Useful winter holidays. Useful and interesting! What to do on winter holidays with your child

Still not decided how you will spend your winter holidays? Where to go with a child to warm countries, which ski resort or country boarding house is better to choose and what to do in hometown with the whole family, if no trips are planned? We have prepared 5 of the best ideas for winter family vacation that will definitely come in handy for you.

Overseas countries - we bask in the winter under the summer sun

What could be better than flying out of the cold winter into summer? For lovers of the hot sun and warm sea, the most best view winter holiday- warm countries.

When choosing a country for families with children in such countries, pay attention to the flight time, since it is often very difficult for little fidgets to sit for more than 10 hours on an airplane. Basically, winter family holidays are spent in the following countries: Egypt, UAE, Thailand, Turkey, Dominican Republic.

A significant disadvantage of such a holiday is acclimatization, because the difference in climatic conditions, water, food products can adversely affect children's health. Winter holiday lasts about 10 days, and according to doctors, it takes more than 14 days for a child to successfully pass acclimatization and improve his health.

Therefore, such a vacation will not bring much health benefits, and the resulting stress for the body can be enormous. It should also be noted that such winter vacations are far from being a budget vacation option, and only families with above average income can afford it.

Snow, frost and fresh air - we go to the ski resort

Of course, it would be fabulous to leave the slushy winter to the beautiful snow-capped mountains. Ski resorts in Austria, Finland, Poland, Bulgaria and the Carpathians are in demand among our tourists. In Austria, spending a winter vacation with your family will be very expensive, if the level of service is not high enough.

Bulgaria is ideal for families ski holiday: the slopes of its mountains are wide and flat, the prices for food and accommodation are realistic for middle and high incomes, there is no obvious language barrier, and a good level of service.

In addition, almost all ski resorts have children's rooms with animators who, for a small fee, can sit with small children while you conquer the mountain peaks.

Winter holidays spent in the mountains will certainly have a positive effect on the health of the child. Fresh air, active sports, good food, and a beloved family nearby are the main components of an excellent winter holiday.

The disadvantages of such a vacation include the financial component, since the rental ski equipment, instructor fees, rental housing, meals and tickets will devastate your wallet substantially.

Country boarding house or sanatorium. Why not?

If there is no time and financial opportunity to travel to distant countries, and you really want to take the child out of the city, then why not go to a sanatorium or boarding house? Good food, a lot of affordable entertainment, fresh air and a sea of ​​interesting acquaintances - this is all inherent in a winter vacation in a boarding house outside the city.

There are many advantages to such a vacation: from affordability to health benefits. Just imagine how you and your family are walking in a fabulously beautiful winter forest, how frost decorates the cheeks of your children with a blush.

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In the interactive part of the museum - the auto city, young visitors can ride a vintage car, mastering the skills of operating a pedal typewriter and getting acquainted with the rules of the road. Here you can play, draw, take part in free master classes. In the cinema hall you can watch a short film "The Tale of the Wizard Master" about how old cars are restored.

The Moscow Zoo is interesting for children not only in summer. A real miracle, which can only be seen in winter, is polar bears, who are not afraid to swim in a cold bath even in the most severe frost. By the way, polar bear cubs are born only in winter. Children under 17 can visit the zoo for free.

Moscow City Museum - the best place to study and get to know the history of the capital. When visiting with the whole family, a ticket for 2 adults and 1 or 2 children costs 480 rubles. For those who are keen on technology and cars, we recommend the Moscow Transport Museum with a very impressive collection of retro models, special equipment and modern vehicles. Ticket for children (7-17 years old) - 200 rubles.

The Museum of Childhood on Lubyanka presents household items that surrounded our loved ones when they were little. In the Museum "Living Systems" you can learn in a playful way how the human body works. In the Museum of Dolls, you will get acquainted with amazing dolls of different times, collected from all over the world. And in the Kuklachev Theater there is an opportunity to communicate with tailed cat performers before the performance.

Panorama 360 is an observation deck (by the way, the highest in Europe) with stunning views of the capital in Moscow City. But children are interested in visiting here not only for this reason. Ice cream is made in this building at the factory. And at the top of the site there is a small copy of it, where the entire technological process of making a sweet dessert is clearly demonstrated, which can be tasted there. The Museum of Skyscrapers is also located here.

In the Kuzminki park you can visit Father Frost (by the way, he lives in his Moscow estate all year round), as well as visit his wooden mansion and the Snegurochka mansion, make the most cherished wish on the New Year's throne, write and leave a letter in the mail of Santa Claus, walk through the fairy forest. Or you can go on a country trip "Visiting the Christmas tree" (Museum of Christmas toys in Klin), get acquainted with the famous exhibition "VDNKh - yesterday, today, tomorrow", visit the film studio "Soyuzmultfilm", as well as the Moscow Planetarium, the Ostankino tower, the largest in Europe the oceanarium - Moskvarium.

By the way, during the winter holidays 77 popular museums in Moscow receive all visitors free of charge. Among them are the Museum of Cosmonautics, the Tretyakov Gallery, the New Manege, the museum-apartment of Marina Tsvetaeva, AS Pushkin, Sergei Yesenin, MA Bulgakov, the Izmailovo estate, Kolomenskoye, Lyublino and others. Outside the holidays, the most the best museums capitals can also be visited free of charge, but only on Sundays. And children under 16 can do this at any time (this rule does not apply only to children's museums). At the same time, some events may remain paid, so check the information on the websites of museums.

For economy and convenience, you can purchase electronic cards Moscow CityPass Junior and Moscow CitiPass. For quite adequate money (a 3-day card costs 6,500 rubles), you can visit more than 60 museums in the capital without a queue, visit Zaryadye Park, go on an excursion on a double-decker bus.

New Year's shows, shows and trees

A vacation in Moscow is an unprecedented opportunity to visit bright New Year's performances with children. And there is plenty to choose from. The most important Christmas tree in the country is the Kremlin. A Christmas tree is being arranged in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Same festive events will be held around the symbol of the New Year in the Hall of Columns and in the city hall, in circuses, Moscow museums, at the Mosfilm film studio.

A fabulous journey and exciting adventures with the Master Wizard who saved New Year and, of course, with Ded Moroz and Snegurochka they are waiting for young guests at the New Year tree at the Museum of Automotive History on December 26 and 28 and January 4. Tickets cost from 1100 rubles.

Other holiday programs: ice trees featuring skater stars, new year show the Zapashny brothers in Luzhniki, the trees of the Safronov brothers illusionists, New Year's program at the Nikulin circus with a performance for kids, a show at the Bolshoi Moscow Circus, The Nutcracker in Chinese staged by the Dalian Acrobatic Troupe, a Christmas tree with acrobats and stuntmen at the Adventure Park.

Skates, skis, sledges ...

You can skate on the most fashionable skating rink in the country in front of the Kremlin towers on Red Square. Ticket price - from 200 rubles (free from 10:00 to 12:00 on weekends and from 10:00 to 16:00 on weekdays).

"GUM-skating rink" on main square the capital is distinguished by the impeccable quality of ice. Here you can often meet famous figure skaters and hockey players who conduct master classes.

Also for those who like to ride there are huge skating rinks in Gorky Park, in the parks of VDNKh, in Sokolniki.

At VDNKh - the largest in the country outdoor ice rink... More than 4000 adults and young fans of this sport can ride on it at the same time. In addition, there is where to relax and have a snack (you can go to special restaurants directly on skates).

In Gorky Park, you can ride along the wide central alley with stereo figures and light installations, in high-speed skiing areas, in light tunnels, in playgrounds. This skating rink with artificial ice considered the largest in Europe.

By the way, directly opposite - in the Muzeon Art Park, you can test yourself on a 6.5-meter tubing slide, which is considered one of the highest in Moscow.

You can ride plenty of ice and snow slides on tubes, skis and snowboards on Sparrow Hills, while admiring the fabulous view of the winter city with a beautiful observation deck Moscow.

Unforgettable winter entertainment with cheesecakes, snowmobiles, horse-drawn sleigh rides, dog sledding or sledges with reindeer, tubing slides, skis, large skating rinks, ice labyrinths and delicious Russian cuisine await all tourists in Kolomenskoye, in Izmailovsky Park, in the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, in the Sheremetyevs' estate in Kuskovo, in the Winter Park in Luzhniki.

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How to spend your winter holidays? Winter holidays are not a reason to eat, get drunk and lie in bed to your heart's content, watch movies all day, or sleep until lunchtime. This type of recreation has not yet benefited anyone.

Often, after such "active" actions, everyone only complains about the appearance of hanging sides, belly and a couple of extra pounds. To prevent this from happening need to think it over in advance,how to spend winter weekend, so to speak, draw up a detailed plan.

It's good when you have the opportunity to go somewhere to rest during the winter holidays. Many can pamper themselves with spas.

There are two options here: ski, which corresponds to the time of year, and warm regions, in order to plunge into the atmosphere of summer heat and fry your body in the searing sun. What to choose depends solely on your preferences.

If you want extreme sports, skiing, ice skating and other winter equipment, songs by the fire, bask in the cold evening by the fireplace, then the choice, of course, should remain for ski resort ... Explore the vastness of travel agencies in advance to find the most suitable option for you.

If you like to seem rested and sufficiently tanned after a winter weekend at work, then feel free to buy a ticket abroad, where the sun shines all year round and you can splash in warm waves.

Besides these options you can go to the resort in the sanatorium... In addition to standard health procedures, you can add various additional services to the list of spa services, such as massage, spa treatments, walks in the surrounding areas.

Thanks to such a rest, you will not only improve your health, but also spend time with benefit, visit new places, study the history of the area, in short, you will have a wonderful rest!

An economy alternative to such resorts can be called a trip to the countryside. If you do not have a country house or a grandmother in a remote wilderness, now it is very common green tourism... This is when you can rent a house with beautiful surroundings and spend several days there.

True, in winter it is not green tourism, but rather white tourism, but it is also quite good. The main thing is that you will protect yourself from the noisy bustle of the city, you will be able to retire, think over all your life plans, take your family away from worries and meet the holidays in a quiet, calm atmosphere.

In addition, it is in the villages that ancient customs are still cherished and adhered to. Therefore, there you will certainly enjoy the real Christmas atmosphere of the holidays in full, you will be able to participate, and taste many different delicacies, and sing folk Christmas songs - carols.

But not everyone has the opportunity to relax in foreign, ski or sanatorium resorts. In this case, do not be upset. This is not a reason to spend all the holidays at home in front of the TV. With a minimum of costs, you can have a great winter vacation and being at home.

There are many options. Let's take a look at a few of them. And you will definitely find yourself a couple to your liking.

The main rule of winter holidaysnot stay at home!Go for walks more often... You can do this yourself, or you can do it in the company of friends and relatives. Even simple walks in the fresh winter air will cheer you up and, in addition, strengthen your immunity.

But you can just take a walk at any other time of the year. And the winter holidays are the time to feel like a child again, throw away all worries and really fool around. Go up the hill to the kids. Take a few sleigh rides.

Why are there sledges, you can use any other means at hand. The main thing is that it should be sliding and ride well on the ice slope. Play snowballs, make a snowman or an entire castle of your own production.

Do not be afraid to seem stupid - nobody has ever canceled childhood. After all, at heart we are all small children.

Do not want childish fun, then go to the rink... Go ice skating with your friends. If possible, then ride from the snowy slopes to skiing or snowboarding... Also, now they have come up with other more extreme fun in the snow.

Snowboarding is no longer so scary, then try riding a snowmobile or a banana - similar to the one that plows the sea, only in winter it happens on snowy slopes.

If you are a lover active rest, then you can go for winter hunting or fishing... True, in this case, you need to dress warmer, but it's worth it. In addition to the enjoyment of prey, you will also benefit your health.

Few have tried it, but outdoor picnics can also be held in winter. , take a warming drink with you(not necessarily alcohol, it can be tea in a thermos or compote) and feel free to go to the park.

And this is not extreme. A bonfire will help warm you up, and the kebab will be even tastier than in summer. Don't believe me? Try it first, you will definitely remember such a picnic for a long time.

It is not necessary to spend all the time on the street, because this way you can quickly get sick. If you love cultural recreation then go to museums, theaters, cinema. By the New Year, there is always the opportunity to visit many different thematic exhibitions, and several premieres are shown in cinemas at the same time. Same you can visit an exhibition of ice sculptures.

In the evening, you can also go with friends to a cafe or some Entertainment Center... Go rollerblading, drink hot coffee, listen to pleasant music, visit an exhibition of paintings, or just go shopping while having fun.

You can also keep yourself busy at home. Take time to develop yourself,read a book, watch a science film. You can do some kind... Learn to knit, bead-weave, make useful crafts for the home.

At the moment, there are a huge number of different manual techniques. Look on the Internet how many useful things can be done from seemingly completely unnecessary improvised means. So you will spend time usefully and make presents for your loved ones.

This list of great things to do during your winter holidays is endless. The main thing is not to sit idly by!

Belief, what the weekend came up with for tog O, to sleep off, wrong... Your best bet is to make a daily to-do list for yourself that you plan to do. Diversify it by alternating outdoor activities with friends, and doing useful chores around the house.

Enjoy your winter holidays!

New Year Holidays- a long-awaited time for both children and adults. So many delightful plans and expectations for holiday miracles these days. It is especially pleasant that during the winter holidays you can relax with the whole family.
And that is why this time is one of the most difficult tests for both children and (especially!) For parents. How to spend your holidays without stress, not only not to get tired of the rest, but also to accumulate energy and gain strength for the long, difficult months that await us after?
Here are some tips on how to make the most of your New Year's holidays..

Travel vacation

The idea of ​​an ideal vacation can be different for you and your child. And he doesn't care that you put in a lot of effort and spent a lot of money to organize a trip to, for example, Paris. Most of all, the child wanted to ski or go to visit his grandmother for pies. This happens quite often. In order that traveling with children does not turn into torture for everyone, you need to plan everything from the very beginning so that everyone will find something to their liking.
Well, it's boring for a child to watch the masterpieces of world painting, but he loves crafts - introduce him to the relevant professions, find a pottery workshop or show him a blacksmith. Isn't it interesting for children to listen to an excursion about the wooden architecture of Rostov for seven hours? Take them to watch how they do Rostov finife or beat the bell, or ride down the hills, as a last resort. In every corner of the world there is sure to be something that will captivate your child specifically: a music store, a water park, a technical museum, an exhibition of comics or dolls, a trip to the places of military glory of Harry Potter, a designer shop. After all, there are playgrounds everywhere. Was it worth crossing half the world in order to ride a swing? For him, yes.
When planning a trip, it is important to take into account the interests of all family members, even if they seem a little strange to you and you would dream not to leave the Louvre for a week. Well, if you try and prepare interesting stories, then in any city and museum everyone will walk with pleasure.

Holidays at home

Sometimes, after months of daily stress, the most desired rest is just to be at home, not in a hurry, not planning anything, not spending three hours on the road. This is a great solution, but there is a danger that the whole family will spend two weeks in the fog, moving between the dining table, sofa and TV, and get tired of resting already in the first week. Doctors say the only way to cope with hibernation is through physical activity. If you stayed at home, you will have to ride on ice, walk in the park, jump on a trampoline, climb a climbing wall - anything you like, just don't sit still.
To lie down for two weeks with a book is an adult's dream, but a child must have an adventure during the holidays, something that he will remember and talk about. And this is not a second-rate Christmas tree with harmful candies as a gift. It should be something important and desirable for him: a movie, a concert, a hockey match, a master class in making a snowman or robotics - it doesn't matter, the main thing is that it should be what he wants, and not what you think is useful or where you managed to get tickets.
Most of all, our children in everyday life lack, oddly enough, communication with loved ones: gather friends and relatives, visit with the whole family, simple gatherings with tea and board games in a warm company can become the most memorable event of the New Year.

Learning during the holidays

Many parents worry that during the holidays their children will forget what they have learned, and perceive free time from school as an opportunity to improve the subjects that are given with difficulty. The most harmful thing that can be done on New Year's days is to force the child to solve examples or cram the rules. Apart from horror and hatred, this will not give anything. But vacations are really a great time to teach a student to enjoy intellectual work, to make his studies seem to him not a heavy burden, but an endless source of joy from learning.
For this it is necessary that the family has a cult of this knowledge. When we scold children for not wanting to learn, it is worth thinking about what we are learning ourselves? The option “I graduated from my universities a long time ago” is not accepted. New Year's vacation is the perfect time for self-development: go to an Ebru painting workshop or a lecture on game theory together, sign up for a trip to the planetarium, or simply search for popular science films on the Internet. And you can also attend developmental trainings or even.

There are many games that, while entertaining, perfectly reinforce school knowledge: mathematical, such as "Okay" or "Rummikub", linguistic, for example, "Scrabble". There is a very funny game "Hat", when you need to guess the character with the help of questions, and you agree to guess only real historical figures. Or another very funny fun: take a book, open it to any page and read the first two paragraphs; let everyone else continue this story to the best of their imagination - a great way to learn how to write essays.

Vacation - a break from control

At school, our children are in a very regulated world every day, full of rules, laws, prohibitions, where they give marks for everything. In fact, psychologically it is very difficult. Give them a break during the holidays, just be themselves. Vacations are a great time when you do not need to ask your child what he received, whether he did his homework, whether he filled out a diary. It is also important for parents to take a break from constant monitoring. Appreciate it and enjoy mutual freedom.

Consultation for parents of a preschool educational institution at winter theme... Fun during the winter holidays for children and parents

Alimova Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna
Description: this article is for informational purposes and is recommended to parents, and will also be useful for educators, methodologists, teachers of additional education.
Purpose: material for a folder in kindergarten.
Target: to develop productive activities, physical activity, moral and aesthetic education, to strengthen the health of preschoolers during the winter holidays.
1. To form an idea of ​​the traditions and customs associated with folk winter holidays and festivities.
2. Improve health through winter games and outdoor activities.

3. To improve skills and abilities in working with snow (modeling, drawing).

Joint leisure of children and parents during the winter holidays

December. The most magical time of the pre-holiday bustle and preparation for the New Year is approaching. For children, this is the time of gifts from Santa Claus and winter fun. Children love winter very much for its unique opportunity to enjoy and get unforgettable experience from active outdoor activities. Little fidgets love to go downhill, skiing, ice skating, snow scooters. It is with great pleasure that they mold a snowman and make snow fortresses. And this is true, because one of the diverse factors that affect the health and development of a preschool child is physical activity.
Every child wants his closest people - his parents - to share his joy with him. But often moms and dads do not know how to diversify the winter holidays of their children, as if they themselves were not children. And everything is extremely simple. Even the most casual walk can turn into a fun holiday thanks to play and creativity in the snow.
Winter holidays are a unique opportunity to spend joint leisure time for children and parents, actively use the time with health benefits, plunging into the magic of winter fun. So what are they, fun?

Snow masterpieces

An adult perceives snow as precipitation that does not make it easy to move along the road, and children love snow for its many clusters of beautiful, unlike each other, snowflakes. Moreover, snow for children is a material for creativity. Snowmen, towers, fortresses, caves of unprecedented size, all such masterpieces can be seen in every courtyard during the winter holidays.

Painting on snow with aerosol paints is no less exciting. Snow-white background, soft texture help to create amazing New Year's drawings.

The most favorite game of all girls and boys in winter is "Snowballs". And for good reason! During this game, motor activity, the eye, finger motor skills develop, and ringing laughter evokes a positive emotional mood.

Skates and skis

Everyone knows the benefits of outdoor activities. A large selection of skates will not leave indifferent either children or parents, and skating will bring a lot of pleasure. To avoid injury, you must use protective equipment: helmet, knee pads, elbow pads.
According to experts, ice skating contributes to the development of the musculoskeletal system, strengthens the back muscles, develops the correct posture, as well as the prevention of flat feet.
Skiing is a rewarding and exciting activity. Even breathing will enrich the lungs with oxygen, and the landscapes of the winter park will leave pleasant impressions.

snow Hill

Children are delighted with skiing from a steep snowy mountain. Go to the nearest slides, so that with a healthy blush and unhealthy shortness of breath, ride with your child on sleds, ice-floes, just standing on your feet. The feeling is incomparable.
The dashing downward movement overwhelms the child with feelings and emotions. Well, if mom and dad got caught in the trailer, there is no limit to joy!

Helping animals and birds

During the winter holidays, you can make a birdhouse or feeder, hang it in the park or in the yard, filling it with seeds for birds or nuts for squirrels. Watching how titmouses peck grains from a homemade feeder or how a squirrel carries nuts into a hollow is a fascinating sight for children. At the same time, the child develops a feeling of love, care and responsibility for our smaller brothers.

Family walks

It is necessary to walk, breathe fresh air in any weather for both adults and children, because nature does not have bad weather. But when the air temperature reaches 15 degrees below zero, it is recommended to reduce the walking time to avoid frostbite. It is important to choose the right clothes and shoes, movement should not be constrained so as not to experience discomfort.
Walks can be organized in the courtyard of the house for the benefit of, for example, clearing paths from snow. Leisure in the park today is full of an entertainment program: sledges, skis, skates, winter bicycles, ice figures, hot treats.
Leaving the city with the whole family, you can enjoy the beauty of winter landscapes, the vast expanses of snow-covered fields and trees. Russian winter is the splendor of nature! And all this can be captured on a camera, homemade sketches can be made from memory. At the same time, the child will not only have a pleasant time, but also acquire artistic and aesthetic skills. Discussing such walks, the child will get an unforgettable experience and enrich his vocabulary.

Do not justify your boring leisure time with unpleasant cold weather. A little desire and activity should be shown, and the winter holidays for a child can turn into a small planet of entertaining hobbies, interesting leisure and emotional enjoyment. In his memory, this will become the warmest and most pleasant memory associated with spending leisure time with his parents.

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