Bali Indonesia What ocean. Cities on Bali, villages, villages and other settlements

Isle of the south side is washed Indian Ocean, and with the North-Sea Bali. The western part of the island is separated by the Balinese Strait from Java Island, the eastern side of Bali - Lomboksky Strait from Lombok Island.

All you need to know about Bali

All tourists ever vacation at Bali can confidently declare that the island is a fabulous place created by nature and carefully preserved by the local population in pristine beauty.

The island is not distinguished by territorial spaces, but it is impossible to call it very little too:

  • bali Square is 5780 km²;
  • its length from East to the West reaches 150 km;
  • and the length from north to south is 80 km.

Not everything, going on vacation in Indonesia, know one of the features of the island of Bali: about the fact that through the entire island in the direction from the west to the east the mountain range with an increased zone of volcanic activity stretches.

And some are particularly surprised by the fact about the presence of two acting volcanoes on Bali:

  • Gunung Agung (3142 m);
  • and Gunung-Battur (1717 m).

The capital of the island is the city of Denpasar, at the same time being the most large city Bali.

The most important thing about Bali climate

The climate on Bali can be designated as Equatorial-monsoon. On the island there is not all 4 seasons of the time of the year, to which many Russian tourists are accustomed.

It is worth aware of the fact that Bali is accepted to allocate 2 seasons:

  • dry season, lasting from June to October, ideal for rest;
  • the wet season lasts from November to March, often referred to as tourists, like the "rainy season on Bali".

The greatest number Precipitation falls in January-February. The wet season in no case should not scare those who want to spend time on the island: thunderstorms are passing, as a rule, at night and their duration is about 2 hours. On Bali all seasons are good for vacation, and perhaps a small amount of precipitation during the rest will save you from the exhausting heat. The average annual air temperature does not fall below 26ºС. The temperature of the water in the ocean is never lowered below 26ºС, the average annual water temperature ranges at 28 ° C.

All the most necessary information about the population of Bali

According to the population census from 2010 on the population of Bali, it is known that all residents of the island are 3,890,757 people. Balinese very well traditions and are immensely proud by them. The most important and revered inhabitants of the island are babies, the souls of which, following the faith of the local population, closest to the sky. Each island resident, being born, receives a gift from the priest. All the life of Balinese is accompanied by certain rites and rituals committed in the allotted time segment of life.

Regional on the island of Bali, you can say the following:

  • about 84% of the population profess Hinduism, namely the Balivian variety of his kind, called "Agama Hindu Dharma";
  • about 13% of residents - Muslims;
  • only about 2% of the population are Christians;
  • for less than 1%, Buddhism is confirmed (all the Buddhists on the island of Bali are Chinese, or visitors to the permanent residence by foreigners).

Locals are always happy to guests. The flow of tourists has grown over the years, and the attitude of the Balinese to visit the guests does not deteriorate at all.

Official language

Indonesian. The indigenous local population speaks Bali language. Balinese, whose scope of activity is associated with tourism, quite well explicitly express english language, special young generation.

Resort Cities on Bali

All Bali resorts are good in their own way. You can get the most believable ideas about each of them, just being on Bali.

Basic resort places:

  • Sanur (Sanur) is an ideal place to relax family;

  • Nusa Dua ( Nusa Dua.) - the most prestigious spa place on Bali, which all in one voice is called the most expensive place Islands;

  • Benoa (Benoa) - the best place, giving the opportunity to fold a complete picture of Bali, looking out of the windows of possessions with views of the ocean and the nearest islands;

  • Jimbaran (Jimbaran) - a resort, which is adjacent to the luxurious 5-star hotels with ocean views, adjoin the modest bungalows;

  • Kuta (KUTA) is the most popular and deocratic place for the price of a young audience of tourists, where a huge number of surfing opportunities on Bali is composed;

  • Legian (Legian) - a resort, closely related to Kuhut, but differ in calm;

  • Ubud (Ubud) is an area that will tell all about the creative life to Bali.

Currency on Bali

Indonesian rupee (IDR).
Currency exchange rate:
1 $ - 9550 rupees;
1 € - 12440 rupees.

Difference in time

Difference in time:

  • bati and Novosibirsk are 1 hour (in favor of Bali);
  • between Bali and Moscow - 4 hours (in favor of Bali).

Visa for entry to Bali

All Russian citizens who dream of a trip to the island must know if a visa needed to Bali on arrival at the airport. At the entrance to the country, an individual stamp in the tourist passport is affixed.

The validity of the visa is 30 days. The visa cost is $ 25.

Bali - unique Island, where you need to be personally at least once in my life.

Everything is here for comfortable holiday: Beautiful Beach Bali, whose beauty is not forgotten and

Today we will visit an amazing bali Island In Indonesia and find out what holiday here.

Where is Bali Island

Bali belongs to the Small Sunda Islands and is part of Indonesia. The Indian Ocean ishes the island from the south, and the Pacific Ocean and the sea - from the north.

Bali - one of the most popular resorts Indonesia, intended for a gorgeous rest. Tropical forests, wonderful landscapes, huge volcanoes, temples and, of course, milk-cream beaches without end and edges attract tourists from all over the earth.

The capital of the island is Denpasar - major trading and tourist town In Indonesia. Denpasar is a kind of "green paradise": parks, gardens and beautiful streets are fragrant and bloom in all power. Everything is shouting here: "Come and rest."

Bali is a paradise rest without exaggeration.

Nature and beauty of this place is so welcome that you don't want to leave from here.

What are the resorts on the island of Bali in Indonesia

Let us now talk in detail about the resorts of Bali Island.

I propose to start with the southern area of \u200b\u200bthe island Nusa Dua.which is the best place for relax. It is here "collected" more than 15 five-star hotels.

Southwest Jimbaran. For tourists opened quite recently. The area is good because it is an ideal place to relax and swim in the waters of the ocean. And here there are chic restaurants that you will find right on the shore of the water.

East coast Sanur. Ideal for relaxing and relaxes, as the dairy beaches and the incredible beauty of the lagoon are visiting only pleasant thoughts.

And if you are a surfing lover, then for you perfect will be the coast in the west of the island Kuta..

central District Ubud. It is famous for its "untouched nature." The beauty is so smoking that all thoughts about the "everyday" fly along with a quiet breeze.

Beautiful Blue Ocean, Black and White Beaches - Resort Candidasa. It will be just an ideal place to relax.

For lovers to sneak with aqualant coast Tulamben. It will be the most suitable place.

Attractions on Bali Island

Temple Besaky - This is a complex of 30 thirty temples. All of them are located terraces and surround the sacred stone. This temple, for sure, will remember you with your architecture.

And the pearl of Indonesia - the Tana Tana temple will surprise you with an interesting combination of the sea, shiny sand and a church with a multi-tier roof. This place is the most sacred Moz Islands.

Entertainment Park and Mount Gunung Catail, Barat National Park, Elephant Caves and Volatile Mice Cave will remember you with their idea and beauty.

Crocodile farm, bird park, Rice terraces, Water park, national marine Park And the monkeys forest will once again remind you of the fact that the nature of Indonesia is unique and beautiful.

Fascinating Balinese dance

Pite is a kind of Balinese dance. It is performed by more than 100 men who are dressed in checkered sarongs and sing "Chuck Chuck", while they are shaking rhythmic hands.

For Balinese, this dance carries a deep religious meaning. Now these performances are specifically put for visitors tourists. And tourists, in turn, crave to visit such a performance.

Bali is really a paradise place in which I want to return again and again!

On this, everyone, travel and recognize a lot of new, interesting and fascinating with us!

Where is Bali Island on the map

Bali is one of the most charming and popular Indonesian islands, which is part of the Malay archipelago. First of all, curious travelers attracts his bright and diverse nature, as well as magnificent sandy beaches with a sluting noise of the surf. At the same time, not everything is aware of whether the "Island of the Gods" is washed by the ocean or the sea.

Bali - Ocean or Sea?

Some say that the ocean. Other, that the sea. In the case of Bali, those and others are right. Just look at geographical mapTo understand that the southern part bathes in the Indian Ocean, and the northern part is in the Balinese sea. In the West, Bali was separated by the Balinese strait from Java, and in the east - Lomboksky Strait from Lombok Island. Because of the proximity to the equator, the water warm during the year. The only thing that in the season of tropical rainfall bathing can be difficult due to frequently playing storms.

Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is considered the youngest "young" and the warmest among all the remaining world oceans. Its most of it is in the southern hemisphere. The saltness of the water is very high due to insufficient desalination and strong evaporation.

In the water area, Bali dwells a variety of fish species, like: mackerel, tuna, mahu-mahs, marlin, rough, and others. Ocean resources are used very actively, thanks to which local fish restaurants are replete with various delicacies. If you wish, you can participate in fishing and yourself by rented a small schooner or sailing catamaran. This is not only a unique opportunity to experience an unprecedented excitement, but also enjoy the exciting oceanic expanses.

The south coast of Bali, washing the forever Blue Indian Ocean, gives tourists endless snow-white, bordered by Emerald Jungle Thickets. However, the recreation of swimsuchikov is not so fabricated here, as promotional tourist booklets are promised.

Permanent waves (from medium to gigantic), regular tides and foams emitting algae to the coast, sea hero And other living creatures, because of which to go to the water falls in shoes - all this makes the resorts of the Indian Ocean by direct antipode of Bounty-purity Maldives and islands French Polynesia.. True, in terms of well-kee, Nusa Dua is often praised. However, there are strong daily water drops.

""Golden"" sand beach Nusa Dua

But still for some Balinese resorts are earthly paradise, because no wonder beach tours on them are bought out like hot cakes. Someone are hunters for the right waves and sharp feelings. South coast Bali - Mecca surfers from all over the world, including from Russia. Check Poseidon's favor mainly in Kuta, Uluvate and Padang Padang. Join the dissection of water expanses can even beginner. Basic surfing skills are vaccinated in many specialized schools, which are granted here.

Balinese Sea can be found if you go to the North and East coast of the island. It is eliminated dark, almost as coal with sand, creating a contrast of an amazing contrast with a saturated blue tint of water. Landscapes are dressed in fluffy clouds of volcanoes and violent green vegetation.

What is the Balinese Sea? From the point of view of oceanography, this is the regional sea, which is part of the Australian Mediterranean Sea in the southwestern part of the Pacific. If we speak a simpler language, then this is the Pacific Ocean Area area of \u200b\u200babout 45,000 km² and the maximum depth of 1590 m.

Unlike the Indian Ocean, the Balinese Sea has much more calm. That is why he was chosen by numerous snorkels and divers. In terms of its painful, the underwater kingdom is a little inferior to the Red Sea, nevertheless there are many exotic in it: fish-angels, crocodiles fish, hammers sharks, barracuda, giant turtles and a lot more.

The most promoted dive sites are in Amida, Selana, Tulamben and on Nusa-imjangan.

As for classic beach holidaysHere there is a slightly detached atmosphere with a measured strength of life, which contributes to the fullest relaxation.

But it is not convenient to bathe everywhere, as in some areas the bottom and very close to the shore begin to coral reefs.

Summing up, let's say that a rest style on the Indian Ocean and the Balinese Sea on this mysterious island Completely different. But the resorts located on them are united by love for active water leisure.

In the latitude of 8 ° s south of the equator and on the Meridian of 115 ° East longitude between about. Java (in the West) and about. Lombok and the rest of the Small Islands Sunda (Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba and Timor).

The area of \u200b\u200bthe island is 5.6 thousand square meters. km, length - 150 km from East to West and 80 km from north to south. The so-called Wallace line, stretching from Bali and the island of Lombok in the eastern direction, serves as the boundary between Flora and the Fauna of Tropical Asia and the natural zones of Australia and New Guinea.

Together with the adjacent Islands of Bali, the province of Indonesia is formed, which is included in the administrative region of small probe islands.


Map of Bali Island


Bali Island is extreme point Sunda Islands in front of the islands of small probes and nusa-tengears. From the west to East Bali, a mountain chain stretches - a zone of high volcanic activity. Two large valves of the Gunung-Agung volcano (3142 m) and Gunung-Battur (1717 m) are located in the northeastern part of the island. Volcanic activity causes high soil fertility and affects the development of culture. The major eruptions of Gunung-Batura and Gunung Agunga in 1963, who led to numerous victims, devastated the eastern regions of the country, forcing many Balinese to emigrate.

Among the others mountain vertices The highest Batukua (2278 m) and Abang (2152 m). This mountain range with a limestone plateau located in the south, which is called "Bukit" - hills, divides the territory of the island to two absolutely different regions. North, rather sharply rises from a narrow coastline to mountain slopes. Here is a relatively dry climate, favorable breeding of coffee culture. In this part of Bali there are two rivers, irrigating rice fields around Singarage and Seririta. The southern region is the terraces stretched from the north to the south, on which rice is grown. Numerous rivers flow on the gorges with lush vegetation. South-West are small, well-irrigated land plots and arid lands of coconut palm trees.


Flora and fauna

4 types of forests grow on Bali: wet evergreen tropical in the west, deciduous in the northwest in hard-to-reach areas, savanna forests and mountain forests. Wet evergreen forests are presented in Bali Barat Park (in translation means "West Bali"). Here you can find rare species of plants, huge century-old trees under guard. Many plants of the Fikus family (fig and banana groves). Deciduous forests grow in the northwestern part of Bali. They change their foliage depending on the season, the work trees predominate among this flora. Mountain vegetation is rarely located above 1500 m above sea level, it is mostly casuarina and phylaoses. Banana palm trees on Bali are sacred, they grow very well, multiplying the roots, and feed the many animals: monkeys, protein, bats.

Palm trees are especially well represented on Bali. Leaves of borassic palm trees, dried and compressed, go to the manufacture of "Lontras", on which the sacred texts are written. From the leaves of sugar palm trees make up bouquets that bring in the temples as ritual offering. There are other types of trees, such as Ebenos, or black, wood, as well as a balsa tree, extremely easy - comfortable material for traditional masks. Many bamboo trees, some species of which reaches 30-40 cm in diameter. They can be found almost all over the island, also bamboo is a universal building material for Balinese.

The gardening architecture has turned into a real industries. The abundance of labor and fertile soil on which everything is easily taken for, which is planted, contributes to the development of gardening, especially in the south of the island and in the Bedugula area. Red, pink and white hibiscus, jasmine, bougvillery, white and pink laurels, water lilies, lotuses and rather exotic plants, such as Angmecock, Checkaak (yellow magnolia), Manori and orchids.


About 3.3 million people live on the island.

Bali is a Hindu society living in the territory muslim country and constantly contacting foreigners. All this is only heating interest in local customs. The Balians themselves are very proud of their traditions and usually strictly follow the code of behavior. Tourists, when visiting the island, this should be taken as proper and adapt to local customs. Balinese exclusively friendly people. Despite the abundance of tourists, the attitude towards them does not deteriorate, unlike most popular resorts.


Most Balinese (93.93% of the population) professes the type of Hinduism, which is called "Agama Hindu Dharma." About 5% of the population - Muslims. They live mainly in Denpasar, Sinagarage and small coastal towns. Christians and Buddhists are small - these are the Chinese and the indigenous population.

Culture and National Entry

The richest sensual culture of the local population is expressed in their craft work. The island is famous for the traditional wooden sculpture made in archaic, pagan and Hindu traditions, and Balinese painting is different.

The cult fishery of the Balinese is the painting on batik - silk or cotton fabric. A traditional pattern, having a symbolic meaning, has a symbolic meaning. From batik sew festive and casual wear.

One of the most unique spectacles - Balinese dances with many performers in national costumes. These are theatrical ideas, the general meaning of which is based on the eternal struggle of "good and evil". The most majestic and popular of them are a massive dance "Prishk" ( Kecak) and dance " Barong-Kris.». « Kechak»Dance at sunset at the Temple Uluwatu about 150 performers illustrating the episode from the epic Ramayana, where a group of monkeys, under the leadership Hanoman., trying to save the stolen Dewi Shinta. From claws Giant Rahwana.. The peeper is a unique spectacle in which the dancers create a background, and the main action is the romantic history of two sites in love and frames.

More like drama, dance " Barong-Kris."Represents a mystical animal similar to a lion fighting with an evil sorcerer Rangda..

Dynamic dances, music, colorful costumes, sacred ceremonies and unique in their beauty mystical temples enter the infinite sequence of rituals and religious beliefs that determine the image and meaning of the life of Balians.


The central and most important transport hub on the island is Ngurah Rai Airport. This is a modern and well-equipped airport located 3 km from Cute, 15 km from Nosa Dua and 12 km from Sanur. It serves 50 taxis.

The most convenient and inexpensive type of transport on the island is Bemo, small minibuses.

The most common transport among the local population is a moped or scooter.


After recognition of independence, tourism was quite poorly developed, and the infrastructure was in the infancy. Even during the times of Hippie, which flocked here from all over the world, there were only small bungalows without electricity on the beaches of Cute, cheap rooms without amenities and seaside dishes for several cents. Nevertheless, in Sanur, the tour operators have already mastered tourism for the rich. The Government of Indonesia, whose economy was very dependent on the export of oil, it was necessary to find other sources of income, and it was very promoted by the development of the tourism industry.

At first, these efforts were aimed at changing the entire world community an unsightly image that has strengthened behind the ruling Top of Indonesia after a military coup.

Professional analysis of the situation at Bali and the tourism development plan was made in a year. The project was financed by the UN under the guarantee of the World Bank. Special emphasis was made to the Buchet Badung area. In 1978, the Balinese Governor of Ida Bagus Mantra proposed stakeholders to pay attention to the richest culture of the island. Since that time, music, dancing, religious holidays, sculpture and painting play the same role in the tourist business, as well as continuous improvement of infrastructure. The airport is reconstructed, luxury and modest hotels are being built. cheap hotelsTo cover the entire social spectrum of travel lovers. Rice fields are dried and water pipes are built in the most arid areas. Elite tourism came to replace it. Now the world famous stars come to Sanur at the marriage ceremony, and European ministers spend their holidays in the Mediterranean Club in Nusa-Dua.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Where is Bali? Even despite the fact that the word "Bali" has long been in all hearing and everyone knows that it is a small island and popular place For recreation, but not everyone can say where this paradise is located. Many Bali are associated with elite resortwho is not for everyone to pocket, so interest to know about Bali something else immediately disappears. Although it is a delusion (here you can relax quite economical), I still have some truth in this statement. The flight to Bali is quite expensive, therefore the island seems to be something inaccessible. And expensive because you need to fly very far. In this article we will tell you not only where Bali is located, but why he attracts thousands of tourists from around the world.

Bali is B. South-East Asia. This is a small island as part of the Malay Archipelago, which is located the largest island country in the world - Indonesia. It is located east of Java Island, where Jakarta is located, the capital of the country. Together with all the islands east of him - Lombok, Sumbav, Flores, etc., Bali form a group of small sordian islands. From the south it is washed by the Indian Ocean, and from the north - the Balinese sea, which belongs already Pacific Ocean.. Being one of the links in the chain of the islands of the Malay Archipelago, Bali is reliably protected by its neighbors from the tsunami, the likelihood of which is extremely small here.

Bali is located almost in the middle of the archipelago and can become a convenient starting point for traveling throughout Indonesia, because to Java with its famous Buddhist temples sail only 15 minutes on the ferry, and Flores island with unique volcano Kelimut I. national Park Commodo to fly on an airplane of 1.5 hours.

Climatic zone

The same point on the world map, where Bali is located, is located just below the equator, which means that there is no change in the time of the year and changes in the duration of the daylight. The island is located in the equatorial monsoon climate zone, i.e. round year It is equally warm, and the changes in the weather determine seasonal winds that change their direction only twice a year. Therefore, instead of the usual four seasons, there are only two of them here: the wet season (from November to April), when the rains can go, and the dry season (from May to October), when there are practically no rains and due to the lower humidity of the air becomes a little cool. But, nevertheless, it lasts all year round.

Map of the island

Bali and the truth is difficult to find on the world map, because the island is very small: it is 150 km long, and in width - 80 km. This is just a third percent of the total area of \u200b\u200bIndonesia! And the striking becomes the natural variety of the island, which fit on this small territory. There is everything on Bali: Beaches with snow-white sand and black volcanic, reef bottom and sandy, expanses of rice fields, hills and mountains, incredible beauty of the lake and mountain rivers, as well as several dozen waterfalls. If you go from the south to the north of the island, then you will be surprised how natural landscape is changing. Dry forests savanna replace rice fields And dense jungle of equatorial wet forests, which are gradually moving to mountain forests. They cover the mountain chain, which stretches from the west to the East, conditionally divided the island into two parts. South of her climate is wetter, therefore, this territory is replete with rice fields. In the North Bali climate is dry and more suitable for growing coffee and grapes. In eastern mountain Ridge There are also the most high Point On the island - Volcano Agung (3014 m).

The population of the island is about 4 million people, most of which live in rural areas. But there is a pretty on Bali big cities: Singarage, Amlupura, the capital of the island of Denpasar. It is before Denpasar who needs to watch tickets if you are going to Bali because the island's airport is located next to this city.

Most tourists get to Bali with transfers: let the road and take longer, but it is less tedious for many, because No need 12 hours to sit in one place, and much cheaper. The most favorable options for the flight with one or two transplants offer Etihad, Emirates, Cathay Pacific, China Eastern and others. More about how it is better to fly to Bali, you can find here: Flights to Bali

Indonesia is a country in which there are about 6,000 inhabited islands and Bali is just one of them. So why is the whole islands only Bali became so famous? The answer to this question may seem naive and strange, but still ... the fact is that Bali is not like that. First of all, this is the only island in Indonesia, who did not accept Islam and retained his original Hindu and culture. This culture, traditions and customs everywhere: in architecture, in clothing, in colorful ceremonies, for the sake of which they overlap whole areas, in the entire lifeguard of local people, in their smiles. In harmony with beauty wildlifeHis intricate temples and houses create a unique, a little even fabulous atmosphere that you do not feel anywhere else in the world, and even anywhere in Indonesia. Therefore, the island is rich not only natural. The ancient temples are preserved here, the royal tombs, the Palaisies of the Balinese nobility, and in Ubud there are several museums where paintings are collected written by talented local artists.

Secondly, the position of the island and its coastline are such that there are excellent waves here. Moreover, Bali is one of the few places on Earth, where it lasts all year round. This is connected not only with a variety of spots, which there are several dozen on the island. At different times of the year, Western and eastern coastAnd since the size of the island allows you to quickly overcome the distance between them, the siefs are comfortable on Bali at any time of the year and do not miss the best waves.

So we found out where Bali is located: this is just a small part of the huge Indonesia, but as much extraordinary in it. It attracts Surfers, lovers of active and beach holidays, yogis, artists and photographers from around the world. Bali is the pearl of Indonesia, but not the symbol of it, because the island does not personify the whole country. Rather, on the contrary, he is knocked out of the total number of its islands, so it takes a special place both on the map of Indonesia and on the world map.

See also: