The largest atomic icebreaker in the world. The world's largest atomic icebreaker

Atomic - ships, built specifically for use in waters, round-coated ice. They break the ice specially adapted nose, and in some cases - and feed.

Atomic icebreakers Much more powerful diesel. They were constructed in Russia to provide shipping in the cold waters of the Arctic. One of the main advantages of the atomic is the lack of need for a frequent refueling, which may arise in floating ice when there is no such possibility, or such refueling is very difficult. All atomic have electrical transmission to screws. In winter, ice thickness in the Arctic Ocean varies from 1.2 to 2 m, and in some places it reaches 2.5 m. Atomic icebreakers Could be held in waters covered with such ice at a speed of 20 km / h (11 nodes), and in ice-free waters - up to 45 km / h (up to 25 knots).

Since 1989, atomic has been used for tourist trips to the North Pole. which lasts three weeks worth 25,000 dollars. For the first time atomic " Russia"Was used for this purpose in 1989. Since 1991, atomic "has been used for this. Soviet Union"And since 1993 - atomic" Yamal" It has a special section for tourists. On a built in 2007 " 50 years of victory»There is also the same section.

on such icebreaker, cruise trips to Greenland

All ten atomic existing atomic (although one of them is actually not an icebreaker, but with an icebreaker nose) were built in the USSR. These ships They were built on the Admiralty shipyards and the Baltic Plant in St. Petersburg. Two icebreakers - river " Vaigach"And" Taimyr"- were built on new Helsinki shipyards in Finland and then transferred to Leningrad to install nuclear reactors.

icebreaker "50 years of victory"

Today the largest in the world icebreaking ship is an " 50 years of victory»Built in the Baltic Plant. A digital system of automatic control of a new generation is installed on the vessel. Modernized complex of funds biological protection Nuclear power plant. Created ecological compartment, equipped with the latest equipment for collecting and disposing of all livelihoods ship. Vessel belongs Russian Federation FSUE " Atflot».

Technical data of icebreaker« 50 years of victory»:

Length - 160 m;

Width - 30 m;

Sediment - 11 m;

Displacement - 25000 tons;

Power plant - 2 nuclear reactors with a capacity of 75000 hp;

Cruising speed - 21.4 knots;

Maximum fuel supply - about 4 years;

The crew is 140 people;

Passengers - 128 people;

icebreakers class "Arctic"

Icebreakers class " Arctic"- The basis of the Russian atomic icebreaking fleet: 6 of the 10 atomic icebreakers belong to the class of the Arctic. Since these icebreakers were built for thirty years, there are some differences between them. As a rule, new icebreakers are faster, more powerful and require more small carriages for operation.

Technical data of the icebreaker of the Arctic class:

Length - 150 m;

Width - 30 m;

Sediment - 11.08 m;

Height - 55;

Maximum speed: 25 knots;

The crew is 150 people (including 50 officers and engineers);

Passengers: 100 people;

Ship power unit: two reactors - 900 with a capacity of 171 mV;

Icebreakers this class have a double case; The thickness of the outer case in the breaks of the ice is 48 mm, in other places - 25 mm. A water ballast tanks are located between the housings, which serve to change the differential in complex ice conditions. Some ships covered with a special polymer to reduce friction. Icebreakers This class can break the ice, moving both forward and forth. These are designed to work in cold Arctic waters, which complicates the operation of the nuclear installation in warm seas. In part, therefore, the intersection of the tropics to work off the coast of Antarctica is not among their tasks. As a rule, to ensure ship Energy is sufficient only one of two ship reactors, but both (less than 50% of power) are involved during the navigation.

As a rule on class " Arctic" All necessary crew and passenger facilities are available: swimming pool, sauna, cinema, equipment gym, bar, restaurant, library and volleyball court. For everyone atootohdah class " Arctic"There is a helicopter platform for two helicopters that can be attached to them for complex flights or tourist cruises.

The first icebreaker was the usual steamer with a small nozzle in the bow and colole ice in the harbor of the city of Philadelphia.

Today, modern icebreakers, with established on them and the most complex navigation equipment, can prick the ice in difficult conditions of permafrost. We will go to the northern latitudes, and find out what the largest icebreaker in the world.

Atomic icebreaker "Arctic"

Let's start with the legendary vessel, which in the period from 1982 to 1986 was called "Leonid Brezhnev", and went down in history as the first in the history of northwaters, reached the North Pole.

The historic northern campaign of the "Arctic" took place in 1977, passing for 7 days 2528 miles, the icebreaker reached the geographical point of the North Pole.

In 2008, the "Arctic" was written off, but the icebreakers of this type and today are furious to the northernmost. Among them should be noted by the Soviet Union, Siberia, Russia.

Lighter carrier with nuclear installation on board was lowered in 1986, and today remains the world's largest vessel in this type.

"Sevmorput" is able to overcome ice with a thickness of 1 meter, and despite its respectable age so far in the ranks. For its glorious history, the vessel has already passed 302 thousand miles, while transporting goods with a total weight of more than 1.5 million tons.

After overhaul, the atomic icebreaker returned to the fleet, and is the only shopping ship with a nuclear installation.

Even before the descent to the water, the icebreaker had to pass through a series of complex tests. The ship was laid back in 1989, but due to the lack of funds, construction was suspended, and only in 2007 the Russian flag was raised over the Deck "Victory".

This is a modified project of a new generation of Russian ships capable of overcome ice thickness of 2.8 meters.

In addition to its main task, wiring shopping caravans, icebreaker use both a cruise ship, organizing excursions to the North Pole.

Below you can watch a small video where you can watch the icebreaker in action.

Like the "Arctic" in the Siberia project, there are also two atoms. The first one for the benefit of the Fatherland from 1977 to 1992, the second is planned to be commissioned in 2021, but he launched on September 22, 2017.

A two-stage ship with deep sediment is capable of pricking the ice of oceans with a thickness of up to 2.9 meters, but with low-ice in the river river polls and shallow bays.

The Siberia project synthesized the qualitative characteristics of two Russian projects, and tests successfully in northern latitudes.

Among the most powerful ships of this class should also be made and shredded from foreign shipyard. This includes the research vessel of the US Coast Guard "Healy".

In 2015, this study ship of 117 meters long in the history of US shipping reached the North Pole alone.

There are two helicopter venues on the decks, and 5 research laboratories are conveniently located in the holds.

Among the major vessels capable of overcome ice, the Canadian ship is one of the oldest, because it is laid on the water back in 1969.

After several modernization and capital repairs, Louis S. St-Laurent carries in the Fleet of the Canadian Coast Guard.

Now with it is actively held research work In the Arctic. It is with the help of equipment on board the ship off the shores of Greenland at the bottom of the ocean, scientists discovered a chain of 25 volcanoes.

German shipbuilders have created a unique vessel, which can operate at low temperatures reaching up to -50 ° C.

The scientific and research equipment is installed on board, and the "beloved" itself is capable of moving at a speed of 5 knots among ice with a thickness of 1.5 meters.

He was launched in 1982, and are now used to study the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as in the events on the provider of commercial ships.

The floating giant of the United States coast guard is rightfully held the leadership of the heavy ship of the icebreaking fleet itself, and in its capacity is not inferior to Russian counterparts.

BUT B. this moment The "Polar Sea" stands at the pier, where the project is being implemented on its modernization. It is planned to equip the vessel at the nuclear installation, which will significantly increase the permeability and power.

Its diesel and gas turbines gave out a capacity of 72 thousand horsepower. Such specifications allowed the ship to participate in a variety of mission on the provision of vessels and the study of the White Arctic expanses.

But this vessel was named after the legendary Soviet icebreaker, and went to the water in the summer of 2016.

The new "Arctic", with a 63.3 meter housing length, is able to work not only in the conditions of the ocean, but also to enter the mouths of the rivers and operated in the bays. Very effective vessel for opening ice on the rivers of Siberia.

The "Arctic" is capable of overcome ice with a thickness of up to 3 meters, but while the ship passes test tests. Commissioning is planned in 2018, but at the moment it is the most powerful icebreaker in the world.


Diesel icebreakers and modern atomasters allowed humanity to significantly advance in matters of research on the northern and southern latitudes. In addition, they perform an important function of the wire of trading caravans in the most difficult conditions of navigating the North.

The atomic icebreaker is a vessel with a nuclear power plant, which is built specifically for use in ice-covered waters throughout the year. Thanks to the nuclear installation, they are much more powerful diesel and it is easier for them to conquer frozen reservoirs. Unlike other ships, icebreakers have an explicit advantage - they do not need to be refueling with fuel, which is especially relevant in the ice, where there is no possibility to extract fuel.

Unusually, and the fact that out of the world existing atomic icebreakers were all built, and then lowered water in the territory of the USSR and Russia. Their indispensability has shown the operation that occurred in 1983. About 50 ships, including several diesel icebreakers, got into an ice trap in the east of the Arctic. And only with the help of the atotode "Arctic" they were able to free from captivity, having delivered the goods to nearby villages.

The largest icebreaker in the world is "50 years of victory", it was laid on the Baltic plant in Leningrad in 1989, and already four years later he was launched on the water. True, construction did not end, but was frozen due to financial turmoil. Only in 2003 it was decided to resume it and in February 2007 "50 years of victory" began to undergo a test in the Finnish bay, which lasted a couple of weeks. Then he independently went to the port of the registry - the city of Murmansk.

Let's get acquainted with the history of the icebreaker:

"50 years of victory" - the eighth atomic icebreaker built in the Baltic Plant and today is the largest in the world. The icebreaker is an upgraded project of the second series of atomic icebreaking type "Arctic". "50 years of victory" - the project is largely experimental. The vessel uses a spoonful shape of the nasal tip, first used in the development of Canadian experimental icebreaker "Canmar Kigoriac" in 1979 and convincingly proven its effectiveness in prototypes. On the icebreaker installed a digital system for automatic control of a new generation. The complex of funds of biological protection of the nuclear energy plant, which has passed the re-examination in accordance with the requirements of the State Technical Supervision, is modernized. Ecological compartment has also been created, equipped with the latest equipment for collecting and disposing of all the vital activity of the vessel.

For the period from 1974 to 1989, a series of second-generation atomic icebrecks was built in the Soviet Union (project 10520 and upgraded project 10521). The head ship of this series is the Arctic atomic icebreaker of the project of 10520 - was laid on July 3, 1971, and already on December 26, 1972 he was launched on water, and on April 25, 1975 was commissioned.

On October 4, 1989, in Leningrad, at the Stapel of the Baltic Plant named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, the icebreaker of the project 10521 was laid, under the initial name "Ural".

And although at the USSR, the atoms fully passed in three or four years, "Urals" only for water descent took four years, due to the then situation in the country's leadership and in the country as a whole.

It was expected that the ship would be commissioned in the mid-1990s, however, due to the lack of funding, the construction of the icebreaker was suspended and a huge ship remained to stand at the pier, ready only 72%.

The Baltic Plant was forced to put the icebreaker to put the icebreaker to preserve the possibility of its completion.

Even renaming icebreaker did not help resume financing.

On August 4, 1995, on the eve of the visit of the then President of Russia to St. Petersburg and to the enterprise, too, the atom approach was renamed "50 years of victory."

For many years of useless downtime at the pier of the "Baltic Plant", several times was offered to cut and dispose of the ship, but it was literally miraculously avoided it.

Part of its aggregates was developed its warranty resource, although the ship did not make a single flight.

In the late 1990s, when partial financing of construction began, work on icebreaker "50 years of victory" was resumed.

On October 31, 2002, the disposal of Government No. 1528-p was published, according to which the completion of the icebreaker "50 years of victory" was planned to be completed in 2003-2005. 2.5 billion rubles were allocated to the end of work from the state budget.

Until 2003, the financing of icebreaker construction was carried out on the general basis within the federal address investment program, and since 2003, according to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 No. 1528-p.

In February 2003, the construction of an icebreaker passed into the active phase after:

  • The Baltic Plant entered the structure of shipbuilding assets of the United Industrial Corporation (OPK);
  • between OJSC "Baltic Plant" and the FSUE "Directorate of the State Customer of the Development of Maritime Transport" was signed a contract for the completion of the vessel;
  • state funds were allocated.

According to the concluded contract, financing the completion of the atotode in 2003-2005 should be carried out at the expense of the federal budget. The quality of construction work on the icebreaker should have been controlled by representatives of the Russian maritime register of shipping and the Murmansk maritime shipping company.

On August 13, 2004, a meeting was made to the meeting at the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, it was decided to increase the financing of icebreaker construction in the amount of 742.3 million rubles, of which 164 million were planned to lay on the 2005 budget and 578.3 million rubles to the 2005 budget. The need for additional funding was caused by new nuclear safety requirements in accordance with the requirements of the State Administration and the fulfillment of works related to for a long time Building a ship. In particular, the funds were necessary for the design and manufacture of the latest systems for multichannel safety of the reactor, as well as to re-evaluate and revisit the equipment and mechanisms.

On September 7, 2004, the icebreaker "50 years of victory" was towed to the dock of the Kronstadt Sea Plant. After that, the specialists of the Baltic Plant for the first time in the history of the domestic shipbuilding conducted docks on the icebreaker under construction. First, the number of atoms was carried out only after several years of work and only on shipbuilding enterprises in Murmansk region.

Taking into account that underwater systems and devices were installed on an icebreaker in the early 1990s, during the completion of the vessel, the verification of their performance was required. The most labor-intensive operation was a revision of a dehydrated device, which is the support of the rowing shaft and is intended to prevent the penetration of waters inside the icebreaker body. For his examination, experts have disassembled the propeller and rowing shaft. The work in the dock lasted 2 months. For the successful conduct of these works, the plant independently designed and made a special snap. The serviceability of the dehydrated device was a prerequisite for the start of mooring tests on the icebreaker.

On the vessel was also inspected: the right line of the rowing shaft, the bottom-on-board fittings, the system of pipelines and protector of bottom reinforcement, electrically navigation devices, anodic nodes and electrodes comparing cathode protection. In addition, the company's specialists conducted in the dock washing the outdoor casing of the underwater part of the icebreaker, bottom boxes and pipes of the bottom-on-board fittings. Dock works were under the control of representatives of the Russian maritime register of shipping and the Murmansk marine shipping company.

At the end of October 2004, after the completion of the dock, the icebreaker was returned to the Baltic Plant.

The body, add-in and a vessel feed mast was completely formed, the installation of the main mechanical and electrical equipment was completed.

On November 31, 2004, on board the icebreaker "50 years of victory" moored at the wedding wall of the Baltic Plant, a fire occurred. It began at 08:45 on one of the top decks where the welders worked. The flame quickly spread along the deck, littered with construction materials. A huge smoke curtain formed above the icebreaker.

Firefighters who arrived on alert, first of all began to evacuate the workers, some of which managed carbon monoxide gas. In total, firefighters brought 52 people from a burning ship. Only finished with evacuation, they began to search for foci of fire. According to preliminary data, he was on the third and fourth decks, where the builders stored combustible building materials. The total area of \u200b\u200bfire amounted to, according to different estimates, from 50 to 100 square meters. M. Nevertheless, quenching was carried out in the third room of the complexity (of five possible) - about 22 fire exchanges (112 firefighters) were pulled to the icebreaker. According to the fireburs, it was associated with both the need for mass evacuation of workers, and so that ship fires are considered one of the most difficult: their quenching always makes it difficult for a strong smoke, difficult planning of ship premises and the abundance of open holds.

In the eleventh o'clock, the firefighters announced that the spread of fire was localized. However, the quenching continued until the evening - at 18:00 the premises were still carried out on the icebreaker.

The extinguishing participants believed that the cause of the fire was most likely the negligence of workers or short circuit. The version of arson in the foreground was not even considered: according to extinguishing participants, the Baltic Plant is very strict throughput and the penetration of strangers to the icebreaker is practically excluded.

There was no speech about the threat of radiation infection, since the installation mounted on the icebreaker, the nuclear fuel was not filled.

As the press service of the Baltic Plant stated, the consequences of the fire will not affect the deadlines for the delivery of the vessel to the customer. But it is much likely that the icebreaker will not be built on time for financial reasons. Such a fear of October 2004 at a meeting of the Maritime Council under the Government of St. Petersburg expressed the head of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport. According to him, in 2005, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation agreed to finance only 10% of the cost of work.

According to the results of the meeting on September 18, 2005, in Vladivostok, the meeting on the social and economic development of the Far East, the head of the Ministry of Transport said that the atomic icebreaker "50 years of victory" will be completed by the end of 2006.

During the completion of the icebreaker, the Baltic Plant specialists carried out an operation for loading nuclear fuel, thanks to which atoms have a practically unlimited navigation distance without refueling.

On October 28, 2006, the State Commission was signed an act on the readiness of the Baltic Plant to the physical launch of atomic icebreaker reactors "50 years of victory". Reactive installations developed FSUE "OKBM".

In November 2006, a physical start of atomic reactors was held and the withdrawal of them on the energy level of power, after which integrated mooring tests were launched.

In 2006, in the first quarter of 2007, the financing of work on the icebreaker was carried out at the expense of working capital of OJSC "Baltic Plant" and loans of commercial banks.

January 17, 2007, the Baltic Plant completed comprehensive mooring tests on atomic icebreaker "50 years of victory."


On January 31, 2007, the St. Petersburg Baltic Plant OJSC, which is part of the United Industrial Corporation, has begun to the state chassis tests of the atomic icebreaker "50 years of victory."

From the waters of the Neva, where the possibilities of maneuvering are limited to such large vessels, the vessel was derived by tugs. AT seaport St. Petersburg on the icebreaker was loaded in stocks of fuel, fresh and nutritious water, after which he first came to the Baltic Sea for the first time.

On open water, the icebreaker experienced speed and maneuverability. It also checked the serviceability of the system of navigation and communication, desalination installation, steering, anti-icing and anchor devices and other equipment, which could not be tested by the shore.

Tests were under the supervision of the State Commission. It consisted of representatives of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport, Gostechnadzor, the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, the Federal Medical Biological Agency, OJSC Murmanskaya Shipping Company, RNC Kurchatov Institute, FSUE "OKBM", OJSC TsKB "Iceberg" and others organizations.

February 17, 2007, government running tests were successfully completed. The icebreaker showed high maneuverability and reliability. The State Commission confirmed strictly compliance with the quality of the systems and the mechanisms of the vessel, domestic standards and international standards.

March 23, 2007, OJSC "Baltic Plant" conveyed to the customer the world's largest icebreaker "50 Years of Victory". After official ceremony The signing of the act of acceptance and transmission, the state flag of the Russian Federation was raised on the vessel in the solemn atmosphere.

With the signing of the actual act, the ship became part of the atomic icebreaking fleet of Russia, while at the same time becoming state ownership. Rosimushchestvo, in turn, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, transferred a new atomicide into the confidential administration of Murmansk Shipping Company OJSC.

On April 2, 2007, the icebreaker "50 years of victory" left the shipyard in St. Petersburg and went out to the Baltic Sea, taking the course to his permanent port of the registry - Murmansk.

On April 11, 2007, "50 years of victory" successfully completed the transition from St. Petersburg, went to the Kola Bay and rose to the raid in the area of \u200b\u200bhis port of the registry. The solemn ceremony of the meeting was taken by the same day on the territory of the FSUE Atomflot in Murmansk.

Representatives of the executive and legislative authorities of Murmansk and the Murmansk region, the federal executive authorities, veterans and employees of the Atomic Fleet of the Murmansk Maritime Shipping Company are gathered to meet the crew and the largest icebreak.

The captain of the icebreaker reported to the Director-General of the Murmansk Shipping Company on the successful completion of the transition and the willingness of the crew to fulfill the responsible state problems on the highway highway and in the Russian Arctic.

The fact that the construction of icebreaker "50 years of victory" is still completed, and he arrived in the port of the registry, indicates that the country finally realized the role and importance of the Northern Sea Route and the Arctic, to implement their strategic interests, and proceeds to Infrastructure restoration.

Exit to the first working flight on the high seaside route was scheduled for the end of April 2007.

Transport posting cargo ships On the highway of the Northern Survo, this is the first stage of operation of the atotode "50 years of victory." At the second stage, the work of the icebreaker will probably be associated with the extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials on the Arctic shelf, the atomicode will be engaged in serving mining platforms and wiring in ice transportation vessels.

In addition, "50 years of victory" replaced the Arctic atomic icebreaker - the first built icebreaker of this class. The permitted life of its atomic energy installation ended in 2008. The icebreaker "Arctic" has developed 175 thousand hours - this is the maximum allowable service life, and in this regard, the occurrence of a new atogen was very timely.

At the end of June 2007, the icebreaker "50 Years of Victory" was in the Barents Sea in the area of \u200b\u200bCape Nadezhda Archipelago New Earth, where two transport vessel should be taken under the wiring and carrying them through the ice in the Yenisei Bay. In essence, it was the first ice test of the newcomer of the Arctic trails. His crew should have verified the work of the nuclear power plant, equipment and mechanisms in flooding conditions in difficult natural conditions. Only after the surrender of this exam, the atomic approach could go on a permanent job into the Arctic waters.

July 3, 2007, the atom of "50 years of victory" successfully completed its first wiring of boats heading to the port of Dudinka. Accompanied the world's largest atomic icebreaker in the world, the way in ice from the cape of desire on the new earth to the Yenisei Gulf. Swimming passed in normal mode

On June 25, 2008, "50 years of victory" went on the first flight to the North Pole. There were about 100 tourists on board who wished to take part in a two-week sightseeing tour.

In March 2008, FSUE Atomophal became part of the State Corporation for Atomic Energy Rosatom, on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures to create a state corporation on atomic energy" Rosatom "(No. 369 of March 20, 2008).

On August 27, 2008, in Murmansk the signing of an act on the completion of the events for the transfer of icebreaker "50 years of victory" and other vessels with a nuclear power plant, as well as atomic technological service vessels from the Trust Department of Murmansk Shipping Company OJSC in the economic management of FSUE "Atomflot " It was on this day that the term of the trust management agreement atomic icebreaking fleet was exposed, which was concluded by the Government of the Russian Federation with the Joint-Stock Company "Murmanskaya Shipping Company" and acted since 1998. At this stage, it was considered appropriate to convey the federal property to the property of the State Corporation on Atomic Energy "Rosatom", which performs state fell on the development of the nuclear industry in the Russian Federation.

The icebreaker "50 years of victory" is an upgraded project of the second series of atomic icebreakers of the Arctic type. The icebreaker has a digital system for automatic management of a new generation and a modern complex of means of providing nuclear and radiation safety of the atomic energy installation. Atomhod is equipped with antiterror protection system, equipped with an environmental compartment with the latest equipment for collecting and disposing of waste produced during the work of the vessel.

The length of the vessel is 159 meters, the width is 30 meters, complete displacement is 25 thousand tons, the speed of the course is 18 marine nodes. The maximum ice thickness that the icebreaker overcomes is 2.8 meters. It is equipped with two nuclear power plants. The ship is 138 people.

Tactical and Technical Data

A type: Atomic icebreaker

State: Russia

Release port: Murmansk

Class: Km (*) ll1 a

IMO number: 9152959

Call sign: Ugyu.

Verf Manufacturer: OJSC "Baltic Plant"

Length: 159.6 M.

Width: 30 M.

Height: 17.2 m (side height)

Middle sediment: 11 M.

Power point: 2 nuclear reactors

Screws: 3 fixed steps with 4 removable blades

Displacement: 25 thousand tons

Power: 75 000 l. with.

Maximum speed on clean water:21 sea node

Speed \u200b\u200bin solid rolling ice 2.7 meters thick:2 nodes

Calculated maximum ice thickness: 2.8 M.

Autonomy of swimming:7.5 months (by provisions)

Crew: 138 people. After a number of abbreviations reduced to 106 people


Mailing address: 183038, Murmansk 580, a / l "50 years of victory"

Email (in the sea): [email protected].

Showner: FSUE "Atomflot" State Corporation Rosatom

This atomicode is an upgraded project of the second series of icebreaker of the Arctic class, which includes 6 out of 10 constructed courts. The thickness of ice, which can overcome the floating agent, is 2.8 m. It has many differences from its predecessor, for example, it was decided to use the spoon-shaped form of "nose", which perfectly showed himself on the testing of the prototype of Canadian icebreaker Kenmar Kigoriac. In addition, a modernized complex of biological protection of the nuclear energy installation was installed here, the digital automatic control system of the last generation, there is a special ecological compartment, which is equipped with equipment designed to collect and dispose of all the products of the focusing.

Meanwhile, "50 years of victory" is not always engaged in having reflects other ships from captivity. In fact, it is also focused on the execution of Arctic cruises. So, you personally can go to the North Pole, paying the annal amount per ticket. Since passenger cabins are not here, tourists are placed in the cabins of the ship's composition. But on board there is a private restaurant, swimming pool, sauna, gym.

In the near future, the importance of such icebreaks will only increase. Indeed, in the future, more active development is scheduled. natural resourceswhich are located under the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

Navigating on certain sections of the Northern Sea Route, only two - four months. The rest of the time the water is covered with ice, the thickness of which sometimes reaches 3 meters. In order not to spend excess fuel and do not risk once again with a team and a ship, helicopters or aircraft are sent from icebreakers - scouts to find a smaller way, through the worm of.

The icebreakers specifically choke into the dark - red color so that in white ice they were noticeable.

The world's largest icebreaker, maybe during the year, autonomously rush in the Arctic Ocean, hacking his nasal part, in shape similar to a spoon, ice thick up to 3 meters.

Atomic icebreakers are built only in Russia. Only our country has an extended contact with the Arctic Ocean. The famous northern seaway, a length of 5600 km, goes along the northern shores of our country. It begins at the Kar's gate and ends in the bay of providence. For example, if you move from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok, this seaway, then the distance will be 14 280 km. And if you choose the path through the Suez Canal, then the distance will be more than 23 thousand km.

Let's look at the inside of the icebreaker:

But Russia is ready to submit such that the world has not yet seen: a 170-meter icebreaker with two 60 megawatny atomic reactors is planned by scientists and designers. It will be 14 meters longer and 3.5 meters wider than the biggest current Russian icebreaker, and will become the biggest universal atomic icebreaker in the world.

Here we are talking about metals, for the construction of icebreakers:

and here are some photos of the hull (taken here)

According to, the disposal of five Russian atomic icebreakers will require about 10 billion rubles. This was announced by the head of the project office "Comprehensive Utilization of the APL" by Rosatom State Corporation, Anatoly Zakharchev, speaking on October 9 at the 27th plenary meeting of the IAEA Contact Expert Group. He explained that today the disposal of one atomic icebreaker is estimated at 2 billion rubles, and everything is planned to dispose of five icebreakers.

At the same time, the disposal of two icebreakers is "Siberia" and "Arctic" - included in the draft federal target program "Ensuring nuclear and radiation safety for the period 2016-2020 and up to 2025", which is currently being formed. This program also includes work on the disposal of the PlaveTechbaz "Lotta" and "Lepse" and a number of other works.

Outdated already in about 2013.


White silhouette - planned construction

Yellow Silhouette - Construction

Red frame - icebreaker was on the North Pole

B - icebreaker is designed to work in the Baltic Sea

N - Atomic

The first icebreaker in the world appeared in the XVIII century. It was not very large steamer, capable of breaking ice in the harbor of Philadelphia. A lot of time has passed since the wheel was replaced by a turbine, and then a powerful atomic reactor appeared. Today, huge atoms are hacked arctic ice Huge power.

What is icebreaker?

This is a vessel used in the water covered with a powerful layer of water. Equipped with nuclear power plants, in connection with which they have greater power than diesel, due to which they are easier to conquer frozen reservoirs. Icebreakers have another explicit advantage - they do not need refueling fuel.

Below in the article presents the largest icebreaker in the world (sizes, design, features, etc.). Also, after reading the material, you can familiarize yourself with the largest liners of the world of this type.


It should be noted that all 10 existing atomic icebreaks are built and lowered into water during the times of the USSR and Russia. The indispensability of such liners proves the operation that occurred in 1983. At that time, about fifty ships, including diesel icebreakers, were in the east of the Arctic, in the ice trap. Only thanks to the atomic, they were able to free themselves from captivity and deliver important goods to nearby settlements.

Building atomasters in Russia have become long ago, because only our state with the Northern Arctic Ocean there is a contact of a large length - the famous sea northern way, the length of which is 5 thousand 600 kilometers. The beginning he takes and ends at the bay of providence.

There is one interesting point: icebreakers are specifically stained in a dark red color, so that they are well visible in the ice.

Below in the article presents the greatest icebreakers in the world (Top-10).

Icebreaker "Arctic"

One of the largest icebreakers - the atom of "Arctic" in history entered as the most 1st surface ship that reached the North Pole. In 1982-1986, he wore the name "Leonid Brezhnev". Bookmark him took place in Leningrad, at the Baltic Plant, in July 1971. More than 400 enterprises and associations, design and research scientific and other organizations took part in its creation.

The icebreaker was laid in the water at the end of 1972. The purpose of the vessel - wiring of vessels in the North Arctic Ocean..

The length of the atogen is 148 meters, and the board has a height of about 17 meters. His width is 30 meters. Power of the active atomic installation - more than 55 megawatts. The vessel technical indicators allowed to break up ice having a thickness of 5 meters, and its speed in clean water developed to 18 nodes.

Below are the 10 largest (long) modern icebreakers of the whole world:

1. "Sevmorput" is an ice-free ship. Its length is equal to 260 meters, the height corresponds to the size of a multi-storey house. The vessel is able to pass through the ice thickness of 1 meter.

2. "Arctic" is the largest atomic icebreaker of 173 meters long. It is lowered by water in 2016 and represents the first atomic icebreaker of the Russian Federation. It is capable of splitting ice with a thickness of almost up to 3 meters.

3. "50 years of victory" - a nautical atomic icebreaker (the largest) class "Arctic", characterized by impressive power and deep fit. Its length is equal to 159.6 meters.

4. Taimyr is an atomic river icebreaker, breaking ice in the mouth of rivers to a thickness of up to 1.7 meters. Its length is 151.8 meters. The vessel feature is a reduced landing and the ability to operate at low extreme temperatures.

5. Vaigach - built on a single project with "Taimyr" (but he is a little younger). Atomic equipment was installed on a motor ship in 1990. Its length - 151.8 m.

6. Yamal is famous for the fact that it was on this icebreaker a meeting of the beginning of the third millennium on the North Pole. The total number of atotode flights to this item amounted to almost 50. It is 150 meters long.

7. Healy is the largest icebreaker of the USA. In 2015, the Americans were for the first time on it to take a journey to the North Pole. The research vessel is equipped with the latest laboratory and measuring equipment. The length of it is 128 meters.

8. Polarsea is one of the oldest icebreakers of the United States of America, built in 1977. Seattle - port of registry. Ship length - 122 meters. Perhaps in connection with old age, he will soon be written off.

9. Louis S. St-Laurent - the largest icebreaker built in Canada (120 meters long) in 1969 and the last modernization in 1993. This is the first vessel in the world, which reached the North Pole in 1994.

10. POLARSTERN - Germany atom, built in 1982 and intended for scientific research. The oldest ship has a length of 118 meters. In 2017, POLARSTERN-II will be built, which will replace the predecessor and will accept the Watch in the Arctic.

The largest icebreaker in the world: photos, description, appointment

"50 years of victory" - to a greater degree of modernized experimental project of the 2nd series of icebreaking type "Arctic". This vessel uses a shape of a nasal tip in the form of a spoon. For the first time it was used in the development of experimental "Canmar Kigorike" (icebreaker, Canada) in 1979 and convincingly proved effectiveness.

This is the largest and most powerful in the world equipped with a modern digital automatic control system. It also has an upgraded complex of funds for the biological protection of the energy nuclear unit. It is equipped with a compartment of environmental, equipped with the latest modern equipment, collecting and utilizing the products of the vital activity of personnel on the vessel.

The icebreaker "50 years of victory" is engaged not only by the liberation of other vessels from the ice captivity, it is also focused on the performance of tourist cruises. Of course, there are no passenger cabins on the vessel, so tourists are placed in ordinary cabins of the composition of the ship. However, the board of the ship is equipped with a restaurant, sauna, swimming pool and gym.

Short story about the ship

The world's largest icebreaker is "50 years of victory." It was constructed in Leningrad, at the Baltic Plant, in 1989, and after 4 years, it was built and first laid on the water. However, it was not over with financial turmoil. Only in 2003 it was resumed its construction, and in February 2007, tests began at the Finnish bay. The port of His registry became Murmansk.

Despite the protracted start, today behind the ships of the ship - more than one hundred hiking to the North Pole.

The most powerful and large icebreaker "50 years of victory" - on account of the 8th atomic icebreaker, designed and built in the Baltic Plant.


At one time, the Soviet Union did not have equal in the field of building atomic icebreakers. In those days, anywhere in the world there were no such vessels, while the USSR had 7 atomic icebreakers. For example, Siberia is a ship that has become a direct continuation of the atomic installations of the type "Arctic".

The vessel was equipped with a satellite communication system responsible for fax, navigation and telephone communication. It also had all the amenities: a lounge, a swimming pool, a sauna, a library, a training room and a huge dining room.

The icebreaker "Siberia" in history entered as the first vessel, which committed year-round navigation from Murmansk to Dudinka. In addition, it is the second vessel who has reached the top of the planet in the North Pole.

In 1977 (the moment of input of icebreaker in operation) it had the largest dimensions: 29.9 meters - width, 147.9 meters - length. In those days, he was the largest icebreaker in the world.

Value of icebreakers

The importance of such vessels in the near future will only increase, because in the future there are many measures to actively develop natural resources under the bottom of the Great Northern Ocean.

On some sections, navigation on only 2-4 months long, because all the rest of the time all the water is covered with ice thick up to 3 meters and more. In order not to risk the ship and the team, as well as in order to save fuel from the icebreakers, aircraft and helicopters are sent to intelligence in search of a easier way.

The world's largest icebreakers have an important feature - they can autonomously rush along the Arctic Ocean during the year, hacking the bow of an unusual ice shape with a thickness of up to 3 meters.


The USSR at one time had absolute domination in the world in the number of such vessels. In total, seven atomic icebreakers were built in those days.

Since 1989, some icebreakers of this type have become used for tourist excursionscommitted mostly to the North Pole.

In winter, ice thickness in the ocean is 1.2-2 meters in the ocean, and in some areas it reaches 2.5 meters, but atomic icebreakers are able to walk along such waters at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour (11 nodes). In waters, free from ice, speed can reach 45 kilometers per hour (or 25 knots).

Giant Dogostroy

The biggest icebreaker in the world today is "50 years of victory." It was built in Russia in 2007 at the Baltic Plant. The construction of the icebreaker was started in 1989, then due to the financing deficit, was discontinued, and resumed at the end of the nineties. The length of the icebreaker is 159 m, width - 30 m. The power plant consists of two reactors with a total capacity of 75000 hp

Such power could provide electricity a modern megalopolis with a population of 2000,000 people. Icebroke displacement - 25 thousand tons. The giant is able to overcome ice with a thickness of up to 2.8 m at the speed of 18 marine nodes.

The advantages of champion

"50 years of victory" is the eighth icebreaker built in the Baltic Plant, and is the result of an upgraded project of atomic icebreaking type "Arctic". When developing, the designers applied for the first time used in the construction of Canadian icebreaker "Canmar Kigoriyak" a spoonful shape of the nasal tip, which proved high efficiency in the process of running tests.

The vessel has a systemic automatic control complex, which involves a new generation digital sensors. Also modernized the system of radiation and nuclear safety of the energy installation, which has re-released in Gostechnadzor. Atomhod is equipped with a modern antiterror security system. The ecological icebreaker compartment is equipped with the latest equipment for the accumulation and disposal of waste produced in the process of vital activity of the vessel.

Equipment of icebreaker

In the icebreaker team, 138 people, he can take on board 128 passengers. In comfortable cabins, air conditioning systems are installed, there are private bathrooms and toilet rooms, safes, refrigerators, televisions, DVD players and phones. Passenger cabins are divided into standard, junior suite, suite, Victoria Suite and Arctic Suite. The infrastructure also includes a restaurant and two bar, a music salon, a swimming pool with warm sea water, two saunas, gym, sports ground, shop, library, lecture hall, hospital and laundry.

Cruises to the North Pole are becoming more and more popular, although it is, of course, an expensive view of the rest. Many attract the opportunity to visit the northernmost geographical point of the Earth, see the marine inhabitants in vivo: seals, walrles, polar bears. The access of passengers to the navigation bridge is not closed almost around the clock.

Triumphal march

Recently, "50 years of victory" completed another posting of sea tankers through ice Finnish Gulf. In the planned wiring of the services of the largest atomic icebreaker, more than 100 ships took advantage of the world.

See also: