Foreign Europe - countries and capital. List of Western European countries and their capital how many countries and their capital

How many capitals of European states can be the adult man? Without prior preparation, perhaps no more than twenty. Not everyone will be able to grant the full list of capitals of European states. Total forty four. This article presents the capital of European states in alphabetical order.

Small joining

Before calling the capital of the European state, which in our list ranks first, it is worth saying that cities can be classified according to various features. And in the area, and in terms of population, and by age. But in this article we will not give preference to any city. All of them will be called exclusively in alphabetical order. About the capitals european cities You can tell a lot, but below is only a brief information.

On "a"

Amsterdam is the capital of the European state of the Netherlands. The exact date of the foundation is unknown, but the first information about the city belongs to the beginning of the 13th century. In the 14th century, Amsterdam became a major shopping center.

Andorra La Vella - the main and most big City Countries called Andorra. A little more than 20 thousand people live here and there are interesting architectural monuments created in the Middle Ages.

What city is the capital of Greece? Even a child will answer this question. Athens is a city where the government is sitting in which, according to legend, is everything.

On "b"

Belgrade - the capital of the European state, based earlier than Berlin, Paris and others famous cities. Under modern title First mentioned in the ninth century.

European states and their capitals have a lot. But there is a city, in the stories of which there is an incredible fact. For several decades, it was divided into two parts by a high wall. This is the city of Berlin.

What is the name of the capital of the state in which they produce the best chocolate and cheese? Berne! And this is perhaps one of the most picturesque cities in the world. However, the one is called below, is not inferior to him in the beauty of urban landscapes.

In the center of Europe there is a city that was once the capital of Hungary, he heads Slovakia today. This is a Bratislava.

Capital of Belgium - small city With a difficult story - Brussels. About 150 thousand people live here. At the same time, in ethnic terms, the population is quite different.

Budapest is based at the end of the XIX century. This is the largest city of Hungary.

In Bucharest, the main events in the cultural economic life of Romania occur. Its population is 180 thousand people.

On "in"

There is a very tiny country in Europe, which speaks exclusively on german language. She received independence in the sixties of the XIX century. In the capital of this state - Vaduts - there are only five and a half thousand people.

Valletta is the economic and political center of Malta.

Warsaw is an old European city, which was almost fully destroyed During the terrible war of the 20th century.

The name of which capital is consonant with the name of the state in which it is located? Of course, the Vatican.

What city are the most famous musical festivals? Of course, in the Austrian capital - in Vienna.

And finally, what kind of Baltic city begins on "in"? You can call such a lot. But only one of them is the capital. This is Vilnius.

From "g" to "l"

Most. big city Of those are located on the island of Ireland, is Dublin. And the largest in Croatia - Zagreb. In the picturesque shores of Dnipro, ancient majestic Kiev was spread. And on the river Bull, flowing into the Dniester - Chisinau. Cultural, government and economic center of Denmark is Copenhagen. Capital of Portugal - Lisbon.

Even schoolchildren, for whom geography - the most hated subject, know that the main city in the country, so often called Misty Albion, is London. But they are unlikely to be able to answer the question of where the main political and economic institutions of Slovenia are located. And they are concentrated everything in Ljubljana. Another capital, whose name coincides with the name of the state - Luxembourg.

From "M" to "O"

In the central part of the Pyrenean Peninsula is Madrid - main city Country Corrida and Flamenco. A. southeast Slope of Minsk Honeycomb It is Minsk, founded in the tenth century. The next point in this long list comes the capital of the largest state in the world. It is sometimes called white, although in architectural ensembleLocated in the center, completely different shades prevail. Just like Rome, it stands on seven hills. Of course, this is Moscow. And after her, in our list it follows the largest Norwegian city - Oslo.

From "P" to "x"

Eiffel Tower, Marso Field, Sena River - All these are symbols of Paris. And what associations do people occur when he hears the name of the Montenegrin capital? If he was in Podgorica, then maybe recall the Cathedral Church or the Palace Complex of the King Nikola I Petrovich-Nesha. But the symbols of Prague is considered to be the Cathedral of St. Vita, Charles Bridge and the Powder Tower.

Among the European capitals there is the one whose name in Russian can be translated as a "smoking bay." This is Reykjavik, a city located on the Sertiadarnarne Peninsula. Political Center of Latvia - Riga. And the capital of Italy is called the name of the once powerful empire, Motherland Julia Caesar: Rome.

San Marino is the capital of the state of the same name. Sarajevo - Political and Economic Center of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Skopje is the birthplace of the famous Mother Teresa and the capital of Macedonia. And what can be said about the Swedish capital? A few decades ago most of the inhabitants of our country associated this city with self-confident carlson. Today, Russian citizens own deeper knowledge of the Stockholm culture.

Our list came to an end. It remains to call only three cities. It is about the capitals of Estonia, Albania and Finland. Political, economic and cultural centers These states are Tallinn, Tirana and Helsinki, respectively.

Europe is a part of the world, which, together with another part of Light Asia, forms a single mainland - Eurasia. On its extensive territory there are 44 independent states. But not all of them are part of Foreign Europe.

Foreign Europe

In 1991, the International CIS organization was established (the Commonwealth of Independent States). Today it includes the following states: Russia, Ukraine, Republic of Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. In relation to them, countries of foreign Europe are allocated. They are numbering 40. This figure does not include dependent states - ownership of a state, which are formally not its territory: Akrotili and Decoleia (United Kingdom), Alands (Finland), Guernsey (United Kingdom), Gibraltar (United Kingdom), Jersey (United Kingdom ), Man Island (United Kingdom), Faroe islands (Denmark), Svalbard (Norway), Jan Mayen (Norway).

In addition, there are no unrecognized countries in this list: Kosovo, Transnistria, Siland.

Fig. 1 Map of Foreign Europe

Geographical position

The States of Foreign Europe occupy a relatively small area - 5.4 km2. The length of their lands from north to south is 5000 km, and from west to east - more than 3000 km. Extreme point In the north is the island of Spitsbergen, and in the south - the island of Crete. This region Surrounded by seas from three sides. In the west and south it is washed by waters Atlantic Ocean. Geographically foreign Europe is divided by regions:

  • Western : Austria, Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, France, Switzerland;
  • North : Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Estonia;
  • South : Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican, Greece, Spain, Italy, Macedonia, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro;
  • Eastern : Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic.

From ancient times and on the day today, the development of Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Great Britain, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, the Netherlands is inextricably linked with the sea. In the West, it is difficult to find a place that would be removed from water by more than 480 km, and in the east - 600 km.

general characteristics

Foreign European countries differ in size. Among them allocate large, medium, small and "dwarf" states. The latter includes the Vatican, San Marino, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Malta. As for the population population, it is mainly possible to observe countries with a small amount of citizens - about 10 million people. In the form of state reign, the overwhelming majority of countries in the republic. In second place - constitutional monarchies: Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Luxembourg, Monaco, Denmark, Spain, United Kingdom, Andorra, Belgium. And at the last step in the singular - theocratic monarchy: Vatican. Heterogeneous and administrative-territorial device. Most include unitary states. Spain, Switzerland, Serbia, Montenegro, Germany, Austria, Belgium - countries with a federated device.

Fig. 2 developed countries in Europe and their capital

Socio-economic classification

In 1993, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe association of Europe received a new breathing: this year the agreement was signed on the establishment of the European Union. At the first stage, some countries opposed the entry into the ranks of such an association (Norway, Sweden, Austria, Finland). The total number of countries belonging to the modern EU is 28. They are united not only the name. First of all, they "profess" the overall economy (single currency), general internal and foreign policy, as well as security policies. But inside this alliance is not so smooth and uniform. It has its own leaders - United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy. It is for them about 70% of the aggregate GDP and more than half of the population of the European Union. Next follows small countries that are divided into subgroups:

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  • First : Austria, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden;
  • Second : Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Malta, Cyprus;
  • Third (developing countries): Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia.

In 2016, a referendum was held in the UK from the EU country. Most (52%) expressed "for". So, the state stands on the threshold of a complex process of exiting a large "European family".

Fig. 3 Rome - the capital of Italy

Foreign Europe: countries and capital

The following table provides a list of countries and capitals of foreign Europe in alphabetical order:



Territorial device

Political system



Andorra La Vella





A constitutional monarchy




Bosnia and Herzegovina



Theocratic monarchy




Great Britain


A constitutional monarchy








A constitutional monarchy









A constitutional monarchy











































San Marino.

San Marino.




































What did we know?

In this article we talked about the countries and the main cities of foreign Europe. Foreign Europe is Europe. What is included in his composition? It consists of all countries located in the European part of Eurasia, except the states relating to the CIS. On the territory of the foreign Europe, the European Union has been operating, which by its roof raned 28 states.

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If not to take into account dependent regions and not fully recognized states, then Europe for 2017 covers 44 states. Each of them has the capital, in which not only its administration is located, but also the highest power, that is, the government government.

In contact with

States of Europe

The territory of Europe extends from the east to the west by more than 3 thousand kilometers, and from the south to the north (from the island of Crete to the island of Svalbard) by 5 thousand kilometers. European powers in their most relatively small. With such small sizes of territories and good transport passability, these states are either tightly bordering among themselves, or separated by very few distances.

The European continent is integrated into parts:

  • western;
  • eastern;
  • north;
  • south.

All powersThe European Continent belongs to one of these territories.

  • In the Western region there are 11 countries.
  • In East - 10 (including Russia).
  • Northern - 8.
  • In South - 15.

We list all the countries of Europe and their capital. The list of countries and the capitals of Europe is divided into four parts, respectively, by the territorial and geographical position of the powers on the world map.


List of states related to Western Europe, with a list of major cities:

The states of Western Europe are washed mainly by the flows of the Atlantic Ocean and only in the north of the Scandinavian Peninsula borders with the waters of the ocean of the Northern Iceit. In general, these are highly developed and prosperous powers. But they stand out unfavorable demographic situation. This is a low birth rate and low natural growth in residents. In Germany, there is even a decline in the population. All this led to the fact that the developed Western Europe began to play the role of the subregion in the global population migration system, it turned into a chief focus of labor immigration.


List of states located in the eastern zone of the European continent and their capital:

Eastern European States have a lower level of economic development than Western neighbors. But, they preserved cultural and ethnicity better. Eastern Europe is rather a cultural and historical region than geographical. Just to the eastern territory of Europe, Russian expanses can be attributed. And the Geographical Center for Eastern Europe is about within Ukraine.


The list of states belonging to Northern Europe, including the capital, looks like this:

The territories of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Yutcilia, the Baltic States, the islands of Spitsberena and Iceland are included in the northern part of Europe. The population of these edges is only 4% of the total European composition. Samoa big country The eight is Sweden, and the smallest - Iceland itself. The density of the population in these lands is less in Europe - 22 people / m 2, and in Iceland - only 3 people / m 2. This is due to the harsh conditions of the climatic zone. But economic indicators of development allocate northern Europe as the leader of the entire global economy.


And finally, the most numerous list of territories located in the southern part, and the capital of European states:

The Balkan and the Pyrenean Peninsula are occupied by these South European powers. Industry is developed here, especially black and non-ferrous metallurgy. Countries are rich in mineral resources. In agriculture, the main efforts Directed to the cultivation of food, such as:

  • grapes;
  • olives;
  • garnet;
  • date.

It is known that Spain is a leading global country to collect olives. It is here that 45% of the total olive oil in the world is produced. Spain is famous for both the most famous artists - Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro.

European Union

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a single community of European powers appeared in the middle of the twentieth century, or rather after the Second World War. The official association of the European Union countries (EU) occurred only in 1992, when this union was fastened by the legal consent of the parties. Over time, the number of participants in the European Union has expanded, and now it includes 28 allies. And the states who have the desire to join these prosperous countries will have to prove their compliance with the European storage and EU principles, such as:

  • protection of citizens' rights;
  • democracy;
  • freedom of trade in a developed economy.

EC participants

The European Union for 2017 includes such states:

There are applicants today and countries For joining this overseas community. These include:

  1. Albania.
  2. Serbia.
  3. Macedonia.
  4. Montenegro.
  5. Turkey.

On the map of the European Union, you can visually see its geography, the countries of Europe and their capital.

Provisions and prerogatives of the European Union partners

The EU has a customs policy, according to which its participants can trade with each other without duties and without restrictions. And in relation to the rest of the powers, the adopted customs tariff is valid. Having general laws, the countries of the European Union created a single market and introduced a single monetary currency - the euro. Many EU participating countries are included in the so-called Schengen zone, it makes it possible to move their citizens freely around all allies.

The European Union has a government for the participating countries, in which:

  • European Court.
  • European Parliament.
  • European Commission.
  • The audit community controlling the EU budget.

Despite the unity, european states, joined the community, have complete independence and government sovereignty. Each country enjoys its national language and has its own governments. But for all participants there are certain criteria, and they must comply with them. For example, the coordination of all important political decisions with the European Parliament.

It should be noted that since the foundation, only one power left from the European Community. It was the Danish autonomy - Greenland. In 1985, she was indignant by the raised quotas introduced by the European Union on fishing. And you can also remember the events in 2016 The referendum in the UK, when the population voted for the exit of the country from the European Union. This suggests that even in such an influential and, it seems, a stable community is brewing serious problems.

See also: