Extracurricular event on the topic: "Seven wonders of the world. Class hour on the topic "Seven Wonders of Light Competitive Event about 7 Wonders of Light

Teacher's introductory word.

Pyramids of Egypt.

Pyramids - Majestic Tombs of Pharaohs - as if they grow from the sands of the desert. The oldest of them, the Pyramid of Pharaoh Josrara - the world's first stone structure of such huge sizes (its height of 60 meters). But the pyramid of Heops, who had previously stood up for almost five thousand years, rose height at 147 meters. Blocks of this great Pyramid So carefully were polished and driven one to another that the blade of the knife was impossible to the gap between them.

Temple of Artemis Efesse.

According to legend, the construction of the temple of Artemis in Ephesus lasted 120 years, all the states of Malaya Asia took part in it. Easy, elegant marble building caused admiration and surprise of all who had a chance to see her.

Galicarnas mausoleum.

Zodhchi was planned by the tomb of the Tsar Mauchast as a rectangular building of about 66 wide, about 77 and 46 meters high. Mausoleum (so later began to call such structures by the name of Tsar Mawsol) was decided to put in the center of Galicarnas, on one of the widest streets of the city that risen over the market square.

Alexandrian lighthouse.

Not far from the city, on the island of Faros, the world's largest lighthouse was built - a three-story tower with a height of about 180 meters. The third floor was a round-shaped lantern, his bronze statue of god of the Seas of Poseidon is 7 meters high. In the lantern burned fire lighthouse, the light of which intensified by the system of metal mirrors.

The creator of this miracle was Sostrat Book. The lighthouse stood until the XIV century. By that time heavily destroyed, he still caused admiration. The remnants of the high pedestal are preserved to the present day, but they are not available to archaeologists and architects, since they are built into a powerful medieval fortress.

Hanging gardens Semiramids.

In the brilliant time of its existence, the city of Babylon represented a quadrilateral surrounded by high walls with 100 gates, through which the R. Eugerat is projected. Babylon, his beauty and wealth, plunged into the amazement of everyone who had a chance to visit there.

But the wonderful hanging gardens amazed, broken down at the palace on the command of the king Nebuchadnezzar for his beloved wife, Misei Tsarevna Amitis, who gave her homeland's shady forests. Gardens were located on platforms raised on powerful columns. Garden tiers were made by ledge, they were connected by wide stairs from plates of white and pink. Folded towards the cool wind, which usually, usually, from the north-west, the gardens - their fragrance, shadow and coolness - in the chandom Babylon seemed to people miracle. Already after the death of Babylon and hanging gardens, the legend continued to live about them.

The Colossus of Rhodes.

Having won in 305 BC. The victory over the precipitated Rhodes of the famous commander Demetrius, the inhabitants of Rhodes decided to marry this event by the construction of the giant bronze statue of the God of Helios, the patron saint of the island. The choice of Rhodians fell on the Hares sculptor. The work lasted 12 years. Hares erected the statue of an unprecedented height - in 70 elbows (about 35 meters).

In 220 BC Rhodes underwent a destructive earthquake, many people died under the wreckage of buildings. Roman writer Pliny Senior, who lived in the first century AD, visiting the island, wrote that even now, when Colossus lies on Earth, he is surprising and admiration. Not every person can bite both hands the thumb of the statue.

Statue of Zeus in Olympia, logged in fid.

Zeus Olympic, sitting on the throne, his head almost touching the ceiling of the temple. It is assumed that the statue rose into a height of 17 meters. From sparkling gold Great sculptor Greece Fidi made Zeus's clothes, a precious crown on his head, clothes and a victorious wreath of the goddess Niki, which Zeus kept in his hand. Torso, Zeus's head and the goddess of nickname He spawned from ivory, attached almost living warmth of the sculptural image

Abstract Club in GPD, 3-4 Class

Probably you have ever since hearing about seven wonders of light. Can you list them? If so, then wonderful. But, if you still do not know anything about the miracles of light, do not be discouraged, because today we will talk about them, and you have to learn a lot of new and interesting things. And for beginnings, we think about why seven wonders, and not five and not ten ... The number "seven" is considered sacred in many nations. The ancient Greeks numbered the seven of the most beautiful and most ambitious monuments of the hands of the hands of a man who hit contemporaries in red sizes and equipment.

Listen carefully, remember, at the end of the classes will spend the quiz "Seven Wonders of Light".

1. Pyramids

(Demonstration of illustration with the image of the Egyptian pyramid.)

The biggest miracle was always considered pyramids of Egypt, the only of seven wonders that have come down to us. "Everything is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids," said Arabs who won Egypt. What do you know about Egyptian pyramids? (Children's responses.)

The pyramids were colossal height, tens of years were built; Thousands of people worked on the construction of these grand structures. The pyramid was a symbol of the power of Pharaoh and his power, she turned out to be honorable as a deity. Pyramids served as tombs (burial site) Pharaoh - rulers Ancient Egypt. Each of the huge pyramids is the name of Pharaoh buried in it (for example, Hoeop Pyramid). Pyramids were built on the West Bank of the Nile River, on the very border of fertile river valley and desert. Why exactly here? Because the West Egyptians considered the country of death: they thought that in the West every night the sun was dying, going beyond the horizon. Scientists still argue about how these huge structures were erected. The very first pyramid - Goser - has a length of 129 m, the width is 107 m, and the height is 60 m. It was built almost 5 thousand years ago, when people still did not know the wheels and transported huge stone blocks on the sled. The Heopps pyramid consists of 2 million 300 thousand stone slabs weighing from 2 to 30 tons. Pyramids were built for a long time, their construction began almost immediately after the climb of Pharaoh for the throne.

2. Hanging gardens of seminimis

Another miracle was the hanging gardens of Semiramid at the Palace of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzor II. Interesting the history of creating these gardens. When Nebuchadnezzar II took his wife's beautiful semi-graduate, the daughter of the king mountainous country Mussels, Semiramide began to wander in his homeland. After all, noisy and dusty Babylon was quite unlike her beautiful homeland. Nebuchadnezzar loved his wife and decided to do everything to dispel her sadness. According to his order, thousands of prisoners captured at the recent war were cozy. They began to build a four-story building from the palace. On each floor they poured a layer of fertile land and plant flowers and trees. Floors were combined with the stairs. For gardens, a special water supply device was made. The whole structure was supported by powerful columns, and made it seemed that beautiful gardens were hanging right in the air. Therefore, they were called "hanging gardens." But, unfortunately, this miracle of light existed only about two centuries. At first, they stopped caring for the gardens, then the powerful floods destroyed the foundation of the columns, and the entire structure collapsed. So died one of the miracles of the world. The only track is the network of trenches near the capital of Iraq, in the cuts of which and are now visible traces of a dilapidated masonry.

3. Temple of Artemis Ephesus

The most famous of the ancient Greek miracles is the giant temple of the goddess Hunt Artemis. It was built in the VI century. BC e. In the shopping city of Ephesus on west coast Malaya Asia. Unusual place It was chosen for the construction - swamp. The fact is that in those days there were a fairly frequent phenomenon, the architect Hersifron decided that soft swampy soil would save the temple from destruction. And so that the swamp did not whip a huge building, which was filled with a mixture of wool and charcoal. The temple hit the magnificence and enormous sizes. He was a rectangular building from stone and a tree, the roof of which was supported by two rows of columns, and there were 127 of them. The fate of the temple of Artemis turned out to be sad. He died on fire. His tagged Herostrat, who wanted to become famous at any cost. A new one was built on the site of the burnt temple. But he was subsequently destroyed, and his residues swallowed a swamp.

4. Mausoleum in Galicarnassa

About 1,800 years ago, in the same place, in Malaya Asia, another great Monument - Tomb of Tsar Malsol (hence the word "mausoleum") in Galicarnassa. In those distant times, many nations had a custom to burn their dead. The body of the king of Malsol was burned, and the ashes placed in a special vessel - a funeral urn. It is not known whether His wife Artemisia wanted to perpetuate the memory of her husband and ordered to build a magnificent tomb, or mausoleum, began to build a king, who himself took care of how and where he was buried.

Anyway, the mausoleum was built of brick and lined with inside and outside with white marble. Its height reached 60 m (the height of the modern 20-storey house). The building had an unusual form: the first floor is a cube with a height of 20 m, where the urn was resting with the ashes of Malsol. On the second floor in the repository, an overlooking the magnificent colonnade, was sacrifices. And the construction of a multistage pyramid was marched with the statue of Malsol and Artemisia. The king and his wife were depicted by controlling quadriga - the fourth horses harvested in the chariot.

In 1522, Mausoleum was disassembled by the crusaders who strengthened his plates to his fortress. It was in the walls of the fortress and the surrounding houses that were found in 1857. Reliefs from the tomb, the statues of Malsol and his wife of Artemisia.

5. Colossus Rhodes

The shore of Malaya Asia in the Aegean Sea is the island of Rhodes. In 304 BC e. The inhabitants of the island decided to erect the statue of the God of Sun Helios, their patron, in honor of the victory over the enemy.

12 years worked the sculptor Hares with his assistants, and finally the inhabitants of the island opened an amazing picture. On the square at the entrance to the harbor, a giant, about 35 m high, the figure of the God of the Sun is elevated. She was so huge that not every person would be able to clashed her finger on the hand of the giant. The statue of God risen over Rhodes and was visible to swimming already from the neighboring islands. Glory about Colossus Rhodes, and the word "Colossus" means "a big statue", quickly spread throughout the Mediterranean. To admire it came travelers from different countries. However, 50 years after the creation of the statue, an earthquake happened. The legs of the statue were lifted, and she collapsed to the ground, crashing into many pieces.

Parts of the bronze figure of the God of the Sun over the centuries lay in the ground. Later, one of the rulers of those places sold the preserved part of the statue, which were taken from the country on nine hundred camels. Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, was repulsed, and, as many historians believed, nothing remained from this miracle. However, quite recently, the archaeologists of the submariners found at the bottom of the harbor to brush the right hand of Helios.

6. Faros Lighthouse

Everyone is familiar with the word "headlight" - a powerful car lamp, equipped with a reflector of light. But not everyone knows that this word comes from the name of the Faros island in the Mediterranean. Lighthouse was built on this island, the light of which was visible at a distance of 60 km. The height of Farosky, or Alexandria, Lighthouse, as he was near Alexandria Egypt, was 135 m. The bonfire was constantly burned at the top of the lighthouse. The fuel for the fire was delivered to the top of a canopy spiral staircase on donkeys. Probably, on the lighthouse used devices to enhance lights (metal mirrors or lenses from a transparent grinding stone). The lighthouse was also a fortress in case of siege. In his walls, a large garrison could fit, and inside the tower there was a reservoir with drinking water. There was no such buildings in any harbor of such buildings, so the lighthouse on the island of Faros called one of the miracles of the world.

The lighthouse was destroyed almost to the foundation by a strong earthquake in May 1100. His debris fell into the sea. Currently, only the groundhouse is preserved, built into the medieval fortress.

7. Temple Zeus

The favorite spectacle of the ancient Greeks was the Olympic Games, which were held in Olympia in the south of Greece and were dedicated to the Supreme Greek God Zeus. The main shrine of Olympia was the temple of Zeus, built in 456 BC. e. A statue of Zeus sitting on the throne was placed in the temple. Created this statue, a glorified sculptor of fidi. The statue height reached 17 m. The figure of Zeus was made of wood, and details from other materials were mounted on this basis with the help of bronze and iron nails and special hooks. Face, hands and other parts of the body were from ivory. The ivory is not chosen by chance, because it is quite close in its color to human skin. Hair, beard, raincoat and sandals were made of gold, and eyes from precious stones. Zeus, as alive, recresented on the throne. This work of the fidia was considered the incarnation of beauty. Subsequently, the statue of Zeus from Olympia was transported to Constantinople (now turkish city Istanbul), but there happened there. From the magnificent Zeus of the Olympic remained only a few burnt bone plates and pieces of molten gold.

Our contemporaries know how this work art looked like on small figures and images on the coins found by archaeologists.

And now the quiz on the topic "Seven Wonders of the World".

1. The burial place of the Egyptian pharaohs. (Pyramid.)

2. The construction built by the Babylonian king for his wife. (Hanging Gardens of Babylon.)

3. What unusual was the place chosen for the construction of the temple of the ancient Greek Goddess Artemis? (It was a swamp.)

4. Who destroyed the temple of Artemis? (Herostrat.)

5. Why the statue of Zeus created by the famous ancient Greek sculptor fidi is called Zeus Olympic? (This statue was in the temple of Zeus in Olympia.)

6. Why, despite the fact that the statue of Zeus Olympic was not preserved to the present day, we know how she looked? (Since she was depicted on coins and in the statuette found by archaeologists on the site of ancient Olympia.)

7. Which of the modern structures are related to the name of the Gali Carnas Tsar Malsol? (Mausoleum.)

8. What was on the top of the structure, in which Mausol was buried? (Statue of Malsol and his wife of Artemissy, manageing the foursome of horses, harnessed in the chariot.)

9. With what island in the Mediterranean is associated with the name of the detail of a modern car? (Faros Islands.)

10. What role did the Faros Lighthouse still performed? (Role of garrison fortress.)

11. What does the word "Colossus" mean? (Big statue.)

12. Where was the statue of the sculptor Hares Colossus Rhodes and in honor of which she was built? (This statue is erected in honor of the God of the Sun Helios and was on the square at the entrance to the harbor of the Island of Rhodes in the Aegean Sea.)


Winner's reward ceremony.

Publication date: 14.10.2013

Short description: An extracurricular event in grade 8 on the theme of the wonders of the world. " Class hour Deeds "Miracles of Light". It is recommended to be held in the form of an intellectual - cognitive game. The event: our class will be devoted to "wonders". We will conduct it in the form of intellectual - post

preview material

Tsarenkova Tatyana Vitalevna

Teacher from and drawing

MKU SOSH №11 G. Nizhneudinsk

The topic of extracurricular activities: "Wonders of the World"

    introduce students with "wonders of light";

    form interest in this topic;

    learn to integrate knowledge from various science areas;

    bring up patriotic feelings to their homeland;

    develop cognitive activity;

    prepare for research.


multimedia equipment

multimedia presentation

photoTududy Gallery "Wonders of Light, Wonders of Russia"

shiprogram key

cards with the description of "Wonders of Russia";

explanatory Dictionary, Geographical Directory, Encyclopedia

physical map of Russia;

photoTududy Gallery "7 Wonders of Russia"

Event flow:

Our class hour will be devoted to "wonders". We will hold it in the form of an intellectual - cognitive game. To begin with, we will share for 2 teams. Each team will choose the captain. The command will receive envelopes with tasks who quickly and correctly perform tasks, in the end are waiting for prizes. And the members of the jury will help me.

What do you associate this word?

1. The task is to find in the dictionary, explanation of this word.

How many wonders in the world?
- Where and who first described the seven wonders of the world?

7 Antique Wonders of Light

Miracles of light in antiquity called outstanding works of art and engineering thought, striking people with their greatness and beauty. 2000 years ago, people made a list of wonders of light-unusual attractions, unique (sole-in-kind) structures that were necessary to see. In the ancient world, they typed only 7. These were huge statues and the grand facilities trucks, the temples of the palaces.

Seven wonders of the world described in his book "History" Greek Herodotus. To the miracles of the world, he counted the following:

Great pyramid in Giza (Heops Pyramid, Egypt, III century BC);

15 km west of the capital of Egypt Cairo, on the left bank of the Nile, the desert Plateau Giza is located. Approximately 4.5 thousand years ago, the outstanding structures of the ancient kingdom of the Ancient Kingdom were erected here - the Pyramids of Heops Pharaohs. Until the end of the XIX century, there was no higher construction created by the hands of people. The height of the pyramid is 146 meters.

Colossus Rhodes (Rhodes Island, III century BC).

Bronze Colossus, erected in 285 BC, in the Greek Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, in the descriptions of people who seen him, looked like a man of giant sizes. Its height accounted for 70 elbows, or about 40 meters, I framed the crown from the "sunlight", in the right hand he kept the burning torch. The inhabitants themselves called him the God of the Sun Helios.

Alexandria Lighthouse (Alexandria, Egypt, III century BC);

The need for the appearance in the third century before our era of the lighthouse near the large port city of Alexandria, founded by Alexander Macedonian and named in his honor, dictated purely practical considerations - dark nights trading ships sent to the harbor, often sat down.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Hanging Gardens of Semiramids, Babylon, VI Century BC);

King Nebuchadnezzar II, ruled in Babylon from 605 to 562 BC, became famous not only by the seizure of Jerusalem, the creation of an unprecedented height of the Babylonian Tower, but also the most expensive gift, which ever kings of antiquity made their loved wives - by his order in The center of Babylon was built a palace with hanging gardens, called late gardens of seminimides.

Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (Greece, IV century BC);

In the ancient times, Ephesus was one of the largest ports on the west coast of Malaya Asia. By Aegean Sea. To him out different cities Mediterranean sailed shopping ships. But Ephesus became famous for not so much of his trading, how many amazing temple, erected in honor of the Artemidi - Goddess of fertility, patroness of family hearth, livestock and wild beasts.

Mausoleum in Galicarneas (Kariya, IV century BC);

Small Turkish port Bodrum founded greek colonists. In ancient times, he was the capital of Karia and was called Galicarnas. It was born the future Greek historian Herodotus, who did not write anything about his hometown. But Galicarnas nevertheless remained in history to a greater extent thanks to another person, the brutal ruler Mawsol, who still ordered to build an unusual beauty to the tomb.

Statue of Zeus in Olympia (Greece, V century BC)

The Greeks bowed to Zeus. They put him monuments, erected temples and believed that he was the only one who brings the law and order to the world, he was read as the patron saint of sciences, arts, sports and morality. Zeus is one of the most powerful and fair gods, overthrown titans and reigned at Olympus

Seven wonders of the world were famous in the ancient world:

1. Long already collapsed the hanging gardens of semiramides in Babylon.

2. Burned by Herostrate The temple of the goddess Artemis in Ephesus.

3. The same fate suffered the statue of Zeus Olympic.

4. Barbarian destroyed Knights - Crusaders Tomb of King Kari Mausol (they needed building material for the construction of the fortress - the castle of St. Peter).

5. Died during an earthquake and Colossus Rhodes, 36-meter sculpture of the God of the Sun Helios.

6. Another earthquake buried the remains of a 120-meter lighthouse built on the island of Faros in 280 BC.

7. Only the most ancient of seven wonders of the world - Egyptian pyramids - is still unshakable back against the background of yellow-brown sands of the Libyan desert

And what do you think, have new miracles have appeared since that time?

2. Session "PhotoTudy". From the proposed photos, select those that you would attribute to new "miracles of light"

Are wrong with those who think that the wonders of the world could arise only in antiquity, they appear in our days! Time and history do not stand still. Nature and people created new unique monuments - new miracles. New seven wonders of the world - a project, the purpose of which was the search for modern. Organized by the Non-Profit Organization of New Open World Corporation (Nowc) on the initiative of Swiss Bernard Verber. Elections of new seven "wonders of the world" from famous world happened through, or. The result was announced. (07.07.07.)


In the Guinness Great Records Chinese Wall The first place as the largest construction structure created ever is occupied with watchdog towers. It stretches through the mountains, deserts and forests, its length is about 6,000 km. It was erected millions of soldiers and workers. Many of the construction workers were lit into the wall at the construction site. Medium height Walls 79 meters, and width about 5, at the top of the wall could pass and even drive a squad of soldiers. The wall in antiquity was the best dear through the whole country.

Roman Emperor Titis Flavius \u200b\u200bVespasian destroyed to the foundation of the Palace of the Madrodnaya Nero in Rome, decided to build an amphitheater Flaviev-Holorate structure for 50 thousand spectators. The construction began in 75 and was carried out in an incredible pace. Vespasian wanted to erase any memory of Nerno as soon as possible and glorify the Flaviev dynasty, who desired to give his people "bread and spectacle".

Machu Piccchu

In 1911, scientists discovered the ruins of the fortress town of Machu Picchu fortresses in the Andes. It was built at the foot of the Mountain of the same name (its name is translated as "old vertex"), at an altitude of 2.5 thousand meters above sea level. The buildings in the ancient city were located on the terraces carved in the rocks, which were connected to each other stairs. Before this day, the remains of the palace, residential buildings, temples and even observatory are preserved in the city, from which the priests watched the stars. Machu Picchu is a city of riddles who have not yet found answers. But today, Machu Picchu's ruins are striking their greatness.

Astonishing ancient city Peter carved right in the rocks is located on the territory of modern asian state Jordan, located on the Arabian Peninsula. In the III century BC- II century. AD Peter was the capital of the state of Nabateev - groups of Arab tribes. Nabotes were wonderful artists, in whose work the traditions of Egyptian, Greek, Arab art were intertwined. In Peter, chokes, altari, tombs and residential buildings were preserved in the rocks. The most beautiful temple consider El Haznech - he has a bunk-tier facade with a height of about 20 m. There is in the city and a semicircular theater, which accommodate 3 thousand people. A set of rock tomb has been preserved - Nabatoi did not harbor the dead in the ground, but they lowered their bodies into stone graves. Rocks in which Peter is cut down, consist of red sandstone. This amazing stone at different times of the day seems to be pink, then yellowish, then red, then orange.

Taj- Mahal

This one in the world in the world's majestic tomb is the most extraordinary monument in the history of architecture - a monument of love. It was built in honor of the Mumtaz-Makhl-beloved wife "Lord of the World" of Shahdzhana, the fourth and most famous ruler from the dynasty of the Great Mongols. The name Taj Mahal in translation means "the crown of Mughal". The tomb was erected in 1648 on the banks of the Jamna River near the city of Agra, 200 km from Delhi. It is composed of white marble. All the walls were incrouted by precious and semi-precious stones, which is why the solar rays marble shone from the inside, and with the moon reflected her light. Mausoleum surrounds the park from all sides, in front of him there is an extensive marble pool, in the water of which he is mirror reflected together with four minarets. The construction of the entire complex continued over twenty years, about 20 thousand masters and workers took part in it.


Until the 30s of the 20th century, Mount Corcovad, ascended over the then Capital of Brazil Rio de Janeiro at 710 m, attracted the attention of architects, sculptors who dreamed of establishing a national symbol on it. To the top of the mountain lifted trams - funicular, with observation deck A magical view of the city was opened, at the Gayanabar Bay. What could be assigned to people, what monument to put on Corcovad?

Among the many various offers were chosen the project a little-known engineer of Etora and Silva Kosta. He offered to build a statue of Christ with open hands, embracing the entire Rio de Janeiro. Brazil - a Catholic country and very religious. I liked the idea to all: the fathers of the city, the public and the church. Jesus Christ, hugging the city, - there is no such symbol in any country of the world.

Chichen - Itsa

On the Peninsula, Yucatan, between the Mexican Bay and the Caribbean, with a tropical hot climate, 40 km from Valladolid are the ruins of the ancient Mexican city of Chichen-Itsa, striking by their amazing pyramids of temples. According to some reports, the settlement was founded in the VII century to our era. His "Creators" - representatives of the Mayan Indian Nationality.

7 wonders of Russia

Unfortunately, in 7 new miracles of the world, not a single object from Russia, although we have a lot of places that could be proud to show the whole world.

That is why the newspaper "Izvestia", TV channel "Russia" and the Radio Station "Mayak" decided to hold their contest "Seven Wonders of Russia".

On June 12, 2008, the winners of the competition were announced on the Independence Day of Russia on Red Square.

In our time, the miracles of light include not only what is created by a person, but unique natural attractions are volcanoes and gees, lakes and rivers, mountains and forests.

3. Using the key to decipher "Seven Wonders of Russia"

    16,9,6,18,16 - 2,1,11,12,1,13 (Lake Baikal)

    4,16,18,1 - 31,13,30,2,18,21,19 (Mount Elbrus)

    17,6,20,6,18,4,22,22 (Peterhof)

    5,16,13,10,15,1 - 4,6,11,9,6,18,16.3 (Valley of Geysers)

    19,20,16,13,2,29 - 3,29,3,2,20,18,10,3,1,15,10,33 (weathered posts)

    23,18,114 - 3,1,19,10,13,10.33 - 2,13,1,8,15,15,16,4,16 (Vasily Basil's Church)

    14,1,14,1,6,3 - 12,21,18,4,1,15 - 10 - 18,16,5,10,15,1 - 14,1,20,30 (Mamaev Kurgan and Motherland - Mother)

Baikal - Lake of tectonic origin in the southern part of Eastern Siberia, the deepest lake Planet Earth, the largest natural reservoir of fresh water. Lake and coastal areas are different unique variety Flora and fauna, most of the endemic. Locals are traditionally called Baikal by the Sea. Baikal is the territory of the World Natural Heritage. In 1996, Baikal was listed World Heritage UNESCO


The Gayzer Valley is one of the largest geyser fields of the world and the only one in Eurasia. The Valley of Geysers is located on Kamchatka in the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve. The merger of the Rivers Geyser and noisy on the territory of about 2 km² is about 20 large geysers and many sources, periodically throwing fountains of almost boiling water or steam. Valley of Geysers - a volcanic canyon width of about two kilometers and a little more than four slightly more. Currently, part of the valley is covered with landslide. The Gayzer Valley is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Camchatka Volcanoes"

Mamaev Kurgan, Motherland - Mother

Mamaev Kurgan is located in the center of Volgograd, where during the Stalingrad battle occurred fierce battles lasting 200 days. Monitoring "For height 102", as Mamaev Mamaev Kurgan Military Martians, repeatedly passed from the Soviet troops to German and vice versa, since he held a dominant position over the central part of Stalingrad and Volga.

Sculpture "Motherland - Mother calls!" - Composite Center of the Monument - Ensemble "Heroes of the Stalingrad Battle" on Mamaev Kurgan. The work of the sculptor Vuchetich E.V. and engineer Nikitina N.V. It is a multi-meter figure of a woman stepped forward with a raised sword. The statue is an allegorical way of the Motherland, which is the name of his sons to fight with the enemy. Sculpture is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. On the this moment The statue ranks 11th in the list of the highest statues of the world: its height is 52 meters, the length of the hand is 20, the sword is 33 meters. The overall height of the sculpture is 85 meters, weight of 8 thousand tons.


Poltava victory over the Swedes in 1709 inspired Peter I on creative activities. King wanted to have on the shore Finnish Gulf Summer residence, garden-park ensemble, such as French Versailles. The complex of country palaces with fountains, the ponds had to "confirm the first monarchs." Peter himself traveled to the sublime place, examined the ledges descended to the sea, sketched the first drawings. As a magic wand, a magnificent large palace appeared, the upper garden, the lower park, the big cascade - one of the most beautiful fountain facilities in the world, causing the amazed admiration of contemporaries. Peter, who loved the water element, created the real capital of fountains in Peterhof.


Cathedral of the Intercession, which is on the Riva, also called the Cathedral of Basil Blessed - Orthodox, located on B. Wide famous monument. Before it was commonly called Troitsky, since the original wooden temple was dedicated.

Currently, the Pokrovsky Cathedral is a branch. Enters.

The Pokrovsky Cathedral is one of the most famous sights of Russia. For many inhabitants of the planet, the Earth is a symbol of Moscow. It was built in the orders in memory of the capture and victory over.

Wildling pillars

Weathered Poles (Mansiysk Bolvans) - a unique geological monument on Mount Many Pup-Ner in the Komi Republic (in the Lanti language means " Small mountain idols "). Represents remains. Their 7 pieces, from 30 to 42 meters high. Numerous legends are associated with them, before the weathered poles were the objects of Cults Mansi.

About 200 million years ago there were high mountains on the site of stone pillars. Millennia passed. Rain, snow, wind, frost and heat gradually destroyed the mountains, and primarily weak rocks. The solids, of which the remains are composed, were destroyed less and preserved to the present day, and soft rocks were destroyed by weathered and demolished with water and wind in lowering relief.

The closer you approach them, the unusual becomes their appearance. One pillar, 34 m high, is somewhat away from others; He resembles a huge bottle, turned upside down. Six others lined up in a row at the edge of the cliff. Pillars have bizarre outlines and, depending on the inspection site, resemble the figure of a huge person, then the head of a horse or a ram. It is not surprising that in past times they deified the grand stoneworn sculptures, worshiped them, but climbing the manpoupler was the greatest sin.

The time of year is changing, the type of terrain changes. Very impressive terrain in the winter, when the remains are completely white, as if crystal. In the autumn there are fogs, and the pillars are drawn through the haze - there is something divine in this sight. They are created by nature, but looking at them, I can not believe that something like that could repeat the person.

Elbrus - Mountain in the Caucasus, is the highest peak of Russia. Elbrus is a two-service volcano cone. The Western Top has a height of 5642 m, Eastern - 5621 m. They are divided by a saddle - 5,200 m and will be part of each other about 3 km. The last eruption dates back to 50 G.D. e. The name Elbrus comes from Iranian "sparkling, shiny"

4. The following "every miracle has its place."

Mountain Elbrus


Valley of Geysers

Mamaev Kurgan and Motherland Mother


Lake Baikal



Wildling pillars

St Basil's Church

    St. Petersburg

5. Quest "Find on the map".

With the help of a physical card Russian Federation Locate the location of these wonders. If there are difficulty, you can use the same administrative card Russia.

6. Task "Explanatory Dictionary".

Alone or with the help of an intelligent dictionary, a geographical reference book or encyclopedia, explain what the words such as "Valley", "Lake", "Geyser", "Kurgan", "Mountain", "Monument", "Temple". To work faster, can be divided into groups

Valley is an elongated variety. Along the river bed or among the mountains.

Lake - closed in the shores of a large natural fresh or sulfur water.

Geyser is a source, from time to time emitting fountains hot water And a couple with a height of 20 m or more.

Kurgan is an ancient grave hill, as well as a small elevation.

Mountain is a significant exaltation rising above the surrounding area.

Monument - sculpture or architectural structure in memory of anyone or anything. In addition, nature monuments are distinguished - natural objectsguarded by the state.

Temple is a building for worship, church

7. The task "Guess the description".

    This "miracle of Russia" before the revolution served the imperial residence. In the city was turned into a museum. Currently, this is a palace and park ensemble with beautiful fountains on south Bank 29 km from St. Petersburg. (Peterhof.)

    This is the deepest freshwater well on the planet Earth. The indigenous people consider him sacred, and many are not related to it as nature, but as a living, reasonable and wise essence. A lot of legends and believes are connected with it. The age of this unique Miracle Clean water - several million years. (Lake Baikal.)

    This is a well-known monument. It was built in the XXVI century by order in memory of the capture and victory over. He is often referred to as the Cathedral of the Intercession, which is on the RV. This "Miracle of Russia" is located in the capital of our Motherland - Moscow at Moscow. (St Basil's Church.)

    Peoples living for hundreds of kilometers from this "miracle of Russia" are fascinated by his beauty, power and greatness. Perhaps that is why they gave him such a variety of names in their languages: "Yalbuz" (translated from Georgian as "Grieval Snow"), "Gin-Padishah" (translated from the Turkic "King of Mountain Spirits"), "Egiz Tau" ( "Twins"). All this is said about the duplex cone extinct, which is highest vertex and. (Mountain Elbrus.)

    This "miracle of Russia" is located in the center of the city, once named Stalingrad. His height is 102 m. It the highest pointWith which the city is visible like a palm. To achieve its vertices, you need to pass 200 granite steps. In the center of the hill - the sculpture of a multi-meter figure of a woman, rapidly stepped forward with the raised, calling for the fight. (Mamaev Kurgan and Motherland-mother).

    This is a unique geological monument that is quite far from inhabited places - on Mount Mago Pup-Ner. Often it is a "miracle of Russia" called "mansiysk shutters." Total "nerds" seven. Their height is from 30 to 42 m. They have bizarre outlines that resemble a figure of a huge person, then the head of a horse or a ram. Numerous legends are associated with them. (Weathered posts.)

    For thirty lands, for high mountains, the ocean - the sea of \u200b\u200bblue is located this "Miracle of Russia". It is part of the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve, very popular among tourists. This is a fabulous world where a large number of The mud boilers in which steam flows, steam is flowing, there is a continuous rumble, noise, snort. (Valley of Geysers.)

I am glad that this task was not a lot of work for you.
Did any of you ever be in any of these places? Where?
What did you like the most and remembered?
And to some of you today in the first lesson of the new school year it was interesting?
And what new have you recognized for yourself?
Would you like to know even more?

Guys, I have a suggestion for you. Today we only surficially met the "wonders of the world", "wonders of Russia." To achieve the depth of knowledge, I propose to make "7 wonders of Russia" by our project. On him we will work all year. With the help of parents and teachers, books and the Internet, we have to collect statistical data, legends, historical materials, songs, poems, photos on our topic. Each month will be devoted to some one miracle and the report on the results of our work will be the same release of the wall newspaper. And in April about his research work We can tell us on the scientific and theoretical conference of students of our school. Thus, we will find out a lot, and others will enlighten.

Do you agree?

If the material does not fit you, use the search

Elena Viktorovna Malaykova
Open Educational Event For Children Preparatory for School Group on the Cognitive Development "Seven Wonders of Light"

An open educational event for children prepared for school in a group of cognitive development.

Subject « Seven wonders of the world of the ancient world»

Software content:Introduce children with world cultural and natural Heritage mankind. Show and tell children about the great heritage and famous monuments of art and architecture that have come down from the depths of centuries in different parts of our planet.

Materials: Presentation « Seven wonders of the world»

Method of conducting.

Educator: I suggest everyone to go on a trip to all the continents of the planet in the seas and the islands, on the journey, where we learn about miracles of the world of the ancient world.

The educator includes a presentation and tells it to children about wonders of Light and demonstrates amazing illustration of majestic structures created by man and destroyed by time.

Educator: All dressed space helmets and our space flight begins. First stop in ancient Egypt.

Slide Wonders of Light.

Wonders of Light - So in antiquity they called the unusual creations of human hands, striking contemporaries by beauty, dimensions, technique of execution.

Seven wonders of the ancient world.

Pyramids of Egypt

Only one of the seven has been preserved to this day wonders of LightThe oldest is the Egyptian pyramids. They served as trenits of the pharaohs of the rulers of ancient Egypt.

Each of the huge pyramids is name.

The Pyramid of Cheops. Some here include all the Pyramids of Egypt, some great pyramids of Giza, but mostly, as a miracle, only the largest of them are perceived - Hoeop's pyramid. The pyramid is also considered the oldest miracle on the list - it is estimated by approximately 2000 to our era. Despite his old age, this is the only construction of 7 old wonders of Lightreached our time

Educator: We move again in time and space. We all love flowers, and here the great ruler created unusual gardensSleeping on the air.

Slide. Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Hanging are the gardens that grow raised high above the earth. Created by order of the king of the deserted Babylon Nebuchadnezzor II For his wife, these gardens were supposed to console and remind her of a distant homeland. The name of the seminiramis, the Assyrian Queen, appeared here by mistake, but, nevertheless, tightly fixed in history.

Educator: Before you continue our space journey, I suggest everyone to charge, since we all are in weightlessness and our body needs a discharge.

To be charged!

To be charged! Up Hand, Other Down! (One straight hand up, another down, changing your arms.) We repeat the exercise, make faster movement. (Hands in front of breasts, jad hands.) Once - forward leaning, two - back to run. And the slopes on the parties do we take. (Tilting forward, back and sides.) Squats again will perform together. Once, two, three, four, five, who began to lag behind there? (Squats.) For walking, we will go (Walking in place.) And the lesson will begin again.

Educator: Everyone sinks and go further.

Slide "The temple of Artemis Efesse is a real house of the gods, built on Earth" In the ancient major port city of Ephesus, the goddess of fertility Artemis was particularly revealed. In honor of her here created a huge and majestic temple, which hit the list of 7 ancients wonders of Light.

Educator: We have the most important of all the gods Ancient Mira.

Zeus Olympic The statue was created for the temple in a major religious center Ancient Greece - Olympia. Giant Zeus Sculpty Fidia struck local residents So much that they decided that Zeus himself personally posed the master.

Mausoleum in Helicarneas.

The rich king of Mawsol wished to erect the Mausoleum-Temple in Galicarneas, incomparable with anything in beauty. The best masters of that time worked on the construction. The works ended only after the death of Mawsol, but this did not prevent him from going to the story forever.

Educator: Before us, Colossus Rhodes. What do you think for what it is in the harbor between two shores.

Children: It serves as a beacon for ships.

Colossus Rhodes in honor great Victory Residents of Rhodes decided to build a huge statue of God Helios. The idea managed to implement, but this miracle stood for a short time, and soon it was destroyed by an earthquake.

Educator: I propose to spend another charge to warm up.

One, two, three, four, five! (Step on the spot.) All we can count. (Clap in your hands.) We can relax too. (Jumping in place.) Hands behind the back put (Hands behind the back.) We will raise the head above (Raised the head above.) And easily easily. (Deep breath.) Tighten on the socks - as many times, just as many fingers. (Showed how many fingers in the hands.) You have on your hand. (Climb on socks 7 times.)

Educator: How many times we rose on the socks, right and so much wonders of Light. And ahead of us is waiting for another miracle.

The Faros Lighthouse for navigating ships near the major port of Alexandria was decided to build the largest lighthouse at that time. The building immediately overshadowed the walls of Babylon and took place in the seven list miracles of the world of the ancient world.

Slide questions to consolidate the knowledge gained.


Question 1.: Which of the seven Wonders of Light Preserved to this day?

A) Faros Lighthouse

B) Egyptian pyramids

C) Colossus Rhodes

Question 2.: What is the name of the most big pyramid in Egypt?

A) Heops

B) Josra

C) Hefrena

Question 3.: What city were the hanging gardens of seminimides built?

A) in Cairo

B) in Babylon

C) in Alexandria

Question 6.: Why the gardens call "Hanging".?

A) grow on trees;

B) grow in the sky;

C) grow on terraces at an altitude of 40 meters from the ground

Question 7.: As a result of any disaster, the hanging gardens were destroyed?

A) earthquake

B) Flood

C) Tsunami

Question 8.: What was the goddess of what Artemis was?

A) Sun.

B) beauty

C) fertility, hunting

Seven new wonders. the great Wall of China

Roman Coliseum

Peter in Jordania

Statue of Christ of the delighthouse in Rio de Janeiro

Machu Picchu in Peru

Chichen Iza in Mexico

Mausoleum Taj Mahal in India

The first great journey to the past came to the end the next time we will go on a trip by wonders of our time

Publications on the topic:

The abstract of directly educational activities in cognitive development in the preparatory to school group on the topic: "International.

Abstract Node for cognitive development for children preparatory school "Traveling with Aibolit" "Travel with Aibolit". Tasks: Educational: - to go and fix the knowledge of children about transport (ground, air, water); Take.

Abstract Node for cognitive development in the preparatory to school group "Rainbow Fairy Tale" Subject: Rainbow Tale Purpose: Creating conditions for assimilation and fixing the material being studied. Tasks: introduction with a number and number 7, in the way.

Federal State Cassenny Education

"Tver Suvorov Military School

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "

Extracurricular event

Cool hour on topic

"Seven Wonders of the World"

Completed Sergey Nikolaevich Kolosov,

educator 3 of the platoon of 1 course



Extracurricular event. Class hour

I. Preparatory stage:

1) Subject: "Seven Wonders of the World"

2) Objectives:

    the development of aesthetic taste of students, the expansion of their ideas about the culture of the ancient world;

    creating an atmosphere "Travel" in the wonders of the ancient world;

    rise a person with an active life position, to educate respect for the culture and traditions of the countries of the world.

3) Spectator:

    slides depicting all the wonders of the world;

    slide with students' answers.

4) material and technical equipment:

- Personal Computer

- screen

- Projector

5) Form: Virtual Journey.

II. . Class hour time:

    Organizing time.


    Preparation for the perception of the form, themes and objectives of the class. Challenges of the class hour.

    Today we have an unusual class hour, it is fully connected with the history of the ancient world. Since we will talk about history, then I propose to remember what "history" is?

(History is a science that studies the past of our country and all mankind.)

    I invite you to make a journey over time. And find out where we go, will help us folk wisdom.


    Read Russian folk proverbs on the screen.

    How do you understand their meaning?

(Seven nannies do not look like a child. Seven one is not waiting. Seven times will die - once again.)

    What number repeats several times? (7)

In many ancient peoples, the number 7 was considered a sacred number. The Holy Book says that the Lord has created the world in six days, and in the seventh rested.

With a number of 7, we are constantly confronted in fairy tales: the knight has a blue beard there was 7 wives, Snow White lived in 7 dwarfs for family hills, Tsarevna stayed at seven heroes, a brave tailoring killed one flock of 7 flies.

Today we get acquainted with the wonders of the world.


Miracles of light in antiquity called outstanding works of art and engineering thought, striking people with their greatness and beauty. These were huge statues and grand facilities - tombs, temples, palaces. It is believed that the first list of such miracles was the Greek writer Antipatra Sidonsky, who lived in the II century BC. He owns the expression "Miracle of Light" itself. Antipatra wrote a book. It was something like a guide for curious travelers. The list has repeatedly changed in antiquity. But gradually the "canonical" list was formed.

    Traveling in time to seven wonders of light.

    Go on a trip


Heops Pyramid (2580 BC. Er) (Giza, Sakkara)

The first miracle of the world is hope's pyramid in Egypt, in Giza, named so in honor of its creator - egyptian Pharaoh Heops. She is the most ancient miracle, but despite this, she is the only one of the seven wonders that miraculously remained to our time. It is also called Big pyramid. She heads the list of seven wonders of the world. Its height is 146 meters 60 centimeters, like a 50-storey house and consists of 2.5 million stone blocks. Young Pharaoh Heops gave an order about the construction of the pyramid immediately after the death of Father Snofra. He wanted to be buried after his death in the pyramid, which exceeds its size, splendor and luxury all other pyramids ... Over 4,000 thousand people - artists, architects, Kamenotens and other artisans carried out preparatory work of the whole 10 years and only then construction began. But whether the head of Heops had to take the pyramid of archaeologists after death, it was not proven. Three and a half thousand years of the pyramid of Heops were not disturbed. When Khalif Abdullah first in the middle of the 10th century penetrated the pyramid, then did not find treasures in it laid during the burial of Pharaoh. The lid on the tomb was absent, which violated all the laws of the times of Pharaoh Heops.


Conversation in content.

    What is the name of the first miracle of the world?

(Egyptian Pharaoh Heops.)

    Why should Heopse erect it?

(He wanted to be buried after his death in a pyramid, which exceeds all other pyramids with luxury.)

    What is the height of the pyramid?

(Its height is 146 meters 60 centimeters, like a 50-storey house.)

    Why is Heops Pyramid first in miracles of light?

(She is the only miracle preserved to our times.)


Hanging gardens of semiramides (605-562 BC. Er) (Iraq)

The second miracle of the world is the hanging gardens of the Semiramides, the least studied by scientists. It is known only that they were in the legendary city of Mesopotamia - Babylon, and their creator is considered the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar the second for his wife, the Persian princess, whose name, as historians assumed there was a semicircuit, but in fact, Semiramid lived in two centuries later, and his wife Her called Amitis. The king spent most of his reign in military campaigns, so the gardens asked the loneliness of the spouse, which was from the mussel, where the climate was different. The king gave orders to soldiers - during trips to distant countries to dig up and collect all the plants that are not known to them and cross them into Babylon. So there was the first botanical garden in the world.

Palace gardens were not a wonder for those times, but the hanging gardens hit the imagination - on the beauty of the palace and park ensemble and the variety of plants growing there, they did not know equal.

Outside the garden, slaves were canewood, which on the scorching heat, at a temperature of about 50 degrees, tirelessly swung water from the source into small channels, along which it flowed from the top terrace, irrigated garden. While Babylon has gone away from merciless heat, everything bloomed here, glad of eyes. In the 4th century, Alexander Macedonsky won Assyria, where he was left before his death. According to legends, Alexander died in the shade of gardens.

Found the remains of the gardens German archaeologist Robert Koldoyevy in 1898.


Conversation in content.

    What is the name of the second miracle of the world?

(Hanging Gardens of Babylon.)

    Who created them and for whom?

(Their creator is considered the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar second. He came up with their wife, the Persian princess, whose name, as historians suggest, and was semiramid.)


Statue of Zeus in Olympia (435 BC. Er) (Greece)

The third miracle of the world - the statue of Zeus Created an Athenian sculptor FIDI, the greatest artist of the ancient world. In the temple of Zeus, the Supreme God sits on the throne, in his left hand - a symbol of the Supreme Power is a Scepter, whose Naturenik is decorated with an eagle who personifies the sacred will. In the right hand of Zeus - the winged goddess of Victory Nick, the size of human growth, on the head - a wreath of olive branches, like the winners of the Olympic athletes. He rests on the stand, which is holding two lions.

First, the FIDIA built a frame of iron, wood and gypsum, which in size approximately corresponded to the figure of Zeus. Then open areas of the body - face, hands, legs - were skillfully lined with ivory plates. Hair, clothes and sandals of Zeus made from pure gold.

About 200 kg of gold went to create a figure of the Olympic Zeus. (4 million euros). Zeus's eyes were made of huge, magnitude with fist, precious stones.

Once every 4 years, the Greeks became witnesses and participants in unusual competitions held in Olympia - the place of worship of Zeus, the Supreme Greek God, because the contest was arranged in his honor. These games were established by Zeus in honor of the victory over their father Kronos.

Many centuries as a reward winners received only an olive branch. But in the 4th century to R.Kh. The athletes began to receive a large amount of money as a reward for a whole year, until the next games. So the Olympians from "lovers" turned into "professionals".


Conversation in content.

    Name the third miracle of the world. (Zeus statue in Olympia.)

    What a goddess keeps in the hands of Zeus?

(Statue of the winning goddess of Victory Niki.)

    In honor of what event were the first competitions in Olympia zeus?

(These games were established by Zeus in honor of the victory over their cruel and insidious father Kronosom.)

    Do you think whether these contests continue in our time? (February 7, 2014, the XXII Olympic Games will open in Sochi. Athletes from all over the world will be eaten to demonstrate their outstanding sports achievements. We wish good luck to our athletes!)


Temple of Artemis in Ephesus (7-6 V to N. E.) (Selchuk Turkey)

The temple of Artemis is the fourth miracle of the world. In one of the hot summer nights 356 years old before the Nativity of Christ is a person, trying not to attract attention to himself, sneaked through the streets of Ephesus to the temple of Artemis and speech. Since most of the temple of Artemis was from a tree, the fire destroyed it instantly. The thousand-year temple burned down. This barbarian was Greek Herostrat. Why did he create it? Representing the court who had sentenced him to the most severe torture, a person admitted that he was tagged by the temple to indispens his name for descendants. The inhabitants of Ephesus came to a unanimous opinion - never to call the name of the madman. However, it still entered the story.

The temple is erected in honor of Artemis, the goddess of the moon and hunting, the patroness of cities, women and animals. She was a daughter Zeus. And the divine father saved the statue of Artemis. What was the surprise of the surrounding when under the layer of dust and ashes, after a fire, Dipped the statue of Artemis almost intact. The ruins of the old temple have become a foundation for a new, higher and majestic.

Another 3 centuries stood a new temple of Artemis. In 262, AD. He was looted and partially destroyed by goths.

In 1903, N.E. English Archaeologist David Hogart found Treasures of Artemis: 3000 Current Pearls, Earrings, Hair Studs, Gold And Silver Alloy Coins. All treasures are now stored in Turkey museums.


Conversation in content.

    Name the fourth miracle of the world.

(The temple of Artemis is the fourth miracle of the world.)

    Who is tagged by the temple of Artemis? (Greek Herostrat.)

    Why did he do it?

(To perpetuate your name for the century.)


Galicarnas Mausoleum (353 BC) (Bodrum Turkey)

The fifth miracle of the world is the tomb of Mausola in Galicarnas.

Mausol is the Car King. Karya is an areaLocated on the southeast coast of Malaya Asia.

Mausol decided to build a tomb, who had to remind him of him and his acts of descendants from a distant future. Initially, the foundation 33 was built 39 meters, on which a massive cube was erected with a length of 27 m and a width of 33 m. Above them was the tomb in the form of a temple with ancient, surrounded by 36 columns height 11 m each. A 24-speed pyramid was tested over the colonnade, crowned with marble quadriga (four-horses surrounding). The total height of the tomb was 42 m, which is approximately an altitude of a 14-storey house.

However, the Mausol himself could not admire this majestic masterpiece. He died when the tomb was not completed. Then his wife Artemisia, as a sign of its limitless love, brought construction to the end. The opposing tomb of the wife of Mausola perpetuated himself, because the horses of the quadrigi on the roof of the rules of the rules are not the right, the royal couple - Mausol and Artemisia. It is still called an "monument of selfless love."

The method of burial in tombs was subsequently borrowed by almost all nations. Since then, many celebrities were buried in such tombs, which were called mausoleums. Galicarnas tomb existed 1500 years. In the 12th century during the earthquake, the tomb collapsed.


Conversation in content.

    Name the fifth miracle of the world. (Galicarnas Mausoleum.)

    why did the Car King Mausol ordered to build it?

(The tomb should have reminded of him and about his acts to descendants from a distant future.)

    Why does Galicarnas mausoleum still call the "monument of selfless love"?

(His wife Artemisia in his infinite love brought construction almost to the end.)

    Are there mausoleums in Russia?

(Yes. In Moscow on Red Square, there is Mausoleum V.I. Lenin.)


Statue of Colossus in Rhodes (305 BC) (Greece)

In the myths of the ancient Greeks, it is said that when the father of all the gods Zeus shared the earth between the gods, then Helios himself asked the island of Rhodes. Zeus agreed and since then Helios patronizes the residents of Rhodes.

Went to 305 years BC Tsar Frigia Demetrius demanded from the Rhodians to join him against the Egyptian ruler, the Rhodians did not agree. Then Demetrius kept the iso in siege. The inhabitants of Rhodes appeased to their God, swore to erect in his honor the statue of a huge amount. And the God of the Sun prompted them the right decision. After the defeat in this battle, the King Demetri took off the siege of the city and concluded a peace treaty with the Rhodians. And the Rhodians poured a huge statue.

The statue of such a magnitude (36 m) even by the standards of our time is an outstanding structure. Each Helios's finger was higher than human growth and such a thickness that it could not be banging with both hands. 12 tons of bronze went to Gelis, and no one thought stones, clay and pitch. No images of Helios have preserved, it is known only that the face and crown of Helios were covered with gold. She stood only 66 years old. During the earthquake, the column statue gave a crack in his knees and collapsed on the ground.


Conversation in content.

    Name the sixth miracle of the world. ( The sixth miracle of the world is a statue of the Colossus of Rhodes or God Helios (God of the Sun).)

    Which height was the statue of Colossus Rhodes? (36 meters.)

    How many years did the statue of the Colossus of Rhodes stood? (66 years old.)


Alexandria Lighthouse in Faros (280 BC)

And the last miracle of the world - Alexandrian lighthouse.

Lighthouse, 130m high, located at the mouth of the Nile and who appeared an incredible triumph of technical thought struck the world. He was conceived and outlined the development plan for Alexander Macedonian himself. Like all seaworthy signals of the time, Alexandria lighthouse was intended for use during the daytime. But the Alexandrian Harbor quickly turned into a lively center of maritime trade. Ships had to go to the harbor even at night. On the lighthouse had to establish powerful lighting with a mirror reflection. The light of the beam was so bright that it seemed to be seen on the edge of the world. This was the reason that the Alexandrian lighthouse was ranked seventh miracle. By the name of the island, on which he stood, he began to call "Faro". Subsequently, this word in all languages \u200b\u200bbegan to designate any lighthouse. And in Russian, the word "headlight" occurred.

For more than 1000 years, it stood safe and preservation. Nevertheless, it, like other miracles of the world, has suffered a sad fate: in 1100 years BC. He collapsed during the earthquake. But on the foundation of the lighthouse in 1480, Mamlyuk Sultan Kite Bay built a fortress that still stands.


Conversation in content.

    Name the last miracle of the world. (And the last miracle of the world - Alexandrian lighthouse 130m high, located at the mouth of the River Nile.)

    Name the height of the lighthouse. (130 meters.)

    What word in Russian happened from the name of the island, on which the Alexandrian lighthouse stood? (By the name of the island, on which the Lighthouse stood - Faros, he began to call "Faro". Subsequently, this word in all languages \u200b\u200bbegan to designate any lighthouse. And in Russian, the word "headlight" happened.)

    The result of the class hour. Reflection.

Generalizing conversation about the miracles of light.


Recall 7 wonders of light in order.

1 - The Tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh - the Pyramid of Heops.

2 - what magic gardens We were surprised - the hanging gardens of the seminimis.

3 - Statue of the Supreme God - Statue of Zeus.

4 - What kind of structure is a pathery of Herostrat - the temple of Artemis.

5 - "Monument of selfless love - Galicarnas mausoleum.

6 - Monument to the Sun God - Colossus Rhodes.

7 - 130 metering facilities - Alexandria Lighthouse.

- Who wants to again see 7 miracles of the world, I recommend 2 books: 1) Atlas Miracles of the light of Rosman publishing house, 2) Mikhail Kubyev "100 Great Miracles of Light."

(Show books)

And now I want to show you your answers to the question as defined last week: Write seven wonders of the world at your opinion and then tell a small story.


(The most popular answers on the board)

Eiffel Tower - height 324 m (81 floor).

Grand Canyon - length 444 km, width at the plateau level - 6-29 km.

Statue of Christ - 38 meters.

Pyramid Kukulkana - 30 meters

And now the story ...


Once at school, a lesson was held on the topic "Seven Wonders of Light".

The task was that each student wrote seven wonders of the world on his own sight.

When a teacher gathered a notebook, he noticed that one girl had not yet finished. The teacher asked if her help was needed.

The student replied:

Yes. I doubted for a long time to choose. There are so many miracles in the world.

For me, seven wonders of the world is:

1. See

2. Hear

3. Move

4. Ssyzaya

5. Feel

6. Laugh

7. Love.

Silence reigned in the class.

See also: