Faroe Islands in winter. History of Faroe Islands

Not everyone will be able to quickly show where the Faroe Islands on the map are exactly. At the same time, more and more tourists go there. Basically, they are attracted to the opportunity to relax from noisy resorts, bright megalopolises and urban dust.

Located in the Norwegian Sea between Iceland and the Scottish Islands of the archipelago consists of 18 islands, among which are 17 inhabited. The number of population is 48 thousand. It is noteworthy that almost half of these people lives in the capital or in her suburb. The Farier region is considered bilingual. The officials are the Danish language and Faroese, who combined various Western-Scandinavian dialects.

Today there are no direct airflets from Russia to the island. Therefore, tourists have to make a transplant in Denmark or Norway. You can pre-book before you book using the Internet. From one island to another can be reached by several types of transport, including on the ferry. Some tourists are most convenient to travel through the islands at the expense of the boat for an additional charge.

Although the Faroe Islands belong to Denmark, but it is impossible to enter their territory on a Schengen visa. Refusal to join the European Union was conscious and is connected with taxes on fishing. Therefore, in order to get to the archipelago, it is necessary to place a visa in which there will be a special mark. Special visa centers where you can follow this, there are many big cities. However, most travelers prefer the services of travel agencies. All the necessary documents are transferred to the Agency, and in the future, employees submit ready-made visas to customers.

Climatic and weather conditions

The islands are located in the central part of the warm seabed, known as Gulf Stream. Therefore, in this place a permanent offseason. During the year, the number of sunny days does not exceed 80, and all the rest of the time it rains. In addition, strong winds blow in sunny weather. The most comfortable for visiting the archipelago will be the summer months, when the sediments are rare.

On the spotlight, the climate is soft enough. The average temperature indicators for winter are approximately from 0˚ C to + 4˚C. Summer temperature - 11-17˚C. From September to January, the rainy season lasts on the islands. Next, the archipelago is immersed in a fog that does not miss the rays of the sun.

Another feature: the water near the islands is perfectly transparent, and its temperature even in winter does not fall below + 10˚C. Thanks to which ideal conditions are being created for fishing and diving in winter.


Those who prefer rest on the village pristine nature, Faroe Islands is the perfect option. Most of the territory is occupied by peatlands, meadows and mountain arrays. Numerous lakes and fjords, gorges, rocks and waterfalls will not leave anyone indifferent.

The trees on the islands are not enough, only occasionally you can see coniferous rocks, maples or mining yases. Fauna connoisseurs free time On the archipelago can devote to observation of dolphins, sea birds, whales and seals. Also on the hills of these islands is an incredibly large amount of sheep.

Sights of the Archipelago

Of course, many tourists consider the main attractions on the Farrahs beautiful mountains And the slopes with the octaras of sheep, as well as compact towns and multicolored roofs at home.

Lovers of natural attractions also appreciate the features of different islands. For example, Streyma is a paradise for fishing lovers. Here you can catch halotus, acne and even representatives of the salmon family. Naly attracts tourists to the funkys of seals, and the fugal in that millions of birds were chosen. And the Northern settlement of Skarvasnes is famous for the beautiful sea cliff called the tertlclonufing, which is in translation indicates the "Finger of Women Troll".

There are on the archipelago and a large selection of sightseeing programs. For example, it may be visiting the capital and small villages or sea walks.

The capital of Torskhavn islands is located in an incredibly picturesque area. Most of the settlement appears above the fjord, opening a delightful view of the mountains and steep rocks. Torskhavn is a very quiet city. Noisy only on the central square and at the piernes.

The main attraction of the capital - built in the XV century Monastery Munkastovani. It is noteworthy that the monastery surrounded by the stone wall is one of the few buildings who survived after a large fire that raged in the XVII century.

Many will be interested to visit Historical Museum. Among its exhibits there are ship layouts, fishing gear and agricultural tools, ranging from the time of Vikings, ending with our days. Also here you can see the items used by the locals in everyday life. There are also exhibits, valuable from a religious point of view.

Be sure to visit the house of server countries. The art gallery works there and concert hallAnd the summer evenings are conducted by study activities for guests of the archipelago.

After a walk through the park, Vidrlunn is worth going to the Art Museum to see delicious samples of painting and sculptures.

If the trip to the archipelago is in July - it is worth planning your rest so that it is necessary to be on the islands of the 28-29 numbers. During this period, local residents at the national level celebrate St. Olaf's Day. According to tradition, the celebrations include solemn religious and dance processions, art exhibitions, as well as rowing and equestrian competitions.

Gastronomic nuances

National cuisine has a close relationship with climate features on the archipelago. The two main ingredients that are used in the preparation of various dishes is lamb and fish. Gourmet, who came to the Faroe Islands, is be sure to try such local delicacies like sheep's head and whale meat. No less interesting is a Ruiskiete (meat, dried several months) and a burnt - meat, which is risted for more than a year and is used without any processing. Often, the same cooking method is used for ridden fish.

Those tourists who prefer traditional cuisine are worth ordering in the roasted lamb restaurant. You can try the dead end (this is the name of small birds), stuffed with a sweet dough, which are served with potatoes and sweet berries.

Many may surprise that rhubarb is added here everywhere. One more interesting feature - There are practically no fish stores on the islands. If the islanders want to cook fish - they themselves are caught, and after cooking serves on the table with a side dish in the form of rice or potatoes.

It is worth noting that coffee and tea are the most popular drinks on the islands. In Tea, local residents often add herbs that grow on mountain slopes. Alcoholic beverages are officially allowed from 18 years of age. However, if bright beer can be purchased everywhere, then low-alcohol drinks, strong dark beer and wines can only be bought in state stores and in restaurants that have a special license.

Lunch in the usual restaurant will cost about $ 30. In higher levels - it will already be $ 45-50. The most budget version of the snack can be found in local cafes.

Where to stay?

After arrival in the capital, you can stay in a three-star hotel. For example, it can be "Straight" or "Torskhavn". Those who love more comfortable conditions will suit "Hufnia" and "Fero". It is worth noting that all hotels in tourists are offered rooms with amenities. Airport shuttle and back, free Wi-Fi access is also provided. The cost of living in hotels begins from $ 120. Although you can get a seasonal discount.

More economical accommodation - hostel or guest house. "Bládýpi" and "Skansin" are most popular, but book numbers in them are worth a few months before arrival. Also on the islands there are mini-hotels in which you can spend the night and have breakfast. Prices for accommodation depend on the pore threshold and start from $ 80.

For tourists who prefer rest on the lap of nature, are equipped with campgrounds. Local residents are very much appreciated, therefore, the resting in the tents requires compliance with purity and thorough cleaning before leaving.

Main types of entertainment

 In coastal waters there are many species of fish. Therefore, not only indigenous people are fledging fishing, but also tourists. By the way, according to the laws, any fish can be removed from this country if its length exceeds 30 cm.

 Wreck-divers Faroe Islands are extremely interesting. After all, here you can find sunken ships. And near the island of Naly Diverham, you like to watch the seals live under water.

 To those who do not represent a full rest without nightclubs, it is worth visiting the "Rex" and "Eclipse" metropolitan. However, it should be borne in mind that only young people take 18-25 years old in the second club.

What to buy?

The most popular souvenirs are products from wool, crafts from wood and ceramics. Due to the characteristics of the climate, the islanders do not represent their lives without woolen clothing and accessories. Therefore, here you can always at an attractive price to buy a stylish sweater, a hat or gloves.

It should be borne in mind that from Monday to Thursday, most of the stores are open from 9:00 to 18:00. On Friday, the working day is often extended for another hour. But on Saturday everyone closes earlier, and Sunday is a day off.

1. The most optimal transport in order to get to the archipelago is a plane. But here there is only one international Airport - Vagar, located close to the village of Sorvagur.

2. To move around the islands, you can hire a car. It will cost no less than $ 60 per day. For rental of rental, you need to be over 20 years old, have a credit card and international driver's license.

3. Tourists who prefer preference public transportmay acquire cards with routes and traffic schedules in Steinatún's kiosks.

4. Journey to the Faroe Islands is quite expensive. But when leaving the country, if there is a check from the stores operating on the system Tax Free., You can return VAT. But only if the magazine shopping in the check exceeds $ 48.

5. On this archipelago it is not customary to leave Tips. Personnel remuneration is most often incorporated into account.

6. Catch the fish you can with a license that is sold in tourist offices. If the tourist wants to take his fishing gear, he must conduct their sanitary processing in advance.

7. The climate on the Farrahs is very variable, so it is necessary to take warm clothes and several pairs of comfortable shoes on the road.


To get a visa in Moscow, you can contact the Denmark Embassy. When you need to have:

  •  2 photos;
  •  completed questionnaire;
  •  overseas passport (its expiration period should end in at least 3 months from the expiration of the visa time) and its copy;
  •  National passport and a copy of it;
  •  Insurance policy (Sum coverage cannot be less than 30 thousand €);
  •  an extract from the bank account;
  •  Confirmation that the hotel was booked;
  •  Help from the place of work or study.

Undeservedly forgotten russian tourists The terrain with a harsh climate is located on the very edge of the world, however, holidaymakers who visited here, admit that for the sake of amazing landscapes it is worth throwing everything and go to a fascinating journey.

Lost on the edge of the Earth Corner

However, not every person will show where the Faroe Islands are located on the world map. Despite the fact that they are part of Europe, most people will not find them on the globe. Such remoteness from civilization has benefited a place lost in the Atlantic Ocean, which preserved the virgin nature and originality.

Find the Faroe Islands on the world map is quite difficult, especially those who haven't heard anything about them at all. Located between Iceland and the United Kingdom, they are located in the north of the Atlantic. Officially owned by Denmark, Feriors are a small state of 1,399 km 2. The archipelago consists of 34 municipalities, and more than 100 cities and villages are located on the islands.

Green oasis on our planet

Repeatedly Faeroe Islands, on which there are practically no trees, admitted the most pure on the planet. Emerald meadows and a unique landscape attract not only brave tourists, but also photographers, capturing the amazing beauty, which is asking for magazines.

The archipelago recognized as the most picturesque in North Atlantic is a rocky area. The steep shores are climbers and very high, but it is numerous hills that attract travelers and collectors who shoot unusual landscapes.

Descendants of Viking

It is known that the first settlements appeared on the territory where the Faroe Islands are now, in the VIII century. Initially, the Scots lived here, who soon left the edge due to the raids of the Karsannandavian warriors. Many centuries, the terrain served as a transshipment point for the Vikings, who considered that this land was very suitable for them, and their roots were put on here. Modern residents of sheep islands (namely, the name of the archipelago is translated), are the descendants of glorious heroes who inherited will and strong character from courageous ancestors. Farerians protect the ancient traditions and lead nothing like a lifestyle. They are even proud of their old-fashioned: instead of lawn mowers, they have a sheep, and the roofs of the houses of men are covered with a turf with green grass.

The population of the Faroe Islands is almost 49 thousand people. These are people who have retained a good relationship with nature and take care of her.

Whose archipelago?

In the XIX century, the lost corner, for which Denmark and Norway fought, becomes Danish. After World War II, the islands wanted to obtain independence, but the government of the Southern Scandinavian country has provided them with partial sovereignty.

So who belongs to the Faroe Islands? No researcher will give an unequivocal answer to this question. Formally, the head of the archipelago is considered to be the Queen of Denmark, but all the processes occurring on the islands are supervised by the High Commissioner. In terms of international law Faruers are not an independent subject. The local parliament (Lögging) consists of 33 deputies that are endowed with special authority. Representatives of the six political parties decided to refuse to join the European Union.

The Kingdom of Denmark, in the parliament of which two representatives from the archipelago meet, helps the islands of financially, solves the issues of justice and defense, and the government of Farer deals with the problems of public policy, except for external. To this day, talking about getting independence from Denmark.

Climate and weather

As noted earlier, the stern nature of the exotic town will endure not every person who is accustomed to the comfortable conditions for rest. Weather by Faroe Islands We'll have to do not all. The sun looks like a very rarely, often torrential rains, but even with clear weather they blow strong winds. Maximum precipitation falls from September to January, and the snow is a very rare phenomenon on the archipelago.

In summer, the temperature does not rise above 17 o C, and lovers of sun and heat will be disappointed with rest. Therefore, those who prefer to soak on snow-white beaches, it is better to go to Maldives or Bahamas. Water around the islands is not heated above 10 o C, and fashionable swimsuits and sunglasses will not use here.

In winter, the cold reigns, which pierces to the bones due to high humidity, so at this time the tourists do not visit the archipelago, where the weather is still changing.

Administrative center islands

In Torskhavna, which is the main port of the archipelago, is the capital of the Faroe Islands, in which about 20 thousand inhabitants live. Without her visiting acquaintance with amazing edge It will be incomplete. Most. interesting place Consider Old city, and tourists admire with pretty colored houses that carry in a real fairy tale.

The administrative center, founded in the X century, is located on the island of Streyma, and here it is necessary to stay at least a few days. Art galleries, Historical Museum, cozy cafes And restaurants, fashion stores - all this will allow you to feel the amazing flavor of the capital of the Faroe Islands.

The most beautiful delicious landmark of Torshavna is recognized as a luxurious and high Fossa waterfall.

Unique lake on the edge of the abyss

The main attraction of the lost corner is the virgin nature, which is perfectly preserved due to the harsh climate and remoteness from the civilization of the Faroe Islands (Denmark). High rocks, emerald fields, endless ocean, gray fogs and openwork clouds, almost touching the Earth, do not leave anyone indifferent. Even the most demanding travelers with admiration respond about the landscapes of the wonderful edge.

Vagar Island attracts the attention of tourists with an amazing reservoir, whose beauty is not amenable to description. Located on the stone platform, it seems to soar in the air, without breaking away from the edge of the high cliff. "Hanging" Lake Sorvagsvatn (Faroe Islands), located above the ocean level, is a spectacle that is difficult to forget. Travelers, love natural Monument Only in the pictures, it often seems that this is a professional photo montage, and in fact the reservoir lies in different planes with the Atlantic Ocean. And only after visiting an attractive region, many understand the uniqueness of the real masterpiece.

The transparent waters of the lake flow into the ocean through the waterfall hidden in the rocks with a difficult-acting name of the Bossdalsfossur.

Local Attractions

Ferrene consist of 18 islands, one of which is completely uninhabited. People do not live on Tindholmur, although scientists suggest that many centuries ago they still lived here.

Streyma Island, which is the largest, love all fishing lovers.

Nols is famous for a huge amount of seal.

Sanda leads to the delight of tourists with a luxurious landscape: here are beautiful sand dunes.

Fugala, whose name is translated as a "bird island", and in fact chose the birds. At high cliffs, various representatives of the feathers will be treated.

Michienes Island is famous for the fact that only 13 people live on it. This is the most quiet corner that you can only dream of.

Esture is a picturesque place connected by the bridge with Streyma Island. Deep fjords create an unforgettable landscape. Here the Mount Slathratastreduder is towering about 900 meters high.

On Rinkustainean, the main natural attraction is two huge stone swinging on the waves. The locals believe that boulders are dragkars of the Vikings, and once a long-willed wizard turned the combat ships to cobblestones.

Calsa is the island, the coast of which is rocky rocks. All settlements here are connected by numerous underground tunnels. In the north is the famous Lighthouse Collur.

Historical monuments

Monastery Munkastovanova is the ancient architectural monument of the Faroe Islands. The landmark in the XVII century experienced a terrible fire that was raging in the city. Munskastovan survived only thanks to the masonry.

The historical fortress of Scansin Locals is called the most peaceful on our planet. The defensive structure was protected from pirates, and now the tourists are pleased with a great panorama that opens from the observation deck.

Diving and Fishing

Divers rushed here to explore the underwater world. Where the Faroe Islands are located, several dozen dives are organized, and the only diving center is located, and even newcomers will be able to experience their strength here.

The real passion of the indigenous population is fishing, and many tourists go to the water in the company local residentsgiving valuable advice. This is an unforgettable experience and a unique opportunity to see luxury landscapes. You can go into the sea on the fishing boat and throw the fishing rod where you never get from the shore. This is a real adventure that remains in memory forever.

What else to do tourists?

You can go on a boat cave excursion and visit the concert of local musicians in the underground kingdom.

Extremes wishing to rinse their nerves, choose a scuba dive or alloy on kayak.

Where the Faroe Islands are located, very popular pedestrian routes. However, be careful because in thick fogs you can get lost, resolved from the group, or break from a steep cliff. There is even an old legend, stacking that lonely travelers are discarded with the cliff so-called hidden residents - Huldufolk. Mystical creatures in gray, merging with stones, clothes, live in rocks and are unfairly tuned towards lost.

In the summer, a large number of tourists who wanted to look at the colorful event and take part in it. At the end of July, the Merry Festival of Olafsek, which coincides with national holiday Archipelago. The inhabitants dressed in beautiful costumes are published on Torskhavna Streets (Faroe Islands), musicians give concerts, and a cheerful atmosphere is reigning everywhere.

Heavenly Gate Archipelago

In the 60s of the last century, the archipelago was occupied by Britain, and the built airport in the Faroe Islands was used for military purposes. For more than 40 years, the spacious building stood abandoned, and only at the beginning of this century it was upgraded: bandwidth heavenly Gate. It is now 400 thousand passengers per year.

Located a few kilometers from the village of Sorvagur, on the island of Vagar (Warrier), the airport is carried out both internal and charter flights to Europe. In addition, it is connected and a helicopter message with the whole archipelago.

The building has a waiting room, a medical room, storage cameras, several cafes, duty-free shop. Here you can make car rental.

Faroe Islands: How to get there?

Russian tourists who dream of enjoying delicious landscapes of untouched nature, should know that there are no direct flights from Moscow to the archipelago. First you will have to fly with a transfer to Norway or Denmark, and then get to the rally airport of the islands. Despite the distance, to Faroeh from the megalopolises of Northern Europe takes it very easy: the flight takes only two hours. And between the islands runs the ferry, the services of which can be used, and the helicopter will help to get to the most remote places.

Russians for visiting Farer, which are autonomous region, Special island visa is required (Schengen does not fit). Despite the fact that an officially exotic place belongs to Denmark, the islands live in their laws. In order for the journey to not be overshadowed, you will have to take care of a visa in advance. Its registration is engaged in authorized visa centers in Moscow, Vladivostok, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Samara and other major cities. The consular fee is approximately 1,500 rubles, but depending on the course of the Danish crown, its cost can increase. The term of the visa is from eight days to two months. If you use the services of travel agency, then his staff will issue all the documents on their own.

Where to stay?

Faroe Islands, the time on which runs imperceptibly, provide tourists comfortable living conditions. You can stay in three-star hotels offering comfortable rooms, or choose more budget options in hostels and guest houses. Lovers to live in tents will be able to settle in special campsites, but they will have to remove all the garbage before leaving. In addition, there is comfortable options Accommodation for those who come for a few days: hotels of the Breakfast and Overnight Format.

Those who are going on a journey on their own, it is worth booking rooms for 2-3 months. Prices depend on tourist season, as well as the time of year. But do not forget about warm clothes and special shoes for walking in the mountains.

Faroe Islands are not better suitable for sophisticated travelers who have decided to relax from bright megalopolises and noisy resorts. Archipelago, located in the Norwegian Sea - Apartment Atlantic OceanBetween the Scottish Islands and Iceland - attracts even travelers with its beauty with his beauty.

The local nature is extraordinary: gorge, lakes, numerous waterfalls, fjords, graceful rocks - all this enchants at first sight. There are practically no trees, but you can infinitely admire the snow-covered tops of the mountains, towering over the lands of the archipelago. The highest point of these places is peak SaletrataDurisland Esture and a component of 882 meters above sea level.

The Farier region is the internal autonomy of the Kingdom of Denmark, independently managing almost all issues, excluding the theme of defense and foreign policy. The archipelago includes 18 islands, inhabited of which 17. Of 48 thousand local residents, about 20 thousand live in the capital or in the suburbs.

Official languages \u200b\u200bon the islands are two - Faroe and Danish. Moreover, the vast majority of residents are carriers of the Faroeian language, which is a mixture of Western-Scandinavian dialects and widely used in almost all spheres of vital activity.


Number of population

48 500 people

Population density

35 people / km 2

faroe, Dansky



Form of government

constitutional monarchy

faroe Crown, Danish Crown


International Area Code

Domain zone on the Internet


Climate and weather

The Faroe Islands are located in the very center of the warm current Golf Stream, which is the cause of a permanent offseason: here the year there are 280 rainy days. Despite the fact that there are no boundaries on the islands as if there are no borders in the time of the year, the climate is soft enough. Winter the average monthly temperature hesitated from 0 ° C to + 4 ° C, and in summer - from +11 ° С to +17 ° С. The rainy season falls for September - January, and then the archipelago covers a fog that does not allow the sunshine to the surface.

Thanks to the warm sea stream, water on the islands has almost the same temperature - +10 ° C. - all year round, which creates all the conditions for the development of fishing fishery.


Rest in the Faroe Islands is a vacation on the nature of nature in an original form. In view of the private strong winds of the island, mostly shameless, sometimes you can meet mountain ash, maple, coniferous rocks. A significant part of the territory of the islands is occupied by peatlands, meadows, as well as mountain arrays.

In his free time, fauna lovers their holidays on the islands can diversify the observation of the colonies of seabirds, seals, whales, dolphins.

On the archipelago a huge amount of sheep. The latter on the local hills once brought the Celts. Local endless pastures faced the sheep, and today for each local resident there are two sheep.


The Faroe Islands are most comfortable for visiting in the summer months, when the sediments are unlikely and it is warm weather.

The excursion program in the Faroe Islands is diverse: visit the capital of Torskhavn, small villages, bird bazaars, a ship walk in coastal waters.

The capital of the islands, the city of Torskhavn, lies in the hotel's picturesque area. The main part of the city appears on the fjord, from where it opens amazing view On wild mountains and steep cliffs. It is very quiet here, noisy only central square Yes, moorings where continuous work boils. Streets remote from the center are usually small and cramped.

The main attraction of Torshovna is monastery Munkastovanova, Built in the XV century and surrounded by a stone wall. Munkastovanova is one of the few buildings who avoided a large fire of 1673. Another building, also surviving from fire, is the Royal Warehouse Leguigün.

For curious travelers, a hiking will be interested in the historical museum, having shipment plates in his collection, household item objects, fishing gear and agricultural instruments from the time of Vikings to the present day, as well as items that have religious value.

Walking in the park VidrlunnYou can go to the art museum and enjoy the magnificent samples of sculpture and painting.

There is on the spotlights and "Island of birds" - Figula, who received his name for populated by multimillion colonies of seabirds of his majestic rocks.

The north of the Skarvasnes settlement is a beautiful sea cliff of the tertlkong ("Finger of Women Troll").

At the end of July (28-29 numbers), Farkers celebrate the main holiday - Day of St. Olaf.. These days, usually reserved local residents are arranged real rampant emotions. The festival is named after Olaf II, which, being the king of Norway, introduced Christianity in Scandinavia and began to fight with paganism.

Traditionally, the celebrations include rowing competitions, horse racing, dance and religious processions, art exhibitions.


His national menu, the residents of Faroe are obliged to the harsh climate of the islands. Traditionally, local dishes consist of meat and fish. Faroe delicacies - Sheep head, Fat China and scrupical (dried lamb) - certainly worth trying gourmet. Well, fans of traditional cuisine in local restaurants will gladly serve a fried lamb. Tourists have the opportunity to taste and exquisitely stuffed with a sweet dough tupikov(These are such birds), which are served with sweet berries and potatoes. In the novelty for many will be and universally consumed in food.

Alcoholic beverages are officially on the islands can be consumed from 18 years. Light beer is sold everywhere, but a strong dark, low-alcohol drinks and wine - only in state monopolous stores large cities and restaurants licensed.

Lunch in the local restaurant will cost a tourist on average at $ 30, in places levels higher - $ 45-50 without alcohol. There is much cheaper in the local cafe.


Upon arrival on the islands, you can stop in the capital's three-star hotels "Torskhavn" or "Straim" or in more comfortable "Hufnya" and "Fero"All hotels in tourists will offer room facilities, airport shuttle, free Wi-Fi throughout. The cost of living is high enough - from $ 120, but there are seasonal discounts.

More budget option will be guest Houses and hostels. The most popular of them are Skansin and Bládýpi.But you need to book rooms in several months. There are also mini-hotels operating on principle "Overnight and breakfast". Prices here begin from $ 80 and depend on the time of year.

For travelers who prefer holidays in nature, there are campgrounds located in specially reserved places. At the Farara, a very strict attitude to order, so from vacationers in tents require preservation of cleanliness and thorough cleaning upon departure.

Entertainment and recreation

In local waters there are many species of fish, so fishing is very popular among the locals and vacationers. By the way, the local law is allowed to export any fish longer than 30 cm from the country, which has long been prohibited in most European countries.

Faroe Islands are interesting for Wreck divers:in the local coastal waters you can find sunken ships. Near the island of Nols is interesting to observe the underwater life of seals.

Amateurs nightlife can spend time in metropolitan clubs Rex or Eclipse. In the latter, visitors are not under 18, but not older than 25 years.


From Faroe souvenirs, numerous wool products, ceramic and wooden crafts represent the greatest interest.

Because of the pretty harsh climate of the islanders in honor of wool clothing. Here you can always buy a fashion sweater, gloves or hat at attractive prices.

Most stores are open from 9: 00-10: 00 to 17: 30-18: 00. On Friday, many remain open until 19:00. On Saturdays, all the outlets work on abbreviated schedule - from 9:00 to 12:00, 14:00 or 16:00, on Sunday, the same day off.


On the Farera, the bus route networkThere are ferries between the islands. In the capital, local red buses with four routes, which can be reached almost all areas of the city. The expectation interval is half an hour in the morning and daytime - in the evening increases to one hour. Blue buses Bygdaleiir. are the binding transport of the islands. Maps of routes and schedules of passenger transport can be purchased in kiosks Steinatún.

Before the islands themselves, it is best to get by plane. Vagar's unique international airport is the island near the village of Sorvagur. Tourists for traveling through the islands can rent a car. In order to make a rental, it is necessary to have a driver's license of an international sample, a credit card and be over 20 years old. The rental price begins from $ 60 per day.


Standard mobile communications on islands - GSM.. There is also an analog version, but it is practically ousted by a digital format.

Local mobile operators - Foroya Tele and Kall P / F. Roaming in their networks is available for subscribers of the main cellular operators in Russia.

Local mobile communication sim card tourists can purchase at TeleShops points, in the hotel, post offices and gas stations.

On the spotlights in sufficient quantities, telephones and automatic telephones function (work on credit cards and coins). When calling abroad, you need to dial 00, the national code and the number of the called subscriber.

The Internet can be used in the Internet cafe. Most hotels provide a wireless connection on their territory.


Traveling through the islands, you can not worry about the safety of your property - the crime level is extremely low here. In order not to overshadow your vacation, not to leave personal items unattended, do not take large amounts of money with them, be polite with local residents and do not abuse nightly walks. If necessary, the police are always ready to recover.

If you need during the trip health careYou may not doubt that it will be rendered at the highest level. The central hospital is located in the capital and has an excellent medical base.

Business climate

Business registration in the Faroe Islands takes only a few days. The most common forms are the joint-stock company suitable for large companies, and a limited liability company. In order to start her business here, you need to have a legal address on the islands. Another condition is the resident of the Kingdom of Denmark as one of the participants in the case.

The minimum charter capital for the joint stock company is approximately $ 85,000, for a limited liability company - about $ 20,000. For registration, the project of the constituent agreement, the charter and the application will also be needed.

Foreign companies can enter the Faroe Market by opening branches. The head of the branch should also be appointed a resident of the islands or Denmark.

From the point of view of taxation, business legislation, foreign accounting standards provide optimal conditions for the development of companies. Legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity is similar to Danish and adheres to the European Union standards.

The main business in the archipelago is concentrated in the service sector and fishing industry.

On local investment sites you can find offers for entrepreneurs, ready to invest in new ways to develop the fishing industry. At the same time, Forens are very interested in high-tech business capable of proposing environmentally friendly solutions for production.

The property

The acquisition of real estate abroad is considered to be one of the most promising and long-term investments. Faroe Islands can be an excellent place for temporary and permanent residence. Especially attractive they become for people who are loving the comfort and solitude seeking order. Properties in the real estate market are different - from a small studio apartment to a solid big house. Prices are attractive enough. The house with four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a large adjacent territory will cost approximately $ 130,000.

True, the resolved on such a deal should be borne in mind that local banks do not give housing in the mortgage in the absence of a residence permit. In addition, local legislation for the acquisition of property by a foreigner requires the corresponding permission of the Ministry of Justice.

Journey to the islands - the pleasure is not cheap. The price level here is high enough and equal to the Middle Eastern. However, when leaving the country, tourists can return VAT if you have a check from the TAX FREE system. The corresponding inscriptions are present at the entrance to trading Object. To obtain the possibility of returning the tax, the amount of one-time purchase should exceed $ 48.

Tips are not taken on the islands, serving personnel is usually already included in the account.

Fish fishing is allowed only in certain water bodies based on a license selling in tourist offices. If the fishing tackle tourist intends to capture with him from home, then they must be subject to sanitary processing before arriving at the island. Instructions for fishermen can be found in tourist prospects. In the streams and streams, the catch season is open from May 1 to August 31, in the sea - year-round.

When traveling should not forget about the local volatile climate. The rest does not prevent the presence of warm clothing and several pairs of comfortable shoes for movement along the mountainous terrain and travel to the sea.

Vaccination before traveling is not required. Emergency telephone - 112.


To obtain a visa, you must contact the Consular Division of the Denmark Embassy in Moscow at the address: Prechistensky Lane, d. 9.

Wishing to receive a visa should provide a visa application form, 2 photos, a passport (real minimum for three months after the expiration of the requested visa) with a copy, a national passport with a copy, a hotel booking confirmation, a certificate of work (study), an insurance policy covering everything Risks (the amount of insurance coverage should not be less than 30,000 €), an extract from a bank account or a travele check (at the rate of 50 € for every day of stay).

More information about the packet of documents can be found in the consular department on weekdays from 9:00 to 16:00.

Faroe Islands translated from Faroe - "Sheep Islands". In English they are called Faroe Islands. They represent a separate island group and are known not to many tourists. Not everyone will immediately give an answer to the question where the Faroe Islands are on the world map. Nevertheless, they are of interest to travelers, as they are a corner of untouched nature and peace.

In contact with


Parliament and government Farer

About the Faroe Islands Wikipedia reports that they are located in the northern part of the Atlantic between Iceland and Shetland IslandsRelated to Scotland. An unambiguous answer to the question of which country is owned by the Faroe Islands, it is impossible to give. On the one hand, they are part of them, on the other, since 1948, almost all issues of state policy are solved independently, except for the outer and defense.

On the spotlight acts on legislatureparliament (Lögging), which presents 6 political parties. He has 33 members. As well as the executive body - Landsstuyry and the only court. In the Denmark Parliament there are two representatives from Faroe.

Ferrene, although they are related to Europe, are not included in the European Union. They are not an independent subject in terms of international law and sign contracts in conjunction with Denmark. Representatives of individual parties advocate for the complete independence of Farmer from Denmark.

Capital, population

The main port of Faroe Islands The city of Torskhavn is the capital of the country. It is located on the island of Street (area of \u200b\u200b373.5 square meters. Kilometers), in its southeastern part. About 20 thousand people live in the capital.

All population of the country there are about 50 thousand people.. The main is Faroese, the overwhelming part of the inhabitants - Farories (about 90%). For them are the Danes, Icelanders and the British. Surprisingly, the Russians live here. In 2011, there were 55 people.

Culture, traditions Faroe Islands

The main religion is Lutheranism, but there are also Christians. There are many interesting times of the Middle Ages in architecturally in architecturally.

At the heart of the original culture of the islands - literature, music, dancing - there are closely intertwing local and Danish traditions. Farrars often carry out folklore and jazz festivals.


Main holiday - Owavselka, which passes July 28-29. He is named after Olaf - the Holy, who introduced Christianity in Norway.

The festival program includes:

Proceed Grind

An integral part public culture Farker is a hammer of grind-black dolphins. Basically, this event takes place in the summer, do not commercial and organized by communities. Participation in it can accept anyone, but they do it mostly a man, and women only observe.

This fishery has historical roots. Due to the fact that because of the climatic conditions on the islands, vegetables are poorly growing, grains, so for the survival of the population for centuries meat and fat are needed, including Grind. Every year, about 950 goals are produced annually, which gives 500 tons of meat and fat and is 30% of the total number of meat products produced on the islands. This product is not exported, not sold in stores, it is used in families.

This fishery is criticized, as well as radical actions from groups that protect the rights of animals and guarding marine fauna. They consider him a cruel and not affected by their vital necessity. At the same time, local kitoboes talk about its economic importance.


Overalls developed sheepship. They are also famous for the fact that the knitting of the coals from the wool of local sheep is common here. These products differ from other types of shawls and scarves a very unusual shape, similar to the shape of a butterfly. This design is practical. Thanks to her, Shal remains on the shoulders while driving, even if it is not tied.

Climate Faroe Islands.

Wikipedia says that the climate is marine moderate. Winter winter, and summer is cool and wet. The warmest month is July with a temperature - 0-4 o C, and the coldest - January with a temperature - 11-17 ° C. Per year drops to 2 thousand mm precipitation. These are mainly rains that come about 9 months a year from September to January, on the islands frequent fogs.

The archipelago is washed by a golfustrim - warm sea stream, thanks to which the coastal waters in the continuation of the whole year have a temperature of + 10 ° C. This factor significantly softens the climate and contributes to the creation of optimal conditions for the life of marine inhabitants, including fish and plankton.

Geography of the Faroe Islands

The area of \u200b\u200ball Faroe Islands is 1395.74 square meters. kilometers.

They are at a distance:

  • copenhagen - 1117 km;
  • up to - 675 km;
  • iceland is 450 km.

Total Faroe Islands Archipelago consists of 18 major islands, large number Small and separate rocks. The biggest from the group northern Islands is Boro.which populated enough (about 5 thousand people), and has an area of \u200b\u200b95 square meters. kilometers. On it is the second largest city on the Fararah - Klaksvik.

On the island of Estury is the most high Point Farer - Slathtaratyndur peak, whose height is 882 meters above sea level. Along all islands are fjords, Therefore, their coastline is strongly cut. Basically the surface of the Sushi Rocky, consisting of basalts. Here, high slots alternate with the plateau. They are separated by a great depth gorge.

Animal and floral world of the Faroe Islands

Due to the strong winds that constantly blow, the forests are small here. But strong conifers, male and ash are growing, as well as lichens and moss are very common, heather.

Animal world Faroe Islands is represented by large colonies of Arctic birds - kair, rookers of Greenland sealsAnd he is rich in fish - cod, herring, haluck.

Here dwells the breed of sheep, called Faroe, hence the name of the island. The sheep of this breed appeared in the 9th century and became an integral part of the local tradition. Their image is on the coat of arms Far. In the main breed, the sake of meat is grown, but also, as mentioned above, wool is used - for the production of shawls.

Facts from Faroe Islands History

  • Until the XIV century Faroe Islands belonged to Norway, then Norway and Denmark owned them together. And since 1814, the islands became Danish. Their inhabitants come from the Scandinavian peoples, and the language is from the ancient Norwegian dialects.
  • During World War II, FINERA was taken Under United Kingdom Military Office. It happened in 1940 after the invasion of Hitler's troops in Denmark. After that, the island elected body Logging has achieved the authority to take laws, official recognition received the Faroe Islands flag. In September 1945, the occupation regime was removed.
  • In 1946, among the island population was votedAs a result of which the parliament announced the exit from the Danish kingdom. However, the Government of Denmark did not recognize this decision and temporarily stopped the work of Parliament Farer. As a result of the parliamentary struggle in April 1948, a contract was signed in which sovereignty was given, with restrictions on foreign policy. From the local parliament two delegates to the Denmark Parliament were chosen.
  • In 1984, the Faroe Islands were announced Nuclear weapon free zone. Today there are radar NATO complex and the Danish naval base.

Transportation on Fararah

There are marine, automobile transport And Aviation with one airport - Vagar.


National air carrier - ATLANTIC AIRWAYS provides a regular message from:

  • Norway - Stavanger and Oslo;
  • Dania - Billun, Aalborg, Copenhagen;
  • Iceland -;
  • Great Britain - London, Aberdeen, Shetland.

Between the Torch and remote islands with a small number of people, a helicopter message is carried out on an ongoing basis.

Marine report

Because of the island location, the main type of transport is sea. There are ferries between the islands. The National Maritime Carriage is Smyril Line. The sea terminal is located in Torskhavn.


A total of about 500 kilometers of highways on the islands. Their most is a mountain serpentine. From the second half of the twentieth century, large tunnels are built herewhich combine separate settlements. The most extended automotive tunnel is the Tunnel "Nyjoya".

How to get to the Faroe Islands

It is best to get to Farier to get a plane to the capital of Torskhavna with a transfer:

  • through Denmark from Copenhagen or
  • through Norway from Bergen or Stavanger.

In the summer of Norwegian Bergen, it is possible to get to Torskhavna on the ferry.

Note! In order to get to the Faroe Islands, Russian citizens will need, which is given to the Denmark Embassy in the consular department. It must be the mark "valid for Faroe".

Attractions of the capital Faroe Islands

The city of Torskhavn is founded in the century and named after the God of Thunder and Lightning - Torah. Torshavn is a picturesque prosperous city. He unlike other capitals. His dignity is not majestic buildings, but the untouched environment of amazing beauty and a sense of privacy and peace.

Here it is Main cathedral , relevant, like most temples on the islands, to the Evangelical Lutheran Church. It was built in 1788, then rebuilt. He became the Cathedral and Residence of the Bishop in 1990. It has such unique items, as a font for baptism, belonging to the end of the XVI century, and the crucifixion of the early XVIII century.

And also in the capital is Lutheran Western Church. It has a height of 40.5 meters and is the highest construction of the entire archipelago. The year of its construction is 1975. The foundation of the church building is made of a stone of basalt rocks, on which the dome is located in the form of a pyramid of glass and copper. Before entering the church, a monument to Sigmundur Breastisson, who began a Christianization of the population of the islands, for which he was killed in 1005 years.

Still worth paying attention to the ancient monastery Munkastovna, built in the XV century and surrounded by the walls of the stone. It is fully preserved, despite the fire in the XVII century.

The attraction of the capital is also the main island Historical Museum. It presents samples of applied arts, objects of a cult, rural life, homemade utensils, preserved since the time of the Vikings. And also - marine fishery accessories: fishing gear, navigation guns and ships layouts.

The main thing cultural Center Torshavna is House of Nordic countries. Its roof is covered with peat. It is located in it: Concert Hall, Conference Hall, Art Gallery, Library. Here, in summer nights Events are being held so-called Faroesees for tourists.

Faroe Islands Sightseeing

The most highitious of all islands Faroe is Calsoy. His West Bank is a solid steep cliffs. There are four small settlements on the island, which communicate with the tunnel system. Here are a lot of caves and underground galleries, for which Calsa is also called Flute, that is, Flute. In the north of the island there is a Lighthouse Callur, near which you can see picturesque cliffs and the naturally established seaside arch.

To the north of the village of Scarvanes, the marine the rock of the original form Toll konufingurWhat means "Finger of Women Troll". It really resembles an elegant long finger.

The least highful from the Faroe Islands is Sandawhere sand dunes are located. Here are two lakes with transparent water. In the West settled the colony of Kair. There is a church on the island. The view of Sanda is depicted on the Faroe Islands banknote in 1000 kroons.

On the island Fugula, or Bird island , There are clocks with a height from 450 to 620 meters. They descend from the plateau located on the picturesque mountain ridgesAnd completely covered with carpet of arctic herbs and mosses. On these cliffs, numerous colonies of seabirds will be searched, the number of which is many millions.

The Faroe Islands have an amazing landscape, and the location and climate, which contribute to the excellent game of light, attract photographers from all over the world. According to the famous magazine National Geographic Traveler, Faroe Islands - the most unique islands in the world.

Faroe Islands Denmark

Faroe Islands is an archipelago, consisting of 18 islands, 17 of which are inhabited. If the literal name of the islands is translated from Faroe, it sounds like "Sheep Islands". There are islands between, Scotland and Island Island, in North Atlantic. Faroe Islands, though belong to the Kingdom of Denmark, are an autonomous region and make independent decisions in almost all matters.

Faroe islands. Village in the west of the island of Wiya

Get to the Faroe Islands

And you should not get to the islands, but without a transplant can not do. From Moscow or St. Petersburg, you must first fly to, about 2 hours of flight. Next, Vagar Airport is the only airport in the Faroe Islands, besides international. Fains are best to get SAS airline, which carries out on the island of flights from Copenhagen 2 to 3 times a day. In addition, Vagar Airport can be flying from Norway, Iceland, Great Britain. You can also use ferry to Torshavna from Huntsholm Denmark, from the Shetland Islands, Seydisfjordur Iceland, and in the summer of Bergen Norway.

Faroe islands. Uninhabited Island Luitla Duimun

A little of the story

The first settlers of the Faroe Islands were immigrants from Scotland, they lived here from the VIII - IX century and left them due to Viking raids. Vikings made the transport link from the Faroe Islands, which joined Iceland, Scandinavia and Greenland, for a short time also North America. Until the XIV century, Ferira was part of Norway, and since 1814 they began to belong to Denmark. Because of this, the descendants of local residents are Scandinavians, and the Faroeian language appeared thanks to the old-Norwegian language. In 1946, the Faroe Islands announced the exit from the composition of Denmark, but the vote and a survey of public opinion, which was divided, led to the stop of this decision. In 1948, a new agreement was adopted, in which the Faroe Islands received limited sovereignty. Since 1984, FARER has been declared a free zone from nuclear weapons.
Faroe islands. Torshavn

Visa to the Faroe Islands

If you want to visit the Faroe Islands, then you need a visa that the Consular Department of the Denmark Embassy is issued. Despite its northern location, the islands have unique climate - Warm winter, the coldest month January with a temperature of 0 to +4 degrees, and a cold wet summer, the warmer month of July with a temperature of +11 to +17 degrees. There are quite a lot of precipitation, here they go about 280 days and almost everything in the form of rain, most of the time from September to January, and the fogs are also frequent. And thanks to the tropical golfstrum, the temperature in the ocean is always about +10 degrees, which ensures ideal conditions for the life of a variety of fish.

Faroe islands. North west Coast Islands Estura

Faroe Islands consist of 18 major islands, as well as from numerous small islets and rocks. Most large Island Farre is a stretch. The capital of Faroe Islands is located on this island and Vestmann village. The second largest island of the archipelago is Estury. Here are the major cities of Fouguguordur, Runavik and carried. The island is connected to the islands by the car bridge. Another major War island, Vagar International Airport is located on it. The most densely populated island is a bore, there are eight settlements here, one of which is considered the second largest in the Fararah - Klaksvik. Luitla Duimun - uninhabited island from eighteen islands.
Faroe islands. Lake Sorvagsvatn on the islands of Vagar

There are many attractions in the Faroe Islands. Of course, the main attraction is Farmer with confidence to name - the landscape. Rocks, cliffs, green fields, ocean, sun, fogs and clouds concerning the Earth make amazing landscapes that will not leave indifferent even the most arring travelers. What other than nature still look at the Faroe Islands?
Faroe islands. Kalsoy Island

Kalsoy Island

It is worth visiting Calsa Island - this is the most rocky island on the Farrahs. All the west coast consists of rocky rocks, and settlements are connected with numerous tunnels. There are many underground galleries and caves on the island, because of what this island is often called "flute." In the north of the island, near Lighthouse Callour is the natural sea arch and the most picturesque cliffs. If you want to watch the numerous colonies of birds, then you should go to the island of Fugula, which is called the "Island of birds". In Eystfelle, the cliffs reach a 450-meter height, and in the club - 620-meter height.
Faroe islands. Church in Sandur village on Sanda Island

Sanda Island

On the island of Sanda, sand dunes are expected - this is the most not rocky island from all islands. It is worth heading to the village of Supil, where two beautiful lakes are above the terrace, Noroara-Khalsavatn and Hayimara Halsavatn. In the village of Sardur, there is a church that has a long and interesting storystarting from the XI century. To the north of the village of Scarvasnes, there is a tertlconufur - "Finger of Women Troll" - a beautiful sea cliff.
Faroe islands. Road to the village of Scarvasnes on the island of Sanda


And, of course, visit the capital of the Faroe Islands - Torskhavn. Here you will find an old monastery surrounded by a stone wall, was built in the XV century. The monastery is called Munkastovan. The historic museum, which tells the story of the Faroe Islands. NORRURLANDAHYUYY - House of the Nordic countries, this building with an indoor from the peat roof today is used as the theater. Here spend various exhibitions And the library is located. And in the summer at night they spend "Faroese evenings for tourists."

Services for tourists who will save or get more for the same money:

  • Insurance: The journey begins with the choice of a profitable insurance company, allows you to choose the best option for your requirements;
  • Flight: The most favorable tickets are looking for Aviasales, you can also find stocks and sales of airlines in Aviadiscounter;
  • Accommodation: First, choose the hotel through (they have the biggest base), and then look, from which site it is cheaper to book through

See also: