Lake formed in a volcanic crater. Lake Creuter - the deepest lake in the US

The lake Creuter is distinguished by the amazing blue and purity of water, for which it was nicknamed "Sinegylase". The lake is unique in many respects, and a separate national park was even created for his guard.

Lake and Lake Creuter National Park is located in Cascade Mountains, in the West of North America and the North-West.

Formation of underground fire

The lake Creuter was formed as a result of active volcanic activities and ammunitions.

Crater Lake Creuter in Oregon is known far beyond the limits of the United States. Glory brought to him the purest water, which has bright blue. This phenomenon is explained by a significant depth of the lake (594 m) and the transparency of the water: it absorbs all shades of the visible spectrum, except for blue, which makes the color of Indigo.

7700 years ago, the lake appeared in the crater of Stratovulkana Mazam - one of several in the chains of cascading mountains - after its eruption. Over time, precipitation and landslide deposits covered the bottom of the caldera, forming a loose bottom of the lake. As caldera cooling, the atmospheric precipitates have no longer evaporated, but accumulated at the bottom, forming the lake. Additional moisture brought streams, formed during the melting of snow on the slopes of the caldera: the snow drops a lot here, sometimes up to 3 m. The slopes of the lake threaten the thick coniferous forest. Nowadays, hydrothermal activity is still at the bottom of the lake.

Oregon Indians of the tribe of Klamat know the story of the appearance of a lake, but in the people she acquired mythological appearance. By legend, God underground world Lao, who wanted to destroy humanity, clogged in the battle with the God of the Upper World Skilla, who joined people. Poted Lao fell from Mazama, breaking through the crater.

The first European American, who opened the beauty of the Lake Creuter, in 1853 was John Wesley Hillman. He gave the lake. The first name is a deep blue lake. Subsequently, the name of the reservoir was replaced by more than once, until the modern one - the cruiter.

"Old man" and lake

Already, the first decade in the waters of the lake Creuter drifts a ten meter tree trunk, which remains safe due to low temperatures.

On the lake only two relatively large Islands - Witchcraft island and ghost ship. Both of them are cones of volcanic ash, formed after the formation of a caldera. Then the riodasic domes were also formed.

One of the most famous landmarks of Lake Creuter is a ten meter pine barrel, called the "Lake Star". For more than a hundred years, it floats on the lake strictly in a vertical position, rising above the water at about one and a half meters, from year to year repeating the same route. With its fortress, the tree is obliged to low water temperature in the lake.

National Park Lake Creuter appeared thanks to William style (18541934) - the enthusiast of the protection of nature, the nicknamed "father of Lake Creuter." Seventeen, he fought for the opening of the National Park here, until it happened in 1902. It was he who gave the name of the Wizard Island and the rock of God Lao.

Lake Creuter National Park is also known for the Pumice Desert. This is an extensive territory with traces of ancient eruptions, devoid of vegetation, since due to the high porosity of the surface of the Earth, water instantly seeps deep into. Stone spiers look bizarre: the poisonous columns were formed in places of emission of poisonous gases, semplaring ashes and pimme in the form of spiers.



■ Lake Creuter.

■ Witchcraft islands and ghost ship.

■ Riotacite dome.

■ Pepper Desert.

■ fumaroles.

■ Stone spiers (Pinnaks).

■ Mountains Scott, Hillman, Union and Kreuter.

■ the rock of God Lao.

■ Old coniferous forest.

■ Lake Creuter - the second in the depth of North America's lake after a large slave lake in (614 m) and the eighth-ninth in the depth in the world (the deepest Baikal, 1642 m).

■ In 2005, in honor of the state of Oregon and Lake, the Creuter Mint The US Courtyard has minted a 25-centle coin. It shows the lake itself, the witchcraft island and caldera.

■ For the first time, the depth of the lake was measured in 1886 by the Expedition of the US Geological Service. Depth measured in 168 places. The maximum depth of 608 m is recorded. More than a hundred years, in 2000, according to the measurement of the depth of the lake with the help of the echolocator, it turned out that the previously received data was close to truth.

■ The fish appeared in the lake in 1888: Sneaks and rainbow trout were released here. Fish passed and breeds well. To the fish, the only living creature in the lake was the microscopic creature of AlgaFogopsis, also known as the "Creuter Lake Tick."

■ Lake Creuter freezes extremely rarely, as it takes warm air masses from the Pacific Ocean, although the snow on the slopes lies 8 months in a row. The last time the freezing of the lake was recorded in 1949


Location: West North America, North-West USA.
Administrative belonging: County Clamat, Oregon, USA.
Origin: crater.
Water balance: faceless.
Mineralization: Fresh.
Food: snowy, rain.
Islands: Witchcraft and ghost ship.


Swimming pool: 60 km 2.
Volume: 18.7 km 3.
Mirror area: 53.2 km 2.
Maximum length: 9.7 km.
Maximum width: 8 km.
Average depth: 350 m.
Maximum depth: 594 m.
Transparency: up to 40 m.
The average water temperature: + 12.8 ° C.
Coastline length: 35.1 km.
Height above sea level: 1883 m.
Callera depth: 1220 m.
Witchcraft island: height - 233 m.


The average temperature of January: -5 ° C.
The average temperature of July: + 22 ° C.
The average annual precipitation: 1700 mm.
Relative humidity of air: 70-80%.

The crater lake is a lake, which is formed in the crater of the volcano or in the caldera (depression formed due to the failure of the volcanic vertex), or in the so-called shock crater, which is formed on the surface of the Earth as a result of the fall of the meteorite, or the artificial explosion provoked by the meteorite man.
Sometimes lakes that form inside the caldera are called saber lakes. Cratering lakes are sometimes called volcanic lakes, and the composition of the water in them is often highly considered, saturated volcanic gases, and there is also a sediment of intensive greenish color. Lakes located in sleeping or extinct volcanoes, as a rule, are distinguished by fresh water, and the transparency of water in such lakes can be absolutely exceptional due to the lack of input flow and sediment.

Today we offer you a selection of photos of the most beautiful crater lakes in the world. The realization that these lakes appeared thanks to the activities of the volcano, only adds mysteriousness to them. Enjoy!

1. Crater lake Creuter, Volcano Mount Mazama - Oregon, USA.

Crater Lake Creuter is the main attraction of the Lake Creuter National Park, which is located in Oregon, USA. It is known due to its surprisingly intense blue color and purity of water. Lake Creuter is in Calder, the depth of which is 1.220 meters. This caldera was formed after the destruction of the Mount Mazam volcano. Crater Lake Creuter - this is the most deep lake In the United States of America, its depth is 594 meters (1949 feet). Lake Creuter feeds exclusively by falling out atmospheric precipitation, there are no tributaries or outflows. Consequently, the creuter is one of the brightest lakes in the world. Lake Crater is also known thanks to a huge log called "Lake Star". It has been floating in a vertical position for over a hundred years in the lake. Due to the low temperature of the water in the lake, the login is quite well preserved.

2. Crater Lake Killoea - Ecuador.

Crateric Lake Killoe is filled with water Caldera and the most West volcano, which is located in Ecuadorian Andes. Caldera about three kilometers (2 miles) was formed in the width as a result of a volcanic explosion, which occurred about 800 years ago. The explosion followed the strongest eruption, which caused the appearance of pyroclastic and selent flows that reached the Pacific Ocean. In addition, the volcanic ash cloud covered the Nordic Andes. Caldera has since turned into a lake with a depth of 250 meters (820 feet), water in which has a greenish color as a result of dissolving the minerals that are in it. The lake is cold, but along the shore, there are warm keys and micro-sears due to the location there fumarols - cracks in the crater, which are sources of hot gases. Most fumarolov is on the east slope of the volcano.

3. Crater Lake Albertina Rift Africa.

In the region with a very high population density, it is, however, the territory where the flora and fauna remain almost priority. The Queen Elizabeth Park is also related to crater lakes, resulting from volcanic explosions. If in the 1920s and 1960s, a number of laws were adopted, declare that this territory is under the protection of the state and is a reserve, states environmentalists, to date, it will already cease to exist one of the most unusual monuments Wildlife - West Rift.

Western Rift, which is also called Albertin Rift - this is a rift (formed by large linear depressions in the earth's crust) Valley framed near the most high mountains In Africa, including the Mountains of Virung, Mount Mituba and Ranvewori Range. It is here that a number of Rift Valley lakes are located, - lakes, which include several of the deepest lakes in the world (Lake Tanganyika, whose depth reaches up to 1470 meters (4800 feet). Most of this area is located within national parks, such as Virung National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rovenzori National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda, as well as volcanic national park in Rwanda. Lake Victoria is considered part of the rift valley system, although actually lies between its two parts. All African Great Lakes formed As a result of the appearance of rifts, most of these lakes are within the rift valley.

4. Crater Lake Kelimut - - Flores Island, Indonesia.

Volcano Kelimut is a place where there are many three crater lakes of various colors. Water in Tiwu Atambupu lake (Lake of the elderly), as a rule, has a blue tint. This lake is the most western of three lakes. Two other lakes, Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai (Lake of Youth and Maiden) and Tiwu ATA Polo (Witchcraft, or Magic Lake) are separated by the wall of the crater and water in them, as a rule, green and red color, respectively. Volcano Kelimut is of interest for geologists, because three lakes of different colors are on top of the same volcano.

5. Crater lake, Mount Pinatubo - Luzon, Philippines.

Lake Pinatubo is located in the vertex crater of Pinatubo Volcano, formed after its climatic eruption on June 15, 1991. The lake is located near the borders of Pephang provinces, Tarlak and Zambalez in the Philippines. This is the deepest lake in the country, its depth is 800 meters (2600 feet). Lake Pinatubo is located at a distance of about 90 kilometers (56 miles) to the north-west of the capital of Manila.

6. Crater Lake Okkama ("Lake of five colors), Mount CJSC Honshu, Japan.

Mount CJSC is a volcano, which is located on the border between the prefectures of Yamagata and Miyagi in Japan. This volcano is complex - it consists of a cluster of stratovulkanov. This is the most active volcano in the north Honsu. As a result of the volcanic eruption in the mid-1720s, Okkama Lake was formed, also known as the "lake of five colors". It is so called because the water in the lake changes the color depending on the weather. The diameter of the lake is 360 meters (1200 feet), and its depth reaches 60 meters (200 feet). The lake of five colors is one of the main tourist attractions in the area.

7. Crater lake, Mount Kathmay - Alaska, USA.

Mount Kathmay is a big stratovoliko (composite volcano), located on the Alaska Peninsula, on the territory of the National Park and the Katmai Reserve. Its diameter is about 6.3 miles (10 kilometers). The central caldera of the Katmai volcano is the lake, the dimensions of which are approximately 3 x 2 miles (4.5 x 3 kilometers). Caldera was formed during the eruption of the novuzruk volcano, which occurred in 1912. Maximum height Calders - 6716 feet (2047 meters). In 1975, the water surface of the crater lake was located at an altitude of about 4220 feet (1286 meters), and the calculated height at which the bottom of the caldera was located was about 3400 feet (1040 meters). Mount Kathmay is located in the area of \u200b\u200bKodiak.

8. Crater lake on Tahal Volcano - Luzon, Philippines.

Tal volcano is a complex volcano located on Luzon Island in the Philippines. The lake partially fills the Caldera of the Tal volcano, which was formed due to powerful prehistoric eruptions that occurred between 140,000 and 5380 before our era. The view of the lake Taal, who opens from the Tagaitai Ridge, is one of the most picturesque and attractive attractions in the Philippines. Tal volcano is located approximately 50 kilometers (31 miles) south of the capital of the country, the city of Manila.
A large rock, which is called the dot of the volcano, takes over the lake. This is a fragment of the old DNA of the crater. Now it surrounds the lake, reaching two kilometers (1.2 miles) in width, now known as the lake of the chief crater.

9. Crater Lake Deriba, Jebel Marra - Darfur, Sudan.

The crater of the sleeping volcano Deriba is at the highest point Jebel Marra, at an altitude of 3042 meters (9980 feet), in Darfur, in the west of Sudan. Caldera Volcanana Deriba became the most high point In Sudan, after the proclamation of the independence of South Sudan. Its diameter ranges from five to eight kilometers. Internal crater fills crater lake. Caldera Vulcan Deriba was created as a result of an eruption of the volcanic Jebel Marra about 3500 years ago. The volcano is considered to be currently sleeping, and not extinct, since hot springs and fumarols (gas and steam holes) are still present on its slopes.

10. Crater lake, Mount Rupeha - New Zealand.

Rupeju is an active stratovancan, located in the southern part of the Taupo volcanic zone in New Zealand. It is located approximately 23 kilometers to the northeast of Ochakun and 40 kilometers south-west of southern Shore Lake Taupo, on site National Park Tongariro. On his slopes is a glacier.
Rupeju is one of the most active volcanoes in the world and the biggest acting volcano On the territory of New Zealand. He is the highest point North Islands And includes three main peaks: Tahurangi (height 2797 meters), those heuheu (height 2755 meters) and Paretaythongha (height 2751 meters). The deep active crater is between the peaks and is filled with the crater lake between the major eruptions.

11. Crater Lake Yak Lum - Ratanakiri, Cambodia.

Crater Lake Yak Lum is popular with tourists in the province of Ratanakiri in the north-east of Cambodia. Located about 3 miles (5 kilometers) from the capital of the province, Batellung, it is amazing beautiful lake Located in a 4000-year-old volcanic crater. Due to the huge depth of the lake (157 feet or 48 meters), the water in it is extremely clean and transparent. Lake Yak LUM is almost perfectly round and reaches 0.45 miles (0.72 kilometers) in diameter. High trees and rich, lush tropical forests surrounding the lake, became a house for exotic birds, including various types of parrots.

12. Crater Lake Kerid, Iceland.

Kerid is a volcanic lake located in the Grímsnes area in southern Iceland, on popular tourist routeknown as Golden Circle, or Golden Circle. This is one of several crater lakes in an area known as the Western volcanic zone of Iceland, which includes Reykjanes Peninsula and Langjökull Glacier.

Caldera Kerid, like other volcanoes in the area, consists of red (and not black) volcanic rock. Caldera reaches in a depth of about 55 meters (180 feet) and about 170 meters (560 feet) in width, and in the diameter it is 270 meters (890 feet). Caldera Kerid is one of the three most recognizable volcanic crater. Her age is approximately 3000 years. The surrounding landscape is almost twice. The steep slopes of the crater are covered with stupid vegetation, but one of the slopes are more flat and covered with moss, it is quite easy to climb. The lake itself is rather small (7-14 meters, depending on the number of precipitation and other factors), but due to minerals that enter the water from the soil, the water in it is an opaque and strikingly bright, amazing aquamarine shade.

13. Crater Lake Licankban - Chile.

Licnambic is an amazing symmetry of stratovulican, located in the southern part of the border between Chile and Bolivia. It is located southwest of Laguna Verde in Bolivia. Volcano towers over the area of \u200b\u200bSalar de Atakama. The lower two thirds of the northeast slope of the volcano belong to Bolivia, it is a territory from 5400 meters (17717 feet) to 4360 meters (14304 feet) from foot, and the rest (and most), including a third of the northeast slope and crater, belong To chili.

Vulcan Vulcan Crater is completely in Chile, just over 1 kilometer (3281 feet) to the southwest of the international border, it reaches about 400 meters (1312 feet) in width. It contains a crater lake, the dimensions of which are 70 meters (230 feet) 90 meters (295 feet). Crater Lake Licankban is covered with ice most of the year. This is one of the most high mountain lakes in the world, and despite the air temperature, which can reach -30 ° C, plankton animals are found in the lake.

14. Geothermal Crater Lake Viti - Ascja, Iceland.

Askya is a valid stratov toll, located in the remote part of the central Highland of Iceland. The name of Askya refers to the Calde complex located in the mountains of the Dyngjufjoll mountains, the height of which is up to 1510 meters (4954 feet), the word Askja itself means "Caldera" in Icelandic. The region is available for tourists only for several months a year. Being to the northeast of the Ice Pokrov Vatnacel, this area receives only about 450 Mosmads per year. This area was used in the process of training cosmonauts for flights to the Moon under the Apollo program.
Large Lake Escout was formed as a result of the eruption of 1875. Its area is 12 km ². When the lake was only formed, it was warm, but today it remains ice-covered over most of the year. Escotvan is the second deepest lake in Iceland, more than 220 meters deep.

The geothermal lake is located on the north shore of Escitch. This is a lake of about 150 meters in diameter. Its depth reaches 7 meters. Water in this lake is rich in minerals. The water in it is opaque and intense blue, it proceeds from it a strong smell of sulfur.

15. Heavenly Lake, Mount Baxta - China, North Korea.

Heavenly Lake is a crater lake, which is located on the border between China and North Korea. It is located in Calder, located on top volcanic mountain BACE, which is part mountain Ridge Changbayach. The mountain is partially in the province of Ryangan, North Korea, by 42.006 ° C.Sh. 128.057 ° E.D., and partly in Jilin Province, Northeast China.

Caldera, in which the heavenly lake is located, formed as a result of a major eruption in 969 (± 20 years). The lake is located at an altitude of 2,189.1 meter (7182 feet). Lake covers an area of \u200b\u200b9.82 km ² (3.79 square miles), from the south to the north of its length is 4.85 km (3.01 miles) and from the east to the west of its length - 3.35 kilometers (2.08 miles ). The average depth of the lake is 213 meters (699 feet) and the maximum depth of 384 meters (1260 feet). From mid-October to mid-June, the lake is usually covered with ice.

Some reference information on the park Lake Creuter:

Official name: CRATER LAKE. National Park..

Park area: 741 square meters km.

Foundation date: 05/22/1902

The Lake Creuter National Park is in the south of Oregon and was founded for more than a century ago, twenty-second May one thousand nine hundred second year. Lake Creuter is quite visited by tourists place - every year it happens to three hundred ninety thousand guests.

This lake is located in the crater of the old extluous volcano Under the name Mount Mazama. Its maximum depth is equal to the five hundred ninety seven meters, which makes the lake Creuter fifth in the depths of the country's lake and the seventh among all the planet lakes. The length of the Cretera is nine thousand six hundred meters, and the width is eight thousand meters. The average depth of the lake is approximately equal to three-dimensional meters. Noteworthy is the fact that no stream or the river begged from the lake, as well as do not feed it with its waters. Tourists here attract not only the amazing location of the lake in the caldera of the volcano, but also a poisonous blue shade of local water.

The edges of the Calder of the Volcano are quite high - the height of them ranges from two thousand cars to two thousand four hundred meters above sea level. Caldera began its formation almost immediately after the destruction of the Mount Mazam volcano, about seven thousand seven hundred years ago. Medium height Lake Na this moment Makes up one thousand eight hundred eighty-three meters above sea level.

Many tourists in these edges attract hope to see the Talisman Cretera - "Lake Old Man", the legend of which spread throughout the world. In fact, on the lake, for about a hundred years old, the "lake old old man" swims, for the verification of an ordinary log. Amazing is not only a log swimming time, but also the way to go on lake water stroit - logs in a vertical position. Perhaps the life log extended the water of the cerette, or rather, its rather low temperature capable of maintaining the structure of the wood for many years.

Mount Mazama volcano is part of the volcanic arc of cascade mountains. Its main breeds are Riotacitis, Dacit and Andesit. The death of the volcano is considered to be its last eruption, which was so powerful, which led to its immersion. In the course of subsequent eruptions, volcanic forms were formed close to modern, Cone Merriham, the Witch Island and the Riotacte dome almost in the very center of the Lake Platform. The lake appeared, thanks to the sediments and hot springs, which gradually cooled. At the moment, scientists tend to believe that in the future there is a new eruption of Mount Mazam.

The lake Creuter became an image on the anniversary twenty-focused state coin, released six years ago.

Lake - reservoir surrounded by land. In the size of the lake varies from very large, such as the Caspian Sea and the Great Lakes in North AmericaTo tiny water bodies, several hundred square meters and even less. Water in them can be fresh, as in Oz. Upper, or salty, as in the Dead Sea. The lakes are found on any heights, from the lowest above the absolute mark on the surface of the sushi -408 m (Dead Sea) and almost to the highest (in the Himalayas). Some lakes do not freeze round yearwhereas others, such as Oz. Wanda in Antarctica, most of the year are ice-cold. Many lakes exist constantly, while others (for example, Oz. Air in Australia) - only occasionally filled with water. Lakes are similar to the oceans, however, there are differences between them: lakes are smaller in size and more vulnerable to external influences, including natural climatic changes. Age is one of the essential differences between lakes and oceans. Only a few of the currently existing lakes, such as Tanganyik or Baikal, have a few million years old. Most of the lakes are probably younger than 12 thousand years old, and the lakes created by a person are artificial reservoirs, "there are only few decades.

The origin of the lake Kotlovin

Lakes fill the basins that have different origins. Since the processes of forming these Kotlovin are often dependent on local conditions, the lakes are concentrated in certain areas, for example, in the Ozerny district in the north-west of England, the lake area in Austria and the extensive belt of lakes covering the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. Tectonic activity, volcanism, landslides, glacial processes, coastal processes, accumulation of organogenic sediments are influenced by the formation of lake kitrooms, landslides, the fumigation of watercourses by man or beobores and the fall of meteorites.

The oldest and deepests of the currently existing lakes arose under the influence of tectonic activity, however, most lakes were formed due to glacial processes. Nevertheless, the role of other listed factors is also important.

Volcanic activity leads to the formation of a variety of lake kitlovin - from small craters of a rounded form with low sides to large deep calder, which are formed by the outpouring of the magma through the lateral crater, located near the vertex of the volcano, which leads to the collapse of the volcanic cone. A visual example of the caldera lake is Oz. The cruiser in Oregon, formed during the eruption of the Mazama Ok volcano. 6000 years ago. This picturesque lake of almost rounded shape has a depth of 608 m (seventh in the world in depth). In the middle of the lake is the island of Wisard, resulting from a later eruption. Lakes of this type are found in Japan and in the Philippines. In volcanic areas, lake basins can also be formed when the hot lava flows out from under a colder surface lava horizon, which contributes to the sedimentation of the latter (it was formed, oz. Yellowstone), or in the case of the rivers leaving the lava rivers or the mudway during volcanic eruptions. That is how the basins of many lakes in Japan and New Zealand arose.

Kamchatka is a genuine "Wonderland". Throughout Kamchatka stretched the chain of formidable volcanoes. They are more than one hundred forty, including twenty-eight applicable. Lakes sometimes appear here and directly in the craters of volcanoes, and then they are striking the most unusual paints. For example, in a volcanic crater, a large seed is located Black lake, the surface of which is covered with a black film of iron sulphides. The crater is similar to a deep funnel with a diameter of about 700 m slightly oval shape, at the bottom of which lies the lake. Steel walls rising by 200 m resemble layer-cake from lava and tuff. A wonderful addition to this in itself an interesting crater is a lake light green. Such color is caused by the smallest floating in the thickness of the water by sulfur particles made by underwater fumarols. The temperature of the lake 30-40 ° C, its average diameter is about 500 m, the depth is up to 140 m. The descent to the lake is possible only from the northern side of the lively fosquest, interrupted by the rocky, stepped opening of about 20 m. The lakeside in the place of shutter Large blocks. Water taste flavoring sour. When volcanologists examined the lake in the rubber boat, they returned back with difficulty: aluminum blades of cheerful were eaten dissolved in water with acids. Water mineralization is very high, exceeds the content of salts in sea water. The beautiful emerald color of the lake near the lamb disappointing, turning simply into muddy.

And the volcano is burning, unique even for Kamchatka (he has whole nine crater!), It has two lakes at once: in the crater Blue Lake Indeed is a reservoir with gentle blue water, and nearby, in the crater, the bowl - water in the lake purple. The formation of such non-ferrous lakes is associated with different acidity of water in craters and various lava composition in them.

Volcano small seedychik

Fig.1 Troitsky crater on a shallow seed volcano.

The crater lake is a pond with water in the water of a volcanic crater (deepening on the top of the volcano), caldera (collapsion formed due to the failure of the volcanic vertex), the Maara (explosion crater) or shock crater, which appeared as a result of the fall of the cosmic body to the surface of the Earth .

The crater lake has, mostly, the shape of the circle, high walls and is usually filled with rainwater. This is a selection of the most interesting crater lakes.

Elgigytgun, Chukotka

Crater lake on Chukotka. The diameter of the lake is about 12 kilometers, and the maximum depth is 174 meters. This crater lake appeared about 3.6 million years ago. Nobody knows exactly the cause of education, but it is assumed that this is either a shock, or volcanic crater.

Katmai, Alaska

This is the actual stratovan in the south of Alaska Peninsula. Volcano reaches 10 km in diameter and has a caldera filled large lake, dimensions of 4.5 × 3 km, which was formed during volcanic eruption in 1912. The maximum height of the cat, on which the crater lake is located, is 2047 meters above sea level.

Killoea, Ecuador

Caldera, a radius of which 2 km, was formed as a result of the volcanic eruption of about 800 years ago. The crater lake has a depth of 250 meters and painted in a greenish color due to dissolving minerals. At the bottom of the lake there are cracks for which the rods of gases rise.

Crater Lake in Rift Valley, Africa

The rift is called a large linear depression in the earth's crust. The rift valley is located between the highest mining systems of Africa - Virung, Mitumba and Rouvenzori. Lakes are located, including Lake Tanganyik, which is the longest freshwater lake in the world and one of the deepest (1470 meters).

Lake Creuter, Oregon

Lake Creuter is known in the world in its deep blue and purity water. It partially fills the caldera with a depth of 1,220 meters, which appeared about 7,700 years ago after the destruction of the Mount Mazam volcano.

Dimensions of the crater lake: 8 at 9.5 km. The average depth is 350 meters, and the maximum is 595 meters. Photo from space.

This is the deepest lake in the US, the second in depth in North America.

Pinatubo, Phillipins

The acting volcano Pinatubo is located on the Philippine Island Luzon 93 km north-west of the capital of Manila.

In a huge cratera with a diameter of 2.5 km, an educated eruption of 1991, a crater lake was formed with rain powered.

"Lake of five colors", Japan

Mountain CJSC is located on the border of the prefectures of Yamagata and Miyagi. In the 1720s, the lake of the Ocama was formed in the volcanic crater after eruption. It is also called the "lake of five colors", because it changes the color depending on the weather.

The diameter of the crater lake is 360 meters, and the depth is 60 m.

Crater lake on Tal volcano, Philippines

The acting volcano Tal is located on the territory of Philippines 50 km from Manila.

The crater lake fills the caldera with a diameter of 25-30 kilometers, which was formed after the strongest eruption of 100-500 thousand years ago.

Deriba, Sudan

The crater of the sleeping volcano deriba, located at an altitude of 3042 meters, was formed as a result of an eruption of 3,500 years ago. Its dimensions are 5-8 km in diameter.

View from space to the crater lake.

Crater Lake on Mount Rupeha, New Zealand

The acting stratovulican Rupeha in New Zealand is the highest point of the North Islands (2,797 meters).

At the top of the volcano is a crater lake.

Yak Lum, Cambodia

This beautiful lake is in a 4000-year-old volcanic crater. It is almost the perfect round - 720 meters in diameter and has a depth of about 50 meters. Around the crater lake is a lush tropical forest with a lot of exotic birds.

Kuril Lake, Russia

In the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula there is a major caldera in which the crater lake is located. The area of \u200b\u200bKuril Lake is about 77 square meters. km., The average depth of 195 meters, the maximum depth of 316 meters. (Photo of Roman Murushkin).

Kuril Lake. View from space.

Kelimut, Indonesia

Kelimuth volcano 1,639 meters high is located on the Indonesian Island Flores. Here are 3 crater lakes, each of which is painted in its color.

In Lakes Kelimut, various minerals were dissolved, and because of this for several years they change their color from black to turquoise, red-brown or green.

Crater Lake Keriz, Iceland

Located in southern Iceland. Caldera, in which the crater lake is located, consists of a red or black volcanic stone. Callera depth is 55 meters, width - 170 meters, age - 3,000 years. The crater lake itself is small - only 7-14 meters in depth.

Crater Lake on Licankabour, Chile

Likankan - Stratovolnan 5 920 meters above sea level. In the crater is a lake covered with ice most of the year. This is one of the high mountain lakes in the world.

Geothermal Crater Lake Viti, Iceland

Ascya is a valid stratov toll with a height of 1510 meters above sea level. During the eruption of the volcano of 1875, in the caldera of about 45 sq. Km. Two large lakes were formed. One of them is a crater geothermal lake of vitia with a diameter of about 100 m and a depth of about 7 meters. Water in lake milky blue. In the photo you can distinguish with swimming people.

Heavenly Lake, North Korea, China

Crater lake Chhongi or Tianchi is located on the Border of the DPRK and China. He is also called heavenly lake.

Crater was formed as a result of a strong eruption in 970. The shore of the crater lake is very cool. The river flowing out of the lake forms a deep gorge in the wall of the crater with ripples, where waterfalls are formed. The largest of them is located at the outer edge of the crater and has a height of about 50 meters.

The Heavenly Lake is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest crater lake in the world - the height of the water surface is 2 189 m.

See also: