Where to relax south eastern asia. Where to relax in winter to the sea? Islands of Southeast Asia! Bali Island, Indonesia

Asia from A to Z: countries, cities and resorts of Asia. Map, photo and video, asian peoples. Descriptions and tourist reviews.

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  • Burning tours around the world

The largest part of the world washed by three oceans and containing 53 states, Asia on the world map - as if a motley carpet of cultures, languages, peoples. Perhaps no on the land of the region, more diverse and rich in all sorts of wonder. From Israel to the Philippines, from Mongolia to India, her mercilessly relieved by the Sun of the Earth stretched. The man though he had happened from Africa, but it was here that he learned to sow and reap, invented the wheel, writing and philosophy. For thousands of years, Asia has seen a lot: the flourishing of great civilizations and bloodthirsty hordes of nomads, magnificent pearls of creativity and primitive cruelty, devastation and fertility, millions of wars and the birth of religions. It is not surprising that today Asia is the subject of close tourist interest. Here are such pillars of the industry as Turkey, Thailand, Maldives, India, Israel, the UAE and the mass of countries developing in the tourist sense - Vietnam, South Korea, Oman, etc.

What is he, the portrait of the "Asian" tourist? Let's start with the fact that the main thing is for what goes to Asia is, of course, exotic, and its exotic, authentic and not at all similar to, say, African. Either temple complexes India or Fire Soup "Tom-Yam" in the diner Pattaya, calls for prayer, prayer with Damascus minarets, or orthodox Jews marching in the July heat in fur caps on the streets of Jerusalem - everything permeates Asian flavor: Bright, always unexpected, a little discouraging and Staying in mind like a frozen frame from the film. Pictures of Asia - cheerful pesting paints, combination of incompatible, crazy beauty and excess lines, shades, forms.

By the way, in the sense of climate, Asia is more than diverse: it is possible to find the weather on its territory for every taste. I wanted snow - Welcome to north coast Russia-Mother, in the soul of heat - please proceed to the July Emirates, I want wet tropics - you have a straight road to the Philippines. In addition, God himself ordered for climbers himself in Asia - to Everest and for those who prefer more than calm sea expanses - to the Dead Sea. And those who want to stand in the very center of Asia, we will recommend going to Irkutsk: it is this city that beats the geographical "Pup" region.

In addition, Asia is visited in order to touch spirituality. On its territory, the largest world religions occurred: Buddhism, Christianity, Islam. So the number of religious monuments here is appropriate: the numerous Buddhist monasteries, pagodas and stupa, and places associated with the earthly life of Christ, and the most significant mosques.

Not least should be mentioned about the "idle" merchandise of Asia, which includes the coast of several oceans and numerous seas at once, the purest beaches with small sand and other arrogant affair - in the form of hotels, restaurants, discos and other developed infrastructure. Well, of course, the gourmet should not be deprived of bright impressions: such a quantity of seasonings, aromatic plants and acute peppers, which Asian housewives use, did not see the world! Will it be a Rajastan chicken under Carry sauce or Tajik Hash - unforgettable sensations are guaranteed!

  • West Asia: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bahrain, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Qatar, Cyprus, Kuwait, Lebanon, UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey
  • South Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
  • Southeast Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia
  • East Asia: China, Taiwan, Japan, DPRK, Republic of Korea and Mongolia
  • Central Asia (It is central or front): Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan

Better Mountains can only be a beach vacation. Or better: there is time for the mountains, but there must be time for the beach. IN last years European Winter Resorts lose popularity, giving the palm of the championship hot beaches of Asia. But Asia is large and weather in different parts of it. Where to go to truly relax, and not sit in an exotic hut, fleeing monsoons and shower? We made an overview of the places where in the winter good weatherwhere you can go on your own or buying a tour. Where you can sunbathe and swim together, by the company, with children. We present you 12 resorts of Asia for every taste, color, interest and wallet.

Of course, you can simply be on the beach, but it is better to combine a pleasant one with interesting. Ancient temples, cities in the jungle, fantastic shows, new tastes and flavors. And all this, as a rule, is in some 1-1.5 km from the most luxurious white sand beach. Read a brief overview of the 12 best Asian resorts, where there is time for the sea, entertainment and recreation for the whole family.


About Bali wrote, said, shouted, filmed films. This is probably the most desirable island in the world. Not so big, but, almost perfect. Here are weddings, romantic vacations of lovers, the most fabulous dinners on the beach, and parents with children come here. On Bali there is everything that might like to lovers of the sea, the Sun and a slow lazy rest. This is a fabulously beautiful place, tropical paradise and corner of terrestrial pleasures. And also, there is good-natured dolphins and a good wave for surfers. If you have not been to Bali yet, it is worth considering this option.

Find and book flight to Bali (Denpasser) can be here.

Cost of housing: from € 25 per night.


First of all: Goa is not an island, as many believe. This is the coast of Western, former colonyfounded by Portuguese. Let it be not so white sandAnd the sea is the most common warm sea. But, rest on you align with a visit to the snow-white Catholic churches, you will see the old fort in Charirap. The relics of St. Francis are kept here. There is a very colorful old town. Goa is the spirit of freedom with the aroma of the ocean breeze. And the main thing is a well-developed tourist infrastructure. Shops, maintenance and mass of accommodation offers. From expensive hotels to simple guesthouses.

Find and book flight to Goa (Dabolim) can here.

Cost of housing: from € 15 per night.

Sri Lanka

Yes, yes, this is Ceylon. Motherland delicious tea. But - not the only thing you will surprise the island. This is very beautiful nature, , ancient architecture And a very pleasant setting. Here you can take a walk on, sneaking on a coral reef, to do windsurfing. Immediately you will be suggested on yourself what real Ayurvedic medicine is. Warm, affectionate and very clean sea will have to taste everything: there is also for surficists. Do not forget about the abundance of tropical fruits. From such a lazy rest of extra kilograms do not dial.

Find and book flight to Sri Lanka (Colombo) can be found. here.

Cost of housing: from € 15 per night.


The most popular city-beach Thailanda. Here it is indeed for every taste and color, as they say. Do you want active nightlife right on the beach? Then you on Patong. If you priority for you calm day days in a family circle, then the quiet Nai-Harna Beach will become such an ideal option. For a stormy romantic adventure, caron is suitable with picturesque cape, cafes, places for solivation of a love couple. By the way, we do not recommend swimming far in the sea, it can be dangerous. There is not only active life, but there is a predatory fauna.

Find and book flight to Phuket can here.

Cost of housing: from € 22 per night.


Beaches compressing in golden ring Tropical hills of all shades of green. Here he is, Langkavi Island in Malaysia. Here you should always be on the onset, otherwise small monkeys will easily complete your towel, a camera or cap. The camera will need, especially during the flowering period of a red jasmine. Here you can, from the heart, to put out fresh papaya, yellow watermelons and rabbutans and exotic Durian. The best fresh juices, fruit and even alcoholic cocktails of you in bars. Delicious food, asian spicy. Many fish, noodles and, of course, where without acute curry?

Find and book flight to Kuala Lumpur can here. From CL to Langkawi can be reached by plane of local airlines, ferry, bus or train.

Cost of housing: from € 17 per night.


Here you will not need shoes, but about a bad mood you can immediately forget. Maldives are not one island, but 1200. A whole archipelago of small islets covered with amazing white sand. It is not even so much sand, how many shells crushed by the ocean. Some islands are more, there are larger hotels or bungalow complexes. And there are very small, only 1-2 houses on the piles. There are not very loved by televisions, little Internet. Yes, all this is not so necessary on vacation, when you can swim, walk, view incredibly beautiful birds and butterflies, swim with scuba. Pay one or two days of aromatherapy in spa complexes. Here they really know how to make a massage, which returns to the life of even the most avid child.

Find and book suitable flight to Malule (Male, Atoll Hulule). here.

Cost of housing: from € 34 per night.


It was opened relatively recently. Just in the 1970s. Tourists on the boat completely accidentally floated into these waters. And they could not hold back the cries of admiration. The island looked as if no one had ever been. Paradise Island With coconut palm trees and a couple of huts. Very soon started construction. Everyone wanted to invest in this new paradise for Europeans. Still, after all, there is a clean white sand, the amazing blue sea, the green jungle approach straight to the shore. He passed only 50 years and now Samui became the luxurious resort of Thailand. He did not lose his charm, the owners of hotels are carefully baked.

Find and book flight to Samui via Bangkok can here.

Cost of housing: from € 21 per night.


Excellent solution for those who appreciate the holiday "50/50". The resort is far enough from the noisy large cities in Vietnam. But not so far so that you cannot attend Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon. It is warm, beautiful, tasty and very interesting. You have the opportunity to relax from beach life, dipped in life urban. Vietnam Country is very beautiful, it is worth visiting here.

here. From Ho Chi Minh, Vungtau can be reached on a high-speed boat or bus.

Cost of housing: from € 9 per night.


In China, too, there are beautiful tropical islands. Previously, by the way, here referred to unwanted nobles to live away from the capital and secular pleasures. Now, tourists with hands tear tickets for this best resort of China. All 12 months a year here is the season, the warm sea and the mass of interesting things. Let's not forget that this is the best health resort with all the ways. Here you can fix health, strengthen the immune system and prepare for the life of "after vacation".

Find and book flight to Hainan (Airport in Sanya) you can here.

Cost of housing: from € 12 per night.


Now we will move to the Arabian Sea to South India. Here is another famous resort. Kerala or the Kerala coast, the resort of Varkala in particular, looks like someone stubbornly brought him to perfection in Photoshop. White sand, high palm trees with coconut nuts, unhightened days in the blue light during the day, pink sunsets, transparent air. It is convenient to go to the sea, the descent is flat. They say it was here that Ayurveda originated. So, welcome to spa treatments, massages, all kinds of relaxing procedures. Almost 5,000 years old Masters of East Medicine polished their skills here. Here is treated not only the body, but also the Spirit. Do not pass by the offer to remove stress right by the sea.

Find and book flight to Trivandrum, Cerala capital can be found. here.

Cost of housing: from € 13 per night.


On the shore of the Siamese bay is the only and unique resort of Cambodia. Yes, he is only one, but what! 500 km closer to the equator than Thai resorts. But, unlike Pattaya, there is calmly and fairly secluded. Although, the laurels of the famous neighbor do not give Sihanville to sleep quietly. Perhaps another 10 years, and we do not know Sihanoukville. It will turn into the "Pattaya of the Future". If you need to visit McDonalds to Cuba, then the Sihanoukville costs to go until he became the second Pattaya.

Find and book flight to Phnom Penpene, the nearest airport forSihanoukvilo can here.

Cost of housing: from € 18 per night.


Just 200 km from Ho Chi Minhine. But, here are such roads that count on 4 hours at least. An increasingly popular resort of Vietnam among Russians in recent years. So, if you wanted to stay away from your native speech, it will not do this. Many fun young people, there are couples, adventurers on their heads, cute english elderly couples. In short, there is a very different public. All because Fanthiet can offer great rest All categories of tourists. Pleasant climate, warm sea round year. What else can you dream about?

Find and book flight to Hozyine can here. From Ho Chi Minhonta to Phan Thickets can be reached by taxi, bus and train.

Cost of housing: from € 9 per night.

All these resorts are suitable for rest in winter. But it must be remembered that the islands are in the sea, and where is the sea, there is a period of monsoon. On one side of the island is warm and dry, on another windy and unpleasant. Specify the details - they lies the key to a relaxing rest.

If you decide to buy travel in travel agency And you made a "profitable" proposal for about the low price, check with a m and, if there is no monsoon in this particular place during this period. The weather on the islands is very different: on one coast - paradise, on the opposite - boredom.

Resty in pleasure, but place choose carefully!

For a European person, Asia is a fabulous and mysterious side of the world. Here they go behind impressions, for new knowledge, responsible for unsolvable riddles. And K. warm sea or Ocean, for exotic entertainment and culinary delights.

Asia begins immediately for the Bosphorus. Turkey is a familiar country for a mass tourist. Unfortunately, few perceives the countries of Central Asia as a vacation option. From long-distance countries, Thailand is most famous, but Cambodia or Vietnam is rarely considered as the final flight point to the sea.

One of the most important attractive parties to travel to Asia - food prices and accommodation. They are extremely attractive and able to enhance tourists with the most modest budgets. Despite the long and cheapest flight. In return, the journey to Asia gives the tourist the opportunity to save on housing and food so much that the high cost of the flight will not look so hopeless.

How to make your visit to asian country Informal, exclusive and inexpensive? Which countries give chances to tourists with a small wallet? What can I see where to go? Answers to these important questions, we devoted this article.

Turkey: Country where "All Inclusive"

Tourists love Turkey's resorts for the low cost of living, inexpensive food and fun entertainment. The abundance of ancient ruins, the secular nature of the state (all Muslim sights are available for tourists), sandy beaches and the opportunity to relax on the "All Inclusive" system are the main baits for a mass tourist. It is impossible not to add ownership of hotels and restaurants to Russian language, which facilitates our travelers to the resort life.

Museum of Ayia Sophia - the symbol of the Golden Age of Byzantium, is located in the historic center of Istanbul.

An independent trip to the resorts of Turkey is associated with many troubles. But as a result, the tourist pays more than the middle tour offered by tour operators is 200 euros / week. So much is worth a trip alone, food is only breakfast, accommodation at the level of 3 *, not in season.

An independent flight to Antalya will arrive in the same two hundred euro (cheaper than just in Pegasus). Accommodation in a modest hotel - from 13 euro / day (91 euro / week) for a double room with breakfast.

Lunch in a modest restaurant will not cost more than 6-7 euros per person. If you eat yourself (in many hotels there are kitchens), then the daily flow rate will not be more than 5-6 euros. In this case, the purchase is better to do in the bazaars, and in supermarkets to buy only dairy products and semi-finished products.

Excursions to any interesting place for tourists can be bought in tourist kiosks (in no case by street vendors!). One-day tour to Ephesus or Didim with the included lunch will cost about fifty euro per person.

Uzbekistan: Star of the East

A well-known country is still in Soviet times, today is perhaps the most developed and pleasant to tourist powers of the Central Asian region. If the capital - Tashkent is not too interesting for travelers, then Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand are able to satisfy the taste of the sophisticated traveler, not to mention the novice tourist. Ancient mosques, mausoleums, emir palaces, bourgear, delicious kitchen and warm climate - What else do you need a traveler?

Square Registan in Samarkand.

If you eat in numerous national street restaurants or coffee houses, then dinner will cost you no more than 4-5 euros. The fee for visiting attractions and museums is so low that in a week you can hardly spend more than 5 euros, visiting two or three institutions every day.

In Uzbekistan, a very strict police, tourists here feel protected and guarded. It is worth it to add that all the stories about the incredible hospitality of Uzbekov - True! You will certainly have many friends.

The climate is hot here, especially in summer. Therefore, it is better to choose a spring or autumn for a visit when the temperature does not have records and you can not only tarnish well, but also with pleasure to admire mosques, medieval quarters, abundant bazaars and green gardens.

Flight from Moscow to Samarkand and back - 400 euros (cheaper than all Utair). Accommodation - from 21 euro / day (for two people in guest House Near the historic center), breakfast - 3 euros.

India: Homeland Buddha

One of the most exotic and rich on cultural monuments countries of the world. It is interesting here as in big citiesand in small villages. You often come here just to live and watch the life of people neglecting earthly benefits. On the other hand, many tourists are shocked from the visit to this country, the worldview of Indians and Europeans is so distinguished.

Bengal tiger in one of the national parks of India.

Attractions of India are so numerous and diverse that it is difficult to choose a dozen or twenty most outstanding. Hindu temples, Buddhist monasteries, ancient palaces and fortresses, sacred gang and national parks With rhino and tigers - everything is difficult to list.

In India, it will be interesting to lovers of antiquity, admirers natural beauty, seekers of the meaning of life and those who prefer serene pastime on the beach. To save on transport, it is best to rent during a scooter's visit, it costs 50 euro / week. The vast majority of attractions are free. But in museums and cultural centers, entry tickets Can cost up to 10 euros.

You can eat at street trays (if the stomach is healthy and spices you tolerate easily) - a huge portion of vegetarian dishes from rice and vegetables - less than 1 euro. If you prefer the European cuisine, moderately spicy, then lunch in the restaurant will cost from 7 euros per person.

Visa to India for tourists costs 60 American dollars. You can arrange it on the Internet.

Flight from Moscow to Mumbai and back beyond the season (April-September) - 415 Euro (Turkish Airlines).

Housing in India is very cheap, but if you want to live in a room without beetles, but with air conditioning, you will have to pay from 10 euros per day (a number for two in the city's urban hotels 2-3 *).

Vietnam: Little country with great opportunities

Vietnam is infrequently considered economical tourists As an option for rest. Top in vain! Rest in this picturesque and hospitable country costs cheaper than in praised Thailand.

Russians can spend two weeks without a visa in Vietnam every year. The country offers tourists not only perfectly clean beaches and warm, transparent sea, but also a lot of the most unexpected cultural and historical monuments, peculiar kitchen, good-natured and smiling local population. And in Vietnam unusually low prices For food and accommodation in the hotel or guest house.

Flight from Moscow to Hanoi or Ho Chi Mina and back - from 424 euros (offer from Emirates).

Double room in a modest, but clean and modern hotel - from 8 euro / day.

Halong Bay, Hoi An, Muin, Nha Trang - the names of the most attractive spa places Vietnam little is said to a budget tourist. For them hide unusually beautiful places, cozy restaurants, comfortable hotels, original festivals, green parks and Buddhist pagodas.

Pagoda Longshon (Nha Trang).

Fear in street cafes and snack bars, you will quite be able to meet 6-8 euros per day. Lunch in an expensive restaurant - 12-15 euros. The fruits in the country of the winning socialism are so cheap that many tourists go to the fruit diet and spend on the day for food no more than three or four euros. Transport costs are easy to minimize if you rent a bike - 30 euros / week.

A visit to the attractions in organized groups, accompanied by a guide - from 35 euros for a day trip, including meals. Tour by country (5 days) - 180-220 euros.

In Vietnam, there is almost no street crime. The level of security is very high here, and the police work very effectively.

Entrance to the beachpone or in night club - From 2 euros.

Similar prices, entertainment and attractions in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos. But in these countries it will cost no less than 500 euros. In Sri Lanka, Nepal, and in China - the budget tourist will also feel confident and careless.

In each of the listed countries, many exotic entertainment, inexpensive accommodation and delicious food. The main thing is to visit these countries not during the high tourist season, and tickets and hotels should be ordered no later than six months.

July 24, 2016, 14:33

Hello everyone!

This is my first post on the gossip, and I decided to write it, because I really love travel and Asia, and it seems to me that the site lacks posts about tourism, beautiful places in the world, etc.

Traditionally, I ask "strictly not judged", as well as "understand and forgive"))

So, the variation on the topic "10 best places In Asia, which is worth seeing. "You can this summer, you can ever.

10. Taitun, Taiwan

He is caliped, Taidong, 台東 in Chinese.

The coastal town of Taidun has a modest charm, which takes several days to reveal. Pacific Ocean, mountains, traditions, temples, cultural diversity and the strong influence of local folk colors create a very special atmosphere here. Streets of Taidun smell the sea and incense, life flows here slowly. A relaxed atmosphere attracts Taiwanese God, some representatives of which settled here and opened small cafes or engaged in art. There is always something to do, whether it is a concert of a local pop group or the most significant event of the year - the festival of paper lanterns, which has been held since 1954 at about the moon new year. In the summer, Taiwanese international Festival balloons. In the vicinity of the town you can find entertainment as watching whales, surfing or visiting hot keys.

9. Meghalaya, India

The mountainous state of Meghalaya, which is also called the "Abode of the Clouds" divides the Assam Valley and the Plain Bangladesh. This is a cool locality, on the rocky mountains of which fir-tree trees grow. Towns of Cherrypundy and Mosinram according to statistics are among the most wet places on the planet; Most of the precipitation falls here from June to September, creating impressive waterfalls, as well as cutting caves that are among the longest in Asia. The population of the state mainly consists of tribes Jinetia, Hasi and Garo, who live in the eastern, central and western parts of the state, respectively. Autumn, when a four-day Wangala festival is held in the Garo Mountains, is a good time to visit Meghalaya.

8. Prang Province Islands, Thailand

South of Krabi in the Andaman Sea is the province of Trang, which includes several magnificent islands. The services of those who love adventures, rich nature are dozens of waterfalls and limestone caves. Transport connection Improves year from year. In the high season, you can easily get to Malaysia, moving from one island to another.

7. Pepeutran, Indonesia

This is a popular oasis in the northwestern part of Bali, there are several resorts here, which are located on the shore of a small bay. Most tourists who come here are engaged in snorkeling and snorkeling at Menjangan Island. Singaraja-Guilimanuk Street is the main artery of the town. Here you can find many shops and travel agencies that are focused on visitors.

6. Ipoh, Malaysia

Ipoh is experiencing a quiet revival. This cute town has become a convenient stop for tourists on the way from Kuala Lumpur to Penang. Now the reviving enthusiasm to the heritage of the Ipoha allows you to restore old shops, and new cafes open in historic buildings. The hotel chain also grows - from modest hostels to luxury hotels.

5. Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong welcomes its guests by branded skyscrapers and legendary cuisine, but also prepared a surprise - a rich nature, which is strictly protected by law, and rare birds. Victoria Bay Naberezhnye Bay, in whose waters you can often see the joke with red sails, as if made for filming films. Walking through the streets of Kowloon Island, you will see a lot of banks and shops of the most famous brands. It is worth visiting Lantau Island, where to get along the cable car. Here on the hills there is a huge statue of Buddha and offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding islands. In pre-order hours, do not forget to climb Victoria's peak and enjoy the view of the bay, on the shores of which lights on skyscrapers light up. And children will undoubtedly appreciate Disneyland and Amusement Park Ocean Park.

4. Condo Islands, Vietnam

These islands can be called Vietnam's jewelery. The place where the political prisoners were previously referred to, now becoming increasingly popular among tourists thanks to magnificent nature. At Kon Son, the largest of 15 islands, beautiful beaches, coral reefs, beautiful bays and thick forests. In addition to campaigns, dives with scuba, research of coastal roads and deserted beaches, here you can work in observation of rare species of wild animals. Almost 80% of the island's territory is occupied by the National Park.

3. Chongju, South Korea

This city is known as a place where the Korean Chosen Dynasty originated, as well as one of the most famous dishes of the country - Bibimbap (boiled rice and meat, fresh vegetables, roasted egg and sharp sauce). In the central part of the city, the ancient buildings "Khanok" are preserved, where museums, tea houses and workshops are now located.

2. Shanghai, China

If you are looking for a center of the world, you here) It seems that 24 million residents of the city have made the goal of their life to spend time. Ballroom dances in the park, tasting rare tea varieties in tea houses, lunch from Chinese dumplings in acetic sauce - scenes from the daily life of this metropolis. Magnificent cocktails and crafting beer can be found in the bars on the roofs of the skyscrapers. And it shows what international city became. But the old Shanghai is always there. Life flows between the lines of the old houses "Shikomen" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Fruntsus concession, and the Art Deco buildings are still on the embankment of the Bund. This year, the first Disneyland opened here in continental China.

1. Hokkaido, Japan

Magnificent "Poolyak" on the mountains Hokkaido provided the island place on tourist map World. Wild mountain landscapes are asked to be explored on foot or on a bicycle. You will also find here alpinea villages and seafood, just catching from the sea and filed to your table. Thanks to high-speed trains from Tokyo Hokkaido, it has been much more affordable lately.

Updated 24/07/16 16:01:

Based on Lonely Planet

The choice where to go to Asia in June is associated with individual preferences: one on the soul of beach holidays, others - excursion toursAnd the third you want to combine both options so that the vacation is interesting and saturated. And it is quite real, if taken into account local features climate and tourist infrastructure different countries Region.

What are the pros

Rest in Asia is an opportunity to enjoy a unique oriental flavor, amazing beauty by landscapes, exotic cuisine, unique attractions, sea and sun. But it is necessary to treat the choice of season very carefully - because the summer in Asia countries are usually rainy. Nevertheless, during this period there are enough places for a comfortable stay.

Advantages of rest in Asia in June:

  • comfortable weather conditions of the resorts of Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia, where there are no significant precipitation;
  • low prices of tours to countries where the rainy season begins;
  • the tropical climate is distinguished by hot weather even with strong rains;
  • tourists are significantly less than in the height of the "dry" season, so you can enjoy a relaxing rest and even solitude.

Vietnam: rest without fuss

The most comfortable for relaxing in June is the central part of Vietnam, where at this time the amount of precipitation is small. Here is one of the most popular resorts Countries - Danang, numerous hotels, restaurants and beaches with clean small sands are located on its territory, which stretch a few kilometers along the coast.

The most famous of the beaches is Chinese, one of the best in the world.

In Danang, you can visit interesting sights - Natural, such as famous marble mountains and architectural:

  • vintage Pagoda, Towers,
  • palaces with various relics,
  • museum ancient people Cham.

South of Dananga is Hoyan with a unique old town enrolled in UNESCO World Heritage Site. This resort attracts clean and beautiful beacheswhere you can enjoy a relaxing holiday.

Islands Indonesia: Paradise Corner

On the fabulously beautiful island of Bali, the dry and clear weather is installed in May, the sea water temperature is on average +28 ºС, and short-term rains are only at night. Therefore, the beach holiday will undoubtedly be pleasant.

The excursion program promises a lot of interesting things: the ancient temples, parks and gardens with unique plants and amazing landscapes (including the legendary Bali Bali Barat), as well as thematic parkswhere many types of unusual animals live.

Surf lovers perfectly spend time on Bali - there is a great wave and there are spots both for beginners and experienced athletes.

Bali is famous for famous spa products that use unique techniques of organism recovery.


Another Indonesian island - Sumatra - with his pristine nature, reserves and clean mountain lakes Also invariably attract the attention of tourists from around the world. His ancient temples, mosques and palaces will give guests bright and unforgettable impressions.

Malaysia - Country of Islands

The optimal period for visiting Malaysia is from March to September. There is no rainy season here, in June, the precipitation falls a little, and the water temperature is on average +30 ºС.

One of the most amazing places of Malaysia is mysterious and beautiful Island Tioman, with which a lot of legends are connected. It is considered one of the cleanest islands of our planet.

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Ticomanis beaches are affected by unusually transparent sea water, beautiful coral gardens and a variety of underwater flora and fauna. This is the perfect place for diving.

Another popular is the island of Redang, off the coast of which is a unique marine reserve.


Borneo Island will offer to the attention of tourists luxury beaches With white sand and exciting excursions to the National Park, journey through the jungle and walk through the long-standing bridge in Malaysia.

In addition, here you can visit hot springs with sulphide waters - the balneological procedures have long been successfully applied in Asia countries.

Holiday calendar

Tourists will be interested to see the colorful holidays of different countries of Asia in June. Where to go to lovers of festivals at this time? Of course, on the island of Bali in Indonesia, where the famous artistic festival is held from mid-June, which opens with a spectacular parade.

Then within a month you can visit various dance and song shows, exhibitions, presentations of theaters of shadows. In Malaysia, the first Saturday of June traditionally celebrate the birthday of the king.

A vacation in Asia with its magnificent nature, a distinctive culture and unique attractions will be unusually bright and will replenish the collection of impressions with new exotic images.

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