Plan how I spent my summer holidays. Composition on the topic: “How I spent my summer holidays

Why am I looking forward to summer vacation

Summer will come soon and school will be over. Finally, it will be possible not to do homework, sleep and relax enough. That's why I'm looking forward to the summer holidays. I love my teacher, classmates and am always glad to see them. But for more than eight months of the school year, I was very tired of having to cook every day. homework. I want to change the situation, go to the village, sunbathe on the beach. And how I love the sea! There is nothing more pleasant than taking a dip in cool water in the summer heat. I so want the summer days to come soon and the whole family to get out to the sea that I even composed a poem about this, which I called “ Summer rest on the sea":

How I love to look at the sea!
I forget all grief.

It seems to be alive
Green and blue.

But it's not always like that
A very mysterious sea.

I love spending time there
Me in summer weather

If you want - read on the shore,
If you want, jump into the water.

You can sit, you can lie
And breathe fresh air.

I'm looking forward to summer
To rest during this time.

Summer is the warmest time of the year. The sea is very hot, especially at noon. The sun shines brightly. The sand on the beach is hot. The water is warm and swimming in it is very pleasant.

In summer it is good to spend time in the village. In the garden, colorful flowers bloom, trees bear fruit. There are many ripe fruits and smells fragrant. Bees and butterflies fly, bugs and ants swarm in the grass. Birds sing not so loudly as in spring. They are busy feeding the chicks. Birds fuss, fly up to the nest with food in their beaks and again rush in search of food.

Summer is the period of school holidays, when there is an opportunity to relax wonderfully.

How will I spend my summer holidays

I am going to spend the upcoming summer holidays at home. My cousins ​​will come to me and we will all go to the beach together.

My parents are planning to renovate this summer. I will help them. For example, I can peel off old wallpaper and glue new ones. Dad promises to teach me how to lay laminate.

I would very much like to go camping during the summer holidays - with fishing and spending the night in a tent. But my mother prefers comfortable rest, so my dad and I will have to go camping without her.

If parents are given leave, perhaps we will go to the Carpathians. I have never seen a mountain in my life, so I would really like to go there with the whole family. There is a forest in the Carpathians, where I have never been either.

This summer I plan to read a lot. We were given a list of recommended reading at school. There is a large library in our area. I've already signed up and picked up Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Even at school, they were given the task of writing their own poem over the summer. I coped with this task ahead of schedule - I have already composed a verse and called it “In July”:

July - the crown of summer,
Vacation is in full swing.
It becomes a tan.

The sun is shining in the sky
And the swallows fly
And all the people on earth
They go where they want.

They go to work
They go to the beach, to the cinema,
And some wander
Where, they don't care.

Sometimes it's too hot
The water is not so warm.
Once again, I'm convinced
How nice in summer!

To write an essay on the topic “How I will spend my summer holidays,” think about why you love summer. Describe the summer nature, answer yourself the question "Why am I waiting for the summer holidays."

Summer holidays this year were interesting and memorable.
Every day was filled with events.
At the beginning of summer, my classmates and I went to a summer labor camp.
I had to work hard: weed the field from weeds, plant seedlings, clean up dead wood in the forest.
But the main thing for me was the time free from work.
We played a lot of sports games, competed in various sports, held various competitions.
I liked to come up with and organize competitive programs - I was good at it, and the guys began to ask me to do it. The evenings usually ended with discos, which everyone also liked.
We became friends, got to know each other better than at school.
When I returned home after the camp, my parents started their vacation, and we went to rest in the Crimea, in Feodosia.
Rocky beaches, remarkably gentle sea, numerous excursions - I really liked all this.
Mom and dad let me scuba dive. And I got the chance to study life seabed.
And we also visited the water park, rode a catamaran, took walks on a boat, rode horses.
Holidays at sea brought unforgettable experience!
Upon my return from the Crimea, I went to visit my grandparents.
This is not the first time I visit them in the summer, and I have many friends in the village.
We swam and fished all day long, in the evenings we gathered in large cheerful companies.
Now, when everyone has gone home, friends call, write messages - we agree on new meetings.
Summer holidays, although the longest in duration, fly by surprisingly quickly.
Now the school year has just begun, but I'm already looking forward to new holidays, new experiences, new friends, travel, classes.

Composition on the topic: How I spent my summer holidays.

When summer comes, my mood immediately rises.
It’s not that it was bad for me in spring, winter or autumn, but the fact that I don’t have to go anywhere, get up for school, prepare lessons every day makes me very happy.
In the summer, I do everything that I don’t have time for on school days.
I like to play football, spend time with my parents, meet my classmates.
I also like that a lot of fruits and vegetables grow in summer.
We have a cottage outside the city. And in the summer I spend a lot of time there.
Dad tells me something interesting about plants so that later I can grow them myself.
Nature in the summer is gaining juice and gives us everything it can.
I like to walk through the summer forest with my friends or with my parents.
We often go to the river, several times my dad and I went fishing, but I always slept with a fishing rod, because I had to get up early.
This year we went with the whole family to the sea.
We had a great time from morning to evening, swimming, playing, singing songs and sunbathing.
Summer is my favorite season.
I really don’t want it to end, because then I will have to go to school again and prepare lessons every day.

When the summer holidays end and school begins again, students should be ready to write an essay on the topic “How I spent the summer.” Such a task has not been excluded from the school curriculum for decades. Therefore, moms and dads will definitely be able to tell their child what the essay should be.

What to write about in the essay “How I spent the summer”

You can write a short essay, or you can tell everything in detail. Such tasks help to understand how much the child rested, whether he was engaged during the holidays and to smoothly set the boys or girls in a working mood.

Regardless of age, every child wants to show off their travels and adventures during a long vacation. If there were no special events, then the children can turn on the fantasy and describe the vacation of their dreams. The most important thing is that the essay on the topic “How I spent the summer” was interesting and read in one breath.

Essay plan

Parents can pre-prepare their child for such a task. This will help boys and girls express their thoughts beautifully, competently and in the correct order. To do this, you can write a crumbs detailed plan.

  1. Introduction. In this part, we can talk about the fact that the summer, which we have been waiting for so long, has finally come. You can also write about what plans were for the past summer.
  2. Main part. It should tell in detail where the vacation took place, what places you managed to visit, and what you remember most during your summer vacation.
  3. Conclusion. Here you need to briefly and beautifully finish your presentation. In conclusion, you can write about whether the vacation was a success or not, how you would like to supplement the holidays.

This plan will help you write a great essay. Therefore, it is necessary to alleviate the fate of the child and suggest how to write correctly and how to finish the essay beautifully. Then the daughter or son will be able to get an excellent mark for the task.

Composition on the topic "How I spent the summer" for the little ones

First grade students do not need to write complex sayings and phrases, it is enough to describe in their own words the most memorable events that happened during the holidays. How to finish the essay, we will also consider. For example, you can write a short essay of the following content.

When the summer holidays came, I was overwhelmed with emotions and expectations. For a whole year I have been waiting for this eventful and wonderful period.

In the first month of summer, my mother and I went to rest at the base near the city. Every day there were some adventures with us. On the first day we went to the forest, where I found a mink of some animal. I don't know who lived there, but the mink was big enough. A few days later we went for a walk on the ship, right in the middle of the river we life jackets dived into the river, it was a lot of fun.

In the second month of summer, my mother went to work, and I went to the sea with my grandmother Katya. We lived on the very shore. Therefore, when I woke up, I saw the sparkle of the sea, I immediately ran with my grandmother to the shore to build. One day there was a competition for the best sand figure. I took second place, making a sand mermaid with willow branches in her hair. They gave me a medal and a fridge magnet for that.

At the end of summer, the whole family went to the country. There we spent time calmly and quietly, without incident. In the mornings I helped my grandmother pick berries from the garden, and in the evenings we fried kebabs with dad and he told me that I had become quite an adult, a real man.

I am very pleased with how I spent my time this summer. I will look forward to the next one. I gained strength, rested, and I am ready to learn and gain knowledge again.

This story is perfect for elementary school children. You can safely take note of it. How to finish an essay about summer, we will consider further.

Composition "How I spent the summer" for high school children

Middle school students can write a more complex essay on the topic "How I spent my summer." Of course, you should still adhere to the given plan, but more complex phrases and sayings can be included in the essay. An example is the following essay.

I had a wonderful summer. My beloved parents planned my holidays in advance so that I would not be bored for a minute and spend time with benefit.

In June, I visited the wonderful children's pioneer camp "Lazur" outside the city. There, the whole detachment tried to get awards every day. Once every two days we had concerts on different topics. I especially remember KVN. Each detachment prepared whole performances, it was fun and interesting. Our team won first place, we won a visit to the amusement park, which is located on the territory.

In July, I flew to Egypt with my mom and dad. It was my first time abroad and I really enjoyed it. The adventure began with the plane. I had never flown before, so it was fascinating and interesting to look at the earth when it seemed tiny. Very memorable hotel and beach. Our room was very nice and they brought fruit and juice every day. And on the beach, hotel workers every day offered delicious cocktails of different colors.

In August, I was at home for half a month because I had to do my summer homework. And the second half I lived in the country with my grandmother. There, in the mornings, we went to the nearby lake, and in the evenings, we burned a fire and roasted sausages.

My summer was wonderful, I will never forget it. I am very grateful to my mom and dad that they arranged such a wonderful vacation for me. I feel that my holidays were useful, now I am ready to study again and do my homework, because this way I will earn the opportunity and have a great time next summer.

How to finish the essay "How I spent the summer"

You should carefully consider the ending of the essay. Options for how to end an essay may include the following ideas.

I had a great summer. My parents told me that if I study well, then next year they will arrange a wonderful vacation for me. For this, I am ready to try and get good grades.

I don't want to change anything about my vacation. Everything was as I dreamed, so I can say with confidence that I had a great summer. Thank you mom and dad for an unforgettable vacation. With renewed vigor, I will be able to study well and show excellent results.

Mom and dad said I deserved it interesting holidays. Therefore, now I will diligently study all subjects so that next year I will also spend the whole summer exciting and fun.

During the holidays, I had a great rest, now I am full of energy to gain new knowledge.

These are good enough ideas for how to finish an essay on the topic “How I spent my summer.” Briefly summing up what was said in the main part, the child makes his story complete and complete.

How to get a high grade for an essay

You don't have to do anything special to get a good grade for writing a summer story. By sticking to the essay plan and expressing thoughts sincerely and competently, the child will achieve the first excellent grade of the year.

Of all the school holidays, I like to spend the summer holidays the most, because they are the longest and fall on the hottest period. Summer is one of the most best seasons year, which provides many options for spending time. You can walk all day on the street, and not sit at home. Go to the sea, lake, river. Enjoying the nature.

I like to go out into the forest plantation in the summer and admire the surrounding vegetation. All the trees around are green, wild flowers grow under them. They are just beginning to bloom and bloom. From the subjects of biology, I learned several wild useful flowers - this is the yarrow, chamomile, which many people know. Many more other colors. There are especially many fir trees in our forest plantation, under which a lot of old cones and old needles have fallen after last winter.

I also like summer holidays, because the sun rises early and sets late. The days are very long and the nights are warm. You can go outside in the evening and watch the sunset. After the sun has set, it's nice to sit or walk around the street, enjoying the warm air, listening to the crickets and admiring the night starry sky.

I spend my summer holidays playing various sports games: football, volleyball. You can just walk and admire the beauty of summer, how trees and flowers bloom. In summer, many people go to the sea, the river, swim, sunbathe, have fun.

A summary of how I spent my summer holidays

In the middle of summer I was school holidays countryside with grandparents. With them, I tried in every possible way to help them around the house, the garden, and the household. Feed the dog, cat, chickens. I tried to behave well and not spoil the mood of my grandfather and grandmother. They were happy with me and tried to please me in everything. They asked me what to buy and gave me gifts.

At the end of the summer I spent my favorite summer holidays camping in the woods near the lake. I liked it there very much. Fresh air, beauty of the forest, warm water of the lake. At the camp, I met and became friends with boys and girls. The camp was very interesting, as every day was filled with many events. During the day we went to the lake, to the forest, to pick mushrooms. In the evening we watched cartoons or films, danced in discos. I really enjoyed this summer. I think that the academic year will be interesting, and I will also try to spend it usefully for myself and the people around me.

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This summer was especially interesting and memorable for me. I spent the first month of summer in the city. My friends and I walked a lot, attended various interesting events, in general, there was simply no time to be bored! And in July I went to the village to visit my grandparents. It was these days spent outside the city that left the most vivid impressions.

Time in the countryside doesn't fly like it does in the city. It seems like a whole week has passed, when in fact it is only one day. I visited my beloved grandparents for a whole month. My morning started with helping out in the garden. I weeded the beds, watered the flower beds, if necessary. I also helped my grandmother clean up the chicken coop, I was the first to run there early in the morning to check if the chickens had already laid eggs. Some rush very early, while others a little later.

I have many good acquaintances and friends in the village. We spend a lot of time together. There is a small river near the village. When it is very hot outside, we often go to her place, swim and sunbathe. Sometimes we build a small fire there and bake potatoes and fry bread. In general, there is always something to do in the village, and no computer is needed there.

I spent the last month of the summer in the city, but my parents and I often went to the forest for mushrooms or berries, and sometimes we had a small picnic. I saw a real chipmunk in the forest, I even tried to take a picture of him, but he quickly ran away and the photo turned out to be blurry. I also met many interesting insects and plants there, I captured some of them, and now I have something to show my classmates at school.

In general, my summer holidays were very interesting and fun! I hope that the school year will not be boring either!

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