The most terrible abandoned house in the world. The most terrible places on Earth (39 photos)

People are intended to be interested in something unusual, supernatural, by those phenomena that do not want to fit in the head.

In any corner of the world there are places that are shrouded in terrible secrets and legends. Complains here are intertwined with facts, and sometimes it is impossible to understand where the fiction, and where is true. Our planet is rich in places. Is it worth talking about the world-famous Paris Catacombs or Auschwitz concentration camp? Yes, what is there to go far, take at least the same Ukrainian Chernobyl ...

However, in Russia, there are full stories with mysterious disappearances, inexplicable deaths and other terrible cases that force blood to stick in our veins. We bring to your attention the top 10 of the most terrible places in Russia, which are famous for their paranormal phenomena and all sorts of legends.

Damn cemetery in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Seemingly like ordinary glade, located on a small elevation, but it is included in the creepy rating called "the most scary places in Russia". It is known almost about the hundred dead or missing people over the past 30 years, which are approaching this inexplicable place. This glade was discovered in 1908, according to one of the many versions, a meteorite, known to many as Tungusky landed here. Allegedly, the heavenly body broke through the volcano vulcan, which is why the surprisingly smooth circle was formed inside the dense forest.

The damn cemetery is included in the top of the most terrible places in Russia is not in vain: they say, absolutely all living things die on this glade. Hundreds of cows, rams and any other home, as well as wild cattle digest, barely wrestle on it. People were afraid and still feared to approach this place, after the war, all the nearest settlements were separated.

Mountain of the Dead in the Sverdlovsk region

The list entitled "The most terrible places in Russia" includes the so-called "Mount of Dead", known worldwide as Dyatlov Pass. A terrible story, which happened here back in 1959, still does not give peace. A group of tourists who went hiker under the leadership of Dyatlov Igor, died with strange, inexplicable, mysterious circumstances. The corpses later discovered search expeditions had damage to an unknown character.

People in the group were found far beyond tent town Bares, with fragmented bones, with frozen horror on the faces. Where and from what they fled - so left the mystery. Traces of struggle or presence of outsiders (animals) never found. Also nothing pointed to the weather anomalies in the form of a hurricane, a tornado or avalanche.

In 1961, almost one group of tourists died in almost the same circumstances. Now the "Mount of Dead" is open for tourists who dream of visiting the most terrible abandoned places in Russia. However, apparently, the feeling of fear is stronger curiosity, and Dyatlov's pass is not very popular with extremals.

Lake in the east of Yakutia - Labinkyr

Located this reservoir in the Oymyakan district. Thousands of legends and mysterious stories. It is said that a terrible monster lives in it, which survived since the times of dinosaurs. The list of dead has more than 20 people, allegedly all people and animals that fall into the water of the lake, absorbs this terrible monster.

But there is no evidence and real confirmations of abnormal deaths. After all, the very terrain itself does not allow any investigations - she is wild and hard and clearly does not want to visit her curious researchers and tourists. This is how the lakes, legends and speculation of the lake, nevertheless, is included in the top terrible places in Russia.

Medbiditskaya ridge in the Volgograd region

This is a truly terrible place located in the Zhirnovsky district Volgograd region. The ridge is a whole chain of hills of various heights (from 200 to 300 meters). Local residents It is impossible to surprise various traces, allegedly left UFOs, a huge amount of lightning and other inexplicable phenomena. The proof of all this is terrible broken trees with blackened, burnt, federated trunks and strange scaled meadows, from a geometric point of view, oval and rounded forms. But the fact that among all this madness with charred trees is growing bright green fresh grass. Live and dead near ...

And under the most Medbeditskaya Grocery, at a depth of 6-25 meters, there are many tunnels reaching in diameter from 10 to 20 meters. Their length is several tens of kilometers. If you believe the local folklore, in the mentioned tunnels are underground base UFO, city of robbers and much more, which, however, is not confirmed by any facts. Nevertheless, this edge is included in the top 10 of the most terrible abandoned places in Russia, and people believe that it is quite deserved.

Among other things, from under the ground in this terrible place beaten strange keys. Cleaning spring water flows from one place, and already 10 meters can be stumbled upon a radioactive source.

Valley of death

This is not called a terrible place, but at once a few. Death Valley is not only in Russia, but also around the world.

One of them is in the Novgorod region, on Valdai. They talk about some old stump, when approaching which people and animals simply disappear. However, according to local authorities, all these are bikes and nothing more. Allegedly did not receive a single statement about the strange lies of people.

There is a valley of death and in the Yakut region. Here it is called Eroju Blockhech. They say that there are constantly shining spheres, strange objects, inexplicable outbreaks, but studies have not revealed any anomalies in this region.

But in Kamchatka, the world's valley known worldwide is really dangerous. it anomalous zoneWhere often fix the fall of cattle, rumors and about human deaths. The cause of the death of walled animals here is gas intoxication. No matter how much research, but it was not possible to identify the reason for the propagation of gases. Happy trouble can be avoided (simply to retrete at the slightest change in well-being), but to stay in this place for the night is extremely dangerous - it can threaten poisoning in a dream.

Meat boron in the Novgorod region

But this land is really worthy to lead the list of "the most terrible places in Russia" (photo of the area and then look creepy, not to mention finding there).

As if the evil irony, the meat boron was called the village located on this earth. Swamp and forests here are listed. But at the time of the Second World War, hundreds and thousands of Soviet and German soldiers were elected.

Every year, search engines raise many human remains for burial, but, to generally horror, there are fewer them less.

This place has some kind of terrible energy. According to eyewitnesses, at times here you can clearly hear men's voices and even the machine line, feel the smell of Machorka.

There is no lively in meat boron, there is a clear feeling that you are on the dead earth, where not only terribly, but also perhaps dangerous.

Lake Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region

It would seem that terrible and unusual can be seen, looking at the perfectly even, round shape of a small reservoir (12 sq. Km)? But, according to eyewitnesses, you can hear strange sounds from the depths of the lake, which remind the ringing of bells.

According to the legend, in 1237 there was a settlement of China, and its inhabitants prayed to God for salvation, in order not to get caught in the hands of Tatar uncleanness, which in those days burned Rus. Allegedly prayers were heard, and all the villages together with churches, houses and people just disappeared, and Lake Sveloyar appeared in his place.

Paw triangle in the Urals

There is this mysterious place at the junction Perm region and the Sverdlovsk region, known all over the world as a Perm abnormal zone.

Previously, this place was considered the Holy Earth, there was a prayer stone for sacrifices. Now it is famous as a zone subject to paranormal phenomena. Traces of a snow man are found here, they see unidentified flying objects, observe various luminous balls.

Interested in this strange zone not only Russian scientists, but also foreign UFologs. Every year thousands of research is held here in the hope of finding an explanation of such mysterious phenomena.

Zherahrair in the Voronezh region

This area is to say, not in vain - also got into the creepy top "the most terrible places in Russia." The cemetery for soldiers of the Second World War, located here, inhibits. From day to day, thousands of human remains and things of the dead are found on this earth. Many claim that the ghosts of soldiers roam the ghosts.

Lovmery Tundra

Another dangerous place in the form of a small area on the Kola Peninsula. Somewhere there is a source that causes hallucinations in people who can drive crazy. No explanation to this phenomenon was not found.

In connection with a series mysterious deaths dozens of climbers who tried to conquer the mountains in this area, all tourist routes In the past century were closed. However, now anyone can try to conquer the local mountains, that's just extremals, it turns out, not so much.

They say the only constancy in life is change. Literature on history is one way to understand the flow of time, but there are material monuments that can tell a lot about the past times. And if you care and care for some places, sometimes those who have long been in launching are interesting. We bring to your attention some abandoned places around the world, each of which has its own special charm.

Under all this dust, rust and cracks are hiding the stories of people who once lived here, prayed, engaged in everyday affairs. And when you try to present these people and their lives, it is born a special atmosphere and nostalgia. It seems that people quite recently collected their belongings and went away from abandoned places. On the other hand, it is interesting to look at how some things that once belonged to people are now returning to nature.

This is part of the cooling tower of an abandoned power plant in Monceau, Belgium. The funnel-shaped structure of an abandoned place in the center filed hot waterwhich was then cooled, merging by hundreds of small concrete gutters.

Kolmanskop, Namibia.

This is a small abandoned settlement in Namibia, which flourished at the beginning of the 1900s. Then the German settlers began production of diamonds. The influx of funds ended after the first world, when the diamond field began to be exhausted. By the 1950s, the city was completely abandoned by people, and now only photographers and tourists come to an abandoned place.

Floating Forest in Sydney

This is the housing of a major steamer SS Ayrfield, who decided to disassemble in the Bay of Homebush, Australia, after World War II. But when the shipyard closed, this ship, as well as several others, remained where they were thrown. Now this is an abandoned place, a beautiful and mysterious floating forest, which serves as an example of the fact that nature can survive always and everywhere.

Sea Forts Mansell, England

These forts erected near the mouths of the Rivers of the Thames and Mercy in the UK so that they protect the country from the potential German threat from the air during the Second World War. When they were taken out of operation in 1950, several people lived here, including the operators of pirate radio stations, and also there were the principality of Silend, self-proclaimed independent state.

Last house on Dutch island, United States

This house was an abandoned place once was part of a rather successful island colony in the Chesapeake Bay in the United States. However, due to the rapid erosion of the soil on the island, there was less and less space. The house in the photo was the last on the island before collapsed in 2010.

Pripyat, Ukraine. Pripyat - abandoned city in the north of Ukraine, in the Kiev region

The city is located on the bank of the River Pripyen 3 km from the Chernobylum, not far from the border with Belorussia. Distance to Kiev - 94 km. An abandoned place was founded on February 4, 1970. The main reason for the foundation of the city was the construction and subsequent operation of one of the largest nuclear power plants in Europe, the Chernobyl - a city-forming enterprise, which gave pripyat the title of the city of atomicers. Pripyat became ninth at the Soviet Union atom.

In Pripyat, many workers of the Chernobyl station lived, the work of which ended large catastrophe In 1986. After evacuation, Pripyat remains a radioactive city-ghost, which can be visited only with specialized accompanying.

House of the Bulgarian Communist Party

The former building of the house-monument built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party, today it looks terribly inside and outside. This abandoned place similar to a flying plate, declined after the collapse of the USSR. Now it is only the ghost of the former construction, although there are talk about starting work on the restoration.

Amusement Park Nara Dreamland, Japan

The park opened in 1961. But by 2006 was already closed. Now this is a popular abandoned place among urban "discovers", although the guards periodically patrol the territory and impose fines on violators who have imbued with the closed territory.

Untented Island in Southeast Florida, United States

These abandoned places are small domed facilities were built in 1981 at Cape Romano, off the US coast. They were a summer residence of oil magnate Bob Lee, but then they came to be launched. It is still unclear what kind of fate awaits them.

Abandoned mill, Italy

This building in the valley of the mills in Sorrento was abandoned in 1866. Once here Molty wheat, and there was a sawmill nearby. An abandoned place was isolated from the sea after the construction of the Tasso Square, due to which the level of humidity in the region rose, and the mill had to leave.

Michigan Central Station in Detroit, United States

The station was built in 1913 to create a new transport node. However, several building mistakes led to the fact that the abandoned place had to close in 1988.

The fate of the station has not yet been solved, but he lit up in several films, for example, in the "8 mile" Eminem.

Sunny yacht, Antarctica

This cracked ghost ship is "Mar Sem Fim" - a Brazilian yacht, sunken next to Ardley Cove in Antarctica. On the yacht, the Brazilian film crew decided to make a documentary film, but because of the strong winds and the storm had to leave it. Water that fell on the ship frozen, struck the body and sank the yacht.

Abandoned theater New Bedford, USA

This is the old theater in Massachusetts. It was opened in 1912, and closed in the 1959th. Since then, he has already managed to visit the tobacco storage and supermarket. Now a non-profit organization is trying to collect funds for the upgrade of the building.

Abandoned station, Abkhazia

This station in Sukhumi was abandoned during the war in Abkhazia in 1992 and 1993. As a result of the conflict between Georgia and Russia, this region was abandoned, but the stations still preserved traces of its former majesty, for example, delicious stucco.

Abandoned wooden houses, Russia

All these exquisitely decorated buildings are located in the Russian outback. Some of them are surrounded by forests.

It is due to its remoteness, they remained intact.

Underwater city in Schechena, China

This is incredible underwater cityLost in time, 1341 years old. Shichery, or a lion's city, is in Zhejiang Province in eastern China. It was flooded in 1959 during the construction of the HPP. Water protects the city from wind erosion and rain, so it remains in a relatively good condition.

Abandoned metro station in New York, USA

This beautiful metro station is right under the mayor of New York. That is why there was a lot of attention to her design, however, because of the neighboring stations it never received proper attention from the public, and its curved route was not sufficiently safe. The station was closed in 1945, and it still remains closed, except for several exclusive tours for tourists.

Hotel Salto, Colombia

The hotel opened in 1928 next to Teratem Falls in Colombia, to serve tourists who arrived to admire the 157-meter waterfall. The hotel was closed at the beginning of the 90s, after the interest in the waterfall of the UGAS. But in 2012, this place was turned into a museum.

Abandoned metro tunnel in Kiev, Ukraine

This photo was made in the subway near Kiev. Many tunnels are partially flooded, and stalactites hang from the ceilings.

Abandoned base of submarines in Balaclava, Ukraine

Although this base is not completely abandoned, it is still impressive. Until its closure in 1993, she was one of the most secret bases in the USSR. Today is the State Maritime Museum.

Abandoned Military Hospital in Belice, Germany

This large hospital complex would be built at the end of the 1800s. In it, Adolf Hitler was restored after the leg injury received during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. Some parts of the complex are still working, but most were abandoned by the fact that the Russian authorities left the hospital in 1995.

Hasima Island, Japan

This island has many names, including the name of the warship (due to its form) and the Ghost Island. From the end of the 1800s at the end of the 1900s, the island was inhabited, because it opened access to underwater coal mines.

However, as Japan gradually switched from coal to gasoline, mines (and buildings arising around them) closed, leaving behind the island ghost, resembling a part of the ghostly warship.

UFO at home in San Zhi, Taiwan

These alien houses in Sanyzhzhi were initially initially to become resort houses, in particular, for American military officers who were in the service in Asia. However, due to the low level of investment and accidents with machines, this place had to close in 1980, shortly after it was built. Unfortunately, these amazing buildings were demolished in 2010.

Abandoned church in the snow.

They say the only constancy in life is change. Literature on history is one way to understand the flow of time, but there are material monuments that can tell a lot about the past times. And if you care and care for some places, sometimes those who have long been in launching are interesting. We bring to your attention some of the most ghostly places around the world, each of which has its own special charm.

Under all this dust, rust and cracks are hiding the stories of people who once lived here, prayed, engaged in everyday affairs. And when you try to present these people and their lives, it is born a special atmosphere and nostalgia. It seems that people have been created quite recently collected their belongings and left away. On the other hand, it is interesting to look at how some things that once belonged to people are now returning to nature.

Cooling chamber in Belgium.

This is part of the cooling tower of an abandoned power plant in Monceau, Belgium. The funnel-shaped structure in the center served hot water, which was then cooled, merging along hundreds of small concrete gutters.

Kolmanskop, Namibia. This is a small abandoned settlement in Namibia, which flourished at the beginning of the 1900s. Then the German settlers began production of diamonds. The influx of funds ended after the first world, when the diamond field began to be exhausted. By the 1950s, the city was completely abandoned by people, and now only photographers and tourists come here.

Floating forest in Sydney. This is the housing of a major steamer SS Ayrfield, who decided to disassemble in the Bay of Homebush, Australia, after World War II. But when the shipyard closed, this ship, as well as several others, remained where they were thrown. Now it is a beautiful and mysterious floating forest, which serves as an example of the fact that nature can survive always and everywhere.

Marcellian sea forts, England. These forts erected near the mouths of the Rivers of the Thames and Mercy in the UK so that they protect the country from the potential German threat from the air during the Second World War. When they were taken out of operation in 1950, several people lived here, including the operators of pirate radio stations, and also there were the principality of Silend, self-proclaimed independent state.

Last house on Dutch island, USA. This house was once part of a fairly successful island colony in the Chesapeake Bay in the United States. However, due to the rapid erosion of the soil on the island, there was less and less space. The house in the photo was the last on the island before collapsed in 2010.

Pripyat, Ukraine. Pripyat - abandoned city in the north of Ukraine, in the Kiev region. The city is located on the bank of the River Pripyen 3 km from the Chernobylum, not far from the border with Belorussia. Distance to Kiev - 94 km. Pripyat was founded on February 4, 1970. The main reason for the foundation of the city was the construction and subsequent operation of one of the largest nuclear power plants in Europe, the Chernobyl - a city-forming enterprise, which gave pripyat the title of the city of atomicers. Pripyat became ninth at the Soviet Union atom.

In Pripyat, many workers of the Chernobyl station lived, the work of which ended with a major catastrophe in 1986. After evacuation, Pripyat remains a radioactive city-ghost, which can be visited only with specialized accompanying.

House of the Bulgarian Communist Party. The former building of the house-monument built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party, today it looks terribly inside and outside. This building similar to a flying plate has declined after the collapse of the USSR. Now it is only the ghost of the former construction, although there are talk about starting work on the restoration.

Amusement park Nara Dreamland, Japan. The park opened in 1961. But by 2006 was already closed. Now it is popular place Among the urban "discovers", although the guards periodically patrol the territory and impose fines on violators who have imbued with the closed territory.

Unanished island in Southeast Florida, USA. These small dome-shaped structures were built in 1981 at Cape Romano, off the coast of the United States. They were a summer residence of oil magnate Bob Lee, but then they came to be launched. It is still unclear what kind of fate awaits them.

Abandoned mill, Italy. This building in the valley of the mills in Sorrento was abandoned in 1866. Once here Molty wheat, and there was a sawmill nearby. The mill was isolated from the sea after the construction of Tasso Square, due to which the level of humidity in the region rose, and the mill had to leave.

Central station Michigan in Detroit, USA. The station was built in 1913 to create a new transport node. However, several building mistakes led to the fact that the station had to close in 1988.

The fate of the station has not yet been solved, but he lit up in several films, for example, in the "8 mile" Eminem.

Sunken yacht, Antarctica. This cracked ghost ship is "Mar Sem Fim" - a Brazilian yacht, sunken next to Ardley Cove in Antarctica. On the yacht, the Brazilian film crew decided to make a documentary film, but because of the strong winds and the storm had to leave it. Water that fell on the ship frozen, struck the body and sank the yacht.

Abandoned New Bedford Theater, USA. This is the old theater in Massachusetts. It was opened in 1912, and closed in the 1959th. Since then, he has already managed to visit the tobacco storage and supermarket. Now a non-profit organization is trying to collect funds for the upgrade of the building.

Abandoned station, Abkhazia. This station in Sukhumi was abandoned during the war in Abkhazia in 1992 and 1993. As a result of the conflict between Georgia and Russia, this region was abandoned, but the stations still preserved traces of its former majesty, for example, delicious stucco.

Abandoned wooden houses, Russia.

All these exquisitely decorated buildings are located in the Russian outback. Some of them are surrounded by forests.

It is due to its remoteness, they remained intact.

Underwater city in Schechena, China. This incredible underwater city, lost in time, 1341 years. Shichery, or a lion's city, is in Zhejiang Province in East China. It was flooded in 1959 during the construction of the HPP. Water protects the city from wind erosion and rain, so it remains in a relatively good condition.

Abandoned metro station in New York, USA. This beautiful metro station is right under the mayor of New York. That is why there was a lot of attention to her design, however, because of the neighboring stations it never received proper attention from the public, and its curved route was not sufficiently safe. The station was closed in 1945, and it still remains closed, except for several exclusive tourist tours.

Hotel Salto, Colombia. The hotel opened in 1928 next to Teratem Falls in Colombia, to serve tourists who arrived to admire the 157-meter waterfall. The hotel was closed at the beginning of the 90s, after the interest in the waterfall of the UGAS. But in 2012, this place was turned into a museum.

Abandoned metro tunnel in Kiev, Ukraine. This photo was made in the subway near Kiev. Many tunnels are partially flooded, and stalactites hang from the ceilings.

Abandoned base of submarines in Balaclava, Ukraine. Although this base is not completely abandoned, it is still impressive. Until its closure in 1993, she was one of the most secret bases in the USSR. Today is the State Maritime Museum.

Abandoned military hospital in Belice, Germany.

This large hospital complex would be built at the end of the 1800s. In it, Adolf Hitler was restored after the leg injury received during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. Some parts of the complex are still working, but most were abandoned by the fact that the Russian authorities left the hospital in 1995.

Hasima Island, Japan. This island has many names, including the name of the warship (due to its form) and the Ghost Island. From the end of the 1800s at the end of the 1900s, the island was inhabited, because it opened access to underwater coal mines.

However, as Japan gradually switched from coal to gasoline, mines (and buildings arising around them) closed, leaving behind the island ghost, resembling a part of the ghostly warship.

UFO at home in San Zhi, Taiwan. These alien houses in Sanyzhzhi were initially initially to become resort houses, in particular, for American military officers who were in the service in Asia. However, due to the low level of investment and accidents with machines, this place had to close in 1980, shortly after it was built. Unfortunately, these amazing buildings were demolished in 2010.

Abandoned church in the snow.

Such is the human nature, manit people and attracts to everything inexplicable, but say that there is still dangerous, so it is generally a challenge for thousands.
The most abandoned places in the world, by the way, more than more than interest. All of them have their own history and their secrets.

Sometimes, looking at some of them, involuntarily realize how much humanity is a pitiful and weak compared to nature, which is capable of recovering and reborn so that the person does not build and how much effort has invested. If you do not follow this, nature in the shortest possible time will take the top and revives my own possessions, creating the most abandoned places in the world from the former majesty.

San Ji - Ghost City

So, it is worth considering some places that really suggest horror on anyone who dares there to visit. What is the photo of abandoned houses, for example, one of these places is completely free from people a city in Taiwan, which is called San Ji.

It began to erect him several decades ago, but the construction work was completed and was not destined, already in 1980 he completely empty and became abandoned.

They built it for wealthy people on the sea coast, but during construction, strange things began to happen - workers began to die, and these cases became a rather massive phenomenon. Those who managed to stay alive, remained crippled as a result of accidents, and no one will explain what happened there.

Some claim that during the time of Japanese occupation there was a camp of death, perhaps the happening of misfortunes are somehow connected with the tranquility of the shower tortured in the very camp. However, the city is not going to disassemble, the local believe that they will disturb evil spirits. Some argue that they saw them in the photo of abandoned houses.

Dead hospital in Germany - Paradise for ghosts

Another most abandoned place in the world and the most attractive is the empty hospital in Germany, in the city of Belitz. Once again, Adolf Hitler himself was treated during the first world.

This hospital worked and during the Second World War, he was finally left in 1995. Since then, this place overgrown with many different legends with ghosts and other frightening creatures.

Abandoned factory in Makhachkala

The next place is the plant Dagdizel, located in Makhachkala (RF). This is a factory workshop, which is located in the Caspian Sea at almost three kilometers from the coast. He is abandoned in the middle of 1960 since the requirements for work in the workshop changed. Since then, this building is empty and looks like so many years quite frightening.

4 Surrender Cases of Psychiatric Hospital LIER SICKHUS

Psychiatric hospitals have long become popular in horror films, but in fact such places really exist. Having been there, it will really become terrible. Not many people are ready to go through such a hospital especially alone, such as, for example, in the abandoned 4 buildings of a mental hospital, LIER SICKHUS, which are located in Norway.

Once in these buildings, terrible experiences were carried out over patients, and from the 80s no longer used, but the equipment, beds, the clothes of the patients - everything remained. The dilapidated and gloomy general view of the buildings - the entertainment is not for the faint of heart.

It is worth mentioning and not sensitive to Pripyat, which is located in Ukraine. This is one of the abandoned cities in the world. Despite the high popularity among tourists around the world, this place is really capable of horror.

Especially psychologically there is quite difficult there, as you can go through whole streets, I have not seen anyone. Empty windows, lack of cars, rusty, dilapidated infrastructure facilities - all this together in the abandoned city of the world can cause a feeling of fear, discomfort and the desire to leave these edges as soon as possible.

Cheerful Park - Scary Park

Spreepark is located in Berlin, Germany. It was built at the end of 1960. Closed in 2001 after the fall Berlin Wall More modern and attractive entertainment fleets began to be built, and Spreepark, in turn, began to fall apart, rust, now looks frightening enough.

Old Churches - Magnet for Rosskaz

Mystically looks like a church in Saint-Etienne, which is located in France. She was abandoned for a long time ago, there were already a bush to grow, and all that remained from the former church - dilapidated and crackled. In addition, there is rather dark, the light comes only through small windows, the place is quite terrible and photos of abandoned houses are perfect.

All that remains after hurricane ...

In New Orleans (USA) there is a small abandoned town in the form of an amusement park Six Flags Jazzland, which became abandoned after part of the park destroyed the hurricane.

However, the hurricane managed to cope not with all the attractions, some of them are in principle suitable for use even to this day. Now it looks like this park. Many years later, terrible - dilapidated, rusted, completely empty.

Hundreds of cars rest with the world

Belgium has a car cemetery (better known as the city of abandoned cars). It is in the long-swirling all kinds of ambrosia and terrain shrubs.

Cars belonged to the American soldiers who purchased them in Belgium after the end of the VMW, but it seemed to send them to another continent quite expensive, most of these cars were left there. Since then, the whole cemetery of rusted car frames can please the eyes of Extreme lovers.

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In our amazing world Each traveler will find what to see. Lovers of beautiful are simply obliged to look at beautiful abandoned places, and connoisseurs of sharp sensations to discover the terrible sights, exciting blood. We suggest with us to go on, among which there are both beautiful and terrible. Legends go about them, the scenes of horror films or beautiful are removed here. And it pleases one thing that there are many such places, and they are all unique.

Many of us sincerely believe that horror elements can only be seen on the TV screen, well, in extreme cases, at Halloween celebration. However, there are many places in the world, which when they are crying blood. It is impossible to stay indifferent to them: they are either afraid, or a visit to such a terrain becomes the main goal of life. If you are a lover of sharp sensations, sit down comfortably and go along with us in a terrible journey called - the most terrible.

California - Winchester House

This huge house is located in San Jose, consists of 40 stairs, 160 rooms and mystery covered with darkness.

The residents of the estate were mildly strange: there was a crazy widow with the family of ghosts.

The history of this mansion began from the moment when the owner of Sarah Winchester lost her beloved rich husband, inheriting a multi-million state. After death, she was the spirit of her deceased man and told a terrible secret about how he earned money.

According to him, he built all his wealth on human bones, so all their genus is cursed, and the ghosts will take revenge to death. Oils in the fire poured the fortune teller, who said Sarah, that she will be the spirits of every person killed from the winchesters purchased in the weapon company her husband.

But in all this, the hell existed a thin straw of salvation - Sarah was supposed to make up and try to make friends with ghosts. To do this, it was necessary to start building a home and not to stop, because if the knock of the hammers subsides, Sarah dies. So it began to build a house that should not have ended throughout the life of the widow.

First of all, a poor woman bought a vintage mansion in California and hired workers. House grew like mushrooms after rain. According to Miss Winchester plan, secret passages, corridors, balconies began to appear. The stairs, as a rule, were led to anywhere to confuse ghosts pursuing Sarah, which she was afraid to death. The construction of the mansion did not stop, more than a day, and it lasted this madness of many 38 years!

Today, this abandoned place is open for tourists, but it is possible to enter here, provided that you will not move away from the group, otherwise you simply get lost in terrible maze. They say ghosts still waiting for their victims.

Poisonous desert Danakil

Ethiopian desert Danakil. If you go there, it will be the most terrible trip in your life! There is no longer such a landscape anywhere, probably even in the real hell.

Once upon a time, you are unlikely to want to fly to Mars, because there is feelings, as in space. You feel just a catastrophic lack of oxygen, it becomes hard to breathe, but in abundance here, silent burning gases, which are born under their feet in a volcanic surface with floating stones.

Traveling here, tourists in the literal sense of the word shorten their lives. Heat + 50 degrees, the danger to step on the awakening volcano and welded in his red lava, for all his life they will be sulfur with pairs of sulfur and make it short - all these risks are present here. Moreover, tourists are waiting for tourists in the struggle for water and food here, which are usually armed and hungry. They can become an unpleasant app to the unearthly beauty of Danakyl desert.

Savizian forest

the desert Danakil is a terrible abandoned place, and there is no similar in the world. It is located at the foot of Mount Fuji, which is considered sacred.

It is distinguished by this gloomy place from the forest usual to us by what they come here not for mushrooms, berries, there are no kebabs here and do not rest with the family, but come to say goodbye to life. For these purposes, he was chosen by authentic Japanese suicides.

To go to the forest forever began from the beginning of 1950. The floor of the century did not pass, and the number of those who died in the forest reached 500 people who voluntarily said goodbye to life. It is saying that the fashion for death in the forest came into broad masses after the release of the book "Black Sea of \u200b\u200bTrees" by the author of Seico Matsumoto, in which two volunteer's plot went to this forest in order to hang. They walked, holding hands ...

The forest is so shadowned and gloomy that even on a sunny day it is easy to find a scary corner, wrapped in a grave dusk to make her black business. In addition to skulls, corpses and bones, here you can find the "Think about relatives!" Or "think the last time!"

The problem of suicide in the forest became nationwide in 1970. Since then, the government has sent a division of the forest to stripping the forest from the "fresh" deceased.

Square of the forest of Aokigahar 35 square meters. m. about a year on the trees "ripen" 50-100 corpses, depending on how much year was "yield".

Bridge - Quarter Killer

The arched killer bridge is located near the Scottish village of Milton, if we talk more precisely, he is located near the Overtone mansion, which has become a maiden for ghosts.

Mystical events are happening on this bridge, and they often connected them with a gloomy house, however, as it turned out later, the case is not in the mansion, namely in the bridge itself. Strange events on it began to occur in the middle of the twentieth century. Dozens of dogs rushed from fifteen meters and broke to death, the survivors still repeated an attempt to jump from the bridge.

That they were attracted to such actions, even veterinarians and zoologists could not solve, but the most interesting thing was jumping from the same parapet.

During this time, many hypotheses were put forward. They said that might be driven by dogs a hunting instinct, and they rush to rats and minks living below. Others suspect that the bridge is located on the border of the two worlds: living and dead, and the dogs feel the "smell" of paranormal, go "on the trail", and death pay for their curiosity. Perhaps you know the mystery of the Overto Bridge?

Video about the most terrible abandoned places of the planet

Beautiful abandoned places

In addition to terrible places, excluding our consciousness, there are also beautiful abandoned places in the world, from which it is difficult to take a look. Despite its beauty, they cause a feeling of pity, because they are abandoned and, it seems, no one needs. But in fact it is not so - hundreds of tourists come to look at them.

ITALY, SAN FRUTUZO: Christ from the abyss

This is one of the most beautiful abandoned places under water. The Bronze Statue of Christ is so realistic that hundreds of people come to San Fruttuozo to take a look at her at least once in his life.

But immediately warned that only those who love diving can see it, because the statue is under water in the Italian bay. Duilio Markante installed a bronze sculpture in honor of his friend who died in the sea - the first scuba of Italy Dario Gonzhatti. And created her talented sculptor Guido Galetti. The height of the masterpiece is 2.5 m, it is installed at a depth of 17 m, so it is not so easy to see it, as it seems. But those who were lucky enough to look at the Grand Statue, will not be able to forget its noble, blessing image.

Japan, Park "Adventure Gullyer"

The "Adventure of Gullyer" is another place that can be attributed to the category of the most beautiful abandoned places in the world. Theme park Located in Japan, in Kawaguti, was created on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe local government to revive leisure of local residents.

But for some reason the project was not profitable and existed only 4 years, after which "successfully" went bankrupt. It has not been working since 2001, but its main attraction - a 45 m's sculpture with a length of 45 m. Attracts tourists not only from Japan, but also other countries of the world.

There are guesses that the park closed due to the fact that there were little entertainment here: except for sculpture only the locomotive and several ordinary roundabouts, but as it was in fact, no one knows.

Abandoned and beautiful

It is worth noting that there are many beautiful abandoned places in the world, where, however, many of these "pearls of the world" are open to visits. To the list of the most mysterious abandoned places include such:

  • City of Kolmanskop (Namibia Desert);
  • Dome Houses in Florida, who have long left people;
  • Monastery of the 15th century in Germany (in the Black Fortress);
  • Castle Bodiam (England);
  • Dead city Kilung (Taiwan);
  • Love Tunnel (Ukraine).

The most terrible abandoned places

10 most beautiful places

If you like to travel and have seen other abandoned places (the most terrible or most beautiful), share photos and comments on the blog. After all, we know that our world is beautiful, and to fit all it in one article is very difficult. Let's continue the story of the most beautiful and terrible abandoned places together. You probably have something to write about.

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