Where in Vietnam good beaches? A luxury place for diving and fridising in Cyprus in Protaras where you can rummage from the mask.

We have lived in Vietnam for a long time, we traveled many beaches, about some, the most beautiful, I will tell you! If you stop in the city of Nha Trang, then do not limit yourself to bathing on the city beach, so you will not see the real! Take a motorbike to hire and go beyond the city! The road itself to the beach is an excellent reason to go there, you will see all the flavor and beauty of the Vietnamese nature and its inhabitants! Huge magnificent mountains under the green edge of trees, the beauty is indescribable! Riding about an hour towards the North, about 50 km from Nyachung. There are very few tourists on the beach, only the guests of the hotel White Sand Doclet Resort. Snow-white sand, turquoise water, it is really paradise! You can rent sun beds and eat in a cafe on the seafront. If you go to this beach, excellent emotions and full relaxes are provided!

I also want to tell about the beach Jungle Beach. The name speaks for itself, really jungle! No one knows about this beach other than local Russians and foreigners. Go to it a little more than an hour also towards the North. In front of you is a big sand beach A few kilometers, unforgettable types, bamboo bungalows, covered in the shade of palm trees and heavenly color water! Be sure to run in mountain road Near the beach, there is something to see and taking pictures! Sea landscapes, fishing villages, huge rocks, you will be fascinated by the beauty of nature!

Well, and if it does not work out beyond the limits of the city of Nha Trang, then drive to the beach, which is located in the An Vien area. District with many villas of the European standard. There is a small private beach. To be surprised, go there at night! Swim in the water, and you can observe the luminous small planktons under water, a very fascinating spectacle! You float, and the luminous waves are emitted from you, you can feel like a fairy or a wizard!


The article about I wrote that we love to obtain accurate and exhaustive information necessary to us in one place, and not climb on several sources, collecting a puzzle together. In this article, I will talk about a very interesting place for diving and freediving lovers, which are kilometers three from the center of Protaras, and give accurate landmarks, how to find it, as we themselves had to shove him a little in search of him.

We are with Tatiana very large lovers swim in the sea with a mask and a tube. Perhaps it is even gently said. Closer to truth will say that we are a fan from this. In the extent of our lives in Moscow - and we lived in the capital at one time a year and a half, "we even trained in the diving club" Akvanyt "in the Olympic SC. With this club went to Egypt to take the exam on "open water", i.e. Immersely with scuba in the Red Sea. My personal achievement is a dive to a depth of 42 meters. Yes, it was great, it was exciting, it was a real acquaintance with the underwater world. I even have three certificates for scuba diving, including immersion during and deep-water immersion.

But, frankly, on this our diving adventures ended. Since then, we only swim with a mask and a tube, i.e. We are engaged in snorkeling, as it is now called. But this passion turned into passion and for me (to a greater extent), and for Tatiana (to a lesser extent). I went even further. Somehow I happened to see the documentary films about Friders, who dive on the breath delay on a greater depth and can be under water in motion, i.e. floating up to four minutes.

Then I thought it was given only to unique personalities with special innate abilities. At about the same time, I looked at the feature film "Blue Awesome" with my favorite actor Jacques Renault. The film is based on documentary events and tells about Jacques Mayol and Enzo Molinari, legendary personalities in Fridayving, one of the first, who opened the unique abilities of a person to dive with a very large depth of breathing delay.

I just fell in love with this film. I watched it several times. A little later, I turned to the materials on the topic of fridising on the Internet and, to my surprise, I learned that a long-lasting breath delay - the skill is very developed at the expense of training. To whose sudden it becomes interesting, google, and you will find a lot of materials on this topic. In general, I decided to try to take my breath delay. I will not describe workout processes, I repeat, all this is on the Internet. I just say that I achieved, in my opinion, very significant results for a fairly short time. My personal maximum achievements today:

- dutches for the range - 75 meters under water without a loss in a 25-meter pool;
- immersion in the sea to a depth of 12 meters (I am sure, I can and deeper, it simply did not turn up an even accessible place deeper than 12 meters);
- Static breathing delay, i.e. Delay in full rest, without movement - 6 min. 15 sec.

I am pleased to make a fix in your achievements, namely: my new personal record in depth - 20 meters without a loss. That I managed to dive in the winter of 2016 in the Philippines.

To be honest, I don't differ regularly in training, but my abilities and some subtleties in the management of these abilities in general, I learned and now my favorite passion, my passion is, of course, freeving, immersion under the water on the breath. I am writing about the achievements not to boast, but in order to show that everyone can develop the ability to sufficiently prolonged breathing delay. Among other things, it is very useful for health. It is no coincidence in yoga practitioners of pranayama (respiratory practice) is a whole science. Age does not matter, I am also far from the first youth. Once I am advised Tatiana to make exercises for a breath delay. After the respiratory workshop, she for the first time in his life was able to delay his breath at one and a half minutes to his huge surprise. That's how! Try it is very helpful and nice.

Tatiana does not dive under the water, it floats on the surface with a mask and a tube, but when there is at least some living creatures in the water - fish, coral workers, mollusks, - she also forgets that there is also a shore, and what else can be Success to move.

It turned out quite extended, but it gives an understanding of our special attitude to snorkeling, to observing the underwater life. And in this article I will tell you that I managed to see and what I managed to enjoy in the waters of Cyprus, and specifically, in the sea near Protaras.

Actually, something to see in the water through the mask, you can even on the main beach of Protaras, at least closer to the pier, where there are pebbles and where we swam. You can find marine ogs in minks, and fish-flutes are float. But the most beautiful in Protaras is considered - so it is in fact - the beach called Fig Tree Bay (FIG. Three Bay).

The name comes from figs (fig) trees that are once growing here in large quantities, and above all on a small island opposite this beach. This island is visible in the photo. Now he is naked, but the name of the beach remains. We did not bathe on this beach, only passed past many times and photographed it from all sides. But if you can pass the Fig Tree Bay and go further, removing from the long beach coast, then you will be stumble upon a small amazingly beautiful cove, protected from wind, very cozy and deep enough.

The depth at the outlet of the cove in the sea reaches 6 meters. I say it is not about, but absolutely, because I always swim with the underwater computer on the hand, which measures the depth, and the temperature of the water. I did not see a particularly interesting living question here, but I swallowed near the bottom. Already returning, closer to the shore, at all at a small depth met here is such an animal.

This is not a submarine cucumber and not a snake, of course, it is some kind of worm, quite a long, centimeters 50-60, and in the diameter of centimeter 4. Great. When I tried to take it on the video, approaching him, he began to hide. Well, and still at the very shore in the shallow water, the jamb of the fry.

Here, actually, and that's it. But the cove chuck is very soulful, and swim here with a mask in transparent water, with visibility for several tens of meters, accurately gives you pleasure.

Tatiana, as I said, does not dive under the water, but it is perfectly immersed in the internet puchins and finds the mass of extremely useful and interesting information. So, she dug out, away, kilometers in three from the center of Protaras, there is Green Bay Beach (Green Bay), and there, near this beach, there is a place where the statues of Aphrodite and Apollo are on the day, different shapes, columns. This, of course, non-antique artifacts. This divers brought them there and flooded to be more interesting to dive. I looked at the pictures like divers photographed next to these statues. According to the stories, the depth in this place is 10 meters, and it is quite close to the shore. So this is the thing that I need! And with Tatiana and I decided to go to find this beach Green Bay and this place.

I have repeatedly wrote that we love hiking. We do not take the motorbike, we move on a taxi only if necessary, sometimes we take bicycles, but also only to ride. And so - everything is on your two. I agree, of course, that on the same motorbike you can have time to see much more than any interesting. But so far somehow did not work out to master the motorbike. Maybe being now in Vietnam, somehow and dose with the case.

In general, with Tatiana along the coast of Protaras in search of the beach Green Bay. How much they look at the sea in Cyprus, you will not get tired of enjoying the purity and transparency of water. It is because it is mostly rocky rocks, stones, there is nothing to balamute water, therefore water is always azure and crystal.

How much we had to stack, we did not really imagine, just went along the shore, as always, looking at and photographing, what the eye will fall.

Wanderer in the deserted shore is me.

It must be said that the terrain along the coast is almost immediately behind the Beach FEG TREE BAY, more precisely, behind the cove about which was discussed above. There are many abandoned and dilapidated hotels. Whether the hands do not reach recover, but, most likely, finance. Remember what the strongest financial crisis has survived Cyprus recently? Probably, it also affects.

Here is a whole palace standing and silent, with closed blind windows. And palm trees like on crutches.

But immediately, next to these pictures of the entries, nature pleases with its unstable beauty, by which we are simply unable to pass, not capturing it.

And Tatiana draws attention to all herbs, if you can call the grass, these fleshy, fastened succulents, stretching under the palm trees in a pedestal alive carpet.

Leaving farther from the Central, who has a civilization of the Protaras district, we began to meet small cozy beaches, where people get in transport - bicycles, motorbikes, and on the machines. Here is one such.

By the way, we met two divers near this beach, already shooting out equipment near the car. Hearing that they communicate in Russian, approached, asked how we get to the beach with sculptures under water. They asked us the direction, suggesting that you can walk there and along the coast, but they themselves go there by car on the road, on the other hand. Therefore, no more accurate answer followed. But we got a reference point that we need to get to the beach Green Bay (Green Bay), there we will see the boats, yachts, masts - it will be the very place. But they also warned that these sculptures are quite far from the coast and at a depth of about 10 meters.

Well, we went to look for masts by the shore. And they soon saw them. Won, they are in the photo in the distance, on the horizon, barely visible, and they still turn to them and stump, given that we repeat all the coastal frills, and do not be directly. Yes, and go under the outdoor sun, which, not embarrassed, frankly roasted us.

Two barely noticeable screenshots on the horizon are masts. We are there.

On the way, passed by several more secluded swimming places.

In the end, they went to the inhabited and equipped, but also a very compact beach of the Big Cavo Maris Hotel.

I even set down in such a hill on wheels, which, apparently, rolling into the water and arrange to children a microacvapark. I would like this in my childhood!

And here is the Cavo Maris Hotel. This is a view from the sea.

And so it looks from the road, if you get to him on the bus.

I never care about the photos of this hotel. It serves as an excellent landmark to find a place where the statues are standing at the bottom. From the beach from the hotel you can see this place. As it turned out (but we figured out later), this beach is Green Bay. At least his left part, because by the cape, near which the yachts and boats are moored, there is also a beach, and it seems to be called Green Bay too. In any case, we didn't get absolutely accurate information from anyone - not on the Internet, nor from the divers we encountered - where exactly to us to look for these sculptures. Therefore, they went rather at random, towards ship mast. In the end, we kindly like them.

So what? Where to go? Here they are, masts, and here it is, the sea. And to dive where? Well this is not in the hotel basin there and fuse. There are such expanses, and we must specifically know where to sail and where to dive. Plus-minus 100 meters - well, it is not suitable. Immediately near the boats, no beach was observed. Just berth and all, yachts on joke.

The beach in Cove, a little away, a small one beach, but even umbrellas with sun beds are. It seems like the right part of Green Bay.

But there was no hint on a 10-meter depth in foreseeable expanses. And where to swim from? That is the question. Here, the masts remained behind.

They see even one very cozy and little ones, committed closed from the waves. I was already going to get climbing into the water, but, first of all, suddenly, however, I gazed the rain. And, secondly, he asked the Russian peasant leaving the water where the statues under water here. And he pointed me the opposite way to all the same ship masts. Well, what will you do!

Oh neither twist, but you need to go to these yacht and look out there, where to dive. Let's go back and turned to the communals. Here it is the road to yachts, past the gate to the territory of some villa.

So the berth, near which yachts and boats are hung.

Nearby on the Cape stood several cars, near the diver kept.

We went to recognize the truth from them. The Russians did not turn out, but the uncle, judging by his purebred English - the Englishman, told where to swim and where to dive. As it turned out, swimming is needed from this narrow and purest cove.

What I did immediately. Here in this photo I pointed out the place where I need to swim and dive to see the sculptures.

It is simply necessary, without turning anywhere, straightly swim from the bay in the open space. And there, not reaching a little bit to the line of the buoy, the relief of the bottom will go down sharply, dropping to a depth of 10 meters. It is here that will stand at the bottom of the statue of Aphrodite, Apollo, horses, antique columns and different others. True, I then converted around the buoshicles, swimming there and here in search. In addition, in the open sea, unlike closed bays, there was a small wave, which prevented a little quietly to watch the bottom. Yes, and the depth is decent, the bottom is seen not particularly clearly. I was already desperate and was going to return, not Solono Buck, but in one of the yoke, already overlooking, the cherished figures saw lately vision. To be honest, I have been tired by that time, and therefore I have only one short video, not the most successful, but still you can see the sculptures for which we have done such a big way on the sun.

From the same video I made a few still footprints.

URA-A-A !!! I found them! I dived to them! I filmed them! Now you can return.

On the way back, in a bay, two meters under him suddenly met a couple of divers.

It turns out that while I flured there in the Puchin in search of statues, Tatiana watched the instructor in the bay he taught and gave instructions to a girl before diving. Here I met them, going back to the shore. While I was grainbed and dried, and Tatiana was swaming with a mask on the bay in shallow water, the diving couple returned back.

Finally, we put up home, i.e. to the hotel. The day has long been pulled for a long time for noon, and they were pounding, they painted in the sun and nodded. Returning, on the beach near the Cavo Maris Hotel, I also took a photo to mark the place where the sculptures flooded.

And to make a complete clarity and finally arm those who read this article wants to go stray in these places so that we do not plot, as we, I noted on google map All landmarks.

Completion remains to add that this is a very interesting place for divers and freedivers. There is no particular sense to swim there for snorkeling. There deeply, this is once, and secondly, you need to drink enough far away in the open sea. But those who, like me, loves the depth, loves freedom of movement under water, and just wants to experience himself, this place will no doubt will deliver great pleasure.

Below is our translation of the article in which you can get acquainted with 25 islands, where the world's best snorkeling and freediving (according to the authors). Look where you have already dived, but where are just dreaming to get. Our eyes scatter, and the soul asks on the road, because Also, they only visited two of them :)

№ 25: Plaza Sur, Galapagos Islands

Galapagos keep many miracles, but few of them are as beautiful as sea lions.

You need to take a boat from the town of Puerto Ayora on the main island of Santa Cruz to Plaza Sur. This place is home for thousands of nautical lions. If you begin in shallow water, you will produce a furor among young individuals who immediately swim closer to you to consider. Adults will be more careful: the mother will remain aside, looking after the kids, and males can even stray if you searcate too close. If you stay at a safe distance, you can consider yourself a part of the party, on which playful creatures perform acrobatic tricks in your honor! :)

No. 24: WEPI, Solomon Islands

Uepi Island. Resort on the edge of Morovo Lagoon on Solomon Islands is one of the few places in the world where you can swim with one of the most incredible marine inhabitants - Nautilus Pompilius. This chantive is known for its delightful shell, which is very valued by collectors, but the very creature itself is even more charming. Exactly the same as fossils, with which 400 million years, Nautilus Pompilius lives at a depth of 250 to 300 meters, where he rests before sunset. In the evening, he rises to clean to a depth of 180 meters. For long hours, the hotel staff neatly raise it from depth. Planning to appear on the reef at the first rays of the Sun to see water pulsating through the siphon during the dance around the corals of this unreal being. After that, the staff lowers the nautilus back to the depth, where he is released.

№ 23: Bimini, Bahamas

To increase your chances of a random meeting with Dolphins, remember the Council of lovely people from Bimini Undersea Adventures: the more calm you swim, circling around and acting as a fish, the more likely it is that in the end you will meet a curious loaf view. For the first time, random meetings with dolphins began to organize 15 years ago and, enthusiasm since then did not fade. Summer is the best time to find the Atlantic Spotted Dolphins in the coastal waters of Bimini, thanks to the calm sea. But the company recruits groups from 6 people throughout the year. Meetings are certainly not guaranteed, since we are not, and dolphins decide when to meet with us and for a long time.

№ 22: Maldives

Looking for a luxury with snorkeling? You can stay in Poseidon Undersea Resorts and feel that you dive, being in your room. Or visit Veligandu Island Resort., tiny island on the edge of the atoll 25 kilometers west from international Airport in small When you leave the plane, you will be met by an infinitely blue landscape from houses on stilts and beautiful beaches. Grab the equipment and run to explore a huge natural aquarium, which begins as soon as the sand ends. Water here is calm, and the atoll reef tends away the most amazing species of fish from the Indian Ocean.

№ 21: New Britain, Papua New Guinea

Restorph island 10 miles from New Britain north of Papua New Guinea - a place where you can meet with creatures that you have never seen before. Spiny Marine Devil, Spinorogogo and other strange creatures live in shallow water and surrounding the island of the reef walls.

№ 20: Ruruta, Tahiti

From August to October, South Whales Gorbachi sail Tahiti islands in the water to mate and leave offspring. Ruruta (is the island of 350 miles south-west of Tahiti) - one of their favorite stops. Raie Manta Club is the only company organizing diving and snorkeling with whales on the island. From the very beginning, the journey scholar on board will tell you about the whales. As usual in such cases, the meeting of these amazing animals is not guaranteed. When the boat is suitable for solitary whale or flock and, you go down to the water with visibility of at least 30 meters, it may seem that you are swimming in the air. Snorkels cannot approach the whales, but sometimes they are curious and rising to the surface. Such a trip is better to book in advance.

No. 19: Les Medes Islands, Spain

You could not even think that Spain - decent place For snorkeling. Do not talk about it in the tiny Mediterranean town of L "Estartit on the main island of Costa Brava, which boasts a dozen dive shops. Probably, they will tell you that the famous Les Medes archipelago (less mile from the coast) is famous for the most rich marine life in the Mediterranean. This reservation wildlife Includes 7 uninhabited islands and dozens of rocky reefs, where the observation of flocks, barracud, acne and octopuses is commonplace. Trips to Protected Water Les Medes spend all year round.

No. 18: Fernando de Noњa, Brazil

Often overlooking the National Marine Reserve is located south of the equator in Atlantic Ocean In 338 miles from the Brazilian coast. This place is a worldwide heritage, a limited number of visitors can come here every day. You can book a trip from the port of Santo Antonio on the main island, which gave the name of the entire archipelago, and visit Baia de Golfinhos (Dolphin Coast). This is a house for hundreds of dolphins, which often show their magic jumps for tourist boats. Then, go to Baia Do Sancho for snorkeling, there are a similar meeting with massive marine turtles. From August to December, the sea is the most calm.

No. 17: Corn Islands, Nicaragua

So far, Caribbeans is a secluded, secluded place, ideal for snorkeling, if you know what and where to look. Big Corn Island in Nicaragua suggests to meet with angels, southern slopes, green moray ...

No. 16: Menjangan, Bali

For a long time, Menjangan has acquired good glory from divers. We love this place very much and wrote about him. Island is part of West Bali National Park.What does the ban on fishing and animals mean. Shallow water island - paradise for maritime. At a depth of 20 meters, huge formations of coral mushrooms are the most incredible forms to catch an important sunlight. The sea in these parts is calm throughout the year, but the best time to visit from April to November, when visibility reaches 30 meters. The island trip can be ordered in the town of Pamuturan, which is located in the east of Bali.

No. 15: Sipadan, Borneo

All this island in Northeast Borneo is surrounded by solid corals, which suddenly go down to a depth of almost 600 meters. Such a sharp break allows you to simultaneously appear in one place thousands of multicolored tropical beings. Near the sipadan perfectly get along both those who live in shallow water and large creatures, such as barracuds, sharks, big sea hedgehog And sea turtles. To protect this miracle of nature, since 2005 there are no resorts on the island. Tourists are brought here from the neighboring island of Mabul and Kapalai. You can also come from sempor, which is located on Borneo. The island is the most pressing place for divers, but also snorkels here will not be bored.

No. 14: Lord Hau Island, Australia

More than 490 different types of marine inhabitants from tropical and moderate latitudes are mixed in the world in the Southern Coral Reef. Every day, Lord Howe can visit a limited number of guests. Here you can catch a feeling of complete isolation. The best sites for snorkeling in this place recognized by the World Heritage of UNESCO are in the quiet shallow waters of the wide lagoon at the West Bank of the Island.

Although the island is named after the nervous chaps, which are often found on this tiny island in 11 miles from big land, Placencia, Laughing Bird Caye - the best place to meet with underwater inhabitants. The status of the National Park and the local rofa was awarded World HeritageAs a result, here is an untouched ecosystem with soft and solid corals and, flocks of the angels and clowns are moving in front of your mask. Several placto operators carry small groups to these deleted places. Rainholder Station works daily and they will gladly explain interesting features Ecosystems.

№ 12: Skatov city, Big Cayman

Get acquainted personally with the most friendly caribbean skates in the city of skate on Cayman. This reef outflow next to North Sound was once a place where the fishermen cleaned their traps, which then attracted the skates. These graceful winged vacuum cleaners will soar and pull the squid bait from your fingers. This action can be slightly crazy when they will hurt you waiting for feeding, but it is completely safe and fun. Perceive them as puppies in the flops. Most of the resorts and dive shops from Big Cayman offer daily trips to this place.

№ 11: Yost-Wan Dake, British Virgin Islands

While Yost-Wan Dake is known for its snow white beach And the Soggy Dollar bar with the best insane cocktails, the eastern edge of the island attracts rods-Orlyaks, trachinots, tarpons, ocean fishes trigger and other largest. All these joys go in addition to the Creold Guban and Parrot Fish :)

№ 10: Raja Ampat, Indonesia

This region of the Indonesian archipelago acquired world fame due to the unimaginable bio-diversity of coral reefs. Most of the islands in the Massina area are so protected from the rigid oceanic conditions that exotic soft corals of all strings from fire-orange to light lavender and bright pinks can meet a few feet from the surface. The last time the ichthyologists (people studying fish) counted 1704 different views in Raja Ampat. Until recently, it was possible to get acquainted with this region only in Dive Safari from Sorong in Papua New Guinea. Misool Eco Resort promises that a few steps from the bungalow you will see the most beautiful underwater places in the world.

№ 9: Culebra, Puerto Rico

Few travelers come to Cull, which is 25 miles from Puerto Rico. Alignificant to the beach flamenco - better place On the island for meetings with Biss Turtles, Kalmars and Angels' fish among the fingers of the reef.

No. 8: Catalina Island, California

Start in the water of the cave of lovers on the island of Santa Catalina. Just 22 miles from the shores Los Angeles You will meet the forest of algae. Light rays are dancing and swing under the green canopy of brown algae (sea grass that can grow on foot per day). Bright orange Garibaldi ignite the scenes with neon-orange presence.

№ 7:

Dominica is a house for 9 active volcanoes. Feel geothermal activity across the snorkeling means around the hip rhytha champagne, which is located on the west side of the island near the town of Sufrier. Water sources enriched with gray, flows are sent to the water Caribbean Ocean. This sea not only ticks the bubbles of calmer water, raging from the reef. The reef valves also attract unusual creatures, ranging from sea roosters and ending with caribbean reef squids. Reef is available from the shore, but you can also rent a boat.

№ 6: Maui, Hawaii

In a few miles south of Lahaye, the Snorkel Beach was found on Maui in Papalaua Wayside Park. A wonderful beach extends along the coast, covered by trees. In the eastern end with the non-standard name "Coral Garden", hundreds of coral heads catch the sun's rays in pure sapphire water. Bright yellow butterfly fish are replete in a coral labyrinth. Lazy green sea turtles Here, too, you can often meet. Always follow the humuhum Nukunuka Apoaa - a dinimic Hawaiian triggerfish, whose name is just as funny, how difficult to track it. Sneelle here better in the morning when the wind is calmer.

№ 5: Dreary Tortugas, Florida

From Ki-West you can fly on the seaplane (the distance of 70 miles can be overcome in 40 minutes), and when landed, you can explore the Snorce Country of Miracles in national Park Dry Cortuga. Rifes of National Park may be the least visited in the States. Probably, therefore they are home to a huge variety of species of fish of the Caribbean and living corals. When you get out of the water, you can enjoy not only beautiful beachesBut the study of the ruins of Fort Jefferson, which was built in 1846.

No. 4: Bonair

Currently, for the veteran of research of the caves Hankom Sanders in one of more than 200 Caves Bonair, you can find out how limestone caves are created, often hidden in arid lands with tiny inputs. There you can meet stunning fossil corals, and fresh water swimming pools, filled with stalactites and stalagmites - in truth place for adventure snorkeling :) To climb and get out of the cave it will take good shoes and the minimum level of physical training.

№ 3: Blank, Fiji

The most beautiful reefs Fiji are located in a remote region, which is called the water Blanche (it is on the floor between the most big Islands Viti Lev and Vanua Levu). Here, unimaginable underwater mountains rise hundreds of feet from the bottom of the ocean, ending at the surface of the water and creating oases of marine life. Get ready to adorn colorful soft corals, flocks of rainbow fish and macromir of multicolor invertebrates, which are constantly competing for your attention. The site is quite far from the coast, there are a strong course, so that good behavior on the water is mandatory.

№ 2: Islas de la Bahia,G.ondouras

Do you still think that size does not matter? Then you probably have not yet snored with the largest fish in the sea - with whale shark. More than 40 feet long, these huge animals look frightening. In fact, they are completely harmless and feed on only the plankton and the most small inhabitants of the sea. When this slow motion rises to the surface, grab your gear and jump into the water. You can swim very close while it eats. The best time for meetings with the whale shark here since February in May, but, naturally, there is no guarantee.

№ 1: Big Island, Hawaii


Lovers active rest In general, and the adorables of swimming with a mask in particular are dedicated!

Swimming with a mask, tube and flops or as it is also called "snorkeling" - confidently gains popularity among tourists. Still, because this is the most affordable from beach entertainment. Especially since the residents of the post-Soviet space prefer to fly to rest in warm countries, and in warm waters live a large number of various marine inhabitants. But everyone wants to look at the fish and corals.

If you have never been "snoring" then Feelgood. Tell you how and where to join this cognitive trees.

What do you need? Mask and swimming tube are the most important equipment for snorkeling. Regarding the last: you can swim and without them. But with them you can swim and plunge faster.

Preparation for first swimming.

1. Spells work to breathe through the tube. Breathe only mouth. Rivne, relaxed.

2.Good to wear a mask. Masks often fogged. Before dressing it is necessary to solve it in the water, in which you will swim. So it will acquire the ambient temperature, and you will avoid its quick fogging.

How to start admiring the underwater world:Lie on the surface of the water and try to breathe through the tube. Accustomed a little, start sailing. Do not go over with flippers, do not beat them about the water, do not hurry. Otherwise scatter fish and quickly get tired. The first "swim" should not be too long. But each subsequent can be done longer.


Where to go for snorkeling?

The cheapest and picturesque option. Egypt

Almost every Egyptian hotel (especially in Sharm el-Sheikh or Dahab) has "its" small coral reef. This means that any vacationer can admire the beauties of the Red Sea. He descended from the pontoon - and here he is a reef - alive, multicolored, with billions of swing fishes around him. By sailing a little further to the depth you can see even more exciting and dynamic world.


Divided from civilization. Thailand

Interesting for snorkeling part of Thailand is between the two seas - the Andaman Sea and the Siamese Gulf. Places where to swim from a mask in Thailand a lot, but most of them are out of popular and promoted tourist places. These are places near Tao Islands, Chang, Similan, Surin, Nyangan, Kandan, and many other islands. There are snorkeling sites and on Phuket, but according to eyewitnesses, all the beauty there are outside the hotel beaches in wild places, where there is no possibility to get. Lanta is interesting to the small number of tourists and clean water, but the sea is small, and directly Userov snorcling is not very Good.


Dettle place. Greece (Crete)

Not bad for snorkeling south and west of this beautiful Island. Just remember that underwater crypt is not at all similar to the landscapes of Egypt, Maldives or other places with warm tropical seas. Corals and their inhabitants are not here. Instead, abundant thickets of algae and rare spongy structures on the stones. Fish is mainly a buggy and modestly painted. But quenching on the waves of algae and nine clear water create such a unique landscape, which is just breathtaking.

Good beaches for snorkeling:Elafonissi Beach in the south-west Islands, Bay Ballos in the North-West Islands and Beaches Caracas Beach, Amidi Beach, Plocias and Agios Pavlos in the south of the island.


Luxury version. Maldives

Coastal waters Maldives are replete with a truly incredible number of various representatives of the underwater world.

Where to minimize the Maldives? Not far from the coast begins the beautiful sandy lagoon, and then the reef flat bottom stretches, resting in the steep slopes of coral reefs. Its slopes are the perfect place for snorkeling. This reef is quite interesting even by itself. It has many protrusions, terraces and cave. It also provides the ability to trace the change in the marine and coral flora depending on the level of change in depth. In reefs there is a small fish, although quite often here they sail in search of food and much larger representatives of the underwater world. In the canals that connect the ocean and lagoon, the spongy beautiful corals live large groups Reef fish.

Phuket is often called the pearl of the Andaman Sea. And in the vicinity of Phuket Island there are many smaller islands. Many of which are considered one of the world's best places for diving.

And now I will reveal one secret. The underwater world of the Andaman Sea can enjoy not closing somewhere far from the island.

But the truth is not at all, for this you need to know the right places. And whatever it brings pleasure and not annoyed preferably in advance just a little sort to equipment. This will be discussed. Snorcling - where, when and how.

Snorcling is a younger brother. Swimming with a mask, tube and sometimes flippers. This is such a small set of equipment allows you to swim for a long time in water in a semi-duty condition and study the mysterious underwater world. All this equipment you can easily buy not far from the beach or hotel in any dive center or and yes, minimarket. Depending on the quality, the cost of a mask with a tube varies from 600 to 3000bat. The higher the price, the better quality. To choose a mask better approach more carefully. I now have three masks at home and unfortunately only one of them suits me. In general, this is my first article about snorkeling on Phuket. There will be several of them. And in this article I will describe one of the places in Phuket, where you can swim well from the mask and where there is something to see. And in the next article we will talk about equipment and how to choose it correctly.

Remember before that, I wrote about on Phuket on Kata Beach? So one of the places for snorkeling is there in the same place, in the southernmost of the beach. Those. If you look face to the sea, then on the left. You will see a small rocky ledge. If you get up next to this protrusion, you will see a large stone in the water. And about meters of 10th - 15 will be another stone. Sometimes it can sometimes be seen from the sea - it depends on the tide and low tide. On this stone there are some corals and there is periodically going to some animals. But more interesting corals on the left side in five - seven meters from the shore if you swim in the left for the rocky ledge. There you can see a lot of interesting things.

An interesting bottom, multicolored corals and small bizarre reef shape collect a lot of diverse inhabitants of the underwater world.

It will be easier to navigate according to the scheme I painted (I apologize for the quality of the self-made scheme).

Unfortunately, snorcling is not always possible in the vicinity of Phuket. In the sea, big waves, especially on the east coast, where it is where the most pleasant beaches and the main hotels are located. Especially dangerous to swim with large waves near rock cliffs. And besides, the waves raise a lot of sand from the bottom, the water becomes muddy and almost nothing can be seen. The same situation after the rain. Usually a day when it is raining and a day after water, a few meters from the shore, you can dive, it is not necessary to dive - nothing happens - different depths. Diving in the rain can be engaged in the rain).

In the next article I will write more about the equipment that is necessary and for what. And how to choose to choose.

P / s. In general, it would be nice to collect detailed descriptions of the main places for snorkeling in Phuket. Write O. interesting places Where you dived with a mask.

See also: