The deepest pond in the world. The deepest lakes in the world

Wonders of nature are tireless, especially when it comes to lakes and reservoirs. In their surroundings, you can really see the most spectacular natural phenomena. Lakes below are known for their picturesque placeshidden in the lap of nature.

Untouched purity of their waters, as well as a wide variety of flora and fauna are able to surprise any person. Some of these lakes are favorite places of tourists, others receive a delivered flow of travelers because of their remoteness.

We offer you an overview of the 7 deepest lakes in the world.

1. Lake Baikal

Location - Located in the southern part of Siberia, between the Irkutsk region in the north-west and the Republic of Buryatia in the south-east of Russia.

Square and depth - Its area is 31722 km (12248 square miles), and its maximum depth: 1.642 m (5,387 feet).

Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and the oldest freshwater (formed 20-25 million years ago). It was listed World Heritage UNESCO in 1996 - having the largest amount of fresh water: one fifth of all fresh water in the world is located on Lake Baikal. It is also considered one of the brightest lakes - on a sunny day you can see crystal clear water to 40 meters of depth.

The second name of the lake is "Pearl Siberia". Baikal is rich in biological varieties - about 1000 plants and 2500 species of animals are represented in the region of this incredible lake. One of the bright representatives of the fauna is the famous Baikal Nerpen, which is one of three types of freshwater seals in the world.

Lake Baikal is located in a remote location and is covered with ice for five months annually. Therefore, it boasts a great influx of tourists.

2. Lake Tanganyika

Location - The lake is divided between four countries - Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Burgundy and Zambia, Africa.

Square and depth - The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 32,900 km (12,700 square miles), and the average depth of 1470 m (4820 feet).

Lake Tanganyika is the longest freshwater lake, as well as the second in the depths of the lake in the world. Water lakes fall into Atlantic OceanAnd the main source of water is the Congo River.

For the first time, Tanganyka discovered British researchers back in 1858, when they carried out an expedition in search of the source of the Nile. In the local language it translates as " more lake, spread like plain.

Tanganica is famous for its rich aqueous flora and fauna, the number of which has more than 250 different types of fish, as well as a huge number of types of invertebrate animals, such as mollusks and crustaceans. Most of the population in this region (about 1 million people) survives only thanks to the caught fish from the lake.

Tanganyka annually takes thousands of tourists who swim in her waters on kayaks, diving and even arrange competitions in sports fishing.

3. Lake East

Location - Antarctica.

Square and depth - Its area is 12500 km 2 (4830 square miles), and its maximum depth from 510 m (1700 ft) to 900 m (3000 feet).

The mainland of Antarctica has 400 priest lakes and the East is the largest of them. Interestingly, water in the lake is under ice, the thickness of which is about 2 miles.

The Lake East received its name from the Russian Research Station of the same name. By the way, it is noteworthy that the lowest temperature in the world was registered at this station, which was -89.2 degrees Celsius, and at that moment the lake was right under it.

4. Lake San Martin / O'Higgins

Location - Chile and Argentina, South America.

Square and depth - The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is about 1.013 km, the length of the coastline is 525 km., And the maximum depth is 836 meters (2.742 feet).

This lake is known as O'Higgins in Chile and San Martin in Argentina. It has a very unusual form consisting of eight branches. It is mainly powered by the waters of the Mayer River, and flows into the Pacific Ocean through the Pasku River.

Lake San Martin / O'Higgins is the deepest in South America And has a unique milky-light blue color of water. It is quite inaccessible and is in one of the least populated areas of the continent. Until the 1990s, except for some rare species of animals and plants, nobody lived on Lake San Martin / O'Higgins. Only recently, people began to settle near his waters.

5. Lake Malawi

Location - Lake is located between Malawi states, Mozambique and Tanzania, Africa.

Square and depth - The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 29.600 km 2 (11,400 square miles), the maximum depth is 706 m (2316 feet).

Lake Malawi is the ninth largest lake in the world and the second deepest in Africa. This is a meromictic lake, that is, a lake, which has a water layers that are not mixed with each other.

It was first discovered by Portuguese traders in 1846. Lake Malawi is home to a huge set of fish, which are a power source for most residents of regions adjacent to it. Malawi is also called the "lake of the stars" because of the light from the lanterns of thousands of fishermen, which from the height resemble the stars.

Every year, there are many tourists on the shore of Malawi Lake, who enjoy all the nature of water beauty. They ride kayaks or water skiing, are engaged in underwater floating. Also in this region is very popular sailing.

6. Lake Issyk-Kul

Location - Mountains of Northern Tian - Shan in the east of Kyrgyzstan.

Square and depth - The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 6236 square kilometers (2408 square miles), and its maximum depth of 702 meters (2192 feet).

Issyk-Kul is the tenth largest lake in the world. It is considered to be a relaxing (with a closed pool) and filled with salted water. Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyz language translates as " warm lake": This lake never freezes, although it is surrounded by the snowy peaks of the mountains.

State Reserve Issyk-Kul was created in 1948 for the protection of unique natural landscapes and waterfowl on the lake. Mountains around the lake are home to rare animal species. The shores of Lake Issyk-Kul are known for their sanatoriums and holiday homes.

7. Lake Quesnel

Location - British Columbia, Canada.

Square and depth - The surface area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 266 square kilometers, and the maximum depth is 610 meters.
Quest is a glacial lake (Fjord). This lake is considered the deepest in the world among all glacier. It is located in the heart of the Cariba Mountains.

Quest can boast an impressive ecosystem. Tourists and visitors love this lake because of stunning landscapes that open around him, as well as unique tranquility, which hills an ancient cedar forest.

The waters of the lake Quesnel is home to more species of fish, including for rainbow trouts, Chaviki, Golets and many others. Tourists who visited these places have the opportunity to swim on kayaks, retire on the beaches along the coastline or go hiking in the surrounding mountains.

Earth's hydrosphere occupies a volume of 1458.38 million cubic kilometers. To present it, say easier - two thirds of the planet. From this number, the World Ocean "belongs" about 94% of water, which contains various salts and gases. The rest of the water is frozen in glaciers (1.65%), hidden under the ground (0.01%), flowing into rivers and rises into the atmosphere as a pair. Against this background it seems that there are quite some water for the lakes. Only 0.02%.

Basically, this is fresh water, vital for sushi inhabitants. There are lakes where water is salted. How much is the lakes on earth? The "final" answer was given scientists from the Swedish University of UPSAL in 2014 - they called the figure - one hundred seventeen million (the smallest, which were taken into account - 0.2 ha.). We find out where the deepest lake in the world is located.

From a huge amount, choose 10 + 1 deepest lakes in the world. Let's start in order with "small deep-sea lakes." There are two with the same indicator - 590 meters. They share the tenth place among the leaders. Both are freshwater.

Not only deepest in South America. Even the second on the area of \u200b\u200bthe lake, distinguishing Chile with Argentina. To date, its area is 1850 km away. Argentina accounts for 870 kilometers, where he is called Henell-Carrera. The rest belongs to Chile.

Carlos Marya "found" is a lake, exploring the Patagonian Andes at the end of the nineteenth century.
Thanks to the shifts of glaciers, the pit was formed, gradually filled with water. The initial level of it above the sea was more than four hundred meters, and the lake glass into the Atlantic Ocean. When the glacier began to actively melt (from Chile), the drain changed to the side Pacific OceanAnd the level fell to 208 meters.

The lake is alpine, so the climate is cold enough, strong winds blow. But tourists come to him to admire the amazing "Marble Cathedral" - an island consisting of white-turquoise minerals.

Lake Matano - tenth place

In Indonesia, from the south side of the Sulawesi, the water of Lake Motano was splashing. The depth, like Buenos Iros, but the origin of the other - the water filled the geological rift of the earth's crust. The area is Motano almost three times less.

It is part of the unique closed ecosystem of Mallili, consisting of five lakes, which are surrounded by mountains and tropical forests. Lakes inhabit animal endemics. Many unusual inhabitants of the aquariums come from this area.

The water of the lake is distributed over two layers: oxygen saturated in the upper layer and does not contain oxygen and sulfates in the lower. Deeper water is oversaturated with iron. Along the banks of the lake, geologists opened the field of nickel ore. In Indonesia, Matano is the largest reservoir with fresh water.

Creuter - ninth place of the deepest lakes

In the US, the first in depth. Throughout North America - second place. Oregon belongs to the state. The eruption of the Mazam Volcano, which occurred more than seven and a half thousand years ago, formed a crater, with time filled with water. Thus, "born" Lake Creuter. Most deep place reaches almost six hundred meters (594 m). Callera walls rise above the surface of the waters. Over time, they threw forests.

For Aboriginal - Indians, " Blue Lake"It was sacred. Looking in the depth, they tried to "find the truth" there. For Europeans-discovers, it was only interested in the point of view of the gold search.

Since 1902, the territory surrounding the creuter (this is the third version of the title) has become a national park. In the form of the creuter reminds oval. Area - more than sixty kilometers. Scientists are confident that the lake is not yet fully formed - the bottom is constantly susceptible to hydrothermal activity. This means that the Mazam volcano only "fell asleep."

Large slave lake - eighth place

It is not the most more - less big bear and takes only the tenth place in the area. But for North America It is the deepest - 614 meters. Located in the Canadian territory.

In the post-year period in the place of three lakes - a big slave, Athastka, a large bearish was one big ice Lake. Now they are interconnected by rivers. Mackenzie is the biggest one of them - the sea flows into Beaufort. Thus, lakes are part of the Northern Arctic Ocean.

On their shores from ancient times, the Indians lived. Europeans learned about this area thanks to Briton Samuel Chiron in 1771. His expedition passed a large slave on ice, so strong that he can withstand the weight of a modern heavy truck. Only two months the lake is free from the ice shell.

  • Do not miss:

It is known that the name of a large slave received by mistake - "Differences of translation" (Slave - slave, slave). Aborigines Slai have never been slaves.

In the thirties of the twentieth century, the city of Yellowunayf is founded, thanks to the Golden Siskors. In the same places (the headwaters of the Coppermine River) work and diamond mines. In winter, a cargo is carried out on the ice.

These three lakes are not included in the system of great American lakes, but nature surrounding them, not less picturesque. Like the bulk of the high mountain lakes, a large slave - a huge reservoir with fresh water.

Lake Issyk-Kul - Seventh in depth

The fixed depth is seven hundred two meters. In Kyrgyz, it matters - warm (or hot) lake. It is among the top ten, and at the thirtieth place for the occupied area. The purity of the water is slightly inferior to the waters of Baikal.

This reservoir above the sea is 1600 meters, in the depression between the two Tien Shan ridges. Fill his small mountain tributaries, but there are many (80). The lake has no drain. The level of lake water is cyclically changing over several decades. The uniqueness of it is salted water, despite the location in the mountains. But the water is not sea. Saltness gives dissolved minerals. Such a combination has created a rare environmental system around never freezing Issyk-kul.

  • See also:

Flora is distributed "Step":
Near the shores - Shrub (sea buckthorn);
Above - fir forests (fir clan);
At the height of two and a half kilometers - Mountain meadows, as in the Alps.

Of the more than twenty kinds of fish, fourteen live only in Issyk-kule.
The people "go" many legends and legends about the lake and places surrounding it.

Lake Nyasa - sixth in ranking

Lake "belongs" to three African states - Tanzania, Mozambique and Malawi, located in the south-east of the continent. One of the reservoirs of the Great Rift Valley, the deepest - 706 meters. Although another hundred years ago it was deepening.

The reservoir is located at an altitude of 472 m. The numbers show that its bottom is 234 m below the sea border. Lake stock is very weak. Updated water slowly. Studies show more than a hundred years. In the rain period, the brand can be crowded, which leads to floods. In the dry time, the level falls, because of what the river is wider - the only stock - dries.

One of the few places where the natural system of cleaning itself is practically absent. Ecology is very sensitive to environmental conditions, pollution. Water in Nyasa, as in Issyk-Kul, salty, but their composition is different. In addition, the thickness of the water is similar not to a three-layer cocktail. The top layer is full of life, lower - almost contains oxygen. Only fish from 230 to 500 species live in this lake (according to some data - 1000) - the richest "lake collection" in the world, most of the "exhibits" in which - endemics.

The coast is also quite busy - besides feathered, there are dangerous animals - crocodiles, hippos ...
The rest of the world learned about the existence of the "Big Inland Sea" in the center of the African continent in 1616. The Dutch traveler Bukaru became the first European, who saw Malawi (another "name" of the lake). Although for some time, David Livingston was considered the official discoverer of Lake Nyas.

Lake San - Martin - fifth place

San Martin is the greatest fixed depth (next to the O'Higgins glacier) is 836 meters. Location - 250 meters above sea level in Andes Patagonia. San Martin is a separator between Argentina and Chile. Residents of these countries call the same reservoir in different ways - San Martin and O'Higgins.
Interestingly, the lake in both cases received its "name" in honor of the heroes that these nations are José de San Martin and O'Higgins Bernardo.

Water filled with Southern Intergurgery Tydina Patagonian Andes South America. The shape of this lake is unusual - eight separate "sleeves". The flow occurs through the Pasuka River, reaching the Pacific Fjord Baker.
Lake water of a dairy-blue shade. The lake is filled with the glaciers flowing into it (Chico and O'Higgins), the Mayer River, small streams. At the same time, particles of rocks fall into water in the form of suspension. This is how the lake is so unusual.

The surrounding landscape resembles Scandinavian fjords. But not only the beauty of nature attracts tourists, also fishing. The main catch is a trout.

The Caspian Sea is the fourth place. Is this a sea or all the same lake?

The only closed sea on the planet, having a flow. Due to huge sizes (371000 square meters) and "non-standard" origin, disputes among researchers arise. By the method of occurrence, the lake, and the dimensions "say" - the sea.

SAMI deep point - 1025 meters. 44% of the lake water of the world - in the Caspian Sea. Thirteen million years ago, the transformation of the earth's crust began, which served as the appearance of the "bed" of the Caspian Sea. Subsequently, an immense lake appeared on the site of the connection of continents - Europe and Asia.

Archaeologists when they investigated the Khuto cave (district southern Shore Caspiani), proved that people inhabited these places seventy-five thousand years ago. The first known references to this sea and living people living there are dated the fifth century BC. Herodota told him about him.
In the composition of the water contains salts, but their percentage, the composition is very different in different places of the sea, not to mention the ocean.

Its level is very dependent on changes in climatic conditions, the values \u200b\u200bof the flow of rivers flowing into it. Evaporation and precipitation have great importance. Just like any other faceless lake, the Caspian is subject to pollution. The ecology of such places needs additional support.

East - Lake, hidden by ice, in third place

Not only the deepest, but also the largest antarctic relic lakes. Informal calling is a "time capsule".

East is hidden under four kilometer ice shield. Its sizes are definitely unknown. Supporting area - fifteen and a half thousand square kilometers, and the maximum depth is more than 1,200 meters.

Several Millions This lake is completely isolated. Oxygen in it, according to unverified data, fifty times higher than the amount that can be in standard fresh water. This indicator gives the right to scientists to expect that living organisms may be in the lake.

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By the way, the only thing that can be said about this lake (theoretically) exactly - the water in it is fresh.
Lake East has little studied due to its inaccessibility. Therefore, there are very little proven facts - mostly all that they say - assumptions. Even openly it was done on the basis of the theoretical calculations of Andrei Kapitsa in the late fifties of the twentieth century. And the "physically" theory was confirmed in 1996 by Russian polar explorers, which conducted research at the East station.

Tanganyka - on the other edge of the planet, the lake, which takes the second place

Depth, slightly less than one and a half thousand kilometers. But this is a lake - global recordsman due to length - stretched 676 km. Four African states: Congo (DRC), Burundi, Tanzania and Zambia are located on the shores of Tanganyik.

At an altitude of 773 meters, a lake was located in the deepest rift campaign of the African continent. Its depth reaches a record 1470 meters. In antiquity, almost the same as Lake Baikal. Surrounding landscape - majestic rocks. Only in the east of the shore gradually become gentle.

A few tributaries fill the lake, the biggest flows in the north is Ruzisi River. From the east, the lake fills Malagarasi, the river, which appeared earlier than the Tangenik himself. This river in antiquity fell right in the Congo. Now Tanganyika enters the pool of one of the most big rivers Earth. The stock of lake water is the only Lukuga River. It connects with the Congo. Together they fall into the Atlantic Ocean.

In Tanganic, as in the Black Sea, the upper layers of water are not mixed with the lower due to natural reasons. By the number of oxless waters, it stands in second place, immediately behind the Black Sea.

Animal I. vegetable world The lakes and the surrounding terrain are very rich, thanks to the tropical climate. The presence of 600 endemic species is explained by its ancient occurrence, the fact that it never stopped, for a long time was isolated (heartless). The centers of such a huge reservoir in the 58th year of the nineteenth century were the British Richard F. Burton and John H. Spik.

Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. The first ranking is.

So where is the deepest lake on the planet? The answer is unequivocal - there, where big country World. On the territory of Russia is Lake Baikal. Baikal is not only in the depths of "the same thing" ... the lake.

The oldest Rift of Eastern Siberia, in the form similar to crescent, is in the south of the region. It was in this fault that Baikal was formed. It is recognized as the largest natural reservoir of clean fresh water, with an area of \u200b\u200b31722 square meters. kilometer. The deepest lake of Russia contains 19 percent of the world's fresh water.
On the length of the lake, only forty kilometers is inferior to African Tanganyik. But the depth of Baikal is 1642 meters (the difference is almost two hundred meters). Although these are only official indicators. Many researchers say that the depth of the lake is much larger.

05/26/2015 at 18:50 · Johnny. · 16 240

Top 10 Same deep lakes in the world

Lakes are reservoirs that were formed in the natural deepening of the earth's surface. Most of them contain fresh water, but there are lakes and salted water. Lakes contain more than 67% of the entire fresh water of the planet. Many of them have huge sizes and greater depth. What kind the deepest lakes in the world? We present you ten deeper lakes of our planet.

10. Lake Buenos Aires | 590 M.

This reservoir is located in South America, in Andes, on the border of Argentina and Chile. This lake appeared due to the movement of glaciers, which created a basin of the reservoir. The maximum depth of the lake is 590 meters. The reservoir is at an altitude of 217 meters above sea level. The lake is famous for its beauty and famous marble caves, to see who thousands of tourists come annually. The lake has a purest water, it is found in it. a large number of fish.

9. Lake Matano | 590 M.

The deepest lake in Indonesia And one of the most important sources of fresh water in the country. The maximum depth of the reservoir is 590 meters, it is located in the southern part of the Indonesian Island of Sulawesi. The water of this lake has crystal purity and are home to hundreds of species of fish, plants and other living beings. On the shores of the lake are huge reserves of nickel ore.

From Lake Matano flows the Patee River, which carries its waters in the Pacific Ocean.

8. Lake Creuter | 592 M.

it the largest lake in the USA. It has volcanic origins and is located in the National Park of the same name located in Oregon. The maximum depth of the cruiser is 592 meters, it is in the crater extluous volcano And it is not possible beauty. The lake feed rivers, which originate in the mountain glaciers, so the water of the crueter is distinguished by amazing cleanliness and transparency. Here is the cleanest water in North America.

Local Indians folded a large number of myths and legends about the lake, they are all beautiful and poetic.

7. Large slave lake | 614 M.

Located in the northwestern part of Canada and has an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 11 thousand square miles. it the deepest lake in North AmericaIts maximum depth is 614 meters. Large lake is in northern latitudes and almost eight months a year is embedded with ice. In winter, ice is so durable that heavy trucks are easily transported.

There is a legend that a strange creature lives in this lake, a very resembling dragon. A lot of witnesses saw him, but the science of evidence of the existence of a mysterious creature has not yet found. In the middle of the last century, gold reserves were found in the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bthe lake. The shores of the lake are very picturesque.

6. Lake Issyk-Kul | 704 M.

This is a high mountain lake, which is located in Kyrgyzstan. Water in this water branch salted, its maximum depth is 704 meters, and the average depth of the lake is more than three hundred meters. Thanks to salted water, Issyk-Kul does not freeze even in the most walking winter. Very interesting legends are connected with the lake.

According to the information of archaeologists, several millennia ago, on the site of the lake was very advanced ancient civilization. From Issyk-Kul does not follow a single river.

5. Lake Malawi (Nyasa) | 706 M.

In fifth place among the deepest lakes of the world There is another African reservoir. It was also formed on the site of the fault of the earth's crust, and has a maximum depth of 706 meters.

This lake is located in the territory of the three African countries at once: Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique. Thanks high temperatures Water in the lake lives the largest number of fish species on Earth. Malawi Lake Fish are favorite inhabitants of aquariums. Water in it is characterized by crystal cleanness and attracts here a huge number of scuba diving lovers.

4. Lake San Martin | 836 M.

Located on the border of the two South American countries: Chile and Argentina. Its maximum depth is 836 meters. it the deepest lake Not only southern, but also North America. A lot of small rivers fall into Lake San Martin, the Paskua River flows out of it, which carries its waters in the Pacific Ocean.

3. Caspian Sea | 1025 M.

At the third place of our list is a lake, which is called the sea. Caspian Sea is the largest closed reservoir on our planet. It has salted water and located between the southern borders of Russia and the northern part of Iran. The maximum depth of the Caspian Sea is 1025 meters. His water is also washed by the shores of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. In the Caspian Sea, more than a hundred rivers falls, the largest of which is the Volga.

The natural world of the reservoir is very rich. There are very valuable fish breeds. At the Caspian Sea shelf, a large number of minerals are explored. There are many oil and natural gas.

2. Lake Tanganyika | 1470 M.

This lake is located almost in the center of the African continent and is considered the second in the depths of the lake in the world and the deepest in Africa. It was formed on the site of the ancient fault of the earth's crust. Maximum reservoir depth - 1470 meters. There is a tanganyik on the territory of the four African countries at once: Zambia, Burundi, DR Congo and Tanzania.

This reservoir is considered the longest lake in the worldHis length is 670 kilometers. The natural world of the lake is very rich and interesting: crocodiles, hippos and a huge number of unique fish are found here. Tanganyik plays a huge role in the economy of all states, in which it is located.

1. Lake Baikal | 1642 M.

This is the deepest freshwater lake on the ground. It is also one of the largest freshwater reservoirs on our planet. Its maximum depth is 1642 meters. The average depth of the lake is more seven hundred meters.

The origin of Lake Baikal

It was formed at the site of the rupture of the earth's crust (a lot of lakes with great depths have similar origins).

Baikal is located in the eastern part of Eurasia, not far from the Russian-Mongol border. This lake ranks second in the volume of water and contains 20% of all fresh water, which is available on our planet.

This lake has a unique ecosystem, there are 1700 species of plants and animals, while most of them are endemic. Thousands of tourists arrive at Baikal annually - this is a real pearl of Siberia. Local residents consider Baikal with a sacred lake. Here are regular shamans from all over East Asia. Numerous myths and legends are associated with Baikal.

+ Lake East | 1200 M.

Separately, it is worth mentioning unique lake East, Which is located in Antarctica, not far from the Russian Polar Station of the same name. This lake is covered with an almost four-kilometer thickness of ice, and its estimated depth is 1200 meters. This amazing reservoir was opened only in 1996 and so far there is little about him.

Scientists believe that the water temperature in Lake East is -3 ° C, but despite this, water does not freeze due to the huge pressure that the ice has. Until now, it remains a mystery, is there life in this gloomy treated world. Only in 2012, scientists were able to drill ice back and get to the surface of the lake. These studies can give a lot new information About what our planet was hundreds of thousands years ago.

Choosing readers:

In the south of Eastern Siberia, where the Irkutsk region borders with the Buryat republic, is the most on Earth - Baikal. Only the average reservoir depth is 744 meters, while the maximum is 1642! But this is not the only dignity and notable feature.

Baikal is a unique phenomenon on planet Earth. This is the largest natural repository of the most greatest fresh water, which is one fifth of all the reserves of the world and nine tenths - Russia. On the ground in terms of water exceeds all North American taken together. 23 thousand cubic meters are stored here if used from Baikal with an incomprehensible way, water suddenly disappeared, the rivers from all over our planet would have needed a whole year to fill it again.

Baikal is transparent as glass, and a white disk with a diameter of 20 centimeters is viewed at a depth of more than 50 meters! Three hundred rivers flows into the deepest lake on Earth, and only one implies - the masterful hangar.

Mountain ridges Okalimii Basin, in which Baikal is located. Primorsky and Baikalsky overeating his northwestern part, Barguzinsky - Northeast, and from the southeast - Hamar-Dabansky Ridge. The lake is famous for its islands. The biggest among them is Olkhon - the heart of Baikal.

Do not see the deepest lake on Earth, whose age is about 25 million years, it means that it is not possible to happen in the life of the miracle. Two thirds of vegetable and endemic. Seal, you will not meet anywhere else! And clear days on Baikal in the year more than in the resort Sochi. Beaches and lagoons, sand dunes and misty swamps, taiga and steppe, endless meadows and snow-white mountain ridges - This coastal world is unique!

In the Bay of sandy the warmest Baikal water. It is located on the West Bank of the Lake between the Harginsky Cape and Middle Clamps. Only here you can see the majestic pines and larchs on frightening with the unusual "stilts". Due to the fact that sandy soil is constantly blowing out from under the trees, their roots are taken off.

Sig, Ostr, Lenok, Harius, Tymen ... List of fish names, which is found in sacred LakeFor fishermen sounds like music for musicians.

Baikal is beautiful at any time of the year. Winter gave him a unique gamut of northern paints. The sun rays, reflected from the ice surface and refracted, shimmering the rainbow spectrum. The olshchina of the ice shell that creates the cold months of the lake, reaches a meter and more, although because of the pebbles visible at the bottom of the Baikal, it seems thin. But this is an illusion! The ice is very durable and can withstand the railway composition. With the beginning of spring, ice is revealed and breaks with a crash, it breaks continuously, and closer to the summer the wind and waves pour out transparent boulders ashore, forming unsurpassed landscapes.

Here it is, the deepest lake on Earth! It is not surprising that UNESCO did not bypass Baikal. The lake is listed in the List of the World Heritage. More than three hundred thousand tourists, scientists and researchers from all over the world come to see and know the extraordinary miracle created by nature - Baikal!

Deep lakes are found on all continents. Especially rich in such reservoirs, the border area of \u200b\u200bArgentina and Chile, given the area of \u200b\u200bcountries, they will be among the leaders. As for the origin of deep-water lakes, then there is a complete variety: glacier, volcanic, tectonic. Approximately the same picture on temperature modes.

But the reservoirs with great depth often there are differences from shallow water. Some have an atypical mineral composition or inhabitants who will no longer meet anywhere. The richness of fish is characteristic of most representatives of the list, although there are exceptions. The tourist industry is also developed everywhere, but the potential is also visible by the naked eye.

The deepest lakes on earth

1. Baikal

This is the deepest lake in the world. Also the largest reservoir with fresh water is not only in Russia, but also on the entire planet. Angara flows out of it, and many rivers falling. The range of distribution of many species of animals and plants is limited. In the area there are a lot of monuments of nature: Cape Lean, Ushkanya Islands, the peak of Cherka, etc. For the winter, the surface is almost completely covered with a thick layer of ice. Although the lake is guarded, there are problems with the environment.

Depth - 1642 meters.

2. Tanganyika

It is the longest of freshwater lakes, with an area of \u200b\u200b32900 km². Located in Central Africa, while it belongs to four countries at once. The hot climate affects the changes in the water level at different times of the year. When the flowing rivers partly dry out, the lake should be for example. Special problems with the ecology in the north of the lake, as the reset of enterprises took place here, and the fishery was put on the flow.

Depth - 1470 meters.

3. East

Features Location - Lake is located in Antarctica - could not but affect the characteristics. There is no larger in the world (15790 km²) from the wedding lakes. At the same time, the water warms up to + 10 ° C due to geothermal sources. The Russian research station with the same name is located in close proximity. The study of microorganisms living in the local waters is not yet completed.

Depth - 1200 meters.

4. Caspian Sea

It falls into the zone of control of the five states, among whom Russia is included. Economic activities related to the use of the water area of \u200b\u200bthe lake, having an area of \u200b\u200b371000 km², diverse: there are oil deposits, fish crafts are underway, there are ports and seats for recreation on the coast. Is an . In terms of tourism, the support goes to those nearby mineral springs, Popular and mud. However, there are problems with infrastructure.

Depth - 1025 meters.

5. San Martin

Located in South America, the lake has an area of \u200b\u200b1058 km². The form of the reservoir is particularly noteworthy: it is divided into widely stretched uneven sleeves. The specificity of the name is connected with this: those parts processes that belong to Chile have other name - O'Higgins. It feeds on the lake at the expense of small robes flowing into it, as well as a larger Mayer.

Depth - 836 meters.

6. Nyasa

It is also referred to as Malawi, covers an area of \u200b\u200b29,600 km². It belongs to three East African countries, which is why it is difficult to agree on the environmental protection of the territory. It is extended in shape, practically no sharp bends. Used for fishing fishery, but the coastal zone is weakly populated. The area is picturesque, as there are different types of relief, many species of rare plants and fauna representatives.

Depth - 706 meters.

7. Issyk-Kul

Located in Kyrgyzstan and has an area of \u200b\u200b6236 km². It is unprecedented, feeds from 80 tributaries. 4 picturesque bays are used for fishing, tourism and as ports. Travelers largely attract the combination of the spirit of climate types: mountain and sea. There are places for camping, as well as full-fledged resort zones. The beach season is short, from mid-June to the end of August.

Depth - 702 meters.

8. Big slave

The peculiarity of the Canadian lake having an area of \u200b\u200b28568 km² is a crust iceman, which covers the surface for 8 months. The thickness of the cover allows in winter to use water as a full road for trucks. Vegetation on opposite coasts varies: in the West - thick forests, and in the east - tundra. Mines work in the district and the search for diamonds.

Depth - 614 meters.

9. Creteter

Located in the USA on the territory of the same name national Park. The area is 53.2 km², the form is rounded, which is obliged to give its volcanic origin. Local attraction - Lake Star - a log swimming in a lake in a vertical position for a hundred years. Its safety is provided by low temperatures. Hydrothermal activity is preserved, so that the eruption is still possible.

Depth - 594 meters.

10. Matana

The Indonesian lake of 164.1 km² has a tectonic origin. His shores are rich in nickel ore deposits. This caused a number of contradictions: a reservoir - an important source of drinking water for the region, and the development of deposits led to pollution. The composition of water at the depth is unique: the oxygen content is striving for zero, but iron compounds are prevalent over the other elements.

Depth - 590 meters.

11. Buenos Aires

Located on the borders of Argentina and Chile. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b1850 km² and has a glacial origin. At the end of the XIX century, the course of one of the tributes was artificially changed, which affected the water level in the lake, albeit slightly. Western and eastern parts of the reservoir are very different appearance and vegetation. One of the attractions are marble grots.

Depth - 586 meters.

12. Hornindalsvatnet

Norwegian lake area of \u200b\u200b50.42 km². There is a contradiction between official data, regarding the depth, and the indicators that are obtained when laying a cable for the bottom of the reservoir. The telephone company announced that the lower point of the lake is 612 meters from its surface. In the middle of summer, along the coast, a massive marathon is carried out. It is considered the cleanest of the lakes of Scandinavia.

Depth - 514 meters.

13. Quesnel

Located in Canada, has a glacial and area of \u200b\u200b266 km². The form is oblong, in the presence of three highlighted sleeves. Researchers measured that water in the lake is fully updated in 10 years. Popular tourist area: Someone comes behind the picturesque species, someone fishing, for example, for rainbow trout. On the shores, small berths were built, water transport regularly.

Depth - 506 meters.

14. Saren

Located in Tajikistan and covers an area of \u200b\u200b80 km². Educated due to overlap of the river beds and the Bartan mountain river hill. Water level fluctuates. In theory it is dangerous for settlements Downstream, as it may be in cases of a breakthrough of natural barriers to bring huge water volumes on them. On the shores there are many types of flowering plants, but there are few fish in the reservoir.

Depth - 505 meters.

15. Toba

Educated in the calder of the eponymous volcano. Belong Indonesia and has an area of \u200b\u200b1103 km². The tourist industry relies on the interest of travelers in the ethnic culture of local places, especially the nation of Batakov. Another destination is popular with foreigners - ecotourism. The influx of guests is yes times a year: in May, when the weather becomes the most warm and Chinese New Year in February.

Depth - 505 meters.

16. Tago

Located in the USA is one of popular seats Rest, especially for domestic tourism. Area - 495 km², coastline - 114 km. There is one island - FanNest. It is small in size, but towers above the water, due to its body form and is not well visible from many points. Around the thick forests, and on the very coast there are few settlements, although they are oriented, including, and on visitors.

Depth - 501 meters.

17. Lago-Argentino (500 m)

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Argentine freshwater lake - 1415 km². The largest in the country is applied to maps in the 80s of the XVIII century. Refers to the territory of the National Park. Food is carried out due to the melting of glaciers and rivers carrier to the lake with tama water. Tourists come here for fishing, as well as because of unusual speciesnot occurring anywhere in South America.

Depth - 500 meters.

18. Kivu.

Located on the territory of Central Africa and belongs to two countries at once. Refers to the list of great African lakes. Related to Tanganic Lake across the Ruzisi River. Area - 2700 km². SAMI famous HistoryRelated with reservoir occurred in 1948. The volcano nearby began active, and the water in Kiva boiled, and the whole fish was welded.

Depth - 480 meters.

19. Salsennet

There are discrepancies on the depth of this Norwegian lake. Perhaps official sources are somewhat understood. Area - 44.77 km². At the depth of water, there is practically no oxygen. In addition, there is a very salinity, which affects the density of water. The causes of such deviations from the norm may be hidden both in the origin of the reservoir and in not yet open factors. Studies continue to this day.

Depth - 464 meters.

20. Navel-Uaui

The name is translated from a local dialect as "Yaguar Island". Refers to the territory of Argentina and covers an area of \u200b\u200b530 km². Form extended, there are branch sleeves. The largest of the lakes of the local National Park. Tourism is widely developed. In cities on the coast there are quite a few hotels. Visitors attract ethnic groups, history, environmental features. There are several types of tourist programs.

Depth - 464 meters.

21. Hauloko

Located in New Zealand, the most southernmost in the country belongs to the territory of the National Park. Area - 63 km². The form is very curved and reminds the letter "S". There are many places for campsites nearby, and there are no hotels or shops. Mass tourism No, although the lake is often used as a transshipment of long journeys.

Depth - 462 meters.

22. Puirerredon

Wear another name - Kokran. Refers to the territory of Chile and Argentina and has an area of \u200b\u200b270 km². Nearby - South Andes, the power of the reservoir is carried out at the expense of the glacier. The coast is predominantly high, mountainous or hilly. There are small areas of sushi on the surface of the water, but they are too small to be called the islands. The vegetation is more often low, a lot of fish, although there is no permanent fishery.

Depth - 460 meters.


Located in Norway and has an area of \u200b\u200b51.43 km². The reservoir was used by the fascists during the occupation of the country. Local waters with atypical composition were supposed to be used for nuclear research. Already in the 1990s, one of their sunken ferries was discovered. In addition, unknown persons have previously been found. The study of the peculiarities of the lake continues now.

Depth - 460 meters.

24. Adams Lake

Located in Canada and refers to Ice Education. Area - approximately 137 km². The lake is elongated and narrow. The bends of the coastline are quite smooth and consistently narrowed on extreme points. Popular as an object of internal tourism: Local residents go here to fish. The main fishing view of the fish is a rainbow trout.

Depth - 457 meters.

25. Chelan.

Located in the United States, with the language of the Indians, its name is translated as "deep water". Area - 135 km², the largest in Washington state. The river the same name implies, and flows - Sthekin. Belongs to the National Park Northern Cascades. On the coast built a pension working round year. There are several settlements, including the city of the same name in the south-east.

Depth - 453 meters.

26. Van.

The Raboty Turkish lake with salty water is located on the territory of 3574 km². It is the largest soda lakes in the world. The name can be translated as a "inhabited place." Surrounded by several mining systems, which affects the climate and saturation of the air. There are several islands in the reservoir. In some, Armenian attractions have been preserved: monasteries, churches and so on.

Depth - 451 meters.

27. Poso

Indonesian lake has an area of \u200b\u200b323.2 km². The lake attracts tourists with its nature. Especially remarkable types of shrimp and snails living here. Also, local coastal settlements are ready to offer guests a lot interesting impressions: National flavor adjacent to the developed infrastructure and service. There is here sand beaches And the hotels are almost any wallet.

Depth - 450 meters.

28. Fiano

Refers to the possessions of Chile and Argentina. Wears the name of the Catholic missioner who visited these edges at the end of the XIX century. The biggest (593 km²) from the lakes of the fire land. It is the source of the Asopardo River. C. argentine side The composition of the National Park. Among the tourists are popular for the coastal territory on the jeep. Local operators offer such a service to everyone.

Depth - 449 meters.

29. Big bear

Location - North Polar circle, belongs to Canada and covers an area of \u200b\u200b31153 km². There is a field of uranium, but it is abandoned due to the unprofitability of mining. The lake is shipping, but only a small part of the year, since most of the time the surface of the reservoir is tightened with the crust of the ice. On the shore there is only one settlement, which once performed the function of the fort.

Depth - 446 meters.

30. Manpowers

Belongs to the territory of the New Zealand National Park. Area - 142 km², the origin of the glacier. The name is translated as a "sad lake". W. local residents There are several more names for him, including: Roto-ay and Moturau. In the water area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir, more than 30 islands, they are mainly covered with forest. Europeans brought here noble deer more than a hundred years ago.

Depth - 444 meters.

See also: