What city is the capital of the Hawaiian Islands. Traveling to Hawaii

Honolulu ... The city with this original and unusual Russian ear name is the capital of Hawaii, the small birthplace of Barack Obama. He is the largest in the state. Located a city on Oahu Island, in the southern part of it. Honolulu is relatively small, its population is about 400 thousand people. However, there is not only the city, but also the whole island Oahu, the number of people living here will be about 1 million people. In addition, during the entire calendar year, the island is resting a large number of tourists.

Brief characteristic of the capital of Hawaii

The state capital is considered to be a magnificent modern city, a famous tourist center. Millions of tourists come here every year. In the absence of problems with money, it seems a fairy tale. Gorgeous landscapes, an incredible number of entertainment establishments, restaurants with magnificent cuisine. At the same time, one of the lowest crime levels in the United States, and the economy is distinguished by enviable stability.

A bit of history

If you deepen in history, you can find out that people lived on the site of the current Honolulu in the XI century. Probably, these were descendants of travelers who moved there from other Islands of Polynesia. And in the XIX century the city has already become a major shopping centerIt has industrial enterprises. Hawaii became interested in the United States. With the help of Americans, the monarchy was overthrown. It was after this that the United States entered (Eng. Hawaii).

Capital today

Now Honolulu is a financial, business and shopping center, which is important and how tourist centre, and as a transport node. There are many industrial and trade enterprises in the city. In addition, sugar cane is actively grown in agriculture. And in the famous Hawaiian University constantly undergo research in the field of astrophysics, medicine and, of course, oceanography.

When tourists come to relax in Hawaii, the capital is the first thing they can see. After all, all transport paths lie only through Honolulu, there are simply no other options. It is for this reason that the city's airport is one of America's most downloaded in the United States. Every year more than 20 million people enjoy its services.


Honolulu city boasts near sightseeing. For example, Vaikiki is a resort area, there are many beaches, hotels, shops. In this area flourishes cheerful night lifeThe atmosphere of the rest and holiday is always felt. In addition, it is impossible not to recall the Palace of Iolani. It has four floors, and electricity and other equipment appeared there earlier than in the White House. In all the United States is the only one royal Palace, so he is rightfully proud of Hawaii. The capital is also rich in parks. The city has a large zoo, aquarium, a number of museums.

In general, in Honolulu there is something to see and why get a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Be sure to visit and Polynesian cultural Center. He gives an idea of \u200b\u200ball parts of Polynesia: Hawaii, Tahiti, Samoa ... There are magnificent performances that are withstanding in the local flavor. Spectators on a par with the participants are involved in what is happening: wreaths weave, make souvenirs themselves, folk dances dance, get coconut milk and even try to climb on palm trees. By the way, many it turns out!

Military Base Pearl Harbor

Near the city, in the center Pacific Ocean, Located the largest US Pearl Harbor. She became known to the world after the events that occurred at the end of 1941, when Japan, attacking the base, gave the reasons for the United States to join the second world War. Currently, a memorial complex has been created in the base area.

Currently, everyone heard at least something about Hawaii. The state capital is the homeland of Barack Obama. In this city, the current head of state graduated from school.

Honolulu is one of the most southern Cities USA. If you translate its name with it will " safe place" Another transfer option is "Protected Bay". This speaks much. For tourists here is a real paradise. More than a hundred Magnificent beaches are located around Honolulu.


Since in Honolulu, the tropical climate, the sun shines almost all year there. All year-round is the excellent air temperature, ideally suitable for magnificent recreation. In January, it is +23 o C, and in June - +27 about C. Summer Even at night, you will not see a mark below 20 about C. The precipitates throughout this season in Honolulu practically do not fall out.


In Honolulu, you can year-round sports. The capital of Hawaii is the most sporting city of the United States according to the magazine Men "s fitness. In December, a traditional marathon is held here, about 20 thousand people take part in it. Also in Honolulu regularly held competitions in triathlon.

Hawaii (eng. Hawaii.) - US state. Located in the Hawaiian Islands in the central part of the Pacific Ocean in the northern hemisphere at a distance of 3700 km from the continental part of the United States. Population - 1,419,561 people (according to 2014 data). Urban population is about 70%. Official language - English; Partially (in everyday life), among the various ethnic groups, other languages \u200b\u200bare preserved, including Hawaiian. Capital I. the largest city - Honolulu. Other major cities - Hilo, Caulua-Kona, Kaneoch. Economically most developed island Oahu. Official nickname - Aloha State.


Laval emissions of the Kilauea volcano

The state is located on the Hawaiian Islands in the central part of the Pacific Ocean. Area - 28 311 km². On the island of Hawaii there are operating volcanoes Mauna Loa and Kilauea, sleeping Mauna-Kea volcano (height 4205 m). Hawaii is the fastest growing section of the earth's surface (consequence of volcanic activity). Due to the characteristics of the soil, practically not holding moisture, there are almost no lakes in the state. Exceptions - Lake Waiau, Halulu and Ka-Loko reservoir.


For the first time, the islands were settled by Polynesians in the III-IV centuries. For Europeans, the island opened the English captain James Cook in 1778, which called them the sandwich islands. Europeans found several state entities in the Hawaiian islands, which at the beginning of the XIX century merged into the United Kingdom. The development of interest in the production of sugar cane led the United States at the end of the century to more active economic and political affects on the affairs of the archipelago. The local population, faced with from outside the infections to which he did not have immunity, extinced: by the end of the century, about 30 thousand people were left from the 300,000 Polynesian population.

In 1852, the Hawaiian Agricultural Society delivered the first batch of workers to Honolulu - 200 Chinese. Soon new parties followed. Japanese, Philipins, Koreans, as well as workers from Europe were added to the Chinese: Portuguese from Madeira Island, Germans and Norwegians. Sugar cane companies gradually changed the appearance of the islands.

Green Turtle on the beach of Hawaii Island

In 1887, the armed troops of whites were forced to accept the "Constitution of the bayonet." Since Lilyocalani, the last queen of the islands, tried to challenge the provisions of this "Constitution", a group of natives of the islands of American origin, calling for the aid of American sailors with the ship's bay, in 1893 he made a coup and overthrow the Queen. A year later, the Puppet Republic of Hawaii was proclaimed, whose president was Sanford Dul. After the attempts of counterpermoter under the leadership of the Hawaiian nationalist of Colonel Robert William Wilcox, who did not marrive the rebel to both monarchical and against the Republican governments, the accession of Hawaii to the United States was only a matter of time.

In 1898, in the midst of the Spanish-American War, the United States annexed Hawaii and in 1900 provided them with status self-governed territory. From 1901 to 1902, Nikolai Sudzilovsky-Roussell, who was also known as Kauche Lukini (in Hawaii "Russian Doctor"), who had managed to conduct reforms in support of indigenous people, was able to hold reforms in support of the indigenous people, but could not resist The influence of the United States and was deprived of American citizenship for anti-American activities.

In 1908, the port of Pearl Harbor, since the end of the XIX century, the role of international, became the Base of the US Navy. The attack of Japanese aviation on this base on December 7, 1941 led the United States to join the second world war.

For many tourists the best place are Hawaii - the state of the country, the fiftieth in order of entry into the state. This happened in the summer of 1959. After joining the islands, the active growth of the economy began, as well as an increase in the population, which in 2015 amounted to about one and a half million people.


On the map (photo below) it can be seen that the islands are located in the center of the Pacific Ocean, to remove from 3,700 km. Their area is - 28 311 km. sq. On the island of Hawaii there are active volcanoes Kilaowa and Mauna Loa, as well as the sleeping volcano Mauna Kea (4205 m).

Hawaii is considered the fastest growing plot of land, which is a consequence of volcanic activity. Thanks to the peculiarities of local soils, which practically do not hold moisture, there are almost no lakes in the state. Exceptions are Halulu, UAIU, as well as Ka Loko reservoir.

How many islands in Hawaii?

It consists of 8 major islands in the south-east of the archipelago in the center of the Pacific Ocean:

  • Kauai.
  • Nihau.
  • Milk.
  • Oahu.
  • Lana.
  • Kaolawa.
  • Maui.
  • Hawaii.

This is not all archipelago islands, but the staff is associated with them, since the total area of \u200b\u200bthe remaining 124 islands is only about eight square kilometers.

The largest island of the archipelago - Hawaii (on the map it can be seen). In order to avoid confusion with names, it is often called Big island. Its area is 10,432 km. sq. Hawaii - US state (only), which:

  • located not B. North America;
  • it is completely surrounded by the ocean;
  • is the archipelago;

Capital state

Honolulu is a city located on Oahu Island, which is part of the archipelago, the capital of Hawaii. This name can be translated as a "secluded bay." In this area, the first settlements appeared in 1100 of our era. Surprisingly, for a long time, European Courts, which were held from North America to Asia, did not notice the islands and their inhabitants.

Only in the fall of 1794, the ship Butterworth (Britain), who led Captain William Brown, went to the bay (later she was called Honolulu). Then Brown called it otherwise - "Clean Harbor". Later, she was renamed Brown's bay in honor of its opener.

Today, Honolulu is the center of Hawaii, modern city With magnificent skyscrapers, convenient infrastructure, numerous offices, restaurants, shops.

On the outskirts of the city there is a famous sandy beach of Vaikiki. Weak waves create conditions for surfing. Nowadays, there is a popular center here. sailing Sport. Hawaii, the attractions of which invariably attract the attention of tourists, thousands of guests from all over the world annually. We will tell about some of them in this article.

Hawaii: Attractions. Museum Bishop.

The building of this museum was built in 1889 on Oahu Island and is one of its main monuments. The structure is made in the romance style, which in those days was very popular on the islands. The feature of the building is the narrow arched windows located on the facade, and a number of doric columns that support the seaside entrance. At first view, the museum is very reminiscent of the stone medieval castle.

The museum's exposition is the largest collection of scientific artifacts and Polynesian cultural exhibits. In addition, here you can see the exhibition of insects, which consists of almost fourteen million copies. The permanent exhibition of Hawaiiana culture is especially popular.

The archive is located on the territory of the museum, in which the results of studies conducted by the staff of this institution in the Pacific Basin are collected. These are the most valuable manuscripts, artwork, photos and commercial cards and sound recordings.

Hawaiian Theater.

Today, many of our compatriots acquire tours in Hawaii. No wonder. Here you can combine a beautifully organized beach holiday with sightseeing. And see here there is something.

For example, the Hawaiian Theater is a beautiful majestic building built in 1922. It is located in the very center of the capital. The building is included in the National Register historical monuments U.S.A. A neoclassical style theater is built, according to the project of architects W. Emory and M. Webba. The local press calls him no other than the "pride of the ocean".

This theater was originally built not only for performances and performances, but also for watching movies. After some time, he began to lose popularity. As a result, in 1984 it was closed. Five years later, it was decided to reconstruct it. After fully updating the interior, the theater opened its doors for the audience in 1996. Now he is popular again and in demand. There are various concerts, performances, shows.

Monument to James Cuku.

Hawaii - the state that his current position is obliged to captain James Cook, who is considered to be the discoverer of these lands. As evidenced by historical documents, he became the first resident of the West, which pulled into this land.

The monument to the Great Marithener is installed in the center of Vaima. It is an accurate copy of the sculpture that is in his hometown Whitby (England). A memorable board indicates the place where he was killed.

Zoo Honolulu

Today, almost all travel agencies of our country can offer to their customers tours in Hawaii. True, such a journey cannot be called budget. For example, a ticket to Hawaii for 11 days on two people will cost you from 184 thousand rubles. However, if you do not bother such a price, feel free to go on the journey. Surely you got the impressions for a long time.

But back to the sights of the state. If you bring here to visit, visit the Zoo Honolulu. It is necessary to know that this is the only institution of this type not only on the islands, but also in the USA, which was created on the royal land. It was officially opened in 1877, at 300 acres of swampy lands. The zoo became part of the Royal Park of Kapiolani.

In 1914, Ben Hollinger became the first director of the park, which began to actively collect animals around the world. The first inhabitants were bear, a monkey, an African elephant. His second birth Zoo Honolulu celebrated in 1984, when the government developed a plan for a tropical zoo, which included exhibits of three zones: Asian and American rainforest, tropical zone of the Pacific Islands and African Savannah.

Today more than a thousand animals, reptiles, amphibians and birds live here. You will be able to see tigers and lions, dictums and giraffes, rhinos and elephants, hippopots and monkeys, crocodiles and turtles. Restaurants, souvenir shops and even market work on the territory of the modern park.

Crater diamond head

Hawaii - USA, which is famous for its natural attractions. One of them, undoubtedly, is he is in the east of Oahu. His name is translated from Hawaiian as "Lob Tuna". His english nameHe fastened behind him at the end of the XVIII century, when the British navigators discovered here Calcite crystals here, which they mistakenly accepted for diamonds.

According to volcanologists, the crater diamond head was formed about 150 thousand years ago, after powerful eruption. Its diameter is 1100 meters, and maximum height - 250 meters.

In 1898, defensive structures were located in the crater (Fort Rager). A few years later at the highest point of the crater, the supervisory point was established and the command complex (four-level). Through the wall of the crater, the tunnel was two hundred meters long. To protect the island from attacks, a cannonal battery was built.

National Park "Hawaiian Volcanoes"

Hawaii - USA, which strives to scale and greatness natural monuments. An example of this is this famous National Park. There are several volcanoes on its territory, the most famous of them - Loa, Maun and Kilauea (the last one is the youngest of them, he is a little over a hundred years).

People learned about this amazing place only at the end of the last century. Its area is more than 1,500 square kilometers. Travelers can see the frozen lava here, which accumulated in these places for 70 million years.

Nature in the park is diverse - here tourists will definitely show the dead desert Kau and tropical thickets. In addition to volcanoes, in this park there are many caves that appear due to the movement of the lava. For tourists, pedestrian walks are organized here, you can visit excursions by car or plane.

Beach Sunset Beach

Despite the huge number of historical and cultural attractions, Hawaii (USA) are famous for their stunning beach holiday. There are many amazing beaches. One of them is Sunset Beach - located in the north of Oahu Island. This is the ocean beach of huge sizes. He is known primarily for his huge wavesthat appear here predominantly in winter. For this reason, he was chosen surfers from around the world.

However, for beginners in this sport, Sunset Beach can be dangerous. This is due to extensive coral formations that are close to the surface of the water. Inexperienced surfist here can be injured.

Climatic conditions on this beach are changing depending on the season. The main competitions in surfing are held here only in winter, because at this time (December and January) the wave height reaches the maximum. The beach is covered with a small white sand. Nearby is a picturesque park, in which palm trees and curly lianas grow.

Black Beach Punalu

And one more place amazes all coming to Hawaii (US). This is the famous black beach. An amazing place where tourists can see the big turtles very close. The beach covers unusual for us. Such a color gives him local volcanoes. They spew lava, which then falls into the ocean water and is thrown ashore as a basalt crumb.

On this beach, you can walk, but not everyone is solved here - the water is rather cool due to sources with cold fresh water drowning under the ocean. It is categorically forbidden to carry sand from the beach. It is impossible to disturb the "local residents" - the turtles that the state is protected. One touch to them may threate your problems with representatives of the State Law. Local residents We are convinced that everyone who is destroyed and take a turtle in the hands, will cause anger of the volcanic goddess Pele.

State of Hawaii.
Nickname "Aloha" (official), "Paradise", "Alohi Islands"
Motto "The life of the Earth is immortalized in righteousness"
Official language English, Hawaiian
Spoken languages English, Hawaiian
Capital Honolulu
The largest city Honolulu
By Square 43rd state
Total area 28 311 km²
Width -
Length 2,450 km
% water surface 41,2
According to the population 40th state
Total population 1 404 054
Density 82.6 people / km²
Highest point Mount Mauna Kea (4205 m)
To state status Territory of Hawaii
Entry into the Union August 21, 1959 (50th)
Website administration http://www.hawaii.gov.

Hawaii (Eng. Hawaii, State of Hawaii) - one of the US states located on the same islands in the Pacific Ocean in the northern part of it. On the this moment The last, 50th state adopted on August 21, 1959.

Diverse Natural Landscapes, Warm Tropical Climate, Abundance good beaches, The ocean surroundings and the presence of existing volcanoes made Hawaii an attractive place for tourists, sires, biologists and volcanologists. Due to the location in the central part of the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is experiencing a strong Asian and North American influence, and also have their own original culture. The population of Hawaii is more than a million people, not counting tourists and American servicemen. The capital of Hawaii and the largest city is Honolulu on Oahu Island.

The staff covers almost all (except Midway Atoll) Hawaiian Islands Archipelago, which includes more than a hundred islands stretched by 2,400 kilometers. Eight largest islands are located in the southeastern part of the archipelago: Niyhaau, Kauai, Oahu, Moloka, Lana, Kaolaw, Maui and Hawaii. The latter is often called a big island to avoid confusion between the name of the island and the entire archipelago. Physiographically and ethnographically, Hawaii are part of Polynesia.

Hawaii, among the 50 states, are located on the 11th place the smallest square And at the 13th place on the smallest population. The length of the coast of Hawaii is 1210 km, on the fourth place in the United States after Alaska, Florida and California.

Hawaii is the only state that is not in North America, and the only state in which Asians make up the majority of the population. Together with Arizona, Hawaii are two states that do not translate hours for summer time, and together with Alaska are the only two states that are not bordered with 48-m-related continental states.


In Hawaiian, the word Hawaii means "Motherland", and happened from the proto-polynesian word "Savaiki". The word "homeland" is similar and in other Polynesian languages: Maori ("Hawaiians"), Kook ("Avaiki") and Samoan ("Savai"). On other Polynesian languages, this word also means underlying or pranodine, does not carry these meanings on Hawaii.


Geographical position

The position of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean

Hawaii - the only state of the United States, which is not in America (Hawaii is located in Oceania), as well as the only island staff, the southernmost state of the United States and the second, after Alaska, Western. Hawaii, along with Alaska, do not border with other states.

Hawaii are located in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, in Polynesia subregion, 3200 kilometers south-west from North America's coast. Hawaii is the largest islands of the open part of the Northern Pacific, there are no islands between them and North America, and between them and Asia, right up to Japan - only small islands and the atoll, which predetermines the important transport value of the Hawaiian islands.


Puu-oo crater on the island of Hawaii

Hawaiian Islands Are in the middle of the Pacific Tectonic Plate, north of its center. Here is the so-called hot spot - the center of intraple magmatic activity, which led to the emergence of the islands. While the stove is slowly moving to the north-west, the hot spot remains fixed, forming new volcanoes. Due to the location of the point, the only current volcanoes in Hawaii are located around the southern half of the Great Island. The newest volcano - Furniture - is on sea Dn. South of the big island.

The last activity outside the big island was in the XVIII century - the eruption of the Chalakal volcano on the island of Maui. In 1790, there was a series of destructive explosions of the Kilauea volcano on a large island - then more than 5,000 soldiers of local tribes died. The instability of volcanoes causes earthquakes and associated tsunami - large earthquakes occurred in 1868 and 1975. Tectonic activity is the cause of small intensity of the big island, while the remaining islands are more secure.

Topology and relief

Hawaii from Cosmos

Hawaiian Islands consist of eight main islands: Niyhaau, Kauai, Oahu, Moloka, Lana, Kaolaw, Maui and Hawaii, and many small. Hawaii is the largest andous island, with high and active volcanoes, also called a large island. To the north-west of Kauai, the nine-western, or ledted, islands stretched from Kauai long, or the islands: Gardner's cliffs, Atoll Kura, Lisan, Lisyansky Island, Reef Maro, Nicho, and Atoll Pearl-and Hermes . These are small islands and the atolls that remain from once large volcanic mountains. Another atoll from the Northwestern Islands - Atoll Midway - is not included in the staff of Hawaii, and is a separate territory. There are also about a hundred minor rocks and islands, as a rule, located near the coast of big islands. Thus, the total number of Hawaiian islands is about 130.

Hawaiian Islands

NameName in EnglishPopulationArea
Large islands
1 Hawaii Hawai'i. 185 079 10 432.5 km²
2 Maui. Maui. 144 444 1 883.4 km²
3 Oahu O'ahu. 953 207 1 545.4 km²
4 Kauai Kaua'i. 66 921 1 430.5 km²
5 Milk Moloka'i. 7 345 673.4 km²
6 Lanaia Lāna'i. 3 135 363.9 km²
7 NIIHAU Ni'ihau. 170 180 km²
8 Kaolawa Kaho'olawe. 0 115.5 km²
Northwest Islands
9 rocks Gardner Gardner Pinnacles. 0 0.024 km²
10 atoll Kura. Kure Atoll. 0 0.86 km²
11 Lisan Laysan. 0 4.11 km²
12 reef Maro Maro Reef. 0 0.004 km²
13 Lisyansky Lisianski island 0 1.55 km²
14 Nember Necker 0 0.18 km²
15 Niho. Nihoa. 0 0.70 km²
16 aTOLL PERL-END HERMES Pearl and Hermes Atoll 0 0.36 km²
17 frenc Frangat-Scholts atoll FRENCH FRIGATE SHOALS ATOLL 0 0.25 km²
Mount Mauna Kea

SAMI high Point The state - Mount Mauna Kea - is located on the island of Hawaii and is 4205 meters in height. And if you count not from the sea level, but from the base of the mountain, which is located at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, then the height of Mauna Kea is 10,200 meters - more Everest. On the island of Maui, there is a volcano of Khaleakala height of 3055 meters. On Oahu Island there is a Honolulu Bay with Ford Island in the middle. it comfortable spot For the parking of ships, because of what Oahu Island is the most populous.


Bay on Oahu Island

In Hawaii, a tropical trade machine climate. In a year, only two seasons - dry, which lasts from May to October, and the rainy season - from October to April. Temperatures are not so hot, both in other tropical regions, because of the eastern winds - trade winds, and quite even throughout the year. In summer, average temperatures of the day - 31 ° C, night - 24 ° C. In winter, day 28 ° C, at night - 18 ° C. The sediments fall mainly in the rainy season - from October to March, during this period there can be six - seven storms. The precipitation is very different from the windward and leeward sides. high mountains. On the windwards of the islands drops a record number of precipitation (up to 11000 mm per year) and the clouds constantly accumulate, so the resorts are located on the leeward sunboards Islands. Also different climate on tops high volcanoes - Here the temperature can reach -11 ° C, and the snow falls in winter, forming the headers.

Flora and fauna

Hawaii are formed by volcanoes of only about 10 million years ago, and never connected with land, so they only lives what was listed by wind, waves or wings (birds and insects). Isolation and a wide variety of habitat led to the fact that a huge number of endemics live in Hawaii. At the same time, there are more disappearing species in Hawaii than in any other US state.


In Hawaii, there is a Hawaiian-Aleutian standard time - UTC-10: 00. The difference with Greenwiech is -10 hours, with Moscow time - -13 hours. Hawaii is one of the two states that are not moving in the summer.


Hawaii are one of the four states that were independent states before joining the United States and one of the two states, which in this form had international recognition. The independent kingdom of Hawaii existed from 1810 to 1893, when the monarchy was overthrown by American entrepreneurs. From 1894 to August 12, 1898, Hawaii were an independent republic, after which the United States was annexed and received the status of the territory. In 1959, Hawaii became the 50th US state.

First settlements


The earliest settlements in Hawaii dated about 300 N. e. Most likely, it was Polynesian settlers from the Marquis Islands. In the 11th century, the islands reached the second wave of migration with Raatea and Bora Bora. Perhaps Gavaev also reached a wave of migration with Tahiti. The population is slow, but steadily grew. Hawaiians had a caste structure of society, as in India. The tribes led by leaders - Aliya - fought with each other.

Arrival of Europeans

Perhaps the Hawaiian Islands were open not James Cup, and the Spaniards in the XVI century. In 1542, from Acapulco in the direction of the Philippines, a squadron from six ships under the command of Rui Lopez de Villobos was sent. In the reports of one of his sailors - Juan Gaetano - mentioned about the opening of some islands, which researchers consider Hawaiian or Marshall. In any case, even if the islands were open, their location was kept secret.

Hawaiian aborigines kill Cook

In 1778, the English researcher James Cook became the first who documented the Hawaiian Islands. Cook called them sandwich, in honor of his sponsor - John Montagus, the 4th Graph Sandwich. During the second visit to Hawaii, the local leader and his warriors kidnapped the boat from one of the ships. For her return, Cook went ashore and captured the King of the Great Island - Kalaniopouu - a trick, which was worked on Tahiti and other islands. However, the natives did not give the boat and beat their king. Four marines and cook himself died in the shock.

After the journey of Cook and the publication of his books, Hawaii began to visit other Europeans: researchers, merchants, kitobi. Early British influence is noted on the flag of Hawaii - in his corner there is a British flag. The Europeans brought with them the flu, the OSPU, Cort and other diseases, to which the natives did not have immunity. By 1820, half of the population died out on the islands, the measles epidemic in the 1850s took the lives of the fifth of the people, and by the end of the century, about 30 thousand left the 300 thousand population.

Kingdom of Hawaii

King Hawaii Cameama I

In the 1780s and 1790s, local leaders fought for power until Cameama I are great with the help of European weapons and advisors united the islands. In 1810, he created the Kingdom of Hawaii and founded the dynasty, which is the rules of the islands until 1872. After Cameama II inherited the throne in 1819, American missionaries drew many Hawaiians to Christianity. Cameama III became the first king of Christian. At the same time, the influence of American and European entrepreneurs, who were engaged in the islands with the cultivation of sugar cane, and workers from China, Japan and the Philippines were massively imported for these purposes.

In 1872, without calling the successor, the king of Cameama was died. In the course of the nationwide elections, the victory won Lunalo - far descendant of the Cameam Dynasty. Lunalo began democratic and liberal reforms, but soon, in 1874, died from tuberculosis and drunkenness. New elections won Calakaua, starting a new dynasty. The uprising of its rival, the widespread Queen Emma, \u200b\u200bwas suppressed with the help of British and American sailors. Kalakaua committed trip around the world, I bought many luxury items in Europe and built the Royal Palace of Iolan in Honolulu - the only royal palace in the modern US.

King Kalakaua

Europeans strengthened their influence and presence in Hawaii, and in 1887 they forced Kalakaua to sign a new constitution, which received the nickname "Constitution of the bayonet." According to it, the king was deprived of the part of the executive. During the voting, property and educational qualifications were introduced, which deprived the rights of votes of 75% of the indigenous population, but leaving this right in almost all white. Kalokaua Rules king until his death in 1891, he was inherited by his sister Liliocalani. In 1893, she announced plans to create a new Constitution, and on January 13, 1893 by the Minister of Affairs with the United States John L. Stevens and other residents of American origin, the Security Committee was formed, who set the intention of the Hawaiian monarchy and the accession of Hawaii to the United States.

Republic of Hawaii and Annexia by the United States of America

American sailors are involved
in the overthrow of the monarchy

In January 1893, the Queen of Liliocalani was overthrown, and the authorities switched to the temporary government, which was asked to take Hawaii in his composition. US President Grover Cleveland not only refused, but also demanded to return the power of the Queen. It was not possible to attach Hawaii to the US presidency to join the USA, the temporary government has created statehood - in 1894 the Republic of Hawaii was formed, and the lawyer of American origin Sanford Dul was elected her first and only president.

In 1896, William McKornley won the victory in the US presidential elections, and the Government of the Republic of Hawaii resumed negotiations on joining the United States. A delegation from Lorrina Trustone, Francis Marcha Hatch and William Ansel Kinny, went to Washington to meet with the president. In July 1897, US Secretary of State John Sherman agreed to the accession of Hawaii. The contract was not ratified by the US Senate, since he received a petition signed by 36 thousand indigenous Hawaiians who do not want annexation. The second attempt to McKornley was the resolution of Newland, a joint declaration of both chambers of parliament, on June 15, 1898, she was adopted by the Chamber of Representatives (209 against 91), and on July 7 - Senate (42 against 21). On July 7, the President has formed a commission to transfer the territory, and on August 12, the Governor's power ceremony was held before the Palace of Iolani.

Territory of Hawaii

In 1900, Hawaii received self-government, the Palace of Iolani became the capital capitol. The industrial mining industry has become rapidly developed in the territory. "Hawaiian big five" manufacturers of sugar, using powerful lobby, have long blocked the receipt of state status, as labor legislation does not work in the territories and there are no restrictions on the importation of a cheap labor. Workers from Japan, China, Korea, Philippines, Puerto Rico and other places began to go to Hawaii.

Attack on Pearl Harbor

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, starting the war against the United States. Hawaii took over the first blow, martial law was introduced, the Constitution's action was suspended, the authorities moved to the Military Governor. Military situation was abolished in 1944. The fact that Hawaii well has proven themselves in World War II, and even the Hawaiians of Japanese origin were recorded by volunteers to the front (to the European Theater), accelerated the adoption of state status.

State status

In 1956, a police officer John Burns was elected representative in US Congress from Hawaii. He immediately began to convince senators in the readiness of Hawaii to become a state. In March 1959, both Chambers of Congress supported the act of receiving Hawaii, and he was signed by the US President Dwight Eisenhower. On June 27, a referendum was held in which 94.3% of the population expressed the status of state. Official ceremony The proclamation of Hawaii State took place on August 21, 1959.

After receiving the status of Hawaii, they began to develop even more rapidly. Many buildings, structures and roads are built. The tourism sphere is most violently.


The Government of Hawaii is formed on the sample of the Federal Government of the United States, with some adaptations leading their history since the kingdom. The state's constitution consolidates the presence of three branches of power: executive, legislative and judicial. The head of the executive is the state governor, who is elected popularly with the vice-governor who performs the functions of the Secretary of State. The governor and the vice-governor lead twenty agencies and departments that are located in the state capitol. The official residence of the governor is Washington Place.

Legislative power consists of a two-chapted state legislative assembly. Lower Chamber - Chamber of Representatives from 51 member and speaker, Upper - Senate from 25 senator and President Senate. Both Chambers of Parliament sit in the State Capitol. Hayer's Supreme Court is located in Allialation Hale and heads a unified branch of the judiciary.

Hawaii are presented in the US Congress with two senators and two representatives. From the moment of receipt of the status of Hawaii, at all, except for the two, the elections were supported by candidates from the US Democratic Party, and Barack Obama, the 44th US President - the first native of Hawaii in this post. The federal authorities in Hawaii are located in the federal building of Prince Kukhio in Honolulu. Here are the FBI offices, domestic income services, secret service and other federal departments.

Administrative division

Five counties of Hawaii

Hawaii is divided into five districts: Hawaii, Honolulu, Kalavao, Kauai and Maui. All five districts were formed in 1905, seven years after the creation of the territory of Hawaii. Kauai district occupies Kauai Islands and Nihau. Honolulu is a city district and occupies the entire island of Oahu, and he also owns the North-Western Islands. Maui district is the island of Maui, Lana, Kaolaw and most milk. Kalavao is a small district with a population of only 90 people who occupy the Kalaupapa Peninsula on Moloka Island, it was formed as leprosarium, and subordinates the Hawaii Health Department. Since its population is very small, the district has only a small part of officials, usually relying districts. Hawaii District occupies the same island. District in Hawaii has more power than in the rest of the states: they do not delegate the educational responsibility to school councils, directly collect many types of taxes.

A unique feature of Hawaii is the absence of municipal authorities. All local authorities act at the district level. The only incorporated area is the "City and District of Honolulu", which is in the district level and manages all Oahu Island. The counties do not have divisions on settlements. All settlements on the islands exist in the form of statistically separate locations (CDPS), which are created by the US census bureau exclusively for collecting statistics. Borders settlements They are held before each census anew and have no legal sense.


According to 2014, 1,419,561 people live in Hawaii, not counting the many tourists and military (military base staff is 42371 people). Compared with the 2010 census data in the population of the population in 4.36%. The increase both natural and migration. The most populous island is Oahu - almost two thirds of the state population live here - more than 900 thousand people. Other populated islands - Hawaii, Maui and Kauai. On milk, Lana and Nihau, the population is very small, and the island of Caelawava and all the northwestern Hawaiian islands are uninhabited. The average predicted life expectancy in Hawaii is 79.8 years - the highest among all US states.

Hawaii is one of the three states (along with California and New Mexico), where white does not constitute the majority of the population. In Hawaii, white European origin is least 24.7%, less than a quarter of the population. Most of all in the state of Asians - 38.6% (of which 14.6% of the Philippines, 13.6% of the Japanese, 4% of the Chinese and 1.8% of Koreans). 23.6% of the population belongs to mixed races. Indigenous Hawaiians - 5.9% of the population, self-sufficants - 2.8%, Tongsans - 0.6%. 8.8% belong to Hispanic and Latin Americans, of which 2.6% of Mexicans and 3.2% of Puertoricans.



According to the 1978 State Constitution, the official languages \u200b\u200bare Hawaiian and English. A great distribution has a Hawaiian Creole English, also called Hawaiian Pijan. Native language for 73.44% of Hawaiians is English, 5.37% speak on Tagalog (Filipino), 4.96% - on Japanese, 4.05% on Ilocano (Filipino), 2.6% in Spanish, 1.92 % on Chinese, 1.68% - in Hawaiian.

Hawaiian refers to the Polynesian languages \u200b\u200bof Austronesian language family. Since Hawaii was colonized by Polynesians, Hawaii is very close to the Marquis, Samoan and Tongan, where the settlers arrived. Borrowing from Taitiansky allows you to assume the presence of a wave of migration and from there. In Hawaiian, vowels are divided into long and brief. Writing at the time of the arrival of Europeans did not exist, it was developed by Western missionaries in 1820-1826 on the basis of the Latin alphabet. About 24 thousand carriers of the Hawaiian language live on the census of the population in all US.

Hawaiian Creole English, or Hawaiian Pydaja is a mixed language based on English with numerous borrowings from Hawaiian, as well as Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Ilocano and Tagalog. Through the surfing boom in Hawaii, many words of Hawaiian Pidzhina became the slang words of surficists.


The religious composition of Hawaiians is extremely diverse. Most of all in the state of Christians - from 30 to 60%, non-religious - 17-51%, Buddhists - 6-9%, Jews - 0.5-0.8%, Muslims - about 0.5%.

The largest religious organization of Hawaii is the Catholic Church, having about 250 thousand parishioners, Church of Jesus Christ of Saints last days (Mormons) have about 68 thousand parishioners, the non-confessional church has 128 parishes and 32 thousand followers, the united Church of Christ - 115 parishes and 20 thousand parishioners, the Southern Baptist Convention - 108 parishes and 18 thousand parishioners.


In Hawaii's history there were somewhat replacing each other significant industries: cultivation of sandalwood, sugar cane and pineapple, whaling, military sphere, tourism and education. From the moment of receipt by Hawaii, tourism plays a major role in the state economy, despite the diversification attempts. In 1997, tourism brought a state of 24.3% of GDP.


In agriculture from the XIX century, the cultivation of sugar cane and pineapples were widespread, many cheap workers from different territories came to the plantations - Philippsies, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Puertorikans and others. But accession to the United States resulted in the development of trade unions in the 1930s and 1940s. Wages of workers increased greatly, and the industry has become unprofitable, by 1990 most plantations closed. The released lands began to be used to grow coffee, macadamia walnut, tropical fruits and vegetables. Big development has flower growing, beekeeping and seed production. The permanent climate of Hawaii allows you to receive a crop seed three times a year, against one or two in other states.

Other industries

Industry in Hawaii is poorly developed, first, due to high overhead, secondly, due to restrictive laws related to environmental protection, and, thirdly, due to the state's remoteness from major markets, for example Western coast USA. An important industry is military, starting with the opening of the American military base In Pearl Harbor in 1874. Military bases and members of their families account for up to 10% of the state's population. Science and education are developed. On the island of Hawaii, on top of Mauna Kea Mountain, there is one of the world's largest observatories.

Taxes and the cost of living

Hawaii's tax burden is one of the highest in the United States. The business climate is perceived as unfriendly. It is worth noting many fees related to environmental protection. Ecology is necessary to maintain the attractiveness of the tourist industry.

The cost of living in Hawaii is one of the highest in the United States, although it is still lower than in New York and San Francisco. Hawaii removed from the main manufacturers of consumer goods, many American online shopping exclude Hawaii from the free shipping zone. One of the main contributions to the high cost of living in Hawaii makes a law on maritime trade (Jones Law), adopted in 1920. According to him, to transport goods between the two US ports is only on American courts. Because of this, goods from East Asia You have to unload in the ports of California, and from there to carry back in half the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii already on American ships.



Aboriginal culture of Hawaii - Polynesian. Despite the fact that indigenous Hawaiians today make up a minority of the population of the islands, and the culture remained in the form of remnants, in various parts of the islands, the Polynesian rites and traditions reconstruct, and individual phenomena (for example, surfing, dances of Hula and Loual) have had a significant impact on the culture. USA as a whole.

capital - Honolulu
Topics Hawaiian Islands, History, Politics, Population, Economics, Transport, Culture, Hawaii, Tourism
Eight large islands Hawaii, Kaolaw, Kauai, Lana, Maui, Moloka, Nihau, Oahu
Northeastern Islands aTOLL FRANCH FRIGAT-SHOLS, Rocks Gardner, Atoll Kura, Lisan, Lysissky Island, Reef Maro, Necker, Choi, Florida, South Dakota, South Carolina, Utah
Island territories American Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands
External small islands Baker, Jarvis, Johnston, Kingmen, Midway, Navassas, Palmyra, Wake, Hauland

The Hawaiian Islands are an archipelago consisting of 8 major islands, a few atolls, vertices of underwater mountains and more than 1,600 sqm with more than 16600 sqm. It is believed that 132 islands are considered to be in the composition of the Hawaii. The archipelago is located in the Pacific and extended at a distance of 2400 km.

The basis of the Hawaiian islands is 8 islands in the southeastern part of the archipelago (central part of the Pacific Ocean). From the west to the east, this islands: Niyhaau, Kauai, Oahu, Moloka, Lana, Kaolaw, Maui, and Hawaii. To avoid confusion in the names, last Island - Hawaii (Hawaii) - are often called the big island (Big Island). Usually, Hawaii is associated with these 8 major islands, in many ways because the remaining 124 islands in total have an area of \u200b\u200babout 8 square kilometers. Most big Island The archipelago - Hawaii (large island) has an area of \u200b\u200b10432 square kilometers.

Vintage postcards

Natural and a variety of landscapes of Hawaii, a warm tropical climate, an abundance of public sandy beaches and acting volcanoes make it popular Moz For tourists, surfingists and scientists.

In 1959, Hawaii received the status of the 50th US state. From the continental part of the United States Hawaii is separated on more than 3,800 km. Hawaii The most ethnically and racially inhomogeneous state, including people of European, American, Polynesian, Japanese and other origins. Hawaii is the only state in the United States with the official local language. Despite the influx of tourists, many indigenous Hawaiians retain their customs and traditions.

The official nickname of the state - The Aloha State. The word "aloha" has a Hawaiian origin and at the same time expresses greetings, sympathy, farewell, wishes of good and love. Most often pronounced as a greeting.

Hawaii, like Alaska, do not have common borders with any other continental states of the United States. Hawaii is the only state in the USA, which:

  • Not located in North America
  • Completely surrounded by the ocean
  • The whole is the archipelago
  • In which coffee grows
  • Has a royal palace

Approximately 90% of Hawaii gross product falls on the scope of services and tourism.

Niihau (Niihau) is the most western of the eight of the Hawaiian Islands. A visit to the island is limited due to the fact that it is the property of individuals.

Kauai (Kauai) is the most ancient archipelago island, which has volcanic origin. This is a tropical oasis, admiring millions of tourists for their natural beauty. On Kauai you can see everything you expect to see on the island, lost in the ocean: wide sand beaches, mountains, plateau, canyons, waterfalls, jungle and fertile valleys. The land on Kauai is very fertile, coffee, sugar cane, mango, bananas, papaya, avocado, pineapples, etc. are grown here. Main sights of Islands: Waimea Canyon Canyon (Na Pali).

Coast Na Pali and Canyon Waimea Canyon

Oahu (Oahu) - the third size (71 per 48 km) and the most densely populated Island of the archipelago. The population of the island without taking into account tourists exceeds 950 thousand people. In the southeastern part of the island is the capital of Hawaii. To the west of Honolulu, there is a famous Pearl Harbor - Harbor, where the US Navy is based. Oahu is known for its beauty, it is an ideal place to relax. One of the iconic sights of the island is Diamond Hed (Diamond Head) - the crater of the extinct thousand years ago volcano. By the way, Barack Obama was born in Honolul - 44th US President.

Buddhist temple In the Temple Valley Memorial Park (Valley of the Temples Memorial Park) and Crater of Volcano Diamond Head

Molokai - Molokai - beautiful Islandwhose residents are skeptical about tourism and excess noise. This place is suitable for lovers of a relaxing holiday.

Lanai (Lanai) is a small island (29 km long), which has a nickname "Orange Island". On Lana, there are some of the best golf site in the world. Most of the attractions on the island can only be seen by traveling along the ground roads on the rented SUV. it beautiful placewhere there are so many tourists as on Oahu.

Kaolawa (Kahoolawe) - The smallest of the islands, not interesting for tourists.

Maui (MAUI) - the second largest and third population (154 thousand people) Island of the archipelago. A varied landscape, nature of nature and developed service make Maui one of the families of rest. In addition to the beaches, tourists are interested in the Khaleakala National Park and Lahaina town (Lahaina).

Hawaii (hawaii) or big island (Big Island) - The most east and largest island in Hawaii. The population is more than 175 thousand people. On the island there are 5 volcanoes, 2 of which are active. Basically, tourism is focused on the western part, however, stunning landscapes open in any part of the island.

Excursions in Hawaii is not only sightseeing tours on Honolululu and Islands, but also visits interesting attractions and unique placeswho leave the cleanest impressions.

The climate in the Hawaiian Islands is tropical, although the temperature and humidity are less severe due to almost constant winds-trade winds that breathe from the east. In this case, climatic features differ significantly on each island. In fact, in Hawaii only 2 years of year: the dry season from May to October, and the rainy season from October to April. In winter, the temperature is rarely lowered below 18 C at night and keeps around 28 happy day. In the summer, the temperature lasts about 24 s at night and rises above 30 days during the day.

See also: