Mexico Resorts in the Caribbean Cancun. What ocean in Mexico

Mexico resorts recently attract more and more travelers from different parts globe. Someone manits the opportunity to discover invisible beach rest, to someone with the soul of acquaintance with the culture and traditions of the exotic country, and there are those who do not wait to personally try to delight local cuisinewhich, according to rumors, may well be considered a real paradise for gourmets.

However, this article will not only describe the best resorts of Mexico. The reader will receive a mass useful information How to make your vacation even more interesting and informative.

Section 1. Why exactly Mexico?

First of all, it should not be noted that this is actually an amazing country that has contrast. To date, the extreme poverty and luxury of large megacities have been closely intertwined here.

The ideas about this state are quite diverse. For some place a place of rest with chic beaches and villas, famous resorts, diving and windsurfing. Other manitis the beauty of the tropics and the opportunity to plunge into the history of the oldest civilizations, see the mysterious pyramids and other mysterious monuments.

According to tourist prospectuses, this area offers its guests the best coast zones corresponding to world standards. Famous country is known cultural Heritage, Tequila, Sombrero and passionate series.

Mexico - Motherland of Aztecs, Olmekov, Maya and Sapotekov, who had a huge impact on history and left behind a lot of secrets. Some of them still remain inexplicable. Most scientists believe that ancient civilization It originated thanks to alien presence. One of the abnormal places of Mexico is the "zone of silence", existing on one latitude with Egypt's pyramids and a Bermuda triangle. Strange phenomena occur in this zone, turning off the radio engineering and the clock stops.

But for some tourists, the popular resorts of Mexico are also associated with poverty and slums of suburbs of large settlements. This is another part of the state and go there with unprepared travelers is definitely not worth it.

As we see, it is practically everyone for themselves. The only inconvenience for the tourist is the remoteness of the country from Europe and the duration of the flight with transfers. But all this is easily compensated by the impressions obtained during the journey.

Section 2. What hotels offer guests the best resorts of Mexico?

Tourism takes an important place in the country's economy. Classification of hotels in terms of service is monitored by the state itself. Although it, above all, concerns modern hotel complexes.

However, you should be prepared and to the fact that in Mexico many non-standard hotels located in ancient estates or palaces. Their owners, however, offer comfortable rooms with a modern accommodation.

If you have decided on the answer to the question of which resort Mexico to choose, it means, it's time to pick up a suitable hotel.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the most budget option is accommodation in hotels 1-2 *, which provides small rooms with modest decoration. In such numbers, there is usually there is no air conditioning, a TV and a comfortable furnishings. Despite this, hotels 2 * differ from class 1 * hotels. Many hotels in 2 * have pools.

Closer to the European Category of Service include hotels with star above three. When choosing a stop place, check out in advance the inland view of the apartment, a list of available services and reviews. In addition to traditional hotels, in the country you can find hotels with an additional classification - "Grandturist" and "Special Category".

The first group belongs to the expensive hotel complexesLocated mainly at Acapulco and Riviera Maya resorts. The most expensive and elite in Mexico are complexes marked by the "special category", which offer their guests exclusive activities.

Section 3. We try to taste

Mexico resorts are usually impossible to imagine without exploring local dishes.

In general, the country's kitchen is actually distinguished by a gastronomic diversity. True, it is necessary to take into account the fact that each region has its own preferences in choosing products and dishes.

So, in the northern part of the state of the main of the inhabitants is beef meat and kozdyatins. The process of cooking meat resembles the American method (most often a type of barbecue). Central Mexico prefers various seasonings and dishes from beans and corn. Meat is also included in the diet. Southern provinces They are influenced by Caribbean cuisine, where they love sharp dishes from vegetables and chicken. The closer to the coast, the stronger the fish and seafood.

But over the centuries unchanged components national Kitchen The chili pepper remains, cornpople (cake) and beans. And the most favorite delicacy for Mexican is "Kanas-Asadas" - a piece of roasted sugar cane. The present fame of Mexico brought a strong drink of tequila.

Mexican wines are also in demand for European technologies. Other drinks are popular: "Horchat" (from rice flour), cold tea from hibiscus and hot chocolate "Campurado". The south of the country is famous for excellent coffee.

From all of the above, we can conclude: rest in Mexico, whose resorts are now enjoying great popularity, will be interesting and fans delicious and satisfying.

SECTION 4. What kind of rest is suitable for you?

Mexico resorts, which can be found in almost all the most popular tourist prospects of the world, are distinguished by their diversity. Although, according to holidaymakers, they are, in principle, can be divided into two main categories.

So, the main resorts of Mexico are located in the Caribbean and the Pacific coasts. The most famous of them:

  • Acapulco;
  • Riviera Maya (Cozumel Island and Playa del Carmen);
  • Los Cabos;
  • Puerto Vallarta.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that each of them is good and interesting in its own way. In addition to the beach holiday, these tourist destinations have their own characteristics.

For example, Acapulco is famous for expensive hotels and monuments of Spanish colonization, night dusovka and discos, restaurants and water entertainment. Comfortable beaches are ideal for relaxing with children.

To get acquainted with the history of the Mayan civilization, it is worth going to Riviera Maya. This resort is located the famous elite hotels and the best beaches.

Still amazing and unique Mexico. Cancun resort, for example, other than amazing beaches, is also notable for ancient attractions. Cozumel island known for its coral reefs that attract divers.

Section 5. Luxury Holidays in Cancun

On the Peninsula Yucatan there is a large resort town of Cancun. This is a real paradise for night-time lovers - restaurants, night bars, casinos, discos and incendiary afterparty.

Tourists organized playgrounds for golf and tennis games, bike rental and other entertainment. The most beautiful corner of the resort is the Laguna Nutness, separating the city from the hotel area. Here you can take walks on the yacht or spend time at the bar or restaurant. With their terraces opens great view on the lagoon. In the north cancun there are ruins of ancient settlements Maya.

Hotels offer in love with special programs for organizing wedding ceremonies committed in the internal laws of such a state as Mexico. Resorts on the Caribbean are so famous for the huge number of newlyweds. By the way, in order for this marriage to be recognized by valid, say, in America or Europe, it will need to be simply legalize in his native country.

Section 6. What awaits us in Acapulco?

Resorts Mexico, reviews about which, as a rule, positive or even enthusiastic, is impossible to imagine without this settlement.

Acapulco is one of the most popular tourist destinations of the country. The city is not found to be the "night capital" of Mexico. This is the place of entertainment, casino, bars and restaurants, coming up with the onset of the night. His incendiary discos is known for all Mexico. Famous DJs and artists from all over the world come here. In addition to entertainment shows, tourists are waiting for sightseeing trips to historical attractions.

On the mountain is located cathedral "Capella of the World", built during the period of Spanish domination. Next to it rise the majestic cross, blessing sea travelers. In the fortress of San Diego XVII century. situated historical Museum, and you can get acquainted with the subjects of Indian culture in the museum of archeology. In the National Reserve, Papagayo is a water park. completing sea walk On a boat with a transparent bottom to Rockhet Island, you can see the statue of the Holy Virgin Guadelois (patroness of the sailors) under water.

Section 7. Miracle called Riviera Maya

Many unforgettable places can submit to their guests Mexico. Resorts of this country are not wonderful popular. Here you can find a lesson, as they say, for every taste and wallet.

For example, snow-white beaches Riviera-Maya stretched from Cancun to Tulum. The main settlements of this region are Playa del Carmen and Cozumel Island. Mostly tourists from Europe are resting here.

It should be noted that these places are perfect for family holiday and diving classes. Free time You can devote to sports games, SPA procedures or excursions. The youth is popular with the resort town of Playa del Carmen, located in the center of Riviera Maya.

Also, Mexico in this part attracts holidaymakers with its beaches and coral reefs, ruins of the oldest Indian settlements (Chichen Itsa, Ecbala, Tulum), listed on the UNESCO list. It is necessary to visit the reserve Shel ha, known for unique karst lakes and stalactite dungeons.

In an ecological park, the wareside open museum-aquarium, a turtle farm, butterflies and orchid parks, Yaguarov Island. Here you can cut down with dolphins, make a scuba dive or sailing along the underground river. Particular flies of pink flamingos, dwelling in the bay near the fishing village of Rio Lagartos.

Recently open Park Xplor offers visitors to make an extreme rafting on warm dungeon rivers. The river leads to natural wells that served for Maya the source of water. In addition, other adventures are waiting in the park: rushes on cables, hiking in the jungle and walking on suspended bridges.

Section 8. Los Cabos - a place in which you should visit

In fact, the resorts of Mexico are actually diverse. What to choose for your nearest vacation? Why not discover something new?

Between the cities of San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo stretched the resort zone of Los Cabos almost 40 km. This relatively young resort is considered one of the most expensive. The Los Cabot climate differs from other Mexican resorts. Here he is more dry, which creates favorable conditions for recreation. Luxury hotels in greenery, excellent sand beaches And the sea is perfectly combined with the desert dunes.

Many hotels include global hotel networks with the "All Included" system. Each of them is characterized by architecture and design. For tourists, golf courses, pools, restaurants and bars are opened, various show programs are organized. From January to April, huge whales sailed to the shores of Los Cabot, which can be observed right from the coast.

Section 9. Puerto Vallarta and Cozumel

On the shore of the largest bay of Banderas, the colonial city of Puerto Vallarta is located. Attention should be paid to the fact that the most fashionable resort hotels are concentrated in the Marina Weart, south of the center.

Find the most budget accommodation options in the area of \u200b\u200bNew Weart. Some of the hotels operate under the All-In-On Program. The usual life here flows calmly and measured, in organizations in the afternoon, Siesta is provided. But with the arrival of darkness, the city comes to life, incendiary parties begin and evening trade opens. Especially good locality From October to May.

It is impossible to imagine the resorts of Mexico without the island of Cozumel, which is suitable for a relaxing and beach holiday. Thanks to its coral reef, it is popular with diving lovers. There are many inexpensive hotels in oriented, mainly on tourists engaged in water species Sports and diving, which, as a rule, are not particularly picky and do not need luxury apartments.

For more demanding vacationers in the western part of the island there are luxurious hotel complexes with accommodation in the bungalow.

Section 10. Diving and Surfing

We have described all the main resorts of Mexico. What to choose depends on each individual traveler, or rather, from its tastes, preferences and financial position.

Gorgeous underwater landscapes and inhabitants of coral reefs of Mexican coastal waters attract divers from all over the world.

On the island of Cozumel in sea Park Coralov is a coral reef, which occupies second place on the planet for its magnitude. And the unusual sea of \u200b\u200bCortes is a habitat of many rare and exotic fish. The famous researcher Jacques-Yves Kusto dubbed his "aquarium of the world".

On the coasts Pacific Ocean and Mexican bay a lot interesting places For Rack divers. Yucatan Island manitis underground rivers. Mexican dive sites: Cancun, Cozumel, Riviera-Maya, Playa del Carmen.

For walks on the waves, almost all resorts of Mexico are suitable. Serphing competitions are often held here. The most famous surf beaches are in Cancun, Merida, Rivierea-Soriyritis, Puerto Escondido.

Trips and tours

about country

- The embodiment of the ideal tourist destination: The country not only justifies the most rainbow expectations of travelers, but also striking unexpected discoveries. The country whose history has three millennia, boasts a stunning cultural and spiritual heritage. Ancient Cities of Mighty Civilizations (Aztecs, Olmekov and Maya), bright, original culture, combining the traditions of numerous regions of the country, colonial treasures, magnificent beaches that are among the best beaches of the world, magnificent tropical nature, the original, which received worldwide popularity kitchen turns Mexico in a dream Any tourist.

Tequila, cheerful mexicans in Sombrero, cacti height in human growth - only the top of the iceberg hiding undergoing real wealth of the country: living Indian cultures, unique monuments of architecture, wonders of nature and special, filled with ancient magic atmosphere. To participate in the pagan Messe, to learn one of the beautiful Indian legends, climb on the top of the pyramid, with my own eyes to see the new miracle of the world Chichen Izu, immersed in the underwater world of the second largest barrier reef in the world, stroll through the most crowded city of Planet Mexico City - to study Mexico It will take no one journey.

It has truly unique features for all types of tourism. Among the most popular Entertainment: Historical excursions, beach holidays, diving (about. Cozumel, O-Va Marietas near Puerto Vallarta); Speleodiving, bathing in Satot, descent to caves on ropes (Yucatan Peninsula); Mystical cleansing ceremonies in the traditions of Maya; Ecotourism (boating walks in Mangrove Thickets on Riviera Maya, Ecopark Warming, hiking In the mountains of Sierra Madre et al.), Folklore evening, visiting Tekila production factories, nightclubs in Cancun, Acapulco and MN.

(Mexican United States) - State in the south North America, washed by quiet and Atlantic Oceans. Mexico is the federal republic as part of 31 states and the metropolitan federal district.

Area - 1958.2 thousand km2.
Population - 89.95 million people, mostly Mexicans.
Official language - Spanish.
Religion - mainly Catholicism.
Head of State and Government - the president.
Legislature - Double Parliament (Senate and Chamber of Deputies).
Capital - Mexico City.
Currency unit - Mexican peso.

Time:Looms from Moscow for 9 hours. From the first Sunday of April to October - Summer Time.

Subtropical in the north, tropical in the south. The average annual air temperature in resort zones and in areas located not higher than 1,700 meters above sea level is + 25 ° C. On the resorts, the air temperature ranges from + 22 ° C to + 35 ° C for a year. In Mexico City and in the mountainous regions of the country during the winter months, the daily air temperature may be lowered to + 16 ° C. It should also be borne in mind that night and daytime temperatures in some regions of Mexico can be 20 °. The rainy season continues from June to September; An increased amount of precipitation is most felt on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

Nature and geography

By occupying the territory of almost 2 million square meters. KM, Mexico in shape resembles a loop, stretched from the north-west to the southeast, narrowing closer to the cage of tehuantepec (tehuantepec) and expanding again on Yucatan. In the West and south, the territory of Mexico is washes by the Pacific Ocean. California Peninsula I. Large land Shares the California Bay. The East Coast of Mexico is washed by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and the East Coast of Yucatan is issued to the Caribbean Sea. The country's land borders separate it from the United States in the north and from Guatemala and Belize in the south-east.

Mexico - mountain country. The two mountain ranges in the north and south of the country are framed by a group of wide plateau of the central part of Mexico, known as Altiplano Central. In the south of Mount Sierra Madre del Sur, they extended the territory of the states of Germero and Oaksak to the Isthmus of Tehunpekek. From the height, the narrow line of Nynin passes along the Pacific coast to Guatemala. These lowlands are the highlands of chiapass, which goes into the territory of hot tropical wet forests, stretching also to Guatemala. The plains and the lowlands of the Yucatan Peninsula are covered with tropical savannas.

Thanks to the geographical position in Mexico, there are countless natural and vegetable zones, and the mountainery of the landscape contributes to the creation of microclumatic zones. Despite the potentially large ecological diversity, the influence of human life is felt here. To the Spanish conquest of almost 2/3 countries was covered with forests. In our same days, forests remained only on 1/5 of the territory of Mexico, mainly in the east and south. All the more expanding domestic grazing areas are forced wild animals, such as pums, deer and coyotes, search for refuge in isolated aroles. However, cornights, hares and snakes, and in the rainforest of the south and the east, are dwelling and spidermann monkeys, jaguars, ocelot, tapir, musicals, wild pigs, deers, parrots, tucanis, and some tropical reptiles like Boa-Constrators, although All of these forest inhabitants are peresiting.

The climate on the territory of Mexico varies according to the topography of the area, namely, it is hot and wet on both coasts of the country, but in domestic territories, for example, in Guadalajar or Mexico, the climate is land and moderate. Roast and wet season lasts from May to October, while the hottest and wet months - from June to September. Lowest coastal strips get more rain moisture than internal areas. From December to February, the most cool time of the year lasts. It is during this period that cold northern wind blows, sometimes forcing the air temperature to fall below zero.

If you want to be alone with nature, then you are on the right track. Mexico is nothing to do with nothing with the ecosystems: after all, we are talking about the country that occupies the fourth place in the world in biological diversity. There are 58 national parks and reserves of the biosphere 58 in Mexico, not counting the many beautiful corners of nature:

  • If you want to see whales, make a trip to Mar de Cortez - the same name in Mexico California Bay. From Guamasa (Sonora) to La Paz (Lower California) there are hundreds of islands, where sea birds nest.
  • If you want other impressions, sit down on the train coming from Los Mochis to Chihuahua and stop in the towns of Bauchivo, Divisastero and Nearele to get acquainted with Barrancas del Cobre (copper gorge), urika and batopilas. The copper gorge is four times longer and one and a half times deeper than the famous Canyon Colorado.
  • On a large central plateau, one of the most high vertices continent. Volcano Popochettet invariably attracts lovers of mountains and adventure. Climbing can be started in the village of Tlamakas.
  • Each winter tens of millions of royal butterflies arrive in Mexico, fleeing from the northern cold. A visit to only one of their reserves is permitted in the vicinity of Sitacauro (Michoacan).
  • Seven of the eight species in the world sea turtles Select Mexican beaches for egg laying. Watch this - the privilege that nature provides only those who know how to respect it. To visit these reserves, the resolution of the Ministry of Fishing Economy or support of guides - professionals is required.
  • South Mexico - the most big area Tropical forests north of Amazon. There you can visit the Biosphere Reserve to Montes Asless (Blue Mountains), familiarize yourself with the surroundings of the town of Taipette (Tabasco) or Palenque. Do not miss the opportunity to go to Montebelo's lagoons or make a boat tour from the archaeological zone of Chiapa de Corso to Sumidero Gorge (Chiapas). It is not at all similar to these foggy forests Biosphere Reserve El Trunefo, located near the city of Eskintla (Chiapas). This is one of the few places where the Ketzal bird can be seen is the most beautiful in the world.
  • The entire Yucatan Peninsula is a real miracle of nature. Tropical forests and pastures approach close to the Caribbean Sea, here is the second largest coral reef in the world. All these ecosystems are located in the biosphere of Sian Kaan (Kintana Roo), south of Tulum.

Many of the above-mentioned places are under the protection of the state, and to maintain them in inviolability of access to them may be limited. Before going to the road, consult in the tourist bureau of the capital of the relevant state.

Helpful information

Holidays and non-working days:
September 16 (Independence Day (1810), November 1-2 (Merchant Day), December 12 (Day of Our Lady Guadeloupe), December 25 (Christmas). In addition to these holidays, there is a passionate week (March or April) A carnival is very popular, he passes in March or February.

Subtropical in the north, tropical in the south. In the area of \u200b\u200bMexican Highlands is usually cooler than on the coast, where the air temperature does not fall below +20 with even in winter. In the northern part of Mexico in winter there is a slight snow. At the resorts (Acapulco) temperature from +22 C (winter) to +35 c (summer). Typically distinguishes dry and wet seasons, which are formed under the influence of tropical cyclones, bringing abundant precipitation, and sometimes reaching devastating power. The rainy season falls on June-September and is particularly pronounced on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

Official language - Spanish (Mexico - the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world). In addition, local ethnic groups speak their native languages \u200b\u200b(Naiathl, Maya, Razyi, Sapotek, etc.). English is widespread.


Monetary unit - Mexican Peso. In the circulation there are banknotes in advantage of 100, 50, 20 and 10 peso and coins in 50, 20, 10 and 5 centavo (cents). 1 peso \u003d 100 centavo (cents). The import of foreign currency is not limited (the declaration is obligatory), national - no more than 5 thousand pesos. Allowed removal of imported foreign currency, national - no more than 5 thousand pesos.

Currency exchange:
Banks work from 9.00 to 17.00 - on working days and from 9.00 to 14.00 on Saturday. On Sunday, banks do not work. Currency can also be exchanged in large hotels, at airports, in offices for currency exchange.

What to take with you:
Sunscreen, warm clothes (if the mountain area is included in the tour program), comfortable clothing and shoes for inspecting archaeological attractions, swimsuit. You can buy a hat from the sun in Mexico.

Tequila (the most famous brands "Jose Cuervo", "Sauza" and others). TASCO is famous for the original decorations of high quality silver, wicker baskets and painted animals from wood, San Cristobal de Las Casas - Handmade Woven Products and embroidered shirts, Morelia - sweets, Guadalajara - Handmade Souvenirs Indians Ovicol, Sakatecas - Woven bedspreads and sweets from the cactus, Merida - blouses, decorations, hammocks of all colors and sizes.

Customs regulations:
Prohibited import: fruits, vegetables, plants, cuttings and plant seeds, colors; medicines that the passenger does not use; psychotropic substances; pornographic publications. Disablement: archaeological values, antiques, rare animals and birds, their skins and stuffed, national currency over 10 thousand US dollars. Duty-free import: personal belongings (clothing, toilet items, etc.), cigarettes - up to 200 pcs. (or up to 50 cigars, or up to 250 grams of tobacco), alcoholic beverages - up to 3 l, household appliances, photo-, audio, radio and video equipment, sports equipment for 1 subject per person, souvenirs and gifts, the cost of which does not exceed 300 US dollars. When departing from Mexico - $ 18 from each passenger with the exception of children up to 2 years and transit passengers.

Voltage in the network 110/127 volts.

International calls are extremely roads due to high tax - 49%. It is recommended to use a telephone connection if you have the opportunity to pay your correspondent, even in this case, to his account will add a high tax for services.

The shops:
Shops work from 10.00. until 22.00. Break on the traditional "Seside" from 14.00. until 16.00. Possible payment by credit cards. VAT (IVA) in Mexico is 15%. By law, it must be included in the price, but in some expensive hotels, prices are given without taking tax.

National kitchen, drinks:
Mexican cuisine is famous for its culinary traditions around the world. Perhaps some dishes first seem to you somewhat sharp, but you still appreciate their taste. As a rule, national dishes do not cost without at least one of the three typical components: Tortylas (cornpashes), beans and acute chili peppers.

Snacks are brilliant, like all simple. Actually, most of the popular snacks - Nachos, Cesadillas, Takos, Tostados, Chimichangs are all the same fresh corn cakes (not only from corn, but also from "imported" Wheat Spaniards) with peppers from corn, beans, peppers, cheeses, meat Stuffing with tomatoes, for example, Piccadillao.

Spreads with seafood, bean, with spices. On the table must be salt, Chile and Tortyllas. Hot dishes are prepared from several varieties of meat, the wallas of the Olya Harry, fried beef ribbons with a bean garnish of Asado, and even the famous, whose preparation is held by real championships, Chile Kon Karna. Again, hot cakes with fillings: reminiscent of our dumplings or couching Empanadas, who were once simple omelette, and then turning into peculiar rivers Enchildas, thick, like spine on the back of the Donkey, Burritos. Well, for the fans of antiquity - fragrant Tamales cooked for a couple of slices of corn test, wrapped with a sheet of corncut and watered with a sauce to choose from.

The most famous Mexican dessert is the sweet Royal Bread of Roska de Reizes, the core of which is filled with dried fruit, and the pupa is put on the inside, symbolizing the Christ Christ and the onset of the Fiesta.

Tip: It is customary to leave in restaurants, bars, porters, taxi drivers, etc. - 10% of the total account.

Security: The area of \u200b\u200bhotels is a calm and reliable part of the city, but ordinary precautions, as in any foreign city, will not be superfluous.

Health: Most hotels, especially high-grade, have purified and drinking water, but it is not least recommended to use drinking water in plastic bottles of industrial spill, which is sold in all food stores and bars.

Emergency phones: Police, ambulance, fire protection and other emergencies - 06.

Map Mexico

Cancun - Located on the Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo and is one of the most famous resorts in the Caribbean. Sometime cancun was a small fishing village and only in the 70s of the last century began to develop as a seaside resort. Now Cancun is a favorite holiday destination Americans. Yes, and our tour operators if tourists are sent to Mexico, then in most cases it is in Cancun.

Cancun is famous for its bright turquoise caribbean sea and snow-white long beaches.

Cancun is conditionally divided into two parts

  • Cancun Downtown. (City of Cancun, where local residents, backups and wintering workers live)
  • Hotels Zona or Zona Hoterara

Features of the resort Cancun

The hotels area goes along the Kukulkan Boulevard and is a number stretched along the sea, on one side of which the Caribbean Sea, and on the other bay, Nut (in which, by the way, the crocodiles are found!), Along the coastline there are hotels, mainly level 4 and 5 stars.

Most hotels offer holidays on all inclusive.

Mostly hotels in Cancun are multi-storey concrete buildings with a not very large territory. Who like, and I do not like such multi-storey hotels on the beach. I'm more likely not a big bungalow on the beach as, for example, in, or on or or.

The short side of "seven" is less windy, there are rarely waves there, from storms the beach closes the island of women in the Caribbean sea nearby.

Beaches without wavesin Cancun, this is the beaches from 1 to 10 km, Before the bend, which is called Punta Cancun.

The long side of "seven" attracts tourists with a long beach stripe, a more beautiful beach, but the sea is often not calm there, in some places they are just dangerous due to insidious underwater flows.

Beaches with wavesin Cancun, these are beaches with 10 to 20 km.

Cancun Beach

Cancun Beach Very long, each part it is indicated by kilometers. Kilometer is considered from north to south. For example:

  • The beach is 2 km called Pearl beach And Popular W. local residents and tourists with children
  • The beach is 4 km away. Lindawhich is always crowded. With it, boats come with a glass bottom to Mucheres Island
  • 6 km away Turtle beach which is suitable for recreation with children, because here is a gentle entrance to the sea
  • The beach is 8 km away Snailwhich is suitable for water skiing, because there are no underwater trends. This is the center of nightlife Cancun
  • The beach is 13 km away. MarlinWhere is crowded, here on the territory of the Ritz Carlton Hotel is a small inverted nursery
  • A little further - 18 km is located Dolphin Beachwho is suitable for fans of privacy, there is no crowd of tourists here and you can often see dolphins!

In Cancun, there is everything you need for excellent holidays: premium class hotels, beautiful sea, entertainment parks, restaurants, shopping centers and many nightclubs. Many tourists come to Cancun to sweat 🙂

Cancun how to get

In Cancuna is located international AirportWhere dozens of flights from different countries arrive every day.

  1. From Russia and Ukraine in Cancun in a high season can be reached by charter flights. Most often, tickets do not sell separately, but only with a tour
  2. Cancun directly can be reached by Aeroflot companies
  3. Cancun can be reached with a change over Europe by Air France (through Paris), KLM (through Amsterdam), Iberia (through Madrid), Lufthansa and through the US company Delta. Important! When flying through the US, a US visa needs!
  4. From Mexico City and other cities Mexico in Cancun flying local airlines: Interjet, Vivaaerobus, Volaris, Airmexico

Cancun can be reached by bus from other cities of Mexico. The central bus station is located in the center of Cancun (in Downtown). We traveled to Cancun from VOLARIS. Tickets bought three weeks before the trip on their website. A ticket for one person, along the route Mexico-Cancun Mexico, cost $ 200. Local airlines often have shares for which from Mexico City in Cancun and back can be flown for 100-150 dollars.

Initially, I knew that in the cancun itself, I would not have wanted to relax: I do not like the altitude of concrete on the seafront, the night dusovka and all inclusive hotels. Yes, and prices for everything in Cancun is much more expensive than in other parts of Mexico. But on the snow-white beach and the Turquoise Caribbean Sea wanted to see 😎 therefore it was decided to swell one night in Cancun before

It was planned that we would arrive on the eve of 12 days, we will take, take up to the hotel and even still have time to buy in the sea and slightly tan in front of our 12-day journey.

Mexico City - Cancun Flight lasts about 2 hours, even dilated cookies, juice and coffee.
We flew to Cancun. We exactly according to the schedule, left the plane and got into the shower! And according to the surrounding landscapes with swamps instead of the fields, it was clear that the rain is not the first day. Of course, it ruined the mood. A little waiting for a person who meets us from the rental office of American Car Rental, we went to their office, designed and took the car and went to look for our hotel.

Hotel in Cancun by the sea

Hotel I booked on Chose the most inexpensive hotel in Cancun's hotel zone. Our hotel cost us $ 64 plus taxes 14%, total 73 dollars. Of course, it was possible to find the hotel much cheaper, in the city of Cancun, but I really wanted to live on the very shore Caribbean.

Special offers for Cancun hotels

It is located 11.5 kilometers of Cancun Beach. Settlement into the number according to the rules of the hotel at 15:00 and despite the fact that there was a shower and looked like the hotel had many free numbers, it was not necessary to settle for the last time 😥. Well, this is not Thailand, where it is always a question with an early settlement dealt without problems, even in.

Leaving the car in the hotel's private parking (by the way, the hotel parking is not very comfortable. Located in the basement, and there are no stairs or elevators in the lobby, you have to go across the street, but in such a rain that we found in Cancun is not comfortable in Cancun) We went to the nearest shopping center, which is literally across the road from.

Flamingo Mall - a small shopping center, more precisely, I would call it not shopping centerAnd a place where souvenir shops are collected under the same roof and one small store with cookies-beer-water. Here is the restaurant Steak House. Since we still wanted to eat, in it and lunch. Prices after Mexico City seemed not at all cheap. But dishes were all very tasty 😎

Delicious spaghetti with seafood! Still remember 🙂

For spaghetti with seafood, fish with a garnish and a cocktail Margarita we paid 550 Peso (44 dollars).

Attempting went to the hotel where the numbers finally got the keys.

NYX Hotel. CANCUN FORMERLY Avalon Grand - View from Street

View from the entrance to the hotel on the bay Nut

I booked the cheapest number (a little room, located in a quiet part of the hotel, according to reviews - in the semi-base room and without a window or with a small window). We were given a huge family room overlooking the pool and the Caribbean Sea. It seems that the hotel was the floor empty, and we came only for one night, so they decided to settle us in a good number 😎

In the room two rooms, each huge bed, TV, refrigerator and even coffee maker 😎

And most importantly - a huge balcony with a magnificent view of the Caribbean Sea. It is a pity to enjoy the views of the sea from the balcony we did not work - the rain did not stop ...

It would not be rain - you can spend a great time on the balcony overlooking the Caribbean Sea :)

NYX Hotel Cancun Formerly Avalon Grand Multiple pools, Jacuzzi, a small gym with treadmills, a restaurant. And most importantly - the beautiful beach.

Despite the rain, we dressed raincoats and tried to walk along the beach.

Walk in the rain and wind on Cancun Beach

But it did not really work: I have not seen such rain and wind! They tried to plunge into the Caribbean Sea, but we were kicked out of there. I wanted to swim in the pool, but the water, and the air was cold.

I'm trying to swim in the pool 🙂

I had to go to the room to warm 😎

By the way, we caught WiFi in the room, although in the description of the hotel it was said that free WiFi is only in the lobby, and in the rooms is paid.

That's how we were not lucky with rest in Cancun. We went to save at 9 pm, and at 6 am I already got up to go further. The first days in general easily got up at 6 am, the difference in time Mexico with Moscow was affected: 10 hours.

In the morning we pulled a beautiful sunset over the Caribbean Sea

And finally, a small video from our balcony 😎

Goodbye Cancun! We are going to!


Cancun is a comfortable mexican resort on the banks of the Caribbean. A great place for those who love the tropical climate are interested in an ancient culture and wish to fully plunge into the Mexican flavor.

Riviera Maya.

The resort of Riviera Maya is sunny and hospitable, relatively young, with snow-white beaches, beautiful nature and seaside Mexican exotic. The most popular resorts - Playa del Carmen and about. Cozumel. For tourists here 368 hotels operating on the system all inclusive.


Yucatan is a peninsula located between the Mexican Bay and the Caribbean Sea. The territory of the peninsula is divided by three states - Guatemala, Belize and Mexico. Rest in Yucatan is quite popular among tourists, especially among those who appreciate active entertainment.

Description of Mexico resorts

The concept of "Resorts of Mexico" includes many delightful places. This is the Pacific Coast of the country, and the coast of the Caribbean Sea (or the Mexican Gulf), with the Belopescian Beach of the Yucatan Peninsula, where the largest tourist city of Cancun, with fashionable hotels on the coast of Riviera - Maya.
Beach holidays in Mexico, the resorts of which are located across the entire coastline of the country, is available year-round in a variety of corners, from the Atlantic coast, to Pacific.
Pacific Resorts Mexico, the most famous of which are the cheerful Acapulco and the hospitable Puerto Vallarta, are famous for 24-hour fun. Luxury lovers stop stopping here, because Kaleta's beaches and a gallery on La Roqueta are considered private zone Rest, where the price of accommodation in luxury club hotels is quite high.
Mexico resorts in the Pacific Ocean - Masatlan and Watulko attract windsurfing lovers, fishing, underwater and traditional hunting, as well as hiking excursions in scenic places
Other popular mexico resorts are tested by extremes - surfingists and diving. Especially Riviera Sailorrit, Merida, La Paz, Playa del Carmen and Escondito Poker. And the island of Cozumel at the Atlantic coast is known for the most exciting diving.
Mexico Beach Resorts - Playa del Carmen, Isle Mucheres, Los Cabos, as well as the quiet California Bays prefer romantics, seeking a calm and measured rest.
Puebla, Guadalajara, Mazatlan, Chopul, Tijuana, Campeche and other cities Resorts Mexico are interesting to connoisseurs of historical attractions, ancient Pyramids of Indians and existing natural reserves.
Recreation facilities in Mexico at any time of the year affordable by price, attract tourists and enthusiastically with their contrast and unusualness.

International tourism in the Mexican States is developing rapid pace. More recently, no remarkable fishing villages become known all over the world as the best resorts Mexico. But how do Mexico deserve such recognition? And how among their many choose the most suitable for yourself and your family? What time of year it is worth come to the rest at the resort of Mexico, and what months it is better to refrain from traveling?

Mexican states can boast their beautiful geographical position: On the one hand, the Pacific Ocean and the California Bay, on the other - the Mexican Bay and the Caribbean Sea. The coast is famous for their endless snow-white beaches, and the tropical climate makes Mexico resorts to the favorite holiday destination millions of tourists from all over the world. Here you can find the resort for every taste: shallow, calm waters for recreation with children, huge waves For lovers of extreme surfing, stunning coral reefs for diving fans, beaches with ruins of Indian and Spanish cities for connoisseurs of antiquities.

The most popular resorts with developed infrastructure are located on the Pacific coast (, Santa Cruz, Cabo San Lucas) and on the banks of the Caribbean on the Yucatan Peninsula (, Maja Riviera).

The best resorts in the Caribbean

From the end of the last century, the main competition of Mexican resorts in the Pacific coast began to make up the quick-growing resorts of the Caribbean. And it is not surprising, because snow-white beaches, beautiful coral reefs, wild jungle and the mysterious cities of the ancient Indians are just some attractions of this region.

Resort Cancun

Undoubtedly, it takes a leading position among Mexican resorts on the Yucatan Peninsula. It is located at the very east of the peninsula. It is very easy to get to it, as near the international airport with the same name is nearby. Many flights from Moscow are sent by transit to Cancun.

Although Cancun began to develop quite recently, today this is the resort capital of Mexico. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people come here, mainly from the United States. But and also russian tourists Cancun is gaining increasing popularity. Kankun's sights: El Embarkadero Amusement Park, La Isla Oceanarium, Water Park, as well as the ruins of the ancient Mayan cities El Meko, Temple Pok Ta Po, Yamil Lum.

Cancun snow-white beaches are drawn to many kilometers. Here, in the so-called "hotel zone", the most hotels are located, as well as many shops, clubs and restaurants. Tourists can spend a great time and shopping, without leaving the "hotels zone." The most visited beaches: Linda, Langness, Pearl, Dolphin Beach, Torchuhas.

A special advantage of Cancun is that many are sent from this city. excursion tours By the sights of Yucatan. From Cancun easy to get into, etc.

Resort Playa del Carmen

This is not huge resort Megapolis With hundreds of hotels, but a quiet and cozy town on the banks of the Caribbean. It is located in the north-east of Yucatan Peninsula in the Mayan Riviera area.

The main thing is its dignity - delightful beaches with snow-white sand and wooden pirs, far away in the sea. There are several beaches here: Paamul, Paraiso and Playakar.

- place included in many tourist routes From Cancun. This is not an ordinary resort, and the port city of Maya Indians with well-preserved ancient buildings. In that picturesque place A lot of films and serials about pirates were filmed. Tulum is located in the north of Yucatana 80 km from Playa del Carmen.

Among the main attractions of Tulum, the ruins of the ancient protective wall of the city can be distinguished, the temple of the frescoes, the temple of the descending God, the Temple of the Wind.

Beach Tulum is recognized as one of the cleanest in Mexican states. Among the most popular Beach Beach Maya, Boca, Santa PE, Palm Beach. These places are not so filled with tourists, as in Cancun or Playa del Carmen. Therefore, those who are looking for privacy and tranquility will appreciate Tulum in dignity.

Here come from all over the world not only to sunbathe and swim in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean. Sea depths make in themselves delicious treasures of flora and fauna, so diving is the most favorite activities of tourists.

The delicious island of Cozumel is located 20 km from the eastern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula. Almost all the territory of the island is a reserve and is protected by the state.

Cozumel attracts primarily diving lovers. It is here that the second barrier reef begins with an incredibly rich animal and floral world. Amazing underwater caves stretch on a lot of kilometers and still not investigated until the end.

Snow-white quiet beaches and emerald jungle make Cozumel truly by a paradise island.

Resorts Mexico on the Pacific Ocean

Many attracted rest in Mexico on the shores of the Besleless Pacific. Unlike the resorts of the United States, the weather and temperature of the water in the ocean here is warm, nature enchants with its diversity, and the prices for accommodation in hotels and entertainment are significantly lower. By tradition, many residents of the United States and Europe come here to spend their long-awaited vacation.

Resort Acapulco

Back in the middle of the 20th century, he was considered the resort leader from the stars of American Hollywood. Scroll in famous films and serials, Acapulco still remains one of the most visited resorts of Mexican states.

Acapulco is located on the southern Pacific Ocean of Mexico. From October to April, it rains here practically do not fall out, and the air temperature is +28 degrees Celsius. This is the right time for comfortable holiday. Such weather will be especially appreciated by those who are tired of strong frosts and snow landscapes in their homeland.

Acapulco can offer a wide variety of entertainment for various people, accommodation in the most fashionable hotels with 5 * status or economy-class hostels. Attractions deserve attention botanical Garden, Rock La Cuebrda, San Diego Fortress, Acapulco Water Park, Catholic Cathedral on main Square cities. Especially popular use "Palm Sil" - natural ReserveIn which huge stones with ancient mysterious drawings were found, petroglyphs. BUT night life Acapulco with its restaurants, clubs and shows made the city known far beyond Mexico.

Well, of course, Acapulco is famous for its beaches. The most famous of them are Kaleta, Conde, Caletilla and Cousta. At the end of the last century, Acapulco began to lose its former attractiveness due to the contamination of coastal waters and beaches. The authorities of the city, alarmed by a noticeable decline in the influx of holidaymakers, began to seriously clean the resort from pollution. Now it is quite a well-kept, prosperous tourist center.

The resort is located 330 km from Guadalajara on the shore of Banderas Bay. There is still since the mid-19th century. At first it was nothing noticeable fishing settlement. And when in 1964, the famous American film "Night Iguana" was filmed on his picturesque shores, a quiet resort town began to gain popularity. Nowadays, Puerto Vallarta is considered one of the most expensive tourist centers Mexican states. Gorgeous hotels, cottages and villas for the richest and famous people Not only Mexico, but also around the world.

The main attractions of Puerto Vallarta are a botanical garden with exotic plants and birds, Rio Kouule Island with art exhibitions of famous painting masters, Church of Guadeloupe with the Village Queen of Mexico Carlota.

Sunny beaches stretch on a lot of kilometers on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, here are more than 40. Olas Atlas, Dha Los Muertos, Las Animas. Among the water entertainment: fishing, diving, swimming with a mask and a tube, yacht riding, surfing and much more.

This beach zone is about 40 km long is located on the Peninsula Lower California between resort cities San Hose Del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas. Tourists from the United States and Canada are preferred here.

Vacationers are waiting for all sorts of entertainment in the waters of the Pacific, such as diving with aqualung in coral reefs, swimming in a pirate vessel, fishing, surfing, etc. In addition, from January to April here you can see whales, which during this period are suitable especially close to the shore.

Los Cabos is famous for its golf courses and is considered one of the most popular tourist centers among the connoisseurs of this elite sport.

Those who prefer extreme species Rest, can take a walk on an SUV in the desert slopes of the California Peninsula. Lower California is famous for the tremendous variety of species growing on it cacti, 85% of which are no longer found anywhere on the planet.

The beaches of this tourist zone attract tourists a variety of landscapes. For example, the beach of Costa Azul became famous among surficists with his high waves. The beach was chosen chosen divers and fans of snorkeling. And surprising beautiful beach Palmilla was very loved by masters of painting and photo art. It is worth noting that the beaches of Los Cabos are recognized as one of the cleanest resort beaches of the world and for it received the Blue Flag award.

One of the main attractions of Cabo San Lucas has become a rock in the form of Arch, located in the midst of the ocean. Once at the age of 7, during a strong low voltage, the bottom under the arch is taken off and you can go on it. During the rest of the time, tourists like swimming under the arch on the vessel and admire it with stunning beauty.

In the resorts of Mexico, the weather throughout the year pleasing to the rest of the warm air and water temperature in the sea. Although the weather can be very unstable, this region is characterized by a change of two seasons: the arid and rainy season.

In the winter months, the air warms up to + 28c afternoon and up to + 23c at night. Winter is the dry period of the year, so there is no stubborn humidity.

March and April - two very comfortable months for recreation with children when there are practically no waves on the sea. Air temperature is about + 29C.

In May, the direction of waves begins to change, rare precipitation falls out. The temperature rises to + 31c.

Summer in Mexico is the rainy season with the highest temperature indicators during the day to + 36c.

September - the most rainy month of the year. Temperature on a sunny day to + 32c, in a cloudy about + 20c. This is not the most suitable month for traveling to Mexico resorts.

Mid-October and November - the beginning spa seasonWhen tourists from Russia appear increasingly. During the day, warm to + 28c, in the evening and at night cool to + 23c.

Mexico resorts - much better fly

The choice of the resort of Mexico, of course, is not the lungs. After all, advertising prospectuses look so attractive and tempting, that I want to visit certainly at all popular resorts. Perfect if someone has such an opportunity. But usually, even if tourists are not limited to means, at least in time. What will help determine the choice?

The resorts on the Pacific coast and the resorts of the Caribbean have a lot of general: the infrastructure, beautiful beaches, amazing beauty and attractions, a rich underwater world are well developed here.

Of course, each resort has its own characteristics. For example, where the Pacific resorts are located on the California Peninsula, the area is deserted, with rare vegetation, but the beaches are characterized by special purity. Yucatan is famous for the thicks of the jungle, the ancient Indian cities of Maya, many sensations and paradise islands Nearby. It turns out that which choice of tourists will do, they will not be disappointed. Mexican resorts will certainly give a lot of the most pleasant and unforgettable impressions.

See also: