its unpredictability. The sea is simultaneously close and distant, warm and cool. And how nicely in the summer hot day plunge into fresh cool water! And swim, dive, splashing!

Upon arrival, I laughed on the table Sea shells and, applying them to the ear, threw the noise of the surf. You can even feel the power of the sea wave, which flies, and, falling onto the stone, throws into my face a lot of bright saline splashes.

Summer flew rapidly, but this is not bad, because I saw with my classmates, I shared with all friends and girlfriends with summer impressions.

I think that the next summer I will say with complete confidence: "Hello! Come, and we will rest and have fun together! After all, we deserve it! "

Average rating: 3.9

This summer I went to the sea with my parents. We lived in a wooden house, and the house stood in the grove of trees, on the slope that went down to the sea. I spent whole days or in water, or by the sea. Even at night, falling asleep, I heard the noise of the surf.

Early in the morning I was walked by the splash of waves and cry of chas over the water. Seagulls caught fish in the waves. We also caught fish on the fishing rod, when they took from the familiar rubber boat. Once we went out into the sea at this boat early in the morning. The sea was so quiet that the water seemed to the mirror, though wavy. Such stood smooth. We sailed away from the coast, he was like a palm. I watched the sun climbed over the water. Amazing, in general, the spectacle. We caught then not a lot of fish, but I had many impressions.

Usually the weather stood solar, good. Sometimes the wind rose, he drove the wave by sea. But for us it was an entertainment, we sniffed through the waves when they bathe.

But once in the late afternoon the weather spoiled. Thunder thundered, blew a strong impetuous wind. Then the rain went. And the sea began the storm. It darkened, a large wave rushed. The neighbor girl was frightened, which will begin the tsunami and we will wash all the waves from the shore. We hid in their house and drank hot coffee, because it became cold. And I lost everything to look at the storm.

I liked to relax on the sea. I would stay there and it is impossible to bathe. I love the sea and be sure to come back to him.

Together with the composition "Summer on the sea" is often looking for

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