Where it is better to rest in Asia. The best resorts of Southeast Asia

Residents of most regions of Russia in winter are very lacking for the sun and heat. If you want to change the down jacket for a swimsuit, and hot tea with a lemon to a cocktail with ice, then challenge everything, take your vacation and go to hotza. And here are the main resorts of Asia for beach holidays Winter!

The best resorts of Asia for beach holidays

1. Sri Lanka

This is an exotic island, known to the whole world due to tea plantations. Although this is not the main chip of Sri Lanka: Tourists appreciate this island for sand beaches, beautiful waterfalls, palm trees and stunning underwater world. But getting all vacation on Sri Lanka on the beach is a crime, because this island is created for adventure and travel. Sri Lanka is engaged in windsurfing, diving, rafting, climb into the mountains and enjoy the beauty of nature.

2. Bali

This is an unrealistic beautiful, fabulous island in, covered with tropical forests and attracting travelers with their rocky shores, volcanoes, paradise beaches and waves. On Bali ride meditate, relax, inspect natural beauty, sunbathing and surfing. Bali holidays will be attached to both families with children and newlyweds, and great friendly companies.

3. Goa

Perhaps this is not the most picturesque corner of nature in Asia, there is not such a turquoise water, and there are no white-protest beaches here. But there are something else in these places - the flavor and spirit of freedom. Tourists who loved this Indian region are returned here again and again for the sake of beach parties until the morning, for dating and smiles local residents. And lovers of history and architecture will appreciate the beautiful churches, the square and the original houses of the former Portuguese colony.

4. Phuket.

On this island there are beaches and entertainment for every taste, from secluded evenings on the Nay-Harn beach to the dislocid parties on Patong. It can be embroidered with seafood, arrange swims in picturesque lagoons, ride on elephants, admire the beauty of majestic temples and fade in Thai entertainment institutions.

5. Langkavi

it the main island resort Malaysia, very popular among tourists. It's just a find for tourists who love the resorts of Asia and want to try something new instead of familiar Goa and Phuket. Langkawi is covered with hills and dense thickets of the jungle, and gross martyrs Mila and friendly only at first glance, in fact they are constantly hunting for the property of relaxed tourists. Gardens and parks on Langkawi are abounding with the violence of paints and flowers, the sellers in the markets are putting the smell of fish and spices, and the fruit rows are so honeying to treat yellow watermelons, rambutan and papaya.

6. Maldives

Not in vain called paradise on earth, more secluded, picturesque and quiet place Do not find throughout the world. For those who are tired of traffic jams, noise and working bustle, Maldives offer gorgeous bungalows with access to the blue waters of the ocean. Sea walks, fabulous beaches, tropical forests and meals on the shores of the Indian Ocean will not leave any tourist indifferent.

7. Sihanville

It is undeservedly deprived by the attention of tourists Cambodian resort, which in the quality of recreation is not at all inferior to his Thai neighbor Pattaya. In Sihanville, tourists are waiting for sandy beaches and the purest water of the Siamese bay. Partitioners spend time on the beach Victoria Beach, romantics choose a secluded beach of Otters, and lovers of dating, beach games, cafes and restaurants are sent to serenopiti or wedge.

8. Hainan

In the famous Chinese resort have long fly charters not only from Moscow, but also some of Siberian and Far Eastern cities. This is the main one therapeutic resort China, in which there are not only thermal waterproofs, but also professional medical clinics. It is difficult to believe that before Hainan was a place of references for criminals, because now he is considered one of the most popular year-round resorts in Asia.

9. Fanthiet

This is one of the few Vietnam resorts, where you can relax comfortably. round year. Fans of sealing beach holidays come here, and adventure crawls in the bunch of sea waves, and families with children. While it is not so popular among tourists, but this resort is still ahead.

10. Samui

This is a relatively young Thai resort island, which until the 70s of the last century did not go to the foot of the tourist. The main value of the island is an incredible nature in its original appearance, paradise beaches and amazing sunsets. They come here not for parties and parties, but for solitude with nature, contemplation and tranquility.

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The best resorts South-East Asia

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Region Southeast Asia - one of the most popular tourist destinations worldwide. The reason for this is a winter seasonality, a unique exotic nature, the flue of skyscrapers and urbanization with snow-white beaches and azure sea, where you can escape in the midst of our winter weather. Big plus - a wide selection of the cost of tours from democratic reed bungald to chic hotel complexes with world name on.

Ready to immerse yourself with your head in exotic? Then - forward!

Pattaya Thailand

Phanage Vietnam

Hainan China

Bali Indonesia

Goa India

Langkawi Malaysia

Boracay Philippines

Sihanoukvil Cambodia

Krabi Thailand

Nha Trang Vietnam

Asia is the most part of the world. More than half of the entire population of the planet live here.
In order to better deal with the peculiarities of the development of tourism in this largest part of the world, the following regions should be allocated: South-West Asia (Middle and Middle East), South Asia, Southeast Eastern Asia, Central and East Asia.
Asia attracts an increasing number of tourists thanks to the following factors:
- a huge, extremely tank for taking tourists of the territory (Asia is the largest of the world);
- washing the shores of Asia in three oceans and dozens of their seas and bays;
- the location of this part of the world in all climatic areas, a significant manifold and wealth of natural landscapes and recreational resources;
- the presence of a huge number of historical and cultural monuments, as well as natural attractions;
- Founding in Asia of the most important global shrines and pilgrimage centers;
- ethnic motion of the continent;
- Founding in Asia states with the highest population in the world: China, India;
- the rapid pace of economic development of a number of states: Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, China, etc.
Simultaneously with these favorable conditions, there are also a number of negative factors that constrain the development of tourism in Asia. First of all it should be noted:
- unfavorable natural conditions for tourism in the vast territories of a number of countries (deserts, highlands with complex relief, jungle, etc.);
- Weak development transport infrastructure range of countries;
- dominance of ideological interests over economic in a number of countries, as a result of this, economic retardation of these countries, their unpreparedness for receiving tourists, lack of service (DPRK, Mongolia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Iran, Iraq);
No domestic political and economic stability in a number of Asian countries (Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq).
The main purpose of visiting Asia tourists from other areas of the world is to familiarize with culture, historical and natural attractions. Business trips and congress tourism are characterized most to Japan, South Korea, Singapore, China. In order to treat and worship, Israel is visited by religious values.
The external tourist associations of Asia are carried out mainly
Aviation. Most flights are performed by airplanes international
airlines, less part - companies belonging
Asia countries.

Due to the wide range of climatic conditions of a certain season of arrivals in Asia, there is no, but it can be traced in separate regions.
The main tourist market for Asia are European countries (of which the former Metropolis of the United Kingdom and France are allocated, as well as Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Scandinavian states), the USA and Canada. From Africa, tourist flows from Maghrib countries in Mecca and Medina, and from East Africa to India, Pakistan and Iran. Regarding the high flow of tourists from Australia and New Zealand, especially in southeast and South Asia. From Asian countries, Japan stands out from the Asian countries.
Flows from Asia to other parts of the light are relatively small, the Asian tourist market is not at all corresponding to the huge number of its population. Today, the Japanese and residents of a number of South-West Asia countries leave for the limits of this part of the world.

Southwestern Asia

This region It covers a huge and extremely heterogeneous territory in geographical, historical and socio-economic terms. This includes 16 states: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Qatar, Cyprus, Kuwait, Lebanon, United United Arab EmiratesOman, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey. It should be noted that the conditional concept of "Middle and Middle East" is somewhat wider than the "South-West Asia", since it covers the territory of the states of South-West Asia, as well as Egypt and Sudan. Favorable geographical position Some states and areas are combined with remoteness and insolation of others; Favorable climatic and landscape conditions for tourism and resort affairs, as well as a variety of recreational resources of some countries - with deserted, arid (for most of the Arabian Peninsula) in others. There are also serious political differences: in a number of states of the region, monarchies (including absolute) are preserved with strong remnants of feudal and tribal relations, but the republican form of government prevails.

In general, South-West Asia can be considered one of the most promising in the development of tourism regions. A wide exit to many seas and the bays of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, as well as to the Caspian Sea, the geographical position at the junction of three parts of the world, a variety of relief and climatic conditions, a large number of sunny days, unique natural attractions, numerous historical, cultural and religious monuments, availability A developed tourist infrastructure in a number of states (Cyprus, Turkey, Israel) - all these and many other factors contribute to the wide attraction of guests from other parts of the world, as well as the development of tourist exchange inside the region.

Despite the fact that we have had a cold in Asia started a "high season", so we decided to consider the most interesting directionswho will surely surprise you!

1. Phuket, Thailand

Phuket - the most popular resort Thailand. On the island, in addition to the delightful beaches and hotels, there are Buddhist temples, viewing platforms, waterfalls, gardens. Here you can find small coves to feel privacy or arrange a romantic evening, and romance-bar streets filled with noise, music and dancing. The island is connected to the mainland bridge, which makes it easy to get to other provinces or capital countries.

2. Boracay, Philippines

This small Philippine Island is famous for the fact that it is located on it. best beaches World, - White Beach. Along it stretched the strip of bars, massage salons, souvenir shops and cafes. In addition to people who love nightlife, Boracay attracts divers and kiteserfer, because there are ideal conditions for observation of the underwater world, and the beach of Bulam always blows a smooth wind, so necessary for kaiting.

3. Hainan, China

On the island of Hainan you can not only relax on the beach, but also to inspect many sights. For example, dormant volcano Ma-An, whose crater is turned into looking platform. The same who wants to talk to their nerves, it is worth going to Dongshan's Safari Zoo, where bears, tigers and lions are walking in vivo, and tourists may watch them from the jeep. In addition, Hainan Province is a major cultural center, where many different festivals are held during the year.

4. Langkavi, Malaysia

The Malaysian Island of Langkavi is located in the middle of the archipelago consisting of 100 islands. Here everyone can feel like a discoverer without moving away from snow white beaches and comfortable hotels. Mountains, caves, waterfalls and lakes are adjacent to the resort infrastructure and many sights, among which are so favorite tourists cable car And heavenly bridge running right above the jungle.

5. Sri Lanka

Tea plantations, elephants, golden beaches with palm trees, ancient temples and statues - all this is on a small island, which launched in the Indian Ocean near the shores of India. Aromatherapy in combination with Buddhist and Hindu teachings contribute to relaxation and spiritual enrichment. Lovers active rest Waiting for water skiing, underwater fishing, surfing and kiting.

6. Fukuchok, Vietnam

Fukuchok is the pearl of Vietnam. Most of the island is a national park, which allows you to preserve the flora and fauna in pristine form, and the presence of good hotels And the beach infrastructure does not allow to forget about the benefits of civilization. In addition, Fukucho is famous as the diving center - here the largest dive school in Vietnam works, and the prices for equipment and services of instructors are among the lowest in the world.

7. Maldives

Resorts Maldives - Some of the most fashionable in all of Asia, because the dream of a paradise rest here is implemented. Blue lagoons, white sandy beaches, clean blue sky, comfortable villas and tropical fruits - What else is needed for carefree vacation? If you get tired of relaxing on the beach or in a hammock, you can ride on canoe or catamarans, water skiing or yachts, engage in snorkeling or diving.

8. Bali, Indonesia

Although the beaches on Bali and are not the best in Southeast Asia, they are ideal for those who want to play surfing or kaiting. The island offers all the conditions for relaxing in numerous spa hotels in the atmosphere of rest and exotic. It is worth visiting this Indonesian resort to enjoy a combination of culture, religion, art and tropical nature.

9. Samui, Thailand

Samui is another Thai island in addition to Phuket, who loved tourists. Accommodation for every taste, beaches with small sand, picturesque bays, Buddhist temples, low prices for goods and services - this is the recipe for the popularity of Samui. The island's highlight is the ability to remove the bungalow right by the sea.

For a European person, Asia is a fabulous and mysterious side of the world. Here they go behind impressions, for new knowledge, responsible for unsolvable riddles. And K. warm sea or Ocean, for exotic entertainment and culinary delights.

Asia begins immediately for the Bosphorus. Turkey is a familiar country for a mass tourist. Unfortunately, few perceives the countries of Central Asia as a vacation option. From long-distance countries, Thailand is most famous, but Cambodia or Vietnam is rarely considered as the final flight point to the sea.

One of the most important attractive parties to travel to Asia - food prices and accommodation. They are extremely attractive and able to enhance tourists with the most modest budgets. Despite the long and cheapest flight. In return, the journey to Asia gives the tourist the opportunity to save on housing and food so much that the high cost of the flight will not look so hopeless.

How to make your visit to asian country Informal, exclusive and inexpensive? Which countries give chances to tourists with a small wallet? What can I see where to go? Answers to these important questions, we devoted this article.

Turkey: Country where "All Inclusive"

Tourists love Turkey's resorts for the low cost of living, inexpensive food and fun entertainment. The abundance of ancient ruins, the secular nature of the state (all Muslim sights are available for tourists), sandy beaches and the opportunity to relax on the "All Inclusive" system are the main baits for a mass tourist. It is impossible not to add ownership of hotels and restaurants to Russian language, which facilitates our travelers to the resort life.

Museum of Ayia Sophia - the symbol of the Golden Age of Byzantium, is located in the historic center of Istanbul.

An independent trip to the resorts of Turkey is associated with many troubles. But as a result, the tourist pays more than the middle tour offered by tour operators is 200 euros / week. So much is worth a trip alone, food is only breakfast, accommodation at the level of 3 *, not in season.

An independent flight to Antalya will arrive in the same two hundred euro (cheaper than just in Pegasus). Accommodation in a modest hotel - from 13 euro / day (91 euro / week) for a double room with breakfast.

Lunch in a modest restaurant will not cost more than 6-7 euros per person. If you eat yourself (in many hotels there are kitchens), then the daily flow rate will not be more than 5-6 euros. In this case, the purchase is better to do in the bazaars, and in supermarkets to buy only dairy products and semi-finished products.

Excursions to any interesting place for tourists can be bought in tourist kiosks (in no case by street vendors!). One-day tour to Ephesus or Didim with the included lunch will cost about fifty euro per person.

Uzbekistan: Star of the East

A well-known country is still in Soviet times, today is perhaps the most developed and pleasant to tourist powers of the Central Asian region. If the capital - Tashkent is not too interesting for travelers, then Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand are able to satisfy the taste of the sophisticated traveler, not to mention the novice tourist. Ancient mosques, mausoleums, emir palaces, bourgear, delicious kitchen and warm climate - What else do you need a traveler?

Square Registan in Samarkand.

If you eat in numerous national street restaurants or coffee houses, then dinner will cost you no more than 4-5 euros. The fee for visiting attractions and museums is so low that in a week you can hardly spend more than 5 euros, visiting two or three institutions every day.

In Uzbekistan, a very strict police, tourists here feel protected and guarded. It is worth it to add that all the stories about the incredible hospitality of Uzbekov - True! You will certainly have many friends.

The climate is hot here, especially in summer. Therefore, it is better to choose a spring or autumn for a visit when the temperature does not have records and you can not only tarnish well, but also with pleasure to admire mosques, medieval quarters, abundant bazaars and green gardens.

Flight from Moscow to Samarkand and back - 400 euros (cheaper than all Utair). Accommodation - from 21 euro / day (for two people in guest House Nearby Ot historic Center), breakfast - 3 euros.

India: Homeland Buddha

One of the most exotic and rich on cultural monuments countries of the world. It is interesting here as in big citiesand in small villages. You often come here just to live and watch the life of people neglecting earthly benefits. On the other hand, many tourists are shocked from the visit to this country, the worldview of Indians and Europeans is so distinguished.

Bengal tiger in one of the national parks of India.

Attractions of India are so numerous and diverse that it is difficult to choose a dozen or twenty most outstanding. Hindu temples, Buddhist monasteries, the ancient palaces and fortresses, sacred gang and national parks With rhino and tigers - everything is difficult to list.

In India, it will be interesting to lovers of antiquity, admirers natural beauty, seekers of the meaning of life and those who prefer serene pastime on the beach. To save on transport, it is best to rent during a scooter's visit, it costs 50 euro / week. The vast majority of attractions are free. But in museums and cultural centers, entry tickets Can cost up to 10 euros.

You can eat at street trays (if the stomach is healthy and spices you tolerate easily) - a huge portion of vegetarian dishes from rice and vegetables - less than 1 euro. If you prefer the European cuisine, moderately spicy, then lunch in the restaurant will cost from 7 euros per person.

Visa to India for tourists costs 60 American dollars. You can arrange it on the Internet.

Flight from Moscow to Mumbai and back beyond the season (April-September) - 415 Euro (Turkish Airlines).

Housing in India is very cheap, but if you want to live in a room without beetles, but with air conditioning, you will have to pay from 10 euros per day (a number for two in the city's urban hotels 2-3 *).

Vietnam: Little country with great opportunities

Vietnam is infrequently considered economical tourists As an option for rest. Top in vain! Rest in this picturesque and hospitable country costs cheaper than in praised Thailand.

Russians can spend two weeks without a visa in Vietnam every year. The country offers tourists not only perfectly clean beaches and warm, transparent sea, but also a lot of the most unexpected cultural and historical monuments, peculiar kitchen, good-natured and smiling local population. And in Vietnam unusually low prices For food and accommodation in the hotel or guest house.

Flight from Moscow to Hanoi or Ho Chi Mina and back - from 424 euros (offer from Emirates).

Double room in a modest, but clean and modern hotel - from 8 euro / day.

Halong Bay, Hoi An, Muin, Nha Trang - the names of the most attractive spa places Vietnam little is said to a budget tourist. Behind them hide unusually beautiful places, cozy restaurants, comfortable hotels, original festivals, green parks and Buddhist pagodas.

Pagoda Longshon (Nha Trang).

Fear in street cafes and snack bars, you will quite be able to meet 6-8 euros per day. Lunch in an expensive restaurant - 12-15 euros. The fruits in the country of the winning socialism are so cheap that many tourists go to the fruit diet and spend on the day for food no more than three or four euros. Transport costs are easy to minimize if you rent a bike - 30 euros / week.

A visit to the attractions in organized groups, accompanied by a guide - from 35 euros for a day trip, including meals. Tour by country (5 days) - 180-220 euros.

In Vietnam, there is almost no street crime. The level of security is very high here, and the police work very effectively.

Entrance to the beachpone or in night club - From 2 euros.

Similar prices, entertainment and attractions in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos. But in these countries it will cost no less than 500 euros. In Sri Lanka, Nepal, and in China - the budget tourist will also feel confident and careless.

In each of the listed countries, many exotic entertainment, inexpensive accommodation and delicious food. The main thing is to visit these countries not during the high tourist seasonAnd tickets and hotels should be ordered no later than six months.

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