Arab Emirates Artificial Islands. Artificial island Palma Jumäeve Dubai, UAE Emirates

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The islands of palm trees in Dubai are called the eighth miracle of the world. This is the second building built by a person who can be seen from space. The first one is known is the Great Wall.

The islands of Palm can be seen even from space!

The islands of the Palm's authorities of the United Arab Emirates were created to attract tourists, as well as to expand its territory due to the water of the Persian Gulf. Both were embodied with glitter.

What to see

The archipelago consists of three artificial islands, each of which is a palm tree: the largest is the island of Palma Deira, two others - the Palma Jumeira and Palma Jebel-Ali - a little less.

On the coast of Dubai there is another magnificent artificial structure - the Archipelago "Peace", next to which the construction of the Universe archipelago is planned.

If you find fault in the terminology, the islands of the palm should be called the peninsulas, because they are connected to the mainland coastline - the barrel. It is no coincidence that the islands are chipsticks, this is a particularly revered plant in Islam. Also in the traditions of this religion, the crown of each of the Palm islands became Crescent.

To protect against water island, palm trees are surrounded by barrier reefs. And for them builders did not fit formally. For example, on the reefs of the Palm of Jebel-Ali, quotes were carved from the poems of Mohammed Bin Rashid al Maktuum - the acting Sheikh Dubai.

The islands of palm trees are built from sand mined on the coast of Dubai.

All the islands of palm trees are built from sand mined on the coast of Dubai. At the creation of the Breast-cutting of Palma Jumeira, stretching for 11 km, went seven million cubic meters of sand. And this is the smallest of the three islands. 1400 villas should appear on the Palma Jumeirah, 32 hotels, and the beaches stretch out 78 km.

The main attraction of Jumeira must be the Atlantine complex, the owners promise that it will be the embodied dream of tourists.

The island of Palma Jebel-Ali is built in a more exotic style. More than a thousand bungalow in Polynesian style and more than two thousand villas will be located here. Dubai authorities are planning that by 2020 about 1.7 million people will live on this island. Particular attention to Jebel-Ali will be paid to the rest of the children: four amusement park will appear on the crescent of the island.

In the future, tourists will come to the islands of palm trees to visit the unique marine aquarium. Jabel-Ali can be seen dolphins, taway and other residents of the sea.

And the largest and unusual of the three islands of Palm will be Deira.

How to get

You can get to the islands of Palma on the subway Dubai. The station is located on the banks of the Persian Gulf. Next, to seem to be in a fairy tale as soon as possible by taxi.

Along the islands themselves, a monorail road is laid. You can not just get to the destination, but also to see everything beautiful that the authorities and the residents of Dubai were able to convene the life of power and residents.

Also on the territory of the islands of Palm plays ultra-modern airships. And monorails will be integrated with the main branch of the Dubai subway.

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Created by Human Island is a celebration of engineering thought and a bright symbol of the country's wealth.

Palm Jumeirah (Palm Jumeirah) is an island miracle of light created by man's hands. Artificial Island, repeating the outlines of palm trees with sixteen symmetrical "leaves", where expensive villas, hotels, water park and multi-kilometer beaches are located - direct proof of the magnitude of the emirate. To visit here is already at least in order to appreciate what science, progress and money are capable of.

Jumeiraira Palmilate Little Archipelago compared to two sisters - Palm Ali Palm and Palm Deira - But the first in his own way, and is a famous symbol of the United Arab Emirates along with the hotel Parus (Burj Al Arab) and Burj-Khalifa (Burj-Khalifa).

History of creation

In 2001, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashi Al Mactoum decided to expand the coastline and create a paradise resort corner in the waters of the Persian Gulf, while not using concrete and metal structures. First create a design that is opposed to waves and storms using only sand and boulders seemed an impracticable taskHowever, they were not going to retreat.

Photo: Draft Palma Jumeira

The construction of a palm island began. There appeared five kilometers of the breakwater, designed to defend the island from the storm Shamil. Then the construction of the island itself, the "leaflet" behind the "leaflet" - slowly and hardly a huge island appeared.

Additional complexity was created by the fact that the sand of the Arab desert did not fit for construction - it is too small and easily washed away. Therefore, tons of sand with tremendous efforts had to get from the bottom of the Persian Gulf and deliver on the coast. This very sand and stones used in construction would have enough to build a 2.5 meter wall around the globe.

Photo: Building Island

5 years later, human talent, perseverance and science won. Palm is the island was ready to take residents in the 2006 year. Luxury villas and hotels took their place on the "leaves". On the trunk of the palm trees are restaurants, parks, shopping and entertainment complexes, water parks, as well as beach clubs. Three months later, an amazing coral reef was added to this magnificence with two flooded F-100 aircraft to attract divers and strengthen the protection of the island. barrier Reef..

The wave of palm trees Jumeira reaches three meters in height and eleven and a half meters long.
Palm size Jumeira reaches 5.72 km².
Houses and villas were redeemed for a record three days (Celebrates became buyers who wish to retire on the paradise island).
The construction of a palm island cost seven billion dollars.
Palma Jumeira is distinguished from the cosmos with the naked eye (on a row with the Chinese wall).

Photo: Palma Jumeira

Photo: Hotel Atlantis

Reverse side of luxury

Despite the greatness and beauty of the island, the environmentology was not too glad to similar changes in the flora and the fauna of the Persian Gulf. After all, such changes are undoubtedly fraught with consequences. The authorities responded to numerous demands to protect the sea inhabitants and built up a part of the coast of artificial reefs, in addition, promised that in a short time it is planned to translate "palm trees" on environmentally friendly energy sources in order not to pollute the environment.

A substantial problem remains stagnation of water in the bays of the archipelago. Breaks are vital for protection, but it is indisputable prevents water renewal. Despite trying to cope with this problem, the visible result has not yet been reached.

The latter, but no less important - durability. How much is able to simultane such a huge, but, as not strange, the fragile Palm island of Jumeira, under the climate change, increase the water level and the raging waves, wash the sand straight from under the feet? The creators of projects soothe investors that in the next 800 years there is nothing to worry about, and you can safely acquire a piece of paradise on Earth.

How to get

You can get to Palma Jumeira, using a taxi service, renting a car or leaning on a monorail road along the overpass (the first monorail in the Middle East). Construction of Palma Jumeira

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating this unusual building appeared in the 90s, when the emirate suitable for the construction of the coastal strip is over. The project was designed to increase the territory for the further development of the tourism industry: beaches, hotels, villas, entertainment centers.

The construction of this architectural miracle began in 2001 on the initiative of the monarch Dubai Sheikh Mohammed. The name of the island (Palm Jumeirah) is translated as "Krone Palm". The characteristic form is chosen not only in honor of the symbol of the Emirate, but also on the basis of thorough calculations. Having relatively small sizes in diameter - 5.5 kilometers, the trunk has 17 branches with a shared coastline of 56 kilometers. It is 9 times more than if the creators wondered the island round.

Builders used 94 million cubic sand meters and 5.5 million cubic meters of stone. From such a number of material it would be possible to build a wall with a height of 2.5 meters, which would be gone to the Ecuator. The whole design is kept due to its own weight - there is no concrete or steel fortifications. However, the years of existence proved the viability of such a "natural" project.

Panorama by Hotel Atlantis

Attractions and entertainment

Some of the brightest sights of the island are: AquaVenture Water Park is the best in Europe and the Middle East, Dolphin Bay Dolphinarium, Lost Chambers Marine Aquarium, as well as the Hotel Atlantis, The Palm, in the territory of which Mentioned entertainment.

Lovers water sports It is worth visiting the local beach for kaitsurfing. Al Mamzar and Jumeirai Beach are a beach-park area where it is good to relax both one and a couple or family. The choice of tourists there is a lot of leisure options: spa and fitness, sea walks, entertainment during hotels, helicopters, nightclubs, museums, diving courses and so on.

A monorail road with small traps passes along the palm tree, allowing you to travel a length of 4 stops. Also moving around the island by taxi.


Due to changes in the legislation of the Emirate, everyone can purchase real estate on Palma Jumeirai with full and unconditional ownership. But prices here are very high.

You can visit the Aquaventure Water Park on any day of the week, but the duration of its work varies depending on the time of year. This is usually a period from 10 am to sunset. For children up to 2 years old and everyone who lives in the hotel "Atlantis", the entrance is free. The rest of the visitors will have to pay from 200 to 250 dirhams in one day of stay. One-day ticket, allowing you to visit the water park, and in the Aquarium "The Lost Chambers" will cost 240-300 dirhams, depending on age.

In the Dolphin Bay dolphinaria you can participate in interactive programs With dolphins and marine lions: swimming, photographing, games, tricks. The cost of such entertainment varies from 116 to 385 dollars. The operating time of all these attractions is the same. All questions can be asked the hotel manager by phone +9714 426 2000 at any time of the day or use the official website of the hotel.

To get to the island of Palma Jumeira, you can use a taxi. Road is international Airport Dubai takes about 30 minutes. Public transport - Travel in the direction of Jabel Ali to the station at the Mall of the Emirates shopping center. From here you will have to go by taxi. You can also take part in the excursion that includes a transfer.

Each traveler coming in United Arab Emiratesbe sure to visit it beautiful island. His visit leaves many unforgettable impressions.

Problems of the island

Near the complex of Palma Jumeira is not at all what has been published. From a bird's eye view, palm looks luxurious. And on Earth, everything is very sad and lifeless. And because of the fact that the water in the canals is stirred, there is a vile smell in the air, as if something decomposes. Therefore, the purchase of villas on the leaves of Palma Jumeira is not the most profitable investment of several million dollars.

More recently, the Arab Emirates were known to the world with their deserts and the presence of such valuable raw materials as oil. But some time passed and everything changed. Now everyone is awesome looking at the images of Arab beauty and secret dreams to get there, to see these cosmic miracles with his own eyes, and world celebrities and magnates are fighting for each square meter on the territory of Dubai. The reason for everything is giant buildings of indescribable beauty. All the biggest thing that is on our planet (fountains, hotels, towers, parks), is located in the UAE. Among these miracles, artificial islands in the form of doves on the Persian Gulf coast - Jebel Ali, Jumeira and Deira are considered.

The Palma Jumeira in the UAE is located in the Dubai Marina area, see how it is located on the map relative to other artificial islands:

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The construction of the Jumeira Palma began in 2001. For work, a tent of thousands of builders, who lived there were attracted to work. The work did not stop for a minute, shift for shift, day after day, month after month and in 2006 the island was ready. As a material, a stone and sand was used, which was mined from the bottom of the bay. The whole island consists of the main barrel and 17 palm leaves. Crescents also built around the palm trees - a symbol of all Muslims, which also serves as a breakwater and protects the island from high waves and storms, its length is 11 km. Thus, the total area of \u200b\u200bJumeira exceeds 25 square meters. km., What is equal to 800 football fields.

After working on the island has been completed, the architects have begun to build the territory. Soon chic villas, hotels, hotels rose in the sand shopping centers, not to mention the palm trees and other plants. Most real estate Palma Jumeira has already been reappeared and populated. The architecture is made in different styles: from Arab to European.

Hotel Atlantis The Palm is the most luxurious hotel in the world.

Jumeier Island is actually a peninsula, since it is connected to the mainland 30 m long bridge. So that the inhabitants of the island can quickly move around the territory, the tunnel was laid under water. And for implementation transport message Jumeira with the mainland built a monorail road.

The scale of the island is so great that you can even see it from space.

Palma Jumeira is the biggest artificial island, a real miracle created by man. With its outlines, he repeats the palm tree (barrel and 16 symmetrically arranged leaves), which, to protect against the destruction of the waves, is surrounded by a waveness in the shape of a crescent. On the island a huge number of luxurious private villas, hotels, skyscrapers, shopping and entertainment centers, parks, beach clubs.

Palma Jumeira is in the United Arab Emirates, on the shore of the Persian Gulf next to the coast of Dubai. By the way, this is one of the three islands of the Palm Island complex, which increases the coastline of Dubai Emirates by 520 km. And although the island of Palma Jumeira is less than Palma Jebel Ali and Deira's palm trees, but he was created first and thanks to this became the "calling card" of the UAE.

Visit the United Arab Emirates, in particular Dubai, you need at least then to see the Palm of Jumeira and appreciate what can create talented people, knowledge and money.

The history of the creation of Palma Jumeira

Mohammed Ibn Rashid al Mackum

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a unique man-made island in the Persian bay belongs to Shahih UAE Mohammed Ibn Rashid Al Mactoo. This idea arose from him back in the 1990s, when there were no suitable places to build new buildings at the sectors of the Emirate of Emirate Dubai. The construction of the miracle islands, designed to increase the coastline of the Emirate in order to follow the development of tourism, was started in 2001.

For construction, 94,000,000 m³ of sand and 5,500,000 m³ of stone were used - in such a material volume would be enough to build on the equator Globe The wall is 2.5 meters high. The main difficulty was that the sand from the UAE deserts turned out to be unsuitable for the construction of an artificial embankment: he was very small, and because of this, the water easily washed him out. Incredible efforts were spent to raise sand tons from the seabed and deliver it to the coast of the Emirate. When creating sandy embankments, neither cement nor steel fortifications were needed - the whole design is held only due to their own weight. Nevertheless, this unique project has proved its viability, because the Palma Jumeira has successfully existed since 2006.

"Crane Palma" - this is exactly what "Palma Jumeira" is translated, and in the photo from the height it clearly shows that the outlines of the man-made embankment completely repeat the silhouette of a palm tree. Interestingly, the choice of such a form is explained not only by the fact that Palma is a symbol of Dubai Emirate. Just with a relatively minor size of a diameter of 5.5 km, the barrel has 16 leaf branches with a shared coastline of 56 km - if the island had a round shape, this figure would be 9 times less. The artificial island is surrounded by a breakwater in the shape of a crescent stretched by 11 km. To strengthen the protection of the island, and at the same time to attract divers on the coast of the emirate, all this magnificence completed the coral reef with two sunken F-100 aircraft.

Attractions of the resort area

Tourists who come to the resorts of Dubai (UAE) offer a wide variety of leisure activities: resting on the beaches, diving courses, walking around the sea, helicopter flights, all sorts of entertainment in hotels, classes in fitness clubs, visiting spas, museums, and Much.

Rest by the sea

The most pleasant and comfortable weather conditions for relaxing on the sea coast on the Palma Jumeier are observed in the middle of the autumn. This is the time of the "velvet" season in the Emirate of Dubai, when the temperature of water in the Persian Gulf is kept at the level of +20 - +23 ° C, when it is pleasant and sunbathing near the sunny rays, and hide in the shade of the beach umbrella.

The Jumeira coast is a range of beach areas covered with snow-white soft sand, with clean water, with comfortable and comfortable descents in the water. There are different beaches here:

  • free, visiting which can both residents of Dubai and the tourists who came to the UAE;
  • private, belonging to a certain residential complex or a hotel - as a rule, the entrance to them is closed;
  • paid public parks-beaches.

Jumeira Public Beach

From public beaches it is worth highlighting Jumeira Public Beach, which is located near the Dubai Marina and the Jumeira Mosque. He, although unequipped, but very spacious and clean.

Among the beaches owned by hotels, you need to pay attention to the Atlantis beach. After all, it can be resting on it not only guests "Atlantis", but also holidaymakers who have decided to visit aquaVenture water park. A visit to this private beach is included in the price. input ticket In the water park.

There is a shorelinine beach on the island owned by the same residential complex from 20 and high-rise houses. It is noteworthy that the entrance to Shoreline is allowed not only to people from this area, but also to ordinary tourists. The residential complex is protected, thanks to which the rest is completely safe there.

Options for the placement of vacationers

On the palm of Jumeirah in Dubai, many world-class hotels are concentrated, some of them occupy a place among. Dubai is a luxurious resort designed for secured vacationers, respectively, prices are high here.

Visitors of the site They offer more than 100 interesting settlement options.

And now a few words about the most famous hotels in Dubai and the UAE.

Atlantis The Palm.

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How to get on the palm

The famous resort is located in the Persian Gulf off the coast of Dubai, and it is from Dubai where it is necessary to get.

It is more convenient and fastest to get on the Palm of Jumeirah on a rented car or taxi. From Dubai International Airport, you can get there for 30 minutes, but at peak hours are usually gathering small traffic jams in places where excursion groups stop for photos.

Directly through the resort's territory you can move both by taxi and on a high-speed train on the monorail road. The beginning of Monorail at the Gateway Towers station (this is the very beginning of the "trunk" of palm trees), general extension almost 5.5 km. The standard gap between flights is 15 minutes, the total time on the way from the initial to the final stop (they are 4) 15 minutes. Monorail road time: daily from 8:00 to 22:00.

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Problems of Palma Jumeira

Although the island is very beautiful, the ecologists of the UAE and the whole world are excited about the changes occurring in the Persian Gulf of Persian and the animal. In response to multiple demands to make life inhabitants of sea waters safe, the power of the Emirate of Dubai has built artificial reefs off the coast and plan energy from environmentally friendly sources on all artificial islands.

The presence of a breakwater also creates certain problems. It is extremely important for protection against waves, but at the same time leads to the stress of water in the bays and provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The Government of the UAE undertakes a number of attempts to solve this problem, but the desired result could not be obtained.

There is one more important question: "How long can it stand such a huge, but too fragile embankment, on which climate change affect, as well as formidable waves, flushing out of her sand?". The authors of the project argue that over the next 800 years should not worry, and investors are persuading to buy an amazing real estate "part" of amazing real estate in Emirate. Moreover, changes have been made to the legislation of the Emirate, allowing any person to acquire real estate with the absolute right of ownership.

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