Panorama Siauliai. Virtual tour Schauliai

Shauliai, this is the fourth in the number of residents inhabited Lithuania (people here live about 130 thousand) and the largest city Gemium, industrial center, railway hub and so on. Tourists here visit quite rarely, and mostly transit on the mountain of the crosses. About the last one a little later, while we take on the top floor of the main city hotel and look at the city from there.

Hotel "Shauliai" was from that category of hotels, which: a) remain at their essence by Soviet (\u003d relatively cheap, double room here was worth about 100 litas - Belarusians multiply by 1000), b) are located in the city center, c) are high-altitude dominants of this center. In Lithuania, I was even lucky in Panevezis, but in general this type of hotels, fortunately, is still regularly found in the cities of the stomathers. On the right is visible tower of the main attraction of the city.

The signboard is still original, despite the external renovation.

Lattices with a hotel logo.

The case with the numbers is usually attached volume with a restaurant. I suspect that in the extreme left segment the original facing is preserved.

In the rooms there (Naturally), smoking can not be smoking, which means the balconies on the floors are open. They will use.

The square in front of the hotel is decorated with a complex fountain configuration ...

... and the sculptural composition depicting on the sight of some birds.

South of Friendship Avenue (Draugystees Pr.) Respected in the building railway Station (At the edge of the picture).

Local CHP apparently.

Not too closed Shaulian outskirts. Somewhere in the same side of the mountain of crosses.

Next to the Krasnokripic pre-revolutionary Industrial, the picturesque villa of Haim Frenkel was hidden behind the trees.

In the center of the former military church of St. George not far from the station. Now the church with the same title.

Sleeping microdistrics Shaulia.

Urban Lake Talksha.

Waterproof and Corps of Shaulian University.

View in the direction of the city center. The land in this part of Lithuania is tangible round.

Ahead is the main city square of the Resurrection (PrisikeLimo Aikste). It costs the monumental post-war classic building (under a long pipe), where the city administration is placed at all, and Solalyan College, and the Palace of Self-Government (with the Tower and Flag).

And next to this area there is a grandiose church of SVV. Peter and Paul, the main and can the only real attraction of the city.

The building, despite the fact that it was repeatedly tried to burn and collapse in other ways, itself and with extreme help, almost completely retained its original appearance - 1617-1626. This is a live witness of that time when Shauliy was also called Shavly.

And right from the hotel begins Vilnius Street (Vilniaus Gatve), a rather long pedestrian boulevard, about which in the next series.

Shauliai is not Vilnius and not Kaunas, time the city did not spare - during World War II, up to 80% of urban development was destroyed, but there is where to spend several free hours.

Self management Siaulyan urban Mayor Arturas Visoccas History and geography First mention 1236 Former names Saul (up to 1795)
Shavly (until 1917) City of S. 1713 Area 81.13 km² Height above sea level ~ 150 M. Climate type moderately continental Timezone UTC + 2, summer UTC +3 Population Population

107 875 people (2012)

Density 1,426 people / km² Nationality lithuanians - 93%, Russians - 5% Official language lithuanian Digital identifiers Telephone code (+370) 41 Postcode LT-76001. Automotive code S. Other Awards (lit.)

Urban administration Šiauliai

The monument to the Soviet soldiers who died in the war of 1941-1945.

Siaulia (lit. Šiauliai.We are. Šiaulē, until 1917 - Shavly) - in the north, fourth in the number of residents; Administrative center and Siaulyan district.

Position and general characteristics

Located in the north of Lithuania, 214 km north-west of, 142 km from and 161 km east of. Total area 81 square kilometer.

Šiauliai - large industrial and cultural Center. The city there are Siaulyan University, Schäulyan Drama Theater, a few museums, including a bicycle museum, a museum of photographs, a museum of radio and television, the Museum of Cats and the Local Lore Museum of Aushra.


The territory of the modern city was inhabited in the first millennium of our era. The city was formed at the border of the resettlement of the Zhemight and Zemgal tribes, probably already in the XI century. The city name is connected in the Livonian rhymed chronicle of the battle of Saul, which occurred on September 22, 1236, when the United Armed Army of Lithuanians, Zhemights and Zemgallov defeated the knights of the Orden of the Middle Mares.

In 1522, Shavli is referred to as the center of the parish. On the map of Europe, compiled by Caspar, in 1555, the place of Sovli is marked. In 1589, Shavlinsky economy was established - the association of a number of royal yards.

In 1701, the Swedes occupy Swedes during the Northern War. In 1710, the plague epidemic challenged half of the inhabitants.

In 1713, the King of August II on March 13 sends a letter to Shavly, which reports that it provides the city of Magdeburg law. However, this privilege was not implemented.

In 1791, the Seimas Commonwealth accepts the law on free cities, according to which the Shavli is among others the right to self-government. According to this Law, August 1 was elected urban magistrate. In the same year, the city was granted the coat of arms.

In 1795, after the third section of the Commonwealth, the city falls under the Russian jurisdiction.

In 1812, the city occupy Napoleon's troops under the command of Marshal McDonald.

In 1830-1831, Shavly and its surroundings were covered by the uprising, during which the city has repeatedly engaged in rebels. On March 29, 1831, a battle occurred in the vicinity of the city, in which the squad out of 1500 rebels defeated the Russian garrison.

During the uprising of 1863, the citizens amounted to several combat units who participated in a number of large skins with Russian troops. In memory of these events in 1935, a memorial was opened in the city.

In 1851, a gymnasium was opened. In 1871, the Libavo-Romena Railway was held through the city. In 1872, the city was badly injured from the fire.

In 1897, Shavli in the number of residents of the second, after, the city of the Koven province. The city has been working in the Russian Empire, Frenkel's leather farmer.

In March 1915, during the First World War, the city was destroyed by German troops. 65% of buildings were destroyed.

In 1918, the first in Lithuania democratic urban self-government was formed in Shavly. In 1919, the partisan headquarters acted to counter the Western Volunteer Army of Prince Bermondta Avalova.

Shavli after the First World War

In the interwar period, the city becomes the largest after Kaunas and Klaipeda industrial and cultural center of Lithuania. The city employs largest enterprises for the production of leather, shoes, linen fabrics, confectionery. The city opens the Museum "Aushra", Publishing House "Titonagas", Drama Theater, a branch of the Klaipeda Commercial Institute.

In June 1940, Lithuania becomes the Soviet Republic.

June 25, 1941, on the third day of the Great Patriotic War The city is occupied by German troops.

In July 1944, the troops of the 1st Baltic Front under the command of Marshal Baghamyan are carried out by a Siaulia offensive operation, during which, July 27, 1944, the city includes Soviet troops. On August 16, the Germans are applied by powerful counterwalk west and northwest of the city. Fierce fights continue until August 29. More than a month, the city was in the front-line zone. 80% of buildings were destroyed.

Vilnius Street - First in the USSR Pedestrian zone

In Soviet times, the city is developing primarily as an industrial center. Bicycle Bicycle Bicycle Open, television factory (widely known in all USSR brands of TVs "Tauras", plant for the production of electronics "Nucleon" (albeit oriented primarily for the needs of the military industry, but, nevertheless, released one of the first in the USSR Household computers). Next to the city, in the village of Zoznyay, one of the largest military air bases of the USSR is located with all its service infrastructure.
In 1975, the first pedestrian zone was opened in the center of the city.

Thanks to the cycling plant, in the 70s and 1980s, Siauliai becomes the "Bicycle Capital of Lithuania". And in the city itself, and in its surroundings are equipped with specialized cycling stripes and tracks. Cultivated cycling tourism, mass "physical culture - cycling" activities are carried out.

The economic transformations of the 90s painfully hit the urban industry. As a result, the unemployment rate in the city was almost the highest in Lithuania, reaching 16.5% in 2001, while the average average indicator was 12.5%. The years of stormy economic growth (2004-2008) discharged the situation, but the crisis of 2009-2010 began again to turn Siauliai in the "capital of the unemployed." As a result, the emigration of the workable population to the EU countries. For 20 years of independence, the population of the city decreased by 20 thousand people.


Siauliai is the fourth, after, and in the population of Lithuania. In 2011, 121 thousand inhabitants lived in the city.

During its history of the city, the growth periods several times were pretended by emptying wars and epidemics. Also dramatic changes occurred in the national composition of the residents of Siauliai.

Already at the end of the XVI century, this is a center of savings with a population of more than 1000 people.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, Shavley was represented by ordinary county city Northwestern edge. The beginning of the stormy growth of the city contributed to the construction in the middle of the XIX century Lebavo-Romenskaya railway And the highway -otlzit, which passed through the city. Already by 1897, Shavli - the second city of the Koven province - 16,128 inhabitants.

The growth of the city was stopped by the First World War, after which about 5 thousand inhabitants remained in Shavly.

In the interwar time, the city is rapidly growing as the third largest industrial and cultural center of independent Lithuania. Before World War II, the population reaches 32 thousand. But the war almost doubles the population.

In Soviet times, the city is rapidly growing and by the time of independence, the population of Šiauliay reaches a historical maximum. In 1992, 149 thousand people lived in the city.

Hard economic situation Cities due to a reduction in industrial production in the first years after the restoration of Lithuania independence led to unemployment, which provoked the flow of emigration to the European Union. The 2008-2010 crisis has even more strengthened emigration sentiment in the city. According to the 2011 census, the population of the city decreased to 121 thousand.

Dynamics of the population:

Year Residents
1589 ~1 100
1649 ~1 400
1655 ~1 500
1658 ~1 100
1681 ~1 400
1710 ~900
1766 3 699
1797 3 118
1798 1 200
1845 3 499
1858 6 886
1863 6 400
1873 13 965
1875 13 200
1880 15 901
1897 16 128 Census data
1902 16 968
1909 17 993
1914 23 654
1915 ~5000
1920 11 000
1923 21 387 Census data
1931 23 249 Census data
1939 31 641 Census data
1941 32 100
1945 19 000
1950 44 200
1959 59 700 Census data
1970 92 375 Census data
1975 108 200
1979 118 724 Census data
1980 121 000
1985 134 100
1989 145 629 Census data
1990 147 633
1992 149 083
1996 146 534
2001 133 883 Census data
2006 129 037
2007 128 397
2008 127 059
2009 126 215
2010 125 453
2011 109 300 Census data
2012 107 875

National composition

Prior to World War II, the national composition of the population of the city is typical for the cities of the former speech by compulcience, most of the population was Jews. So, according to the census of 1897 out of 16,128 inhabitants of Šiauliai, they believed their native language: 6 978 (43.3%) - Jewish, 3,981 (24.7%) - Zhmudsky, 2 489 (15.4%) - Polish, 1 542 (9.6%) - Russian, 494 (3.1%) - Lithuanian.

In 1902, 16,696 inhabitants lived in the city, of which 9 847 (59%) - Jews, 3,819 (22.9%) - Catholics, 2 505 (15%) - Orthodox.

First world War And the interwar period noticeably changed the national composition of the city. The Russian military and officials who left the city during the war were not returned. The post-war growth of the urban population took place mainly at the expense of Lithuanians, the surrounding peasants. The notable part of the Jews emigrated in Western Europe And the United States, in addition, did not return from Russia a part of the Jews escaped during World War II.

According to the correspondence of 1923 from 21,387 inhabitants 15 058 (70.4%) - Lithuanians, 5338 (25%) - Jews, 304 (1.4%) - Russians, 198 (0.9%) - Germans, 66 ( 0.3%) - Latvians, 274 (1.3%) - others.

Holocaust was lost by 93% of Siaulia Jews.

Post-war Siauliai - almost completely Lithuanian. During the Soviet period, there was a slight increase in the share of Russian population. Mostly, this growth was due to the influx of labor on new industrial enterprises and the large military contingent of the airfield.

After independence, the Soviet military left the city. Also emigrated a small part of the Russian-speaking population.

According to the 2001 census out of 133,883 residents of the city, Lithuanians accounted for 92.8%, Russians - 4.8%, Ukrainians - 0.7%, Belarusians - 0.4%, Poles - 0.2%, other - 0.7% .


For the first time, the name is mentioned in the Livonian rhymed chronicle due to the battle of Saul 1236. In forms Saulen. (1254), terram Saulam. (1348), in saulia. (1358) It appears in the same in other German chronicles.

During the Great Principality of Lithuanian in Western Russian, the city was called Shavli., in the speech by compolonged in Polish - Szawle, in the Russian Empire to the 1917 revolution - Shavli..

According to the scientific etymology, the name comes from a plural number of personal name (name or nickname) Šiaulys.. In turn, this name may have happened from the noun Šaulys.What means arrows or sagittarius. In Lithuania, similar surnames are not uncommon. Either, according to another version (folk etymology), the name of the city comes from the noun Saulė. - the sun.

Both of the above options are diverted in the city. For example, the largest shopping and entertainment center of the city is called "Saulės Miestas" (the city of the Sun), and one of the symbols of the city - the sunny boy is depicted in the form of an archer.

Coat of arms

Coat of arms of the city from 1854 to 1920

The coat of arms is given by the king of Poland by Stanislav Augusta understood on November 9, 1791, along with the rights of the city. From 1854 to 1920, the city had another coat of arms approved by Nikolai first.


Climate Siauliai
Indicator Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. November Dec. Year
Middle Maximum, ° C −1,6 −0,9 4,4 12,1 18,0 20,4 24,5 23,0 17,5 10,2 4,4 −0,2 11,0
Middle temperature, ° C −3,4 −3,4 0,7 7,1 12,6 15,3 19,3 18,1 13,3 7,2 2,7 −1,8 7,3
Middle minimum, ° C −5,2 −5,8 −3 2,1 7,2 10,3 14,1 13,3 9,0 4,1 1,0 −3,4 3,6
The rate of precipitation, mm 36,8 30,9 31,9 28,1 40,0 74,8 80,9 72,4 42,0 68,8 51,8 41,3 599,7

The Lithuanian city of Schauliai is the twin by the Ukrainian city of Khmelnitsky. The city is small, one hundred thousand inhabitants, but it was here that a fun story happened.

One married couple has fallen a little behind the whole group and lost sight of us. Knowing the route of our movement, they turned to the passing local resident show them where there is a sunny area. Local resident The head of the city administration was. That's so simple.

The man spoke about the square, about the symbol of the city of Sagitz, with pride shared news: yesterday they only opened the airport. I advised to go to the embankment and see the sculptures of the local artist. Was open and friend.

Square of sunny clock.

Square - a gift to the inhabitants of the anniversary of Shaulia. How should be main Square Even declared a competition. In 1981, before the celebration of the 750th anniversary, three projects defeated various architects. As a result, the area was created by a talented team of people who loving their city.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe solar clock is called so because its main element is huge sundial, showing no time, and numbers 1, 2, 3 and 6. This is a symbol of the year. It was then that in the ancient chronicles this Lithuanian town was mentioned.

Decorative sculpture "Shaulis" (Sagittarius) four meters high. These are the highest sundial in the country.

Rooster clock.

Address: Crossroads Ul. Vilniaus and Tilges

In 2003, Schäuliy celebrated the 767th birthday. As you already understood, to each new beautiful date, citizens come up with another landmark. It happened with the clock of the rooster. It is an updated symbol of the city. Here in love with couples and business people appoint a date: "Let's meet near the rooster." Now the symbol of Siaulia is not only sings, but also greets with passersby: "Welcome to Siauliai."

The text of the greeting sounds in English, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Language, Esperanto, Hebrew and other languages.

Fountain solar discs.

Address: on the Sunday Square, opposite the city's self-government, ul. Vasario 16-62.

During the celebration of the 770th anniversary of the city of Siauliai, a restored scholar was opened with a fountain "Suns". Not surprised if this year on October 1 (on the city day) Shaulians will come up with a new attraction.

Even in Schaulya there is a cat museum (ul. Zhuvininka, 18), the museum of the bicycle history (ul. Vilniaus, 13), a photo museum and a bunch of other interesting things.

We moved to the embankment, where the metallic "animal" was seen from afar.

This is a huge iron fox, 26 meters long and 6 tons weighing. The fox recently put, according to the mayor, but she has already become a local landmark. Lisa from aluminum, consists of solid out of small plates. Why exactly this animal was impressed by sculpture and why is it alone (where are the other animals?), Remains a mystery.

I am sure that "Iron Fox" was born in the head of the local designer thanks to the next anniversary of Shaulia.

How to find: on the shore of Lake Texla in the park right behind the sunny clock.

Shauliy - interesting city. Perhaps the most funny of all the cities of the Baltic States. If you like unusual tourist attractions, non-standard museums and new-fashioned monuments - Shauliai will definitely like it!

P.S. This was bus tour with a group by the countries of the Baltic states 22.05.-06.06. 2014.

It was described out of turn, and the main story ended on what we left and went on the road. In the picture - a fragment of the information stand near the mountain of crosses, showing its dimensions:

12 kilometers of the Highway Road, and the famous Shaulian Church of Peter and Paul with a height of 70 m, built in 1634, appeared. I must say that the city of Shauliai is on high slide And it begins suddenly enough from the point of view of the motorist.

Shauliy - the city in the north of Lithuania, the fourth in the number of residents; Administrative center of Siaulia district. There are 130 thousand inhabitants (2004; according to the census of 2001 - 133.9 thousand). Total area 81 km². Shauliai - a large industrial and cultural center.

Shauliy is largely like a Phoenix bird, revived from the ash. In 1652, 1661, 1701, the city ruined the Swedes, in 1812 - the Army of Napoleon, in 1872 most of the city was destroyed by fire, the fire of 1915 erased from the face of the center of the city. The city was not coincided with the wars of our century. In 1944, 85 percent of buildings were destroyed. Therefore, in modern Shauliai there are no old architectural monuments, with the exception of the church of St. Costa. Peter and Paul, one of the most valuable monuments of the Renaissance architecture in Lithuania.

We a little strolled in the vicinity of the church.
It seemed interesting here is the new building in the city, apparently, the Town Hall.

And this is the newest architectural trends ... Another religious structure next to the old church.

This construction I published accepted for the monument, it painfully looked pompous ... In fact, his appointment is more prosaic:

In urban squares and parks there is no shortage of decorative sculptures:

But it is time to move to another attractions of the city of Shauliai, one of those monuments for which this trip to Lithuania was planned.

A wide staircase is descended from the cathedral, leading to the famous sunny hour - a monument officially erected in honor of the 750th anniversary of the city.

When approaching the monument first, it is not very noticeable that it is located inside a large amphitheater ... The shadow of the obelisk falls into different sectors of the amphitheater, showing time. Therefore, the monument is called sunny clock.

Although it is clearly not written about this, but I think that in fact this ensemble is also delivered in honor of the victory over the Knight's Order, since that time ceased to exist. No wonder the top of the column crowned the shooter.

"Shaulis" in Lithuanian and means "arrows":

View from the monument to the Cathedral. From afar, it is better visible which it is huge:

On the other side of the amphitheater. In the photo, of course, it is not visible, but for my back at that moment there is a small company of Lithuanian teenagers, drinking beer and with amazement that followed by my search for an angle. At the bottom of the shadow behind the stairs, the old woman had just disappeared, making a big black bag with garbage along the path. Such is the genre scenes in place where the big battle has once thundered ...

And then I decided to bypass a memorable complex around. Ombimizing the amphitheater on the part of the church, in the shade of high trees there was an old cemetery with his crypts and statues ... It, of course, is not so old, but there is a 100-year-old burial and before.

As a tombstone monument - the traditional relief for Lithuania on the trunk of the tree. But I also paid attention to the original design of the grave itself, laid out decorative tiles:

But it was time to go. Leaving Shauliai, my wife and I discussed what expensive is better to go to Kaunas. There were two options: through Radviliškis and Kedaini, or in the direction of Soviet (Kaliningrad region of Russia), and then turn to the high-speed highway of Klaipeda-Vilnius. I was more interesting for the first option - more different settlements You could look on the way. However, the spouse, which is a narrow uneven road, spoke in favor of the high-speed route. True, I still needed to go and go.

But here are 150 kilometers behind, and we drove into Kaunas ... Unfortunately, this time we did not go to visit museums in Kaunas. It turned out that the famous high-speed track was repaired (and not completely, and setting it there then there are patchballs here) and we arrived later than planned, while I found parking near Lisves Alley, while I got to the center tourist information And booked a hotel, the time was already gone.

Nevertheless, it was possible to see a lot of interesting things, what would be the next time.

Calm, quiet and homely cozy town of Shauliai is located in the north of Lithuania. In terms of population, it is the fourth in the country. The village of Shauliai in Lithuania appeared a hundred years before Vilnius, he is one year older than the German capital - Berlin - and only for the year younger than Tehran. The history of the city has 770 years.


The city of Shauliai in Lithuania is the administrative center of the district of the same name. From Vilnius it separates it 214 kilometers, from Kaunas - 142 kilometers, and from Klaipeda - 161 kilometers. Large cities in the country from Shaulia can be reached by bus or railway transport.

Lithuania, Schauliai: climatic conditions

The climate in the city is considered transition from marine to continental. It is characterized by a cool summer with abundant precipitation and pretty soft in winter. Weather in Schaulya (Lithuania) is inconvenient, and a windless day is a big rarity here. In July, the air warms up to +25 ° C, average temperature January - not lower than -1 ° C.

Lithuania, Schauliai: Attractions. Cathedral of Peter and Paul

The history of the appearance of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul has two versions. One, it was erected from 1617 to 1637, on the other - the date is different: between 1594 and 1625. Be that as it may, it is ancient constructure Until this day, he retained its original appearance, despite the fire of 1880, serious destruction during the war years with fascist Germany.

The Cathedral in Soviet times was restored and since then is one of the most popular attractions. Among other churches and churches of Lithuania cathedral It is distinguished by the presence of erkers, which indicate that the construction has also had a defensive function.

In the temple there is an ancient body (XVIII B), which was postponed from the Church of the Blessed Trinity (Kaunass). And at the seventieth meter tower of the cathedral, as in antiquity, show exact time Sunclock, despite their "old" age.

All city roads led to this temple: here, on the square of the resurrection, artisans and merchants were gathered, noisy fairs were organized and bazaars. And today on the street in front of the Cathedral, the townspeople and guests of the city are appointed meetings, city holidays are held.

Franciscan monastery

In 2000, the Franciscan monastery was built in this Lithuanian city. His appearance was initiated by Pope Paul II. For the structure it was selected nearby

Returning to his homeland after visiting Lithuania, Pope was notified by the monks of the Franciscan monastery, which is located on Mount La Verne (Italy), that he visited the mountain of the crosses. At the end of the visit, a decision was made on the basis of the monastery in Lithuania. In 1997, the layout of the future structures was approved and consecrated, the first stone in the foundation of the construction was laid in 1998.

The building of the monastery is made of red brick, his roof is crossed. In the courtyard you can see the sculpture of a praying monk, and the interior of the icons decorate. Today in the monastery, every wishes can buy a native cross and consecrate it.

Mount Crosses

One of the most unusual sights of Shauliai in Lithuania. This is the local shrine and place of pilgrimage. It is located at twelve kilometers to the north of the city and is a small hill covered with mounted crosses. According to indicative calculations, their number exceeds fifty thousand.

The causes of this urban attractions are unknown to this urban attractions. Researchers find it difficult to call the date of its appearance in the city: some belong to 1831, others are confident that it appeared much earlier. According to the popular belief, everyone who mounted the cross will find happiness, and luck will never turn away from him.

Crosses here are installed in a variety of huge, a few meters of crucifix height and ordinary inserted into the ground. One crucifixion here installed and Paul II during a visit to the country. This event had a great resonance, and a huge number of tourists rushed to the hill.

In the twentieth century, Soviet officials tried several times to destroy the mountain, but immediately after another stripping bulldozers, the crucifix hill appeared again at this place.

Pedestrian street Vilniaus

Like many modern cities, Shauliai in Lithuania has a pedestrian street, but not everyone knows that it was in this city that she appeared first in the USSR. Its length is about five kilometers, and the pedestrian part of Villanius Street is located between Ziamaytes Street and Dragistees Avenue. Citizens call this part by Siaulia boulevard.

In 1975, traffic movement was completely discontinued on this site. Today there are many here cozy cafe And restaurants, shops and art galleries. There are also several museums: bicycles, photos, etc. The street decorate numerous fountains and sculptural compositions. At the beginning of the XXI century, a pedestrian street has become tourist center cities. In the house number 213, the information tourist center is now located.

Radio and Television Museum

Shauliy in Lithuania, whose photo you can see in this article - the city in which the vintage structures are harmoniously combined and modern buildings. It is built in a single style that, by no doubt adds a special charm.

The television and radio museum appeared in this city not by chance. It was in Shaulay in 1925 that the first radiologist appeared in the country. She was founded by Stasis Braziskis, who gathered the first Lithuanian TV and radio receiver. At the initiative of local radio engineers, a museum (1982) appeared in Shaulier (1982), which is fully dedicated to the development of radio and television.

Today it is part of the Aushra Art project. Here are radio receivers of different times and from different countriesTVs, vintage mechanical devices used to play sound. The museum coexpensively for computer equipment and gramophones, as well as many other interesting equipment.

The museum staff creates its own traditions. So, since 1995, contests among young radio amateurs for the better invention are held here every year. Schoolchildren can listen to the course of lectures on the history of radio, compare the current equipment with the first devices.

Villa Khaim Frenkel

Great architectural monument the beginning of the 20th century enters almost everything excursion tours In the city of Shauluyu in Lithuania. The building was built in 1908 in Modern style for the owner of the leather factory H. Frenkel. The first years of the owner's family lived here, and in the twenties of the last century, the Jewish gymnasium was placed here, which worked without a small twenty years.

In the years of the Second World War, there was a German hospital here, and after her graduation - the Soviet hospital. Since 1994, a museum has been operating in this building, in which two expositions can be examined. In 2003, the exposition "Provincial estate" was created, dedicated to provincial life at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. In the second part of the museum there are documents and exhibits, covering the cultural heritage of the Jewish people in Shaulia.

The complex consists of three exhibition halls, two living rooms and libraries. The villa is a steam architectural composition: the feeling is created that it consists of two identical homes. In the inner territory of the villa can be wanted in beautiful park And admire the fountain with the pool.

See also: