Peru Polynesia. Islands of French Polynesia: description and photo

French Polynesia is the overseas representative office of France. This accumulation of small islands is in the southern part Pacific Ocean. The place is represented by several archipelagoes, such as Gambier Islands, Tubuai, Marxizi, Tuamot Islands, as well as community islands. The origin of them is usually coral or volcanic.

Card can be increased or decreased

French polynesia. Map from Blower

Climate in French Polynesia Passat, tropical. However, there are differences between the winter and summer, although the temperature is of course not falling below zero. The vegetation of the island depends on the origin of the island itself. On the volcanic Islands You will meet dense, evergreen forests among which there are plants of bananas and coconut palm trees. Also on the islands you will meet many rivers of prisoners in deep narrow valleys, and, of course, a huge number of tropical waterfalls.

The population is about 300 thousand. The foundation is a polynesian, much less than the Chinese. French only 6%. The kitchen is mainly represented by fish. You will gladly offer crustaceans and other seafood. French Polynesia - Paradise for lovers, spouses and newlyweds. Also here seek people not indifferent to the beauty of the underwater world and the sea fauna. Also many people attract wedding under the mysterious ceremony of the Polynesian rite.


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French polynesia - France's overseas community, located in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. It borders in the West with the waters of Cook Islands, in the north-west - with Kiribati in the north, east and south - with neutral Pacific waters, in the south-east - with the waters of Pitcairn. Includes archipelagoes: society of society, Tuamot Islands, Marquis Islands, Tubuai Islands.

The islands of French Polynesia have either volcanic or coral origin. Volcanic are most of the islands of society and tubuie, Gambier Islands and Marquis; Coral atolls form the Tuamot Archipelago and are part of some other island groups.

Volcanic islands of the mountains. Highest point Tahiti (and all French Polynesia) - the Mountain of the orcreen - rises by 2241 m above sea level. Coral islands are usually towering over the ocean just a few meters.

The main blowing includes:

The French Polynesia includes:

Marquis Islands
Norfolk Island
Gambier Islands
Islands of the Company
Wallis and Futuna

Weather of French Polynesia.

Climate for most French Polynesia Tropical, Passat. In the southern part there are noticeable differences between the warm winter and hot summer. The most hot and wet season - from November to May, when the North-West winds are often blowing. In the hottest months, the temperature usually reaches 32 ° C. In the dry season (from June to October), southeastern trade winds prevail. Below all temperatures are lowered in July-August (in the south - to 18-21 ° C). The islands of French Polynesia are subject to the invasion of tropical cyclones, sometimes be destructive.

Language of French Polynesia

State language: French, Tahitian

English understand in all hotels and most restaurants.

Currency of French Polynesia

International title: XPF

French Pacific Franc is 100 centimam. In the circulation there are banknotes in 10,000, 5000, 1000 and 500 francs, as well as coins at 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 franc. US dollars and euros are accepted for payment on the islands almost everywhere.

Currency can be exchanged at the airport, in banks, in some stores or in hotels.

Credit cards are accepted for paying in hotels, restaurants, shops and other tourist establishments. American Express and Diners Club have a slightly smaller distribution than other payment systems, it is possible to use them mainly in large hotels, car rental firms and in some restaurants. ATM ATMs are widespread on Tahiti and other major islands, on the periphery they can be found only at the offices of banks. On small atolls to use credit cards almost impossible.

Travel checks take to pay in most banks and major organizations. It is recommended to use checks in US dollars or euros. All banks are charged for checking checks a certain amount.

Customs restrictions

Import and export of national and foreign currency is not limited. Only if the amount exceeds 7622 €, it must be declared.

Without taxing duties older than 17 years old can be imported: up to 500 grams of coffee, 250 ml toilet water and up to 50 grams of perfumes, 100 Sigarill or up to 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, or 200 grams of tobacco, up to 100 grams of tea, up to 2 liters of wine and up to 1 liter of alcoholic beverages Fortress more than 22 degrees. You can import other goods by the amount to CFP5000 (CFP2500 for persons under the age of 15). If you come with Fiji and Samoa, then the imported luggage passes disinfection.

Imported to the country is forbidden: all food products of animal origin; plants; fruit; weapons; ammunition; Drugs; counterfeit products; Artificial pearls.

Voltage in the network


Shops work from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00-17.30. Private shops and shops are usually discovered until 22.00. On Saturdays, large stores are closed at 11.00.

Prices are fixed everywhere. It is impossible to bargain - in local concepts such a ritual insults the honesty of the seller, especially if he is a resident of Polynesia.

Work hours of institutions

Banks work from Monday to Friday from 07.45-08.00 to 15.30. Some large banks operate on Saturdays from 7.45 to 11.30.


Security measures should always be taken against pockets, especially in the districts of a large cluster of the people, follow their own things and take ordinary precautions.

Code of the country: +689

Geographical domain name of the first level: .pf.

Despite the fact that tap water is chlorinated, all water should be regarded as potentially unsuitable for use, especially in the first days of stay on the islands.

Emergency phones

Single telephone rescue service - 15 or 423-456.
Police - 17.

To get into the real paradise on Earth is not so simple: you have to overcome a long flight. However, the amazing beauty of the fabulous place and the peace reigning on the French Polynesia islands are worth seeing it with their own eyes. There is everything here in needing a person who has decided to dismiss the problems. Located at the very edge of the world, untouched magic corner attracts travelers who can afford a luxurious vacation.

Few facts about distant islands

French Polynesia, who bears the status of the France's overseas Community since 2004, is consisting of 118 islands. 25 of them are uninhabited, and the rest round year Take guests. French Polynesia Islands, occupying five million km of 2 water space, are located in the southern Pacific, between Australia and South America.

The word "Polynesia", which came from Greek, translates as "a lot of islands", and such a name was fixed behind the territory taken to protect the French Republic in the XIX century. France's overseas community has customs autonomy and its government, signing international treaties with other countries. However, it is not part of the EU.

The list of French Polynesia islands consists of 118 items, but they consists of only five archipelagos: Touma, Marquis Islands, Islands of the Company, Gambier and tubuie with a total area of \u200b\u200bfour thousand km 2.

Population of Islands

More than one and a half thousand years, the territory admired by the exotic brightness of the paints inhabited the Maori tribes, who left the descendants of the ruins of the ancient sanctuations and stone pyramids, the walls of which are bizarre drawings. And most of them have not yet been deciphered by scientists.

About 80% of the population are Polynesians. The most populated are aborigines do not live in the mountains, but prefer to live off the coast of the ocean.

Coral and Volcanic Islands

French Polynesia Islands, having a different origin (volcanic and coral), are located away from civilization, which for many tourists is a dignity. The archipelago is inhabited by about 280 thousand people, and the main activity, bringing income to indigenous residents, is tourism.

Islands arising after the eruption of volcanoes are special places. There are no comparable corners who survived several million years ago the invasion of burning lava changed forever. Mysterious canyons and deep gorges have retained in the appearance of the seal of the formidable processes that took place before our era, and it is precisely the gloomy charm that is.

As scientists recently installed, volcanoes on the islands together with tectonic plates are shifted by several centimeters, and many even go under water. It is possible that in a short time they will disappear from the surface of the Earth and only the atolls will remain, which are increased in length and height every year.

Other land plots formed by coral clusters are golden sandy plains of rounded shapes that contrast with turquoise ocean. Towering over a water stroke a few meters, they differ in appearance From the islands of volcanic origin. The beautiful lagows are surrounded by huge coral reefs, and the majestic coconut palms are growing on Earth.

Climate and weather

The islands are characterized by a tropical climate with cool marine breezes. November marks the beginning of the roast and wet season, which lasts until March inclusive. At this time, tropical showers, strongest hurricanes and storms are possible, and in January, destructive cyclones are observed.

But most often, tourists come here in the period from April to October, when there is no exhausting heat and precipitation. However, it is necessary to be ready for bringing winds with an unpredictable nest, because the element very often shows its character. The daily air temperature throughout the year does not fall below 20 o C, and the humidity is 92%.

Iles De La Societe

On the company's islands, the name of which gave famous traveler D. Cook, Most Aborigines live. The archipelago, carrying traces of volcanic origin, looks mysteriously, and tourists enthusiastically look at the dark outlines of the vertices of extinct gigids, once sprinkling fire. Opened in the XVIII century, it consists of several administrative units, including two groups - windward and leeward islands.

The main island of the archipelago

The most popular I. large island is solar tatiti. On the map of the world, it can be found in the central part of the Pacific Ocean. Since it is located near the equator, then there is no ordinary change of seasons. The paradise, which is part of the entered islands, manits all the fans of exotic. Densely populated Tahiti, formed more than three million years ago, covered with high mountain peaks and emerald forests.

The cultural and economic center of French Polynesia is of great interest among tourists. According to researchers, there is the highest standard of living. Cozy restaurants, fashionable shops and the famous Black Pearl Museum attract thousands of guests. Most holidaymakers who do not imagine on the world map, dream of relaxing on chic beaches Islands. However, it is worth warning that they are not so much, as it may seem at first glance. The most comfortable place intended for bathing and sunbathing is considered Pointe Venus. Guests of a charming corner are delighted beaches with a saturated black shade sand, which they acquired due to their volcanic origin.

Administrative center

On the main island of the archipelago is the capital of French Polynesia - Papeete. In the administrative center with modern skyscrapers, fashionable hotels, lots of fashion stores, beautiful villas built international Airport. The compact city has a hiking and cycling.

Here you can purchase a real black pearl, to buy a mother of pearl, various seashell souvenirs, fruit liqueurs. The capital adores shopaholics around the world, buying high-quality products of popular French producers.

Picturesque Bora Bora Island

Located in a beautiful lagoon, which protects against the strongest hurricanes and the rustling of water, Bora-Bor (French Polynesia) is a huge mountain Ridge With three high peaks. Consisting of several islands, it is famous for the luxurious resorts, which are located in colorful local villages. Holidays on it choose world celebrities and aristocrats, stopping in luxury hotels. Tourists who dream of a secluded holiday and who do not want to refuse all the delights of civilization will be able to fulfill their dream and settle in the bungalow over the water.

The corner located in the north-west of Tahiti, lost on the edge of the light and relate to the sub-Islands, is one gigantic beach, and tourists can enter the water from any place.

Favorite among the newlyweds island

Not far from Tahiti you can find the wonderful island of Moorea, famous snow white beaches and pineapple plantations. Created by Mother-Nature in the form resembling a heart, he manits lovers from all over the world. Such a curious appearance gives him the two bays symmetrically attached to him - Cook and ocked, which emerged as a result of a natural catastrophe of millions of years ago.

Those who may afford to combine marriage as a fabulously beautiful corner, are in a hurry to connect their lives. True, it is worth knowing that local documents are not legal, therefore it is best to get married in your country, and to the island of Moorea to come to get aesthetic pleasure from beautiful wedding rites.

Sights of the amazing place

The fabulous place to which the gear spiers of the dilapidated volcano is attached to color, manits not only in love. Tourists are closed on the Belvedere sightseeing platform, offering fantastic views of the bays and mountains. Moorea adore historians studying ruins ancient Temple Titiroa Marae, and all the holidaymakers will be interested to visit cultural Center Tiki Theater Village.

It will allow you to see how the Polynesian village looked at the moment when a European foot stepped on the island. In the straw huts built by the French, guests will get acquainted with various crafts. Employees of the Center are engaged in applying tattoos and carvings on wood, manufactures fabrics and musical instruments, weave wreaths from exotic colors. And those who hit the house floating on the waves will see how artificially grown black pearls. The staff, disguised into traditional costumes, will demonstrate the colorful wedding ceremonies, and a cheerful dance show on which guests treat with a delicious punch, no one leaves indifferent.

Perfect place for divers

Coloric Island Rangiroa (French Polynesia) is the largest atoll on the Tuamot archipelago. Favorite corner of divers, the name of which is translated as a "immense sky", is beautiful place, falling in love at first sight. All its entertainment is associated with water, famous for incredible transparency.

Surrounded by corals at a bird's height of a bird'scape resembles a huge necklace resting on the water.

The most mystical place

Aborigines consider Huahin Island (French Polynesia), who received the nickname "wild", the keeper of ancient local culture, and such an approval is no coincidence. Mystical corner, recognized by the main archaeological center, surprises with a huge number of artifacts. Plots found here ancient civilizationRelated by 900 BC, with a large number of objects buried in the land.

Tourists are hung and natural riddles, and every resting dreams of seeing the unique phenomenon of "green beam". When the Sun goes beyond the horizon, the emerald glare, resulting from the refraction of light in the Earth's atmosphere.

Uninhabited islands

Extensive tuamoto archipelago who local residents They call the "pearl strand of Tahiti", consists of 78 coral atolls. Most of them are unsuitable for life, and they received fame thanks to the extraction of black pearls. Farms on the cultivation of the precious mineral of animal origin are considered the basis of the economy of the Islands of the French Polynesia. It is here that the most beautiful and perfect pearls of a dark shade are collected. The legends of Maori say that they are the first flashes of light, donated by Tanya - the God of birds and forests. Here they come not only to admire the coral gardens, picturesque lagoons, but also water species Sports.

Gambier is a miniature island of volcanic origin, on which tourism is not developed. This is a very remote part of the sushi, the main attraction of which is a pearl plantation.

Ostral (tubuia) is an island, which will also not affect tourism. Consisting of five islands, it is not popular among holidaymakers.

Mysterious Marquis Islands

Marquis Islands (French Polynesia), located near the Equator, are considered the most mysterious. Untouched by man Paradise, covered with violent vegetation, fascinates at first sight. Describe the beauty of an amazing corner consisting of 12 islands is simply impossible. On the archipelago, the name of which is translated as "Land of Men", once looking for inspiration, and found the last shelter famous Paul Gaugugen. Next to the brilliant impressionist is resting Jacques Brel - Belgian poet and actor. Tourists can worship the graves or make exciting walking walks along the green slopes. In addition, they are offered excursions on horseback, and no one refuses temptation to see stunning panoramas and capture them on video.

Preserving the identity of French Polynesia, developing tourist infrastructure, is always happy to guests. If there is a real paradise on earth, it is located on the very edge of the world, where the virgin nature and civilization are perfect. It seems that time on the islands stopped, and I want to always enjoy the beauty of the magic corner.

Welcome to the best travel blog in Oceania.

Oceania is a million islands scattered in the Southern Pacific Ocean between Australia and South America, and the most rarely visited by tourists part of the world, so the editorial office of our site comes over for you the farthest archipelago and brought photos and stories (almost guidebooks!) On the most powerful tika And the most sacred marae.

Oceania is divided into three regions: Micronesia (in the North-West; it is here - and), Melanesia (in the West; here - Papua, and) and Polynesia (in the East and South; here are located, for example, and). The separation is based not directly directly on geography, climate, or geology, and the ethnographic - boundaries of parts are held on the borders of races, peoples and language groups.

This is the directory page and the guide page: here the complete list of Oceania states (large are divided into archipelago), and then - links to the stories about the island:


Hawaii, USA

Cook Islands

New Zealand

Pitchern Island

Easter Island (Rapa Nui)




Wallis and Futuna

French polynesia

Nobody knows what French Polynesia is and where she is, but in fact everything is simple: French Polynesia is a grand island country with a size of Western Europe, The overseas territory of France in the south of the Pacific Ocean consists of about 6 (six) archipelagos scattered along the Pacific Ocean. From the western archipelago of society (where the capital island of Tahiti) to the extreme Eastern Gambier archipelago - 4 hours of flight on the turboprop aircraft.

Islands of the Company

Marquis Islands

Tuamot Islands

Rapa Island




Marshall Islands

Federated States of Micronesia

The state in the Caroline Islands, divides them with Palau. Should not be confused with geographic region Micronesia. F.Sh.m., on the manner S.Sh.A., 4 states: Yap, Koshrey, Ponay and Truk / Chuch. Islands F.Sh.m. Only a common colonial past first under Spain, then Germany, Japan and the United States (from which they received independence and steel, actually, Federated States Micronesia).

Yap Island

Truk Island (Chuch)

Most dangerous place In Oceania: the local population, when he drinks in the evening, very unfurious. But at the same time, this is the most cool place for diving in the whole Oceania: at the bottom of the crystal-clean lagoon on the white sand, ships and aircraft are flooded in World War II.


French Polynesia has the status of an autonomous territory. The French government represents the High Commissioner. Legislature - The territorial Assembly is elected by the population for a period of five years. The executive belongs to the Government of Polynesia. The territory is represented in the French Parliament with one senator and two deputies of the National Assembly.

Islands scattered on the territory of more than 4 thousand square meters. km. in the east of the southern part of the Pacific Ocean official name French polynesia. The main attractions of the French Polynesia are her islands! This peculiar enclave unites 118 islands and the atolls and is divided into five archipelagos: the Islands of the Company, the Astral Islands, the Marquis Islands, Tuamot Islands and the islands of Mangarev. Tahiti, which is often called the "Island of Love", covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 700 square meters. km. Deep green valleys are completely covered with thick tropical forests, mild fern thickets, among which the cool waters of mountain flows, waterfalls falling into the rivers aspiring to the ocean.

Islands are divided into the so-called "high" and "low" islands. The "high" islands represent a very crossed landscape. The vertices of the mountains are above 2,000 meters, such as, for example, to Tahiti. "Low" islands, or the atol, are surrounded by lagunis with very rich and specific fluoro and fauna.

French Polynesia Islands: Map

1. Tahiti Island (Tahiti)

Most big Island In the viewed group island in French Polynesia. Tahiti is the economic, cultural and political center of French Polynesia. Tahiti is part of the French Polynesia, this is a semi-autonomous territory of France. Tahiti, the word causes vision paradisk Islands. Tahiti boasts high majestic Mountains, coral reefs, turquoise-blue lagoons, white sand, beaches with palm trees and luxury resorts.

Fascinating video about Tahiti

2. Tetiaroa Island (Tetiaroa)

The island is famous for the fact that he was acquired by Marlon Brando, to whom I liked it during the filming of the film "Rebellious of the" Bounty "," in 1966 and he just fell in love with the beauty of the French Polynesia and was fascinated by the island of Tetiaroa. After the death of Marlon Brando, the island has passed the ownership of the Taitian development company and in 2014 on the island was opened high-class resort Premium class.

3. Maputi Island (Maupiti)

Maputa Island is located at the extreme West of French Polynesia, about 300 km from Tahiti. This is a small island with a surface of about 9 square meters. km and about 1,200 inhabitants. Lying 40 km west of Bora Bora, Maputa, this is a miniature copy of its large neighbor. Like bora-boron, coral Atoll Ening the island of volcanic origin.

4. Taha Island (Tahaa)

Located between the Islands of Bora Bora and Huahin, Taha divides the surrounding coral reef with the nearby Island of Riatea. Taha is known as the capital of Vanilla, and as a result of this smell of "Vanilla Island". Taha has an economy that does not depend on tourism as other islands and therefore it is less than resorts and tourists. This is the perfect place for travelers interested in the native Polynesian life, however, it is a great place to buy a sophisticated black pearl.

5. Raiatea Island (Raiatea)

Delivers the surrounding coral reef with Taha Island, Riatea is the second largest from the Islands of French Polynesia and the administrative center of the Archipelago of the League Islands. Often referred to as "Sacred Island", Riatea is considered a place where migration began on Hawaiian Islands And to other parts of East Polynesia. Tourists can see the ancient shrines and artifacts here, which are best here to be preserved from all the islands of French Polynesia.

6. Huahine Islands (Huahine)

In fact, these are two islands, big and small huahine. Huahine is surrounded by a coral reef and are connected to each other tiny bridge. Huahine is replete with secluded bays and some of the bays represent best places For surfing. On the southwest coast Small Huahine has one of the most beautiful beaches In French Polynesia with crystal clear water, ideal for snorkeling.

7. Moorea Island (Moorea)

Moorea by Polynesian means yellow lizard. The island is located just 30 minutes away by catamaran from Tahiti Island, Moorea boasts one of the most impressive landscapes among the Islands of French Polynesia. On the island is located ancient volcano. Mount Tokhivea, which broke in half during a catastrophic explosion for several centuries ago, earning the nickname for their own kind "shark tooth". A hike to the top of the mountain offers tourists a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains and the nearby islands. Moorea with Bora Bora and Tahiti main tourist area In French Polynesia, a third of all tourists come to this island.

8. The famous Island of Bora Bora (Bora Bora)

The idyllic island of Bora Bora acquired his glory, thanks to a calm turquoise lagoon and white sandy beacheswho are protected by coral reef, which surrounds it around the perimeter. Bora Bora is a major international tourist center, famous for its luxury resorts. Scuba diving and diving among lemon sharks, green turtles and other marine animals inhabiting coral reefs are the most popular view of the rest on Bora Bora.

Video: Paraise Polynesia

See also: