Three safe countries for tourism. The safest countries of the world

Experts of the World Economic Forum (WEF) amounted to the rating of the safest countries of the world for tourists. According to news agencies, the first line of the list took Finland.

The second position is the UAE, Iceland was in third place. The top 10 rating also entered Oman, Hong Kong, Singapore, Norway, Switzerland, Rwanda and Qatar.

In turn, Colombia (136), Yemen (135) and Salvador (134) were recognized as the most unsafe countries in the world.

The list includes 136 countries. In drawing up the rating, such criteria were taken into account as the level of crime, terrorist threat and the presence of armed conflicts.

World map, safest countries in the world

Experts from the International SOS medical service company interactive map The world where the most dangerous and safe travel countries in 2017 are marked.

On the map, which can be found on the company's website, countries are marked with different colors depending on the degree of risk that expects a tourist.

The most dangerous marked with dark red color: Libya, Mali, South Sudan, Yemen, Syria, King, Afghanistan and Venezuela.

This also includes some areas of Congo, Somalia and Sudan and others, reports RIA Novosti.

States, slightly safer for tourists, are isolated orange. Some states of Mexico, border regions of Colombia and Ecuador, Nigeria, Pakistan, part of India and others have come to this list.

Ukraine, in the east of which armed conflict, Belarus, Poland, Turkey, Egypt and a number of countries experts attributed to States with a middle level of danger to tourists. These countries are denoted by yellow.

Russia, together with Brazil, China, India, Kazakhstan and some other countries, were attributed to the category of countries with "rapidly developing variable risks."

"Green countries", the level of risks in which were considered insignificant, the United States, Canada, Argentina, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Switzerland, Slovenia and Denmark are considered.

When creating a card, factors such as terrorism, politically motivated unrest and war, social unrest, crime rate, reliability transport infrastructure, the efficiency of security services and emergency response, as well as the country's exposure to natural disasters.

Named the safest European countries for tourists from Russia

The most secure for tourists are Estonia, the Czech Republic and Germany, reporting "Izvestia".

Insurance company "SG SOGAZ" conducted a study according to which Estonia was the safest for Russian tourists. It is there that Russian tourists are less likely to pay for medical attention.

It is believed that the most insured events occur in Bulgaria, Thailand and other resorts popular among Russians. However, this is a very approximate assessment, since these countries leave the most Russians. And in this case, the principle works - the larger the people, the greater the unpleasant incidents. Sogaz first tried to evaluate the safety of certain countries on the basis of the frequency of appeals on medical policies of traveling abroad.

In the first half of the year, the insurer recorded 560 cases of appeals of tourists due to diseases, poisoning, injury and other reasons for a medical nature. The coated policies around the world were not taken into account in the calculations. The final list of research came 25 states, in which in the first half of the first half of the first half of the first half of the policies.

According to the study, tourists who relax in the Baltic States are least risky. Estonia became the safest country for Russian tourists. Only 0.5% of tourists (that is, one person from 200 holidaymakers) appealed for medical care in this country. The second line of the rating was the Czech Republic, where the risk barely exceeds 1% (1.13%). Almost a similar situation in Germany, which closes the top 3 most secure tourist countries- Only 1.22% of tourists are treated for medical care. And this is despite the fact that these states belong to one of the most popular areas among Russian tourists.

Slovakia (1.40%), Portugal (2.05%), Serbia (2.37%), Norway (2.86%), Switzerland (3.15%) were also included in the list of countries with low risk for Russians. Italy (3.32%). Closes the top ten of the most secure countries of the countries of the old world of Hungary, where the frequency of appeals is 3.49%.

According to the Chairman of the Board of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies Dmitry Yanina, there are four factors affecting traumaism of rest. The impact is hygiene in the host country (quality of food and water), national cuisinewhich may be unusual for taste, hot climate and abundance of the sun, as well as alcohol.

The smaller the sun, the less problems. In Asia, the risk factor is the food. Problems are with its quality, and with water quality. In addition, in hot countries there are quite extreme beach entertainment. In Estonia, there is little sun, close to us kitchen, such a favorable situation, and most importantly - there is no "all inclusive" system with alcohol. Drink less - less traumatized, "Dmitry Yanin explained.

  • Obtaining a residence permit. Acquisition of any real estate guarantees you to get a residence permit. This document will allow you to be in the territory of the country an unlimited amount of time.

In Northern Cyprus, it is very easy to obtain citizenship - this is precisely the purpose of most people who returned from the holidays from there.

It is worth saying that according to Interpol, the crime rate in Northern Cyprus is 5 times lower than in western Europe. And the reason why Northern Cyprus Not included in the list of the safest countries in the world - Status unrecognized state. Otherwise, this country is an ideal place to relax and live.

Spain - the most popular resort in the rating for the whole family

Another one popular country among tourists. The joke of whether, annually the resorts of this country visits more than 50 million people. This is the most popular european resort. Such popularity and high influx of tourists ensures the relevant conditions for a comfortable vacation:

  • Low prices. Spain is the most affordable Western European country for recreation. Vacation on the famous Costa or in Barcelona can afford almost everyone.
  • Wherein low prices do not affect quality of services rendered. Arriving into this country you guarantee positive emotions.
  • Developed travel infrastructure.Spain combines everything that loves modern tourist. You can spend your holidays under the famous Spanish beaches. Or culturally acquainted visiting local attractions and famous cathedrals. There are also many events aimed at attracting tourists, including the famous Entorro.
  • Visas. With visas in Spain, it is somewhat more complicated, all the same, this country is a member of the Schengen Treaty. Accordingly, in order to visit this wonderful country you will need to issue a Schengen visa. One of the advantages is that it is enough to arrange Schengen to Spain simply, it is enough to provide the Embassy a ticket.

As in any other Western European country in Spain, a lot of attention is paid to security. So in the overall list of countries, it is 18th place, and Barcelona occupies a fifteenth line in a similar ranking of cities. It is not surprising that Spain is a list of the safest countries in the world, in which you can relax with comfort.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to recent events when Catalonia tried to hold a referendum on independence. In the world, this event was perceived ambiguously, but the fact that there were no serious clashes, not to mention the victims among the local population or tourists. What once again talks about the highest level of security in a given country.

Czech Republic is expensive, but safely

Czech Republic in the list of the safest countries in the world for tourists and for permanent residence. In the last rating, this state took the sixth place, which is an astounding result. And if we consider the Czech Republic from the point of view of tourism, then this is a very popular destination with us, so why is this country ranks third in our top? Let's deal with detail:

  • Prices.Rest in the Czech Republic is one of the most expensive in Europe. If you want to make your vacation comfortably with comfort, then you will have to spend a decent amount of money.
  • The usual resort holiday is not here. This country is rich in its history, museums and atmosphere. In addition, every year a huge number of tourists come to this country to try the famous Czech beer. If you want to get rich culturally, then this is a great choice.
  • Service.Our people are not accustomed to European maintenance. No, the quality of it is at the highest level, but the system itself is very different from Turkish. For example, finding hotels with the "All Inclusive" system is quite problematic. Therefore, if you are accustomed to vacation and do not care about anything, it is better to choose, for example, Northern Cyprus.
  • Visas. The Czech Republic is also a member of the Schengen Statement, but it is much more difficult to get a visa to this country than in Spain you will not only need to present vouchers, but also to prove your solvency throughout the entire period of stay in the country.

Certainly, the Czech Republic, you can call the safest country in the world, which annually takes a huge number of tourists, but for this security will have to pay additionally, because this most dear country Presented today in our top.

What else should take care, going to rest? 5 rules

Of course, our list of the safest countries of the world for living shows a general trend, but it is impossible to let everything on samonek, hoping for research data. That's what you need to take care, going on vacation:

  1. Medical insurance. We are accustomed to relatively free health care and mandatory insurance. But worldwide medicine is very expensive. So before departure necessarily you should buy medical insurance In case of health problems. Especially it concerns independent tripsSince trips, often, already include contracts with insurance companies.
  2. Be sure to purchase a ticket on the way right. Again, if you fly via a ticket, then usually everything is already inclusive. But in the case of independent trips, it is necessary to take care in advance. It is also worth knowing that the criterion for obtaining visas to some countries is the presence of this ticket.
  3. Make vaccinations. Especially it concerns exotic countries south-East Asia. It will be unpleasant to save with an incomprehensible disease on the first day of vacation. All over the world has already abandoned the practice of entry only if there are vaccinations, but in any case it is in your interests.
  4. Protection against pockets. If we talk about safety around the world, then in the above countries, it is at the highest level. But you need to understand that huge flow of tourists attract small pockets and fraudsters. Therefore, you should not store money and documents in the available places. Many hotels provide safes for such needs.
  5. Do not leave the resort zones. To a greater extent, it concerns countries with not the most prosperous economy. As a rule, in resort cities With security, everything is at the highest level, but with the rest of the state, everything may not be so smooth.


Today we reviewed the safest countries in the world for tourists and for living. Of course, this is a very important factor for a comfortable vacation. And if you want to return only with positive emotions, then you should not rush into various adventures. To date, the world's best combination of recreation quality, prices and security is Northern Cyprus.

When a person chooses a resting place, especially abroad, he is interested in many important moments - Climate, hotel comfort, total service and much more. Not the last place in this list is the security indicator. Rarely, who will be permitted to go as a tourist in Kenya, Somalia or Syria. Here there is a serious risk to get under the shelling, to be stolen or just the abyss.

Therefore, you should choose the safest country for tourists in the world. And the main feature here is not only the absence of militants in its territory or zones of hostilities, but the minimum risk of natural cataclysms and much more. From that which criteria should choose the most comfortable country to rest, which world countries are included in the top of the safest, you can learn from the material of this article.

Some tourists in search of adrenaline ride in the mountains, others are fused on mountain rivers, others are sent to the impassable jungle Amazon. But before you decide on any extreme journey, it is important to evaluate all possible risks. But most of the people expect a pleasant stay, the feeling of comfort and complete relaxes. That is why, before going to rest in an unfamiliar country, it should be appreciated on the security scale. These are indices adopted in international practice and their meaning is easy to find on the Internet:

  • Index of peacefulness. The crime rate within the state, its aggressiveness in relation to neighbors is taken into account.
  • The index of adherence to democratic rights and freedoms. Also important indicator. It is built according to the degree of convenience of living in the country, the opportunity to express their opinion or occupy a certain political position.
  • An indicator of natural disasters. Storms, tsunami, tornadoes, earthquakes - carry a threat to life. Territories that are often subject to natural cataclysms to immediately learn from the list of desired countries. For example, a wonderful place for tourists, if not infinite earthquakes.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological safety level. It should take into account all - the prevalence of various diseases, the need for vaccination, the presence of high-quality water and products, the level of medical care. None of these criteria withstand the African countries and the states of South Asia.
  • Level of economic development. In weak-developing countries, it is hardly possible to relax with a particular chic, even the standard level of comfort may be questionable. Here the volume of state investment in the development of the social sphere is studied, the level of corruption is the quality of life of the population. For example, you should not go to rest in Angola or Zambia, unless of course the goal is not a charitable mission.

Each vacationer can paint another number of important criteria and pick up the most suitable state for tourism.

The safest for tourism and recreation

Before going to a distant country, you need to evaluate the level of medical care, the development of the tourism infrastructure and minimize all the above risks. As a result, it turns out that there are not so many suitable countries. In this article we will place them in a certain order. The first place will take the most secure state to rest.

In addition, the top ten fell -, and. Less secure, but comfortable for recreation -, Malta, and. For rest you can choose any country from each list. Guaranteed that in these states, tourists are safe.

Peaceful Iceland.

  • Climate

In general, the climate is favorable, although the state refers to the North. Softness is ensured by the warm waters of the Golf Stream. Natural cataclysms are not observed. Some fear causes an active volcano. It periodically disrupts seismic calm.

  • Best season for recreation

Most. best season Summer is considered to be for the trip, especially July and August. Here during this period of time you can observe a special a natural phenomenon - White Nights. But it is worth understanding that Iceland will not delight affectionate warm sea And the wonderful tan even in the summer. After all, this is the northern country. Even in August, the average temperature does not rise above the +10 marker. Day figures are certainly higher - about +20.

But in winter it is not very cold here, but it will not be possible to get acquainted with the country, since the light day will be only 5 hours.

Iceland on video:

  • Road accidents

It seems that only competent drivers are moving along the roads of the country, which fully comply with all the rules of the road. And the roads are simply different here. As a result, no more than 1 thousand accidents happen for the calendar year. At the same time, most of them do not cause serious harm to passengers and drivers. For the year no more than 10-20 fatal accidents.

  • Crime

In Iceland, the lowest crime rate in Europe. At the same time, the country absolutely does not spend its income on the content of the army. She enters NATO and is completely under the protection of the Alliance.

Iceland attracts travelers of the extraordinary beauty of nature. Here the clouds seem to be born from the depths of the waters. Here it is impossible to find large megacities or fashionable resortscapable of satisfying biased tourists.

Many holidaymakers stop in Reykjavik. The capital of Iceland received the title in 2000 cultural capital World. That is, there is something to do and what to see. But it is only for inquisitive travelers. If tourists prefer rest in nightclubs or disco, they do not like Reykjavik, impregnated with culture and traditions.

It is worth meeting the works of local artists, go through the gallery and museums or visit the theater. Lovers active rest Fishing or climbing the crater of the volcano. Special pleasure will be bathing in the Valley of Geysers.

Denmark - Motherland Andersen

In Denmark, a tourist infrastructure is superbly developed, since it is this area that the country's budget fills. Very often called the "Pearl of the Scandinavian Peninsula".

  • Climate

Denmark is comfortable for accommodation and recreation. There is no sudden drops of temperatures, natural cataclysms or heavy rains. Winter begins on the calendar - in December, capturing the first month of Spring Mart. The average temperature of low temperatures is not more than 7 degrees below zero.

Summer is difficult to call hot. Therefore, they do not go here for beach entertainment. For average temperature Air 15-16 degrees is not very comfortable to get sunny baths. The warmest months - July-August.

  • Best season for recreation

It is better to choose the summer months to relax. Here at this time heat, sunny and almost no precipitation falls.

  • Road accidents

The number of accidents on the roads is somewhat more than in Iceland, although not less good roads and highway. According to statistical estimates, about 5 thousand happens for the year emergency situations There are approximately 10% of them by severe consequences.

  • Crime level

It may seem that in Denmark, crime is completely eradicated. The state is among the ten countries with the lowest level of offenses. Here you can safely walk along the night streets, without fear that the traveler will wait a maniac or robber. It is practically not accomplished by grave crimes.

Copenhagen's atmosphere - in video:

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

Denmark attracts tourists with his rich history. After all, precisely, the Vikings made raids on nearby countries. Traveling to the country is a small adventure.

For example, for young guests of the country, a trip to the country of fairy tales will be visited by the town of Billund. Here for the defores built a real magical city from a multicolored brick. Special delight causes the fact that all the streets and houses are collected from "Lego" - that very beloved by the children of the designer.

In Denmark, just remarkably relax with the whole family. Visiting Odense Zoo Zoo on South Boulevard (Odensen town) will make a vivid impression on both children and parents.

Denmark boasts cozy and comfortable hotels, but they will be no cheap. But here there is an opportunity to spawn completely free of charge in campsite or by Kauratsurfers.

Danish cuisine is based on Scandinavian traditions. It is replete with vegetables and seafood, but does not differ in particular sophistication. A modest lunch in an inexpensive cafe per person costs 1.5 thousand rubles (about 150 Danish crowns).

Austria - Country of Stunning Mountains

This is a small state with the capital in Vienna and the number of residents not exceeding 8.5 million people. It belongs to the richest European countries, here is a very high standard of living. Now the state is at the peak of its development, which makes Austria attractive not only for recreation, but also lives. Tourism is not the main article of the country's income. Here they earn at agriculture and industry.

  • Climate

Austria does not have a harsh climate. Here it changes depending on the zonality - in the mountains is colder. Winter soft and snowy, summer roast and dry. In August, the temperature can rise to 30 degrees.

  • Best season for recreation

It should be determined depending on the goals of the trip. If it is a vacation in ski resorts, the season opens in November and lasts in April. For rest on the shores of Lake Carinthia best time - July August.

But for acquaintance with Vienna and other cities of Austria - Early autumn or late spring.

Beauty Vienna - On Video:

  • Road accidents

Here, the danger of movement is determined by seasonality and the place of movement. So in the mountainous area is the likelihood of avavin or stonepad. Special danger mountain roads Represent in winter. But at any, even the slightest hint of a threat to life, dangerous areas are instantly overlapped by emergency services.

Next, about 40 thousand road traffic accidents are recorded annually. About 10% people receive severe injuries and injuries. Almost 100% of the accident is associated with the love of the Austrians to high-speed movement.

  • Crime level

Vienna is among the top ten most secure cities in the world. You can compare the level of grave crimes here and in Russia. For example, at 100 thousand Austrians per year accounting for 0.6 intentional murders, whereas in Russia the digit is equal to 10. That is, in our fatherland, the crime rate, only in this indicator, almost 17 times higher.

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

Here the only natural danger is avalanche. But if you use proven descents, not to leave far from settlements and climbed tracks, the risk is minimized. Another problem is pliers. They are found in mining and can become a source of dangerous infectious diseases. Therefore, you should not extract them yourself. For this there are trained staff. In any hospital, the tourist will have any medical care at a high level.

Here you can not be afraid of bathing in local water bodies and calmly drink non-filled water from the tap.

New Zealand - Country of Magic Rainbow

It is extremely beautiful here. Here they go to "hold" the rainbow in their hands and enjoys the original Flora's pristine. It seems that different climatic zones and wonders of nature are combined in the country.

Here is a wonderful ecological situation, healthy food, there are no poisonous insects, hazardous infectious diseases are not common.

The only natural disadvantages include increased seismic activity near the volcanoes and the presence of the Woods and Sand Bloch spiders.

Such a different New Zealand - in the video:

  • Climate

Subtropical climate reigns in the country. Summer falls on our winter, that is, the hottest month is January. But here is relatively hot, from 20 to 30 degrees, depending on the terrain. Very tangible tensions and lowers, because the state from all sides is surrounded by waves Pacific Ocean. Winter is usually very snowy.

  • Best season for recreation

There are two tourist seasons in the country. The first one comes to the local summer - December, January. The second is for the winter (June and July). In the second case, the skiing season starts. Most less tourists are observed in March, April and November.

  • Road accidents

Driving safety in the country is provided by the government. Since many tourists seek to get acquainted with the country "on wheels", a special brochure has been released for them. It describes the rules of movement, the peculiarity of road markings, signs and much more. It can be found in free access in different languages.

Drivers diligently comply with the rules of the road, so here are a lot of winding and complex tracks. In front of any dangerous sites there is a guidance indication of speed or other warnings.

  • Crime level

Freedom and the will of any person are observed here, there is no discrimination and racial prejudices. Public security is the norm of life.

There is a very low crime rate, and the committing serious crimes is rare. Thanks to the geographical isolation, access to unwanted emigrants is closed here, the country does not participate in any conflicts.

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

New Zealand is very diverse in New Zealand. It is sailing and skiing descent on snow-covered tracks, skiing sand dunes, swimming in thermal sources and much more. Here it will not be bored for anyone.

Local establishments give visitors a delicious wine. The most popular dish is a special baked potatoes with fish.

New Zealand Amazing Natural Landscape - Mountains, Lakes, sand dunes, glaciers, caves with tempting grotts and amazing geysers. Of particular interest calls the cave with fireflies. In New Zealand, recreation will enjoy both lovers of extreme entertainment, and those who prefer lazily knew on the beach.

Portugal - Country of Bright Recreation

Tourists here get the most magical and memorable impressions. In Portugal, you can get safe holiday For every taste - tempting beaches, magnificent kitchen, cozy cafes and restaurants, and cute urban streets in French and Italian styles.

In 2016, Portugal occupied the honorary 5th place among the countries with a high level of life safety. Here is excellent medicine and good prospect of the population. The country earns in the agricultural industry, so the environmental situation is more than favorable.

Portugal charming landscapes - in video:

  • Climate

Portugal is located on the coast Atlantic Ocean. Nearby flows Golf Stream, giving warmth in winter, and in the summer desired coolness. It is incredibly beautiful here. Not every country boasts centuries-old trees and endless forests. Here even pineapples grow.

Portugal pleases inhabitants and tourists with a soft subtropical climate. Here are 360 \u200b\u200bdays a year sunny. Even in winter, the air temperature is kept at 16 degrees (Madeira district).

  • Best season for recreation

In order to sunbathe on the beach, you should come to the country in the summer season. The bright sun, the warm sea and the optimal temperature of 25 degrees above zero, make rest very attractive.

  • Road accidents

Portugal is famous for European road quality. Subject to the rules of the road, move around the country by car is quite safe. But the style of driving Portuguese drivers can be called chaotic and unpredictable.

The movement of a large number of agricultural machinery and motorcycles is particularly complicated. Therefore, the accident is not uncommon. When moving, it is worth considering that many roads are paid.

  • Crime level

The country has a minimum crime level. This largely depends on the tightening of the system of sentences, improving the economic component and legalization of the turnover of narcotic substances.

Here you can move freely at twilight and even at night, although in Portugal the highest level of crime compared to other European states. For 100 thousand people, there are 1.2 killings.

If severe crimes in the state are not common, then pocket thefts and robbery are common. This statement belongs to major cities - Lisbon and Port. It is not safe to walk alone, and for valuable things you should carefully look after.

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

Portugal attracts tourists with its magnificent beaches. They can be found on the Azores or Algae. Fans of ancient architecture will be delighted with ancient castles, monasteries and fortresses.

In order for vacationers and residents large cities Feeling safely installed surveillance cameras. In places of special accumulation of tourists, there are special divisions of the police that ensure their safety. But it will agree with them anything will be difficult, since knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis not necessarily.

You can choose to rest any country from the list. Rest there will be comfortable and safe. But this statement will not act in relation to tourists of thirsty "adventures". That is, if the resting will be carelessly related to the general recommendations of security, ignore the weather forecasts, walk at night in an unfamiliar area, he himself can stick to himself. What the level of security was not provided in the country, it is necessary to comply with the rules of public order, not to challenge the traditions and customs and then rest will be safe and comfortable.

Many are confident that travel is dangerous. At the same time, they forget that they themselves live in states with an extremely high level of crime. Going to the safest countries for tourists, you will be calmer than at home.

After a series of terrorist attacks at the resorts of the world, many travelers are wondering where it is safe to go beyond the border. Especially this question is worried about Russian tourists who overnight lost the two most popular directions. Of course, there are such places. According to the company's research Unisys.The list of safe countries for resting tourists includes 10 states.

  • Do not miss:

Not so long ago, the rules of the Totalitarian regime in the country, which did not prevent her a grand jerk in development over the past decades. Now it is a quiet and peaceful state with a developed tourist infrastructure. The murder indicator here is 0.7 people per 100 thousand inhabitants. For comparison, in the most dangerous country of the world, Honduras, this figure is 66, in Russia - 9.7.

9. Canada

Despite the rather loyal legislation regarding weapons, only 1.73 murders per 100 thousand are recorded here. It is twice as fewer than her southern neighbor, USA. The indicator is somewhat higher than that of Slovenia, however, the number of violent deaths is far from the only indicator to determine the safe countries for tourism.

8. Austria

If there were no minor cases of racism towards travelers, Austria would take a higher place in the list. There are only 0.9 violent deaths per 100 thousand inhabitants. High level of education and amazing law-abradiating ski resorts Allow it makes it possible to add it to a list of secure directions for Russian tourists.

  • Read also:

7. Czech Republic

It turns out that not only the unique architecture is owned by high popularity among tourists. The high level of comfort and safety also plays an important role.

6. Japan

Illustrated Yakuza, as it turned out, no more than an attraction for visits. Here, one of the most low murders in the world (0.3 per 100,000), and a respectful attitude towards travelers turns a visit to the state into solid pleasure. Thanks to this, Japan has been in the list of the safest countries for tourists for a long time, including Russian.

5. Denmark

The picturesque Scandinavian country is silent Mesalwhere people live in the world and rest. There is rarely something happens here, so Denmark does not often appear on the first lanes of the international press.

4. Switzerland

The local law enforcement system works with the same accuracy as the notorious Swiss watches. The highest level of education and non-block status hold the Switzerland aside from all global conflicts, which gives good reason to record it in the safest countries for tourism.

3. Norway

No other way, like a dog's cold made Norwegians so tolerant and tolerant, both in relation to their compatriots and tourists. Here, without fears, you can explore even the most remote and uninhabited corners, which attracts here many Russian tourists.

2. Sweden

The country of winning socialism is popular tourist Moz. Despite this, the crime is practically absent here. Maybe because the concepts of "poverty" in Sweden does not exist? Or because the Swedes are sacred believe (and not relatively), that the state will protect them, despite the status and social situation ...

1. Iceland

If you transport the cold normally, Iceland is an ideal place for life and travel. It was she who led the list of the most safe seats For tourists (0.3 killings per 100 thousand inhabitants). Here you can safely leave the entrance doors open open, the car with keys or bike on the street. Friendliness and hospitality local residents Does not know borders, besides, landscapes here are just indescribable.

  • Do not miss:

It is interesting to note that 4 the safest countries for tourists are located in Scandinavia, and only 2 are outside Europe. Maybe it is here that the formula lies, which would help reduce crime in the rest of the world? ...

Ten most secure countries for tourists called the experts of the World Economic Forum. In the first place - Finland. Then go UAE and Iceland. Well, closes the first ten Qatar. Well, what places have taken popular russian tourist Directions - Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia?

From Qatar to Finland

At the beginning of the summer season, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published the ranking of states most secure for tourists. Each country was assessed by five criteria: the reliability of police services, the number of terrorist attacks, the level of murders (per hundred thousand people), as well as the costs of the turbines, associated with countering terrorism and crime.

According to WEF, the police are most effectively in the following states - this is Finland, New Zealand, Switzerland, Singapore and Norway.

In terms of killings, the last places in the world (out of 137 countries studied) Greece, Cyprus, Japan, Singapore and Iceland.

Most of all businessmen working in the field of tourism, spend security in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Lesotho, Qatar, Finland, Rwanda.

Americans call specific areas where terrorist attacks can occur

But the greatest expenses for countering a terrorist threat have to bear the business in Lesotho, Uruguay, Finland, Iceland and Zimbabwe. Such here is a strange neighborhood ...

By the way, about terrorism. He is at least today and is called "Global", but even last year there were many countries on the planet, where they did not hear about terrorist attacks - there were 33 (from 137 WEF experts). Moreover, among them there were European states (Poland, Serbia, Romania, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Norway), but also the countries of the Third World (Gambia, Uruguay, Vietnam, Bolivia, Salvador, Costa Rica). Russia in the ranking ranks 109, and Ukraine - 127th.

By summing all the statistical criteria, WEF experts called the five most secure states of the planet, where the tourist does not threaten anything.

Switzerland received the eighth place, Rwanda took off to the ninth, and completes the first ten Qatar.

In Egypt for alcohol and kill can

But popular with tourists of the country, on the contrary, are pleased with the most prestigious places. Let's say Egypt It turned out only in the 130th place - for this state, of course, a terrorist threat is extremely relevant. Only from the beginning of this year, according to the estimates of the national consortium on the study of terrorism and measures to combat it (START), almost three dozen terrorist attacks occurred in Egypt, in which more than 180 people died.

And they occur not only on Sinai Peninsula (For Egypt, it is about the same as the North Caucasus - for the rest of Russia), but also in major cities. In Cairo, since the beginning of the year, several attacks have occurred for police patrols, and in early April, the suicide bombers undermined himself in the Coptic (Christian) church in Alexandria - the second most important city of Egypt.

On January 3, the fanatic in the center of Cairo killed Christianina - the owner of the wine store. When the owner calmly smoked a hookah on the street in front of the bench, Islamist approached him and coldly cut his throat. As he later explained to the police, it was a punishment for selling "sinful" goods. By the way, even Egypt and Islamic country, but here we can buy alcohol without any problems, and in large cities, such as Cairo and Alexandria (not to mention the coastal hotels) there are even Pivbara.

In general, the Middle East - the region is extremely heterogeneous in terms of security, WEF experts note. There is both terribly dangerous countries and those that are among the top ten of the most "calm" (Oman, Qatar and the UAE).

The authors of the rating note that significant progress in ensuring the safety of tourists achieved Bahrain, Iran, Morocco and Algeria. At the same time, for example, a Tunisia is extremely popular among Russians takes only 102nd in the ranking. Although from the beginning of the year, only two terrorist attacks took place here: on March 12, the militants staged a shootout on the blocking, and on June 3 kidnapped and killed the shepherd (both incidents were in the West country, very far from the tourist coast).

Experts are celebrated - the compilers of the rating - a significant reduction in the positions of such European "resort" countries, as Spain and Italy. And again, the fault of everything, of course, the threat of terrorism (as well as noticeable deterioration in the work of the police).

Extremely high, according to WEF estimates, remains a terrorist threat to Francewhich is last years survived several major terrorist attacks.

There are also popular country among tourists, low indicators of which are not related to terror. This, in particular, Mexicowhere traditionally extremely high level of street and organized crime.

    To the airport - as interrogation

    WEF experts note that in the next decade it is the safety of vacationers (and not comfort at all) will become the main trend in the tourist business of the planet. This is due to the wave of terrorist attacks. european capitals Since 2015.

    Approximately the same world survived after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001: for ten years, airports and airlines throughout the planet introduced additional security measures have spent $ 7.5 billion.

    This is how the TSA Precheck system running in 2011 by the US Transport Security Administration works. The passenger who granted the most complete information (including fingerprints and biometric photos), you are watching at the airport and logs on the flight faster than others, without a queue.

    The other system, GOES, which facilitates the arrival of the "reliable" travelers to the United States: they must be citizens of the "Favorite" countries and pass the interview to collect a full dossier.

    Such digital technology ultimately make the boundaries between countries more transparent - but, of course, not for terrorists. At the same time, WEF experts noted, in continental Europe today they are going on a different way: they strengthen security, limiting freedom of movement. In fact, the existence of the Schengen zone itself was dominated - the main achievement of European integration over the past twenty years.

    Well, what will be the prospects for the "tourist" security in Russia? This question "Free Press" asked to our experts.

    Program director of PO North Caucasus International Crisis Group Catherine Sokiryanskaya:

    In the resort regions of Russia, I do not foresee a serious increase in terrorist risks. New terrorist attacks cannot be excluded, but rather, they are possible in large cities. Although individual attacks on tourists in the North Caucasus (especially in South Dagestan) can occur at any time. But this threat existed all over the years, and now it is largely minimized. So there is every reason to expect that tourist season In Russia will be calm.

    An expert of the Institute of National Strategy and the chief editor of the Muslim World Scientific Journal Raisu Suleimanov:

    I believe that Russia will copy all the innovations of the security system that are abroad, in order to introduce them in our country. Increasingly, the experience is taken by the experience of Israel to control and inspection measures in the main international Airport (in Tel Aviv), since the Jewish state has an effective experience of countering terrorism.

    Today even on domestic flights In Russia, there has been a long time careful inspection for a long time: for example, I recently flew from St. Petersburg to Kazan, and at the airport Pulkovo all passengers asked to open suitcases, get laptops, include them and show that they work - that is, it is not doubling Some explosives.

    "SP": - At the same time, Rais, when the same tough security measures began to implement the Cup of Confederates Cup games, it caused a misunderstanding and rejection of many fans: they say, and in Europe, not so hard.

    But after all, even your edition said that supporters of ISIL * allegedly invented a homemade explosive device, externally reminiscent of whether the tablet, whether the laptop. Hence such a subsidism.

    Of course, such unusual tight measures are created even at the airport certain inconvenience when passing through the metal detector and the baggage scanner. After all, many have laptops with themselves in a suitcase or backpack, and everyone has to obediently get them, turn them on, show the guard that they are valid. But these difficulties can be pulled out - safety is more expensive!

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    "SP": - In your opinion, the strengthening of security measures will affect only the transportation of goods through the transport hubs?

    Of course not! I admit that they will be more thoroughly refer to the proclaiming religious literature. Objectively, it looks like this: the luggage passes through the scanner, which shows that there is a book in a suitcase or several books. But what is the literature, there is little attention to this issue.

    Now they will probably look out for, if there is some extremist book. Although it is unlikely that the attack on the airport is unforgettable or at the airport, it will incur a book of the Wahhabi preacher. Usually they try not to attract attention. But then the question of who exactly enters the country is.

    * "Islamic state" (ISIL) is a terrorist group, whose activities are prohibited by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014.

    According to the site "Free Press"

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