Legends and were Zhiguli. Zhigulevsky Mountains and Underground Residents

Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, then another unlocked Samara engineer Gleb Maximilianovich Krzhizhanovsky (Fig. 1)

he put forward a project for the construction of hydropower plants in the narrowest place of the Middle Volga - in the Zhigulevsky gate (Fig. 2).

The project called in Samara a real stir. At least such a fact, at least such a fact: June 9, 1913 to the city of Sorrento, that in Italy, where at the time the owner of all the Zhigulevsky land lived Count Vladimir Petrovich Orlov Davydov (Fig. 3),

the telegram came from the bishop of the Samara and Stavropol Symeman. In the deposte, he was tearfully begged the graph: "... I urge God's grace for you, I ask for an archpastor notice: on your hedisfactive original possessions of the Samara Technical Society, together with the Bogoto-Engineer Krzhizhanovsky design dams and a large electrical station. Throws the mercy of their arrival to preserve God's peace in the Zhigule ownership and destroy Kramol in conception. "

Project Samara engineer

The graph considered the idea of \u200b\u200bKrzhizhanovsky crazy and did not even think to return to Russia for such a minor occasion. He only instructed his manager in Samara to give a categorical refusal to such construction. However, at that time, Orlov, even in a nightmarly, could not dream that only seven years after the public disclosure, in February 1920, the decision of the Soviet government was formed by the State Commission for Electrification of Russia (GOELRO), and G.M. Krzhizhanovsky was appointed chairman. And on December 23, 1920, he spoke with his famous report on the Goello Plan on the VIII All-Russian Congress of Soviets, where the project received unconditional approval of delegates (Fig. 4).

But only in 1930, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) adopted a decree in which state of the USSR was instructed to "turn the face to the Volgaproof, to make a project, to identify all the possibilities of its structure." It was assumed that already on April 1, 1932, the Council of such construction will be approved by the USSR Council, so that in 1937-1938, the most important natural object was commissioned.

In connection with the above, already in early 1931, the Special Exploration Parties of the Institute "Water and Engineering and Geological Studies for Volgostro" arrived in the Zhigulevsky mountains, which worked here under the general guidance of an engineer Alexander Sergeevich Barkov (Fig. 5).

The detachments of geologists studied the streams of underground Zhigulevsky waters, clarified the inner structure of mountain ranges, they applied a variety of karst structures on a map, first of all the poorly studied cave systems, some of which, as it turned out, perished out all the mountain strata of the Zhiguli almost through. The output of geologists was unambiguous: due to the enormous number of such cracks, emptiness and cavities, almost immediately after the construction of the dam will leak water from the reservoir bypassing the hydraulic dispenser (Fig. 6, 7, 8).

A similar cataclysm will cause almost instant flooding not only of the entire territory of Samara, but also many other cities below it for the flow of the Volga.

It is thanks to this detailed survey of geologists from the group A.S. Barkova Government of the USSR after the Great Patriotic War It was forced to abandon the project of the construction of a hydroelectric station in the Zhigulevsky gate, and transfer it to 80 kilometers above the Volga region - to the district of Stavropol. Here, as you know, subsequently, the construction of the hydraulic circulation began, while the largest in the world.

During the 1931-1933, the Geological Party examined the mountain valleys of the Zhiguli in the village of Sel Gavrilov and Lipovaya Polyany, as well as the foot of the Southern Thaws of the Zhiguli - Shelekhmetric Mountains, which go to the Volga between the villages of Wink and toleng. Mining engineers through the caves were able to penetrate the system of the Dungeons of the Samara Luke, where they had never come down the leg of the sister.

Exploration B. underground labyrinthsThey were led by Barkov's geologists, many myths and legends of Samara Luke were to spread. However, in fact, everything happened up to the opposite. During his travels through the Zhigulevsky depths, the surveyors were almost immediately encountered with mysterious and inexplicable phenomena, on non-disclosure of information about which they at one time were given a subscription to the competent authorities. Only through many decades, geologists risked something to tell about what he saw. For example, shortly before its death in 1989, one of the former employees of the Moscow Institute "Water and Engineering and Geological Studies for the Volgaos" (no longer existing) Nikolai Sokolov passed the representative of the "Avesta" some of his manuscripts, which referred to those unforgettable underground Traveling of the 30s. The readers are offered fragments of this entry in the author's processing.

"The cave was filled with bluish shine ..."

"In 1931, the summer was extremely hot and dry. Volga is very rapidly. Then here then from the water rose sand Islands. To approach the cave, which we were going to explore, we had to retain a long time between hops, before you managed to bring the boat to a rock close to Russeck.

We were lucky - thanks to the extremely low level of water in the river, we managed to go to the cave, almost without silent bags and not even swaying the lanterns. Immediately behind the protrusion, the floor of the cave sharply broke down, and the ceiling left somewhere up, forming a large hall filled with water dust. Our travel stream, overcoming a bottleneck, rapidly expanded, and, breaking with the stone protrusion of the rock, fell into the underground lake, twisting his water with a small whirlpool.

The weak light of our lamps did not allow us to see the whole room entirely, but it was still noticeable that the cave ceiling here is very uneven and unstable. Right over our heads, every minute threatened to fall, hubbed huge stone blocks. Moving along the stones, we easily rose to one of the widest holes. It began to be a dry gallery, which was a meter four in height and six meters wide in width. It ended up with a narrow hole of the wrong form, which will give us into a large hall. On this site, we stopped on vacation and lunch.

During the dinner, a very tangible draft was discovered in the oblivious hall. Consequently, the air in this room not only entered, but also went through someone else unknown hole. The search for a new course also took a lot of time, but in the end we still managed to detect a rather narrow gap, go somewhere down and in the depths of the mountain.

When driving around the narrow winding laz, each of us somewhere ahead all the time heard some smooth incomprehensible noise. And when we all got out of the lazium, then clearly distinguished the quiet ringing, similar to the bell. At the same time, the sound source was not visible - because the light of our lamps penetrated far from every corner of the hall. It seemed that this ringing was born somewhere in the depths of the mountain and fills the entire cave.

Strange, but as we are moving around the cave bell ringing Gradually disappeared. In the hall it was wet - with a high ceiling, large water drops were falling, which invariably lay down in the long time of the extended slits, ousting air out of them. Perhaps it is such a drop of droplets and gave rise to the magic bell tall ringing that we were heard in front of this hall.

Here it turned out noticeably colder than in the dungeons previously passed by us. Something along the walls of the cave even lay ice. The oncoming wind increased markedly, and in our light clothes, it could hardly be transferred. And then the gallery turned toward almost at right angles. We stopped, enchanted the picture that discarded us. Ahead lay a huge hall filled with strange bluish flicker. It was so bright that all the surrounding space was easily glanced. It turned out, we stood before an extensive ice field of weak purple color.

Closer to the walls of the cave ice rose up, forming a system of correct cubes. Soon we approached one of the huge ice blocks, lit by the same bluish shine. And here are all dumbfounded: from the depths of the ice shells they looked at us ... a huge bear. Getting on the hind paws, he seemed to be stretched forward as if she was striving to get to the unseasoned aliens.

When the first shock from a meeting with a frozen bear passed, we were all as if enchanted by an incredible spectacle, went further around the hall - from Glyba to Glub. Surprisingly, no one of us has no fear - maybe from exorbitant fatigue. The further we walked, the more frozen exhibits of this strange underground museum we were found. Here, in front of us in the block of ice there was another bear, here is some kind of a huge bird, that is elk, a deer, another bear, and some more incomprehensible beasts are at all ... a real underground pantheon!

How did all these animals come here? How were they frozen in these almost right ice cubes? How much time did they stood in this mysterious dungeon? Replies to all these questions we did not find.

How much we went on the cave after that, it's hard to say. Maybe an hour, and maybe a few hours: the feeling of time for some reason disappeared. But suddenly the semi-free water appeared on the floor of the cave. Here we saw a small stream, from which headally got drunk.

Resuning a few minutes, we went along the stream into one of the side galleries. The move was gradually joined, and small pebbles appeared on the floor, fasteners of clay, and, finally, dry leaves of trees. It became, the surface of the Earth is somewhere completely close! And in fact, passing only a few turns, we saw a way out of a small cave. It turned out that this cave went to the bottom of some kind of low-rise forest ravine at the foot big Mountain. Judging by long shadows from trees, a long summer day approached an end. So, our underground journey ended "(Fig. 9, 10).

Ice kunstkamera in the depths of the zhiguli

But even more surprising looks like a story of another employee of a special part of Viktor Ageev, who, with his life, for quite understandable reasons, could not be published. And in the mysterious caves of the Zhiguli, this person fell as follows.

As already mentioned, in the early 30s geologists from the special party A.S. Barkova was engaged in the study of Shiryaevsky shred in the Zhigulevsky mountains (Fig. 11, 12, 13).

But in the far little-known shtrek, the band suddenly unexpectedly fell under the collapse. In the end, everything, except Ageev, got out. Two-day searches for his body under the rubble did not give anything, and the geologist was completely gathered at the list of dead, as suddenly a few days later Ageev appeared himself, descending into Shiryaevo from the opposite slope of the Zhigulevsky mountains. But when the head of a special party A.S. Barkov heard his story about the underground journey, he advised no one else to tell anyone. Only shortly before his death, which happened in the mid-1980s, Ageev allowed to record his memories one of the Kuibyshev local history, putting, however, the condition that the notes will be published only after his death. Therefore, only now separate fragments of his story are offered to the reader's attention.

"When the collapse unexpectedly happened, the familiar outlet of the gallery turned out to be littered. I began to wade forward in narrow laza, where I had never walked myself, nor anyone from the researchers known to me. Sooner or later, I still hoped to go to the surface, because I had a margin of cans and superstars, as well as matches and a lantern with a set of reserve batteries.

After a long wandering under the ground, I eventually went out into the extensive hall, the individual angles of which were filled with ice. In the dark, this ice glowing a weak bluish shine. And here there was something strange - my consciousness was turned off, the feelings of fear and hunger disappeared. I entered a narrow corridor, whose walls were huge ice blocks, closely pressed together. These were precisely separate blocks, and not a solid ice wall.

The most amazing thing is that the core of each of these huge columns occupied a certain creature, as if frozen into ice. Such ice crystals here, apparently, there were many thousands, and unprecedented, fantastic monsters were playing inside each of them.

It is extremely difficult to describe these creatures. I remember the big head, hanging over the body, huge facetful eyes swing, a large bump, small, pressed to the stomach hands with three fingers. The torso is something like a soft cocoon, rolled into the tube and also supproved to the stomach (Fig. 14).

The further I walked along the corridor, the more sizes became ice blocks. Monsters prisoners in them were also more and more larger. Here I met several crystals, the inside of which was tightened by a cob of thin cracks. I felt incomprehensible sadness near such crystals.

So I walked around this gloomy panopotikum, the other, then the third one. And then suddenly I saw that the ice corridor was split. In the left, as far as the eyes grabbed, all the same monotonous cubes were drawn with smarry freaks. But in the right there were ice crystals with almost the same monsters, but for some reason, there was no longer a tide on their heads.

Here my body, somewhat remembered, chose the right corridor. Further the big temporary piece just fell out of my memory, but the vague feeling was preserved that I still went somewhere forward on the same branch. The next preserved memory was the picture of a small expansion of the corridor, in the center of which on the floor would like two solar bunny superimposed one on the other. Since there was no possibility to get around, I stepped into the center of the luminous spots. At that time, something monstrous from all over the scope struck me on the head, and after that, the failure of the failure in memory.

I woke up at the top of the Pop Mountain, which is about kilometers in ten from Shiryaev. My face blew the fresh wind, and in the eyes beat sunlight. At the time of the inclusion of consciousness it seemed to me that a big dog was sitting next to me, but I can't vouch for this. Already later I found out that my journey underground took five days "(Fig. 15).

What was it?

This is what his opinion is on this:

When analyzing the above texts, the question immediately arises: how reliable they? Despite the incredibility of the described phenomena and events, let's nevertheless try to argue strictly scientifically.

The very existence of significant underground voids in the Karst rocks of the Samara Luke - the fact is indisputable. But there were caves described by the campaigns in the Zhigulevsky dungeons, and whether they still exist - this is the question! After all, it is known that the construction of a cascade of the Volga hydroelectric power plants in the second half of the twentieth century has changed the entire hydrological regime of the river in the territory Samara region. In particular, the water level at the dam of the Volga HPP named after V.I. Lenin (now Zhigulevskaya HPP) rose by 29 meters, in the Saratov reservoir at Samara - 5 meters away, and Syzran is 11 meters away. Without a doubt, the rising water flooded all underground emptiness, and the increased water pressure probably destroyed the entire cave system together with its contents described above.

As for the purple glow in the dungeon, the very fact of its detection is deep underground can cause a completely understandable question from the uninitiated person. Meanwhile, the purple ice color indicates the presence of significant radium inclusions. It is the decay of this radioactive chemical element that should cause stable ionization of air, and, consequently, the glow of it and the surrounding rocks.

The presence of radium, uranium and other radioactive chemical elements in the depths of our region, including in the vicinity of Samara Luke, has already been confirmed by the latest geological studies. It is also assumed that some uranium and radium layers that occur relatively close to the surface of the Earth may be the basis for developing this new for the Samara region of minerals.

An even greater distrhea is the descriptions of underground travel on mysterious ice "kunstkamers". Meanwhile, something similar to us has already demonstrated the caves of the Mountain System Cugitang in Turkmenistan, open by speleologists in 1984 (Fig. 17, 18, 19).

Then many central newspapers wrote in detail about this find. In the Cuttang caves, animals have fun in them mummified - so why in the Zhigulsky caves the local unwitting prisoners could not be frozen in ice boulders? After all, the presence of ice in the Zhigulevsky dungeons scientists and local historians reported more than once. For the first time, by the way, the mention of ice caves of Zhiguli is found in the monastic geographical traveler of the edition of 1689. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, the compilers of a detailed plaster music map of the Zhigulevsky mountains described in these places a set of caves, inside which even in the midst of the summer there were whole icy deposits. In particular, the Topographer M. Noinsky in 1902 noted the emergence of an "underground passage to a very deep icy cave near the village of Podgor".

As for the bears, they used to be really found on the territory of the Samara Luke and the Zhigulevian mountains. However, the latest mention of the meeting with them in these places belong to the nineties of the XIX century. Nevertheless, already in the twentieth century in the caves of Zhiguli more than once found remains of prehistoric bears - in particular, in the 60s in the dungeons near Sela Shiryaevo (Fig. 20).

Expeditions here led an expedition under the leadership of the famous Soviet archaeologist Otto Nikolayevich Badeder (Fig. 21).

It is more difficult to deal with the descriptions of the lizard-like monsters enforced into the blocks of ice. However, this fact can be found a modern explanation. In the 70s of the last century, the Canadian paleontologist Dale Russell, studying the remains of fossil lizards from the kind of stashonihosaurov who lived in Jurassic time (that is, about 150 million years ago), came to the conclusion that the representatives of this group of the brain size for a very short period In more than ten times. Now it has already been established, what should be the appearance of this hypothetical monster. He stood out a big head, scorched at the expense of a highly increased brain. He should have moved on two legs, and when walking his body occupied a vertical position - as well as a modern man. At the same time, its upper limbs transformed into hand with three fingers, one of which was strongly opposed to the other remaining. Growth - from 1.3 to 1.5 meters. In a word, almost a complete coincidence with the description made by the geologist lost in the dungeon. Such hypothetical intelligent dinosaurs are called serpentoids (Fig. 22).

It is assumed that about 70 million years ago, as a result of a space catastrophe (most likely, the fall on our planet of the major asteroid) dinosaurs very quickly disappeared from the face of the earth, giving way to mammals and birds. However, it is possible that few groups of these creatures were still able to continue until later than the planet's separate secluded corners - the so-called refugiums. One of these shelters could well become cave systemThe prevailing about 15 million years ago in the depths of the Zhigulemi mountains and their revolts.

How to treat the stories of geologists of the 30s - this is the personal matter of each researcher. However, it is worth noting that repeat all the travels described above in the Zhigulevsky dungeons are now hardly possible. Surely, most of them have already been destroyed after the water level in Kuibyshev and Saratov reservoirs has risen. Therefore, researchers would be very interesting to obtain new confirmations regarding published above information about the caves of the Samara Luke.

Fiery balls over the river mustache

On the mysterious inhabitants of the Zhigulevsky dungeons and the vision associated with them are said in almost all local legends and legends. In particular, the ghostly phenomena, which not only pass "red thread" through all Zhigulevsky legends, should be put in one row, but also have been observed in a number of Points of Samara Luke. The most famous of them is the so-called Mirage "Peaceful City", which mentions in his book another Holstein traveler Adam Olearia, who visited the Volga region in the seventeenth century. Another name of the same phenomenon is the "Fortress of the Five Luns", the "White Church", "Fata-Morgana" and so on.

On the Samara Luke and in the Zhigulevsky mountains to this day there are villages, the history of which has several hundred years. This, for example, the village of Shelengmet, Shiryaevo, Podgori, trees, aware, asclahs and many others (Fig. 23, 24, 25).

Information about their very first residents are lost somewhere in the depths of centuries, and therefore even famous traveler Peter Pallas, who visited the local edges in 1768, already called these villages "old". It is not surprising that, for hundreds of years of communicating with the wild, Zhigulian nature, the local peasants often faced with something mysterious and incomprehensible, and this was then remained in the memory of the people in the form of legends and byil.

For example, local traditions say that not only in the current, but also in former times, people have repeatedly seen some flying flames and other incomprehensible objects, whose nature is still unclear for scientists. In connection with this very attractive for an alone, the point of the Samara region to this day remains a rattle - a mountain range in the Syzran area, which is located near the village of the same name.

Here, in the Racial Mountains, on the very edge of the Zhigulevskoy dislocation, is the source of the river mustache, which hesitates the Samara Luka to an almost complete water ring. The local mountains are inferior only to the most high heights Zhiguli, and on their slopes between the bizarre rocks, the remains in the time immemorial, many caves, karst funnels and failures (Fig. 26-30) were formed (Fig. 26-30),

of which they beat Rods. There are many legends and myths that bring researchers to another mysterious underground race with these places.

According to local legends, in the local caves, many thousands of years lives a dwarf people, which the local chuvashi is called "Uybeed-Tail". This phrase can be translated as "a man is a shaggy monkey", as well as "Man-Filin" (Fig. 31, 32, 33).

It is said that even in our time, these strange creatures are even rare, but still found people in the local mountains. Imagine a dwarf taking no higher navel of the middle person, but with huge eyes and with a face covered not that wool, not that feathers. It is clear that someone from among those who met such a "horror" called him monkey, others - Filin. That's how Chuvash had the name of this mysterious underground people.

Another equally mysterious phenomenon of the Zhigulevsky mountains looks like this. According to local residentsFor this day, it is possible to see strange fiery balls of approximately two-meter diameter to this day and with a tail. It is said that those of the villagers who lived here two to three dozen years, at least once in their life I saw this mysterious phenomenon. In Chuvashski, they are called "Patvalka-Wam", which just means "Fiery Ball".

As one of the eyewitnesses of this phenomenon told the Golklore gatherers, "Pattage Bow" usually flies slowly and not far from the surface of the Earth. But the most incredible part of this legend says that these fiery balls can ... turn into a person! Allegedly villagers are known to specific cases when such embodied men's aliens embodied in the men came to the village where they ... cohabit the local women! And the children born from this strange marriage were either died, or quickly turned into the legendary underground men "Uybeed-Tail".

Another group of Zhigulevsky myths and legends concerns the underground world of these Volzhsky Mountains, which for scientists to this day remains a real "terra incognita". In particular, there are very interesting epics about certain ghostly men who suddenly appear from under the ground and also suddenly disappearing. They say that these white dwarfs "are so transparent that trees are visible through them." In local fast, they are described as follows: "The man of small growth, with a bony body, with leather covered with scales, with huge eyes, a dead look and a mysterious property for the movement of consciousness from the body into the body." Recent words, apparently, mean the presence of telepathic abilities from underground residents.

Fate "Stone Horse"

On some conclusions, which follow from the attentive study of the myths of Samara Luke, again tells the President of the Non-Government Research Organization "Avesta" I.L. Pavlovich (Fig. 34).

With our edge, a huge number of legends, quickly, legends, tales, and so on. Serious researchers are practically not learning them, although legends are a whole reservoir of our past, which has deep historical roots. That is why for more than 15 years we have been studying this unofficial, as if hidden in the legends and myths of the history of our region. Traditions and epics are also good because they are the works of only an exceptionally simple people, stations in its memory.

We do not believe without reason that such a "hidden story" concerns primarily the poorly studied Samara dungeons. After all, the underground world of Zhiguli, Samara Luke and the entire Samara region as a whole is still learned extremely weakly. Meanwhile, in the legends and legends of the past, to this day, the most interesting information about the many caves of the Volga coast, where not only robbers and tramps lived, but also sorcerers and even whole underground peoples.

There are no information about the fact that any serious researchers studied the possibility of existence in the dungeons of the Samara Luke a special human race. But are the above-mentioned legends, as well as archaeological finds, can not be a reason for the interest of scientists?

Our group has repeatedly organized an expedition to the Zhigulevsky Mountains, and in the Syzransky district - in the rattling tract, which is located near the village of Smolkino. It is in its surroundings that the source of the river mustache is. Here, on the slopes of the Racket Mountains there are many caves, bizarre stone blocks, springs, failures. All of them in combination form an unusually beautiful area with which many legends and myths, withdrawing researchers, all on the same mysterious underground race.

From local residents, we once again heard the legends about the "Uybey-Tail" and "Pattalka-Bow". We also saw several deepening in the rocks left after the visit of fiery balls. They look like a pit, and not as a karst failure - as if she was neatly digging the excavator, and then smoothly fired the edges. Explain the origin of such pit, I think, only experts will be able to.

And near the village of Gremyachy, the locals showed us a huge stone, where at night there are alleged cavemen to worship. This rock even externally resembles her head either Filina, or monkeys - in general, "uybeed-tale". True, the traces of any rites near this stone we could not find it.

But we independently made a rite with another stone that the local called the "stone horse" (Fig. 35).

True, he was very similar to a huge horsepower lying on Earth. Having heard from the villagers who went with us that if this stone was generously pouring water, it would soon be raining even in the drought, we did, we did: poured onto the "stone horse" the whole stock of the twenty-block bottle.

At that moment there was a thirty-fi-degree heat, and there was no cloud in the sky. You can imagine our amazement when minutes twenty after the specified procedure above the forest suddenly appeared a tuchka, which in front began to grow, and in a few minutes on us and in fact large rainy drops were shed!

The tele-operator was over again: he began to shout on the participants of the experiment, that under such a shower he could not work. Thank God that the rain ran out quickly and as suddenly, as it began. After an instant, the tuchka disappeared somewhere, and the sun was bright again over the forest.

The ride described above took place in 2004 (Fig. 36, 37, 38).

And soon after the first reports about this expedition, the sad news came to us. It turns out that one day, some enterprising Deltsi came to the mountains with a truck and lifting crane, after which the said stone in the shape of a horse head is simply ... disappeared. Apparently, now he lies at the cottage of some local merchant, who proudly shows him his friends. However, the kidnapper will not be able to cause rain with his help: he did not take into account that the "stone horse" shows his miracles only in the mountains, in his native element.

Scientists from the Samara Non-Governmental Research Organization "Avesta" have already been studying abnormal phenomena, which are often marked in the districts of the Zhigulevsky mountains. Explanation with such phenomena, as surprising, researchers are often found in ... local folklore.

How to appear Samara bow

Scientists "Avesta" for the true time a lot of confirmations have already been collected for a unique guess, the essence of which is subsequent. The steep crawler, located on average Volga flow and referred to as Samara Luka, should be its appearance ... engineering activity of extraterrestrial mind.

This is what the "Avesta" engineer Igor Pavlovich says this.
"You never thought about such a geographical mystery: Why did the Volga river in his own middle the course suddenly come in handy rings a small ring (all of any 100 km long) Zhigule mountain chain? It would seem that river waters, in coordination with the laws of physics, kneading the creation of this kind of "loops" should be reduced its own way and head to east of Zhiguli, in fact, where this moment The riverbed of the river mustache passes. So after all, this tiny mountain ridge, folded from soft limestones and dolomites, for now millions of years shows unheard of resistance in front of once per second by Volzhy waters on it ...

"Avestovtsy" imply that in the thicker of the Zhigulevsky mountains at great depths for many millions of years there is some technical device, at one time made by old supercivilization. This device makes a certain power field around itself, which is just preventing the flow of aqua streams through mountain ridge. That is why the Volga for all these millions of years is obliged to ride the Zhigulevsky Mountains, making a strange one in the form of a semicircle, which is now referred to as Samara Luke.

Most likely, this hypothetical geomashine is some of the stream of power fields - electrical, gravitational, bio or others, we are not yet recognizable. Specifically, these fields have already been more than 10 million years old and help Zhigulevsky limestone (which, as understandable, are very susceptible to water) to delay the ancient river bed in a measured position, not allowing even the insignificant displacement.

It is asked why all this is needed hypothetical alien civilizations? Apparently, in order for the underground energy complex, fueling the out-space channel uninterrupted for millions of years, fueling the world with the earth's surface. Such a channel can play the role of a specific cameraman, through which a given civilization will see everything that happens on our planet. This is confirmation - strange mirages, which are often observed in the sky over Samara Luke, as, in general, and over some other points of our planet.

Geological proof

The words of Igor Pavlovich comments on the Associate Professor of the Samara Aerospace Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Analyst Avesta Group Sergey Markelov.

Reading in one of the scientific collections published by Moscow State University in 1962, an article on the geological structure of the Volga-Ural region, I found an unusual scheme in it. It was depicted incision of the earth layers in the area of \u200b\u200bSamara Luke, which were very similar to the contours ... a huge capacitor! Each simply remembers the physics school, as this electrotechnical device is arranged: the electronic charge is accumulated in parallel with metal plates, and its value is limited only by the punching strength of the gasket between the plates.

In the earth's crust under the Samara Luke, the role of such plates is played parallel to the electrically conductive layers, between which limestone and dolomites are located. The size of this capacitor is amazed - its length is about 70 km! In fact, the case, here we see the real embodiment of the energy geomashin, about which Igor Pavlovich mentioned above.

How to demonstrate calculations, between the plates of the Zhigulevsky capacitor can
For a long time, exist an electronic field with cyclopic parameters of tension. As needed electron charge, simply spend on the most different goals. By the way, as can be seen from the device of this huge "device", not a single sensor located outside the "repository *, it will not be able to show the availability of electricity in the depths of the earth's crust on this site.

Geological data are praying that the very existence of such a tremendous underground capacitor is unique phenomenon In the crust of our planet. None of the masting geologists on the distance never met with the similar structure of terrestrial layers. Of course, it is possible to iron about the natural origin of this unique geological object, but with equal probability can be arguing about the role of the uncharted mind in its appearance.

According to a guess, the activities of hypothetical underground geomashine in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Zhigulevsky mountains, apparently, causes mysterious phenomena in these places - chronomi-ie. Local farmers watched the ghostly town, air locks and flying islands of another one hundred years ago, and for this period of time, there were countless epics and legends. Here is one of these descriptions from the "Avesta" collection:

"Some glowing square appeared on the clouds, and the image of a stepped pyramid appeared. She stood on some plateore, steeply tearing down. Under Mountain, the plain was observed, crossed by the river. With all this, the beam of view was inclined to the plane plane approximately 15 degrees. The memory was such that the plain, the river and the pyramid are observed from the aircraft, soaring at an altitude of 8-10 kilometers. "

A more famous of such phenomena is a mirage of a peaceful town, which in most cases tourists are spoken, resting near the youth and Usinsky Kurgans. Other ghosts from the same number - Fortress 5 Lun, Snow-White Church, Fata Morgan and others. These anomalies from time to time are observed in the midst of wide lake labyrinths, which spread between the villages of Mordovo and Bruzyna, in the very south of Samara Luke. According to observers, here at dawn in front of the amazed traveler may at one moment seem the ghost city, so that after a minute, another abyss again.

Footprints of the disappeared native

In all the signs, the hypothetical extraterrestrial mind in its own activity on our planet was relied on some earthly civilization, which in exchange for cooperation received from uncompleable technical knowledge and unheard of materials, traces of which archaeologists often find in the most sudden places. How specifically this cooperation was and for what it was useful to alien reason, researchers still have to solve.

But aliens, as it turns out, was far from always could help their Earth partners. So, from old legends it follows that the Peninsula of the Samara Luke, in fact, from all sides surrounded by water, several thousands of years ago became last stronghold Some of the magnificent race of fireplongs. Castly aggressive tribes, these people, in the end, got to Zhigulevsky mountain Massiva, where they were able to finish hiding from the persecution in inaccessible caves and mountain gorges. Streamed underground people, mention of which one can find in the Zhigule legends and legends, apparently, was the remnants of the magnificent of the old race, which for thousands of years faithfully served as an extraterrestrial reason.

Information about mysterious civilization, very developed for his own time and quite suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth, are fully consistent with the time of existence in the South Urals, on the ground of modern Chelyabinsk region, the hypothetical town of Arcaim, who apparently was the most important cultural and economic center of this old people. For example, Arcaimians still thousands of years ago knew the metallurgical creation, which states about the highest level of their knowledge.

According to archaeological data, in the 2nd millennium BC of our era of Arkim on the unknown so far, almost one day ended its existence. Right behind this, with the expanses of the Eastern European Plain, the mysterious civilization was very rapidly disappeared. Specifically, the remnants of these tribes-fireplants are meant, and they took place in the caves of the Samara Luke, so that the underground race then to establish here. In general, this is just just a guess.

edited news Elfin. - 2-08-2013, 21:06

Near Samara River Volga loop envelopes the Zhigule Mountains, forming one of the most interesting, beautiful and at the same time the abnormal zones of the planet and our country. Even this bend itself is a riddle of mysteries - the Volga with a huge mass and the strength of the water flow for some reason did not break through the strokes folded by soft rocks, and envelopes his huge loop, makes looking through through strong granite rocks in the area of \u200b\u200bSamara and Tolyatti. The appearance of this river bending from the board of the aircraft - the spectacle is awesome - he was convinced.

Zhiguli, for a weakly savvy in the geography of a person - no more than a car release of AvtoVAZ plant. In fact, this Russian car gave their name a unique Zhigule Mountains.

As you know, the area is a process of long, which takes several hundred million years. But all this multi-million history of the formation of the Zhigulav mountains can be read as a book, on the exposure of rocks. The most ancient sedimentary breeds of Limestone and the Dolomites of the coal system - go to the surface and it is precisely the considerable part of the mountains.

Previously, the channel of the Volga took place in the places where the mouth of the juice river is now. Then the row with the movement of the plain part was shifted to the West, where at the time the impregnable Zhiguli was stood. So it happened until the Volga "hugged" from the South and the North of the Zhigulevsky Mountains, taking the shape of a stretched bow, or Luke.

An interesting monument of the coal period is the effernsion of the Kurgan (Mount of Perezka) - it rises from the water with a sheer wall with clear formations of rocks whose age reaches 200 million years. Numerous prints and fossils of mollusks - " screw fingers", Stems of sea lilies, mesh mesh, pieces of coral colonies - genuine documents of the time of the formation of mountains, because a lot of millions of years ago, Zhiguli were the bottom of the ancient ocean. Limestones, gypsum and other breeds covering the peaks of the Zhigul Mountains were stacked the same Sea, but in the next period - Perm. There are marks here traces of the seas of Jurassic and chalk periods.

But, despite the honorable age, Zhiguli remain almost unchanged, which made it possible to form unique flora and fauna. There are many endemics here, that is, species of animals and plants that can be found only in Luke. Such a unique formation occurred due to the spatial isolation of the animal and vegetable worldactually limited from all sides by the waters of the Volga bed.

Riddles of the Zhigulevsky caves

As a result of natural counterting in the depths of the Zhigulevsky Mountains there was an extensive network of caves. And although this network cannot be unique, the Zhigule caves attract many people, including scientists. The latter have conducted a number of scientific research here in order to detect parking a Paleolithic person. Unfortunately, there were no obvious traces in the Zhigule caves, but the researchers found a simple explanation: it is known that the limestone is very fragile, so the caves of the Paleolithic era simply could be buried under powerful columns.

Instead of parking a Paleolithic man, Archaeologist K.I. Unclean in the middle of the last century found on Luke the remains of an ancient settlement fortification, presumably 11-12 centuries. The local population is also heard about this or similar strengthening, they have a lot of legends on this. It follows that the inhabitants of the settlement had a whole network underground transitions, secret mines and galleries leading, including the settlement to the wets on the Volga.

There are mysterious legends about the secrets of the caves of the monastery and the Popov Mountains.

According to one of them, there are extended moves in the monastery mountain, where many mummies are preserved: some are sitting in niches, others lie in stone sarcophagas. In addition, in the throne holidays, Bralaki often heard from the depths of the monastery mountain solemn morning and evening ringing.

For another legend, it was here that, in the vicinity of the village, Malaya Ryazan, the harm would be located the lair. Razin - "Cave of Razin", from which the moves stretch through all the Zhigul. It was this feature of the cave allowed Ataman to unexpectedly appear almost anywhere.

From the foregoing, you can make two conclusions. Firstly, the Samara Luke area is saturated with a variety of myths, legends and legends, some of which are slightly lower. Secondly, the caves pass under the entire array of the Zhigulevsky mountains, although many of them are not available because of the collapse.

Yes, the caves are an attractive place that hides in itself a lot of amazing. I'll tell you about such amazing findings.

Popova Mount

Zoo in the caves

The first story refers to the times of Comrade Stalin. The GPU detachment found a vaulted type cave in the Zhigulevian mountains, in which ice cubes were kept with frozen ancient animals. Unfortunately, it was further - a story is silent, it is known only that the cave was inspired, and the detachment was destroyed.

The same amazing finds were discovered by the participants of one of the numerous research groups. Once in one of the caves of this "underground world", they also found an ice "system of the right cubes." In one of them, the group participants discovered a huge bear, in the other - a huge bird, in general, the further a group was, the more frozen animals were met by: moose, bears, birds and very incomprehensible beasts.

Ice cave

But in this story there is nothing supernatural: there were really bears on the territory of Samara Luke and the Zhigulemi mountains. The testimony of this is the remnants of prehistoric "clubboys", which have repeatedly found in the caves of the Zhiguli in the twentieth century, in particular in -60s in the caves near Sela Shiryaevo. In ice cubes, there is also nothing abnormal - there are more cases that the people or whole groups lost in the cave or whole groups also frozen into ice cubes.

The third story in the topic of "Olondenyevsky" was told by a person famous in Samara. Having failed in one of the caves, he went into the hall filled with ice cubes. The core of these ice cubes was occupied by a kind of creature: "The head hanging over the body, huge facetful eyes, a large glowing bump, small, coarse and pressed backs or pens. The torso is something like a soft cocoon, rolled into the tube and also pursed to the stomach. " Fortunately, this underground adventure ended unexpectedly - having lost consciousness from hitting the cave, the traveler woke up on top of the Pop Mountain. How this movement occurred, so far for him remains a mystery.

The origin of these strange creatures was able to explain the modern science. Not so long ago, Canadian paleontologist Dale Russell, studying the remains of fossil lizards from the kind of stashonihosaurov who lived in Jurassic time, that is, about 150 million years ago, set an exemplary appearance of this hypothetical monster. First, he was distinguished by a big head, scorched at the expense of a highly increased brain. Secondly, he should have moved on two legs, and when walking his body occupied a vertical position. Growth - from 1.3 to 1.5 meters. In a word, almost a complete coincidence with the description made by the geologist lost in the dungeon.

It is assumed that about 70 million years ago, the dinosaurs disappeared from the Space Catastrophe of the Earth, but it is possible that few groups of these creatures were able to continue until later than the planets in certain secluded corners. One of these shelters could well become a cave system in the depths of the Zhigul Mountains.

In addition to the caves and mysterious finds in them, you can distinguish another number of abnormal events that occur most often in the area of \u200b\u200bSamara Luke.


Glowing objects are the most common abnormal phenomena. Luminous greenish balls and light pillars in the area of \u200b\u200bSamara Luke will not surprise anyone.

Light poles are a light flow in the sky, reaching several kilometers in length. They are stationary, and in shape resemble glowing columns or cylinders hanging at an altitude of several tens of meters above the forest or expensive. Such light poles appear here constantly.

Early in the morning of May 1932, located on the square named after M.V. Frunze in Samara, the observer saw a strange "ray of light", which arose for the Volga, over the Zhigulevian mountains. The beam did not have a visible source, however, for some time he hung over the mountains. Having sharply dropped into the water, he caused well visible waves, but after contact with water, this phenomenon disappeared.

In the evening of August 1978, in one of the pioneer in the foot of the Zhiguli, a vertical pillar of light appeared in the sky, which was seen about 200 people. This post hung over the mountains for a few minutes, then began to fall down. Further evidence of contradiction: the vast majority of eyewitnesses simply lost the object from the species, but several people assured that bright rays hit the object in different directions. After that, he disappeared from sight.

From the point of view of strict science, the notorious "pillars of the world" is not a mysticism at all, but a completely real phenomenon that has a natural base. Such a vertical glow above the mountains may appear when the air ionization, which always occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe powerful electromagnetic or radiation radiation. Such radiation can be caused by underground uranium and radium deposits. It is known that in the area of \u200b\u200bSamara Luke, these breeds are located at the depths of only 400-600 meters from the surface of the Earth, and therefore it is quite possible that this natural radiation is periodically breaking out through peculiar "windows" in the thickness of the Zhigulevsky mountains, but how exactly these " Windows ", modern science can not be definitely noticed yet.

The next group of luminous objects is the so-called "feline legs" and "cat ears". Glowing greenish balls appear in groups of three ("feline ears) and five (" feline legs "). Very often the appearance of such balls happens to observe the river. According to their observations, bright dots arise first in the sky. Sometimes the groups "paws" or "ears" appear in pairs. They may freeze for several hours at the same place. Appear when any weather and at any time of the day - and on the background of the starry sky, and on the background of daytime rain clouds.

These glowing greenish balls and separately were repeatedly seen. They appear at a small height and move silently, reminding their outlines a major star.

According to statistics, almost every second observed such glowing balls that flew low above the ground, and then suddenly disappeared. Even I so indirectly became a "half-eyed" of this phenomenon, but then this event did not make such a strong impression on me, which the following information was produced.

Locals, and my grandmother, in the form of a fiery ball, describe a kind of creature Eyvs, in Russian - Letun. It is believed that Eyvs is just the deceased dead man. And it seems like, such balls should be avoided and feared because of strong maliciousness. The phenomena of this were very afraid, because it was believed that Letun could cross, and such cases were, and people after visit could be paralyzed.

There is another myth on this topic - the myth of the local deity Keremet. On him, Keremet is in the form of a "fiery ball" or "glowing snake with tail" after the death of a person. The same myth echoes another myth - about the fire snake, which, in principle, is the same. The legend says that when the widow is very grieving about the husband, then the fiery snakes arrive at her. It penetrates through the chimney and takes the appearance of the deceased. After a night, spent together, snakes fly away. But maybe come back.

On the Samara Luke, fire snakes to this day are reality. There is a case when in 1974, hunters shot at one of these fiery coils in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Ascula, and near the village of Old Rashka from a collision with him during the flight helicopter died in 1997. It is believed that the place of the occurrence of fire snakes are gallery.

But the researchers do not believe legends, believing that the residents of the Samara region are taking ball lightning, which are generated in some areas due to the friction of the deep layers of the Earth.

In addition to these obvious light anomalies, there are also strange "foggy" education, frankly violate the laws of physics. Many times, tourists who visited the stone cup were observed very dense small "clouds" of white, in size comparable with the dimensions of the human figure. These clouds are moving along the bowls of the bowl in any directions. By the way, the wind does not interfere with the movement of these clots, which do not change the shape and are not dispelled under the influence of air flows.

Cave elders and other cave inhabitants

But suddenly before twity of the cave;
In the cave an elder; clear view
Calm eyes, brother's gray;
The lamp is lit in front of it;
For an ancient book he sits,
Her carefully reading.

A.S. Pushkin. Ruslan and Ludmila

A participant in one of the groups, moving along a very overgrown path in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rocks of the vocabulary stone, noticed the figure closed in the fog to the left of the trail. An elderly man allegedly crossed the path and merged with a rock.

Any sensible person will immediately exclaim: "Hallucinations!", But for examples of meetings with such elders, not two.

Such a meeting occurred with one of numerous tourists. Having rising somehow in the fall on the Zhigulemi mountains in the fall, he heard somewhere quite near the creaking. As if someone opened the door. Looking around, he saw a cute old man who kept a lunch in his hands. Not far from him, in a sheer cliff, a oak door was visible on rusty hinges. The old man, allegedly, gave a bunch of letters to the next tourist and entered the clock back. The creambed door was crushed again, and everything was smaller. As you yourself understand, no door on the mountain was not later discovered.

In another case, one of the speleologists met with the cave older. He noticed the gap in the rocky wall, went down and got into the dark underground hall. Suddenly, under the arches of the cave, the radiance appeared, in which an old man arose. He told a speleologist that he was still early and disappeared here.

These edges are full of stories about such elders. There are also certain tales about them: it seems like, "deserts" live in the caves - ancient small old men responsible for the redistribution of spring.

But besides them in the caves on the same myths there are darkness-dying varied creatures. For example, some translucent whimsome people are found in Shiryaevsky caves. One of the students of the Samara Medinstitut even met with such a cave representative - a translucent person was released right from the wall, pulling cold.

In addition to them, representatives of the Big Futs tribes are comforted on the Zhigulovskaya Luke. According to scientists, the Zhigule Mountains stopped the giant glacier, frozen the northern territories, and, as mentioned above, they retained to this days, the smalnikovy species of plants and animals. Together with them survived the snowy man, which here is caught since 1929. True, still never caught, but they saw them, allegedly, repeatedly.

Women's Beginning of the Zhigule Mountains

If you try, then you can see many threads connecting the Urals and Zhiguli. At least the mountains that have emerged millions of years ago. Or - Keepers of underground storage rooms, hostess of the mountains in the Zhiguli and the hostess of the Copper Mountain in the Urals. Mountain mistress, like its Ural Sister, owns all the treasures hidden in the caves belonging to her mountains. The cult of the hostess may be the echo of the cult of the goddess of fertility, mother of the earth.

By the way, the matriarchy for a long time prevailed in the area. Anyway in the names. So, before the second half of the XVIII century, the Zhigulevsky Mountains were named Virive, and on the map of 1459 the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountains is referred to as Amazonia.

There are very common stories about wanters sleeping long beds under the Zhiguli. In a rare night, there are legends, the witches fly out from under the water on their stupas, to return and fall back to the urgent hour. You can even find eyewitnesses of these "walks". For example, one of the residents of the city of Tolyatti on the banks of the Volga watched, as a "star" appeared in the sky, which quickly grew and, in the end, turned out to be a "double-foot", folded by wide ends to each other. "Stupa" had dimensions of several meters and a clearly metal housing. From under the water, a cone of the light rose, "Stupa" flew into it, sank under the water and went beyond visibility.

On meetings with the "Stream" were repeatedly reported by pilots in the area of \u200b\u200bSamara Kurumoch Airport - True, they saw them in the sky, and not only above the Zhiguli.

So here there are only two options: or someone else flies in these metal stups (not the witch), or technical progress has reached even the sorcerer, carrying out most of the time in a dream.

Parallel Worlds

Vladimir K. leads holidaymakers for abnormal places. Once, leading a group of tourists from 10 people to white stone, he realized that he absolutely did not know the terrain: there were plain with rare trees instead of ordinary hills. Leaving holidaymakers, he went out to an endless field, where attention immediately attracted a large, elected skull time - two fangs on the upper jaw curled up. But returning to the group, Vladimir again continued his route on the newly familiar area.

Leshego's ravine is one of those places where it is very easy to move from one world to another, people here are someone or something "leads", because of which many lose the direction and a sense of time. So it turns out that the ravine can be passed in 12 minutes, and it is possible for 3 hours.

One guy, wages in the ravine, plutum three days. On the fourth, he still came out, but was completely gray, but only answered all the questions "I will not go there!". Just Gogol "Viy", only modern Homa managed to survive all the difficulties and get out alive.

According to one of the numerous legends, the spirits of different gods are on duty in the ravine. According to Vladimir's stories earlier, the ravine was guarded by three wilts of God Veles. And since God Veles is considered a patron saint of livestock, then not one equestrian could not pass, horses just went crazy.

Scientists studying similar anomalies conclude: in this place there is a blocking of the human subconscious. Most often, the perpetrators of this are electromagnetic radiation that affect the chore of the human brain, and people lose orientation in space and time.

"Biological Protection Belt"

Another riddle is the so-called "Biological Protection Belt" guarding some paths in the Zhigulevsky Mountains. According to researchers, today it does not exist - for some unexplained reasons he disappeared. After analyzing the entire set of data obtained, it can be assumed that as a phenomenon of the Biological Protection Belt existed in the period 1989-1992. When crossing the person of this belt, the animals, especially small rodents, birds and insects were purposefully attacked by people.

Susliki was dirty with a dead grip, picked up birds, insects, in unreal quantities, literally did not give passage, despite any means "from bloodsowing insects."

This also includes aggressive behavior of dogs. To begin with, they simply refused to move through this border. If they were dragged there by force, they were angry with the owners.

The phenomenon of the "Biological Protection belt" can be attributed to the feeling of sudden gravity in the head, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness, attacks of inexplicable fear.

There were also cases of quarrels and fights between downtry friends who crossed this line.


On the buckwheat field in front of the 19th quarter of the Avtozavodsky district, "Circles" appeared. Untreated buckwheat lay smooth circles and semicircles. The public opinion was unequivocal: UFO landed on the buckwheat field. In addition to the "buckwheat circles," and "wheat" were also found.

The size of the circles reached 15 meters in the diameter. In the centers of some elvenates, wheat curvatures were detected with a diameter of 1-1.5 meters, laid in the opposite direction, rather than the main outlet.

On the edge of the field and deep into it, traces of the wheel tractor type "Belarus" are passing, or some car, but they were clearly made earlier than the eligas themselves were formed. In addition, part of the bias is located away from traces of equipment.

In addition, the protocol indicated that in the summer and at the beginning of the fall in this area there were repeated lights of incomprehensible origin. The lights were white, but very strong - as a searchlight. It was also indicated that these lights did not belong to any technique, as they were stationary and silent. No other technical sources of light in the area could not be located.

Measurement of the length of the sections in the circles of the ranging wheat showed that in the bulk of the ears of 110-130 cm height, but in a number of spots, the height of 80-100 centimeters ranging. Although there are plots where in the center of the spot remained a wheat height of 120-130 cm when a wheat ranging around this center from 80 centimeters.

The overwhelming part of the columns is located within the strip of a width of 30-40 meters, i.e. Just on the plot where an estimated abnormal glow was noted. The rest of the fields does not have, just like the sites of other cultures located across the road.

In the lying plants of wheat, the stem remained smooth, not broken even in the bending place during the season.

The forest plant, mainly birch, located above the slope, had many broken trees, layers at a height of 2, 3 and 4 meters. Directions of the south-east or east.

Miragei is our life ...

Mirage, or Fata Morgana, is also not a rare phenomenon in the area of \u200b\u200bSamara Luke. Fata Morgana is an optical phenomenon in an atmosphere, consisting in the appearance of various images (islands, mountains, cities, castles, etc.) and is a case of a complex and especially spectacular mirage.

Various such paintings were observed in the sky over the Zhiguli from ancient times. The first known written mention of such an observation belongs to the works of the Arab Chronicler of Ibn-Fadlan, in 922-923 who visited these places. According to him, it can be understood that these paintings in the sky are local residents considered, first, manifestation of the world of spirits, and secondly, a completely ordinary phenomenon.

The most striking observation of this kind is the observation made by the famous Dutch traveler Cornelius de Bruin. He arrived in these edges in order to create topographic map terrain. On May 12, 1703, during the strongest flood, he sailed by Samara. The Fortress of Samara, which he saw when approached, was completely from the other side than she was actually. First, he suddenly saw the coast of a pine forest, and the only one was the place - the pine trees near the village of Zaphro. Then, he at the village of Shiryaevo turned to the southwest, although the Volga goes to the southeast - and sails past the high mountain called Tsarev Kurgan.

5 hours later, he sails past Samara, which turns out to be close to the water, and not in 2 versts from the coast, and Samara stretches along the river shore, which also contradicts historical reality. The only explanation - de Bruin sees Samara's Mirage from Samara, projected on the left bank of Samarka, and he himself sails through the ancient, still wholling line of the Volga, again punched by a flood.

From the history of mirages, perhaps this is the most significant.

Message about some mysterious objects - cities, castles, etc., appearing in the fog and rising in the morning over the Volga, can also be found in the first book about the Samara region A.F. Leopoldova. It is called "historical notes about Samara Krai" and released in 1860.

In terms of mirages, the abnormal behavior of Tsareva Kurgan is very attractive, which was mentioned in the story of Cornelius de Bruin. The fact is that sometimes Kurgan is visible from the Bald Mountain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe student ravine, and it is simply impossible to physically see it from this point, it is simply free high mountain Type-Tench. Kurgan becomes visible because in some time intervals there is a heat release, from which the air heats up, and therefore the mirage arises.

Most observed mirages are air, they are visible high in the sky and are completely unnecessary with the surrounding landscape. For example, on June 26, 1989, in 21-15, almost the right square hole appeared in the thunderstorm clouds, it ran bright red ray around the perimeter, then the beam brightly flashed, turned fan and went out. After that, a picture appeared in the cloud "window".

It was a landscape of the sea bay, limited to the grocery of low, crumpled hills. From them, the chain of sand dunes escaped to the water. Above this world existed its own sky, lighted much brighter than our. Within 15 minutes, the review sector slowly turned into a horizontal plane, hiding the hills and opening the water waters. A lot of black dots appeared above the hills, consider which in more detail it was not possible, since the clouds came into motion and quickly dragged the hole.

Other examples of mirage appearance are also interesting. For example, on the island of Zelelenka, people repeatedly saw the ghost of a large brick church for a minute of fifteen. A description of such a surveillance was recorded: Early in the morning of 1955, one of the locals watched on the south side of the island of Zelendic (green - the island of washing, and there was no church there in the riser) a huge building. According to his description, it was like an Orthodox cathedral, isolated from red brick and decorated with golden domes. This building optically completely closed the opposite bank and the part of the island. The picture was stable for 5 minutes, the building was seen extremely clearly, although its individual details were hidden with a light haze, as if sealing through the walls of the cathedral. Then the image began to "melt" and through the pale contours began to be viewed contours of the opposite shore.

Another example of Mirage contains similarities with stories about ghost castles. Such a castle-city was observed by one of the residents of Togliatti in April 1974 on the opposite side of the Volga. Everything was visible so clearly that he managed to consider even cracks in the stone walls. The full moon, illuminating the night landscape, for an hour with existence of Mirage, moving across the sky, illuminated his walls, which indicates that the vision has been clearly the material nature arranged in incomprehensible laws.

Other particularly common Mirage:

The so-called "Temple of the Green Moon", and rather, the tower is lost somewhere on the central plateau. It also meets in mirages and includes an amazing folklore reservoir. There is a theosophical tradition that after the end of the glacial period remained on Earth there are two reasonable races: people and cohesives. The latter were built in various zones of land towers-tomb with huge dungeons. One of them was in the Volga region. The tower, as well as its generation, is in the territory of Luke and has repeatedly introduced into a stupor by their appearance of tourists and local residents.

The "Waterfall of the Tears", which is lowered somewhere in the depths of the Zhigulian mountains, in folklore is associated with the hostess of the mountains, which we have already mentioned. He covers the entrance to her magic underground chambers. Geologistics specialists argue that waterfalls could really exist in the Zhiguli. And the vision of this "waterfall" is tied to such areas of Luke as the tract of the Yelgushi, apple-eye ravine, the area of \u200b\u200bthe stone bowl, where to this day there are water sourcesWe also mention below.

Explanation by the Zhigulevsky mirages scholars found: The fact is that Zhiguli is a huge stone array, located in the center of the colossal depression, from all sides washed with water. Due to different speeds of heating the water masses and limestone, the mountains above this place are formed by light lenses, allowing the opportunity to see very remote parts of the world.

In addition, there are reports, including modern, as well as from police archives, about the disappearance of people, by chance or deliberately left "in Mirage".

Holy source of stone bowl

What kind anomalous zone without holy sources? The stone bowl of the Zhiguli is considered to be such a holy source in Samara Luke. There is nothing particularly outstanding in the stone bowl: a wooden gazebo and homemade, from halves of rusty pipes, stock.

Spring himself beats from crevices in a naked rock: the water from it is cold and tasty. Above the spring is the granite face of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Despite all the simplicity, it is believed that the spring driving in the tract is not even holy, and the miraculous, that is, capable not only for therapeutic effects, but also on wonderful, instantaneous healings. But that the water gained benefit and has a beneficial effect, special training is needed. Therefore, before going to the long road, the Orthodox go to the church, put candles, pray their saints about help and make a lot more, which relies in each particular case.

To all of the time, the location of the source is considered anomalous: near the source you can find such sites, where in a hot day a man throws into the cold or his body shakes strange vibrations.

The stone bowl is rich in several such springs - there are also two other sources here, which they also know - it is generally recognized that water is tastier and "miraculous". However, they are not particularly affordable.

But here scientists are all spoiled by their scientific conclusions. They say: water is clean from what was filtered on the road to the will; Large-minded in composition, has a healing effect on the digestive system, like soda, washing the dirt from the intestine; Delicious from the fact that, like milk, contains calcium, but without fat, and not spoils for five days due to negligible content of silver.

The abode of the gods film Evgenia Bozhenova, Lierada from Samara

Evgeny Alexandrovich Bazhanov - a famous ethnographer-Slavist, writer, film director, author of ten books and several hundred articles in Russian and foreign publications. The film "The Abode of Gods" consists of eight parts of a total duration of one hour twenty minutes. The picture tells about the ancient Vedic culture, about the material and spiritual heritage of Rosso-Ariyev, who lived in the Stone Age and during the bronze era, about the sacraments of the ancient providens. With support for toponyms and hydronicims, on the oldest written sources and miraculously, the remaining traditions, the author proves that the basis of world mythology, the cradle of Rigveda and the Avesta, laid on the Samara Luke and in the surrounding regions. The author found a lot of traces of ancient civilization: a stove with solar and hydronic signs, Alatyr in the Kurgan, Solun Temple and other artifacts. The film is removed based on the book E.A. Bazhanova "Sacred Rivers of Russia" and "The abode of the gods (Cradle of Rigveda and Avesta").

A lot of legends have always walked about the Zhigulav mountains. These places, in particular, are famous for special mirages, luminous fiery objects and UFOs, according to Ufologs, are observed here ten times more often than anywhere.

Someone is joking: the very name of "Zhiguli" comes from the sound of "fat!", Which publishes. In the hope of their own ears to hear this sound and, if you're lucky, to see the mysterious Mirage, the correspondent "AIF" went to the Samara region.

Out on the Volga ...

The windows of the apartment where Oleg Warnik lives, accurately overlook the Zhigulev Mountains. Their chain is well visible for the Volga. We stand on the balcony that warrior from time to time, armed with optical devices, turns into an observation point. And he, the local local history and the vice-president of the research team "Avesta", tells about what he saw from here in the evening of June 26, 1989.

And that still stands in front of his eyes: "That day was the strongest shower, Igor's friend came to me. The rain is over, the tight mass of black and purple clouds was over the zhiguli. And suddenly we see: part of the clouds stopped, and the other went further. The clouds opened the "window", almost the right square hole. And in it - a fantastic landscape: plain on the seashore, cape ... The background of the terrain is orange-yellowish. In the foreground, three or four hills, and they are either Christmas trees, whether Radomaches. Everything is clearly visible. The picture was held for 15 minutes. Then the hill rose some black dots and began to approach. We saw that it was not at all points, but such a rhombic with concave edges, - the warrior takes a pencil and draws. - At that moment, the clouds came to move, and the picture was collapsed. While we watched her, I remembered everything: where does I have a camera? And how it ended everything, I look - he is on the refrigerator right behind his back! "

Oleg Vladimirovich explains that due to high energy saturation, a certain space-time puncture occurred. And the observers saw the terrain of another world. That it was not the earthly landscape, he is absolutely sure.

Such "windows" swallow over the Zhigulian mountains regularly. The first mentions belong to the X century, when the Arab traveler and the chronicler of Ibn-Fadlan visited here. He concluded that for the local population, the picture in the sky, firstly, the ordinary phenomenon, and secondly, it considers them a manifestation of the world of spirits. Another foreigner, Dutch traveler Cornelius de Bruin, watched Mirage with his own eyes on May 12, 1703, when he sailed by Samara. He saw the city fortress at all where she really stood. Messages about the mysterious objects hanging over the Volga - cities, castles - can be found at the ethnographer's writer A.F. Leopoldova who lived in the nineteenth century.

"There are Miragei air, they are visible high in the sky, and there are near-surface," Oleg continues. - Fishermen are often told: they see how a huge wave is moving along the Volga. The anchors begin to cut, swim into the shore in a panic - and the wave seems to be through them. And then goes. "

Oleg Warnik and Igor Pavlovich, heading the Avesta group, amounted to a list of the most popular mirages. Among them - the ghost of the brick church on the island of green, where the temple, by the way, has never been. The Green Moon Tower - it is said in the local folklore. But most often - both in old legends, and in the testimony of contemporaries - the city is mentioned, similar to the classical medieval fortress with stone wall and square towers. He came up with his name - peaceful city. It happened that people who decided to "go to" in this mirage disappeared.

Base of aliens

Among other local phenomena, researchers celebrate the clouds of an unusual form (even cubic and cylindrical are found!), Glowing balls, pillars of light, drowning out of the ground or water, and, of course,.

"How to explain the Samara Mirazhi? - Reasoning Igor Pavlovich. - Zhiguli is a huge stone array, from all sides washed with water. Water masses and limestone, from which the mountains are heated at different speeds. Because of the heating difference, light lenses are formed, giving the opportunity to see parts removed from us. The second hypothesis is complex, it involves the multidimensionality of space-time. According to it, under certain conditions, you can see remote parts not only the planet Earth, but also the universe. After all, the Zhigulav mountains are nothing more than a giant geomashine, a natural source of energy operating on the principle of a solenoid, or an electromagnet. "

The map shows that the Volga envelopes an array of the Zhiguli clockwise. This area of \u200b\u200bthe river, Samara Luke, is an almost closed loop, and researchers compare it with an electromagnetic contour. So, in the center of the contour, in the "core", maybe the appearance of some kind of field, albeit unknown nature.

"Experts on the means of far electron communications will confirm that the location of the Volga's bed and its tributaries is similar to the design of the receiving-transmitting device," Oleg wreck picks up. "We believe that hundreds of millions of years ago a large celestial body fell into the territory of the present Samara Luke. After his impact, the Zhigul Mountains rose, and the Volga, changing the rod, began to contend them. By the way, the meteorite "brought" a lot of minerals here, including rare-earth metals. So, this geomashin generates a whole clutch of power fields - electromagnetic, gravitational, biological and others, we are not yet known. And if some developed extraterrestrial civilization wanted to equip the base on our planet with a receiving device, better place She would not find. "

There are in the depths of the Samara Luke the base of the aliens or not, the establishment has not yet succeeded. But it is precisely emissions of the energy accumulated by "Geomashina Zhiguli", researchers explain those anomalies that are regularly observed here.

Read in the following room: Who are "crossbirds" and how do they protect the mystical kurgan Arrow Tokhtamysh? What is said about UFOs in local legends? And what captured the camera of the journalist "AIF".

Scenario extracurricular activities "Legends and were Zhiguli"

Song sounds "From afar long flowing the Volga River"

As a Volga Mother, along the River-Kormilice

All vessels with goods, Struggs Yes Pouria, -

And did not asshide, and did not touch:

Nosha is not heavy - ships their own.

Down the Volga Floating,

I pass the thresholds I.

And I look at the right banks.

There I move the reed,

Across breaks, -

Right - the shore is stee

Left - rises.

From afar long flow river Volga. The only mountains that Volga meets in its path - Zhigulevsky. By going over them, she makes a loop-emitting. So the Samara Luka was formed - the Volga Miracle Light, with a richest history, unique historical and cultural Heritage, folk tales, legends and legends in which you can find answers to eternal questions - who we come from where we go.

Zhiguli, Zhiguli! ..

And - again before me

Clouds raised

Mountains in the forest.

Riding sliding eyes -
From the cliff to the rock,
Where only toucs soak
Yes, eagles shine.

Easured Volga Prostor -
White surface,
Green mountains
Beauty - grace.

Here before them gets
Behind Kurgan Kurgan,
Where (manitis humans)
"Duma thought Stepan",

Where there is no disaster judge
Runner ruled his court
Where about the will of the native
Stormy song sing ...

Song sounds "Because of the Island on Strazhen"

As it comes in the song "Because of the Island on Strazhen", in one of his trips to Persia Plenyla Pepan Razin Beauty-Princess and, climbing up the Volga, played a wedding here. But the comrades of Ataman originated in the next morning, accusing their freedom of free life and their friends. And then she commanded Stepan Razin to quit the princess in the water to start a new feast, in honor of the former free life. And detected Wolniki ... They say that this legend is a friend, and the witnessed story was a Dutch traveler Jan Stretis, who reflected her in his notes.

It is also assumed that the cliff of Rahin, which comes in the song "There is a Volga Rock," is a Maiden Kurgan. It is believed that here and on Mount the rigged was the Razinki parking, and the treasures of Ataman are still kept in the caves and secret dungeons of Zhiguli.

Song sounds "There is a Volga Rock"

There is such a legend:

I loved a kind well done Ivan a girl of the Pig, the daughter of a rich merchant from the village of Usolye. Yes, only the father of the girl was against the wedding. And then Ivan went to the string and soon and soon for the feats received from Ataman the surname of the youth. And then sent the news of the flesh in Usolye. Pretty the pear of the father's house, in the day rushed to him on the Raven Kon. But he brought the father of the soot along the secret mountain paths of the royal troops, and the ruins were broken down by Ivan on the high Kurgan, saw that he was surrounded. I said goodbye and rushed in the Volga. And here and father with soldiers. I saw their girl, drunk on the next slide and rushed from the cliff. Since then, from the Kurgan Meldetsk, and a small hill, pressed against Kurgan, is the Morning Mountain.

There is another version of the emergence of such a name. On one of the vintage cards, the territory of the Zhigulevsky Mountains is called Amazonia, and the mountains themselves were called by the Vine Mountains. Is the militant Amazons who fascinating myths about which excited the ancient Greeks lived here?

Here the Movie Mountain fell down the fifasy washes in the zybie spill, and above, above the ridge, black, as dots, alone Berkutai whispers pine mane. Music sounds. Girls perform dance.

On the left bank of the Volga, not far from the sign of the river Sok is the Tsarev Kurgan, which was once quite high. What did this Kurgan arose?

Long ago, in a unlucky goodina,
She walked the tsar with the unpretentious Horde;
And led the hordes to the Lord
Zhiguli arrange their holidays.

There was a lowland coast of hot summer.
To see the Stan of Extensive and River,
The king ordered Horde his obedient
On the header to complete the sand.

Erected the Kurgan from afar is noticeable;
On him, the tent was spread then.
The king rested with his hope of his indispensable,
Then I left unknown where.

Passed century. On the Volga and today
That whole Kurgan, example, sometimes:
What kind of power in the human felt strength
Led by one.

Song sounds "Zhigulevsky suffering"

There is a protected place in the Zhigulevsky Mountains - a stone bowl is called. Here is the source of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Many legends are associated with it.

That was a long time ago. In the first centuries of Christianity. In the small settlement in the place of Sela Shiryaevo lived woln-loving bumps. Was in the village of Church in honor of St. Nicholas Wonderworker. A priest served in the temple and his assistant was he had a Ponomar boy. Served them properly. But the hordes of Tatarskaya flew out, squirrelied everything from the road, the temples destroyed, people killed. He took the priest the most expensive from the temple, went to the mountains with a novice and threw the liturgical vessels in the cave, and they returned to the village, grabbed their Tatars yes let's torture. The father died. Without giving secrets. It was terribly a boy, drowning his heartly in displacement, and he led him to the place to the cherished. She grabbed the leader of the Khan's bowl with hands unclean, wanted to throw it. But it was not there. The bowl of the arms of the screen was released, and it was high in the sky. And at this place a miraculor source scored.

Green Mountains! .. Here, every hillside wears the name -Glows of the ravines, the clefts are hugged at home with an immemorial fracture moss of the loyal. Today we told you a small part of these legends. Remember. That these are legends about our homeland.

We are often "homeland", implying a big country. But there is another homeland - with quiet dawn of the Volga Coast, with the tops of the Zhigulevsky mountains in a foggy haze. The place where from afar - the Volga River flows for a long time.

And it is this homeland who recalls away, thoughts return to her, the heart stretches to it.

Song sounds "from afar - long flows the Volga River"

The poem of Vladimir Vysotsky, Apollo Corinthian, Alexander Navrotsky, Dmitry Sadrotnikova was used in the formulation.

See also: