In the center of Europe, the world around the world workbook. In the centre of Europe

The lesson of the surrounding world in the 3rd grade "in the center of Europe"

Objectives lesson:

    Studying students of new material on the lesson and consolidation of knowledge gained.

    Formation of ideas about countries located in the central part of Europe.

    Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards foreign countries.

Tasks lesson:


    To introduce children with the countries of Central Europe.


    Develop the cognitive activity of children, the ability to express their thoughts, reason.

    Development ability to analyze, draw conclusions, defend its point of view, the ability to apply accumulated knowledge.

    Expand the horizon of children.


    Educate interest in the subject.

    Expand the submission of students about foreign countries.

    Introduce the most famous attractions of Central Europe.

During the classes

    Organizing time

Psychological setting

Guys, mentally take the sun. Look at how it smiles. Smile and you! Put this small piece of good mood to my right palm, cover the left. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. Amazing energy comes from him, good, good mood.

Place it all in your heart.

Feel, you have new forces, energy?!

I want you to remember, what you now feel and that such a feeling is left for you to the end of the lesson.

II. Check your homework.

Frontal survey:

W: What is Benilux?

W.: A small state, with beautiful houses, each house has its own name. This country can be driving from end to the end by car for 4-5 hours, famous for the flower market.

D:: Belgium.

W.: Channel country, bicycle, country tulips. The name of the country means low lands. Famous for its cheese.

D:: Netherlands.

W.: One of the smallest countries. The name of the capital coincides with the name of the country, the name means "Little Castle".

D:: Luxembourg.

W.: What is famous Belgium?

D:: Houses, floral market, hot waffles, Belgian chocolate.

W.: What are the famous Netherlands,?

D:: Country Channels, Bicycle, Favorite - Tulip flower, Dutch cheese.

W.: What is famous for Luxembourg.?

D:: Little Castle, rules the state the Great Duke, there are no higher educational institutions.


What is Benilux?

1.Dopyshi names of Benilyux countries

Be ___________________________

Neither __________________________

Suite ________________________

2. In which country, the head of state is the Great Duke?

A) in Belgium

B) in the Netherlands

C) in Luxembourg

3. Will the name of the capitals

A) in Belgium - _________________________

B) in the Netherlands -____________________

C) in Luxembourg -____________________

4. What country is tulips with a symbol?

A) Belgium

B) Netherlands

C) Luxembourg

D) Finland

5. Which country is famous windmills, cheese and bicycles?

A) Belgium

B) Netherlands

C) Luxembourg

5. What city stands on the Amstel River?

A) Luxembourg

B) Brussels

C) Amsterdam

V. Studying a new material.

Message themes and lesson purposes.

W.: So, we are in the central part of Europe.

These are 3 countries - Germany, Austria, Switzerland. Let us dwell with you in Germany.

W: What did you know about this country?

Germany is a large state of the central part of Europe. Talk to german language. People here love order and accuracy.

Big cities:

The capital of Germany is Berlin. It is the largest industrial, scientific and cultural Center Germany.


Cologne is famous for the huge cathedral. In the stone stairs, 500 steps, rising you can see the whole city. Cologne stands on the most large river In Germany, Rhine, which means "clean."

All familiar and knowing the city of Bremen. Here you can see the monument to famous musicians, the characters of the fairy tale brothers Grimm. From early childhood, we get acquainted with their fairy tales, they are popular in

whole world

Famous Germany and its composers and musicians.

The city of Bonn is the homeland of the composer of Ludwig van Beethoven. In the center he was installed a monument, and the Museum is located in the House of Composer. Works of Beethoven are popular all over the world.

In Germany, Great Composer Johann Sebastian Bach was born. His works are listening and admiring all over the world.

German brands of cars are very popular.

What do you know car brand?

But the German car brands:

    Mercedes Benz






And now we arrive in the most beautiful country called Austria.

Look at the State Flag of Austria.

Austria is talking in German. The head of state is the president. His name is Heinz Rudolph Merz Fisher.

1. With the help of a textbook card sign up to the names of countries isolated by color, and their capitals.

2. In each list, the word is superfluous. Orally explain their decision.

  • Answer: a) Germany, Austria, Vienna, Switzerland. b) Berlin, Vienna, Bern, Germany.

3. Complete tasks: 1) Learn to show the country and its capital on the map. The territory of the country should smoothly undergo a pointer by contour (boundary). Show the designation of the capital, and not its name. 2) Enter the sights of the country's landmarks in the table. 3) Describe the sights of the country studied by photographs in the textbook or other sources.

  • Answer:

4. With the help of the textbook, the flags are painted.

5. Seryozha got a task listing the cities of Germany. He said: "Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Cologne, Bonn, Munich, Geneva, Salzburg." Check using a textbook card. If Seryozha was wrong, cross out the extra names. Explain (orally) your decision.

  • Answer: Geneva.

6. Continue filling the table on with. 77. According to the guys from other groups, enter examples of the attractions of the rest of the countries.

  • Answer:

7. Ant and turtle are interested, whether you know these attractions. Cut photos from the application and place them in the appropriate windows. Check yourself on the textbook. After checking the photos. Indicate the arrows of the names of countries.

8. In the chapter on Austria, the book "Encyclopedia of Travels. World Countries" Choose a particularly interesting section for you. For example, "from the history of the country", "nature and its protection", "population and culture". Prepare a message on the selected topic.

  • Answer:
  • Subject Messages: Butterfly House.
  • Important information: One of the greenhouses of Vienna was turned into a "house of butterflies". Coming here, you get into the amazing tropical forest with trees, waterfalls and many colors. And you see live butterflies everywhere! They can be photographed and shoot on video.

9. Make a list of words-reminders about Germany and Switzerland (according to the sample heading "tie nodules into memory from the book" Encyclopedia of Travels. World Countries ").

IN center Europe

Purpose: encourage with countries located in the center of Europe.

Planned results : students will learn to talk about the country on physical and political cards, supplement this information information from other sources, to work in groups, analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

Equipment: political map of Europe; reference literature; Films about Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Move lesson

I. . Organizational moment

II. . Actualization knowledge . Check home tasks

Frontal survey

- What is Benilux?

- In which part of Europe are Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg countries are located?

- Name the capital of these countries.

- What are these countries noteworthy?

- Why are the Netherlands call the country of canals, bicycles and tulips?

- What country did you prepare a message about? Tell us

- What kind interesting Facts Are you found about countries?

III . Self-determination to activities

- Find on political map The country whose column Berlin. What is this country called?(Germany)

- Find the country on the political map, the capital of which Vienna. What is this country called?(Austria.)

- Find the country on the political map, the capital of which Bern. What is this country called?(Switzerland!)

Today in the lesson we will talk about these countries.

IV. . Work by topic lesson

- In the center of Europe we will visit three countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland.

(Pupils are divided into three groups.)

- Tell us about these countries using the text of the textbook on with. 126-130, as well as materials of the References Encyclopedia.

V. . Fizkultminutka

VI . Fixing studied material

Performing tasks in the working notebook

1 (p. 63).

- Read the task. Consider the map.

- Using the card in the textbook on with. 125, follow the task.

- What country has the largest area and is indicated on a brown map?(Germany.)

- Name the capital of Germany.(Berlin.)


- Which country is indicated on a yellow card?(Austria.)

- Name the capital of Austria.(Vein.)

- Sign the name of the country and the capital.

- Which country is indicated on a green map?(Switzerland.)

- Name the capital of Switzerland.(Berne.)

- Sign the name of the country and the capital.№2 (p. 63).

- Read the words in the first line.

- Find an unnecessary word.(Vein.)

- (Vienna is the city, the capital of Austria; the rest- names of countries.)

- Read the words in the second line.

- Find an unnecessary word.(Germany.)

- Prove that this word is superfluous.(Germany is a state; the rest is the name of the cities.)

3 (p.64).

- Read the names of the cities that the boy recorded.

- Find these cities on the map. Are you all in Germany?

- Name the cities that are located in other countries.(Geneva is located in Switzerland, Salzburg - in Austria.)

- Crouch the names of these cities.

4 (p. 64).

- Read the task. Consider the table.

- Find in the text of the textbook information about the sights of Germany. Name them.(Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Zoo, Television Tower, Cologne Cathedral, Monument to Bremen Musicians.)

- Enter the table.

- Name the sights of Austria.(Saint Stephen's Cathedral, Phyakra, Monument to Johann Strauss.)

- Enter the table.

- And what sights are in Switzerland? Name them.(Mountain resorts, banks.)

- Enter the table.

- In which of these countries have you been to? What can I tell about them? Mark these countries familiar "+".

5 (p. 65).

- Read the task. Find photos to this task in the app, cut them out and stir.

- What country is the Cologne Cathedral?(In Germany.)

- What can you tell about him?

- Sign the name of the country.

- What country is the monument to the Bremen Musicians?(In Germany.)

- Who wrote the fairy tale "Bremen Musicians"?(Brothers Grimm.)

- Sign the name of the country.

- In which country is the monument to Johann Strauss?(In Austria.)

(A teacher can include audio recording Waltz I. Strauss.)

6 (p. 65).

- With the help of the textbook, color flags.

VII. Reflection

- Complete the table.



State language





Monument I. Strasu





VIII. Summing up total lesson

- What states did you meet?

- What is especially remembered for you?

So, Germany, Austria and Switzerland - the state of the central part of Europe. The biggest one is Germany. The major cities of Germany - Berlin, Bremen, Cologne.

Homemade the task

2. Prepare a message about any country in the central part of Europe

We are in the central part of Europe.

These are 3 countries, Germany, Austria, Switzerland. Let us dwell with you in Germany.

Germany is a large state of the central part of Europe. Talk in German. People here love order and accuracy. The head of state of Germany is the president. His name is Horst Kolero.

The capital of Germany is Berlin. This is the largest Industrial, scientific and cultural center of Germany.

Main Street Berlin.

In 1961, Berlin, like the whole country, was dissected into 2 parts, i.e. separated from each other by reinforced concrete wall.

And in 1990, this wall was demolished, and the country became one.

Famous Berlin-Berlinsky Zoo, High Berlin Television, Brandenburg Gate.

In Germany is big cities:






(Song of the Bremen Musicians)

All familiar and knowing the city of Bremen. Here you can see the monument to famous musicians, the characters of the fairy tale brothers Grimm. From early childhood, we get acquainted with their fairy tales, they are popular all over the world. And what do you know the fairy tales of the brothers Grimm?

The city is also famous for the Cologne Cathedral. Built 600 years. In the stone stairs, 500 steps, rising you can see the whole city. Cologne stands on the largest river in Germany Raine, which means "clean."

Famous Germany and its composers and musicians.

Bonn-Motherland of the Composer Ludwig Van Beethoven. In the center he was installed a monument, and the Museum is located in the House of Composer. Works of Beethoven are popular all over the world.

In Germany, Great Composer Johann Sebastian Bach was born. His works are listening and admiring all over the world.

German brands of cars are very popular.

What do you know car brand?

But the German car brands:

Mercedes Benz






And now we arrive in the most beautiful country called Austria.

Austria is talking in German. The head of state is the president. His name is Heinz Rudolph Merz Fisher.

Look at the State Flag of Austria.

Capital of Austria is the city vein. Vienna - one of the most beautiful cities World. This is a city of palaces and parks. In the center of Vienna is the Cathedral of St. Stephen. To climb the tower to overcome 300 steps.

On the streets of Vienna, you need to drive on an old phikere (crew harvested by a couple of horses).

Vienna is called the city of Waltz. Here was born and lived outstanding composer Johann Strauss, who composed wonderful waltses. Residents of Vienna were distinguished by love for music. They loved folk songs and dancing. In the park there is a monument to I. Strauss.

Beautiful cities in Austria. Here is the city of Salzburg. The famous composer Great Mozart has been born in this city. He began writing his works with 5 years.

Austria is called the Alpine Republic.

Here are arranged world-class competitions.

Also Austria is the birthplace of ballet on ice.

Many tourists come here to visit the vintage museums, skiing in the Alps.

Finally, we arrive in the richest Country-Switzerland.

This country is the most sublime in Europe.

Talk here in German, French and Italian.

The head of state is the president. His name is Hans Rudolph Merz.

Here is the state flag of Switzerland.

The capital of Switzerland is the city of Bern.

Most of the mountains are taken here.

In Switzerland, a special breed of dogs is derived, which finds people in the snow.

It is famous for its resorts.

Switzerland is famous for its clock. They are always accurate and reliable.

A large income of the country is the Swiss bank. It keeps the money of rich people from around the world.

There are many countries in the central part of Europe, each of which has a unique history, distinctive culture and rich traditions. Among them are the most distinguished by the three largest and most significant states: Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Consider in more detail this topic on the program class 3 of the surrounding world.


Germany is the largest state of Central Europe. The capital is Berlin, the state language is German, the form of government is the Parliamentary Republic. The country is a member of NATO and the European Union, is part of the "Big Seven".

On the territory of Germany, the River Rhine flows, which since ancient times is one of the most important shipping pathways.

Due to the successful geographical location in Germany, economic relations with all are well established european states, in particular, with Benilyux countries, with which it borders in the West.

What is Benilux? These are three Western European states that have formed a customs, economic and political union. Its name consists of the first syllables of the names of countries included in its composition: Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

Germany is the world's largest car manufacturer and high-quality household appliances. Products manufactured in this country are in great demand all over the world.

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Fig. 1. German cars.

In addition, Germany is a long-graded country with a richest history. Its attractions can be attributed to the beautiful medieval castles, Gothic churches, vintage brewing factories, and much more.


Austria is a picturesque alpine country, one of the richest states in the world. Capital - Vienna, state language - German. Austria enters the European Union, is a member of NATO. Rules the President.

Austria is not only very rich, but also a beautiful country. On its territory there are numerous mountain ridges Eastern Alps, attracting tourists from different parts of the Earth.

In addition to well-developed tourism, the state treasury is regularly replenished at the expense of products of the three most important industries:

  • car equipment;
  • fabric production;
  • metallurgy.

In addition, Austria is famous for its confectionery, canceled coffee and luxury cars "Porsche".

Everyone who comes to this country seeks to inspect her attractions: Aisrisenvelt Cave, the largest Glacier Pastec, the Alpine Road Grosglockner, the Benedictin Monastery, the Vienna Museum of Art History.

Fig. 2. Vienna Philharmonic.

Austria has long been recognized as the most musical country in Europe. Her rulers have always loved music very much, and in 18-19 centuries, composers came to the country from all over Europe. No one concert hall Or the theater in the world could not be compared with the Vienna Philharmonic, the state opera or the Vienna Choir of the boys.


Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries Peace with a unique natural landscape. The capital is the city of Bern, state languages - French, German, Italian, Retoromans. Rules the country federal council.

Switzerland - the famous European health resort, which is very popular among tourists and wishing to improve their health for over a hundred years. Also here are lovers of skiing: the Swiss Alps are famous for its descent of varying degrees of complexity.

Fig. 3. Ski resort in Switzerland.

Switzerland is famous for the whole world not only by its resorts, but also by banks and clock, in a word, with all the fact that all people are associated with the highest quality.

What did we know?

When studying the topic "In the center of Europe" (grade 3), under the program of the surrounding world, we found out what the most developed countries are located in the central part of Europe. Germany, Switzerland and Austria are famous for their well-developed stable economy, picturesque landscapes and unique centuries-old culture.

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