The best beaches of Mexico on the Caribbean Sea. Beach holiday in Mexico

In which vacationers are waiting for gorgeous sandy beaches, unusual bright cities and mysterious pyramids. Mexican resorts can be chosen on any, the most arrogant taste.

Many, having arrived here for the first time, can not get rid of the feeling that they were already here. And it is not surprising. After all, many have seen numerous commercials who were filmed in these paradise places. Coconut palms, clean and warm sea water, snow-white sand and gentle sun - all this can be found on the coasts of Mexico.

Why do many choose rest in Mexico?

Mexico is a paradise corner of the Earth, where first-class resorts, tropical nature and five star hotels are concentrated on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe planet. Every year, a huge number of tourists choose this particular country to the place of your holiday.

Mexico is a holiday on the best coasts of Riviera Maya and Cancuna, these are monuments of ancient civilizations, this is diving and fishing, tequila, surfing, disco, Mexican cuisine. In this, all Mexico, where smells, tastes, paints - everything is bright, juicy and clean. Only and have time to enjoy.

This is a country with a motley mixture of three cultures: Caribbean, Indian and Spanish. Mexico entails tourists with an interesting culture, history, exotic kitchen, amazing architecture. But most of the tourists come here because of the amazing coast.

General characteristics of beaches Mexico

According to Mexican legislation, all beaches are state ownership, therefore, they are public.

Such sights of the country are divided into two large groups: Caribbean coast and Pacific coast.

The beaches of the Caribbean coast are known for their white sand, warm sea. Most of them are protected by reefs. This is cancun.

The beaches of the Pacific coast are famous for surfing lovers. In addition, they are striking the beauty of their waters and huge waves.

Colorite Mexico is the ability to combine rest on the beach and excursions to the ruins of the ancient Indian cities. For example, the resort Tulum combines these unique features. Not far from him is the famous resort complex that is considered to be the center of Riviera Maya.

Near Riviera is located the world famous Cancun resort, which offers nightclubs, hotels and beautiful beaches. Next to this resort is the island of women, which is enveloped by romantic legends and legends.

Lovers of solitary calm holiday The beaches of the Pacific Coast are suitable: Punta de Mita, Los Cabos, Huatulko, Costa Alegre. There are also places for surf lovers: Puerto Escondido and Oaksaka. And of course, the pearl of the Pacific coast - Acapulco, the most visited resort of the country.

All Beaches Mexico are free, public, sandy. On the territory of any of them posted numerous cafes and restaurants that offer to taste unique Mexican dishes with abundance of acute chili peppers and local spices.

The main component of all coarse Mexico is the safety of bathing. Many of them are in the zone open seaAnd this creates the risk of underwater flows. Here, a system of alerts of vacationers about weather conditions was adopted:

  • black or red flag - mean a danger, you can not swim with them;
  • yellow flag - indicates changing weather conditions, care must be taken;
  • green - normal conditions, swimming is allowed;
  • white - excellent conditions, you can engage in any kind of water entertainment.

According to holidaymakers and tourists who leave the Internet reviews, the best beaches of Mexico are: Cancun, Acapulco, Los Cabos, Cozumel, Riviera Maya beaches, hidden beach, Puerto Vallarta beaches.


The most popular resort of Mexico, which is among the top ten most popular resorts of the world. It is located on the Yucatan Peninsula on Sandy Spit and is famous for its white sandy beaches, transparent sea water and tropical exotic plants.

The resort is littered with first-class hotels and hotels. The recreational season here is year-round, the difference in the temperatures of the winter and summer period is only a few degrees.

Cancun consists of two parts: the city center and the hotel area. Locals live in the center, the hotel area is built only for holidaymakers and tourists. There are more than 50 five-star hotels in the area. It also built fitness centers and sports complexes, nightclubs and discos, as well as other entertainment facilities of the resort area.

The sandy spit on which Cancun is located is divided into two components: short and long. The sea in the first part is calm and quiet. The coast of the long part of the braid is not protected from the ocean. Therefore here round year Waves.


Another world famous resort of Mexico - Acapulco. It was at this resort that a huge number of beach TV shows and romantic commercials was removed and removed. Acapulco is located near the capital of Mexico. Therefore, this resort is considered purely Mexican. Soft warm climate, sandy beaches, transparent water Lagun is all the resort of Acapulco. The bay is one of the most beautiful bays of the world.

In addition, Acapulco is a city with a centuries-old history. In 1530, Spanish courts were built here. Acapulco in the 16th century was the second important port of the newly open territory.

Acapulco and Cancun are the most the oldest resorts of the country. But world fame, the resort of Acapulco acquired only since the beginning of the 60s, when Mexican beaches began to attend Hollywood stars. This is a favorite resort of Robert de Niro and Madonna. He was the most favorite place to rest Marilyn Monroe and other celebrities.

Acapulco is a night resort. Nights of carnivals and entertainment that continue until dawn. But besides such a life, the resort is known for a huge number of small beaches, often with isolated bays and hidden shores, where you can swim in silence in solitude, far from the bustle of large cities.

Los Cabos.

Los Cabos is an elite young and expensive resort of the country. Resting here come mostly rich Americans. There are practically no local residents here. Los Cabos is famous for snow-white hotels, exotic nature, fishing and diving.

Elevate golf courses are equipped here, organized on the jeeps in the Safari desert, you can do any kind. water sports. In addition, there are unique sand and coral reefs. In any hotel you can buy a tour of the first-class marine fishing: Fish Sail, Marlin, black perch. From January to April from the shore, you can watch whales that go here in the bay.


The largest coral island of Mexico. Almost all the territory of the island is national Reserve. The resort is unique that the whole island is drowning in the jungle, a lot on the beach of fishing huts, and the ruins of Maya civilization are preserved.

Famous resort and its underwater world. This is one of the largest coral reefs (length of it under water about 700 kilometers), is inferior in magnitude only to the large coral reef of Australia. This resort is very loved by divinggists, both professionals and amateurs. In addition, the best and dangerous diving areas of the world are located here - the multi-kilometer underwater caves of Santa Rosa and Punta Sur.

The underwater world of the resort has about 700 species of reptiles, 220 species of amphibians, 200 types of tropical fish. At the depth of divers, in full swing can enjoy the beauty of landscapes and test themselves from a professional point of view.

Maja Riviera Beaches

On the coast of Riviera Maya are 6 beaches. Each of them has its own highlight and its unusual flavor: Merma, Akumal, Tulum, Sian Kaan, Boca Paul, Puerto Morelos.

Merma is the beach of the coast of Yucatan, from the border with Belize to the Cancun resort. Turquoise water and sandy white beaches, calm warm sea water, jungle hectares. It is very beautiful resort World.

Akamul is two beaches: one in the Gulf of Half Mouong Bai, the second in the bay of Akumal Bai. The coast with water turquoise color, very calm water, but with a rich underwater world. The resort attracts the opportunity to swim with turtles.

Tulum - Snow Whole Sand, Maja fortifications ruins, turquoise water - one of best beaches Mexico. Here you can easily combine bathing and sunbathing on the coast with a visit to the ruins of an ancient settlement.

Sian Kaan is the beach of the biosphere reserve. It is a continuation of the spa complex Tulum. The coast is isolated by mangrove thickets. Suitable for secluded rest and communicating with nature.

Boca Paul is one of the romantic beaches of Mexico, where tropical idyll is combined with marine beauty. Not far from the coast is the Cottage of Boca Pile - one of the best for fishing. In addition, there are first-class services and comfortable rooms.

Puerto Morelos is a fishing village. It is famous for its secluded beach. It is very wide, not crowded with rest. The perfect place to relax and swim in clean, transparent, calm water. Favorite place divers. Reefs are removed from the shore of 500 meters. Lovers of underwater depths to reefs deliver local fishermen.

Hidden beach

The shores of a small island in the Pacific is located

It is located inside the cliffs of one of the islands of Mariet's archipelago and reminds a large swimming pool, knocked out in an open top cave. It is called "hidden", as the walls of the cliffs are blown away the beach from the outside world.

It is perfect for lovers, and originally called "Love Beach" in Mexico. it unique place Thanks to the Internet, it became famous for the whole world.

Amazing imagination and wealth of the underwater world. Here lives more than a hundred species of fish. You can meet the rods, sea turtles, octopuses, dolphins, humpback whales.

The easiest way to get to the island of Mariet and the hidden Beach Mexico is to join the excursion. it boat trip Along the Mariet archipelago, which includes a visit to the romantic seaside.

Beaches Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Puerto Vallarta is a resort city located on the coast of Banderas Bay. The city was founded in 1851. Today, his vintage buildings harmoniously coexist with modern ultra-fashioned hotels.

The resort lots like diving lovers, water sports, fishing and windsurfing.

On the coast of Puerto Vallarta there is about ten beaches. The most popular of them: Destiladeras and La Manzanilla. They are famous for the large number of vacationers and developed tourist infrastructure. But the most popular - Los Muertos Beach. He is the largest at the resort and is located near the Old Town.

Internet Pespit with numerous reviews about Mexico beaches. Tourists who visited this country note that all seats for recreation are very picturesque, water is clean and transparent. There is also an opportunity to combine beach rest with cultural. In addition, there is a paradise for diving.

All resorts of Mexico with their history, ancient ruins, gastronomic exotic, turbulent nightlife, as well as the quiet romantic coasts and lagoons, attract millions of tourists every year. Mexico is ideal for a romantic honeymoon or rest with children, and just for an unforgettable vacation alone.

Beautiful and exquisite corner of the planet, washed by waters Caribbean And the Mexican Bay from the East, the California Bay and the Safety Ocean from the West, full of sacraments and attracts numerous tourists who immediately fascinate the resorts of Mexico. There are various legends about this country, and its historical heritage, folded for three thousand years opens to tourists the great and mysterious Maja civilization with the ruins of the once prosperous city of Ushmal, the pyramid of the Sun in the mysterious Teotihuakan, founded in 1582 and many other interesting places. A unique opportunity to see all with their own eyes provides a trip to Mexico. This state is associated with architectural monuments and stormy vegetation, stunning sea landscapes and snow-white beaches, and Mexico resorts provide travelers the opportunity to enjoy every minute of stay in this fertile region. Huge prospects for excellent tourists opens a trip to Mexico. They can visit the Caribbean coast with the Stokilometer resort area of \u200b\u200bRiviera Maya and in Cancun, consisting of the top five spa places, or visit the capital of entertainment - Acapulco, where the entire tourist life is concentrated, or relax in the prestigious Los Cabos. This is only a small tolik of what Mexico offers for its guests. Delightful beaches of Mexico attract tourists, and this country does not defeat interest all year round. Unique beach holidays in Mexico and acquaintance with the rich world of flora and fauna, exciting excursions, allowing to get in touch with a rich and mysterious history, as well as much more worthy of attention. Scheduled to go to Mexico, the traveler enters an amazing country, which provides all the conditions for memorable and unique rest. A surprisingly contrasting country in which beautiful resorts are located in Mexico, welcoming its guests. In this wonderful corner of the planet, removed from the European continent, there is everything at the highest level. The best resorts of Mexico will delight with excellent hotels, where guests are provided with an excellent service. The Pacific coast will delight holidaymakers with a wonderful resort area with the world famous Acapulco. In a beautiful bay, surrounded by hills and washed turquoise waters, unforgettable pleasure gets amateurs active restHe is provided by the beaches of Mexico. Choosing for vacation The best resorts of Mexico, tourists guaranteed a paradise vacation under the gentle sun, on snow-white beaches, surrounded by coconut palms and clean water. Around the coast are the resorts of Mexico, which can rightly be called the best with their beautiful parks and numerous entertainment institutions. This is I. famous cancun, And the new Los Cabos, which is characterized by a chic and expensive relaxing. A tourist can go to Mexico where excellent conditions are expected in the cozy Primorsky Puerto Vallarta in Banderas Bay, providing a relaxed atmosphere and a unique coast with rocks in the rocks, or choose a pretty young resort area - Riviera Maya, known as the best place For family I. children's holiday, as well as large Island Cozumel with a huge coral reef of 700 km.

Mexico (Mexican United States) is the country of the North American continent. The Pacific Ocean and the California Bay wash the shores of Mexico in the West. Caribbean and Mexican bay rubbing their waters to the banks of Mexico in the east of the country. Mexican Bay is the largest bay of the planet Earth with an area of \u200b\u200b1.540 million square meters. km and coastline longer than 500 km. Mexico on land divides the border in the north and east with the United States, in the south-east - with Beliza and Guatemala. The monetary unit of the state is a mexican peso (MXN). The official language of Mexico is Spanish. In tourist zones - spoken Spanish and English, and in the outback - 59 local dialects of ethnic groups.

Visa in Mexico

Mexico is the federal republic with a population of more than 110 million people, consisting of 31 state and one federal metropolitan district. The President is the head of the Mexican United States. Since 2017, a visa to Mexico for rest for Russians is not required, and its analogue is needed - tourist permission to enter and departure from the country in electronic form (only for intersection of the border of Mexico by air). Electronic Mexican visa for citizens of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine for the purpose of a tourist trip is a specially prepared form form on the website of the National Institute of Migration. A unique code on the printed document should be placed by airline when buying a ticket to Mexico. The time of flight from Moscow to Cancun resorts is more than 13 hours. If you fly from Russia with a transplant in the Schengen countries, it is necessary to find out whether it is necessary to receive a transport visa for transplanting at airports of other countries.

The capital of the Mexican United States - Megapolis Mexico City with 16 districts, the highest population density in the world and 20 million inhabitants. international Airport name Benito Juarez - main Airport Mexico. Mexico is a country of five civilizations. Tourists will be interested to get acquainted with the myths, legends and the ancient cultures of Mexico to the times of Columbus, who left the descendants of Olmeki, forces, Maya, Teotywans, Toltec. Mexico is the unlawful capital of silver in the Tasco Mountain village. Puebla is one of the large colonial cities of the country and the culinary capital of Mexico.

Mexico is the legendary port city of the Acapulco resort, the eco-archaeological zone of Teotiuskan, the ancient Mayan pyramids, swimming in the sensation of Yucatan, the natural and cultural attractions of Yucatan Peninsula. Mexico is the incendiary rhythms of Latin America, huge dance floors in Acapulco clubs and the disco-bars of the Cancuna resort zone.

Mexico is the 35-meter La Kebrada cliff with a narrow deep gorge, as if leaving for the land of the earth, and the picturesque town of Santa Maria del Tula with the largest trees in the world in these places in these places in the world (40 meters) and the age of 2000. Divorced country of Mexico has unique natural phenomenon - Senot Yucatana. Senot is a kind of well with a transparent blue water, which was formed as a result of the collapse of the cave column. Usually in the vicinity proceeds underground River. The deep Senot of IR Kiel in Mexico with Lianami descending to the surface of the water is considered the most beautiful Karst Lake Yucatan Peninsula.

Mexican Bay, Warm Waves of the Caribbean and Explosors Pacific Ocean - Business card Mexico.

Resorts Mexico

Mexico climate is different: subtropical predominates in the north, in the south of the country - tropics. The heat meter rises above +35 s, and in the winter, seeks to mark +27 S. Mexico on the number of precipitation has several seasons: rainy (from June to September) and dry (November-April). In August and September accounted for the elements of hurricanes.

The best resorts of the Caribbean coast In Mexico:, Maja Riviera, Cozumel Island and Playa del Carmen.

Resorts on the Pacific Coast In Mexico: Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Los Cabos.

All beaches in Mexico are publicly available, free, sandy. For recreation with children, it is better to choose the resorts of Mexico with a large green area in the hotels of the chain of Princess, Iberostar, Riu in the resort of Riviera Maya or Playa del Carmen. Hotels in Cancun resort are higher than high, but with a small territory.

Resorts Mexico on the coast of the Caribbean

The resorts of Mexico are the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, where the turquoise waters of Rio Lagartos, which is considered one of the most attractive reserves of Yucatan Peninsula, can be explored on amphibious boats. Mexico is a tour to the former settlement of Maya civilization to mysteries and antiquities of Ek-Balam. The tourist object of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico is the ancient pyramids of the city of Tulum and the pagan rites of Coba. Tank Park - the most amazing entertainment For tourists and fantastically generous on the exotic nature of Mexico. Mexican Caribbean is the island of women (Isle Mucheres) with the ruins of the estate of pirates and pelicans, reserved corners Islands of the end and the island of Cozumel with his unusual diving. Mexico resorts are an acquaintance with whale sharks at Holbosh Island on an environmental excursion (from May to September). The best resort of Mexico on the coast of the Caribbean is located right in the hotel area on the spit Interactive Cancun Aquarium.

Room Cancun on eastern coast Yucatan Peninsula is a young Mexican resort who matured and pulled numerous tourists with the beaches of the Hawaiian Islands and Miami. Travelers for Exotic Mexico is important to solve what the secret of this success? In Cancun, tourists are waiting and loved. Comfortable buses with air conditioning and televisions here everywhere. Cancun International Airport meets tourists for traveling from Mexico. In the Season of Christmas holidays in Cancun, the heat is +30 C, and drifts are underway in Canada, America and Russia. which its 140 kilometer resort zone stretches along the coast of the Caribbean to the town of Tulum. The resort tourist area of \u200b\u200bRiviera Maya is extended by the coastline of the Caribbean South Cancun with excellent landscaped beaches and a whole scolder of chic 5 * and less expensive hotels with a green area. Five kilometers from entertainment settled the resort of Playa del Carmen.

Thanks to the investment in the Cancun project, here one of the most expensive resorts of Mexico was built on the site of the fishing village from zero. The hotel's room on the first coastline costs from 120 dollars. The Cancun resort is shocking with its unusual beauty and a wide sandy sideways in the form of a number 7. All tourists live in the hotel area on the spit, on both sides by the caribbean sea. The entire hotel zone can be granted from the pages of a glossy tourist booklet. High-altitude snow-white buildings of luxury hotels, luxury well-groomed beaches, littered lawns, everywhere cleanliness and order - such see Cancun tourists. The whole charm of Cancana is in the warm caribbean sea: legs themselves carry you to the affectionate wave. The sea breathes and lives its resort life as if aquamarine gemstone, who plays the sun with all the shades of blue. The rest of the cannon is poorer non-cereal areas.

Resorts Mexico on the Pacific Coast

Mexico resorts on the Pacific Coast are the birth of a majestic rest melody. Here, tourists are owned by hidden reverence in front of the mysterious power of the Pacific Ocean.

The port city of Acapulco is the resort of chic shows and night entertainment in Mexico. Tourist life Acapulco hits the key on the shores of Lagoon Peie de la Cest and sandy braid On the northern outskirts of the city, 25 km from the center of the resort. There are more than 20 wide municipal beaches for any mood.

Los Cabos represents a new prestigious resort On the coast of the Pacific Ocean. It is not so humid here as in Cancun. The resort of Los Cabos is young and slightly naive.

Capital Mexico City

Mexico City - the second after Tokyo megapolis of the world. Mexico City is the metropolitan Federal District. Mexico City - a city with special energy almost in the very center of the country. Mexico is not on the coast, but at an altitude of more than 2,200 meters above sea level in the highland valley. Mexico City - the capital of the state with the Olympic heritage.

Two Mexico City Center are the objects of the world heritage of mankind:

  • Historical - with three cultures and the area of \u200b\u200bthe Constitution;
  • Environmental Park Sochimilko (Xochimilco) on the shore of the lake of the same name with its 170 kilometer ribbon canals and floating gardens 18 km from the center.

Palace Fine arts - Visitious card Mexico City. The ultra-modern skyscrapers of Mexico, adjacent to the ancient Pyramids of Aztecs. Mexico City presents the main tourist centre countries.

The main attractions of Mexico City:

  • Squaja Square - Acquaintance with historical Center cities;
  • Tenochtitlan - Ruins ancient City and the ritual center of the Aztec;
  • Museum at the site of the Pyramid Temple Major and the place of new finds of archaeologists;
  • National Presidential Palace;
  • Chief Catholic Cathedral Mexico;
  • Anthropological Museum of Mexico City - the largest meeting of museum exhibits in Latin America and acquaintance with the Indian past countries.

Rest in Mexico gives you the opportunity to bow the time to the Columbus era and try to solve the mystery of the ghostly flame. Improvise, pull your life with new impressions of the country of Mexico and the bright colors of the Mexican summer!

A visit to the country of picturesque natural landscapes, popular soap operas and tequila for many has become a dream. At the homeland of Aztecs there is something to see and where it is pleasant to spend time - the resorts of Mexico on the Caribbean and the Pacific coast are very popular.

Resort towns of Caribbean on the map

it modern resort with well-developed infrastructure. There is a large number of , hotels, bars and restaurants. Some national parks are surrounded by Cancun.

Special admiration causes local beach. They are covered with white sand and are federal property. The entrance to the beaches is free. They are equipped with sun beds, hammocks and sun loungers. The beaches are conditionally divided into:

  • safe (without waves);
  • extreme (with waves).

The lack of waves on the beaches is explained by the fact that there is an island on their way Isla Mucheres.

Extension safe beaches It is 10 km, and there are no submarine currents in these places.

Cancun's coast is great for recreation with children. Among best safe beaches:

  1. Pearl. This is the cleanest cancua beach. It is equipped with everything necessary and is located on the 2nd km area of \u200b\u200bthe hotel area. On the beach there are cafes, restaurants and a seating area in the shade;
  2. Langust. The most visited and well-equipped resort beach. Is located on the 5th km of the Kukulkan Boulevard;
  3. Linda. Enjoy popular with lovers of outdoor activities. Located near S. entertainment center El Embarcadero and Museum of Folk Art;
  4. Turtle. The sea in the area of \u200b\u200bthis beach has a turquoise color. On the beach there is an indoor flea market.

The flight time from Moscow to Cancun direct flight to 13 o'clock. Near the resort is one of the Civilization centers of Maya - Tulum. Swim at a depth with dolphins and see the beauty of the underwater world can be in National Park Shelter.

Women Island

This place is located opposite the Cancun resort. The length of the island is 8 km, and the width is 700 meters. The main attraction of the resort is Cancane underwater museum. The island received its name because of the large number of statues of the goddesses, which were once on it.

In the north of the island there are sandy beaches, and in the south a rocky rolling coast. You can get to the island on ferrywhich are departed from different berths and beaches from 1 to 9 km Cancun.

All restaurants, shops and hotels are located on the street, which is single At the resort.

Riviera Maya.

From Cancun to Tulum along the Caribbean stretches stokilometer coastal stripwhich was named by Riviera Maya. Along its length, there are resorts that are very popular with European tourists. The most visited from them:

The best resorts on the Pacific Coast: Where is it better to rest?

Pacific resorts of the country represent her West Coast. Its length is several thousand kilometers. Many of the best resorts located in this part of Mexico are well known to the Russians on numerous serials that enjoyed popular in zero years.


To the development of Cancun, like the resort, Acapulco was considered tourist capital countries. This restroom loves politics, stars of show business, film and theater. Here you can rent a luxury villa or apartments overlooking the ocean.

Translated the name of the resort means "The place in which the big reed is growing".

Extreme lovers entertained themselves in Acapulco jumping into the water with rocks La Cabrada. Tourists who are fond of history, discover the fortress of San Diego for themselves. It was built in the city in 1616. There are many clubs, restaurants in the city, there is a water park and a chic botanical park.


One of the largest ports On the Pacific Ocean. The resort is actively developing and should become the best in Mexico in the near future. More than 400 thousand people live in the city, and the main source of income of which is tourism.

Here are the most extended beaches of the country. Surficists have popularity beaches Playa Otas Altas.. It is called a high wave beach.

The largest number of bars and restaurants can be found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe beaches of the Stone Island.

Next to Masatlan is located nature ParkTitled Hochlata Coyki \u200b\u200bReserve.


In this resort area there are 9 bays and 42 sandy beachMore than these beaches are wild. All of them are very clean.

This place is popular among local residents and canadians. Most flights from foreign countries Arrives here from Vancouver.

The resort is considered to be silent and sunny Place in Mexico. There is a city surrounded by surprisingly picturesque hills and rocks. To its shores come cruise linersAnd also here they prepare the most delicious Mojito country.

The main chip of local hotels - Fish Restaurants. In order to stay at the Whitulko Hotel, you need to book rooms in advance.

You can make it using this search form. Enter city \u200b\u200bname, check-in and Departure Dates, as well as number of guests.

Los Cabos.

The resort is famous for its white sandy beaches, virgin desert and rocky cliffs. On the coast of 20 magnificent beaches. One of them, palmia Beach., Especially popular with photographers.

The most famous Los Cabos Beach - China. Next to him is an amazing beauty reef. The beach is perfectly equipped and has a well-developed infrastructure.

From June to December, turtles sailed on the beaches of Los Cabos. In the sands, they lay eggs and bring their offspring.

Cape San Lucas

The resort is considered the best on the peninsula. Water in Cabo-San Lucas bay has an amazing azure color. The city itself is similar to the American Anclav in the country. Almost 90 foreign tourists arrive at the resort from English-speaking countries.

This is a modern resort with a well-developed infrastructure. On his coast, you can not only sunbathe, but also to engage in surfing, sports fishing and diving.

Beach holiday in Mexico

According to the existing legislation in Mexico, all the beaches of the country belong to the state or hotels. Almost all of them are protected by reefs and divided into three zones: The coast of the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

Best beaches - Photo

All beaches are located in the picturesque lagoons and bays. Some of them are completely protected from the waves. The best beaches of the country include:

Also among the best included the above-described snow-white beach Canowa. All of them are protected from waves and are perfectly suitable for recreation with children.

Nudist areas of recreation

Find a secluded beach for Mexico is no difficulty. The best of them is the beach of the hotel. Hidden. Beach Resort. . This is not just a beach, but a luxurious nudist resort, located an hour's drive from Cancun Airport.

Initially, Hidden Beach Resort Au Naturel Club 5 * was built as a place for intimate rest.

Hidden Beach is a member nudist holiday associations. Throughout the resort, you can walk in Adam and Eve costumes.

See review of Mexico's resort zones in this video:

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