Altai mountains are the highest peak. Altai

Altai will probably be interesting to numerous tourists. This is truly unique in the beauty of the country, known for its majestic mountains, extensive valleys and deep rivers. Altai Mountains are a rather complicated system of mountain ranges. For more than a hundred years, Mount Altai has been sitting on artists, scientists, climbers, photographers and just lovers to relax in nature.

Golden Mountains

In 1998 Altai Republic It was included in the UNESCO organization to the World Heritage List. In total, there are three objects in this list: Altai and Katun reserves, as well as flat-rake. In a protected zone, exceeding 16,000 km 2, there are Lake Tetskoy and Mount Beluha. Here you can find several Pazyryk sobilniks.

All these places were chosen to save not by chance. It is here that you can find such rare animals as Altai Argali, Snow Bars, Irbis. Unfortunately, despite the applied efforts to protect this site, poaching continues to flourish here.

Mount Belukha

Mount Beluha - this is highest point Siberia. The height of this grand vertex is 4506 meters above sea level. It is represented by two pointed pyramids of the wrong shape, Eastern and Western Belukha. Between the vertices there is a slight decrease, called Beluhi sadle.

For the first time to measure the height of the beluga managed to professor Sapozhnikov. Barometer showed the following results: height Eastern vertex - 4542 meters, Western - 4437, but the height of the saddle is 4065 meters above sea level. The subsequent measure of the mountain took place in 1935 by the climber D.I. Gushing. He managed to climb to the top of Eastern Beluhi and get very unexpected barometer results - 4630 meters.

It is worth noting that the Beluga District is located in the zone of increased seismic activity, so small earthquakes are not uncommon here. As a result, the gathering of avalanche is often observed, collapsions happen, the ice shell breaks. Beluhi's territory is characteristic of a tectonic raising that is still ongoing.

Climate Belukha

The climate of Beluhi is rather harsh. Winter here are long and cold, and summer is short and rainy. Depending on the altitude zonality, it changes, ranging from the top of the mountain and up to the glacial climate. On the this moment Instrumental observations are carried out at once with two meteorological stations - the accum and karatyrek. Earlier, near the Glacier, the Gebera worked another meteorological station, Katun. According to research results, in the summer, on top of Beluhi, quite cold weather, reaching the mark in -20 0 S.

In a winter segment of time, a negative temperature can reach 48 degrees. Temperature inversions are quite common here. The rate of annual precipitation, according to meteorological stations, is 533 mm. In the nival-glossy zone of the mountain, hair dryers and mountain winds are widespread. At the moment, it is known about 169 glaciers located on the slopes and the valleys of Beluhi.

Rivers, vegetation and animal world

Most of the rivers of the Altai mountains belong to the river r. Katun, who takes his origin on the southern slope of the Glacier Glebor. Also here flow rivers, Kuchered, Jirdym, Buktartma and others. Rivers that were born near glaciers belong to a special type altai rivers. The precipitation of a special role in the nutrition of rivers do not play, unlike the snow, as well as the melt water of glaciers.

Rivers in Altai are distinguished by their frequency. Often there are waterfalls - for example, a magnificent waterfall of an axle, located on the right tributary of Katun. In Altai Valleys, there are numerous lakes, which appeared in connection with the activities of the ancient glaciers. The largest and most picturesque of them are the lower Akkem and Big Kucheral.

Animal world Altai Region Truly unique. There are very rare species of birds and animals. Birds are the greatest variety. Here you can often find a white partridge, a crush, alpine daw. Much less often - a Siberian mining reel and even quite exotic species, like Archery Dubonos. You can also see Berkut, a large lentil and Altai Ular - all these birds are listed in the Red Book.

For the mountains of Altai is characteristic of the predress of vegetation. Basically forest here are represented by dark rocks - Siberian fir, fir, cedar. Deciduous rocks such as rowan, larch and birch are found everywhere. Among shrubs are the most popular Tollga, Karagan and honeysuckle. A lingonberry is increasingly found with a height.

There is a lot of tourist routes and directions are very popular with horse and hiking. The beauty and variety of nature of the Altai Altai will not leave anyone indifferent: quiet lakes and quick rivers, high mountains and mysterious caves - all this for many decades attracts numerous tourists and travelers from around the world.

Altai Mountains Report 4 class is set forth in this article.

Message about Altai Mountains

Altai Mountains Geographical Position

These majestic mountains represent a very complex system from all Siberian ridges. They are separated by the valleys of rivers, extensive intermountain and intro hollows. Mostly they are located in the territory of the Altai Republic and a smaller part in East Altai. This mountain system is divided into south-west Altai, East Altai, Southeast Altai, Northwest Altai, Central Altai, Northeast Altai and North Altai.

Why do Altai call gold mountains?

From Turkic languages, the word "Altyn" is translated as "golden". In the evening, if you look closely, you can see how the rays of the sun at sunset give the vertices of the mountains magic, golden shine. But there is e less beautiful version. Near the mountain, in her rivers and lakes mined and washed out gold. From this, their second name happened.

Relief Altai Gor

In the mountains, the relief is diverse - there is a mediterranean, highlands, lowland, sites of intermountain brands and ancient plains. Substitus from the mark of 500m smoothly move to heights of 2000 m. The mining system was formed in the place of the ancient plain and the glaciers dismembered and water. The ridges are located fan-like from the North West to the Southern East. The tops of the altai are flat, less often rounded and gentle.

The main form of relief is kallengi and peaks, the trigger valleys, karas, lake basins, ridges, moraine hills, screaming, collaps, solid formations.

Climate of Altai Gor

The mining system is characterized by a moderate sharply continental climate type with a pronounced contrast of a warm short and long cold season of the year. The climate of the Altai mountains is influenced by the relief. It forms a certain climatic zonality consisting of the area of \u200b\u200bthe lowland climate, the zone of the medium hazard climate, the zone of the high-mountain climate. Also, the features of the relief affect moisturizing. From the West there is wet, sea air, which was blocked by the path of the mountain, so more precipitation falls on their western slopes. But on the reverse side, the arid climate dominates on the eastern slopes, because the wet air is almost not reaching here.

Flora and Fauna Altai Mountains

In the mountains, quite scarce and monotonous vegetation is represented by subalpiy and alpine meadowswhich grow waterballs, swimsuit, anemone, a century, guilty, forget-me-not, poppies, mints, coodes. In the belt of mountain tundras, you can meet the low-speed Yves and birch, lichen and partridge grass. In the high ridges of the mountains there is no vegetation.

Among the animals are inhabited by Fox Corsac, cat-manul, antilope dzery, hare-tall, duck-ogre, sad, drought, remress, white-headed sip, black ridge, baloban, pearl crunch, reindeer,

  • In the mountains there is a Teletsk Lake, filled with 40 km 3 fresh, clean water. It is so transparent here that at a depth of 15 m you can see the bottom.
  • Altai mountains are the cleanest region. Russian Federation. There is no place in their location railways and industrial enterprises.
  • There are 1402 glaciers in the mountains, which occupy an area of \u200b\u200b910 km 2. These are gigantic freshwater tanks.
  • Rivers that proceed in the mountains, amazingly change their color at different times of the year.

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Altai region

Officially. Altai Krai is located in the south-east of Western Siberia, 3419 km from Moscow. Territory of 168,000 square km.

Informally. The Altai region is very big and diverse. Topography changes as the territory is moving. He, as if a growing bear, first quiet and calm, then a huge and majestic. So the steppes and plains grow in the foothills and mountains.

Officially. The climate is moderate and continental, is formed as a result of frequent change of air masses.

Unofficially. Four seasons have many options, and come back every year to see them from different sides. You can come to the hot summer, and it is possible - in the coolness and rain. You give a variety! - Here is the main rule of the Weather Altai.

Summer and Altai Mountains

Officially:Altai Mountains is the most complex system of the highest in Siberia ridges, which are separated by deep valleys of mountain rivers and extensive basins located inside the mountains.

Informally: Nature Altai is delightful. Tourists with everything globe rush to these places to enjoy beautiful species high mountains, mountain rivers, mysterious caves and deserted spaces. Immerse yourself in calm and beauty of these places.

The settlement of the Altai Territory began
In the XVIII century

Young Russia required metal for the production of weapons and coins. The Ural Breather Akinfius Demidov founded in 1729 the first metallurgical plant - Kolavo-Voskresensky. Altai subsoil was rich and silver. In 1744, Demidov began production of silver. The result of the activity in the Altai Territory of Akinfia Demidov was to establish the feudal mining industry based on the serf labor of the attribute peasants and artisans.

Event tourism in the Altai Territory

The creation and development of bright, interesting events in the business, cultural, sports life of the Altai Territory became the basis of development in the region of event tourism. In the region, more than a dozen festivals, forums, holidays that can attract thousands of tourists from various regions of Russia and from abroad are held annually. This is the International Tourist Forum "Visit Altai", the festival "Flowering of the Maral Story", the Festival of Drinks "AltyFest", the Day of Russia at Biryuzova Katuna, Festival "Shukshinsky Days in Altai", International Youth Forum of the APR, SCO Forum, Siberian International Health Forum and medical tourism, the holiday "Altai wintering" and many others.

beauty and health

Officially. Useful Flora The edges have 1184 species of plants. SAMI large group Preparations, including about 100 species are widely used in official medicine.

Informally. Broth, herbal teas, berry frosts are what you need to try to everyone who comes to the Altai Territory. Spa, health and wellness centers Use products made on the basis of Altai herbs.

Speaking about this mountain kingdom, words from the poem Vladimir Vysotsky are involuntarily coming to the mind:

"At the bottom you will not meet anything,
For all his happy life
The tenth lobes of such beauty and miracles. "

We will not try to describe everything. To understand, you need to see your own eyes.

In conclusion, we will quote only the lines of another poem Vladimir Vysotsky "Farewell to the Mountains".

"In the bustle of cities and in the streams of cars
We return - just nowhere to go!
And go down to the conquered vertices,
Leaving in the mountains, leaving his heart in the mountains.

So leave unnecessary disputes
I have already proven everything to myself:
Better mountains can only be mountains -
which has not been. "

The Altyn Mountain, the name of which translated from Altai means " Golden mountain"Located in an array with the same name. In the array three vertices. The highest of them - Corumba Mount - 2358 m, from the top of which offers a magnificent circular panorama for the entire Altai.

This is permanent hourly Altai Mountains, whose post is rendered far to the plain. The mountain rises in the territory of the Altai district, on the left bank of Katun, 14 km west of the village of Platovo. Its absolute height is 1008 m.

Beluha - Tsarina Altai - can not leave anyone indifferent, it is so beautiful, majestic and graceal that in anyone causes a storm of feelings and emotions.

Mount Komsomolskaya is located within the city of Gorno-Altaisk and is one of the revolt of the Ridge IoLo. Mountain is unique with a variety of species composition of plants; Especially rich in the flora of her northern slope, facing the city and cool the Maima River down to the left bank.

5 km from the village of Koliavan and 6 km from the village "March 8", there is a revered charming mountain. During the archaeological exploration of the Sayano-Altai Expedition of the State Hermitage in 1993, a peculiar sanctuary was discovered on the top of the mountain.

On a more than a thousand-sided height, the majestic top of the mountain of Sienii in the surrounding area is rising. Kolyvan. These places have long been attracted by travelers. From the top of the mountain, an excellent panorama with rare natural contrasts offers: on the one hand, the endless Kulundy steppe, on the other - snow-covered mountain peaks of Altai.

Mountain Chariped Mountains
Mount Big Monastery. Located in the Valley of Charyzha at the village of Ust-desert (Krasncheki district of the Altai Territory). The rock-remainer with a height of about 100 m, which resembles the form of the building of the ancient monastery, is composed with white, gray and pissed limestone.

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The majestic Altai Mountains is a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia separated by picturesque valleys of rivers and deep bars. Beautiful peaks attract travelers and scientists, photographers and pilgrims, many mountains are local shrines.

How mountains were formed

The Altai Mountain System was formed over 400 million years ago, recovered after almost complete destruction significantly later. According to modern theory, the mining and folded system was formed in the collision of oceanic raises with a chain of ancient volcanic islands.

Gorical formation lasts now - in 2003, a serious earthquake was observed in Altai (in the epicenter of up to 9 points) and subsequent shocks. Southern Mountains The mountain altai "grows up" every year by almost 2 cm. According to geologists, the source of events - the collision of the Eurasian continent and India, in the south-east of the republic traces of long-standing powerful earthquakes were found.

Location of Altai Mountain Ridges

Altai Mountains are located in the center of Asia and in the south of Siberia, their location is a complex system. The powerful complex of Tabin-Bogdo-Ola ("Five Divine Mountains") on the border of China, Mongolia and Russia are called the "heart" of Altai. The northern slopes of the mountain node are the mountains of Russia, Altai; The peak of the node height of 4373 m is in Mongolia.

From the heart" mountainous country Fan the ridges diverge: to the West - South Altai, southeast - Mighty Mongolian Altai, northeast - a slightly snowy and less high saugem. To the north of the mountain assembly, there are integer three branches of the ridges, separated by Chui brand and plateau of ocke, - the frame of the mining system of the republic.

One branch, practically sub-shit stretch, includes the South Chuy, Katun and Holzansky Ridge. The second branch goes to the north, includes the North-Chuy, Baschelak and Terektinsky Ridge. The third branch stretched in almost the meridian is formed by the Kuraysky, Aigulak and Sumultinsky ridge. The fan-shaped drawing of Altai Mountains on the map is complicated from the east by Shapshalsky Range and Chulyshmansky Highlands.

The absolute height of the Altai mining system decreases from the southeast to the North-West. The highest mountain of Altai - Beluha is crowned Katun ridge. The steepness of the northwestern slopes is significant, southern and southwestern slopes - gentle.

Better Mountains - Only Mountains

One mention of Altai generates a persistent association - the striking types of snow-covered vertices extending to the horizon. Downstairs, he considered Vysotsky's poet, not to meet a small share of such beauty as in the mountains. "And we descend from the conquered vertices, leaving our heart in the mountains" - repeat words from the song Thousands of travelers, fearlessly storming mountains.

"Pearl Belukha" - the highest mountain of Altai

In the Ust-Koksky district is the highest point of Altai (4506 m) - double-headed Beluha Mountain. About the "The Crown of the Altai Tsar" folded countless legends, the fascinating beauty and the mystery of the shining vertex of the peak of the philosopher by Roerich, writers and artists. From June to mid-September, pilgrims and tourists and tourists are stubbornly striving on the paths of the Uymonary Valley, the participants in snowmobile tours even in winter are visited by the foot of the shrines.

The first ascent to the impregnable mountain in 1914 was made by the edges researchers - the brothers of the trones. Rise and now complicated - climate here is harsh, blowing cold penetrating winds, rocks are covered with thin outfold almost round year. Belukha is surrounded from all sides by glaciers. The most difficult climbing is from the north, from the Akkeke wall, which is between Eastern and Western vertex.

Tourists who conquered the peak of Katunsky ridge are experiencing amazing impressions - "The best revelations in life" according to happy extremals. Geologist Peter Chihachev wrote that at the top trembled from delight - in the surrounding beauty he was given a live God "with everything power." Such is an amazing Altai - maximum height Tsaritsa Mountain and emotions here give rise to the most stormy.

Mount Altyn-Tuu

Altai mountain height is different in different areas, there are a lot of other high mountains - Delone (4260 m), Aktra (4044 m), AK-OYUK (3860 m) and others. There are also special sacred mountains that do not differ in height. On the mountain Altyn-Tuu, the Altai believes, the first man was created by the highest spirits on earth.

Located sacred mountain Near Teletskoy Lake, its height is 2298 m. The steep mountains of the mountain are almost unavailable. Rocks are partially covered with shrubs, some are naked and sheer.

Tourists make climbing southern coast Lakes and from the river Big Chile. The complex rise is rewarded delightful panoramas, opening from the top of the Golden Mountain.

"Caught clock" - Mount Bobirgangan

From visiting the mountains, tourists traveling along the Chui tract are starting with the mountain altai. The top of the seminal ridge (1009 m) with good visibility is noticeable from Biysk, and on the border of the Republic of Altai in the outlines of the mountain seems the head of the head of the hour. Many legends are associated with the vertex, the mountain is honored by the Altaites as sacred.

Some phenomena observed in the mountain area are abnormal and attract Ufologov. The curiosity of tourists increases here immensely, and in the miracles of natural architecture, the ghost city or an old fortress is mounted to visitors. The lifting lasts usually about two hours and no particular difficulty is.

Visibility of the vertex suggests local residents weather. If the peak is visible clear - to be good weather; If visibility is difficult to haze, the clouds are bad weather.

Popular tourists and other sacred mountain of Altai Territory - Blue (1210 m), because of the thick forest, seeming blue.

Mount Komsomolskaya

The uniqueness of the spur of the Ridge IoLo in the Dam of Gorno-Altaisk is due to the striking wealth of vegetation. The northern slope of the mountain facing the city is busy with a wonderful birch forest, there are also fir and pines, larchs and ate.

Shrubs are surprised by a variety: there are eases, currants, rowan, cherry, acacia and many others. The species found here are herbs, including medicinal, even listed difficult.

"Golden Altai Mountains"

Such a name on the UNESCO initiative appeared in 1998 in the list of objects World Heritage. The site of the Altai mountains on the territory of the republic is protected by the state, these are the reserves - Katun and Altai, as well as the stroke of the dock.

The uniqueness of the territory is in the presence of different zones of alpine vegetation and rarest animals. Among them - Irbis, Siberian Mountain Goats, Altai Arghares.

The World Nature Conservation Union expresses an alarm - until the poaching is shown here. Thirst for entertainment and accompanying for some human individuals is more expensive because of common sense and careful attitude towards nature.

Ecologists are concerned about the plans for the construction of gas pipelines, the high-speed route to China on protected areas.


The tourist attractiveness of the mountain altai is due not only to magnificent mountain peaks. Wild picturesque valleys and mysterious plane oils, spectacular waterfalls on violent rivers and fabulous lakes - the unpretentious wealth of the Siberian treasury and at the same time tourist attractions.

"The Cradle of the Universe" - Altai has a richest history. Countless cave drawingsThe ancient caves and parking people have long turned the republic in the Big Museum.

A fascinating journey through the mountainous edge and the conquest of snow-covered vertices will remain in memory for a long time. Having been in the mountains once, you again respond to their call!

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