The highest mountain in Altai. Altai Mountains Summary

Altai Mountains - This is a complex system of ridges, separated by extensive butt and deep rivers. They simultaneously cross the boundaries of several countries: Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China. Their total area is about 742 thousand km2.

A bit of history

There is a legend that the World Flood Altai Mountains were mighty heroes. But after the land lost her hardness and was not able to keep giants, so they turned into the mountains in which their spirit still lives.

For many centuries, this territory was a "corridor" between Central Asia, Mongolia and Siberia.

There are many traces of a person staying: Scythian mounds, stone sculptures of Turkic peoples, mysterious writing and others cave drawings. People lived in Altai since ancient times. Initially, it was a caveman, later the Europeanoids appeared, then (middle I thousand BC) - Scythian tribes.

After a millennium, Turks came to the Altai Mountains and lived here until the domination over the territory had passed to the Mongolian tribes. In the 17th century, they were changed by Jugar. After the defeat during the attacks of the Chinese troops, the local population began to look for protection from Russia, which at that time largely expanded its borders.


On the territory of Russia, the mountains are located in the Republic of Altai and the Altai Territory. This is the highest part of Siberia.

They were formed in different epochs, so they have all sorts of reliefs, namely:

Flat terrain;

Lowland (up to 500 m);

Mediterranean (up to 2000 m);

Highlands (up to 4000-4500 m);

Intergorenticed pit.

Caras, islandish peaks, collaps, ridges, screaming - these are already the form of reliefs that are Altai Mountains. There are also rivers that flow into the valleys and form clean lakes. The water level in them is changing depending on the time of the year, since the power is only snow.

Under the action of various weather phenomena (wind, snow, rain, frost and heat) Altai mountains are constantly destroyed. WATER CLEAN SURFACE WATER CONTACT SURFACE, VERCHES CONSTRUCTION, Why is it possible to observe a scree. About 300 caves are located here.


Katun ridge is the highest in Altai, about 15 km long, and a height of 3200-4000 meters. His vertices are always white - the snow does not melt here, only ice blocks of different sizes are constantly falling down. Katun ridge is one of the most visited by tourists. He opens a great overview for the highest mountain - Beluhu. Its peak is equal to 4509 meters above sea level.

Known interesting fact - Beluha removed to the same distance from three oceans: a quiet, Indian and Atlantic. Glaciers surrounded from all sides, thanks to this she got its name.

A lot of legends are connected with the local population with Belukha, they believe that the Mountain is sacred, that in our time there are evil spirits. They can punish anyone who distorts her peace. Buddhists believe that Beluha hides the entrance to the legendary country (Shambalu).

The Colban is another peak of Katunsky ridge. From a height of 3022 meters, it opens beautiful circular panoramas.

It is impossible to leave another ridge of Altai - Chuy. In magnitude, he rightfully takes second place. It is customary to divide into two: North-Chuy and South Chuy.

The first is very popular among tourists thanks to its landscape. Many come here to look at alpine meadows, beautiful mountain lakes and eternally covered with snow highlands.

The South Chuy Range because of its relief, it is difficult for it, it practically consists of glaciers.

The mountains Altai Region Not as high as Altai Mountains. But they attract a lot of tourists. Mountain Blue (height is 1210 meters) is very popular. Here on one of the slopes there is a holy source, the Orthodox Cross was installed next to him in 1997.


Altai mountains, whose photos can be found in this article are also rich in lakes. Here are about 20 thousand.

The biggest is Teletskoy, it ranks second in depth after Baikal. Until now, there are many disputes about its origin.

The lake is stretched by a length of 80 km long. It has its own special climate, so the day the weather may change several times. The wind dominates here. In the lake there is very transparent water, even in winter through the ice you can see the bottom. Love here both tourists and fishermen.

Samoa large river Altai Mountains is Katun, 688 km long. Its origin is the height Glacier at an altitude of 2 km above sea level. The water of this river is cold, it turns out not to swim in it.

Another thing is lake, in the summer it warms up to +25 ° C. Surprisingly, no river falls into it, but the water level is always the same.

It is impossible to leave the Karakol lakes without attention. There are only seven them. They are born by glaciers, so even summer water is heated only to + 11 ° C. The border of larch forests, cedar and alpine meadows, striking their beauty passes here.

Altai Mountains (Pictures): Plant World

Local flora is rich in its diversity. Here you can see the vegetation of the European part of Russia, Eastern Kazakhstan, as well as Central and North Asia.

The main part of the Altai Territory is covered with forests. The peculiarity of this territory is ribbon pine bors.

On the mountain part of Altai, trees such as larch, cedar, fir, birch are growing. A lot here and shrubs: a lingonberry, honeysuckle, blueberries, raspberries, blackberry, lamelter, Tollga, Phalch, Juniper.

In the spring and at the beginning of the summer, the slopes of the mountains and the plains turn into bright carpets from a variety of colors. There are many medicinal plants here, some grow only in Altai.

Animal world

The forests and steppes provided the Altai Mountains a variety of fauna. About 250 species of birds and 90 species of mammals live here. Some of them are even listed in the Red Book.

The feature of the animal world is the presence of endemic species. They can live both on the plain and in the mountainous area. Bright representatives are Altai Mole, tundra partridge and mining turkey.

Taiga prefers brown bear and elk. The first during the summer can migrate from forests to alpine meadows in search of delicious plant roots, herbs, mushrooms, fish. However, by autumn, it always returns to Taiga arrays.

From one zone of Altai mountains to another, seasonal moves of universal animals (roeloy, elk, cabg, maral) are committing.

In the forests you can see Wolverine, lynx, the chipmunk, the ermine. Among the fur animals, sable and fox stands out.

Where the Altai Mountains go into the steppe, the birds are inhabit the predatory birds (Kobchik, Kobchik, Kanyuk-Sarych), the eagle-Berkut prevails on tops, and in the forests - Hawk, Owl and Filin.

And extensive intricant and intermountain brands. It extends from the North-West to the southeast of more than 2000 km.

Altai Mountains

The highest point of Altai - Beluha Mountain and Ak-Komska Valley, view from Kara-Treare Pass
Area741 569 km²
Length1847 km
Width1282 km
Highest point
Highest topBeluha
Highest point4509 M.
48 ° 45 'p. sh. 89 ° 36 'in. d. H.G.IO.L.
Audio, photo and video on wikisklad

The mountain system is located on the border of Russia (Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai), Mongolia (Bayan-Ulgian and Hovd Aimaki), China (Solyzian-Uigur Autonomous Region) and Kazakhstan (East Kazakhstan region).

Etymology name

Scientific discussions

Name Altai Ancient, hypothesis about its origin is different.

Geological History

Siberian Alps, Russian Tibet - so called this amazing place. Altai Mountains, whose photo is amazing, not in vain included in the UNESCO list. And not only tourists admire the pristine beauty of this edge, for indigenous people, he is also the only and unique.

Height and main ridges

Altai mountains are a complex system of ridges located on the territory of several states. Their part of them is concentrated in this is the highest part of Siberia, which attracts with its harsh beauty and snow caps. Travelers, scientists, tourists, climbers, artists, photographers, and also pilgrims coming here every year.

Altai - Mountains whose height is different. The highest is the Katun ridge: its vertices are on average rise by 3200-3500 meters above sea level. Outwardly, he resembles the Alps: sharp peaks, steep slopes, powerful glaciers and eternal snow. That is why this part of the system is visited most often. In addition, Beluha is located here - the highest of the mountains (4506 m) - and many picturesque lakes.

Beluha and Altai (Mountains): Height and Legends

This vertex is considered not only an amazing but also a real shrine of the region. It is interesting that it is removed on equal distances from Indian, quiet and Atlantic oceans, being a geographical center of Eurasia. It is surrounded by glaciers in which the Katun River originates. Locals many centuries consider the mountain of the refuge of evil spirits that punishing anyone who will break their peace. Buddhists believe that somewhere there, on top, there is a fabulous shambal.

The title of the top received because of its forever white cover. Although I conquered Belukha more than once, it remains difficult to reach, and the seismic activity is quite high here. And in 1997, a natural park was opened in the vicinity of the mountain.

Chuy Ridge

Not only with these vertices is proud of Altai. Mountains whose height is not much lower, make up the Chuy Ridge. In essence, these are two chains - South and North. The first is located away from the famous tourist centers, hard to reach for transport, wild. The highest point is the ICTU peak (3941 m). The other is more mastered because there are not only highlands, but also colorful meadows, lakes, rich flora and fauna. Here is the second highest top of the system - Maasha-Bashi, 4137 meters - here is the height of the mountain. Altai in this part is generally rich in huge peaks, which attracts climbers here.

This is another most interesting top that rises only 1210 meters. This is the most Kolyvanovsky ridge. Rising to her, you can see fantastic landscapes: Kulundin steppe, famous pine forest, Sinegylase lakes and other snow-covered mountains. Fir forests on the slope of the Sienah gave her an unusual color, which lay down the name. It is also sacred for the inhabitants of these places, and on the northern slope there is a healing source.

Altyn-Tu, located next to the Tetaline Lake, is revered by local residents. Beautiful views The river will give up from its vertex that near Lake Aya. Tourists do not miss the small cliffs of bizarre forms - a big monastery (near the village of Ust-desert), the castle of mountain spirits (Akkain Pass), stone mushrooms (at Testa Lake) and many others.

Altai Territory is a wonderful place on Earth!

Mount Beluha is a symbol of Altai, a transboundary object at the junction of the borders of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. This is the most high mountain Altai and Siberia (4506 m), the slopes are covered with eternal snow and glaciers. This is the kingdom of snow, ice, crashing avalanche and sparkling waterfalls. From time immemorial as a magnet attracts tourists from around the world.

Exposures from a photo and day trip to Beluha ...

1. The last 50 km to the goal of our trip is on foot, it is impossible to get there (except as a helicopter). Carefully move across the bridge over the R. Bel Bell, built in 1938

The river originates a little higher from the Berelskie glaciers at the foot of Belukha, emerging from the icy grotto. It received its name for the milk-white color of water dissolved minerals.

2. The bridge over the R. Bel Bell is a rather complex engineering structure that serves more than 75 years. It is built from larch and shamened forged nails.

3. Approaching the lower camp (at the foot of the Beluhi), the first thing you hear is the noise of the largest Koksksky waterfall in Altai. When merging with white shill, the river bed is a big kokkol suits a sharp ledge of about 80 meters of a steepness of 60-70 degrees. From here, the water stream of over 10 meters is overthrown from the walls of the Bererelsky spray down with a deafening rumble, heard is far away.

On the ridge and cliffs of the left and right side, it does not fall down, but drains the narrow rapid 'snakes. When falling from a high height, smooth water dust is formed, ionizing air in the valley. On sunny days, rising above the waterfall, it is painted by all the colors of the rainbow. Powerful waterfall, scenic gorgeshrouded with beautiful cedar and spruce forest extraordian beauty And the charm of this corner of the Altai nature.

4. The majestically beautiful, the impregnable two-headed Queens of the Altai Mountains of Beluha, is represented by two vertices in the form of incorrect pyramids - Eastern (4506 m) and Western Belukha (4435 m).

5. Eastern Beluha (4506 m).

6. Western Beluha (4435 m). The lowering between the vertices, the name of the 'Bellohi saddle' (4000 m) is also steeply breaks up to the north to the Akkem Glacier (the so-called. Akkem wall) and more than the soupe descends south to the Katun River.

7. 'Beluhi saddle' (4000 m). 'The dwelling of the gods', 'Great Older' - the so-called Belukha Altaica. And according to the expression N.K. Roerich is a mountain that even deserts whisper. Travelers who contemplated the greatness of sparkling two-headed vertices, talk about its unearthly beauty, amazing change of paints at sunset, stunning intimacy of the sky, lively flickering stars. From the glaciers of Beluhi take the beginning of the river White Berel, Katun. The name comes from the abundant snow covering Belukha from the top to the very base.

8. Beluhu district is located on the border of zones of 7-8-point seismic activity. Microelectrics are very frequent here. The consequences of them are the breaking of the ice shell, the gathering of avalanche and collaps. About the tectonic instability of the territory of Beluhi testify faults, cracks and rocks of rocks.

9. The climate of the Belukha region is severe with a long cold winter and short summer with rains and snowfall. In winter, negative air temperatures are observed in January to -48s and remain low even in March to -5c. In the summer, on top of Beluhi not rare frost to -20c.

On the slopes of the array of Beluhi and in the valleys, 169 glaciers are known, with a total area of \u200b\u200b150 square kilometers. By the number of glaciers and glaciation, Belukha ranks first at Katunsky Range. 6 large glaciers are concentrated here, among them the Sapozhnikov glacier - one of the largest in Altai - 10.5 km long, with an area of \u200b\u200b13.2 km square., As well as large and small Berelskie glaciers, 10 and 8 km long and an area of \u200b\u200b12.5 and 8.9 km square. respectively.

The speed of movement of ice is non-etinakov and on average ranges from 30 to 50 m per year. The accumulation of snow on steep slopes leads to an avalanche. Beluha is one of the intense avalanchers of Altai.

10. Here they take the beginning of the Katun River, Kuchered, Akkem, Idygham. The White Berel River drains the south-oriental slope and belongs to the Bukartma River Basin. Water streams born from the glaciers of the Beluhi form a special Altai type of rivers. In the nutrition of rivers take part of the melting waters of glaciers, snow, rain sediments have a slight value. Rivers are fleeting, often form waterfalls. Lakes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mountain Belukha lie in deep carries and the trigger valleys.

Here you can find rare birds: Himalayan cheer, Siberian Mountain Reel.

11. Himalayan cheer.

12. Siberian mining reel.

13. From the lower camp at the foot of Beluhu, the verta vertices are clearly visible. Cleaning glacier driver, everything is seen until the bottom (3-4 m). Interestingly from there Early in the morning to take photos of Belukha, when it is reflected in the lake mirror.

Beluha is reflected in the lake equilibrium:

14. From the lake (in the telephoto lens), the grotto is clearly visible, from which R. Beleai Berel follows. She originates from glaciers (big and small Berelsky). Then goes under the ice tongue and then follows from the grotto. The ice is sprinkled by a raised rubble, walking on which is dangerous - dips, emptiness.

15. View of Katun Ridge (the Kazakh-Russian border is held on it), Beluha 4509 m, Peak Delone 3869 m, G. Truzvati, 3543 m.

16. Mount Urusvati, 3543 m. (Sanskr. "The Light of the Morning Star").

17. Upper camp. It is located approximately 10 km from the lower camp (at the foot of Beluha) with a drop of heights of more than 800 m (rising in the mountain). Approximately at an altitude of 2600 m already lies the snow, a nearly clear boundary is visible between green and white.

18. Upper camp (Kokkol mine). His story is rooted in the 30s of the last century. This is a unique mining monument, founded in 1938 on Kokkol's pass, at an altitude of about 3000 m above sea level. In the upper reaches of R. Kokolkol in the range of them were found quartz wreckage with tungsten splamps. In 1937, a search part was sent here, which easily found a series of parallel, close-bound, low-power, cool (75-85) quartz veins with industrial content of tungsten and molybdenite.

19. Since 1938, the mining of ore manually began. On the mine itself on the pass (the top camp or the Kokkol mine) were built barracks, office, warehouse of explosives, forge, a rich factory. At 9 km to the west of the Kokkol waterfall in the forest zone, the lower camp was built: equestrian courtyard, office. Ore cores held gallery. Here, manually was sorted by ore. When a processing factory was built, a higher ore concentrate began to receive, which were delivered to the village of Berel on horseback. The mine worked until 1954.

Rudnik Valley:

20. The top camp of the Kokkol mine camp is superbly preserved. Thanks to the cold arid climate, all buildings and equipment: Lokomobile, Diesel, the processing plant are in a satisfactory condition and represent a beautiful museum under open sky. A superbly preserved processing factory is unique, many details of which are made of durable varieties of wood. Here are telega-rudoros (delodes), the remains of the Ford car. From the lower camp today there are only two homes.

21. The Komsomol members worked there, winsted or prisoners of the Gulag, testimonies, sources and links on the Internet were divided almost equally. I'll add myself that he kept in his hands old card Gen.stab Sun of the USSR, where the "Upper Camp of Gulag" was indicated. In later army cards (1964, 1985-87 and 2003), "Mine Kokkol (Non-residential)" has already been written.

22. Valley Kokkol.


24. " Warm lake»At the foot of Belukha. Educated waters of melting glaciers.

25. Morning in the Valley of the White Berel River.

Golden Mountains - the word Altai is translated. And it's hard to argue with it natural beauty Altai rivals have not much. Altai Mountains are the highest part of Siberia and are on the ground of two subjects of the country - the Republic of Altai and the Altai Territory. Russian Tibet call this amazing place. Mountain rivers, crystal lakes, raging waterfalls, endless coniferous forests and alpine meadows - the generosity of the nature of these places conquers forever.

All about the golden mountains of Altai

IN Altai Mountains The rivers Biya and Katun are born, from the merger of which born is born - one of the most free and extended rivers of Russia.

The highest ridge of the Altai Mountains - Katun. Altai mountains are famous by the caves that are many here. - The edge of the waterfalls, the highest techel flows into the Akké River.

Winter in the region is long, up to 5 months. But in the area of \u200b\u200bTeletsk Lake Winter pleases with comfortable ten degrees of frost. In the summer, the light day in the region lasts 17 to hours - it is more than in Yalta or Sochi.

Plateau Ukok - the place of the burial. Local residents believe that the plateau is special sacred placewhich they trust the bodies of the dead. Unique nature These places inspired Nikolai Roerich to create picturesque cavities. In the village of Upper Uymon there is a painter museum.

Chemal is the picturesque terrain of the Altai Mountain Altai, where Katun carries his waters by the fascinating mountains of the rocky mountains.

Seven wonderful beauty reservoirs stretched by a chain along the western slope of the ridge of the IOLO.

The lower Shavlin lake is surrounded by mountains in the vicinity of the village of Chibit. On the shore of the reservoir installed pagan idols.

The discovery of the Denisova Cave, located in the valley of the River Anui Soloneshsky district, has become a noticeable event of world archeology. The cave found the remains of a person with age of 42,000 years. The cave is available for a person with any level of physical training.

Altai cave, one of the deepest and extended and extended in Siberia and Altai, leaves down 240 meters away, and its length is 2540 meters. There is this natural attraction in the village of Cheremshanka in the Altai Territory. The Altai cave is actively visited by lovers tourists and professional speleologists.

Included in the Katun ridge and revered by local residents as sacred - the most high Point Siberia and Altai, towering over the picturesque valleys of the dock plateau for 4509 meters. Beluha is located on an equidalone distance from the four oceans and is the geographical center of Eurasia. The origins of the main altai river Katun take his origin in the glaciers of Beluhi.

Why and why you need to see the mountains of Altai

Those who love sports tourism attend the Altai Mountain Already for many years. Altai mountain rivers are greatly suitable for alloys. Speleologists descend into mysterious caves, and for climbers mountain peaks Altai is a favorite place. Amateurs hiking hiking Watch many places of fascinating beauty. Developed in Altai and equestrian tourism, which makes it possible to visit the most hard-to-reach corners of the edge.

Fishing in the mountains of Altai attracts tourists not only from the blizzards of lying regions, but also from the European part of Russia. Local rivers are rich in delicacious charies, Tieta, Sig and Rainbow Forew.

Altai is going to correct health and relax in one of the most ecologically clean places on Earth. The region is famous for healing thermal sources. Belokurich - the most famous Altai resort, famous for its unique microclimate and good opportunities for active rest in any season. For tourists - a cable-chairlift, rising a resort to the mountains of the Church (height of 815 meters), from the top of which offers stunning views of the Altai expanses.

One of the business cards of the Altai Mountains - Maral, on the treatment of Pants which is based on a wholerapeutic industry. Based on many Mauralniki, therapeutic bases were created, where vacationers strengthen their health among mountains and forests, enjoying peace and peace on the Lona of Altai Nature.

Winter visitors are waiting ski resorts Altai - Mergeok, Belokurich, Turquoise Katun, Seminist Pass.

Helpful information

Going to Altai, even at the height of the summer, be sure to take warm clothes - in the mountains the night temperature can be lowered to + 5 °.

Altai is a region where the tick carrying encephalitis is widespread, and other dangerous infections. To protect it is recommended to make vaccination in advance. Also, relevant repellents.

Popular Souvenirs from Mountain Altai - Honey, Pants, Cedar Nuts, Chas of Alpine Herbs, Ordinary Wooden Products of Local Residents, Amulets, National musical instruments and household items.

And remember from tourists local residents Waiting for respect for their land, ancestors and an animal world.

How to get to Altai Mountains

You need to fly or go to Barnaul, or Biysk, and then on buses and cars go to the destination point.

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