The most beautiful lakes and the Altai River. Multicolored lakes of the Altai Territory where to relax on the salted Lake Altai

10 unusual and beautiful lakes of Altai, who at least once worth seeing with their own eyes! 1. Telette lake. The biggest area and in depth in Altai, very beautiful and picturesque. The length is 77.8 km, the average width is 2.9 km, the maximum width is up to 5.2 km, the maximum depth of Teletsk Lake is 325 meters. The indigenous altages call it "Altyn-Koyl", which means the "Golden Lake" name - Teletsk Lake, was given by Kuznetic Cossacks, because of the tribes, inhabiting the shores - Telecoms. The lake is included in the list of Russia's largest lakes, has ice-tectonic origins. On the lake, in all its length, walks a large number of Pleasure large and small boats, as well as steam, with the help of which cars and large cargo are rewicted. 2. Lake Yarovoy. Large Skore Lake is located in the Slavgorod district of the Altai Territory, in the West of the Kulundy Plain. The length of the lake is 11.5 kilometers, width - 8 kilometers. The greatest depth of the lake is about 7-8 meters. it unique lake It is known for its healing rape - water with a variety of health careful salts, as well as therapeutic sludge mud. In the lake, Artemy Salina's crust is inhabited, contributing to the formation of these healing mud. Useful is the air around the lake. Inhalation of air saturated with substances evaporated from the lake, including bromine, has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system. Water of the lake, in its properties is not inferior to water Dead Sea In Israel, effective in the treatment of certain skin and neurological diseases. Ozerny dirt treats gynecological, androological diseases, diseases of the joints. 3. Overlook (swan). Lake Light (Swan) is located in the Soviet district of the Altai Territory, next to the villain village. The lake is a monument of nature, the State Natural Complex of the Reserve "Swan" was established here in order to preserve the only wintering swans-clikunov in the altai. The reserve is located at a pre-Altai Plain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Lugovoy Steppes of the North Altai and the ancient terraces of Katun. Its area is 38.2 thousand hectares. In Russia, there are only two reserves where swans-clikuna winter: one of them is on the lake with light. Water in the lake is clean and transparent to the whole depth, hence the name is light. Because of the abundance of keys drowning from the bottom and feeding with water with warm water, the lake does not freeze in the winter. Even in a 40-degree frost, the water temperature does not fall below plus 5-6 C. Each year in December in December, a snow-white flock arrives in the swan, and remains wintering on the non-freezing lake, hence the second name of the lake - Swan. 4. Geyser Lake. In the Ulagansky district of the republic, 7 kilometers from a large village of Aktash near the tourist base "Mena" there is a small thermal separator, with an amazingly beautiful turquoise water and a bottom of the bright blue sand. Against the background of the Cherry Dark Taiga, the blue lake looks surreatically. This kind of thermal lakes are found everywhere in the territory of Yellowstone national Park The United States, the more amazing the location of such a reservoir in the old on geological standards of Paleozoic Caledonian-Gercinsky Gorg Altai. The diameter of the mountain water reservoir is about 30 meters at the depth of the lake basin of about 2 meters. Freaky and very colorful appearance to him give, changing the picture of the factory the thermalistics, raising the bright blue il from the depths of the earth. At the bottom of the reservoir, many fallen trees covered with emerald green moss. The water branch also has a distortion of the picture of the bottom and the surface of the water. Here, as anywhere, you can observe the unique Impressionism of the Mother of Nature. It is the beauty of the geyser-secret lake, the only one in the mountains of Altai, the analogues in these mountains there are no more. The lake is not freezing even in a harsh winter. 5. Blue lakes (Katuny's eyes). The real miracle of Altai is blue lakes or "Katuny's eyes", which are located in the Cheekysky district, on the left bank of the Katun River, not far from the village of UzNesia. They were formed in one way, when the Kura Sea was on the site of the Altai Mountains, which occupied an area equal to 180 to 110 kilometers. At that time, there were movements of the earth's crust, which destroyed the natural dam and the rapid volumes of water, accelerating the huge blocks in the valley, who knocked out three deep depressions in this place. Nowadays, "Katuny's eyes", these are two or three beautiful lakes. Their exact number is unknown to the fact that how many of them will appear, will depend on the water level in the Katun River. They appear mostly closer to autumn and remain as lakes all winter. Since the beginning of spring, they are filled with thawed waters and merge with the waters of the Katun River. The total area is about 400 m. The depth comes to 18 meters. In winter, the Katun River, freezes, and "Katun's eyes" remains lakes, because of the warm sources, the temperature of the water in them is maintained at + 10 ° C. °. The lakes are transfused with amazing turquoise color and through their crystal clear waters see even the bottom. 6. Raspberry lake. There is a crimson lake in the Mikhailovsky district of the Altai Territory, somewhere 10 kilometers from the district center Mikhailovskoye. Next to the lake is the settlement of the same name. The locality where the lake is located is called a tract "Sale-Lake Steppe" and is surrounded by a beautiful pine forest from all sides. The tract contains dozens of large and small lakes, some of which are also with pinkish water. Raspberry lake is the largest of them, about 11 square kilometers. Especially beautiful water color is spring. In general, the best time to visit the lake is the time since June to September. Closer to autumn the color of water becomes brown. In the raspberry lake, a very large concentration of salt, so salt deposits are formed along the shores of the reservoir. Lake has not only unusual viewBut it has healing power. The concentration of salt in water is almost the same as in the sea. Water can easily hold the body on the surface, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the entire body. A special value has a sulphide-Ilvoy dirt, which contains a raspberry lake. Mud baths will help with the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea, neurodermitis, rheumatism, muscle and articular pain. Procedures are recommended when losing hair. This magic dirt perfectly cleans the skin from excess fat, burned skin cells. It helps the skin to be updated and slows down the aging process. Those who regularly make masks from this dirt, noticed that small wrinkles disappeared, and the new did not appear. 7. Lake here-Kush. One of the most unusual lakes is considered here. The lake is underground, it is located in the eponymous cave at a depth of 240m. The grotty is already 3 lakes, they are pulled out with a chain along the cavity, sizes from 3 to 20 m. The biggest, ranks first among the lakes, underground karst systems of Altai. Its length is 20 m, the maximum width is 7 m, and the depth is 2.5 m. It contains more than 300 m cubic meters. water. The lake is powered by karst waters. The water temperature is constant, about 8 degrees. Lake mode has not been studied. Over the past 10 years, it disappeared three times and arose. 8. Akkese lake. The Lake Akkese (from Altai Ak-Ancause - "White Water") is at the foot of the northern slope of Beluha Mountain on the territory of the Ust-Koksinsky district of the Altai Republic. Feels on the waters of the Akkeke glacier. Lake length 1350., Width 610 m., The average depth of the lake is 7.8 meters. The color of the water of the lake cloudy, gray-white. The lake is transparently less than a meter due to a slightening of a solid material that carries the river to the accum from the glacier, so the fish is not found here. The bottom of the lake forms glacier il. IN silent weatherWhen there are no ripples on the lake, in calm water, a reflection of the snow-white peak of the White Mountain is seen. The water temperature in the Lake Akkeke does not exceed +4.5 ° C. In the north-western shore of the lake there is a meteorological station "Akkem". The meteorological station is one of the oldest in Altai, observations on it have been conducted since 1932. On the left bank of the lake is Alpalage Beluha and the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the search and rescue service of the Republic of Altai. Around the lake, there are several beautiful natural objects, worthy of attention: Lakes of the Akoyuk Valley, the Akkem Glacier; The valley of the river Yarla with the so-called " Stone city , Mountain Spirits Lake, Archangel Mikhail Chapel with a memorable board of dead mountaineers and tourists. 9. Lake Darashkol. Highly in the Altai Mountains there is a high mountain lake Darashkol (translated from the Altai "Derash Kohl" - "beautiful lake"). Darashkol is located on a peculiar stage between the high mountain and lowland in the upper reaches of the Valley of Iolado Ayra, the left tributary of the Kuchered River. The height of the lake above sea level is 2,200 meters. Above the lakes, only rocks and snow, and below the dense forests begin. The lake is stretched from east to the west approximately 1 km and carefully surrounded by the amphitheater of pointed rocks. Lake Lake - 890 meters, width - 330 meters. The emerald surface of Darashkol is surrounded by the milled mountain peaks, glaciers cascades of turquoise water waterfalls. On the shores of the lake surrounded by: rocks, bullets of stones and century-old cedars, the picturesque valley of the malachite color with a peninsula cut into the lake, a favorite place for parking tourists. Around the lake there are lifts and blueberries. The lake is rather difficult to reach, there can not climb the path to the lake complicated, you will have to rise upstream of the river. At the same time, the trail is very picturesque - a lot of waterfalls, rocks covered with moss, fallen beard trees, thick Evnyak. The descent from the lake is steep, there is a sharp discharge of height, the river in those places turns into roaring waterfalls, an exciting spectacle. In general, the pedestrian part of the route to Lake Darashkol is 41 kilometers. 10. Lake Aya. The picturesque warm mountain lake is located near the village of the same name, 25 km from Gorno-Altaisk, slightly away from the Chui tract on the left bank of the Katun River. The length of the coastline of the lake - 1410 meters, the maximum depth is 21.7 meters, the area of \u200b\u200bthe mirror-93 ha. The surface of the surface layer of water -16 C, the maximum in July 22-26 C. The level of the lake exceeds the river Katuna river for 49 meters. Translated from the Turkic "ah" means "Moon", the lake has the shape of the crescent. Lake, located as it were in a hollow, among green mountains, is characterized by transparent and warm water. None of the river does not flow into the lake, the water exchange occurs due to underground flows. Water in a lake of a bluish color, fresh, odorless and taste, transparency - 8-9 m. In the center of the lake there is a small island - a gazebo of love, to which romantics get the climb. On the shore of the lake there is a beach, organized rolling of catamarans and boats. Next to the lake features a cafe. In the vicinity of Lake Aya, there are picturesque mountain landscapes, pine bors on the left bank of Katun. This is one of the few mining sites where you can swim. About accommodation and excursions on the Altai Altai Read in the group

Altai is famous not only by the mountains - the lakes here are also very much, and everyone gives a special painting of the already beautiful landscape of this region.

Teletsk Lake is one of the most popular natural attractions of the Altai Mountain Landmarks. At the maximum depth, it ranks fourth in Russia. In addition, Teletsk Lake is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Modern name The lake received four hundred years ago - he was given to him Russian pioneers, calling the Lake Telsky, because the Toleric tribes lived here. And the calves themselves called His Altyn-Kul, or the Golden Lake.

The length of the lake - 77 kilometers of 700 meters, the average width is about three kilometers. The average depth of the lake is 175 meters, and the maximum is 325 meters, so here you can safely swim on boats and heat. True, it's not too comfortable to swim here - only at the end of July in the southern part of the water heats up to 22 degrees. In total, there are 70 rivers in the lake, but most of all the water comes from the Chulshman River.

The right bank of Teletsk Lake belongs to the Altai State Reserve, and it is not easy to get there, and it is impossible to get there, so some attractions are available only from water.

To drive up to Teletskom Lake on the car is not so easy - there are only three places available for cars:

  • The village of Yaul;
  • South coast lakes;
  • Artybash, Northern Lake Beach.

Local love to say that if you were not on Teletsk Lake, it was not in Altai. In general, they talk about many places, but it is about the lake that are not empty words, but the most real truth.

You can see the most remarkable, but for a couple of days to see the most remarkable, but for a couple of days. True, the excursions are notable here, and independently until many interesting places are simply not reached. The placement on the lake is not expensive, but without tourist trips to do here, in general, especially nothing. Housing is better to booke in advance, especially in July-August.

The lake is famous for its picturesque species, as well as attractions: waterfalls, such as Kishte, Corb, Ayu-Kechpez, etc., Stone Bay and Numerous beautiful Islands. Waterfalls on the lake, by the way, about 70, but not to all can be approached.

Lake Aya is very significant natural object In Altai, a lot of legends are folded about him. The Russian language "Aya" is translated as a moon, and tourists usually tell the legend associated with the Moon. She says that once in these lands there lived a cannibal Delbegen, who killed a lot good people. Once the moon is tired of observing these disgraces, she descended to the ground and dropped the cannibal to Katun. At the same time, high waves rose and the next remaining from the lowered moon. So Lake Aya was formed.

The age of the lake is approximately 25 thousand years. It is located at an altitude of 280 meters above sea level. The length of the lake is about 400 meters, the width is about 380. The maximum depth is 21.7 meters, although there are data about 25 meters. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 93 hectares. From November to April, the lake covers ice, but in July the water in it is heated to 22-26 degrees, which allows you to safely swim in it - and this can not boast every Altai lake.

The peculiarity of the lake is the small granite island next to the eastern shore, on which there are several trees and an old gazebo. And in 2003 Ae and his surroundings assigned status natural Park.

On the banks of the turbase there are quite a few hotels, campgrounds and recreation bases. Accommodation can be found almost from 100 rubles a day at a campsite for a place for a tent and only from 500 rubles per room of the economy class. In general, prices are quite acceptable.

Tourist bases near the shore of the lake have access to their own beaches. Considering that there are not many swimming places in Altai, Lake Aha in this regard is very attractive - here you can safely buy and sunbathe. If you rest not on the basis of the shore, then you will have to pay for the approach to the lake.

Ai beaches are landscaped - here you can rent umbrellas and sun beds. Boats and catamarans go on the lake, but their rent is not checked - approximately 400 rubles per hour.

In general, there are a lot of interesting sights around Ai, which is easy to visit on your own car or as part of excursions.

Karakol lakes are a chain of lakes in the upper reaches of the Karakol River. There are seven lakes in the chain, and they are located at an altitude of 1820-2100 meters, connecting between themselves with streams and ducts.

Although the lakes are connected, water in all of them is different colors, but everywhere is very cold - not higher than seven degrees.

A strong height difference between lakes provides an interesting variety of landscapes. A cedar taiga spread around the lower lakes, the alpine meadows with amazing flowers are replaced by a slightly above Taiga, and small upper lakes are surrounded by alpine tundra. All this makes lakes very painful.

Karakol lakes are a monument of nature, and tourists regularly visit them.

Behind the Red Gate, on the way to Katu-Yaryk there is a chain of the Ulagan Lakes. It begins with the lake Cheybeckel, or a dead lake, which stretches along the road a few kilometers.

The lake began to be so called because there was no fish there. They explained this in different ways, from the high content of mercury in water before the activities of evil spirits. The first, by the way, was not confirmed, well, but the second will not fully check.

As a result, everything turned out to be easier. Fish to get into the lake, it was necessary to raise up the flow of the Chibeet River. And Chebeckel, located at an altitude of 1949 meters, was simply unavailable for fish. A few years ago, the lake rented a private entrepreneur and manually launched a fish there. After that, the dead lake cease to be stopped - the fish was wonderful there, and now the fishing here, according to local residents, is pretty good.

But his native name, Chebekkel, that is, the elongated lake, more corresponds to reality. The length of the lake is 3 kilometers, and the width is only 400 meters. Chebeckel depth is 33 meters. By the way, the ice is holding quite a long time - it can be seen even in June.

Further on the road to the pass is still many lakes, some of which is difficult to identify. The coast has a turbase, and the view of the lakes is excellent. Before the most Ulagan pass is located lake Uzunkel. His height is 2 thousand meters above sea level, that is, it is one of the most high mountain lakes In the Altai. And Uzunkel - the biggest lake in the pool of the Chibutes. Its width is 600 meters, the length is 2.5 kilometers, and the depth is up to 28 meters. Some time ago, the lake was also launched by fish, so you can go fishing.

Very beautiful lake Uch-Kel You can see on the same road not far from Katu-Yaryk Pass.

This is the second largest lake in the Altai Mountain Altai (after Telecom), is located at an altitude of more than two kilometers above sea level, on the Chulyshman plateau. Its length is 10 kilometers, and the width is 3 kilometers.

The lake is interesting in two things. First, numerous islands, on two of which a Colony of Bolshoi Baklan is located, the only one in Russia. Secondly, the unique landscape around the lake, the tundrostepus, in which the flora and the fauna of the North and the south of Siberia are mixed.

Around the julukul is also located even more than two hundred minced lakes, so the terrain here is quite picturesque.

These alpine lakes are located in the upper reaches of the Shawa River, at an altitude of up to two thousand meters, on the southwest slope of the North Chui Range. They are considered to be almost the most picturesque lakes in the Altai, since local landscapes combine alpine meadows and coniferous forests, and mountain peaks, surrounding the shores of the lakes, make this place even more beautiful.

This high-altitude lake is located on the Akké River, at an altitude of more than two thousand meters above sea level. It is located near the northern slope of the popular Mount of Beluhi. The width of the lake is 610 meters, the length is 1350 meters, and the depth reaches only 15 meters. Water in the lake is extremely cold, and even in the summer it does not heat up above five degrees Celsius.

The shores of the lake low, covered with cedar and deciduous forest. The lake itself is not such a remarkable, however, it is very easy to perform exits to other mountain lakes, waterfalls and glaciers of Beluhi, so many tourists stop here.

This group consists of three lakes: the top and bottom Kucheral and Big Kucheral. All of them are located next to each other on the right influx of Katun, the Kuchecher River, right at the founding of the northern slope of Katunsky ridge. Lakes are quite alpine - they are located at an altitude of about 1790 meters above sea level.

Tourists love these lakes for a unique flora and fauna and picturesque landscapes in their surroundings. Often not only tourists and travelers are stopped here, but also hunters. True, even in the summer there is cool here, although it is only on the hand to those who want to relax from the scorching heat. You can not swim in the lakes.

The Kolyvan Lake is one of the biggest lakes of the Altai Territory. Tourists love him for the cliffs of the bizarre form, located around the lake, as well as crystal clear water. Due to this water, the water walnut is growing here - a relict plant listed in the Red Book.

Kulundin Lake is the biggest lake in the Altai Territory. Its length is 35 kilometers, width - 25 kilometers, and the area exceeds 600 kilometers. With all this, the lake is very shallow - most deep place Here is just 4 meters. Kulundin Lake is the rest of the ancient sea, which was in the territory of the Altai Territory Millions of years ago.

The lake is famous for therapeutic clays and mineral healing waters, so there is a cell wellness complex on his shore, attracting many tourists.

Altai Krai is famous not only for its agrarian achievements, but perhaps the richest hydrographic map in the country. In the territory of the region there is about 13 thousand lakes, large and small, fresh and salty, each of which is unique in its own way. Some extremely picturesque: photo Lake Altai fascinate with its unique beauty. Others are famous for rare healing properties, others are chic resorts with hotels and water parks are not worse than overseas.

Photo of the lakes of Altai: the lake on the red grief.

Photo of Lake Altai: Lake Akkeke, Beluha Mountain.
Photo of the lakes of Altai: Lake Akkeke near Beluha Mountain (photo from An-2 aircraft).
Mountain Altai. Lake Kuiguk.
Altai, Lake Middle-Tensky, September.

Teletsk Lake is the biggest lake of Altai.
South of Teletsk Lake.
Teletsk Lake. Altai name Altyn Koyl, which means the golden lake.
Altai, south of Teletsky Lake, on the far plan - Canyon Chulasman. Shot from cordon white.
Mountain Altai, Lake Teletskoy, October.
Altai Mountain Altai, Teletskoy Lake near the Yayle village. Dawn, January.

The most unusual Lake Altai

Due to the variety of landscapes, each reservoir of the Altai Territory is beautiful in its own way. For example, a mirror lake located in the Barnaul belt boro, surrounded by light-king relict forests, giving the coastline a special charm.

Lake Light, also known as the Swan - an amazing corner of nature, where water is crystal clear and transparent until the bottom. Thanks to the abundance of keys, the reservoir does not freeze even in the most severe frosts, and the water temperature is not below + 5 - 6 degrees C. Therefore, the ducks and swans here, where you can admire with special viewing sites.

Altai, Lake Light.

A small white lake is caught in granite coast and is distinguished by the correct rounded form. The center of the lake is a small island, where, according to the legend, the famous Ural industrial industrialist Akinfiy Demidov was engaged in the production of coins by the courtyard of Empress Elizabeth. In 2010, the status was assigned to the water natural Monument.

Altai, White Lake.

The bitter-salt raspberry lake is known since the times of Catherine II. The unique feature of the reservoir is the pinkish-raspberry color of water, which is obtained by the vital activity of special planktonic racks. For a long time, from the bottom of the lake, they mined and delivered to the yard pink saltwhich Empress surprised overseas guests.

Altai, raspberry lake.
Altai, raspberry lake.

Beauty and benefit

Lake Gorky Novichihinsky District Altai has the status of a natural monument and is famous for its healing mud and picturesque sandy beaches. The reservoir attracts not only those who want to improve health, but also lovers of kaitsurfing.

On the shore of another Lake, Gorky, located in the Yegoryevsky district, has been hospitably welcoming the resting popular Sanatorium Lebiazhier. Here are going to enjoy therapeutic climatic mud, mild climate and mineral water, similar to the composition with Essentuki 17.

Lake Large Yarovoy surrounds almost flat flames of plain, and part of the coastline is cut by deep ravines. Since 1972, there is a sanatorium-resort treatment here, and the popularity of this place is explained by particularly healing water, similar to the composition with the waters of the Dead Sea.

Paradise for tourists

Freshwater lake is a favorite place of recreation, where you can settle on one of the tour bazs, swim in the summer, swim by boats and catamarans, and in the winter to skate. The Lake Haye is located in one of the depadies of the Altai mountains and according to the local legend, formed where the moon went down to the ground to save people from the terrible cannon.

Altai, Lake Aya.

The Kolyvan Lake, which is local called the Savvushka, is surrounded by the rages of small mountain desires of the most bizarre form, and the lake itself with a rich fantasy reminds the gemstone sapphire, enclosed in granite frames.

Kolyvan Lake or just Savvushka in Altai.

Kuluddinskoye is one of the largest lakes of Altai, an area of \u200b\u200b728 km 2. Its depth is only 2.5 - 3 m, but the lake never freezes, and in the summer it warms up to 25 degrees. It is not surprising that thousands of nature lovers and picturesque landscapes seek to get here.

Anyone who travels in Siberia will definitely bring with them numerous photos of the Lakes of the Altai Territory, which are conquered by their original beauty and diversity.

See more:

"The edge of thousands of lakes", "Country of Blue Lakes" - these metaphors have long and firmly fixed the Altai. Nature very generously gave these lands with mirror reservoirs, there are about 20 thousand them here. And everyone has its own unique world, their paints, their own story. Mountain and plain, salty and fresh, deep and shallow, populated by water inhabitants and thoroughly devoid of life are found among them.

Lakes are distinguished by origin, nutrition, color and composition of water, but all their delightful beauty is combined. It is she who entails here a romanticist tourists, tired of the crazy rhythm of life. With the development of the tourist industry, an increasing number of lakes becomes accessible to a comfortable and unforgettable rest.

The most beautiful Lake Altai

1. Teletskoye

One of the main attractions of the Republic of Altai belongs to the group of the most deep lakes World. The length of the reservoir is 78.6 km, the average width is 3.2 km, and the depth reaches 325 meters. On the right bank there is a state biosphere reserve. A genuine pearl of the lake is a spectacular waterfall of the Corner, you can only get to it on the boat. In the northern part of the lake, in the vicinity of the villages of Iogach and Artbash, tourist infrastructure is well developed.

2. Karakol lakes

Seven lakes of glacial origin in the upper reaches of the Karakol River in Mountain Altai. They are at different heights, from 1800 to 2100 meters. Located next to each other and are connected by streams, but differ in size, color and water temperature. The vegetation near the lakes is rich and diverse - at the bottom of the cedar taiga, the alpine meadows spread above, and there are plants of high-mountain tundra near the upper lakes. The nearest village of Elempar is 30 km away.

3. Large Yarovoye

The main treasures of the famous lake in the Altai Territory - a highly concentrated rap, containing in its composition in addition to the salts of also bromine, elbow dirt with therapeutic effect under a number of diseases, and no less healing air. Located Lake on the edge of the city of Yarovoy, the tourist infrastructure is well developed here. Beautiful beaches are equipped, there is a sanatorium "Chemist", mass of hotels and boarding houses, water park and other water entertainment.

4. Lake Aya

One of the favorite places of recreation from residents and guests of the Altai Territory. Located Lake in a mountain basin, near the village of the same name and the Katun River. It has small sizes, but a decent depth - up to 22 meters. One of the few reservoirs, where in summer water is well warmed, and there is an opportunity to buy. The original attraction is a wooden gazebo of love on an island in the center of the reservoir. Natural park has been created in the vicinity of the lake.


One of the largest water bodies of the mountain altai is formed as a result of the melting of glaciers, which continues and so on. Located at the foot of Katunsky Range, on the territory of the Natural Park. Water has a greenish tint, the largest depth of 55 meters. Despite the low water temperature, the lake is popular with local residents and tourists. There is here tent cityAnd for comfort lovers - the recreation center of the same name with cozy houses and pool.

6. Geyser

A completely fantastic lake near the village of Aktash, in the Altai. First, it is blue, which gives it lying on the bottom of the clay. Secondly, the circles of different shapes and sizes are constantly diverged over its surface. They create sources drowning from the bottom and moving layers of blue clay. Water in a crystal purity lake, and it seems small, although it has a depth of about 2 meters. At the edges of the reservoir, algae grow, some are purple.

7. Kolyvansky

A large reservoir in the Altai Territory, not far from Zmeinogorsk, has a length of 4 km and a width of 3 km. It is famous for the surrounding huge rocks-remains. In stone natural creations, you can consider castles, animals, human faces. Water in a transparent lake, a lot of fish and unique vegetation, for example, chilim walnut. On the shore there is a sanatorium "Azure", tour bazes, offering entertainment for every taste, excursions and boat walks.

8. Multician lakes

Several amazing lakes of glacial origin on the slope of Katunsky ridge, in the Altai Republic. They are located along the course of the river cartoons, at an altitude of 1,700 meters to 2,200 meters. Particulate state Reserve. Nearby are magnificent multi-water waterfalls. Despite the greater remoteness from civilization, this is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Altai. Care should be taken, there are bears in these places.

9. Shavlin lakes

The group of magnificent lakes on the Shavla River is one of the most picturesque in the Altai Republic. The unique charm gives them a turquoise tint of water - a consequence of impurities of glacial muta. Through the lakes pass popular tourist pedestrian and horse robes starting from the village of Chibit. Upper lake Located at an altitude of 2164 meters near the Shavlin Glacier. Lower - at an altitude of 1983 meters, on its shore a lot of comfortable travel parking lots.

10. Manger

A small fresh lake at the foot of the Malaya Sienia in the territory of the Altai Mountain Altai. It has the status of a protected monument of nature. Because of the small depth of water in the lake, it is well warmed and suitable for swimming. On the shores there are numerous tourgaves, it also built the working year-round skiing complex "Mangerok", offering recreation and entertainment for the whole family. Lake is rich in aquatic plants, among which a rather rare water walnut.

11. Manas

One of the mountain lakes Altai, having volcanic origin, lies at the foot of the Kabargy Mountain, at an altitude of 1520 meters. Its dimensions are small: length - 700 meters, width - 300 meters. Nature is unique here - combination of vegetation alpine meadows and tundra. Lake water is clean and crystal clear, but even in the summer does not exceed + 18 ° C. Locals consider the lake sacred and attribute to him in life. Edigan is 20 km from the nearest village.

12. Zavyalov Lakes

The neighborhood of the village of Zavyalovo is famous not only in the Altai Territory, but also beyond. The glory brought three small unique reservoirs - salty, fresh and alkaline. They are located next to each other, surrounded by pine boron. In one place, all therapeutic and wellness factors are collected - coniferous ozonized air, healing mud, blue clay, salty water. On the shore of the lakes there is a tent town and a recreation area with cozy cottages.

13. Cheybeckel

Altai residents call it a lake located in the Valley of the River Chibita, the dead. It does not have fish and any vegetation. This fact is associated with the presence of mercury compounds in the reservoir. In the 30s of the XX century, the mercury ore was found here. But, according to scientists, the concentration of mercury in water is normal and does not pose a threat to all living things. Chebeckel is translated as "elongated". The length of the lake is 2.5 km, the width is no more than 80 meters.

14. White

A small freshly round-shaped lake in the Altai Territory, on the beach of the village of March 8, is very popular with tourists. Water in it is warm, on the shore there is a beautiful beach, the surroundings are replete with picturesque landscapes. Nearby is Mount Blue. The center of the lake rises a granite island covered with fir trees and shrubs. By local legend, during the time of Elizabeth there was a plant for the manufacture of fake coins. Lake richly fish. Announced a monument of nature.

15. Julukul

Located on the territory of the protected biosphere reserve, at an altitude of 2,200 meters. It is one of the largest lakes of the Altai Republic, has a length of 10 km and a width of 3 km. Thanks to the inaccessibility of these places, an ancient natural landscape has been preserved as well unique Flora and fauna. In particular, numerous seagulls and cormorants nest here in Altai. Lake is rich in fish, but fishing is prohibited. Nearest locality Kosh-Agach is 100 km away.

16. Kulundinskoye

The lake of 700 km 2 is the largest in the Altai Territory. it popular place The rest is located near the village of Zamenka. It is the remnants of the sea, which was here 200 million years ago. Salted water, and Glauberova salt of the lake is very useful, as well as the mud sitting on its day. About 150 species of birds nest on the coast, Flamingo often arrive. The surrounding area created the reserve with rare animal species. Hunting is prohibited, but fishing is allowed.

17. Kuchukskoye

In the Altai Territory, this is the second largest lake. With Kulundinsky, it is connected by a common twist, on which the dam was built. The water of the lake is a highly concentrated salty rap, the bottom is rich in useful mud. The reservoir is one of the major Mirable Miracular mineral mineral deposits in the country. In addition to their health qualities, the lake is famous for the fact that in the summer it warms up to 25-26 ° C. Nearby are two villages: steppe lake and Blagoveshchensky.

18. Uton

Pure flowing reservoir is located in the picturesque area of \u200b\u200bthe Altai Territory, surrounded by a pine forest and a birch grove. At the coast, the villages of Utkow and Vershinino are located, the recreation center "Uton" and other tourbases offering water entertainment and excursions on the lake and its surroundings. Archaeological finds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake indicate that the first settlements here appeared approximately 8,000 years ago. The lake is rich in fish and famous for noble fishing.

19. Raspberry lake

By his amazing tint of the lake on the shore of the village of the same name in the Altai Territory, aquatic microorganisms that produce a special pinking pigment. The most saturated raspberry color water acquires in spring. Lake is famous not only to its fabulous species, but also excellent healing properties. Upon concentration of salts, the water is not inferior to the sea, and the sulphide-Iron mud has a wellness effect with many diseases.

20. Blue Lakes Katuni

Water in several lakes on Katun in Altai has an amazing turquoise tint. They appear at the end of summer, when the water level in the river falls. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe lakes is small - 400 m 2, but they are deep enough. In winter, the reservoirs do not freeze, as they feed springs with warm water. In the spring, the water level rises, and the lake, uniting, turn into one of the river hoses. Lakes age - about 25 thousand years. The nearest village of Askat is 5 km.

21. Uzunkel (Ulagan Lakes)

Alpine lake in the Altai Republic, surrounded by drechy thickets of birch, yagel, cedar and larch. It is located at an altitude of 2000 meters, belongs to the Basin of the Chibute River. Translated from Altai his name means "long". This lake stretches for 3 km, and the width has no more than 500 meters. Diluted and unique flora and fauna in the vicinity of the lake. Here are lovers pristine nature And avid fishermen. On the shore is the same name of the turbase.

22. Akkemskoye

Mountain lake at the foot of Belukha in the Altai Republic. Located at an altitude of 2050 meters and has ice origins. The water in the lake is frantic, the temperature does not exceed + 5 ° C, there are no fish. On the shore of the reservoir there is a meteorological station, a climbing camp, the base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the exterger's turbase. Nearby is another Akkem Lake, called the "pulsating". This is explained by the fact that the lake is filled with water only in spring during a flood, and that is not every year.

23. Light (swan)

The first name of the lake is bright - connected with many springs at its bottom, thanks to which the water is incredibly clean and transparent, never freezes. And the Swan Lake is called due to the Swan-Clikunov-Kikyukov wintering. There are only two such places in Russia - in Chukotka and in the Altai Territory. The reserve was created on the lake in order to preserve this natural complex. About swans here care, feed. The nearest urgency village is 15 km away.

24. Talmen (Timer)

Neighborhood of this mountain Lake In Altai, in the valley of the influx of Katun - the Lake River, have the status of the monument of the Nature of the Republican scale. It is a reservoir in a hard-to-reach place, at an altitude of more than 1.5 km. The water in it is a greenish shade with a small cloudy, this is a consequence of glacial power. Lake richly fish. Special flavoring in the harsh nature make numerous butterflies, including very rare. The nearest settlements are more than 100 km.

25. Blinsky

In the Altai Territory there is one of the largest deposits of the cook salt in the west of Siberia. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake exceeds 30 km 2, and the depth is an average of 1 meter. Salt concentration in it is higher than in the Dead Sea. Next is the village of Bursol, his main thing is engaged in salt fishery of more than 200 years. Take salt by rail, rails are laid along the bottom of the lake. Lake water changes color: when it is hot - it is pink, in the cold, gray-steel.

"Fogs, his transparent thoughts run in all sides of the world. Lakes is his eyes looking into the universe. Waterfalls and rivers - his speech and songs about life, beauty of the earth, the mountains "said Grigory Choros-Gurkin about the Great Altai.

The beauty of these places cannot be described in reviews for tourists, we will focus on the most popular and interesting placeswhere you can relax with your family and friends.

When they say "Altai", then usually imply either mountain altai or salted Lake Altai the edges.

Mountain Altai

A favorite place is not only for Siberians and advanced in the ecotourism of the Russians, there are guests from all over the world, and every year the number of foreign tourists in Altai is growing. The most popular places of recreation are numerous tour basting along Katuni. The Chuy path goes far away in the mountains, privacy lovers rose almost to the actru's pass, and those who are enough fresh air, unusually beautiful landscapes and noise of mysterious Katuna stop in the houses on the shore. The river itself is very cold, not every walrus will risk in it, so much of the summer tourists focuses near Turuysova Katun and fresh lake Aya.

If you are traveling to Altai on your own car, you can stop on any liked the database, on the shore or in the mountains, in houses or in tents, and take away away excursions by car every day.

So, the most popular for swimming, fresh Lake Aya is located 10 km south of the village of Maima. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 9 hectares, the coastline is approximately one and a half kilometer. The lake is very picturesque, and most importantly, warm - summer water warms up to +25 S.

It is powered by reservoir at the expense of spring, almost in the center there is an island, and on it a romantic gazebo. In the summer you can ride on the lake on a catamaran or water bike, in winter, on the parts separated from snow, you can skate.

Turquoise Katun is an artificial reservoir on the left bank of Katun, not far from the village of Mergerok.

This is a tourist and recreational special economic zone, and in common - this is the most popular place on Katun. Due to the fact that the water is artificial, water is heated here more than 20 degrees, on the shores the water park is equipped, attractions, places for recreation.

See also: