Underwater city is purified. Chichen Itza, Mexico: the legacy of the ancient Maya and Toltec

World interest in the heritage of the disappeared civilization of Maya does not fade to this day. Numerous religious and religious riddles, gloomy predictions, eliminated calendars, gigantic destroyed cities, among which the most famous - Chichen Itza, invariably attract crowds of tourists and curious. Magic ancient ruins are examined continuously for hundreds of years.

History of the ancient city of Maya - Chichen-Itsa

Based on archaeological data and scraps of old chronicles, the researchers concluded that famous city Maya was founded in the 5-6 centuries of the new era. He immediately became the center of Yucatan's territory: political, religious, cultural.

All statements regarding Chichen-Itz are not confirmed and are hypotheses requiring evidence that it is almost impossible to find. According to some data, in the city constantly lived from 20 to 30 thousand inhabitants. The uncountable number of pilgrims and wanderers, merchants and changed annually attended this settlement.

In the 10th century, Maya was conquered by Tolteki, Chichen Itza was partially looted, and most of the population left the city. But life did not leave him. The decline falls on the 13th century from the Nativity of Christ. The buildings were tremended, people left Chichen Iz.

Ancient city in the modern world

For a long time, no interest to the majestic and sinister ruins showed. From the mid-19th century, a passion for culture, astrology, and most importantly, the legendary wealth of Maya began. Numerous excavations and research, artists and photographers began on the territory, and photographers from all over the world to capture the bizarre buildings and mysterious temples.

In the 1950s, the Government of Mexico decided to restore (as far as possible) of the initial appearance of Chichen Iza. Soon this place was Mecca for tourists.

In 2007. ancient city It was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and named one of the 7 new wonders of the world.

Excursion in the territory of Chichen Itsa

The area of \u200b\u200bthe city is about 6 km. sq. Preserved architectural complexes Numerous and if you study them in detail, consider every relief and column, then one day to visit will be not enough. Unfortunately, excursions organized from cancun are only one-day. Night in Chichen-Itsa there is no place, and it is terrible.

A professional guide will hold a group of paved roads, well-preserved for a half dozen centuries, and will tell about all the cult facilities of the city. The most significant and tremendous of them is the Pyramid of the Pernomy Snake - Kukulkan. The guide will tell the legend of the bloody sacrifices, cruelty and religious beliefs of an ancient tribe.

The temple of the warriors will amaze the realism of reliefs and sculptures, in the group "Thousand Columns" is easy to get lost. The playground "For the game of the ball" will surprise its territory and cause goosebumps with images of cut-off heads.

The excursion includes a visit to the sacred sensation - a natural reservoir, the diameter of which is 60 meters. There are evidence that this "Lake" Maya threw girls and children, as well as numerous cults of the cult, asking their deities about the rain. The variety of impressions and the special energy of the place of anyone will not leave anyone!

Information for tourists

Coordinates of Chichen Iza: 20.6842849, -88.5677826.

Distances from the cities: from Merida - 115 km; From Cancuna - 200 km.

Open to visit: Daily from 8:00 to 17:00.

In addition to the most famous monuments of the Mayan civilization, Cancun is also interested in Cozumel island, which is ideal for those who want to soak on the beaches or to do diving and surfing.

In Chichen Ice, no doubt cost the sights of the ruins, which could hardly see anyone before.

The most important treasures of the most famous and most magnificent from the cities of Maya expect their researchers: Indian Pyramids, Palaces, Observatory, Playground for the ball and other interesting monuments of architecture generously offers Chichen Iza inquisitive visitor. Ancient city enjoys incredible popularity among tourists as an object of world cultural heritage And as one of the new miracles of the world.


The city was named Chichen Itsa, which means literally "at the well (tribe) of ICA." The name "Iza" wore the Mayan tribe, which found in 455 by the Living Seat and built the city next to him. In 692, the Indians on the reason unknown to us left the city, which was beautiful and majestic, and here was always in excess drinking water. From the end of the VII century, the melting of a heavy bedspread fell on Chichen-ICU, who grew up around the seater of the building of the building and the temples began to come to the launch. But in the XI century, Toltec came from Central Mexico to the city - Chichen Itza found a new breath, becoming the capital of the Toltec state. The past wars "threated" the city, Toltecs have already lost their power in these unfriendly places, and the XIV century brought to the streets of Chichen-Itsi Bitter flavor of decline. The city depcomted, majestic buildings shrouded only by the noise of nearby jungle, stopped resisting the crushing time, and the Spanish conquerors found only ruins here.

From the long sleep, Chichen-Itsa emerged only in 1843, when American John Stevens again opened it for human history.

The most popular architectural monuments of Chichen-Itsa

Pyramid Kukulkana

El Caculcan's Pyramid was beyond doubt the heart of the Mayan capital and Toltec. This building with square base has nine steps. At its top, there are four stairs from balustrade, which begin on the first floor in the form of a slightly raised perfectly performed snake head and continue their way like a snake body to the top floor. Each staircase consists of 91 steps, and if the number of steps multiply by the number of stairs, then the end of the 364 steps and the 365th stage of the pendant of the pyramid symbolizes the last day of last year. At the top there is a temple, an entrance to which decorated with columns in the form of snake bodies is located on the northern side. In the days when an equinox comes, you can see the amazing imagination of the spectacle: the game of light and shadows on the balustrade of the main staircase creates the impression of a giant snake crucible from the top of the pyramid - this is the phenomenon of the Cukulkana, the feat of the snake.

Temple of warriors

The modern world learned about the temple of warriors only in 1925, when the French Mayaitologist cut off the centenary layer of clay with a four-level pyramid having a base of forty-forty-meters. Before the temple there is a playground with a dozen rows of three-meter columns, decorated with a frieze depicting the Toltec Warrior under the parade. Here we finished their earthly road committees, in honor of which this temple was erected. At the top of the temple there is a large stone sculpture, the character of Chichen-Iza is a half-giving God Chuck-moole.


With the new rulers of the city - Tolteki - new Mexican gods and new orders come to Chichen Izu. The monument "Feather Snake" is completely not Mayan, and as he was originally called unknown, the Spaniards called him "Karakol", which means "snail". The building is in a semi-kilometer from the majestic pyramid of the Cukulkana and already from afar striking. This is a building with a circular horizontal projection, and in Mexico, the cylindrical shape has only the sanctuary of the "Feather Snake". Later, the building was taken to the terrace, erected, too, rounded, but smaller sizes of the second floor and made four holes of the square shape in its walls. The holes made in the walls were designed according to the trajectory of celestial bodies and allowed ancient astronomers to study astronomical phenomena, follow the movement of the sun and equinox. The rear discovery allowed the ancient star to watch the autumn and spring equinox, the Sun on September 21 and March 21 stood opposite the eye of the astrologer. Anyway, Karakol turned into a real Observatory of Indians, and Maya managed to preserve the thirst for the knowledge of the universe and tied Karakol not only with the formidable gods, but also with the calendar.

Venus Platform

Together with Toltecs in Pantheon, Venus joined the gods. The monument dedicated to this goddess, called the Venus platform, is decorated with the most awesome faces of the "Morning Star". The low, square shape of the pyramid, framed by the four sides by wide stairs, is marked by the platform and it is here that the ruthless Toltec priests brought human sacrifices to God. True, in the month of Schul, who was the sixth month in the Mayan calendar, there were funny festivals on this platform, were given theatrical ideasDedicated to Cukulkan.

Seat Stolot

In the summer, tormented by the burning of the Mayan capital quenched thirst here, in the natural reservoir in the Karst Crack dedicated to God Strolock. Senota was always played in the Maya religion an important role, but this well was a simple urban warehouse of water, and the staircase was preserved in his wall, in which women once descended to dark water to fill their clay vessels to fill their giving moisture.

Death Well or Sacred Senot

The diameter of this well is 60 meters and this place has a frightening story for modern people: the priests threw fifty-meters of young girls to the depth of fifty meters, bringing them to the Mexican gods.


Building with elements of a pronounced poksky style: a huge magnificent facade of the building decorates threehow antablement. The structure leads only one input - a small dimension of the doorway, which is practically not visible under the severity of the triple antablemer. The main plot of the rich facade is the nosed masks of Chuck, between which you can see the figures of the battleship, crab, turtles and sea mollusk in a big sink.

Temple of skulls, tsompantley

Reflection of a cruel Mexican cult demanding during religious rites of bringing human victims, It is the "wall of the skulls". This is a kind of "Dead Warehouse", the walls of which are portrayed terrifying, located in three rows above each other, reliefs that depict hundreds of skulls planned on the sixth. In the stairs, the blood of human victims had undoubtedly once flowed, and "decorate" her images of soldiers carrying the sliced \u200b\u200bheads of enemies in their hands.

Ball game

This field is equal to the modern stadium, its width is 68 meters, and in length it has about 166 meters. The field is fenced with twelve-meter walls. On the side walls of this grand playground are fixed in an eight meter altitude, richly decorated rings. The field is the largest in mesoamerica, and at the site of guides without fail to tourists demonstrate the excellent acoustics of this place.

Helpful information

The archaeological zone works from 8 am to 5 pm. Unfortunately, in Chichen Itza, it is forbidden to climb the pyramids, enter the temples and touch the ancient stones, allowed only to admire the amazing architecture of Maya. Entrance ticket The complex is 204 pesos, that is, 59 pesos - this is the cost of the ticket itself, but 145 peso is paid as an entitled to visit the ruins tax.

Next to Chichen Itza there is a Pisthe - localitywhere sold souvenirs, cafes and restaurants, as well as hotels. But mostly tourists are removed in the Pista rooms from local residents.

You can get to Chichen-Ice from the city of Valladolid on a minibus or from the bus station ADO by bus. The bus will need to pay 26 pesos, and for a 25 peso minibus. From Merida to the attractions also get on the bus, and the ticket will cost 125 pesos. But it is best to go to Chichen-ICU as part of a sightseeing group, tour operators have an excursion costs about 120 dollars.

The city of Chichen Itza was once an important shopping and ceremonial center. It is believed that it was built between 600 and the end of the first millennium of our era. Maya Indians were good mathematicians, engineers and astronomers, which prove the preserved buildings here. If you want to see as much as possible, we advise you to arrive early - at 11.00 the crowds are already collected here. Remember it is that closer to noon will become unbearable hot, and there is practically no shadow here.

You can view the El Castillo Temple built in the form of a pyramid and dedicated to God Kukulkan (Coaloatula)depicted in the form of a feather snake with a human head. They argue that this snake sliding with the pyramid can be seen twice a year - on spring and autumnal equinox (September 21 and March 21). At three o'clock in the afternoon, the rays of the sun illuminate the western balustrade of the main staircase of the pyramid in such a way that the light and shadow form the image of the seven-free triangles, which, in turn, the body of the thirty-family snake, "crawling" as the sun moves to his own head, carved at the base of the stairs . The phenomenal representation lasts about 3.5 hours and collects the mass of the people. In the antiquity of the appearance of the snake served as signals to the beginning of the sowing of cereals or harvest.

Do not miss the opportunity to inspect the preserved fragments big field For playing ball, Huego de Pelota (Juego de Pelota); It was more than modern football fieldsAnd the balls flew into the air to the height of 6 m! Here they forced to play prisoners captured in wars; It is not known who then sacrified - winners or losers, but it is known for certain that their heads with many others were exhibited at the walls on the wall with the image of the skulls, Tscpantley (Tzompantli).

However, not all the remains of sacred victims were here. Sacred Senot, Senot Sagrado (Cenote Sogrado) - an impressive natural well of 90 m in diameter in which the researchers have discovered not only gold bars and decorations from Jadeite, but also children's skeletons. Looking into the abyss depth of 20 m, you can imagine the horror that sentenced before they were sacrificed to the rain gods, and 170 km (about 3 hours of way) from Cancun (CANCUN) On the way to Merida (Merida). 8.00-17.00 daily. Buses often go from Cancun and other Riviera Maya resorts. Usually they carry organized excursions. From Cozumel and Islands Mucheres, many tourists arrive right with the luggage to go home on the same day - it is cheaper and not so tiring.

What to see

  • "Kukulkana Temple" - 9-speed pyramid (Height 24 meters) With wide stairs on each of the sides. (In the days of spring and autumn equinels (March 20 and September 22) At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the rays of the sun illuminate the western balustrade of the main staircase of the pyramid in such a way that the light and shadow form the image of seven-free triangles, which, in turn, the body of the thirty-seater snake, "crawling" as the sun moves to their own head cut out at the base stairs.);
  • "The temple of warriors in Chichen-Itsa" at a low 4-speed pyramid and "Temple of Jaguarov" (both with wall paintings);
  • Observatory "Karakol";
  • 7 "stadiums" for the ball ("A large box for playing ball" (Wuho de Pelota) - The largest playground from all Maja created. The length of the playing field reaches 135 m. There are some evidence that the game has accompanied certain cruelty.);
  • Ruins 4 Colonndes forming a giant rectangle ("Group of thousands of columns");
  • The sacred senote is a natural well depth of about 50 m, which served for sacrifices.
  • Also preserved the statues of deities with the characteristic styling of plastic forms, reliefs rich in plant and geometric ornamental, works of shallow plastics and artistic handsels, etc.


At the time of his heyday, Maya managed to build many architectural monumentsaffecting us with your size and beauty. The pearl of this treasury is the Chichen-Itsa Temple, located on the Yucatan Peninsula in the south of Mexico. It is believed that Chichen-Itza was erected in the second half of the first millennium, when the rulers of Maya ordered to build big city Around three natural reservoirs. Thanks to the underground sources of the city who fed the lake underground sources round year There had plenty of water.

Tens of thousands of Maya participated in the construction of a city intended for rulers and priests with their families. Simple members of the tribe lived in global huts and worked on the fields without tired, providing a city with grain and meat and serving the ruling elite.

The Mayan rulers gained strength every year, so the sudden collapse of their empire at the end of the IX century. It seems the more strange and amazing. Apparently, at that time Chichen Itza was simply left by its inhabitants. Scientists have discovered such traces of disasters like drought, crumbs and hunger, or a combination of all three, but this does not explain such a quick sunset of a powerful civilization. Only an insignificant part of Maya Indians survived - in order to in the XVI century. to be under the fifth Spain. Spanish chronicles mention Maya as a primitive tribe, living fruits around him jungle. It is not surprising that European conquerors very quickly became the owners of the situation.

The authorities of the ruler of Chichen Itza symbolized his throne, watered on the top of the Pyramid of the Cukulkan. Having a height of 30 m, it dominates all the surrounding buildings. The most complex iconography, as well as the numerical proportions stated in the construction, suggest that Maya owned extensive technical knowledge. The pyramid itself can be considered an example of the Maya "Magic Numbers" used. On its basement there are 4 staircase spans, 91 steps in each. 4 x 91 + 1 (soda himself) \u003d 365, the number of days a year. Opposite the pyramid of the Cukulkana is the temple of warriors (Templos de Los Guerreros). His landmark is the hall of 1000 columns, allegedly served by the barracks. Its rear doors open to the game playground with dimensions of 91 x 36 m.

Snake images are everywhere in all the facilities of Chichen Itsa. Kukulkan, "Snake-crazy-from-tower", and Ketzalcoatl, "Pernate snakes", were considered to be the main deities from Maya. And faith in them could not destroy even the collapse of the state itself. When in the XVI century. The Spaniards landed on Yucatan, the feathered snake was still considered the main deity at the descendants of Maya and Mexican aztecs.


  • OK. 435-455: According to a much later chuminaire, Chichen Itza was laid between 435 and 455. AD It is believed that the city was abandoned by the inhabitants by the end of the IX century. Toltec won him in 987
  • 999: The ruler of Maya from Tula, called the Cetzalcathoral in honor of the main deity.
  • 1533: Yucatan conquered by the Spaniards.
  • 1841-1842: John Stevens's research marked the beginning of the scientific study of Chichen-Itsi.
  • 1904-1907: Speletologists have discovered a source recognized by the "holy" or "mystical".
  • 1923: The beginning of systematic excavations in Chichen-Ice. F 1988: Chichen Itza is included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.

What country is Chichen Itsa? Of course, in Mexico! Chichen Itza - One of the main. The ancient city of Maya, located on the Yucatan Peninsula, is known to everyone coming to this magic country. The pyramids of the ancient Maya and Toltec, numerous architectural monuments and proximity to - all this annually attracts millions of tourists from all over the world and makes ICU real tourist capital Mexico.

Pyramids and ancient city Chichen Itza in Mexico

Chichen Itza is an ancient city in the north of Mexico, located on the Yucatan Peninsula. In these places, the ancient residents of Maya and Toltec lived. In the most dawn, the population of the ancient city is Chichen Itza amounted to 10 thousand, although some scientists believe that this number should be greater than 2, or even 3 times. Now it is included in the legacy of the Junior. Ancient objects are carefully guarded.

The architecture of the city is dated with the period from the VI to the XIII century. Most of the ancient cities of the Spaniards disassembled building materials, but they did not touch Chechen ICA. You can admire the view at any time of the year. Unofficially Chechen, ICU is called the eighth miracle of the world. Mode of operation from 8.00 to 18.00. Entrance to the territory costs 220 Mexican pesos, and Guide services 750 Pesos. Children up to 12 years old ticket is not needed.

Chichen Itza is located in North America, Country of Mexico. On the map you need to find the Yucatan Peninsula, where the city is located. Chechen neighbors are cities, cancun and is also popular tourist places. To get into these places by the plane, you need to fly, where the nearest airport is international importance. Flights are performed from Europe, and directly from the capital Russian Federation, Moscow.

The map allows you to notice the main goal of many tourists - the Pyramid of Cukulkana. On the left side of it, the city of Chechen Isza is 100 meters away. Nearby there is a parking for cars.

How to get from Cancun

To get to the city from Cancuna, tourists and guests of the peninsula can take advantage of several available methods. For example:

  1. The bus is the most practical transport. The road will take a little more than 3 hours. Serves the carrier ADO. Ticket price from 10 € to 16 €.
  2. From 30 € to 40 € will cost a transfer order. The car can pick up immediately from the airport, or from another place of stay, for example from the hotel.
  3. Renting the car can be easily comfortably reached and faster. The path takes only hours 2. To Chichen Iza, you need to go 200 km, which will leave 16 liters of fuel. About 20 € will leave gasoline.

How to get from other regions

From Merida walks the same bus that from Cancun, it costs 6 €. From Valladolid, you can comfortably use the route bus.

History of the city of Chichen Itza

The name is widely used since the Board of Maya tribes. Translated from local languages, Chichen Itza can be translated as "at the mouth of the ICA well", or the "mouth of the waters of water". Chi particle indicates mouth or edge, Chen means source, or well. Itza is ancient peoplewhich ruled the whole region near the city. The word ICA itself is often translated as "wizard". If you split into two parts, then IC is a sorcerer, and ha - water.

Ancient documents available to us show that there are other options for the city name. For example, this is evidenced by the data of the Code of Chims - Bilam. At the same time, to accurately establish how the city was called before the arrival of Izians prevents not a complete discovery of ancient adverb. To date, a few long-standing names are known: Yuuk Yabnal, (seven great houses), Yuuk Huba (seven bush seats), Yukuabnal (seven great rulers) and UK ABNAL (seven paths of Abnala).

History opening

History can be divided into two periods. The first lasted from the VII to the X century, when the city belonged to the Maya tribe. The second began with the conquest of terrain in the X century. The XI century was marked by approving the status of the capital of Toltec lands. But the city on the throne lasted for a short time. Maya decided to regain the city. Hunak Keel gathered a skilled army from the cities of Majapan, Ushmal and Izmale. He headed the campaign to Izu, which led to success in 1178.

In the future, as a result of unknown reasons, the city was completely destroyed and was in launch. It happened in 1194. Although the Spaniards destroyed all the documents of the ancient tribes, historians were established that the people were exhausted to the city. Higher layers of society have dispersed in other places. From Spanish records it was found that the Indians went to pilgrimage to the ruins of the ancient city. From the 15th century, the territory was used under pastures for livestock. It is not known why the city is empty. Some researchers talk about terrible hunger, others about the bloody war.

It is also the opinion that a terrible epidemic collapsed on the inhabitants and that the virus is still under the ruins of the city.

Whatever it was, everything changed with the arrival of the Spaniards. The XVIII century was marked by various studies and archaeological excavations. Already then many artists and photographers came to capture the unique wealth of Maya. And from the middle of the last century, the Government of Mexico was issued a decree, globally restore the city of Chechen Itza to the initial species. All possible work was carried out and now it is an unusually popular place.

Attractions Chichen Itza

In the city of Chichen Itza there is a huge number of places interesting for tourists. If you go here in the framework of the excursion program, the experienced guide will tell in detail about each attraction. In this article we will make a brief overview of the main architectural monuments that you simply cannot skip.

There are many interesting things in the city, but the Pyramid of Cukulkana is a mansion among all famous seats. The pyramid is one of the surviving ancient architectural structures of the ancient tribes. In Spanish, there are such names: Pirámide de Kukulkán, Templo de Kukulkán, "El Castillo". So called ancient pyramid Feather snake. Kukulkan is a similar to Ketzaloatl. The object is immersed during the Mayan tribe. You can learn a lot of exciting stories and retellings about how the worship of wonderful deities was carried out. In their religion, blood shed and made cruel rites to draw the objects of worship. In essence, the pyramid is a sacred temple.

There is a pyramid in the center with a large area of \u200b\u200b18 hectares. Surrounds a wide parapet, made of stones. Impressive and size of the building itself. The height is 24 meters, and if you take it all 30. The length of each side has a size of 55 meters. All the faces of the pyramids have 9 steps. At each of the four sides, steep stairs are installed, going through which, you can get to the top. Stairs also have orientation on the sides of the world. Each of them has 91 degrees, the total number of steps is 364. And if adding a platform on top, which combines 4 stairs to work out 365 - which means the number of days of the solar year.

The cut of the stairs is a stone fence in the form of a snake, whose head is downstairs, and the body goes to the top. Size Snake is 37 meters. A few days a year is an amazing show. When it comes autumn and spring equinox shadow from steps falls on the stones of balustrades. At the same time it seems that the feathered snake is not just a sculpture, but real reptiles moving at the rate. In the spring in March, the impression is made that the snake moves up, and in the fall in September. This action lasts 3 hours 22 minutes.

It is noteworthy that the stairs are dissected for two, that is, the number of sections on each side of the pyramid is 18. This number is symbolic and indicates the same number of months in the Mayan tribes calendar.

The temple has 9 ledges and it is not by chance. Toltec had their beliefs about "nine heavens." Each wall of the temple has 52 stone reliefs, which means 52 years - the Calendar Toltec cycle.

Ruins Chuck Mou in the North (Chacmools)

Ruins chuck-muul

This sight is in Chichen Itza includes sculptures that do not leave indifferent. You can see Altari, the statues of the Atlanta and the paintings from the stone. Architecture amazes visitor's view.


Temple of warriors

This is also a unique building. It is surprisingly preserved. A visit prompts to admire the ancient people, their approach to business. The atmosphere allows you to feel in the distant past. This is never forgotten.

Alley Thousand Columns (The Hall Of The Thousand Columns)

In ancient times, this alley was a street of trade. In the market, the deft tribes even built a roof that the weather does not interfere with trade affairs. Previously, there were large sizes in the building. There were rows with crafts from iron and ceramics. You could also get simple things for life. He was near the big market.

Wall skulls (Tzompantli)

Although there is some kind of mystic and horror from the name, the picture of this object shows the opposite. TA skatal paintingwhich is unique here. Picturesque patterns and beautiful composition are considerable interest. At the same time, everything is not known to the end as ancient people used the wall of the skulls.

Stadium (The Ball Cours)

Many people do not know that even before the invention of football, the ancient Maya, ancient Maya, used a similar game in the ball. The stadium is built over 3000 backwards. Of course, the purpose is very different from modern sports facilities. Then, at the stadium, people arranged religious rituals. And the losing football team immediately lost her life. They were executed and sacrificed to the deities. A terrible picture and the fact that the height of the walls did not allow the players to escape from the sad fate. And the leaders observed this picture from above. Terribly and the fact that instead of the ball used the skull.

In Chichen Ice has 7 sports facilities. The largest stadium is called "Wuho de Pelota" (in the "Big Ball"). The length of this field is 135 meters.

After visiting the amazing objects of an ancient culture, stadiums seem pretty boring place.

Temple of the Jaguars (Temple of the Jaguars)

It is impossible to say that this temple is something in reality unusual. Building has a rather small size. Most of all it is worth seeing the sculpture of Jaguar, which stands in front of the temple. This is the most significant attraction of the temple, besides her in the temple of Jaguars there are no other features.

Pyramid Old Chichén (OLD Chichén)

The name of Old Chichen was assigned not in vain - this building is one of the oldest in the city. Amazing I. appearance Pyramids. She is beheaded. Nature has contributed to this contribution. During an ancient hurricane, the top was destroyed. Refairted steps are striking by beauty. Tourists even would like to climb into a small pyramid, but it is not provided.

Observatory (Caracol)

Stunning building. She wants to consider in detail different angles. Near the observatory there is a tower, unconditionally entertaining an object. Here you will not go along the steps.

Church (Nunnery)

This is an amazing building. At a minimum, by what is asked in the style of Mayan Chenes. And this is the most picturesque style of the ancient Maya tribes. Ornaments are affected by their sophistication. For a tourist, this place must be a mandatory visit site.

Sacred Cenote (Sacred Cenote)

The sacred senote is located right in the art of the Old Town of Chechen Itsa. You need to work hard to find such a desirable object .. First you need to find the park in Chichen Itza. Next, you need to leave behind the pyramid of the Cukulkana and on the left of the Ruins Platforma de Venus will be a sign to the Seine. It is important to look carefully on the signs pointing the path. Senot is a natural well. Depth is approximately 50 m. Used for sacrifice purposes. There have thrown girls and children, as well as different cult items, asking for rain gods.

Senot Ik Kiel

Senot IK Kiel

Satot is just 5 kilometers from the city. You can get there on the highway 180. This very beautiful placestanding in order to go separately. Mexico can be proud of such objects.

Shops and shopping near Chichen Iza

The nearest shops to Chichen Ice are in a pist. Here you can find several food stores, meat shops, restaurants and Sberbanks. Shops and addresses of their location on the street Dsstas-Pisthe:

  • Bootix de los mayas - goods for needlework;
  • Taller La Escondida - At the intersection with the 5th Street;
  • Las Sobrinas de la Tia - Restaurant at intersection with Street 5-A;
  • Pollaria Suemi - Food shop closer to the crossroads with the 7th Street;
  • Banco Azteca - between the 7th and 9th Street;
  • EL PANAL - at the intersection with the 11th street;
  • Novedades Y Regalos El Arca is a souvenir shop at the intersection of the 12th street and 180th highway.

A 4 restaurants of Mexican cuisine are located along the 180th Coster Highway, at the intersection with the 22nd street there is Marthas Pizzeria, and the Tecate Six beer shop is located closer to the intersection with the 18th street.

On the 180th highway are located the following shops and institutions:

  • Maxicarne - meat sample, on the street 15-A;
  • NEVERIA BASULTO - at intersection with the 8th street;
  • Balam House - Pizzeria at intersection with Street 6;
  • Fruiteria Dorcy - Food Market, between 4 and 6th Street;
  • Taller Mecanico "El Chino" - Food store.Azteca - between the 7th and 9th street.

In the gun there are also museums, hotels and small hotels. Here you can buy everything you need at more affordable prices than in smaller resort towns. Souvenir products and food are more profitable to purchase in larger cities. From Chichen Izsy to the Pist, the distance is about two kilometers, so the shopping hike does not make a friend and does not take a lot of time, even if you do hiking walk on the highway Merida-Walladorite. At a distance of 4 km in the opposite side of the pist, there is a town of X-Kalakop. There are several grocery stores, a bar, a restaurant and a home store.

Also on the way you can call in Libry Unyon, Citas, Tunkas, or more big City Walladolit, where the choice of products, shops and other goods will help make more diverse and profitable purchases.

Half of the sixth morning. "When the alarm clock calls in the morning, it seems to me that they shoot me ...". So it seems to me that I hear shots, and not a cute pop melody trying to wake me up. Why so early? Why ... exactly! Today we are going to Chichen-ICU - the famous complex of the pyramids of the ancient Maya.

"If we do not wake up right now, we will not leave early, if you won't leave early, I will not see the first-time-in-law in the ringing cleanness of the coming day, but will push your shoulders with other tourists," I am lying around and arguing, trying to finally cheer up. The presence of a goal gives a stimulus - it works surely. Climb!

An hour later, with a small one with Andrews, we sit in a collateral, brought us to the "mouth of a waters of waters." Do not be afraid, this is not the direction confused, it is so translated by the name "Chichen Itsa" from Maya.

After another forty minutes, we find yourself at the entrance to the archaeological zone, the first of the visitors buy tickets and exactly at eight hours we overcome the turnstile pyramids separating us. The goal is achieved: we got to the complex to the opening itself, when the bulk of tourists still sleeps or only rides from Cancun, Plais del Carmen and Merida. Nothing will replace these golden morning hours of silence and lonely walking along the ancient ruins.

Attractions Chichen-Itsi

Complex Chichen Itsa (Chichén Itzá) is considered one of the main and most beloved tourists attractions peninsula Yucatan.. Why? We will deal with these a little later, but for now, go for us, maybe you will understand everything.

While you read it, we are standing with Andrews, we consider the sacred senote and suddenly we see the bird on the tree. "So what?", - You ask. And the fact that the bird is not easy, and so that we have repeatedly hunted, trying to take a picture. Andrews even gave her name - a bird of happiness.

And what do you think? Today he managed to catch his bird of happiness!

On this optimistic note, we leave Chichen-ICU and go further, in the Senot of IR Kiel. But this is a completely different story.

Does Chichen-Itsa notice? No matter what, yes. This can not be missed, otherwise the situation is A la "come to Moscow and not see the Red Square."

But there is one "but". Remember, I said that Chichen-Itsa is very loved by tourists? Do you know what kind of considerations do I have? It seems to me that there are so many tourists here, because the pyramids of Chichen-Itsi are the most affordable on Yucatan. Before them is the most convenient to get from Cancun, and the entire Riviera Maya, Merida, Valladolid. Therefore, they are the most visited. I do not diminish the advantages of this complex, but I do not think that he is undoubtedly the best in Mexico. Undoubtedly, if you compare this complex with nearby mouse or ek-blah, it wins on scale, and in importance. But we drove more than half of Mexico, seeing Teotihuacan, Monte Alban, Ushmal, Palenque, Esna and these pyramids were impressed at no less Chichen-Itsi, and some are even several times more.

Enjoy your walks on Chichen Ice, dear readers!

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