Swan Islands is a unique bird paradise. Swan Islands - a wonderful world of birds in the north-west of Crimea Swan Islands post


The first Museum of Nature on the territory of the Crimean Reserve was opened in 1926 in the Central Basin. The museum had two spacious halls: botanical and zoological, and about 2300 exhibits. Aviaries for wild animals and an aquaterrarium were subsequently created next to the museum. In November 1941, German-Romanian occupation units passed through the territory of the reserve, which burned down all buildings and structures on the territory of the reserve. This is how the first museum perished.

After the war, it was decided to place the administrative services of the reserve in Alushta. For this purpose, on the outskirts of the city, they picked up a surviving house that belonged to the merchant I.S. Igumnov before the revolution. The building was renovated and one of the rooms was allocated for a museum. For the general public, the second, revived, museum was opened in 1957 (Putsatova street, 29). The head of the museum was the zoologist Yu.V. Kostin, two years later E.A. Pyasetskaya became the head of the museum. The museum had its own taxidermy workshop, and around the administrative building there is a small but wonderful park with old cedars, pines and cypresses. There was a small pool in the park where swans swam.

In 1973, under the leadership of the director of the reserve V.A. Lushpy, not far from the old one, a new three-story administrative building is being built, where the first floor is given for a new, third, museum (Alushta, Partizanskaya st., 42). A team of researchers, headed by the forester V.G. Mishnev, creates a new scientific project for museum expositions. Designers were V.A. Sokolov (member of the Union of Artists of the USSR), B.N. Chernyaev, N.G. Bozhko, P.N. Chistilin, V.G. Smirnov, B.A. Nikolin, V. I. Protsenko. On April 15, 1976, the third, renovated, nature museum of the reserve was inaugurated. Realistically executed dioramas of protected areas, stuffed animals give a complete picture of the nature of the Reserve.


In 1981, an arboretum with a total area of ​​6 hectares was created on the territory adjacent to the management of the reserve. The arboretum was created in a landscape style, the enclosures harmoniously blended into the environment without disturbing its picturesque views.

Currently, 370 species of plants grow on this territory, including the Red Book high juniper, berry yew, dull-leaved pistachio, underdeveloped limodorum, Crimean cistus, folded snowdrop, etc. 15 species of animals are exhibited in the enclosures of the dendrozoo: red deer, European roe deer, mouflon European, wild boar, European fallow deer, rabbits, teleut squirrel, griffon vulture, mute swan, black-throated goose, ducks, pigeons, pheasants, guinea fowl, buzzard.

The Museum of Nature and the Arboretum of the Crimean Natural Reserve is an interesting and attractive excursion object, which has been visited by more than 1.2 million people since its opening.


Invertebrates of the reserve number about 3 thousand species and are represented by the following orders: spiders, ticks, millipedes, molluscs, insects. Among spiders, the largest, up to 35 mm, tarantula, lives in deep burrows lined with cobwebs. Ticks are represented by a large number of species, of which special attention should be paid to the forest tick - as a carrier of tick-borne encephalitis. Tick-borne viral encephalitis is an acute viral disease characterized by the development of severe clinical forms with damage to the brain and spinal cord, the development of persistent neurological disorders leading to disability and mortality. Prevention is a mandatory examination of the whole body within 3 hours after visiting the forest and a visit to a doctor in case of a bite.

Insects are the most numerous and diverse class of animals, characteristic feature which is the presence of 3 pairs of articulated legs in its representatives. Among the most interesting units are the following: dragonflies (arrow, rocker, beauty), praying mantises. Orthoptera include short-necked filly, long-wattled grasshoppers and crickets, the chirping of which begins to be heard that hour after sunset. The largest species is the steppe duck, the body length of which reaches 120 mm. Hemiptera include various bugs. The most famous of the order of beetles is the Red Book Crimean ground beetle, which is a Crimean endemic. It feeds on snails, caterpillars and even the remnants of human food. The Red Book stag beetle also looks very impressive. From the family of barbel in the reserve there is a large oak barbel from the lower belt of vegetation and an Alpine barbel from the upper belt. Hymenoptera are wasps, bees, bumblebees, and hornets, as well as ants, huge anthills of which can be found in the Yalta forestry. Butterflies, or lepidoptera, attract the most attention. Among the most spectacular species, one can note the white-black podalirii and the yellow-black swallowtail from the swallowtail family, and of the simple, background species, the burdock is the most common. Of the order of flies or dipterans, one has to pay more attention to horseflies, bloodsuckers and deer flies.

Vertebrates. Of the fish (6 species in total), the most famous is the brook trout, which is found in many mountain rivers. Occasionally you come across a Crimean barbel or marinka.

The fauna of amphibians includes 4 species: lake frog - the main "songbird" of mountain ponds; green toad; listed on the IUCN Red List, tree frog, or common tree frog, which spends an active life in the foliage of trees and descends from there only during the breeding season. The Red Book newt Karelin, which has a toothed comb, which appears in males during the breeding season, in early summer, can sometimes be found quite far from its native reservoir - in winter it prefers to sleep under stones and snags of the forest.

Of the reptiles, the most common lizards can be seen: Crimean, rocky and nimble. The fourth, rarer lizard, the yellow-bellied lizard, is more often mistaken by the common people for a snake and, unfortunately, is persecuted everywhere. Real snakes are also found, this is, in addition to the common snake, the common copperhead, so named for its color, and three types of snakes, the most common and most aggressive is the yellow-bellied one. Its bite can be dangerous due to infection introduced into the wound, and the size of adult specimens reaches a length of about two meters. Less common is the four-striped snake, very rarely - the Mediterranean relic of the leopard snake.

Birds are the most prominent and common vertebrates. In total, 160 species of birds were recorded in the reserve in the mountain-forest part in all seasons of the year. In the spring they delight us with their wonderful voices. Here is the chaffinch singing. His song is short, but very funny and perky. The song of the blackbird is amazingly pure and melodious. However, the best forest singer is the songbird. The drumming of a woodpecker sounds in the forest, the ringing songs of tits and, of course, the cries of the cuckoo are heard ... In the summer, the bird choir gradually dies down. Birds have a lot of trouble - it's time to feed their chicks. In the Crimean nature reserve birds of the Red Book nest: snake-eagle, black stork, burial ground, black vulture, griffon vulture, saker falcon, peregrine falcon, motley stone thrush. Among the common nesting species are the spotted woodpecker, black-headed warbler, ratchet warbler, robin, blackbird, muscovy, chaffinch, the most numerous bird of the Crimean forests, and many others. Red-headed and yellow-headed beetles - the smallest birds in Europe, siskins and common crossbills nest in pine forests. On the yaylah there are larks, quails, a motley stone thrush, the most cautious, mysterious and beautiful bird of the reserve, one of the best singers. Only an adult male has a bright beautiful color. Here is how Alfred Brehm describes it: “The plumage on the head, on the front of the neck, on the back of the head and on the upper tail is of a beautiful bluish-gray color, on the lower part of the back it is whitish-blue or white, on the entire lower part of the body a magnificent bright rusty-red color ... Singing stone thrushes are excellent, rich and varied, loud and euphonic, although at the same time soft and like a flute; their singing is also distinguished by the fact that clicking and even whole stanzas from the songs of other birds are woven into it ”. Females and young birds are more modestly colored.

The black vulture literally boggles the imagination of the observer. She is one of the largest flying birds, with huge wings up to two and a half meters in span. Vultures build their huge nests on the tops of age-old pines. With exceptional vision, birds are able to see carrion from dizzying heights. Without visible effort, they hover over the mountains for hours using air currents. But the most amazing thing is the dedication with which the vultures incubate their only egg and care for the chick. The nesting period lasts for a long four months. When the chick grows up and flies out of the nest, the “family” does not break up until next spring, the parents take care of the young vulture. Black vultures are listed on the European Red List as a globally endangered species. Given the special importance in the protection of black vultures, the Crimean Nature Reserve is included in the list of territories important for the conservation of bird diversity.

Mammals are represented by 6 orders, numbering 38 species. 5 species of insectivores are found. Of these, there are 3 species of voracious shrews, the smallest mammals of Crimea: the lesser shrew, the white-bellied shrew and the lesser shrew. They have a very intense metabolism and therefore need to eat someone within a few hours. Insects and other invertebrates form the basis of food for shrews. Shrews easily eat food per day with a total weight of 2-4 times their own weight. The largest insectivore is the white-breasted hedgehog. It is not found very often, and mainly in the lower part of the reserve. Bats, or bats - 16 species, the largest of bats is quite rare - a giant nocturnal, whose wingspan is slightly less than half a meter. Another species, one of the most numerous in Crimea, is the dwarf bat.

Of the hare-like hare, the brown hare is the only representative of the detachment in the mountainous Crimea. A common, but not numerous species. There are 7 species of rodents, of which the teleut squirrel is the most noticeable - the largest squirrel in the CIS. In addition to its large size, the teleut has one more feature. In winter, her fur is silvery gray, the tassels on her ears are bright brown, and her tail is gray. All other squirrels in winter have the same color of the tassels of their ears and tail. After acclimatization in the reserve in 1940, the squirrel reproduced quite well, however, during the 1984-1986 epizootic period. almost completely disappeared in the reserve. At present, its number ranges from 60 to 110 individuals in different years. The natural enemies of the squirrel are the goshawk and the stone marten.

From the family of mice, in addition to the gray rat or the Pasyuk, in some places a smaller, black rat has survived. Both live near human habitation. The house mouse also tries to stay there. After the melted snow, in the foothills, you can stumble upon traces of activity leading an active lifestyle in winter, other mouse-like rodents - the little wood and yellow-throated mice.

Carnivores are represented by 5 species. Of these - 2 species from the canine family - a fox and, in 2007, a raccoon dog that appeared in the reserve. It is noted that raccoon dogs have been found in Crimea for about the last three decades, and until recently it was believed that only along the North Crimean canal, however, since 2000 they have been seen in Bakhchisarai, and in August 2007 - in the Alminsky forestry of the Crimean nature reserve , on the border with the Pionersky forestry of the Simferopol forestry enterprise. It is quite possible that in the near future these animals can master the territory of the entire reserve. The raccoon dog is the only member of the canine family that hibernates in severe winters. In Crimea, these animals do not have real hibernation, but the metabolic rate in cold weather decreases to 25%.

Perhaps, only a fox can be called a real sedentary wild species from this family in Crimea. Some zoologists believe that two subspecies live in the Crimea: the first is the common fox, which usually lives in the steppes, but is also found in the mountainous Crimea. The second is the Crimean mountain fox (endemic subspecies). It is smaller than ordinary, but has fluffier and brighter fur, on the lower back it has a characteristic silvery pattern in the form of variegated ripples. Hunters, for a bright red, fiery color, call it a moth. It is found only in the mountains and is quite rare.

Wolves appeared in last years in the steppe Crimea, and, according to some witnesses, on the Karabi-Yayla. In the reserve, wolves have not yet been documented. However, their niche has been successfully occupied by stray dogs for many years. The reserve is inhabited by 3 species of the weasel family - the stone marten, or the white-breasted marten, which differs from the pine marten in a lighter color and coarser fur. It is not connected with the forest as closely as the forest one, and therefore it can inhabit rocky gullies and ravines. Often settles in people's buildings - sheds, attics. The stone marten feeds on mouse-like rodents, sometimes birds and bats, loves to feast on fruits and berries. A relatively small, but insanely brave and bloodthirsty weasel - the smallest representative of the predatory squad. For daily consumption, one mouse per day is enough for her, but obeying the hunting instinct, she pursues more than one rodent a day in narrow labyrinths of holes, attacking even prey larger than herself!

The Crimean badger that lives in the reserve is considered a subspecies of the common badger. In the fall, the badger strenuously accumulates fat, which is used in folk medicine to treat colds and tuberculosis. Pursued for this quality of its fat by poachers, the badger was on the verge of extinction.

And, finally, the largest and traditionally interesting for people are 4 species of artiodactyls. When visiting the Crimean forests, you can often see huge plowed areas of forest floor. We can say with a great deal of confidence that a wild boar has been here. Boars in the Crimea were the original, so to speak, indigenous people from ancient times. Fossil remains belonging to wild pigs have been found in the Kiik-Koba and Skelskaya caves. In the historical era, they were noted from the Scythian-Sarmatian era, up to the first half of the 19th century, and around this time they were knocked out. On April 23, 1957, 35 wild pigs were released on the territory of the Crimean Nature Reserve, in the valley of the Piskur stream, a tributary of the Alma River, including 18 males and 17 females. The released batch included 2 adult males - cleaver (two years old), the rest - young pigs and gilts. The wild boars were caught in the Pozharsky district of the Primorsky Territory in January 1957 and belonged to the Ussuri subspecies of the wild boar (Sus skrofa continentalis) - the largest in the territory of the former USSR. The wild boar took root here after the re-acclimatization of 1957 and soon settled throughout the Crimea. In the spring-summer period, during the rearing of the offspring, encounters with a wild boar can be dangerous.

European roe deer differs from the Siberian in smaller sizes. The horns, present only in the male, have no more than three processes. The characteristic alarming bark of a roe deer can often be mistaken for a dog barking. The main natural enemies of roe deer are the same stray dogs and foxes, from which young animals suffer most.

Crimean red deer- an endemic subspecies of the European red deer, differing from it in size and in the details of the structure of the antlers. In March - April, male deer lose their old antlers, and new ones begin to grow in their place. During growth, such horns, covered with velvety skin, are called antlers. By August, after the growth of the horns stops, the skin dries out and flakes off. At this time, the deer scratch their antlers on the trees, getting rid of the remnants of the cover that is already unnecessary on the ossified antlers. Now the number of deer in the reserve is about 1300 individuals.

European mouflons, 10 of which were delivered from Corsica, through the German fur trade company Moritz, and 3 from the Askania-Nova reserve, were released in 1913 on Mount Bolshaya Chuchel, where they acclimatized quite well. By 1917, there were already 30 mouflons here. In the fall of 1917, all the animals contained in the pen were released into the wild. The civil war and poaching almost put an end to the history of the Crimean mouflons. The population had too many weapons, and gangs hunted in the forests. By 1923, when the Crimean Nature Reserve was organized, there were only 6 - 8 heads of these animals. The protection and care have done wonders, and now there are about 300 mouflons.

Senior Researcher

Parshintsev A.V.


Crimean natural reserve- the largest and oldest nature reserve in Crimea. The total area of ​​the Reserve, including the Swan Islands branch, is 88601 hectares. The reserve occupies the central part of the Main ridge of the Crimean Mountains from Yalta in the west to Alushta in the east. On its territory, in the mountain-forest part, there are the most high peaks peninsula - Roman-Kosh (1545 m above sea level), Demir-Kapu (1541), Zeytin-Kosh (1537). Many of the most important rivers of Crimea originate in the reserved mountains: Alma, Kacha, Ulu-Uzen, Avunda, Derekoyka, etc. The slopes of the mountains are covered with forests - oak, beech, pine, and the peaks (yayls) are occupied by mountain meadow steppes. The flora of the reserve is represented by more than 2500 species of plants and fungi, of which 42 species are included in the Red Book Russian Federation and 22 species - in the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The reserve is home to about 250 species of vertebrates, including red deer, wild boar, European mouflon, roe deer. Of the birds, the black vulture (listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation) and the griffon vulture, the largest birds of prey in Europe, attract particular attention of scientists.

One of the most popular excursion routes passes through the territory of the reserve - "Crimea reserved", which follows the Romanovskaya highway, built more than a hundred years ago. The visiting card of the reserve is the Museum of Nature and the Arboretum, located in the city of Alushta.


The history of nature reserve management in Crimea, on the territory of the Crimean Natural Reserve, is more than 100 years old. The first protected territory of Crimea, enshrined in state documents of Russia, was the Mountain Forest Reserve in the Crimean Mountains, approved by in 1896 Office of the Imperial Hunt.

In 1913 during forest management of the Beshuisky forest state dacha, the Office of the royal estates on an area of ​​about 3700 hectares was Preserve of the Imperial Hunt.

After the February Revolution 1917 year... The reserve was nationalized and on the initiative of the Crimean scientists and the Crimean regional government was created here National preserve ... Its first director of the reserve was the zoologist V.E. Martino, the assistant - zoologist M.P. Rozanov. These dedicated people, often risking their lives, fought against poaching to protect nature. Despite the political instability of life, devastation, civil war, in the period from 1917 to 1920, none of the six Crimean governments canceled the status of the reserve. In 1923 (July 30) it was reorganized into the Crimean State Reserve. Its territory with an area of ​​21138 hectares was zoned: an absolute reserve (40% of the territory), a protected area (45%), an experimental-operational site (15%). It was the prototype of today's National Parks. In the 20-30s. research work is being intensively developed, meteorological stations, laboratories, and a museum of nature are being equipped. Scientific research is carried out by V.N.Sukachev, G.I. Poplavskaya, E.V. Wulf, N.D. Troitsky, L.I. Prasolov, I.I.Puzanov and others.

By 1941, the zapovednik saw a flourishing of activity. Dozens of scientific articles have been published. The herd of ungulates has grown: deer by 30 times, mouflons by 29 times, roe deer by 10 times. In 1937, bison were brought back to the reserve for acclimatization. In 1940, the Altai Teleut squirrel was successfully acclimatized. The popular nature museum, enclosures with animals, and a tourist route functioned.

During the Second World War, the staff of the reserve fought at the front or were in the ranks of the partisan movement. Many gave their lives for the liberation of their native land. Among them are the senior forester of the reserve A.P. Rynkovsky and senior researcher V.I.Bukovsky.

The war caused enormous damage to the reserve. All cordons, the administration building, and the museum were burnt down. Scientific laboratories and a library were plundered, most of the animals were destroyed. Special arson and logging destroyed a forest on an area of ​​2000 hectares.

After the war, activities in the reserve had to start literally from scratch. The reserve has healed its wounds: new cordons were rebuilt, roads were repaired, the number of animals increased. In 1949, a branch was added to the reserve - a unique ornithological complex "Swan Islands", where tens of thousands of waterfowl accumulate annually.

In 1957, the reserve was reorganized into a reserve hunting economy (KGZOKH), the tasks of which included, in addition to research and security work, economic activities. An example of such activity was the creation of trout ponds in the upper reaches of the river. Alma. In the spring of 1957, 35 wild pigs were brought to the reserve from the Primorsky Territory with the aim of re-acclimatizing and enriching the fauna of the mountainous Crimea. Currently, wild boars are typical animals not only of the mountainous Crimea, but also of some steppe areas of the peninsula.

In the 50-80 years. there was a new rise and flourishing of the activity of the reserve and hunting economy. During this period, such scientists as K.K. Vysotsky, P.A. Yanushko, A.A. Tkachenko, V.G. Mishnev, Yu.V. Kostin, B.E. Garin, L.A. Garina, A.I. Dulitsky and others.

In the early 70s, the scientific part of the reserve developed a project for a nature museum, which took into account the new requirements of the time in the field of natural science and nature protection. In 1976 the museum was inaugurated.

In November 1976, the protected hunting area, its Swan Islands became the base for the International Conference of Ornithologists, which brought together scientists from 33 countries of the world. This became possible after the inclusion in 1975 of the Swan Islands and their wetlands in the list of International Protected Areas.

In 1991, the reserve hunting economy was reorganized into the Crimean State Reserve, and a little later - into the Crimean Natural Reserve. As before, its main task is to preserve mountain protected forests, animal and plant diversity; research and educational activities.


The ornithological branch of the Crimean Nature Reserve, "Swan Islands" is located in the Karkinitsky Bay of the Black Sea. The area of ​​the islands is 52 hectares. They are found on the flyway of many waterfowl species. The water area of ​​the bay with an area of ​​9,560 hectares is allocated for the reserve. The surrounding area with an area of ​​27,646 hectares has been declared a nature reserve.

In 1947, by the Decision of the Razdolnensky District Executive Committee, the Lebyazhy Islands were declared a local nature reserve and were taken under protection.

In 1949, by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 85 of February 9, the Swan Islands were declared a state reserve and annexed as a branch to the Crimean state reserve.

Already in the first years of studying the avifauna of the islands, it became clear that the protection of this most valuable natural object within the existing boundaries could not be effective, since large concentrations of birds during molting, wintering and during seasonal migrations stay in shallow waters and on the mainland coast, that is, outside the protected district. In order to improve the living conditions of birds and more effectively protect them from poachers, the Crimean Regional Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' Deputies, by Decision No. 1006 of September 29, 1961, approved a protective zone around the islands, including shallow waters with an area of ​​3500 hectares and a part of the coast of the Karkinitsky Bay with an area of ​​1500 hectares.

In connection with the construction of the Razdolnenskaya branch of the North Crimean Canal and the formation of two massifs of rice fields in the coastal part of the bay, which significantly changed the habitat of birds in this zone, the Crimean Regional Executive Committee adopted a decision No. 337 of May 20, 1967 “On the expansion of the buffer zone around the reserved Lebyazhy Crimean islands state reserve”, According to which the area of ​​the buffer zone on the coast of the Karkinitsky Bay increased to 10,000 hectares.

The fame of the Karkinitsky Gulf of the Black Sea as a place of concentration of a large number of waterfowl and near-water birds during molting, wintering, migration, led to the inclusion of the Karkinitsky Gulf and the Swan Islands reserve, including in the List of objects of protection of international importance (Iran, Ramsar, 1971, the group “ A "MAP). After the ratification of the Ramsar Convention by the Soviet Union, the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 12/26/1975 followed. No. 1046 "On measures to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations of the Soviet Party arising from the Convention on wetlands of international importance mainly as habitats for waterfowl, dated February 2, 1971. "And the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR dated 02.26.1976. No. 106 "On measures to strengthen the protection of wetlands of international importance, mainly as habitats for waterfowl." On the basis of these decisions, the Crimean Regional Executive Committee issued a Decision of March 19, 1976. № 132 on the expansion of the protected zone of the reserve "Swan Islands" on the coast of the Karkinitsky Bay to an area of ​​16780 hectares, of which 15960 hectares in Razdolnensky and 820 hectares in Krasnoperekopsky districts.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR dated 01/17/1978. № 43 "On the expansion of the Black Sea reserve, the Crimean state reserve and hunting economy and the addition of the list of state reserves" to improve protection and mitigate anthropogenic impact on the natural systems of the reserve "Swan Islands", its area was increased due to the shallow waters of the Karkinitsky Bay by 9560 hectares. By the same decree, in order to strengthen the reserve regime, the state ornithological reserve "Karkinitsky" with an area of ​​27646 hectares was organized, which adjoins the water area of ​​the reserve in the north.

At present, the protected areas in the Lebyazhye Islands area have a total area of ​​54,038 hectares and consist of three parts with different status and protection regimes: the reserve "Swan Islands" with an area of ​​9612 hectares (52 hectares of the islands' territory and 9560 hectares of shallow waters around them), ornithological reserve "Karkinitsky" with an area of ​​27,646 hectares and a conservation zone of the reserve in the mainland of the Karkinitsky gulf with an area of ​​16,780 hectares. The listed lands are under the protection of the Crimean Nature Reserve.

The attraction of the reserved islands is mute swan... Popularly, this bird is considered the personification of marital fidelity. They live in friendly, inseparable couples. In the past, swans have been mercilessly shot, which has led to a significant reduction in the number of this bird. The measures taken to protect the habitats of waterfowl have positively affected the increase in both nesting bird species and those arriving here to moult. Suffice it to say that only during the molting period, more than 5 thousand swans accumulate here in some years.

The species composition of birds on the Swan Islands during the migration is diverse. Of the ducks, the most numerous are red-headed duck, mallard, teal-whistle and teal-cracker, witch, pintail. Coots in the autumn migration near the islands accumulate up to 7-8 thousand birds, white-fronted and gray geese - up to 2-4 thousand. White-fronted goose, bean goose and red-breasted goose do not form large concentrations here. The abundance of ankles, gulls, terns, and waders on migration is high. The most numerous of them are: gray, great and little egrets, red herons, lake and gray gulls, dunlin and dunlin, dunlin, sandpiper-sparrow and white-tailed sandpiper, snipe, lapwing, heron, fifi and blackie.

In years with mild winters, a large number of birds remain at the islands for the winter. According to census data, in different years from 10 to 30 thousand ducks (mallard, teal-whistle, witch, pintail, sheath, red-nosed, red-headed, sea and crested ducks, large merganser, long-nosed merganser, gogol, sludge), up to 2 thousand geese (white-fronted and gray), up to 2 thousand coots, more than a thousand gulls (lake, gray, silver), several dozen great white and gray herons, great sheath, snipe, large curlews, more than 2.5 thousand swans (mute, whooper). In the protected zone and on the territory of the islands, in addition to sedentary species, common and reed bunting, great tit, blue tit, greenfinch, mustachioed tit, gray shrike, steppe and field larks, meadow pipit, common starling, millet, long-eared owl remain in large numbers for wintering.

The list of birds recorded in the area of ​​the Swan Islands (the territory of the islands, the water area and the protected zone of the reserve) includes 255 species. Some of them (220 species) are here regularly for nesting, molting, migration and wintering. Others are very rare or random. These are the red-throated loon, black stork, common loon, singa, common scooter, saker falcon, Siberian crane, little bustard, white-tailed piglet, sea sandpiper, yellow-toothed, long-tailed skua, kittiwake, Syrian woodpecker, yellow-headed wagtail, black tit, red-headed horse , southern nightingale.

Much more often, but not regularly, near the Swan Islands, the cormorant, pink pelican, dalmatian pelican, spoonbill, cinder, duck, spotted eagle, snake-eater, burial ground, Icelandic sandpiper, curlew, barnacle tern, warbler, and bullfinch are found.

The area of ​​the Swan Islands is a natural laboratory for bird watchers. Scientists ornithologists and students come here annually to conduct scientific observations. In the protected area of ​​the Lebyazhye Islands, researchers and specialists constantly conduct phenological observations, study the influence of economic activities on the state of the environment.

Senior Researcher

Crimean natural reserve

Tarina N.A.


A wide range of scientific work has been carried out in the reserve since 1923, with the creation of a Zoological and Forestry laboratory here. Every year, for many years, students and postgraduates under the guidance of the most famous scientists of our country - Academician V.N. Sukachev, professors GI Poplavskaya, II Puzanov and others. The period from 1923 to 1945. characterized by the creation of the first herbarium of the reserve, the first list of the flora of the Crimean reserve G.I. Poplavskaya (1931), which lists 771 species of vascular plants, of which five species are new to science (Scrophularia exilis Popl., Phelipaea helenae Popl., Anthyllis biebersteiniana Popl., Euphrasia taurica Ganesch.ex Popl., Sorbus taurica Zinserl.). The results of geobotanical and forest typological studies have been published (Poplavskaya, 1925-1934; Sukachev, 1931; Wulf, 1927-1941; Ivanenko, 1925, Troitsky, 1929).

Modern comprehensive studies of the KrPZ flora and its rare component began in the late 50s. At this time, work was carried out on the description of yayls (Chernova, 1951; Privalova, 1956, 1958), beech forests (Mishnev, 1969, 1980, 1986; Mishnev, Kostina, 1970), classification of oak and pine forests(Korzhenevsky, 1982; Didukh, 1990), types of forest vegetation (Vysotsky, 1957; Possokhov, 1963) inventory of the flora of the reserve (Kostina, 2010; Rudenko, 2010, 2014). Populations of some rare species were also studied - Cachrys alpina (Kosykh, 1978), Silene jailensis (Ena, 2001; Nikiforov, 2009, 2011, 2012), Sobolewskia sibirica (Nikiforov, 2009), Lamium glaberrimum (Nikiforov, 2005; Ena, 2006) , Pulsatilla taurica (Golubev, 2012), Allium siculum subsp. dioscoridis, Seseli lehmannii, Solenanthus biebersteinii (Rudenko, 2014). This period is marked by publications and collections concerning floristic discoveries of new species on the territory of the KrPZ: Silene jailensis (Rubtsov, 1974), Allium albidum (Allium denudatum F. Delaroche) (Korzhenevsky, YALT, 1979), Anemone fasciculata (Kostina, 1979), Dryopteris villarii (Bezsmertnaya, 2011).

Since the end of the 60s, regular work on the study of mammals began to be carried out in the area of ​​the Lebyazhye Islands (Dulitsky A.I.), and from the mid-70s, floristic work was established (Kostina V.P.), in which the staff of the Institute took part in some years. botany of the Ukrainian SSR. For 10-12 years of stationary work, the ornithologist of the Crimean Reserve Yu.V. Kostin (who worked in the reserve from 1959 to 1982) ringed a large number of nesting and migratory birds, collected interesting material about the avifauna of the Swan Islands region, its uniqueness. Due to the large volume of publications using these data, the Swan Islands and Karkinitsky Bay were included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance (Iran, Ramsar, 1971).

Since the mid-1980s, it became necessary to conduct comprehensive studies of the nature, depth and rate of change in the natural ecosystems of the reserve as a result of economic activities in adjacent territories. The workers of the reserve (Tarina N.A.) studied the state of habitats of birds of the near-water complex in the conditions of the Swan Islands, identified environmental factors that determine the dynamics of the number of birds, as well as the mechanisms of adaptation of birds to changing habitat conditions under the influence of anthropogenic factors. And since May 1988. within the framework of households. hydrochemical toxicological studies of the ecosystems of the "Swan Islands" reserve have begun by the staff of the Laboratory of Radiobiology of the Institute of Biology southern seas(Sevastopol), which, with short interruptions, continued until 1996. Over the years, material has been collected on the content of organochlorine compounds in living and inanimate natural objects of the reserve and its buffer zone (Zherko N.V., Shchepinova N.A., Chervyakov S.M.), mercury (Svetasheva S.K., Plotitsina O .V.), Other materials (Ovchinikova S.S.), radioactive strontium (Korkishko N.F., Arkhipova S.I.), cesium-137 (Popovichev V.N.); distribution of phytoplankton (Sergeeva L.M.) and zooplankton (Shcherbatenko P.V.) - indicators of environmental pollution; study of mutagenic activity of waters on a yeast biomodel (Tsymugina V.G., Tereshchenko N.N.).

In 1990, an employee of the Nikitsky Botanical Hall for the first time for the reserve conducted a study of the macrophytobenthos of protected water areas (Maslov I.I.). Since 1996, a complex group of employees of the Nikitsky botanical garden(Bagrikov N.A., Kostin S.Yu., Sadogursky S.E.), the reserve (Tarina N.A.) and the Taurida University named after V.I. Vernadsky (Klyukin A.A.). The questions of the influence of colonial bird species on the vegetation of the Lebyazhyi Islands were studied, and work was begun on geomorphology, geobotany, and algology of protected areas. In 1998, a zoological and geobotanical survey of all cadastral sites of the international site of the Karkinitsky Bay was carried out under the Wetlands International program.

In protected areas (mountain-forest area, the Swan Islands branch, its protected zone, the water area of ​​the Karkinitsky ornithological reserve), a complex of monitoring works, research is carried out annually under the Chronicle of Nature program, approved annually by the Scientific and Technical Council of the Crimean Natural Reserve.


The area of ​​the mountain-forest area of ​​the reserve is almost 35 thousand hectares. Forests cover 28.8 thousand hectares or 83.2% of its mountain-forest area. Half of this area (almost 53%) is occupied by oak forests. Most often, you can find here plant communities of rock oak. Communities of fluffy oak and pedunculate oak are found fragmentarily. The trees are 85 - 125 years old. They occupy the lower limits mountain range at an altitude of 300 to 600 m above sea level and are distinguished by the richness of plant species. Here grow narrow-leaved and tall ash, Caucasian and heart-leaved linden, Steven and field maple, common hornbeam, aspen, European and warty euonymus, wild apple and pear, several types of mountain ash, wild cherries and plums, dogwood, 9 species of hawthorn, rose hips, privet , svidina, scumpia, barberry, hazel and many others. In summer and autumn, there is a real fruit paradise here, the forest generously endows everyone with the most delicious and valuable products.

Beech forests occupy 7490.1 hectares of the reserve area and are represented by plant communities of forest beech. Beech forests grow on the northern slopes of the Babugan, Chatyr-Dag, Nikitsky and Sinap-Dag ranges in the upper and middle parts. Today in the Crimean nature reserve you can see magnificent stands of 300 years old, witnesses of bygone eras.

Under the canopy of the beech forest, there is a shade-tolerant coniferous plant - the berry yew, which is a relic of the Tertiary period. The species is included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. All parts of the tree, except for the watery-tasting prunus, are poisonous. Yew is a long-liver; in the reserve there are plants about 1000 years old. Yew wood is durable, solid, does not rot, red in color, beautiful texture, the most famous "mahogany", because of which people have exterminated the plant for centuries.

The area of ​​pine forests in the reserve is 3.5 thousand hectares. Pine forests are represented by plant formations of Crimean pine (Pallas) and Scots pine. They grow in the middle and upper belt of the Main ridge, fragmentarily on the northern macroslope of the Main ridge. Scots pine-dominated forests are found at an altitude of 500-1450 m above sea level. On the southern slopes, pine forests more than 300 years old have been preserved.

The grove of stinking juniper on the slopes of the Black and Bolshaya Chuchel mountains is unique. The plant is a relict Mediterranean species. The trees reach an age of over 400 years, have a height of 7-9 m and a trunk diameter of 20-36 cm. Four more species of juniper grow on the territory of the reserve: red juniper, tall and creeping junipers - Cossack and hemispherical. All species of junipers growing in Crimea are listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2011.

Vegetable world the reserve is striking in its diversity. The flora list includes 1357 species of higher vascular plants belonging to 535 genera and 114 families (Rudenko, 2010), 183 species of mosses (Partyka, 1995), 59 species of algae (Sadogursky, 2009). According to A.E. Khodosovtsev (2006), there are 344 species of lichenophilic fungi (lichens), 71 species of myxomycetes (Romanenko, 2001), 480 macromycetes (Sarkina, 2011).

Analysis geographical structure showed that the flora of the reserve is Mediterranean in nature. The largest number of higher plant species in the reserve (409) belongs to the diurnal Mediterranean type, which is 30.1% of the total number of species. Adventive taxa are represented singly (2.3%). Based on the list of Crimean endemics published by An.V. Yena (Ena, 2009), 60 species of the reserve are endemic (Rudenko, 2014). The most common species in the reserve are Steven's maple, Bieberstein's jaskolka, Steven's sunflower, Tauride breach, large-cup primrose, Crimean lumbago, yayla's cuff, irrigated saxifrage, etc.

Narrow local endemics are unique Scrophularia exilis), discovered by G.I. Poplavskaya in the upper reaches of the Avunda, as well as the Yaylinskaya smolens (Silene jailensis), which grows in the same area.

On the territory of the reserve, more than 150 rare species have been identified, included in protected lists of various levels. Thus, 42 species of plants and fungi are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (2005), including Crimean asphodeline, onosma multifoliate, Crimean saffron, satiriose steveniella, pale orchis, belladonna belladonna, etc.

The European Red List lists 127 species of higher vascular plants of the reserve. Of these, they have the Endangered status (endangered) - 1 species: Steveniella satyrioides; Vulnerable status (vulnerable) - 3 species: purple lagoseris (Crepis purpurea), multifoliate onosma (Onosma polyphylla), Iberian fingernail (Dactylorhiza iberica); Near Threatened status (endangered) - 5 species: small-leaved dormice (Epipactis microphylla), lady's slipper (Cypripedium calceolus), dremlik orchis (Anacamptis morio), round-leaved rank (Lathyrus rotundifolius.), white-flowered onion (All) Least Concern status (least problematic) - 110 species; Data Deficient status - (insufficient data) - 8 types. In the same list there are 9 species protected by the Berne Convention and 38 species protected by CITES.

M.I. Rudenko, Ph.D.,

head of scientific department



According to Article 33 of the Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Areas" dated March 14, 1995 No. 33-F3, the protection of natural complexes and objects in the territories of state natural reserves (hereinafter - reserves) and national parks is carried out by a special state inspection for the protection of territories of reserves and national parks, whose employees are part of the staff of the relevant environmental institutions.

State inspectors were formed with the aim of strengthening the protection of natural complexes and objects and monitoring compliance with the established regime and other requirements of environmental legislation. In their activities, state inspectors are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on specially protected natural areas, other legislative and regulatory legal acts, including regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, acts of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, these Methodological Recommendations, orders and orders director of the reserve ( national park).

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses) and the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas” grant the following rights to state inspectors for the protection of territories of state natural reserves and national parks:

Carry out the delivery (compulsory transmission) of an individual for the purpose of drawing up a protocol (if it is impossible to draw it up on the spot), to the police premises or to another office building (Article 27.2. Of the Administrative Code). That is, the state inspector has the right to deliver the violator also to the premises of the reserve or national park, which was not provided for by the previously valid legal acts. Delivery should be made as soon as possible. A protocol is drawn up about the delivery or an appropriate entry is made in the protocol on an administrative offense.

Conduct a personal search and inspection of things (Article 27.7. Of the Administrative Code): carried out in order to detect instruments of committing or objects of an administrative offense; a personal search is carried out by a person of the same sex with the person being searched in the presence of two attesting witnesses of the same sex;

If necessary, photography and filming, video recording, and other established methods of fixing material evidence are used;

Carry out the inspection (that is, inspection) of the vehicle (Article 27.9. Of the Administrative Code):

It is carried out in order to detect the instruments of committing or objects of an administrative offense;

- if necessary, photography and filming, video recording, and other established methods of fixing material evidence are used;

- To seize things and documents (Article 27.10 of the Administrative Code).

- To seize goods, vehicles and other things (Article 27.14 of the Administrative Code), which were the instruments of the commission or the subjects of the offense:

- Draw up protocols on administrative offenses (Article 28.3 of the Administrative Code) provided for by Article 8.39 of the Administrative Code (violations of the regime or other rules for environmental protection and the use of natural resources in specially protected natural areas);

Provided by part 1 of article 19.4. Administrative Code (disobedience to the legal order of the person exercising state control);

Provided by part 1 of article 19.5. Administrative Code (failure to comply with a legal order of an official exercising state control);

Provided by article 19.7. Administrative Code (failure to provide information (information), the submission of which is prescribed by law).

- To issue rulings on initiating an administrative offense case and conducting an administrative offense (Article 28.7 of the Administrative Code).

- Check (Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Protected Areas") permits for the right to stay in the territories of reserves and national parks from persons located in these territories;

Documents for the right to carry out nature management and other activities in the territories of reserves and national parks and their protected zones.

- To detain in the territories of reserves, national parks and their protected zones persons who have violated the legislation of the Russian Federation on specially protected natural areas (Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Protected Areas").

- Unimpeded to visit any objects located on the territories of reserves, national parks, their protected zones to check compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on specially protected natural areas (Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Protected Areas").

- On duty (Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Protected Areas"):

use in the prescribed manner special means - handcuffs, rubber sticks, tear gas, devices for forced stopping of transport, service dogs, carry, store and use service firearms.

Also enjoy all the rights of officials of the state forest protection and other federal executive bodies in the field of environmental protection (Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Protected Areas").

The rights of officials of the state forest protection are provided for by Article 77 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and the Regulation on the State Forest Protection of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of March 20, 2006 No. 150.

The rights of officials (state inspectors) of other federal executive bodies in the field of environmental protection are established by Article 66 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" dated January 10, 2002 No. 7-FZ, including:

to visit organizations, objects of economic and other activities, regardless of the form of ownership, including objects subject to state protection, defense facilities, civil defense facilities, to get acquainted with documents and other materials necessary for the implementation of state environmental control;

check compliance with regulations, state standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection, the operation of treatment facilities and other neutralizing devices, controls, as well as the implementation of plans and measures for environmental protection;

check compliance with the requirements, norms and rules in the field of environmental protection during placement, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of production and other facilities;

check the fulfillment of the requirements specified in the conclusion of the state ecological expertise, and make proposals for its implementation;

to make demands and issue instructions to legal entities and individuals to eliminate violations of environmental protection legislation (in this case, requests to restrict, suspend or terminate the activities of legal entities and individuals in violation of environmental protection legislation are considered by the court or arbitration court);

to stop and inspect vehicles, check weapons and other tools for obtaining objects of the animal world, products received from them, including during its transportation, in places of storage and processing.

In addition to the above rights, the chief state inspectors for the protection of the territories of reserves and national parks and their deputies are entitled to:

Consider cases of administrative offenses (Article 23.25. Administrative Code), provided for in Article 8.39. Administrative Code (violation of the rules for the protection and use of natural resources in specially protected natural areas).

According to Art. 29.6. Of the Administrative Code, cases of administrative offenses are considered within 15 days from the date of receipt by an official competent to consider the case, a protocol on an administrative offense and other case materials. According to Art. 4.5. Of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a decision on a case on violation of environmental protection legislation cannot be issued after one year from the date of the administrative offense, and in case of a continuing offense - from the date of its detection.

In case of refusal to initiate a criminal case or its termination, but if there are signs of an administrative offense in the actions of the offender, an administrative penalty may be imposed no later than one month from the date of the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case or to terminate it.

- To sue individuals and legal entities to recover funds in favor of state nature reserves and national parks as compensation for damage caused to natural complexes and objects of reserves, national parks, their protected zones as a result of violations of the established regime (Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Protected Areas" ).

Prohibit economic and other activities that do not comply with the established regime of state natural reserves, national parks, their protected zones (Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Protected Areas").

Send to law enforcement agencies materials on violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation on specially protected natural areas.


2.1. Administrative responsibility.

2.1.1. General requirements.

The issue of bringing an individual or legal entity to administrative responsibility should be resolved in strict accordance with the requirements of Art. 1.5. Of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Code of Administrative Offenses):

In accordance with Art. 2.9. Of the Administrative Code, if the committed administrative offense is insignificant, the official authorized to solve the case can release the offender from administrative responsibility and limit himself to an oral remark. In this case, according to Article 29.9. Administrative Code, based on the results of the consideration, a resolution is issued to terminate the proceedings in the case of an administrative offense.

According to Art. 2.7. The Code of Administrative Offenses is not an administrative offense when a person causes harm to legally protected interests in a state of extreme necessity, i.e. to eliminate the danger that directly threatens the person and the rights of this person or other persons, as well as the interests of society or the state protected by law, if this danger could not be eliminated by other means and if the harm caused is less significant than the harm prevented.

According to Art. 2.8. The Code of Administrative Offenses is not subject to administrative responsibility for an individual who was in a state of insanity at the time of committing illegal actions, i.e. could not realize the nature and illegality of their actions due to a chronic or temporary mental disorder, dementia or other morbid state of the psyche.

Administrative responsibility for violation of the legislation on specially protected natural areas is established by Article 8.39 of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

Article 8.39. Violation of the rules for the protection and use of natural resources in specially protected natural areas.

Violation of the established regime or other rules for the protection and use of the natural environment and natural resources in the territories of state natural reserves, national parks, natural parks, state natural reserves, as well as in the territories where natural monuments are located, in other specially protected natural areas or in their security zones. It shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand to four thousand rubles, with or without confiscation of the instruments of committing an administrative offense and products of illegal nature use; for officials - from fifteen thousand to twenty thousand rubles with or without confiscation of instruments of committing an administrative offense and products of illegal nature use; for legal entities - from three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles with or without confiscation of instruments of committing an administrative offense and products of illegal nature use.

2.1.6. Responsibility of foreign citizens.

According to Art. 2.6. Administrative Code: foreign citizens, stateless persons and foreign legal entities are subject to administrative liability on a general basis;

the question of the administrative responsibility of a foreign citizen enjoying immunity from the administrative jurisdiction of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws and international treaties is resolved in accordance with the norms of international law.

2.1.9. Failure to pay an administrative fine.

Administrative liability for non-payment of an administrative fine is established by Part 1 of Article 20.25 of the Administrative Code: Failure to pay an administrative fine or unauthorized abandonment of the place of serving the administrative arrest. Failure to pay an administrative fine within the time period provided for by this Code - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two times the amount of the unpaid administrative fine or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days.

2.2. Criminal liability.

Criminal liability for environmental crimes in the field of specially protected natural areas and the protection of biological resources is established by a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Article 256. Illegal production of aquatic animals and plants

Illegal catch of fish, sea animals and other aquatic animals or commercial marine plants, if this act is committed:

b) with the use of a self-propelled floating vehicle or explosive and chemical substances, electric current or other methods of mass extermination of these aquatic animals and plants;

c) in places of spawning or on migration routes to them;

d) on the territory of a nature reserve, wildlife sanctuary, or in an ecological disaster zone or in an ecological emergency zone, - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or correctional labor for up to two years, or arrest for four to six months.

2. Illegal hunting of seals, sea beavers or other marine mammals on the high seas or in restricted areas - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary or any other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or correctional labor for up to two years, or arrest for three to six months.

3. The acts provided for in the first or second part of this Article, committed by a person using his official position, or by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, or by an organized group, - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person. for a period from one to three years or imprisonment for up to two years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years.

Article 258. Illegal hunting.

  1. Illegal hunting, if this act is committed:

a) causing major damage;

b) using a power-driven vehicle or aircraft, explosives, gases or other methods of mass destruction of birds and animals;

c) in relation to birds and animals, hunting for which is completely prohibited;

d) on the territory of a nature reserve, a nature reserve or in an ecological disaster zone or in an ecological emergency zone, -

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or correctional labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of four to six months.

2. The same act, committed by a person using his official position, or by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, or by an organized group, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years, with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or not.

Article 260. Illegal felling of trees and bushes

1.Illegal felling, as well as damage to the point of stopping the growth of trees, shrubs and lianas in the forests of the first group or in specially protected areas of forests of all groups, as well as trees, shrubs and lianas that are not included in the forest fund or are prohibited from felling, if these the acts were committed in a significant amount, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to forty thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three months, or by deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years, or correctional labor for a term of six months to one year , or arrest for up to three months.

  1. Illegal felling, as well as damage to the point of stopping the growth of trees, shrubs and lianas in forests of all groups, as well as plantations that are not included in the forest fund, if these acts are committed:

a) by a group of persons;

c) by a person using his official position;

d) on a large scale, -

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or by compulsory works for a term of one hundred and eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of one to two years, or by deprivation freedom for up to two years, with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years.

3. The acts provided for in the first or second part of this Article, committed on an especially large scale, by a group of persons in a preliminary conspiracy, or by an organized group, -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of one to three years, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years, with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or not.

Note. In this article, a significant amount is recognized as damage caused to the forest fund and forests not included in the forest fund, calculated according to the rates approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, exceeding ten thousand rubles, a large amount - one hundred thousand rubles, an especially large amount - two hundred fifty thousand rubles.

Article 261. Destruction or damage of forests

Destruction or damage to forests, as well as plantations that are not included in the forest fund, as a result of careless handling of fire or other sources of increased danger -

shall be punishable by a fine in an amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or correctional labor for a term of up to two years, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

Destruction or damage of forests, as well as plantations that are not included in the forest fund, by setting fire, in any other generally dangerous way, or as a result of pollution with harmful substances, waste, emissions or refuse -

shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two years, or by imprisonment for a term of up to seven years, with a fine in the amount of ten thousand to one hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period from one month to one year, or without it.

Article 262. Violation of the regime of specially protected natural areas and natural objects

Violation of the regime of reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, natural monuments and other natural areas specially protected by the state, which caused significant damage, - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or by deprivation the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years, or correctional labor for up to two years.


In Crimea "... there are no two pieces of land, two mountains, two valleys similar to each other ... Each Crimean valley has its own winds, its own sunshine, its own humidity and dryness, its colors, smells, sounds, its own climate, its own soil, its own vegetation" , - this is how the writer S.Ya. Elpatievsky. We find the same diversity directly in the Crimean nature reserve.

The main territory of the reserve is a typical mountainous area with hard-to-reach rocky peaks, gorges, mountain rivers and forests. The total area of ​​the mountain-forest area is 34,563 hectares (excluding the Lebyazhy Islands branch). The southern border of this territory almost reaches the Black Sea, and the northern part partially covers the city of Chatyr-Dag. The reserve occupies the most elevated part of the Main ridge of the Crimean Mountains. Its northern slopes are longer than the southern ones, which are shorter and steeply descend to the sea. The reserve contains the most high points The main ridge is the city of Roman-Kosh (1545 above sea level), Demir-Kapu (1541 above sea level), Zeytin-Kosh (1537 above sea level). The peaks of the Main Ridge are hilly, treeless plateaus covered with grassy vegetation - yayly (from the Türkic "summer pasture").

The main rocks of the reserve are shales, sandstones, limestones and conglomerates of various ages, mainly of the Jurassic period. The diversity of the geological structure determines the diversity of soils, which in the reserve are represented by groups of mountain-forest and mountain-meadow soils.

The reserve is of great importance as an accumulator of fresh water, which accumulates on yayls and feeds springs and rivers. More than 1000 are born in the reserve water sources... They are located unevenly across its territory. The largest number powerful springs are located in the zone of distribution of high-stemmed beech stands. One of the most scenic spots The Central Basin (700 meters above sea level), formed by wooded spurs of the Konek, Babugan and Black Mountain ranges, is considered to be the reserve. There is an abundance of water here. Especially unique is the Savlukh-Su spring (from the Türkic "healthy water"), covered with legends since ancient times. For two years (1987-1989), it was studied by employees of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine under the leadership of Academician E.F. Shnyukov. Studies have shown that the spring water is sulphate-hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium, high purity, neutral in acidity (pH 7.6). The water temperature is about + 5 ° C. Water flow rate is constant - 6 l / sec. The source is fed by deep waters, as evidenced by geological, hydrochemical and radiochemical data. The source is located in the zone of intersection of two deep-seated faults - Alminskiy and Demerdzhiy. In the water of Savlukh-Su, silver and zinc were found in increased concentrations - elements that are not characteristic of the karst strata of the region. The source water contains 0.08-0.125 mg / l of silver ions. It was also found that when water is stored for more than a year, its chemical composition and properties do not change. Employees of the Institute of Geological Sciences investigated the water of 15 more sources of the reserve. The presence of zinc ions in the Uzen-Bash spring, manganese in the water of the Berezovy spring was found. Traces of silver are noted in the sources on the river. Babuganke, r. Alma and Berezovoy. The waters of the Tar'era and Uzen-Basha springs were classified as sulfate-hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium.

The nature has adorned the upper reaches of many Crimean rivers with waterfalls. Such is the Uzen-Bash, the right tributary of the river. Ulu-Uzeni. At an altitude of 800 m above sea level. in the wild gorge of Yaman-Dere there are cascades of the waterfall named after Professor N.A. Golovkinsky. And although the height of the fall of the water is not high - 12 m, it is breathtaking when you see the colossal work of the stream bursting out of the gorge covered with rocks, making its way through the stones, down, there - into the sunny Alushta valley, to the sea.

The protected springs give rise to many of the most important rivers of Crimea: Alme, Kache, Ulu-Uzeni, Derekoyke, Avunda, etc. The deepest and longest protected rivers are Alma (84 km) and Kacha (69 km). These are typical mountain rivers with a fast flow and flood nature. Most of the water is in them in spring (when the snow melts in the mountains) and in autumn, when there are heavy rains. Rivers do not freeze in winter.

23 reservoirs have been built on the Crimean rivers, including Kachinskoye, Alminskoye, Izobilnenskoye (on the Ulu-Uzen river). The problem of water in the mountainous part of the peninsula is solved exclusively thanks to them. The development of the southern coastal resorts, agriculture with its vineyards and orchards is impossible without this water. Therefore, it is impossible to overestimate the importance of the reserve, which conserves forests and water.

In the north-west of Crimea there is an ornithological reserve. It got its name in the 19th century thanks to the German scientist Brauler, who visited these places for research purposes. It is quite difficult to find a reserved place. Not every local resident knows the way to it.

On a note:
Area - 9 612 hectares.
The islands are inhabited by about 320 species of birds, of which 49 are in the Red Book.

User photos:

History of the Swan Islands

The history of the Swan Islands is a little over 100 years old. They arose as a result of the erosion of the sand spit by the sea in the Karkinitsky Gulf of the Black Sea and are located 3.5 km from its shores. The status of the reserve was given to the islands only in 1949. Until recently, there were 6 of them in the Swan Ridge, but the sea constantly makes its own adjustments to their composition. Currently, there are only 5 of them left.

The Swan Islands of the Crimean Peninsula are sand-shell shallows stretching along the coast of the Karkinitsky Bay harbor for a distance of 8 km. The height of the shoals does not exceed 200 meters. The largest islet is only 3.5 km long and 350 meters wide. The total area of ​​all islands is 9 thousand square meters. km. Initially, they were called Sary-Bulatskys by the name of the village located with them in the immediate vicinity. It is currently renamed Portovoye.

Giving the territory the status of a reserve made it possible to save the birds from destruction. Local residents actively hunted swans. Their down was used to make pillows, and their meat was sold in local markets as a gourmet delicacy.

Important! In 1971, these islands were included in the list of territories for which protection is of international importance.

When does the swan season start?

The first swan offspring appear on the islands at the end of May. All of them are separated by shallow waters, in which a large number of fish are found, which serves as the main food source for birds. At this time, the hubbub of several thousand chicks is heard in these places, constantly demanding food from their parents. Without waiting for food, some of them crawl out of their nests and wander in the grass in search of a worm. Hearing a noise or noticing a person, chicks rush to the water or freeze in the surrounding vegetation.

Swans are not the only inhabitants of the islands. Together with them, you can meet here noisy seagulls. Herons and the black-headed gull, listed in the Red Book, feel great here. The pink pelican fell in love with these places. Recently, he began to willingly settle on the islands. Birds, flying to the places of their nomadic camps, love to make their stops in these places. On the islands you can also meet turukhans, ulits, terns, as well as ducks, white-fronted and gray geese, swallows, larks, blackbirds and wagtails. In total, 350 species of birds and 25 species of migratory birds are registered in the reserve.

At the height of the season, up to 100 thousand birds flock on the islands, and at the peak of migratory stops up to a million. During this period of time, they try to protect the birds from outside presence. Even gamekeepers rarely visit the islands in May. Due to the fact that the water surrounding the islands does not freeze, about 5 thousand individuals of swans remain here for the winter. In rare but severe frosts, they fly closer to people. At this time, they can be seen on the beaches of Yalta, Sevastopol or Evpatoria. The townspeople, accustomed to the arrival of birds, willingly feed them.

In the water area of ​​the Swan Islands, you can also find other representatives of the fauna. Here, common dolphins and bottlenose dolphins, porpoises, white polecat, large jerboa, various types of reptiles and even Black Sea salmon found protection for their existence.

Video review of the Swan Islands

How do the Swan Islands live today?

Research observations are carried out in the reserve, the bird population is monitored. The protected area covers almost 52 hectares. After the desalination of seawater by the runoffs of the North Crimean Canal, serious natural changes took place on the islands. They influenced the flora and fauna of the islands. The overgrowing of estuaries with reed vegetation began, the formation of a new complex of avifauna. The task of scientists is to preserve the population of birds inhabited on the islands.

Currently, there is a significant improvement in the ecological situation in the area of ​​the Swan Islands. The reason for this was the cessation of the supply of fresh water to the Crimea through the North Crimean Canal. This led to a reduction in the area of ​​agricultural land occupied by rice crops. The main share of chemical pollution of the environment in the area of ​​the Swan Islands is associated with this culture. Growing rice required a lot of fresh water and mineral fertilizers.

In the shallow water surrounding the island, the number of fish began to increase, and the surface of rice paddies began to overgrow with grass, which is the food base for birds. Recently, the number of gamekeepers guarding the reserve has also increased, and the procedure for issuing hunting tickets has become more stringent. Together with birds, fish and animals are protected on the Swan Islands.

How to get to the islands?

The nearest settlement to the Lebyazhye Islands is the village of Aurora. It is located in the Razdolnensky region of the Crimea and is part of the Slavic village council. Geographically, the Karkinitsky Bay, on the shore of which Aurora is located, and in its waters the Swan Islands, is located in the northwest of the Crimea peninsula. Protected area begins immediately behind the Bakalskaya spit, north of the cape known as Tarkhankut.

Tourists striving to get closer to the Swan Islands are planning their route through the Black Sea. Regular buses and minibuses go here from Evpatoria. The distance between these two settlements is 70 km. On the shuttle bus from Chernomorskoye they get to Razdolny, and there on foot strictly to the north 8 km to Portovoy.

You can also get to the area of ​​the islands by water. Boats run here regularly. Entrance and entry to the territory of the reserve itself are allowed only with special passes.

Swan Islands in Crimea: pelicans and flamingos in protected area There are places beyond Cape Tarkhankut where swans fly to Crimean cities .Even the Crimean residents will not all answer you where these islands are located and what makes them remarkable. But, perhaps, this is good, as well as the fact that they hid away from the noisy resort villages and beaches. I myself, although I heard that there are reserved bird islands somewhere in the north-west of the peninsula beyond Razdolny, but all "hands did not reach" to find out more about them. And this summer, one familiar tour guide-enthusiast mentioned in a conversation about the development of a new resort route, namely, an ornithological route (for bird lovers): - There is an opportunity to see pelicans and flamingos in the wild, in natural conditions, - he said, - and do not be surprised so, you do not need to go far for this. We have them here - on the Swan Islands. Wow, it’s some kind of exotic and not just somewhere, but in our native open spaces! ”“ So what, just come and see? - I was surprised. - Well, not so easy, of course. Special permission is needed, because these are reserved places. We are negotiating with the management of the reserve about such an opportunity for specially trained small groups of tourists. Perhaps they will agree, because the funds will go to the needs of the farm, since they have enough problems ... That's when I wanted to know what kind of farm it is and where suddenly we have such amazing birds in Crimea. And here's what turned out. Reserve "Swan Islands" in Crimea North of Cape Tarkhankut, behind the Bakalskaya spit, in the Karkinitsky Bay of the Black Sea, near the village of Portovoe (the old name is Sary-Bulat) once, more than a hundred years ago, there was a spit with lush vegetation and even a source of drinking water ... There locals for the whole summer they drove out cattle as if they were on free pasture. But over the years, the spit eroded and three rather large islands appeared. They began to be called Sary-Bulatskys, and the name Lebyazhyi appeared later. Naturally, they stopped grazing cattle there, and birds began to intensively inhabit the fertile places. The local population began to use this in every possible way: they mined the meat of game birds (they also traded in delicious swan meat), the scale of the collection of bird fluff and eggs was such that they made it possible to use eggs not only as a food product, but also in mortars for the special strength of buildings. By the way, the landowner Sayenko, who ran at the beginning in Sary-Bulat, on such a solution in 1903 built the five-domed Old Russian style St. George-Alexander Church with a monastery courtyard. Yes, so strong that an attempt to demolish it in 1985. was repeated three times, until the "atheist enthusiasts" left only the foundation of it (by the way, the bells from those ancient times, buried somewhere on the shore of the Karkinitsky Bay, have not been found). Let's return all the same to the islands. It must be said that the sea, having created an island from the spit, did not calm down on this, and after a while six smaller ones "disappeared" from the three islands. And there was such a number of them until recently, when suddenly one of the islands was swallowed by the restless sea, having washed up again a small spit instead. So after all the twists and turns of local relief formation, there are five islands. They received the name Lebyazhye with the light hand of the German scientist Brauler, who visited here at the end of the 19th century.

The scientist saw a huge colony of mute swans and crying swans and suggested that this is their nesting place. Apparently, he happened to be on the islands in July-August, since to this day, during these months, thousands of these royal birds fly here in order to throw off, as in Andersen's fairy tale, their old feathers and grow new ones. cannot fly and choose these islands and the water area of ​​the shallow bay, overgrown with grass, which they eat with pleasure, as the safest. But swans do not build nests here and do not breed chicks, although some of the swans live on the islands throughout the year. These are young birds that do not lay eggs until 4-5 years of age, as well as adults who, for some tragic reason, have lost their pair. There are legends about swan fidelity, and, although, indeed, swans create monogamous unions and live in pairs, but in case of loss of a partner from a height they do not rush to the ground, but most often they look for their other half again. Here on our islands there is also such a "dating club" for lonely swans. White swans in Crimea Quite a lot of swans fly here for wintering (sometimes up to 5 thousand individuals), because the bay practically does not freeze, and if it does freeze, then there are always large openings ... Sometimes, in extreme cold, some of the swans fly to the beaches of Yalta, Sevastopol, Evpatoria. There people feed them. And then the birds again return to their quiet, cozy, safe island kingdom-state, which since 1949 has officially been the ornithological branch of the Crimean State Reserve. This means that on the Swan Islands it is not only forbidden to hunt birds, but also to disturb them in general, as well as to fish, collect medicinal plants, and generally conduct any activity. The area of ​​the islands themselves is 52 hectares, the surrounding shallow water is 9612 hectares. The adjacent water area of ​​the Karkinitsky Bay and the coastal lands of the Razdolnensky and Krasnogvardeisky districts are also protected. Only gamekeepers and ornithologists are allowed to be here, who observe birds at different times of the year. Indeed, in addition to swans on the islands, you can see another 260 species of birds, 49 of which are listed in the Red Book! Such, unfortunately, now rare birds, such as: spoonbill, ibex, yellow heron, white-eyed duck, cormorant, stilt, chigrava, curlew, bustard, steppe kestrel, curly pelican, etc. There are only 250 to 50 individuals. Some of them nest here, others come only in winter, and still others rest on the flight. The most numerous colony of birds on the Swan Islands belongs to the order of gulls (among others, the Herring Gull or Martyn). There are more than 5 thousand pairs of them. The largest, the black-headed gull, is also listed in the Red Book for its rarity. Their only colony on the Black Sea lives on these islands. And also a colony of gray heron - the largest bird in the south of the European part of the CIS. Recently, pink pelicans have appeared on the nest. Numerous flocks of migratory birds also stop on the islands on their way to Africa, Europe, Asia: turukhans, ulits, sandpit cakes, terns, ducks, white-fronted and gray geese, swallows, larks, blackbirds, wagtails ... 100 thousand, and during the day, at the height of the flight - up to a million! It is not for nothing that the Swan Islands have an international reserve status, because preserving this "resting station" on the thousand-kilometer migration route of many birds is an extremely important matter. Swan mother and her cubs Ornithologists are constantly researching all these birds and changes in conditions in the reserve. I am glad that these conditions are gradually improving. For example, as a result of a decrease in the intensity of chemical processing of rice paddies, the coastal areas and the seabed are overgrown with grass, and this is the main food base for birds. There are more fish and other marine life in the bay. The protection of land from poachers has improved: the staff of gamekeepers has doubled, equipment has appeared (cars, boats, although, of course, there are not enough of them). It was also possible to save these places from attempts to issue hunting licenses, allegedly to earn money for development ... To invent the same thing: to scare and disperse all birds with "good" intentions to protect them with shooting and dogs. Then there will be no one to protect. Another thing is if you organize excursions to the islands with an experienced ornithologist. Although the reserve is considered an ornithological reserve, fish are also protected here along with birds (seahorse, thorn, beluga, Black Sea salmon are still found) and animals: sea (bottlenose dolphins, azovka and common barnacle) and land (large jerboa, white polecat; endangered species of the steppe viper and yellow-bellied snake). But of course, the main dream of local specialists remains the organization of the Karkinitsky reserve, which will include the entire bay, as well as the Bakalskaya spit and the salt Bakalskoe lake. Then, instead of a branch, there would be an independent reserve here. Maybe the Swan Islands will be lucky and they will be taken under his care by a rich and generous person who is not indifferent to our beast and bird, as the Askania-Nova nature reserve was once lucky with the wonderful Baron Falzfein.

Reserve Swan Islands in Crimea, 1983 photo by Konstantin Dudchenko

Even the Crimean residents will not all answer you where these islands are located and what makes them remarkable. But, perhaps, this is good, as well as the fact that they hid away from the noisy resort villages and beaches. Some kind of exoticism and not just somewhere, but in our native open spaces!

The Swan Islands are located off the northwestern coast of Crimea in the Karkinitsky Gulf of the Black Sea. The protected area includes 6 islands stretching for 8 km along the coast of the Crimea from the southwest to the northeast. The islands are separated from Crimea and each other by shallow straits.

At the IV International Conference on the Conservation of Waterfowl (Iran, 1971), the Swan Islands were included in the list of protected areas of international importance.

North of Cape Tarkhankut, beyond the Bakalskaya spit, in the Karkinitsky Bay of the Black Sea, near the village of Portovoe (the old name is Sary-Bulat), once, more than a hundred years ago, there was a spit with lush vegetation and even a source of drinking water. Local residents drove their cattle there for the whole summer as if they were on a free pasture. But over the years, the spit eroded and three rather large islands appeared. They began to be called Sary-Bulatskys, and the name Lebyazhy appeared later. Naturally, they stopped grazing cattle there, and birds began to intensively inhabit the fertile places. The local population began to use this in every possible way: they mined the meat of game birds (they also traded in gourmet swan meat), while the scale of collecting bird fluff and eggs was such that they made it possible to use eggs not only as a food product, but also in mortars for the special strength of buildings.

By the way, the landowner Sayenko, who ran at the beginning in Sary-Bulat, on such a solution in 1903 built the five-domed Old Russian style St. George-Alexander Church with a monastery courtyard. Yes, so strong that an attempt to demolish it in 1985. was repeated three times, until the "atheist enthusiasts" left only the foundation of it (by the way, the bells, buried somewhere on the shore of the Karkinitsky Bay, have not been found ...)

Let's go back to the islands. It must be said that the sea, having created an island out of the spit, did not calm down on this, and after a while six smaller islands "disappeared" from the three islands. And such a number of them was until recently, when suddenly one of the islands was swallowed up by the restless sea, having washed up again a small spit instead. So after all the twists and turns of local relief formation, there are five islands. They received the name Lebyazhye with the light hand of the German scientist Brauler, who visited here at the end of the 19th century.

The scientist saw a huge colony of mute swans and crying swans and suggested that this is their nesting place. Apparently, he happened to be on the islands in July-August, since to this day, in these months, thousands of these royal birds fly here in order to throw off, as in Andersen's fairy tale, their old feathers and grow new ones. During the moulting period, swans cannot fly and choose these islands and the water area of ​​the shallow bay, overgrown with grass, which they eat with pleasure, as the safest ones. But swans do not build nests here and do not breed chicks, although some of the swans live on the islands throughout the year. These are young birds that do not lay eggs until 4-5 years of age, as well as adults who, for some tragic reason, have lost their pair.

There are legends about swan fidelity, and, although, indeed, swans create monogamous unions and live in pairs, but in case of loss of a partner from a height they do not rush to the ground, but most often they look for their other half again. Here on our islands there is also such a "dating club" for lonely swans.

The largest, the black-headed gull, is also listed in the Red Book for its rarity. Their only colony on the Black Sea lives on these islands. And also a colony of gray heron - the largest bird in the south of the European part of the CIS. Recently, pink pelicans have appeared on the nest. Numerous flocks of migratory birds also stop on the islands on their way to Africa, Europe, Asia: turukhans, ulits, sandpit cakes, terns, ducks, white-fronted and gray geese, swallows, larks, blackbirds, wagtails ... 100 thousand, and during the day, at the height of the flight - up to a million! It is not for nothing that the Swan Islands have a protected international status, because it is extremely important to preserve this "resting station" along the thousand-kilometer migration route of many birds.

Bird watchers are constantly researching all these birds and changing conditions in the reserve. I am glad that these conditions are gradually improving. For example, as a result of a decrease in the intensity of chemical processing of rice paddies, the coastal areas and the seabed are overgrown with grass, and this is the main food base for birds.

There are more fish and other marine life in the bay. The protection of land from poachers has improved: the staff of gamekeepers has doubled, equipment has appeared (cars, boats, although, of course, there are not enough of them). We also managed to save these places from attempts to issue hunting licenses, allegedly to earn money for development ... To invent the same thing: to scare and disperse all birds with “good” intentions to protect them with shooting and dogs. Then there will be no one to defend.

It's another matter if you organize excursions to the islands with an experienced ornithologist. Although the reserve is considered an ornithological reserve, fish are also protected here along with birds (seahorse, thorn, beluga, Black Sea salmon are still found) and animals: sea (bottlenose dolphins, azovka and common barnacle) and land (large jerboa, white polecat; endangered species of the steppe viper and yellow-bellied snake). But of course, the main dream of local specialists remains the organization of the Karkinitsky reserve, which will include the entire bay, as well as the Bakalskaya spit and the salt Bakalskoe lake. Then, instead of a branch, there would be an independent reserve here. Maybe the Swan Islands will be lucky and they will be taken under his care by a rich and generous person who is not indifferent to our beast and bird, as the Askania-Nova nature reserve was once lucky with the wonderful Baron Falzfein.

At the end of May, offspring appear - thousands of chicks. Some sit in the nests waiting for their parents with food, while others prowl in the grass on their own. When a person appears, those that are older, hiding in the thickets, vigilantly follow him with black dots of their eyes, or run headlong to the water, stumbling and falling on the go.

Herons clumsily shy away in dense reeds, leaving their nests with half-released offspring. There is incessant hubbub and noise in the air. Seagulls, screaming alarmingly, hover over their heads, “dive” menacingly, almost touching the alien with their wings, chase him and follow the boat leaving the islands for a long time. But usually at this time they try not to disturb the birds. Even gamekeepers and scientists are less likely to visit the islands for their observations.

At the height of summer, large flocks of swans gather around the islands to moult. Their number usually ranges from two to five thousand. During this period, they completely lose the ability to fly and ring them, catching up in the sea on a boat. Herons and gulls are also ringed here, which makes it possible to identify the paths of seasonal migrations of birds. In particular, there were returns of swan rings from Turkey, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, and herons and cegrav - from North and Central Africa.
In autumn, the islands are no less lively than in summer, although by this time both the behavior and the species composition of birds have noticeably changed. The new offspring have already learned to fly, the gulls have become smaller, but there are so many migratory ducks and waders that if they could be frightened off all at once, they would have covered the sky with themselves.

When only one large flock of ducks rises into the air, the surroundings are filled with such a noise that it seems as if a train is passing nearby. The waters of the bay are darkened by the gathering of birds. From time to time, huge flocks break loose from their places, make several circles over the islands and again, with noise and shouting, sink into the shallows. Even at night, the hubbub and the whistle of the wings of birds flying overhead can be heard from all sides.

Bird watchers have spotted pelicans here, but they are rare guests on the Swan Islands.

Swans usually stay away from the islands, they approach them only in inclement weather, in search of shelter. Often in the evening, before sunset, you can see a snow-white chain of swans flying over the water. Their flight is magnificent - a leisurely and stately flap of their wings, an amazing synchronization of the movement of the entire formation!

These small islands are composed of sand and shell deposits and are subject to constant changes in their configuration. From time to time there is even a change in the number of islands. The height of the islands above sea level does not exceed 1-2 meters. The largest of the islands is the fourth: about 3.5 km long and about 350 m wide. The strictly protected part of the islands covers an area of ​​52 hectares.

The natural conditions of the islands - shallow water, an abundance of plant and animal food - attract many birds here, mainly waterfowl. This is one of greatest places wintering and nesting of waterbirds in the Ukraine. In addition, the Swan Islands are located on an important section of the migratory route of birds from Europe to Africa and Asia. The number of bird species found in the territory and water area of ​​the reserve reaches 265.

The reserve is constantly inhabited by about 25 species of birds. Black-headed gulls, gulls, gulls, gulls, herring gulls, cormorants, many species of ducks, pelicans and flamingos, white and gray herons, waders and others use it as a nesting place. Mute swans, whose population in the summer season reaches 6,000 individuals, do not nest here, but only wait out the molt, during which they are most vulnerable.

In late autumn, whooper swans also appear on the islands, leaving for the winter. In different years, here you can observe 10-30 thousand ducks of various species, up to 2 thousand geese. In addition to birds, the reserve also protects mammals living here: dolphins - bottlenose dolphins, white-barrels, porpoises; big jerboa and white polecat. In addition, two endangered species of reptiles are protected here: the steppe viper, the yellow-bellied snake and 4 species of fish: thorn, beluga, Black Sea salmon, seahorse.

There are places from where swans come to the Crimean cities.

Even the Crimean residents will not all answer you where these islands are located and what makes them remarkable. But, perhaps, this is good, as well as the fact that they hid away from the noisy resort villages and beaches. North of Cape Tarkhankut, beyond the Bakalskaya spit, in the Black Sea, near the village of Portovoe (the old name is Sary-Bulat), once, more than a hundred years ago, there was a spit with lush vegetation and even a source of drinking water. Local residents drove their cattle there for the whole summer as if they were on a free pasture. But over the years, the spit eroded and three rather large islands appeared. They began to be called Sary-Bulatskys, and the name Lebyazhyi appeared later. Naturally, they stopped grazing cattle there, and birds began to intensively inhabit the fertile places.

The local population began to use this in every possible way: they mined the meat of game poultry (they also traded in delicious swan meat), the scale of collecting bird fluff and eggs was such that they made it possible to use eggs not only as a food product, but also in mortars for the special strength of buildings. By the way, the landowner Sayenko, who ran at the beginning in Sary-Bulat, on such a solution in 1903 built the five-domed Old Russian style St. George-Alexander Church with a monastery courtyard. Yes, so strong that an attempt to demolish it in 1985. was repeated three times, until the "atheist enthusiasts" left only the foundation of it (by the way, the bells, buried somewhere on the shore of the Karkinitsky Gulf, have not been found since that time).

Let's go back to the islands. It must be said that the sea, having created an island from the spit, did not calm down on this, and after a while six smaller ones “disappeared” from the three islands. And such a number of them was up until recently, when suddenly one of the islands was swallowed by the restless sea, having washed up a small spit instead. So after all the twists and turns of local relief formation, there are five islands. They received the name Lebyazhye with the light hand of the German scientist Brauler, who visited here at the end of the 19th century. The scientist saw a huge colony of mute swans and screamer swans and suggested that this is their nesting place. Apparently, he happened to be on the islands in July-August, since to this day, in these months, thousands of these royal birds fly here in order to throw off, as in Andersen's fairy tale, their old feathers and grow new ones.

During the moulting period, swans cannot fly and choose these islands and the water area of ​​the shallow bay, overgrown with grass, which they eat with pleasure, as the safest ones. But swans do not build nests here and do not breed chicks, although some of the swans live on the islands throughout the year. These are young birds that do not lay eggs until 4-5 years of age, as well as adults who, for some tragic reason, have lost their pair. There are legends about swan fidelity, and, although, indeed, swans create monogamous unions and live in pairs, but in case of loss of a partner from a height they do not rush to the ground, but more often they look for their other half again. These islands also have such a "dating club" for lonely swans.

Quite a lot of swans fly here for wintering (sometimes up to 5 thousand individuals), because the bay practically does not freeze, and if it does freeze, then there are always large openings. Sometimes, in extreme cold, some of the swans fly to the beaches. There people feed them. And then the birds again return to their quiet, cozy, safe island kingdom-state, which since 1949 has officially been the ornithological branch of a.

This means that on the Swan Islands it is not only forbidden to hunt birds, but also to disturb them in general, as well as to fish, collect medicinal plants, and generally conduct any activity. The area of ​​the islands themselves is 52 hectares, the surrounding shallow water is 9612 hectares. The adjacent water area of ​​the Karkinitsky Bay and the coastal lands of the Razdolnensky and Krasnogvardeisky districts are also protected. Only gamekeepers and ornithologists are allowed to be here, who observe birds at different times of the year. Indeed, in addition to swans on the islands, you can see another 260 species of birds, 49 of which are listed in the Red Book! Such, unfortunately, now rare birds, such as: spoonbill, ibex, yellow heron, white-eyed duck, cormorant, stilt, chigrava, curlew, bustard, steppe kestrel, curly pelican, etc. There are only 250 to 50 individuals. Some of them nest here, others come only in winter, and still others rest on the flight. The most numerous colony of birds on the Swan Islands belongs to the order of gulls (among others, the Herring Gull or Martyn). There are more than 5 thousand pairs of them.

The largest, the black-headed gull, is also listed in the Red Book for its rarity. Their only colony on the Black Sea lives on these islands. And also a colony of gray heron - the largest bird in the south of the European part of the CIS. Recently, pink pelicans have appeared on the nest.

Numerous flocks of migratory birds also stop on the islands on their way to Africa, Europe, Asia: turukhans, ulits, sandpit cakes, terns, ducks, white-fronted and gray geese, swallows, larks, blackbirds, wagtails ... 100 thousand, and during the day, at the height of the flight - up to a million! It is not without reason that the Swan Islands have a protected international status, because it is extremely important to preserve this "resting station" along the thousand-kilometer migration route of many birds.

Bird watchers are constantly researching all these birds and changing conditions in the reserve. I am glad that these conditions are gradually improving. For example, as a result of a decrease in the intensity of chemical processing of rice paddies, the coastal areas and the seabed are overgrown with grass, and this is the main food base for birds. There are more fish and other marine life in the bay. The protection of land from poachers has improved: the staff of gamekeepers has doubled, equipment has appeared (cars, boats, although, of course, there are not enough of them). We also managed to save these places from attempts to issue hunting licenses, allegedly to earn money for development ... To invent the same thing: to scare and disperse all birds with “good” intentions to protect them with shooting and dogs. Then there will be no one to defend.

It's another matter if you organize excursions to the islands with an experienced ornithologist. Although the reserve is considered an ornithological reserve, fish are also protected here along with birds (seahorse, thorn, beluga, Black Sea salmon are still found) and animals: sea (bottlenose dolphins, azovka and common barnacle) and land (large jerboa, white polecat; endangered species of the steppe viper and yellow-bellied snake). But of course, the main dream of local specialists remains the organization of the Karkinitsky reserve, which will include the entire bay, as well as the Bakalskaya spit and the salt Bakalskoe lake. Then, instead of a branch, there would be an independent reserve here. Maybe the Swan Islands will be lucky and they will be taken under his care by a rich and generous person who is not indifferent to our beast and bird, as the Askania-Nova nature reserve was once lucky with the wonderful Baron Falzfein.


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