Large lentimates golitsy manor work. Large Vyazema

After an excursion on the estate of Grandma A.S. Pushkin in Zakharovo we went to the neighboring Large Lyazese. This is the former estate of the princes of Golitsyn, who remembers Boris Godunov, Marina Mnishek, Kutuzov and Napoleon. I often had here and A. S. Pushkin, who visited the local temple and enjoyed the rich library of Golitsyn.

Museum of Boris Godunova in large Vyazenes

We arrived just to two hours of the day, when the tour starts begins. Inspection began with the restored building of the equestrian court, where the Museum of Boris Godunova is now located.

It was to him how to a royal relative, in the XVI century these lands were complained. He built a huge wooden terme on the site of the current equestrian yard and laid in 1598 the temple of the Library Trinity, who later became Savain-Preobrazhensky.

It is surprising that this unusual Church for the Moscow region has been preserved since the times. Her bells are now on the restoration as well as the upper temple with unique frescoes of the late XVI century. We saw their copies on the second floor of the Museum of Boris Godunov.

In addition, archaeological findings found on the site of the former princely terme and costumes to the Opera Boris Godunov are exhibited.

Publication from Nina and Natasha, Travelers (@shagauru) May 11 2017 at 1:06 pdt

Here we were told that in troubled time, Marina Mnishek was stopped in Vyazeans, on the way to his bridegroom Dmitry Ivanovich. Here she took gifts from him. After her visit, many royal buildings burned down, including Wooden Terem.

Manor Large Vyazemy

From the horse's yard we went to the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral.

As I said in a story about the estate Zakharovo, Brother A.S. was buried near him Pushkin Nikolai, who died suddenly at the age of seven years. Only during the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord can be trapped in the upper temple.
During the time of Peter the Great Veliamami was considered a palace estate. In 1694, the emperor presented these possessions to his tutor's prince Boris Alexei Vichich Golitsyn, who also owned by the Manor Dubrovitsy. Peter first visited twice in these places. Large Vyazemes belonged to the genus Golitsyn until the 1917 Revolution of Boris Alekseevich Nikolai Mikhailovich Golitsyn, after many years of military service, receives at his disposal a rather large estate of Vyazema. Here he decides to grow agriculture and arranging estate. First in 1771 and 1772. Two stone flaggels are built. In one housed kitchen, and in another human fun. Now one of them is on the restoration, and the second just recently discovered for visits.

A garden was broken between the filties. Later in 1784, a strict rectangular stone house with Belvedere was built on the high shore of the upper pond.

At the same time, a stone fence is erected around the temple, and next to the main house there is a park with three radios alleys, diverging in different directions.

Linden, addresses, larchs and pines are planted in the manor park.

In addition, Nikolai Mikhailovich builds a greenhouse where apricots, plums and cherries are grown. Large Vyazemes were the summer residence of Golitsyn, he came here usually in May, and leaving deep in the fall. In addition to a well-deserved holiday in the village, he tried to constantly replenish his knowledge in the field of gardening and vegetable growing, read articles on agrotechnology of cultivation of various cultures and immediately applied these knowledge in practice. He tried to improve the sewing and life of local peasants, while building heating with glass windows and heating through the chimney. It was Nikolai Mikhailovich that marked the beginning of the famous library in large Vyazenes and began to collect paintings and various art objects that, after the revolution, were divided into museums of our country.

In 1797, the Emperor Paul was visited in the estate with his retinue. On the occasion of the visit of Augusta Official in Vyazemes, a magnificent lunch was arranged in a parade dining room.

Nikolai Mikhailovich's children did not have children, so the manor went to his brother, and then to the nephews Boris Vladimirovich and Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn. Their mother Natalia Petrovna was amazing for his time a woman and it is believed that it was she who served as the prototype of the famous Pushkin "peak lady." Natalia Petrovna was born and lived a lot abroad, was a very educated and noticeable lady, one of the favorite Freint Catherine Great. Golitsynya, she considered the most notable and famous and was very proud that she managed to breed with him, coming out married. It is said that her admiration for the surname was so strong that when she began to praise the granddaughter of Jesus Christ, she asked if the Savior's Savior was not from them. Natalia Petrovna enjoyed the respect of all emperors and royal persons who congratulated her with all important dates in life and provided her special respect. She was familiar with the European monarchs, some even actively cared for her, because in his youth she was extraordinary beautiful. However, with age, she had a mustache and beard, and Natalia Petrovna received the nickname "Usataya Princess". Golitsyn was a very powerful and rigid woman, children brought up in the rigor and her son, the Moscow Governor General, even in old age, having grandchildren, did not dare to sit without the permission of the mother. Princess has lived in 93 years old and until the end of the life kept the clarity of the reason. Her room in the palace in Vyazema, perhaps the most beautiful.

A.S. Pushkin was familiar with her, and from his friend, grandchildren of Goli Tsyna learned the legend about a combination of three cards that allowed us to wander. This combination, I allegedly told Natalia Petrovna. So the image of the "peak lady" appeared in the head of the poet.

One of her sons Boris Vladimirovich, judging by the portrait, was a rare handsome, participated in the war of 1812 and was seriously injured in Borodino.

After some time, without recovering from the Russian Academy of Sciences, he died, leaving two illegitimate daughters from some gypsy. His brother's wife sheltered orphans, but thoroughly hidden their existence from Natalia Petrovna's mother-in-law, which would certainly not approve of his son with a woman of co-negative origin. Large Vyazemes after the war of 1812 switched to Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn, the monument to which can be seen in the manor park.

Also there is memorial sign about the stop in the Vyazenes of the Russian and French Army.

After the Borodino battle, when our army moved to Moscow, the commander-in-chief of MI was stopped in the estate Kutuzov. To accommodate, he chose the foreign library hall. In Vyazenes provided medical care Deadly wounded Bagration. After the Russian army left the estate, the French were taken by her. In the same area of \u200b\u200bthe library on the first floor, Emperor Napoleon stopped. Now in the recreated room on one of the walls are portraits of the heroes of war 1812

During our excursion in the hall there was a rehearsal of a symphony concert, which is particularly harmoniously sounds in the walls of the nasty manor. The French did not greatly ruin the estate, perhaps because Golitsyn was a massone, like Napoleon. And between representatives of this movement there were certain respect for each other. It is possible to understand about the belonging of Golitsyn to Masons by the pattern on the chimney tapes, I didn't even know that this vegetation ornament, it turns out one of the Masonic characters.

In the room in front of the foreign library recreated the reception of the French emperor with portraits of its generals.

In each hall of the palace, many interesting items and very beautiful furniture.

When we rise to the second floor, you already see many stuffed animals on the stairs.

This is due to the fact that the last owner of Vyazem from the genus Golitsyn Dmitry Borisovich was the head of the royal hunt until the revolution, after which the whole family emigrated. Large Vyazemes have suffered the usual fate of the hospitality of the noble estates: first there is a colony for sleepwear, then a sanatorium for parbulls, a airfield and a tank school. During the Great Patriotic War The Germans did not quite reach Vyazene at all, and our army placed the hospital in the main home. Only in the middle of the 20th century they thought about creating a Pushkin Museum in large Vyazenes and Zakharov.

Restoration of buildings and recreation of interiors continues until now, but now it is very interesting and beautiful placeassociated with many loudest names and events in our history. In addition to the main exhibition, historical costumes, porcelain and lace are exhibited in the palace.

Separate halls are dedicated to the children's corner, where you can see toys, books and children's entertainment of the pre-revolutionary period.

Below, we also examined the hall of the exhibition of the wooden sculpture of the modern author G.Ya. Burkova.

Park and territory of large Vyazene

After visiting the two estates, we were so hungry and were tired, which decided to relax in the local buffet. But when they came out, they saw that the weather had improved, and decided to take a little walk through the estate. They approached the ponds. On the other side, the bridge on the dam, built by Boris Godunov.

Then we headed for parking, throwing a farewell look at the great and such a beautiful Preobrazhensky temple.

- This is not just a territory that unites several central regions of the country: Vladimir, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tverskaya, Tula, Yaroslavskaya.

- This is the edge of the picturesque and truly Russian nature: coniferous and deciduous forests, clean lakes and rivers, fresh air and harmonious, familiar to us since childhood climate.

- This is slowly current rivers with wide floats engaged in filler meadows. Thick, dark, overgrown with moss, as if enchanted franks. Magnificent broad-sized forests consisting of huge oaks, ash, maples. These are solar pine and cheerful, rejoices of the Bereznyaki eye. Thickets of nuts on the carpet of high fern.

And wonderful cleans, covered with flowers that exacerby smells are replaced by the huge islands of impassable chains, where the high fluffy fluffs and pines live their measured centuries-old life. They seem incredible giants that are slowly pierced before the uninstalistic guests.

In a cup, old dried snags can be seen everywhere, which are so fadedly curved, which seemed to be there, behind the hodgepiece, the ledged, and a pretty Kikimor's pretty dreaming of a peacefully dormant.

And endless fields, leaving or in the forest or in the sky. And around - only the singing of birds and the strokes of grasshoppers.

Here are the biggest rivers of Russian Plain: Volga, Dnipro, Don, Oka, West Dvina. The source of the Volga is the legend of Russia, the pilgrimage to which never stops.

AT middle lane Over a thousand lakes. The most beautiful and popular one is Lake Seliger. Even the densely populated Moscow region is rich in beautiful lakes and rivers sometimes not even dismissed cottages and high fences.

The nature of the middle strip, felt by the artists, poets and writers fills the person with peace of mind, opens his eyes to the amazing beauty of his native land.

Famous not only for its literally fabulous nature, but also historical monuments. It - face of the Russian provinceSomething, no matter what, even preserving the architectural appearance of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

In the middle lane, most cities are the world famous gold rings of Russia - Vladimir, Suzdal, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Great Rostov, Uglich, Sergiev Posad and others, ancient landlord estates, monasteries and temples, architectural monuments. Their beauty is impossible to describe, it must be seen with his own eyes and, as they say, feel the breath of antiques in the deep.

But the most fruitful and happy for me, it turned out to be an acquaintance with the middle lane of Russia ... She took possession of me immediately and forever ... Since then, I don't know anything more close to me than our ordinary Russian people, and nothing more beautiful than our land. I do not exchange the average Russia for the most famous and stunning beauty globe. Now I am with a condescending smile I remember the youthful dreams of tice forests and tropical thunderstorms. All the elegance of the Neapolitan Gulf with its feast feast, I will give for the wet from the rain of a log bush on the sandy shore of the Oka or for a winding river Tarusta - on her modest shores I am often often and for a long time.

Wrote k.g. Paustic.

And you can simply get into any deaf villages and away from civilization to enjoy nature. People here are very welcome and friendly.

The will of the fate of the village of Large Lyazemee, who was standing on the Smolensk Road and included in one of the most comfortable noble manshes in Russia, had to be once becoming witnessed the most important events of Russian history.

"Standing holes"

The emergence of large ivylands is associated with the "regular" arrangement of the Yaman service with the Grand Duza of Moscow Ivan III Vasilyevich. For the first time in Zamskaya Ivan III, the Yamsk Stan is mentioned in 1492. Given that he was in seventy kilometers behind Mozhaisk, some historians suggest that the Vyazonean Stan has already existed by that time. It was especially increased by his role (in the documents it is called "remaining", that is, the last before Moscow - the next point was already expensive, where high guests were met and accomplished) in the middle of the XVI century, when - after the return of Smolensk in 1514 in Russia - The main contacts with the West were performed just on the Smolensk tract, on which the Vyazonean Stan stood. In any case, since 1520, it is constantly mentioned in diplomatic correspondence. So continue until 1590, when Boris Godunov began in Vyazemes a large construction.

Already a simple listing famous peoplewho were in large omitaries amazing imagination. Such a tight focus of historical "mass" in one place, while pretty distant from the ancient Russian capital, is surprising and, it is necessary to think, not by chance.

Large Vyazese in troubled time

Large Vyazemes received the status of the royal village after the adder of Boris Godunov on the throne, but the Godnovsky remained long. The reign of Boris, so happily the beginning, turned out to be tragic: it became the "preface" to. Boris Fedorovich died in 1605, when the troops sponsored by Poles Liedmichria I had already entered the limits of Russia. The impostor, quickly entered the "role" of the monarch, as if inherited Vyazema, arranged his residence here.

Marina Mnishek arrived here for his bridegroom in 1606. She led a diary in which noted:

"On May 2, the Queen had his night in Mozhaisk, and Pan of Voivod in the village of Vyazezem ... This village belonged to the deceased King Boris. It has a palace, a rather extensive, discovered with a parisade and a swallowed moat with slingshots. The palace stone church, very fair; Icons and candlesticks are rich in it and excellent work. "

Alas, the wedding, which took place a few days later, became the end of falms.

In Vyazemes, the impostor was remembered to the carnival of 1606 with fun battle. Russian boyars were protected in the "battle" built next to the temple of the ice fortress; Their opponents were the Poles and the Germans led by Lzhedimitri. Attacking, the last in the snow covered stones and lead bullets - the fortress, of course, was taken, and the defenders who had slept a serious offense - they were very filled. In general, the Poles in Vyazenes were not particularly shy about, as evidenced by the numerous graffiti, preserved for the walls of the Church, preserved by this time. After themselves, they left the ashes - in one of the then fires, Boris Godunova's palace was burned.

In 1619, on the extension of the Troubles, he witnessed a solemn meeting of the Philaret's Metropolitan (Romanov), the father of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, - a lot of victim and at the year, and at the Poles of the bishop immediately upon arrival in Moscow was put by the Patriarch of Moscow.

Large Vyazemes for Golitsyny

By this time, Vyazema was already attributed to the palace department. Especially loved the local temple, which made rich deposits into it. And there was a silent often - passing to the "Tsarsky", which is under Zvenigorod. It is curious that the tradition of solemn meetings in Vyazeques continued with Alexei Mikhailovic.

In 1694, Vyazemy received a new owner. Peter I complained estate to my educator. Golitsyn, Tsarev "Uncle", considered his main victim Dubrovitsy, however, he was doing a lot and Vyazamas: built new palace (Not there, where the current manor spread, but on the other side of the temple), took the decoration of the church, inviting the well-known masters of the Armory Chamber for this. All of them worked in a manner - and worked perfectly. The icons created by them after the revolution were separated by museums.

In addition, Boris Golitsyn insisted on the re-assignment of the Troitsk Church - already in the documents of 1702 it is as a spaso-preobrazhenskaya. What was caused by this solution - it is not quite understandable: it is possible that political motives were based on it. The "Preobrazhenskaya" theme was represented by Peter I, who brought twice in Vyazema, is very important. His associates - too.

Hispunion of Petrova "Uncle" Nikolai Mikhailovich Golitsyn postponed the estate to a new place, also on the shore of the pond, but on the other side of the temple. The first here, on the hill, the Flygenes appeared: in 1771 and 1772. And in 1784, recent work was completed in the main manor house designed in a fashionable "French style", and the Golitsyn estate acquired a modern appearance. In this house in 1797, Golitsyn gave a solemn lunch in honor of Paul I, who arrived in Moscow to the coronation and did not make it difficult to visit all the famous Moscow families.

At the beginning of the XIX century, the master's cousin Nikolai Mikhailovich, Boris Vladimirovich Golitsyn, was a very remarkable personality: a thinker, writer, Mason, a combat general, and, in the spirit of time, a disinterested truth seeker. Together with him, his mother was entered into a viscous house - the famous court stats-lady Natalia Petrovna Golitsyn, who kept his sons in his hutets and then when they had already reached the "degrees of famous". It is also known, first of all, that he served as the prototype of the old woman in the Pushkin "peak lady."

Pushkin Vyazemes were familiar not at the time. From 1806 to 1811, his parents went to the estate of Zakharovo, who belonged to the grandmother of the future poet. It was not possible in Zakharov in Zakharov - it belonged to the arrival of the Vyazemsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Temple, and to Lunch, the Pushkin family with the trades of Alexander went to Vyazema. However, there were other children. It did not cost without tragedy. In 1807, the younger brother of Pushkin Nicholya died in Zakharov. Buried him in the fence of the Preobrazhensky temple; This grave is preserved. The happy Zakharovsky-Viscial Childhood of Pushkin ended with his admission to the Tsarskoyel Lyceum, and a year later, a thunderstorm of 1812 was drunk.

Vyazem and War of 1812

The war did not bypass the manor standing on the main "Western" road.

True, all the values \u200b\u200bof the Spaso-Preobrazhensky temple managed to take to Moscow, to a basmanny street, where N. P. Golitsyna had a house, and they did not suffer from the fire - because they were not injured and a month later, in October, returned to church. Performed this time-consuming work the abbot of the temple Father John Yemelyanov, about which later a detailed entry was made in the church metric book - "In memory of the descendants".

In the same mild, from 29 to 31 August, after Borodin, stood with his headquarters. Here he came to the thought of the new general battle near Moscow, as evidenced by the letter written in the estate; However, learning that the expected 180-thousand reinforcement is late, Field Marshal decided to pass the ancient Russian capital. In one of the flibels at this time, they arranged a lazaret where the deadly wounded P. Bagration was delivered.

Already the next day, by leaving Vyazem, Napoleon drove into the estate in the estate. He night left almost in the same lower library and on the same sofa as Kutuzov. Arrived with Napoleon officers were delighted. One of them recorded then in his diary:

"I accompanied the emperor. We stopped ... In the dwelling of Prince Golitsyn, located on the shore of the lake ... This is a truly real castle. "

However, an invaders as barbarians were behaved, "no better than the Poles of the early XVII century. The walls of the Preobrazhensky temple "decorated" with new confessions in the fact that this or that Frenchman "was here".

Boris Vladimirovich Golitsyn, with the beginning of the war, entered the army in the rank of Lieutenant General and in Borodino battle received a difficult wound, which in 1813 he drove him into the grave (according to other information, he died of inflammation of the lungs; the wound turned out to be non-hazardous). They buried the hero, according to his request, in the northern attack of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky temple of the Big Vyazelen, setting up a special niche in the wall with a bust of Honor.

Vyazemomy after that went his brother Dmitry Vladimirovich.

Before breaking

There are deaf guidelines on the fact that in 1849 in Vyazemes read the head of the second volume of the "Dead Souls" of their author, Nikolai Gogol. But how could the writer in the Golitsyn estate? And very simple; He was friends with Professor S. P. Shevyrev, who was married to illegitimate daughter B. V. Golitsyn and often lived in Vyazemes, engaged in the richest Golitsynsky meeting of books and works of art.

The last owner of the large Vyazene (since 1882), Dmitry Borisovich Golitsyn, a lot and loved by the estate. It is not by chance that the Vyazamy opened in 1916 a series of "Russian estates", becoming the "hero" of its first (and, unfortunately, the only) issue.

After the revolution

After 1917, in the Golitsyn estate, there were consistently: a colony for berself, a sanatorium for old Bolsheviks, a school of parachutists, a tank school, an EVAKOSPOL (during the Great Patriotic War), the Institute of Sweetheart (Favorite Children Marshal Seeds Budennye!), Moscow Printing Institute, Vni Phytopathology And finally, the museum.

You can imagine what kind of vakhatania continuous "restructuring" here spiked here.

In one of the values \u200b\u200bof autumn days, we went to big vessels, look at the majestic Savior-Preobrazhensky temple, the situation of the manor house, the building of the stables and the surrounding all these landscapes. The origin of the word "Vysomos" is definitely not established. There are two main theories. According to the first word, it comes from the Slavic "viscous", perhaps this is due to viscous shores of the river flowing around the estate wearing a similarity of the Namest Namest. Another theory refers the word "Vyazema" to the Finno-Ugric roots, characteristic of the hydronism of the Russian North (Kama River, Lakshma, Lekshma, Padma).

Monument to A.S. Pushkin. 1999.
sculptor Yu.S. Diezzy, Architect A.V. Klimochkin.

Manor park. Fall.

In the distant 1585, Tsar Fedor John suggested Boris Godunov's Lariamakh, and since the beginning of the 90s of the XVI century, Boris Godunov began in his new possession of great construction. At this time, a wooden palace, a boyars house, numerous services, fruit gardens were built in the estate. By the end of the sixteenth century, a five-key temple was built in the estate in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord with the belf.

The whole complex of manor houses, was surrounded by a wooden wall with five tower. Additionally, the walls were strengthened by the mo. Thus, by the end of the XVI century, the whole complex was well protected, a powerful fortress. To the Russian days, the defensive structures of the estate did not reach, it is understandable, the need for them dropped a long time ago.

Savior Transfiguration Church of the village of Large Vsema

In the era of the troubled time, there were a residence of Falsitria, there was His country palace here, and here, on the road, Marina Mnishek was stopped in the spring of 1606 in the spring of 1606. After her departure in the estate there was a terrible fire, which destroyed more than half of the village. In one of the fires of troubled time, the wooden palace of Boris Godunova burned.

Dom Schta

Church-parish school. Building modern.

Lower Golitsyn pond, on the River Large Linky. Also known as the sovereign pond.

After the arrival at the kingdom of Mikhail Fedorovich, in 1618, Vyazos were attributed to the palace department. And in 1694, Petr first granted the estate by the prince Boris Golitsyn, "for salvation during the Streetsky Bunt." Despite the fact that the prince was rare here, considering his main estate of Dubrovitsy, the prince put a lot of effort to revive the larger knage. He restored the ruined Tricky Temple, rearranged the church in Preobrazhenskaya, rebuilt the palace rebuilt. According to Peter's first diaries, the emperor visited the Large Viscos passage in 1701 and 1705. The manor house in large vessels was built on May 1, 1784 by the great-grandmother of Boris Golitsyn, the retired Colonel Nikolai Mikhailovich Golitsyn. About the date of construction says bas-relief on the front of the house.

Then there will be many pictures of the inner decoration of the manor house, which is probably more correct to call the villa.

The war of 1812 did not cause much damage to the estate. After the Borodino battle, the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, stopped on the way to Moscow in large viscos. And a few hours after his departure, the emperor Napoleon arrived in the estate. In the Golitsyn Palace, Dracoon and Infantry Corps were located. In memory of those days in the estate, a memorable sign was established in honor of the stopping of two armies in the Patriotic War of 1812.

A sign in memory of the stop in the viscos of the two armies during the Patriotic War of 1812.

In 1882, a new owner appears in the estate - the Son of the Sveta Prince Dmitry Borisovich Golitsyn. With his appearance, the manor returned former landscading. In 1908, the new owner suits in the vicinity of the estate suburban village, Under which part of the Earth is given, separated by iron expensive. Over time, at the place of the village, the current city of Golitsyno was formed. Dmitry Borisovich Golitsyn became the last owner of the estate Large Vseum.
The changes that brought in Russia 1917 did not bypass the Golitsyn estate.

We rise to the second floor. There are still many pictures of the inner decoration of the manor house.

In the autumn of 1918 and in the spring of 1919, more than 60 items representing cultural and historical value were taken out of the estate to the National Museum Fund, among which were the engraving with the image of the pedigree shift of the princes of Golitsyn. The family jewels of the Golitsyn family were later transferred to the Armory Chamber. It was distributed by libraries a unique collection of books, more than 30 thousand volumes, collected by Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn. The estate was used as a colony for street, then as a sanatorium for old Bolsheviks, School of pilots and parachutists, a tank school, an EvicoPost. By the way, during the First World War, there was also lazaret on 50 beds.

Former stable. Currently there is its restoration.

After the closure of the hospital on the territory of the estate, the training zootechnical institution of horse breeding was accommodated personally, Semyon Mikhailovich personally, who has repeatedly arrived in the estate. In 1952, he laid the first stone into the foundation of the new Institute building.

School of Arts, in the past building of the institute of horse breeding.

Not far from the lattice is the estate Zakharovo - the former estate of the Grandmother of the Great Russian poet Maria Alekseevna Hannibal. Here, in the suburban grandmother's estate, the future poet first saw the beauty of Russian nature, peasant round dance, heard folk songs, met the peasant life. These first children's impressions have formed his life looks. In these Moscow region places, he began writing his first poems.

The grave of Brother Pushkin - Nicholas, who died at a six-year-old age.

There are several more old tombstones.

The history of love Alexander Sergeyevich to Natalia Goncharova is connected with large viscos. It is here, in the manor, on one of the balls, who was arranged by Prince Golitsyn, Pushkin first saw Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharov. Manor Large Vysomas is more common in the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It is believed that in the novel "Eugene Onegin" Zakharovo serves as a prototype of the estate of Larina, and large viscos - became the basis for describing the estate of Onegin. Now the estate is largely Vyazemes, as well as Zakharovo's manor, is part of the State Historical and Literary Museum-Reserve A. S. Pushkin. In the Palace of Golitsyn, among the interiors of the XVIII -XIX centuries. Golitsyn readings are held "Fatherland History". You can get to the estate from the Belarusian station with ectarchic to the stop "Golitsyno Station". From the station on foot about 1 km. From the station you can also get a bus or route taxi. Do not think to go to the station "Small Vyazamy" we will listen and get lost. On the car you need to go through the Mozhaisk highway. Without going to the village of Vyazemy, turn left before the bridge, and in approximately 200 meters turn right to the parking lot at the Preobrazhenskaya church.

The estate "Large Vysomos" is the architectural and artistic ensemble of the XVI-XIX centuries, the former royal, boyars and the princely residence. Located in the village of the same name Odintsovo district, not far from Golitsyno. Together with the estate Zakharovo, it is part of the State Historical and Literary Museum-Reserve A.S. Pushkin, created in 1987

Immediately at the entrance, we see such a bust of the perpetrator of the celebration. A few kilometers from here there is a generic estate of Hannibal "Zakharovo", where young Sasha lived with Arina Rodionov, so it can be assumed that he visited this estate, say, steal apples or prying bathing landscapes, sallopay.

The central building of the estate is the Palace of Princes Golitsynye, built in the second half of the XVIII century.

During the retreat of the Russian army to Moscow, Kutuzov and Napoleon both spent the night in this house, and in the same bed, with an interval at exactly one night. Not in the same night as someone might think, but after a day.

The word "Vysomos" is most likely due to the word "viscous", because the river, and the pond is very clean here.

At the end of 1584, Tsar Fedor I was presented by the village of Nikolskoye-Vyazemy Boris Godunov, who began large-scale construction on this earth, and built the first wooden palace.

And the Russian and French army stopped at this place after the battle of Borodino.

And in peacetime, except A.S. Pushkin, famous writers L.N. Tolstoist, N.V. Gogol, and V.Ya. Bruisov were stopped here.

Here is an interesting detail - sundial. To no doon no longer skip.

On the perimeter of the circle, 24 linden was planted, and in the center of the circle there is a pole, the shadow shows on a tree corresponding to a specific hour of time.

At the end of the 17th century Peter, the first one granted the estate by the prince Boris Golitsyn.

Golitsans lived to health up to the revolution.

Here is the main one, the Governor-General Dmitry Golitsyn, the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the owner of the estate from 1813 to 1844.

And the manor house in large Vyazenes, which came to this day, was built in 1784 by the great-grandda of Prince Boris Golitsyn Colonel Nikolai Mikhailovich Golitsyn.

The only cafe is near.

Cabbages from Arina Rodionovna is something, yummy!

Probably, especially for Pushkin everywhere, these pointers were placed everywhere so that it does not fit where in the estate tickets to buy. If anyone is interested, I can say that the toilet is very clean here, and no inscriptions like "I did not find Sasha" on the walls.

At the end of the XVI century. Large Vyazemes belonged to Boris Godunov, who built a church with a belfry of Pskov type here. According to legend, the Vyazemical Church is built in one year with the bell tower of Ivan the Great. It is believed that the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin appeared to the sample for the church in large viscos.

In the era of the vague time in the manor, Lhadmitriy lived and stopped with the retinue Marina Mnishek.

What a miracle this spaso-transfiguration church next to the estate!

I have never seen such a bell tower anywhere. Completely flat. It is not clear how they climbed there.

As everywhere in Russia, in the territory of the temple there are nameless graves.

The temple rests the dust of Nikolai Sergeevich Pushkin, who died in 1807 at the age of six, the younger brother of the Great Russian poet. Alexander himself with his grandmother, Maria Alexeevna Hannibal, and with Olga's sister, he went to the Transfiguration Church from Zakharov, where his church was not, and his first spiritual impressions and experiences are connected, undoubtedly with the Bigh Communications Church.

Well, at the end of a few pictures inside a manor house. In one of these rooms, Pushkin met his future wife Natalia Goncharova, who just began to go out into the world.

History of the manor, Natalia Petrovna Golitsyn, who became the prototype of the old Countess in the "peak lady", was a married bride at the wedding of Pushkin and Goncharova.

Than all this ended, we know. So indirectly the estate "Large Visomas" played a fateful role in the life of Pushkin.

See also: