The highest point of the continents. Mountaineering: seven highest vertices of all continents

The highest peaks of six parts of light, big ambitions and dramatic climbing stories

Seven verthos

The highest peaks of six parts of the world,
Large ambitions and dramatic
History history

Seven vertices - these words are like a spell for those who are in love with the mountains. When the climbers hear these sounds, they are born in their hearts for traveling and thirst for risk, understandable only to someone who entered thousands of meters above sea level. The geographical convention, which played the role in their selection, does not care for a long time. People throw work, destroy marriages, risk health and life - all in order to conquer the highest points of all continents. Today we will plunge into the magic of the club of seven vertices and remember the legendary peaks that took so many lives and presented so much fame.

Like any great idea, the distribution of seven vertices between the continents is the subject of many disputes. Denote by only two major stumbling blocks. The first is directly related to Russia: if you hold the border of Europe and Asia in the Urals, the highest point of Europe will be Elbrus (5642 m), but if we assume that there is a solid bears and many-sided Mongols for the threshold of Russia, Mont Blanc (4810 m) will enter seven peaks. The second dispute concerns Australia and that moment, if the Oceania is part of this mainland. In the first case, the highest point of the mainland Australia will be Mount Kosyushko (2228 m), in the second - the main peak of Oceania Jaya (4884 m), which in Indonesia. We, confirming the reputation of the magazine without disputes and politics, tell you the story of each challenger's mountain without exception. And we recall that most of the generally accepted programs still include Elbrus and Jay.

Asia: Everest (8848 m)

"The first measured the height of this mountain mathematician and Topographer Radhanat Sikar in 1852 on the basis of trigonometric calculations"

Jomolungma, Sagarmatha, Everest - all this names, the rooftop data of the peace tribe of small ants. This mountain is located on the territory of the Kingdom of Nepal in the heart of Himalayas. Everest, towering over the planet of 8848 meters, blown by storm winds and harshly gathering a bloody tribute from climbers, manits his inaccessibility and madness of the idea - to visit the main peak of the planet - for almost a hundred years. The first measured the height of this mountain Mathematics and Topographer Radhanat Sikar in 1852 on the basis of trigonometric calculations - at the same time he was in India, 240 kilometers from the mountain itself. Accurate height (8848 meters) was determined using theodolites in the 1950s.

Until the first climb of Sir Edmund Hillary in 1953, more than 50 attempts were committed; As it is not difficult to guess, few of the travelers waited for an enviable fate. After the first period, the world covered fever - the first lift without oxygen, the first woman on Jomolungma, the first man without legs, the first child ... Believers Sherpi believe that numerous commercial expeditions defile sacred Mount, revered among local peoples as a goddess. If, and so, Jomolungma does not remain in debt: By the death rating, this mountain is not the very bloody in the Himalayas, but by the mass and terrible details of the death of expeditions accurately takes first place. Be that as it may, without lifting Everest, the quest of seven vertices can not be considered complete, and many climbers leave this tallery cloth finally.

South America: Akonkagua (6962 m)

Akonkagua - great Mount In the lands of the Indians of Kechua in the territory of modern Argentina, which is the highest point not only South America, but also the southern and western hemispheres of our planet. Translated from the languages \u200b\u200bof Kechua, its name means "Stone Guard". Technically, Akonkagua can be called a simple mountain, provided that the ascent is made by the usual route from the north. This peak is considered the simplest "non-Alpinist" mountain: when lifting the trail, there is no ice axes, no railing, no cats. It is probably why that is located here the second largest base camp after Everest is the so-called "Mule Square", Plaza de Mulas, at an altitude of 4370 meters. However, despite the seeming accessibility of Akonkagua, the mountainous disease here, at an altitude of nearly 7 thousand kilometers, does not spare those who have fallen into acclimatization. Does not gentle the guests of Lands of Kechua and penetrating cold and bad weather, reigning on top: frostbite is one of the most frequent injuries among unprepared travelers. If the climber chases the technique and the complexity of the route, you can go to Akonkagua from the south - this is the most complex and dangerous of the lifts available here.

North America: Denali (6190 m)

"The pioneer of the mountain committed Rev. Hadson Stak in 1913"

If for some reason the name of this mountain seems to you unfamiliar, know: this is the most legendary peak McKornley, the highest point of the United States, which has just returned the original name given to her by the local people of Cyclone. She is in Alaska, and therefore until 1867 Denali was the main peak of the Russian Empire: which is characteristic, the Russians called it simply " Big Mount" Mak-Kinley is the name of the 25th US President. The pioneer of the mountain committed Rev. Hadson Stak in 1913. Considering that Denali is behind the polar circle, the climb is possible only in May-July, when the harsh North weather and the polar day in favor of climbers. On the this moment At the highest peak of the United States already visited 20,000 travelers, but according to statistics only 50% gets to the top - the ice slopes of Denali do not forgive mistakes and require excellent physical form. The climbing at Denali is often compared with the rise of Everest - the temperature drops to -35 degrees, the Kakhilna glacier, through which the way goes, is snowing with snow hiding huge cracks (so this site has to go skiing, the cargo cargo), spend the night in tents Ice desert, and the steepness of individual sections reaches 45 degrees. National Park Denali issues permit to enter reserved zone and is wary of guides from other countries - led organized groups here is allowed only by local.

Africa: Kilimanjaro (5895 m)

The highest potentially active stratovang of Africa - Kilimanjaro, is not a technically complex mountain, but the proximity to the equator makes high-altitude acclimatization not so simple - climbing up, the traveler comes from the African heat to the very invigorating cold of the five thousandths (we recall that the top hat is lying on the top of the Tanzania symbol snow). The first people from the West tried to conquer the top in shorts and T-shirts (testimonies about it in the book "Life, Travel and Work in East Africa" \u200b\u200bCharles New), and the porters were completely naked. But the expedition of German travelers under the leadership of Hans Meira in 1889 turned out to be more prudent and took Kilimanjaro. By the way, according to the census, their local guide Msea lived for more than 120 years and in 1996 was still alive.

Now climbing Kilimanjaro is an important source of income for the budget of Tanzania. Six routes are conducted to the top, two of which (Marangu and Machama) are available to people without high-rise experience and offer travelers accommodation in huts and organized camps. Registration on the track on these two roads is carried out at the very beginning of the road, climbing takes from 5 to 7 days. In order not to catch the mountain disease, travelers often "train" on a nearby volcano measure (4562 meters). IN last years Around Kilimanjaro boils racing of high-speed climbing: the last achievement belongs to the Mountain Guide Karl Ilofoff, which ran down the Umbwe route up and down in 6 hours of 56 minutes.

Europe 1: Elbrus (5642 m)

"Double vertex of Elbrus - a kind of national symbol of Russia"

The extinct volcano, located in the heart of the Caucasus, is the main center of attraction for climbers from Central Russia. The double top of Elbrus is a kind of national symbol, and even if you are not related to mountaineering, this mountain has repeatedly flashed in the course of Russia's history at least as part of the Chronicles of the Great Patriotic War - Serious battles were carried out for the strategic height. In the last decade, with an improvement in the situation in the region, more and more foreigners are becoming more and more.

The first ascent was committed by scientists and travelers in July 1829 northern route. And so far most of the ascents are performed on this classical path from the side of the mountain, where shelters and lifts are now located. Lifting to Elbrus - short-lasting epic compared with the same Denali (7-10 days vs. 20). The infrastructure of the resort is not standing on the spot: earlier on the mountain there was only an old shelter "barrels", and now at an altitude of 3900 meters on Italian technologies, the high-altitude hotel Leaprus - the places in it must be booked in advance, since its capacity is 40 people.

This summer on the mountain began to build an additional queue of the lift, which will turn up to 3847 meters and facilitates the throwing on the burden of cargo in the summer season. Despite the seeming simplicity of the top, the Elbrus is strictly not recommended to be ascended without an experienced guide: deep cracks in glaciers and dramatically changing the weather more often collect their bloody tribute from unprepared and lost climbers. With due preparation, there may be a backclitry expedition to the mountain - you can go down on a snowboard, and on skiing. The climbing season is the summer time, when successful windows in the weather appear more often. A pleasant bonus to climbing Elbrus will be walking along the Elbrus, where the alpine meadows bloom and rare flowers are found.

Europe 2: Mont Blanc (4810 m)

The cradle of French mountaineering, Mont Blanc - the main tourist attraction on the border of France and Italy, where there are both simple seva, and experienced freeriders, climbers and climbers. Around the mountain is famous a tourist route Tour du Mont Blanc, and at an altitude of 3842 meters (the neighboring peak of the Egyi du Midi, where it leads to a built in 1955) is located viewpointWhere tourists are admired to the Mont Blanc array. Bully below stretches the huge field of Friend - the White Valley - with the longest road in the vicinity of 22 kilometers, which partially goes along the body of the glacier. The first mention of climbing Mont Blanc is dated August 1786 - Then the Swiss geologist Benedict de Sosurur even established a prize for the one who was the first to think to conquer the Great Mountain.

SAMI high mountain The Alps manites a huge number of tourists in the summer. Roll to the main route is carried out on the beautiful little train "The so-called Mont Blanc tram is in nor D'Egl, from where the travelers go for the night in the shelter of Gauter and protrude on the mountain in early in the morning. Despite the seemingly comfort of the slope, the rise to Mont Blanc requires good physical training and experience with cats and ice guards. The most unpleasant route is Grand Kulawoire - because of serious stonepads, climbers were crushed here more than once. However, in pursuit of the seven vertices, the injury has not yet stopped anyone.

Antarctica: Massif Winson (4892 m)

Massif Winson is one of the most extraordinary items of the program seven peaks. Start at least with the fact that these mountains were found only in 1957 from the side american aircraft. The difficulty of access to the array adds the cost for the assault of Antarctic peaks - the cost of the expedition for our compatriots is from $ 30,000. Of course, this is not $ 60000, which will have to give guides for climbing Everest in the group, but at the current year, the dollar is very likely that for the combination of these two vertices will have to part with the kidney. It is possible that that is why the climbing of Massif Vison is in the category of elite entertainment. By the way, the pioneers of the mountain, the group of American scientists and climbers, sponsored the authorities and the US Army: within the framework of the 1966-67 expedition. Peak Vinson was conquered in a western edge, which is still used in most of the ascents. The first passage along the Eastern Rebra was carried out only in 2001 - by the way, among the expedition participants there was the very John Krakauer, the author "in the wild" and "in the sparse air".

Australia and Oceania: Jaya (4884 m)

Jaya (Other Name - Pyramid Carstenz) is located in the western part of the island New Guineabut belongs to Indonesia. Not far from this vertex is the High-mountain Quarry Grasberg, where gold, silver and copper are extracted. The stone peaks of Jai for the first time submitted to the Henry Herrich himself, who was repentable to the Wehrmacht's soldier, who spent seven years in Tibet, in 1962. And among the pioneers from the Russian expedition of the magazine "Around the World" in 1995 was legendary. According to the reviews of travelers, in the case of Jay, it cleans not so much ascent as long and heavy rise to the base camp through the jungle with tropical rains and raw overnight stays. In addition, the injured expedition participants cannot be evacuated by the helicopter, and local porters are often running in the process of the expedition itself, demanding more than their work. Lifting to the highest point requires spent climbing skills.

Global warming sadly affected the Glaciers of Jai and the surrounding mountains: they almost completely disappeared from 1939 to 1962, and the huge glacier Meren melted from 1994 to 2000. Each year of ice cover in those places where he still remains, is reduced by 7 meters.

Australia: Kosyushko (2228 m)

"Kosyushko National Park visits up to 70,000 tourists a year, and about 30,000 of them make a pleasant four-hour walk to the top of the mountain"

The last peak, sometimes ranked for "seven vertices" - is a kindergarten for experienced climbers, Mount Kostyushko, first conquered in 1840 by the Polish traveler Pavel Stshhetsky. Kosyushko National Park visits up to 70,000 tourists a year, and approximately 30,000 of them make a pleasant four-hour walk to the top of the mountain. So if everything read above is pretty puzzled you, you can confine ourselves to one point of the seven vertices program: you can only die on two thousands of boredom.

Kostyushko. Photo:

We hope that after this material about seven vertices, you will go look for the second and third work, so that you can collect the right amount as possible and go on the road. After all, seven vertices are not only peaks high in the sky, but also big Adventure For all continents of the planet.

According to the data, it is this shield volcano that is located on the Hawaiian Islands is the highest, if we take into account the height from the very base of the mountain.

As you know, with your high 10203 meter is 1355 meters above Jomolungma. If you decide to visit this gigantic elevation, then you will notice that most of the mountain is hidden under water, and only 4205 meters rise above sea level.

Mauna Kea exists on earth about a million years. According to experts, 500,000 years ago was the last period of the activity of the volcano, the last eruption fell approximately 4-5 thousand years ago, so it is considered inactive and no reasons for excitement.

It is believed that the top of the Vulcan Mountain has everything best qualityintended for astronomical observation: wet air, temperature, number of sunny days per year, ecological situation I.T.D. As you know, a number of powerful telescopes are already functioning at its top, and in 214 the construction of the largest telescope in the world has been launched there.

The highest mountains of the world from all continents. Description of the seven of the highest vertices in frequent light.

As you know, there is a project that includes a list of the highest peaks of the world throughout the light and it has the name "seven vertices". This seven includes mountains of Northern and South America, asia and Europe. Climbers who conquered all seven vertices automatically become honorary members of the Seven Verkhin Club.

I consider it necessary to provide the list of mountains that are included in the list of "seven vertices":

  • Jomolungma (Asia);
  • Akonkagua (South America);
  • McKornley (North America);
  • Kilimanjaro (Africa);
  • Elbrus or Mont Blanc (Europe);
  • Massif Vince (Antarctica);
  • Kosyushko (Australia) or Pyramid of Kartens (Punch-Jay) (Australia and Oceania).

Jomolungma (Everest) as the highest peak of Asia

Geographically paved its southern mountain ridges (8760 m.) At the border of Nepal and the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China, and the northern (main, 8848 m.) - on the territory of China itself. Immediately the peak itself belongs to the Himalayas mountain system and the Mahalangur Himal Range. Its coordinates - 27.59`17` c.Sh. 86.55`31` V.D.

Interesting the fact that we would not know about this grief, as the highest in the world, if in 1852, some mathematician and the topographer Radhanat Sidka, being in India, within the distance of 240 km. From India, did not determine this by trigonometric calculations.

The highest Asian beauty has the shape of a triangular pyramid. The South Skard is characterized by a geometric circularity, and nude, so snow and firms are not consisting on it. As you know, a lot of glaciers are descended from the top, which finish their existence of 5000 Mr. altitude.

According to the facts, the first people who committed the sunrise to the highest peak were Sherp Tencing Norki and New Zelandets Yudmond Hillary, they rose on May 29, 1953 through the southern saddle.

Do not hide and the fact that the mountain is not very welcoming takes guests. Her climate is very severe, the wind speed reaches 55 m / s., The temperature in places falls to -60 degrees Celsius. According to statistics, each twentieth climber remains forever on the slopes of harsh vertices, even modern equipment and equipment do not help, as a result of which 200 climbers from 1953 to 2014 left their lives and without conquering the highest peak.

Akonkagua is the second of the "seven vertices" the highest peak of the Western and South Hemispheres of the Earth.

As you know, in Argentina, in the central part of the Andes, the highest mountain of South America is located - Akonkagua. According to data, this vertices were formed during the coating of two Lithospheric plates of NASCA and South American and is 6962 m. Absolute height. Also she has a large number of Glaciers, the most huge - northeast (Polish) and East.

Coordinates: 32.39` J.Sh. 70.00`

Compared to Jomolungma, the rise of this vertex will not be difficult if they are performed from the northern slope. But despite this, from the south or south-west commit conquest will be more difficult. As is known the first to Mount Akonkaguu rose in 1898 by the British with the expedition of Edward Fitzgerald.

The third of the "seven vertices" is the highest in North America Mountain - Mac - Kinley

Coordinates - 63.04`10` c.Sh. 151.00`26`

This miracle of nature is located in the center national Park Denali, that in Alaska. As the story says, until 1867, that is, until Alaska was sold by the United States, she was considered the most high mountain Russian Empire. The first person, who saw her from two sides, is considered to be Lavrenty Alekseevich Zagoskin, the head of the Russian expedition.

March 17, 1913, American climbers under the Hudson Stak team are considered the first people who conquered this top.

According to the stories, before the indigenous people, the Indians of Atabasi called this Mount Denali, which means "the Great" translated. She was also called the "big mountain" during the ownership of the Russian Empire. She received her name in 1896 in honor of the 25th American president.

The highest mountain of Africa and the fourth of "Seven" - Kilimanjaro

Geographic coordinates: 3.04`00`, Yu.Sh., 37.21`33`

This mountain is a potentially active volcano in the northeast of Tanzania. Her ridge make up three extinct volcanoes: In the West with 3,962 m. Over the sea level, Shira is located, cybo in the center with a height of 5,891.8 m., And in the east of Maveny height at 5 149 m.

Speaking O. appearance Mountains, then its vertices are covered with ice cap. Unfortunately, this glacier actively melts and it is barely noticeable in height both in the old days, and experts predict its full disappearance by 2020. Such active melting can be associated with the cutting of closely adjacent forests and a decrease in the amount of precipitation.

As evidenced by the facts, in 1889, the first ascent on this vertex Hans Meyer was committed. It is important to say that the conquest of this mountain is not considered difficult from the technical side. Since it is placed close to the equator and be at the point of intersection of all types of high-altitude.

The highest peak of Russia and Europe - Elbrus

Geographic coordinates: 43.20`45` S.Sh, 42.26`55`

Due to the ambiguity of the border between Asia and Europe, there are arguments about the adjacent mountain to Europe. With a positive response, this mountain can be considered the highest point of Europe, if not, Mont Blanc can claim it to this top.

Location: As you know, Elbrus is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachevo Cherkessia, which is in the Caucasus.

Outwardly, it looks like a stemmatic volcano cone, with a height of 5642 m. In the West, and 5621 m. In the East. According to data in the 50s. before. AD There was a last eruption.

The hills of this mountain cover glaciers in size in 134.5 sq. Km, with them the largest and small Azae, the terkop.

From the point of view of climbers, the ascent is simple, but with the presence of particularly difficult routes. The first conquest was executed during the expedition of General G.A. Emanulule, Chief of Caucasian fortified line in 1929.

The highest mountain of Antarctica and the sixth of "Seven" - Massif Vison

Geographic coordinates: 78.31`31` J.S., 85.37`01`

The mountain is part of the Mountains Elsuort and is geographically located 1200 km. from the southern pole. Its scale is 21 meters long and 13 km. In width. It is the peak Winson is the highest point of the array.

It was discovered thanks to American pilots in 1957, and on December 18, 1966, the sunrise carried out by Nicholas Krinch was recorded.

Fifth of the seven and the first Mont Blanc mountain in Europe

Geographic coordinates: 45.49`58` S.Sh., 6.51`53`

This beauty is located on the border of France and Italy and refers in the Alps mountain system. With its length of 50 km. It is part of the Mont Blanc crystalline massif. The mountain has a large and magnificent cover with a length of 200 km., Mer de Glas is the largest glacier.

Jacques Balma and Michelle Pakkar were the first to conquer an array on August 8, 1786. Also interesting fact It is also the fact that in 1886, during his honeymoon, the Morbon conquered theodore Roosevelt.

Seventh of "Seven" and the first in Continental Australia - Mountain Kostyutko

Geographic coordinates: 36.27` J.Sh. 148.16` V.D.

This array was opened in the 1840th year and is located on the territory of the National Park of the same name, which in the Australian Alps in the south of the state of New South Wales.

As you know, the name of the mountain in honor of the military and politician Tadeusch Kostyshko gave the Polish traveler, Geogrand and Geologist Pavel Edmund Stzheletsky. It was he who in 1840 year carried out the first conquest of this mountain.

The highest in Australia and Oceania and the seventh of the seven - the Pyramid of Carwrens (Punchk jaya)

Geographic coordinates: 4.05` J.Sh., 137.11` V.

It is impossible to miss the fact that there are differences at the moment about which array should close the list of "seven" vertices. When taking into account the Austrian continent, there will be a peak of Kostyutko, and when capturing all Australia and Oceania, the Pyramid of the Carswhene height in 4884 meters will be without the highest. Due to this, two options for "seven vertices" were created, including two options. But the main pyramid of Carsten is still the main.

The vertex enters the Maoca Array and is located in the western part of the island of New Guinea.

The mountain is named after the Dutch researcher Jan Carstens, who opened it in 1623. For the first time, her hills were conquered by a group of four Austrian climbers at the head of Heinrich Harrera in 1962.

The program of climbing on the highest vertices of all continents wears a reduced name, which can be called another brand - "Seven vertices". In English, which is understandable to the whole world - "Seven Summits". This is one of the climbing collections, the execution of which is an incentive to determine the goals in life for hundreds of citizens of different countries. The absolute majority of those who rose to Everest, one way or another, are as intended to fulfill this program. Since the remaining peaks are easier and cheaper than achieving the highest point of the Earth. It is very prestigious to become the first "seven-master" in his country, in his state, to become the first woman of the country, the oldest, the youngest, fastest.

Climbing all seven vertices are very expensive. Even the most economical option in the amount will approach 100 thousand dollars, not including expenses for equipment and preparation for expeditions. In reality, the optimal cost of the entire program is located in the area of \u200b\u200b150 thousand dollars.

It is clear that such spending are only available very few climbers. If we are talking about personal funds. However, the smaller part of those who hunt the "seven vertices" spend exclusively. Most of the support of sponsors, states or traveling, carrying out programs of charitable fundraising. The legislation, relatively speaking, the "Anglo-Saxon" countries allows you to deduct from the taxable donation to the needs of a number of organizations. These are medical facilities, a veteran of military conflict veteran, disabled, etc. ... collecting donations for them, the climber slightly "disrupts" for their travels. At the same time, so money in these countries is printed more than in others, this leads to the fact that half the list of "sevenversmans" constitutes citizens of the United States, Great Britain and joined them Canada and Australia.

The program seven vertices appeared in the first half of the 80s, when the first signs of what to do is really. The whole story of its occurrence is described in our article.

Recall that, according to Encyclopedias: "Mainland" (from the guy - strong, big), this is the Russian analogue of the European word "continent" (from Lat. Continens is the only number). The continents are large arrays of the earth's crust, most of the surface of which performs above the level of the world's ocean in the form of sushi. Islands to continents and continents do not belong.

From the point of view of science, the objects of the program are very controversial. Firstly, the predominant among scientists is the opinion that Eurasia is one continent and its division into Europe and Asia wears cultural, but not geographical. We are actively against it. If you deprive Elbrus the status of the highest peak of the continent, the number of foreign climbers will be reduced at times. Although the status of the highest point of Europe for the Caucasian vertex is very controversial. From the point of view of Soviet geographers, the border of parts of the world passes through the Kumo-Manic Wpadin, while Elbrus departs to Asia. An even greater variety of views on whether the pyramid of Carstenz is the highest point of Australia. With any of the scientific theories, the Western part of the island of New Guinea does not apply to the "Green Continent". It is all busy disputes and reasoning, which have practically nothing to do with practical life.

So, 7 the highest peaks of the continents are considered:

  1. Everest (Jomolungma or Chomolungma), 8848 m. Asia.
  2. Akonkagua, 6962 m. South America.
  3. Denali (old name - Mac-Kinley), 6194 m. North America.
  4. Kilimanjaro, 5895 m. Africa.
  5. Elbrus, 5642 m. Europe.
  6. Massif Winson, 4897 m. Antarctica.
  7. Pyramid Carstenz (Punchk-Jaya), 4884 m. Australia. Peak Kosyushko (Kostyutko), 2228 m. Australia.

So, scientific disputes on this topic is better to leave those who pay money for it. We love the magic (divine, as they say) the "seven" digit, not "six" (considered to be a devilish). It does not matter that the peaks turns out eight! And, on the basis of this, we build your story. So, what mountains are included in the list of higher vertices of continents?

Everest (8848 m) - the highest top of the world of Light Asia, Continent of Eurasia and the highest top of the planet Earth (if counting on the ocean level), also the highest in the northern hemisphere of our planet. The mountain is located on the border of Nepal and Tibet (China). Numerous height measurements were shown even with modern methods different results. therefore specified height It is conditional, it was taken as a result of agreement so as not to force passions.

The climbing on Everest requires careful training, about two months of life on expeditionary conditions and overcoming the problems associated with the stay in the so-called "death zone", at a height above 8000 meters. However, in modern conditions, it can be stated that with the right organization and a sufficient degree of luck, every physically healthy person can rise to Everest. Recently, the ascent is carried out mainly in the spring period, in the so-called weather windows. This is usually the 20th day of May. At the same time, routes from the south and from the north are pre-fully fired by passing ropes.

Climbing Everest, which 30-40 years ago meant entry into the group of the climbing elite, became a commercial event. Sporting expeditions have become a rarity, most of the routes (all except two) are not repeated. Club 7 vertices prefers expeditions from the north. There is much cheaper Permit, it is possible to drive a car to the base camp and a lot less objective hazards (ice collaps and avalanche). Western firms love more south route. First of all, fearing the unpredictability of the Chinese authorities, which can close the area for minor reasons, without any compensation to the organizers. May not give a visa to individual participants for political reasons. But there is still the moment, in the south, with a greater price, the profit of the organizers is significantly higher than in the north.


Akonkagua (6962 m) - the highest top of the world of America and continent South America, Also the main in the southern hemisphere of the planet. The mountain is located in Argentina, a large and colorful country. The rise in Akonkagua is the present high-rise ascent, which is carried out, so to speak, in the conditions of a lightweight expedition (the duration of the trip is only 20 days). Separate cargo transportation at the bottom of the route facilitates the rise, as well as the presence of certain amenities in the base camp. No technical difficulties on the classic route, however, physical abuse. First of all, it is a height, the reaction to which is often unpredictable even from experienced athletes. The main obstacle is the strong winds that are associated with the openness of the territory by the air masses from the oceans.

Every year about 3,000 climbers attempt to climb Akonkagua. They rise in two gorges of two basic camps. However, routes in the upper part coincide. Success reaches about half of the participants. This is due to the insufficient readiness of the waters. And partly with the attitude of local guides, which are not inclined to risk and, if any opportunity, are ready to turn the entire group or individual participants. So we strongly recommend joining the group under the guidance of visitors, Russian-speaking guides. Better - from our company ...

Akonkagua ascension programs are becoming more expensive from year to year due to the policies of local authorities. So do not postpone.


Denali (6194 m) - the highest top of the mainland North America. Located in the USA, in Alaska, near the Northern Polar Circle. The usual climb occupies approximately three weeks, of which two weeks are intense work in the glacier zone, in conditions close to extreme. The participants require the use of purely climbing skills to a greater extent than on other vertices "seven". At the same time, all goods must be transferred independently, including recycled waste. And during the organization of a trip to Denali to be decided to solve the rebus with the receipt of official Permth and American visa. All this is not at all difficult if you start on time.

In recent years, the number of climbers who put as a goal for Denali has stabilized in the area of \u200b\u200b1500 per year. Successful is the season when the percentage of "climbness" is above 50%. The bulk of the ascent is performed in June - the first half of July. In the middle of summer, due to the condition of the glacier, flights on aircraft become dangerous and to the beginning of August cease.

The US authorities give permission to the organization of commercial programs only to several companies and only with American "registration". For us, this means the need to use American guides under an agreement with one of the local companies. Let's say straight that the coordination of all parts of interaction with them was not a smooth process. The difference in the mentality of our two mountaineering schools is very significant, but now mutual understanding has already been achieved and the problems remained in the past.


Kilimanjaro (5895 m) is the highest top of the continent and part of the world of Africa. The mountain is located in Tanzania, not far from the border with Kenia and from the equator. It is considered the highest single standing top of the world. The local national park strictly regulates the climb and highlights the expedition limited number of days, an average week. At the same time, one of the goals is to ensure the maximum employment of the local population working in the maintenance of groups. Therefore, one clutch accounts for two or even more employee of host firms.

Kilimanjaro Mountain is located in the equatorial climate zone. The difference between the temperature between the seasons is minimal. Almost ascent can be done all year round

Due to the limited time, the rise is carried out without sufficient acclimatization, which complicates the task of reaching the vertex for a low-boiled person. And there are an absolute majority. Therefore, the climbing to the highest point can be done no more than one third of visitors. At the same time, representatives of our country reach the vertices almost everything. What affects here: the power of salt or greed (money is paid)?

In any case, a trip to Kilimanjaro is an exciting adventure, acquaintance with amazing nature Africa and her people just shocks. it the best way Love "Black Continent" to which many are appropriate with caution. And, of course, we consider it a mandatory inclusion in the so-called "safari" program, excursions in national parks.


Elbrus (5642 m) - the highest top of the world of Europe. There is a mountain in Russia, a little north of the main Caucasian ridge and, accordingly, from the border with Georgia. Climbing in favorable conditions requires only elementary climbing skills and is available to all physically healthy people. However, the load will still be serious, and the action of the height will give themselves to know. The recommended term for the climbing program to Elbrus is 9 days.

There is a fairly developed infrastructure that provides relatively comfortable living conditions for all days, except for the day of ascent.

Elbrus - so far this is the territory of freedom. In this regard, only Kosyushko can compare with it. Attempts to introduce payments do not meet an understanding of the majority of climbers.

On Elbrus is not conducted by general statistics. Approximate assessment of the number of climbers is 25-30 thousand per year. The absolute majority rises in July and August.

Club programs 7 vertices on Elbrus


Massif Veson (4897 m) is the highest top of the part of the world and the mainland of Antarctica. The mountain is located on an amazing ice continent, owned by all mankind. However, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe peak itself, a full-awake owner is Ale (Antarctic Logistic Expedition), which determines here "Rules of the game". But even the simplest calculations as the climb will last, they are not able to do, the real schedule of "flights" is dictated by unpredictable weather.

Since the price of the expedition to Massif Winson is very significant, only serious people fall to his foot. And, as a rule, they successfully put up, overcoming a terrible cold and wind.

It is important to dress correctly. But it is checked.


AND highest point Parts of Light and Continent Australia, coupled with a colossal Oceania area, is represented by two options: Pyramid Carstenz and Mount Kosyushko.

Pyramid Carstenz, she, on the Indonesian Lad, Punchak Jaya (4884-5 m, on some maps Even 5030 m) is the highest peak of Australia and Oceania. Located on New Guinea Island. The most problematic B. politically Mountain from "Seven Verkhin", which up to this 10 years was just closed for visits. It is a rocky ridge of a considerable length located above wet tropical jungle. The rise and descent requires skills to work with climbing equipment, with a rope. However, as part of the group and under the guidance of experienced instructors, overcoming complex rock areas is quite possible for any person.

Already a long time there is a helicopter option, at which the base camp is flying on the screw car. However, there are pitfalls here. The bad weather here is daily phenomena, each flight is under threat of breakdown.

Earlier on the site told about. However, all these mountains are located in one part of the world - Asia, namely in the two neighboring mountain systems of Himalayas and Karakorum, so it is also made to allocate 7 of the highest mountain peaks of the world, one on each part of the world. Climbers who conquered all these mountains enter the honorary club of seven vertices.
There are 2 main list of seven peaks of the world. More difficult to climb is a list drawn up by the Italian climber Rainhald Messenner. In this list, in addition to Asia, Europe, South and North America, Africa, Antarctica, not Australia appears as part of the world, and Australia, i.e. region, including Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand And the islands adjacent to them Pacific Ocean. Accordingly, instead of the highest peak of Australia - Kosyushko Mountains, the height of which is only 2228 meters and which is very easy to conquer, in the list of Jaya Mountain in New Guinea, the height of which is 4884 meters and which was first conquered only in 1962. The list drawn up by the American climber Richard Bass is more traditional from the point of view of Russian geography, in it, as part of the world appears, Australia appears, and not Australasia.
Thus, the highest peaks of the world becomes not seven, but eight. In some interpretations, they are even nine, because There are still disagreements about the border between Europe and Asia, therefore, therefore, the highest peak of Europe is either Elbrus at the Russian Caucasus or Mont Blanc in the Alps.
In this article we will use the list of Messner, because It is he who is presented as the main on the site of the club seven vertices - The mountains in the ranking are sorted up height, starting with the highest.

The highest mountain peak of Asia - Jomolungma in the mountain system of Himalayas, also known as Everest. Jomolungma in Tibetan means "Lady of Winds", as for english name Everest, then it was assigned to Sir George Everest, head of the Geodesic Service of British India in 1830-1843. The height of the vertex is 8848 meters. Jomolungma is located in China, namely in Tibet, on the border with Nepal. The first ascent to the mountain was made on May 29, 1953 Sherpoy (Sherpi - Nature, living in East Nepal, as well as in India) Tenzing Northah and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. The waters used oxygen appliances. More than 30 Sherpov took part in the expedition.

The highest mountain peak of South America - Akonkagua In the Mountain System Ande. Height 6962 meters. Located in Argentina. Akonkagua - the highest mountain of the Western and South Hemispheres. In the Alpinism of Akonkagua is considered technically light mountain, if we climb on the northern slope. When climbing the effect of height is noticeable, atmospheric pressure on top of about 40% of the pressure at sea level. However, the use of oxygen cylinders when climbing is not required. This mountain may even be constructed by children with appropriate training: in 2013, this was done by the 9-year-old American Tyler Armstrong, and in 2016 - 12-year-old Romanian Dor Jet Popescu.

The highest mountain peak North America - Denaliincluded in the Alaskan ridge. Height 6194 meters. Located in the USA (Alaska). From 1896 to August 28, 2015, the mountain was called McKornley, in honor of the 25th president of the United States of America, now the traditional Indian name - Denali returned (this word means "great" in the language of the Indian people atback). From 1799 to 1867, the mountain was the highest point of the Russian Empire, while Alaska, where Denali is located, was not sold by the United States. For the first time, this vertex was conquered in 1906 by the American Expedition Frederick Cook.

The highest mountain peak of Africa - Kilimanjaro Volcano. Height - 5895 meters. Located in Tanzania. Climbing to Kilimanjaro is considered fairly simple, but requires time for high-altitude acclimatization. According to the main routes, almost any healthy person can climb on it, without climbing and special equipment.

The highest mountain peak of Europe and Russia - Elbrus volcano. Height 5642 meters. Located in the Caucasus, on the border of the republics of Karachay-Circassia and Kabardino-Balkaria. The first ascent to Elbrus was carried out by the Russian expedition under the leadership of George Emmanuel in 1829.

The highest peak of Antarctica - massif Vince. Height 4892 meters. The first ascent took place in 1966 by the American expedition under the leadership of Nicholas Krinch. To conquer Winson - the cheapest pleasure due to the inaccessibility of Antarctica and heavy climatic conditions (even in the summer the temperature on the array does not rise above the minus 30 degrees Celsius): it is necessary to either independently organize an expedition, or pay for services travel companythat cost about 30 thousand dollars per person and include delivery to Antarctica from Chile.

The highest mountain peak of Australia (region, which includes Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand and the islands of the Pacific Ocean) - Jaya (other name - Pyramid Carsten). Height 4884 meters. Jaya is the highest mountain in the world located on the island. The first ascent to Jaya happened in 1962 - he was made by a group of four Austrian climbers under the leadership of Henry Harrera.

Members Club 7 Vershika (7 Summits Club) are climbers who have entered the highest peaks of all 7 continents. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis project originated in 1981 (naturally, in America), and the first members of the club appeared in 1985 and 1986 (there are two versions of the list of 7 of the highest vertices, about it below). Today, seven vertices are one of the popular commercial programs among "collectors: it is trying to realize tens of thousands of people. At the end of 2011, this, at least one of the versions, managed to make only 348 climbers. Within the framework of the 7 vertex of ascension, they are usually carried out by the simplest "standard" routes.

7 verthos

So, 7 the highest peaks of all continents are:

1. Everest (Jomolungma), 8848 m. Asia
2. Akonkagua, 6962 m. South America
3. Mac-Kinley (Denali), 6194 m. North America
4. Kilimanjaro, 5895 m. Africa
5. Elbrus, 5642 m. Europe
6. Peak Vison, 4897 m. Antarctica
7a. Pyramid Carsten (Punch-Jay), 4884 m. Australia and Oceania (New Guinea)
7b. Peak Kostyutko (Kosyushko), 2228 m. Australia

Disagreements are related to the highest point of Australia. If only Continent Australia is considered - it will be the peak of Kostyushko with a height of 2228 m. The highest point of Australia and Oceania (somewhere other than Australia enter the adjacent islands and archipelagoes) will be the highest point of the island of New Guinea - Pyramid Carsten (Punchk-Jaya), 4884 m. Therefore, today Day There are two versions of the program Seven peaks: with a peak of Kostyutko and with a pyramid of kisstens. The main (and more complex) is a program with the pyramid of Carsten.

Route to Elbrus from the south, through the shelter 11

Route ascension to Elbrus from north

4897 m. Antarctica. Perhaps the most hard-to-reach top from seven. Massif Vinson was discovered only in the 50s of the last century with an airplane clothing. Suddenly, this top turned out to be the highest in Antarctica. Technically, the route is not complicated, but it is extremely difficult and expensive to get to the foot of the mountain, especially since the organization of aspirations is monopolized by the Canadian-British Adventure Network. Nevertheless, more than a thousand people visited Verson.

View of Massif Vison

Carsten Pyramid (Punch-Jay, Carstensz Pyramid), 4884 m. Located in the mountains of Irian-Jaya on the island of New Guinea (in his western part owned by Indonesia) and is the outskirt of Australia and Oceania. The first climbing at Carswens in 1962 made the Austrian climber Hainrich Harrer (known for our film "7 years in Tibet"). However, until recently, the peak was little known and this ascent did not cause much interest. The ascent of the topped top of the limestone is not a special complexity, the main difficulties are the lack of infrastructure, inaccessibility and heavy equatorial climate.

Carsten Pyramid (Punch-Jay, Carstensz Pyramid)

Peak Kosyushko2228 m - the highest point of Australia. It is a top in the Snowy Mountains Ridge (Snowy Mountains), slightly towering over neighboring. No technical complexity is ascent.

Peak Kosyushko ... somewhere there

Project history 7 vertices

The idea to take the highest peaks of all continents for the first time came to the American Million Dick bass After he, in May 1981, climbed the Mac-Kinley (Denali) - the highest point of America. His partner in the implementation of the project was another millionaire - Frank Wells.. In 1981, they went to Elbrus - organizationally it turned out not difficult, the system of Malov, precursors of the current commercial mountaineering were already worked. Only Bass entered the top. The following was Akonkagua, and not the easiest Polish route was chosen (like acclimatization and training before Everest). Again, only Bass came to the top. In 1982 Bass and Wells joined Lu Whitaker's expedition, which planned to pass the route by Kuluar Norton - unfortunately, unsuccessfully.

In 1982, after climbing Everest on the classics from the south, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project 7 vertices captured and Patrick Morrow, professional climbers and photographer from Canada. Began a unlawful competition.

In September 1983 Bass and Wells enter Kilimanjaro, and in a week - to Elbrus. Morrow in 1983 came to three vertices from the list - Elbrus, Kilimanjaro and Soscucheko Peak in Australia. Before the program executing the program, he remains only Vison in Antarctica, in those years almost inaccessible to climbers. Boles and Wellsu managed to organize an expedition to Antarctica at the end of 1983, Chris Bonnington also took part in it. Morrow has no 200 thousand dollars needed to join this expedition. In late November, the expedition participants managed to go to the top (), Miura, in addition, descended from the top of the skiing. On the way back Bass and Wells went to the Peak Kosyushko in Australia. Morrow organized an expedition to Antarctica in the winter of 1984-85, but because of the bad weather and breakdowns of the aircraft, they failed to fly to the destination.

On April 30, 1985, Boles were able to climb Everest from the side of Nepal - thereby he became the first member of the 7 vertices club in the version of the Peak Kosyushko. Frank Wells did not enter all 7 vertices, in 1994 he died in a plane attraction.

Patrick Morrow went to the top of Winson on November 19, 1985, and he remained Elbrus. He was not satisfied with the role of the second, so he decided to support the idea that was actively promoted Reinehold Messner - The list of 7 peaks should have the highest point of Australia and Oceania with a height of almost 5 kilometers, and not representing any climbing interest of the peak of the Kosyushko height of only 2228 m.

Mescner at that time (actively trying to become the first climber who came to all 14 eighties, which managed to him in 1986) just decided to turn on the race for the seven vertices. He climbed back in 1971, it was his first vertex from the list of 7 vertices. In 1983, Messaner dates back to Elbrus and Peak Kosyushko - and he remains only hard-to-reach Vison, going on which on December 3, 1986, he becomes 2nd members of the club according to the "Pyramid of Carestess" (also this option is called "Messner List") and 5th - according to the "Peak Kosyushko" (Bass List). Morrow went to Elbrus on August 5, 1986, becoming 1st in the list of "Pyramid of Carestess" and 3rd in the list "Peak Kosyushko". Also, Morrow was the first to enter all 8 of the highest peaks (this list includes the pyramid of the CARSENS and the peak of Kosyushko).


The format itself is the "highest peaks of the world" - involves pursuit of records and their thorough fixation. The number of possible nominations "the very first" is almost infinitely, but we still list the most significant "records". So:

The first woman who completed the program 7 vertices - UNKO Tabay in 1992

In 2007, Austrian Christian Stanzl went to all 7 vertices in the Messen version alone (it is necessary to assume without the help of guides - it is difficult to imagine solo on Everest on the classical route) and without additional oxygen. However, on Everest without additional oxygen (and on other vertices it is not needed) within the framework of the program 7 vertices also entered the messenger, Ed Vesports, and the Czech climber Miroslav Kaban.

The American Kit Deslauriers in October 2006 not only came to all 7 vertices in the Bass version, but also descended from them on skis (as far as possible it was). A year later, the Swedes of Ulof Sandström (Olof Sundström) and Martin Lester (Martin Letzter) were skiing from the Pyramid of Carsten, descending on skis from all 8 of the highest peaks.

Lester with skis under the pyramid of the Carswhene. It is not clear where you can go there, but at least to the top of the skis lifted :)

Age Records: May 17, 2006 Rice Jones (RHYS JONES) fulfilled the program on the day of his 20th year, after that, the record was updated almost every year, December 24, 2011 American Jordan Romero went to all 7 vertices (Last - Visonon), in Aged 15 years 5 months and 12 days.

In January 2010, Spaniard Carlos Soria Fontán went to Kilimanjaro, turning the program 7 vertices at the age of 71.

The first of the year for all 7 vertices was launched by New Zealanders Rob Hall and Gary Bol, in 2008, Danesan Heinrich Christiansen fulfilled the program for 136 days, in 2010 Vern Tejas improved this achievement for 2 days. Christiansen's schedule was like this: January 21, Winson, February 6, Akokagua, February 13, Kotsyushko Peak, on March 1, Kilimanjaro, on March 14, Pyramid Carishens, May 8, Elbrus, May 25, Everest and June 5 Denali. The female record in 360 days of the Annabel Bond is established by Annabel, and in 2013, Vanessa Vaisen went to all 7 vertices (including the Pyramis of Carwrens) for 10 months.

How much does it cost?

The program 7 vertices is one of the popular products of commercial alpaturism. Moreover, some peaks, such as Peak Winson or Carsten Pyramid, organize ascent independently impossible impossible due to their remoteness and inaccessibility.

For example, the cost of ascents under the program of 7 vertices of one of the Western operators (in $) and one of the Russian (in rubles). Surely you can find prices and cheaper, but the general representation of these numbers give.

Material prepared: (Leonid Smidovich)

Publication of this material on other resources only with the permission of the site administration.

See also: