Study of the conditions for the formation of a Samurian lake. Samurian Lake - in the country of the Mountain Lake Samur Lake

07 Sep. 2016 17:11

Sometimes the name of this or that geographical object is accidentally met in the literature pushes to his search on the terrain. It happened to the Samur Lake on the territory of the Absheron district of the neighboring edge

Yuri Kuzminy

The desire to expand the Lago-Square zone became one of the main reasons why we went to the neighborhood of the village of New Polyany.

AT Krasnodar Territory Summer as if it does not think to retreat. If the foothill forests stretching to the south-west of Maikop, then you will remind you of the Yellow strands of Berez and Osin, pursuing the undergrowth and exhibited on the side of the village of Vötra Highway with Kizyl and blueberries.

Behind the village of the Shirvan Path, leading to the Gum's Gorge and the Valley of Pchachi, in the pool of which was hidden by one of the largest within the forest ridge of natural reservoirs, diverge. We are going towards the village of Chernigov and trying to "calculate" the turn marked on the card documes as the starting point of the route leading to the lost among the forest to the Lake.

I donate to the new pollasts, ask about the road local residents And we return to the first kilometer sign from the development. Here, the asphalt is adjacent to a piece of grader, who leading to forest parses. While our small, in eleven people, the group is drawn into the forest, briefly tell about natural facilitywho really want to find.

There is almost no information about this blue treasure in the literature. First short description Dated 1888, when in the sixth issue of the "Collection of materials to describe localities and the tribes of the Caucasus", article V. Kobelytsky "Stanitsa Samurskaya Kuban Region Maykop County" was printed. The rest of the information is drawn from the work of Yuri Efremova "in the edge of the mountain lakes."

With a reservoir of 46,000 m 2 at a length of 340 m and a maximum width of 260 m is located at a height of 328 m above sea level 10 km north of the village Samurskaya, whose name is called. In terms of the lake has a complex configuration, externally reminiscent of amebe with its four centers-bays. Near Samurian, subsidiaries were pressed - four lake ponds located at various high-altitude levels. The main water area lies in the hollow with steep slopes, crouched and oak forest. And only from the east, the shore is low, wetlands and clogged. Near the lake flows a river of a bottle of a bottle, in which a stream falls, dropping into her lake water ...

But come back from theory to practice. After 50 m from the asphalt, the grader goes into a conventional frozen rainy sometimes deep ruts, soon with a scenic empty, which appeared on the place of cutting. We go around to the right and get on a pretty overgrown area, quite, however, picturesque and rich in autumn gifts in the form of blackberries, tern, wild pears and apples ...

At one of the polls, you turn around: on the map of the trail goes to a certain hill. Instead, more or less, we get on the road, which was used for the purpose of several decades ago. The larger the killet leads from the place of split, the more dense the surrounding area becomes.

Yuri Kuzminy

In the Absheron district during the Great Patriotic War And after it, the log cabin was carried hard. There were no tractors, to the nearest narrow scene of the logs were hungry. The forest fell in a row, without disaster. Fortunately, Samurian Lake was lucky - industrial secreir bypassed his closest neighborhood. In the path of ruthless loggers, steep forest slopes and deep beams, which we now and overcome were stood.

From high humidity and heat face and body covered by sweat drops. It seems that the comparison with the tropics in this case will be quite appropriate ...

Intuition suggests that you need to return. But the band is still inclined to joke: "We will not find the lake, so fashionable forest fragrances" ...

How long is briefly, but after wandering along the bottom of the drunks with overcoming every 50-100 meters of transverse beams, we accept the unpopular decision on the return to the Polyana, with which you have started at the hour and a half ago ...

Only here to get on that glade we were not destined. Taking a little right of the place of descent, we go to a relatively flat watershed, on the axial line of which the most decent of the roads passed today.

The cell phone "catches" the Internet, and we unfold to the right, continuing to check the direction of movement with the card. Twenty minutes after twenty, the melanoe brings to a beautiful floral decoration. The main decoration of the grassy cover of meadows is cereals, suppressing the mass of their thrown on a two-meter height of less powerful fellow.

Crossing the Polyana Road slightly takes up, and after entering the forest, a smooth descent is started in the Valley of the Belt. Looking for fern, taking into a dense ring of century-old beech trunks, feel yourself in the witch forest.

Here is a thin stream of water - a giving moisture. What is not a fairy tale! ..

Yuri Kuzminy

From the fantastics, the road rises cool, and the passing of the collapse, leads to a hollow, where the emerald of foliage is green, a high-forest Forest miracle is greedy. For the nearest turn, the subject of our hopes and dreams are shown - Samurian Lake.

By the path stretching along the shore, we get to the clearing, in the middle of which, as if a specially sweeping travelers interior of forest cuisine, stand table and chairs-stumps.

Now everyone plans his leisure itself. Who immediately plunges into the water, the benefit of the water in the lake is still quite warm, who proceeds to the dinner, accompanied by traditional tea from the fire ...

Three afternoon put forward in the way back.

Having reached the Zlakova Polyana, we continue to rectilinear movement in a smoothly descending on the west of the road ...

On one of the few forkliving, turning to the navigator, we take to the left and get into a deep beam, where we notice the marking on one of the trunks. Rising on the opposite slope, we turn out to be the emptiness marked in the report on the first part of the journey as beautiful place, and after crossing the abandoned cutting, closing the ring. The bus remains two hundred-three hundred meters.

The distance to the lake from the highway, judging by time and the pace of walking, is about five kilometers.

Ahead of us is waiting for an amazing warm for September Pzhah. Sports on the river, removing the cargo of fatigue from the wolves passed.


Samurian lake

One of the main attractions of the Apsheron district is Samurian Lake, the largest of all lakes in the low-mountainous zone on the northern slope of the North-West Caucasus. The area of \u200b\u200bits 46 000 m 2, length is 340 m, and the maximum width is 260 m. It is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pasture ridge on the Kurdzhips River watershed and white at a height of 328 m above sea level. Lake is 10 km north of the Samurian village. It leads a well-stuffed path trail to the river. Blossoms (Hosako), flowing on the right in p. Pzhahu near the village of Samurskaya.

Among the inhabitants of the Absheron district, Samurian Lake is very popular, it is possible to rest well, caress fish and crayfish. It is not known to tourists, since there is almost no information about this mountain treasure in the literature. The only brief description is contained in the pre-revolutionary "compilation of materials for describing localities and the tribes of the Caucasus", in the article by V. Kobelytsky "Stanitsa Samurskaya Kuban region of Maykop County" (1888. Vol. 6). Research this a unique corner Nobody still has been engaged. For the first time I had to visit here 10 years ago. Then we managed to make a reconnaissance examination of the vicinity of the reservoir and spend some measurements. However, it was not fully explored. Therefore, in May 1988, the section of the geology and geomorphology of the Krasnodar Department of the Geographical Society of the USSR at the Kuban State University organized a small expedition to study the Lake Samurs. As a result of the work, it turned out that it had in terms of a complex configuration, externally reminiscent of an amebe with its four centers - bays. Near the subsidiaries were closed - four lake ponds located at various high-altitude levels. A surprisingly difficult form of a lake and the presence of reservoir adjacent to him suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of processes that contributed to the emergence of this conglomerate.

Samurian lake lies in a hollow with steep slopes, crumpled beech and oak forest. And only from the east, the shore is low, wetlands and crumpled reed. Here in the lake there is a stream, which is intricately looped in the forest plain, calmly pulling out its waters into the water management waters and gradually increasing the sandy delta. From the south side there are two capes. One of them, resembling a kind of appendix, was called Cape Vermis. It rises above lake waters by 5 - 6 m and has a very comfortable glade to break the Bivak with good overview on the lake.

There were two cozy coves between the capes, which we called the bays of privacy and tranquility. They are bored with high shores with a dense beech forest. Some of the trees leaned over the water, others fell into it, forming a unthinkable cluster of Korogi and Kochki.

The north-western side of the rumform, and here there was a swampy jumper, an extinguishing part of the lake and thereby forming a closed with a reservoir of 1800 m 2 and a depth of 2 m. Among the reservoir, actively advancing on the water branch, in summer, you can observe the cluster of green frogs. For this reason, the lake and got another name - Langushachye.

Local residents told us that Samurian lake was very deep and has alleged two days, and the top is formed from the trees falling into the water management.

As shown by our measurements, the maximum depth was 4.6 m. In all likelihood, this is one of the lowest levels we observe. Ten years ago, the depth of the lake was about 6 m. Apparently, over the years he has dropped it, as they resemble traces of a higher water standing. There are two small basins in the reservoir, one in the middle, the other in the bay of calm. The bottom or strong, strongly littered with fallen trees and their branches.

The color of the water is dark gray with a greenish tint, the transparency of Mala, in cloudy weather, barely exceeds 1 m. The latter is explained by a large number of weighted organic substances, and the color of water is determined by the presence of a dark slle and fallen leaves at the bottom of the reservoir.

Near the Samurian lake is another series of reservoirs of similar origin. 20 m to the north-west in the deep carcass funnel lies the Lake Dead. The area of \u200b\u200bits 900 m 2, the maximum depth does not exceed 4 m. It produces a depressing impression on visitors. Water reservoir is dead, vegetation, no living organisms are also visible. This is particularly contrast to the neighboring frog lake, in the waters of which the life buffels. In the same dead silence, dark gray water is always calm. Why is there no life here? While you can not answer. The dead lake flows the stream from a frog of a frog lake, and follows the same stream that immediately breaks into a deep beam with a stony bottom and small waterfalls - a real geological museum: the exposure of sandstones, dark blue clay and limestone. Below, near the mouth of the lake creek flowing into the r. Belt, we found a huge ammonite - with a diameter of about 40 cm. This petrified mollusk, who lived several tens of millions of years ago at the bottom of the shallow model.

Along with the Samurian lake from the west side, three more forests, very overgrown and twisted green rocky lakes with an area of \u200b\u200b1800 - 3700 m 2, are adjacent to the Lake. Around the primordial forest chaos, the rustling of high herbs, the kingdom of frogs, squares without silent, clouds.

By definition by T. Akato, in Samurian reservoirs, 9 species of plants are common: a wipine wide, sitney consuming, unnoticed, Forest Forest, reed, southern, marsh rolling, rogue, hat, small row. They form 5 communities. Rasian community Malaya inhabits small lakes located near the main lake. Clean thickets of the rogolidnik form the foci of overgrowth at a depth of 0.3 - 1 m.

Close on the species composition of the community with the dominance of a broad-sized broadband and the annunciation of unnoticed. Frontal foci of overtention 1 - 5 m wide stretch along the coastline. In the overwhelmed sections of the coast, the sitney consignable grows.

Starting from one lake to another, smoking on steep slopes, immediately remembered the stories of Konstantin Powesty "Meshcherskaya side". The same wilderness as on the lake brazing, the same charm wildlifeHaving encompassing you, and the same confusion of the soul at the sight of primordial landscapes.

To understand, feel all this, you need to follow the cozy forest path, which rises high up, then go down, to the shore, to the water itself. From here it is possible to obscure to watch the quiet mirror stroking of the forest diva. It is especially remarkable from height.

Most of all we remember one May night spent in these places. When her dark covered fell on the mountains completely, and in the sky bright stars lit up, low over the forest was a thin sickle of the moon. A timid lunar path cut through the black surface of the water. The definition of a bright fire was snatched from a thick darkness of raspberry beeches, in the night darkness they looked especially mighty. Far in the West occasionally slept the zarry, illuminating everything around the moment around.

The lake and its surroundings lived in their own life. Deekfully, unstrozno squatted on different voices of the frog. Somewhere in the forest more often shocked the owl. At times in the water area, some vague roots were heard, similar to sighs. Whether the fleet gusts were disturbed by the foliage of trees, whether the fish splashed in the water.

Under the crackle and bright bonfire blast, we are involved in the chance of our interlocutor from Neftegorsk, who arrived here to go fishing. Zakhar (so called the local older) for 30 years he visits the Samurian Lake loved to him and knows a lot about him, the whole story of its development by local nature lovers.

In the area during the war and after it, the logging of forests was carried out. There were no tractors, the logs were stained with horses. The forest fell in a row, without disaster. Fortunately, the lake was lucky - the nature itself defended him. In the path of ruthless loggers, steep forest slopes, deep beams. Industrial secreir bypassed this corner side.

Favorite topic of the conversation of Zakhar - Fishing. From him we learned that fish in the lake - apparently invisible. There is also Sazan, and a crucian, and even "wobbled sand". And where did she get in the mountain lake? Even before the revolution, a rich enterprising Cossack of Molchanov lived in these parts, which was divorced in the lake. He supplied her rich people to the table. But modern fishermen on the hook is only a trifle - Pescarika da Karasiki. But to catch Sazan is very difficult. Local fishermen catch its networks. Not everyone succeeds. The next day, happiness smiled and we. We managed to take a whole bowler of the little things, which was enough to cook a noble ear. There are in Samuria Lake and Cracks. For them, there is a paradise - or the bottom and numerous shorts.

The data obtained during the study several clarified the picture of the occurrence of water bodies. Once in the depths of the mountain strata existed an underground paint cavity formed in limestone. With a strong earthquake, the arch of this underground emptiness collapsed, and lakefalls appeared on the surface, which were filled with water.

V. Kobelytsky, who visited the neighborhood of the village of Samurskaya, describes the earthquake observed in January 1879: "The roofs crackled, the dishes fell from the shelves to the floor. Two years later, the earthquake repeated, but it was much weaker. "

Samurian lake and its surroundings have unique mountain landscapes. But so far they are not commanded and not included in the list of nature monuments Krasnodar Region. Apparently, it is time to do this without delay to save the amazing corner of nature for descendants. In the meantime, numerous fishermen pollute the shores garbage. I would like to remind everyone that in the end such rejoisseable use of nature can destroy with water. Allow it is impossible.

Achishho phenomenon

There are many such places on the Krasnodar Territory map, which can be attributed to unique nature monuments. Among them and the mountain, mostly brought the Achishho ridge, between r. Mzymta and her right tributary p. Achipse. Highest point G. Achishho 2345 m above sea level. Her rocky amphitheater dominates over the Red Polyana from the North side, the closure of the rover r. Rainsts. On the top of the ridge, near the forest border, there is a high-mountain meteorological station of Achishho (1880 m above sea level) among the scenery of the lakes. On the background mountain Massiva Chugush Two-storey stone house meteorotation looks very small.

What is the Achishho phenomenon? According to our ideas - in the uniqueness of high mountain landscapes, a record snow area and the originality of mountain lakes.

At Achishho, the violent alpine and subalpine disintegration, the emerald greens of beech forests, is surprisingly harmoniously blue LakesArched by a rocky swamp vegetation. In the summer, the meadow is moving a carpet of primulus, hyacinths and bizarre white snowdrops with long, faded petals, yellow-brown in the middle. And above, closer to the rocks - brown thickets of Caucasian Rhododendron. Here you will enjoy the panorama of the snow-covered mountains with huge clouds, drinking cool, amazingly clean air.

Unforgettable route on the city of Achishho. The trail starts from the meteorological station and passes through the edge of the ridge. On both sides of the trail - deep abyss. With a steep wall, a waterfall is broken, which gives the beginning of the p. Achipse. Ahead is a mysterious rock circus with several white panels avalanche snowfields. And below, in the exciting spirit depth, drown white, tiny, as if matchboxes, houses of red glade.

Until now, among scientists there are only hypotheses, in different ways explaining the origin of the lakes. One of them connects the formation of lake catlovin with the ancient glaciers who fell out here and postponed the Moraine, where the reservoirs arose. Another hypothesis is tectonic, according to her, the line of tectonic cracks stretches, for many thousands of years converted to closed basins. Then they filled with water, creating a chain of lakes of various squares and depths.

To the Great Patriotic War on the Range Achisho, there were 18 lake water bodies at different types of fever. Preserved to this day only four. The rest completely thickets or noticeable with small "eyes" of water. Unestation occurred and takes place predominantly thickets of sources or surface splavin. Often in the process of ingroup, the Dafa and Bolotnis Austrian are participating in the process. The bottom surface is covered with peat deposits on which water mosses grow. After tightening the global or thickets of most of the water area begins to form a sphagnum cover. As a result, diluted moss swamps are formed. Currently, a significant part of the water area, uneven populated plants, takes place in 4 lakes. Foci of overgrowth in all reprehension or linked-solid type. For example, Lake Khmelevsky is tightened with thickets, rooting at the bottom. According to aerial photographs (1954, 1972), as well as when comparing amateur photos of the researcher Yu. K. Efremov and cards made in 1984, it was possible to find out that the degree of overgrowth, as well as the configuration of plants on some lakes for the last 30 We practically did not change years. Significant deviations occurred only on Lake Khmelevsky.

The cleaner of algae and reassembly is a mirror lake near Achishho meteorological station. It is small - only 1000 m 2, the maximum depth is also small - about 3 m. The lake lies in the hollow and has an oval shape. The surface is free from algae, but the bottom is eliminated by them, like a fluffy carpet. The lake almost does not overgrow, and only on the shores it is present. None of the stream does not flow into it, and no streams follow from it. Water fresh and pleasant taste. Apparently, the lake is powered by underground keys. The water temperature in the summer reaches 20 - 25 ° C. But it is impossible to swim in it, since it is the only source of drinking water for meteorological station workers. Under the snow and ice, the lake is 9 months a year. Naturally, fish and other living organisms cannot dwell in such harsh conditions.

All other lake reservoirs (and their five in the area of \u200b\u200bthe meteorological station) completely overgrown.

In addition to these lakes, there are others. To do this, it is logical to proceed from the campus of the Ministry of Defense on the Achishho Range through Khmelev's Polyany, with access to the meteorological station of Achishho and further descend along the path leading to the shelter of this tourist, on the Red Polyana.

Here, among the forest, in the Khmelev, Polyana, and hid the fading lakes. Their sad, twisted by the green row waterproof remind of the already magnitude. And even now, despite the despair, they are not deprived of the originality. Poems N. Zabolotsky How can not be better talking about the beauty of the forest lakes Range Achishho:

In the waters of the jugs, in the rest of the Osk, in a dry necklace of vegetable duffs lay chaste moisture piece - shelter of fish and the rash of ducks ...

Lake Dzitaka Valley

In the West Caucasus, on the territory of the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve, near the city of Pseashho, in the origins of r. Urushten (the left inflow r. Small Laba) There is an amazing Dzitaka Valley. It is unusual in its morphological appearance and originally in manifestation of natural processes that occur here.

Dzitaka is located at an altitude of 1800 - 2000 m above sea level and refers to the so-called trigger (trough) valleys having a flat bottom and steep slopes. Such shape she gave her a glacier, which ran here about 10 thousand years ago. As a rule, any valley closes a highly located circus or an amphitheater with irremorious rocky vertices.

In the valley, Dzitaka will not see this. Unexpectedly, her gestures of the upper shovels fell wild circular to the pool r. Laura. There, below, buffs impassable cryproy. There is no turn there.

What happened to the upper reaches of this wonderful valley? Under certain conditions, river erosion processes can be activated, and the origins of rivers begin to go back, gradually destroying the watershed or side of the valley. If the water watershed has small heights, it can soon be propylene with river waters, and the origins of the river are shifted to the neighboring valley. The water of the river in this valley can be stolen by the river-aggressor who invaded on the other side. Similar and happened in the valley of the r. Dzitaka.

She originally flowed down this valley towards the r. Urushten. Obviously, after a powerful collapse, which blocked the valley of the r. Djitaka (near modern lakes), the river turned towards the origins of R. Laura. So here the rivers are capable of intercepting or stealing the water from each other.

Surprisingly both. Dzitaka Valley is a cross-cutting valley, or speaking by scientifically, the valley of the transfer type. This means that the chief watershed of the Caucasus takes place along the bottom of the valley, and in this case, according to the aforementioned oblivion of the ridge, slightly towering over the bottom of the valley. The height of this watershed here is reduced to 1920 m, that is, it is the lowest point of the main ridge in the West Caucasus.

Thus, in the Dzitaka valley, you can imperceptibly, without any effort to cross the main watershed of the Caucasus, going along the bottom, as, by the way, and in other through valleys - Pseashho, Aisho, Zegerker. The above imposed a print on the lakes that are here. Often the Dzitaka Valley is called lake, and it is not by chance. On her canopy meadow day spilled water eight lakes of different magnitude and in different degrees of swords of swamp vegetation.

The most significant one is a large lake, which is located at an altitude of 1913 m above sea level, has an area of \u200b\u200babout 20,000 m 2 and the maximum depth of 10 m. It is obliged to its origin to the same avalanches that have knocked out a lake brand and formed an arcuate avalanche around it The shaft, followed by another lake with a water, but already completely overgrown with swamp vegetation. The lake is not overgrown. Snow avalanches interfere with this, periodically falling into its water management and splashing water together with bottom sediments.

Near the Lake Dzitaku, in the sludge of the above-mentioned rolled up, four more small lakes occupying inventory in the ridge, which blocked the valley were attached. One of them, called by us twoly, is noteworthy in that it has a stock both on the northern and southern slope, that is, in the Pools of the Laura River and Dzitaka. Such a phenomenon is extremely rare in the mountains of the Caucasus.

Once in August 1987, our photographer Sasha Tokarev, rising in the town of Translated, saw below, near the merge of the rivers Dzitaka and Urushten, in the golden, the autumn forest of the blue "OCO", bordered by emerald swamp vegetation. In honor of the lake lake named Tokarevsky. The origin of it is also mysterious. Together with the employees of the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve, a specialist in the vegetation of mountain lakes of the Caucasus, we tried to understand the mechanism of formation of this lake pond, the area of \u200b\u200babout 1000 m 2, the depth of about 2 m, located at an altitude of 1858 m above sea level on a slightly inclined swamp. The reservoir is contaminated with the shaft of the humus substance height of 0.5 - 1 m.

What was formed before: swamp or lake, what are the stages of its development? We have not yet found the answer to these questions.

Another surprise of the Dzitaka Valley for us was karst funnels at Baranjah foreheads, near the cliff to the Laura Valley. They are about a dozen, of different sizes and shapes. And they are confined to the outputs of marbles. No one knew about their existence. In one of these funnel there is a small lake - with a diameter of 10 m.

Attrable in the Valley, sphagnum swamp, which is considered to be relic, that is. Heritage of past epochs. As it became known from the works of Valery Akatov, it has existed almost 6.7 thousand years.

No less interesting lake Small (pseashho) above the mouth of the river. Djitaka, according to the valley r. Urushten, near Pseashho's pass at an altitude of about 2000 m above sea level. It is almost not visible from the path, since it is covered by the side of an extensive avalanche hill, crumpled grass, and therefore remains unnoticed by travelers passing by travelers. The beauty of almost round blue "peephole" can be estimated, rising by the ten meter height of the protruding avalanche tree. For its origin, it also applies to lakes of avalanche knife. Thanks to a huge shock force (several tens of tons per square meter) of the falling mass of snow from a steep slope (more than 45 °), a deep pit was knocked out in the foot of the foot, which was filled with water, and the lake was formed. Its depth, according to our dimensions, was 16 m. The lake is contouring a sharply outlined cherry shaft formed by sediments chosen by avalanches from the bottom of the lake water.

Lake Achipsta

Achipsta is one of the most difficult and distant from settlements Lakes of the Caucasus State Biosphere Reserve. It is in the upper reaches. Achipsty (the left tributary r. Small Laba), in the subalpine zone at an altitude of 1865 m above sea level.

The path to it is difficult and a min. If you go from Cordon my dick in the valley r. Small laba, then initially climb on the road leading to Alosal Pass. The most complex portion of the path begins from deer pollas. Hence the trail on the shore r. Achipsty through numerous deep beams, Bursels and spiny shrubs. A simpler route - from the Alus Pass to the Great Aloous Lake on a highly laid trail, which passes above the forest border and numerous erosion cuts, alpine Lugam. Path trail is lost in thick grass or on stone places. You can go to this lake and through the Celips pass from the top. Pure (left lock r. Small lab). But this pass is complex for passing and requires some climbing skills.

The difficulties of the path are rewarded when a mountain trail is taken through the windows between the pines deeply downstairs, at the bottom of the valley, you will see how the blue canvas of the lake sparkles on the sun. In his water area near the left side of the valley, the sickle island is unusually green. The closer you come to Achipsy, the more wondering and admire the art of nature, which created this unique creation. Approaching the lake from the bottom, from the valley, involuntarily pay attention to a huge herbaceous shaft, braving across the valley r. Achipst. These are two avalanche cones that have arisen in the occasion of snow avalanches. Skrew from each other, they formed an irresistible barrier for the indomitable mountain river, thereby creating an extensive lake with a reservoir of 60,000 m 2 and a medium depth of 3-4 m. The dam is so extensive that the river could not try his way through her and was forced to look The output is somewhere deep downstairs in loose avalanche deposits.

In the lake falls r. Achipsta, originating high in the mountains and fed by thawed waters from glaciers and snowfields. By the end of the summer, the river is strongly merged. This affects a large extent on the water mode of the lake. The water level is sharply reduced, thereby reducing the area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface to 1/3, and sometimes half. There were cases (according to the stories of foresters), when the lake disappeared completely. However, the reason for such a phenomenal phenomenon is not entirely clear. This can occur both when a sharp decrease in the flow of water and when they descend through the unknown, the underground valve.

About the higher water level resembles a "fin" at the bottom and its former bottom, already crushed herbs.

Water is cold enough. At the time of observation at air temperature of 14 ° C and clear weather, the water temperature did not rise above 10 ° C.

The lake is completely lifeless, water vegetation does not grow in it, the phytoplankton and zoobenthos, almost completely absent, is not a fish. The reason for this is the severity of the climate of the highlands, a long winter with a long-lasting ice-bearing and a large snow in these places.

The lake is actively degrading. The river flowing into it bears a lot of suspended solids that settle at the top, forming an extensive delta. Its blade continues under water, the edge is clearly visible through transparent bluish water. According to our dimensions, the rate of extension of the delta (power of laid off the precipitation) reaches 14 - 15 cm per year. The lake is also destroyed by snow avalanches converging in his water area. The number is four of them, and three of them contribute to the accumulation of loose material in the lake basin, thereby reducing its depth and the area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface. The fourth avalanche comes from a steep slope (about 50 °) and having a largerielection than three others, counteracts the degradation of the reservoir near its left bank. As a result of the impact effects of falling snow, a cone-shaped funnel (pit of knocking) was formed in this place) with a depth of 10 m and the bordering of its sick-axis avalanche tree, which big water Looks like an island. It has a very steep slope (45 - 50 °) towards the pit of knocking and a gentle opposite skate (steepness 10 - 15 °). The surface of his thick grass, but there are many stones in it, separate sterling trunks and branches of trees, thrown, or rather, splashed here along with water when they hit the snowy avalanche into the pit of knocking. Such snowy avalanches go to the most multiserful winter (1976, 1979, 1987).

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  • Route duration: 2 days.

    The length of the route: 10 km.

    Location: Pasture ridge (height 328 m above sea level).

    Brief thread of the route: G. Apsheronsk - Art. Shirvan - Dol. R. Belt - Oz. Samurian - Apsheronsk.

    Coordinates:Latitude: 44.334722. Longitude: 39.876389.

    The route is provided: 1 Overnight in the field.

    Type of tourism - Pedestrian.

    Samurian lake- One of the largest lakes in the West Caucasus. Length 340 m, maximum width 260 m, maximum depth of 4.6 m, area 46 000. Extended in the form of a light bulb.

    This reservoir is very popular among residents of the Absheron district. Very big work According to the study of Morfitogenesis, the reservoir was held by the well-known Kuban scientist geomorphologist Yu. V. Efremov. The lake has a difficult configuration, resembling a huge Ameba, a lot of coves and bays. In early May, the entire territory around the lake is covered with a solid carpet of the abrade. The lake is famous for fish reserves, there is a sand, crucian, sazan here. From studies Yu.V. Efremova turned out: Samurian lake of seismogravitational origin: Once in the depths of the reservoir there was a huge underground emptiness. During a powerful earthquake, the arch of this cavity collapsed, lakety depressions appeared on the surface.

    The route to Samurian Lake is best to start from the intersection of the highway of Absheronsk - n. New Polyany. Behind the turn on the lump need about five kilometers, after which turn right into the forest. The road will go along the edge of the forest for four kilometers. The last two of them can not overcome the car, so you have to walk.

    The trail to the lake passes through the valley of the river. Belt. The route is available for any category of vacationers and tourists. From the road to the lake no more than one and a half hours. Lake in the left bank r. Belt, among the deciduous forest (beech, oak).

    A separate excursion can be devoted to the study of the valley of the r. Bells, where among limestone rocks can be found fossil shells of challenges of mollusks - ammonites. During one of the freight outputs, an ammonite with a diameter of about 40 centimeters was found. Return to the highway is best on the way of entering the lake.

    Old-timers from local residents tell the legend associated with the origin of the lake.

    Once upon a time there was a small village on the site of the lake. And there lived a beautiful girl in it. The phenomena stretched to her, but she denied everyone, as she waited for her only love. And so the Solva reported the news of the beauty of the girl to the evil spirit of the forest. He turned into a wonderful young man and went to her. When the beauties saw him, she did not give a refusal at once, as it was with other grooms. But the consent to remain with him did not give.

    And the Spirit fell in love with the girl did not joke and began to seek her location. When the girl went on things in the nextselion, he constantly accompanied her. On the way they spoke, and the girl gradually got used to him. They began to walk around the fields and forests around the village. The Spirit persuaded her to go with him in the places where he lives, the girl did not agree. She loved her relatives very much, the village and did not want to leave them.

    The Spirit was very angry due to the fact that he could not conquer this proud beauty. He knead her into the forest, and on the village and on her relatives was blocked - blocked - blocked a deep beam and put thousands of spring from the mountains. Water quickly filled out the resulting pit and hid everything that the girl loved so much.

    When the girl returned from the forest, he saw the lake and many springs flowing into it. At that moment, the Spirit opened her and said that he did all this. The girl begged him to return her relatives, but it was too late. The only thing he did is blocked all the springs so that the water will no longer filled the lake. And himself disappeared. The girl had long walked around the lake and called his relatives. Her tears turned into a stream, which flows into the lake. And the girl herself turned into a light haze, which makes it all over the lake every morning.

    Autumn ... rustling of leaves under legs, transparent forest and clear, November day. It was on this day that the next one took place one-day hike Stanicha on the lake with such a native name -Samurian. The first "opening of the season" was in the summer - several people from the village, adults and children, visited the mouth of the river. Matuzki - in Matuskina waterfalls.

    According to Yuri Vasilyevich Pchelintsev, Lierada and the author of the book "There is such a corner in Kuban - the Apsheron district is called ...", "Lake it has existed for a long time, although you will find it on every card. It is located on a pasture ridge (328 m above sea level), near the mountain spire (407 m). Samurian lake is the largest of all lakes of the North-West Caucasus. The origin of the lake is karsto-tectonic. It has a complex configuration. Coast coast and completely covered with broad-sized oak and beech forests, and the shores are covered with reed and cane thickets. Its area is 65,000 sq.m., length of 340 m. And the largest width is 260 m, the maximum depth is 4.6 m. The lake is 7 km from the village of Samurskaya. "

    You can walk, and you can drive part of the path and drive.

    Not far from the lake, on the approaches, you can distinguish the mound for the railway canvas and imagine how the locomotive went here, drove the forest, people. Next, you need to cross the battlefish, a small one, in boots, I will completely go. And so, overlooking the lake - beautiful and picturesque! I wanted to get around it around, feel all the beauty and magnificent silence. Or maybe it keeps some kind of secret?

    Old-timers from local residents tell the legend associated with the origin of the lake.


    Once upon a time there was a small settlement on the site of the lake. And there lived a wonderful girl in it. And so the Solva reported the news of the beauty of the girl to the evil spirit of the forest. He turned into a wonderful young man and went to her. When the beauties saw him, she did not give a refusal at once, as it was with other grooms. But the consent to remain with him did not give.

    And the Spirit fell in love with the girl did not joke and began to seek her location. When the girl went on affairs in the neighboring village, he constantly accompanied her. On the way they talked, and the girl gradually got used to him. The Spirit persuaded her to go with him in the places where he lives, the girl did not agree. She loved her relatives very much, the village and did not want to leave them.

    The Spirit was very angry due to the fact that he could not conquer this proud beauty. He is browning it into the forest, and in the village and on her relatives, it was in trouble - blocked a deep beam and put a thousand Spring from the mountains. Water quickly filled out the resulting pit and hid everything that the girl loved so much.

    When the girl returned from the forest, he saw the lake and many springs flowing into it. At this point, the Spirit opened to her, and he said that he did all this. The girl begged him to return her relatives, but it was too late. The only thing he did is blocked all the springs so that the water will no longer filled the lake. And himself disappeared.

    The girl had long walked around the lake and called his relatives. Her tears turned into a stream, which flows into the lake. And the girl himself turned into a lung haze, which makes it all over the lake every morning.

    So we met with the Lake Samursky, rested on his shores. We promise and then acquaint with the beautiful corners of our region.

    Mirror in autumn gold reflection
    Light ripple panorama Last autumn leaf
    Shootl Kamysh Loggy
    River Blossom Creek Girl Tears

    See also: