Pedestrian route in Red Square. Hiking: hiking and outdoor activities

Moscow, of course, is large, but its entire center can be completely walking around. The capital retained the structure of the traditional Russian city - in the middle there is a fortress, the streets diverge from it with rays and circles. Therefore, all walks in the center can be started from the Kremlin. The following suggests several routes:

Kremlin - Metro Station "Smolenskaya"

The route from the Kremlin to the Smolenskaya metro station stretches about 3 km. It is necessary to get out of the subway at the Station "Theatrical" or "Okhotny Ryad" and walking down the street Mokhovaya aside. At the right hand will first be the hotel "National" (house number 15), built in 1903 by architect Alexander Ivanov. There is an interesting mosaic under the roof of the building. Further, two old buildings of Moscow University (houses No. 11 and 9) will appear on the Mokhovaya Street (houses No. 11 and 9), and on the left - the Central Exhibition Hall "Manege" (House No. 1). Having reached the metro station "Library. Lenin", you need to turn right, on the street Vozdvenika. After a while you will reach the Arbatskaya metro station. On the right, directly opposite the exit of the station "Arbatskaya", there will be a mansion of Morozov Arsenya in Mauritan style (house number 16). This is one of the most strange buildings of Moscow, built at the end of the XIX century. According to legend, when the house was ready, Morozova's mother said that earlier she knew that her son had a bad taste, now it will know all Moscow. However, tastes change: over time, Muscovites sincerely loved this building, and today the Vozdvizhenka is already unthinkable without him. If you go a few meters forward, you will find yourself at the underground transition. You can go on it to the other side of the street to be on the Arbat Square. It costs the cinema "Artistic" (house number 14) - one of the oldest in Moscow: In 1909, an electro-theater was opened in this building. For "artistic" there is an old metro station "Arbatskaya" (in Moscow "Arbat" and "Smolensk" stations two - old and new). It is stylized under the mausoleum.

By the underpass you need to go to the other side, and you will find yourself at the beginning of two Arbats - old and new. At the corner between them will stand the restaurant "Prague" (house number 2 on Arbat Square). From the side of the old Arbat in the same building there is an entrance to the store, in which you can buy culinary products of the most famous Moscow restaurant. Then you can move on the old or new Arbat. Old Arbat - Pedestrian Street. It contains shops and cafes, cost legs with souvenirs. The famous Arbatry alleys are diverged in both sides, and the oqueshawy boulders.

House number 22 in Arbat is busy the theater named after E. Vakhtangov, who has a statue of the princess of Turandot. House No. 53 is known in that Alexander Pushkin lived in it. Now in this building is located the poet Museum. Closer to the metro station "Smolenskaya" there is McDonalds (house number 50/52, p. 1). The metro has old Arbat ends.

You can go on a new Arbat. This is the street passing, on it are modern buildings (including high-altitude houses in the form of books), in the first floors of which are shops and restaurants. On the right side, at the corner of the new Arbat and the Cook street, you will see a small and very cozy church of Simeon Stattail (house number 5 on the cook). In the house number 8 on the same side - a large bookstore "Moscow House of Books". Closer to the Metro Station "SMOLENSKA" is located the Cinema "October" (House No. 24), in which the Moscow International Film Festival is held in the summer. To get into the subway, you need to turn left at the gardens with a garden ring (there is an underground transition), after a few tens of meters there will be a Smolenskaya metro station.

Kremlin - the Church of Christ the Savior

The length of the route from the Kremlin to the Church of Christ the Savior is approximately 2 km. This route goes almost in a straight line. You can go along the Kremlin by, and it is possible on Mokhovaya Street. Accordingly, the central building exhibition Hall "Manege" (house number 1 on Mokhovaya Street) You will go with one or another. If you go on Mokhovaya Street, then you will see the old buildings of Moscow University (house number 11 and 9). If in the Alexandrovsky garden, then the Kremlin wall is left, and on the right "Manege".

By the underpass, you will need to go to the Lenin Library (House No. 5). Going out of the transition, you will see a monument to Dostoevsky near the library. Moving along the street Mokhovoy, you will leave the house of Pashkov, one of the most beautiful buildings in the city center built by Vasily Bazhenov in the 1780s. Recently ended his long-term restoration. After the house, Pashkov will be Borovitskaya Square and Crossroads with Street Zamenka, on the corner of which the Gallery of A. Shilova (House No. 5 for Znamenka). Mokhovaya street develops into Volkheonka Street. Moving along the Volkhonka, you will go to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior (House number 15), next to which there is an entrance to the subway (Station "Kropotkinskaya"). On the road to the right there will be a museum of the pictorial arts named after A.S. Pushkin (house number 12), and directly opposite it - Gallery I. Glazunov (house number 13). If, not reaching the temple, immediately after the museum of the visual arts, turn right, in the small Znamensky lane, then you will come to the Museum center N.K. Roerich (house number 3/5).

From the christ of Christ the Savior, you can go straight and walk through the streets of Ostozhenka and Prechistenka and in that area of \u200b\u200bthe alleys. Or you can turn right and in Gogol Boulevard to go to Arbat.

Kremlin - Pushkin Square

The road from the Kremlin to Pushkin Square is engaged in about 1 km. From the Kremlin you need to go out into the street Tverskaya and go up to her to Pushkin Square. Tverskaya is the central street of Moscow with many historical buildings. On the left side will first be the dramatic theater. M.N. Yermolova (house number 5), then the building of the central telegraph (house number 7), built in the 1920s.

After the house number 9 left from Tverskaya Street, Bryusov Lane, in which there is a Museum-Apartment V.E. Meyerhold (Bryusov Lane, House No. 12).

If you continue moving down the street, then approximately found between the metro station "Theatrical" and "Tverskaya" on my right hand you will see the Tver Square with the statue of Yuri Dolgorukov. Opposite the area - the city hall building (house number 13).

Next, interesting houses are located on the right side. In the house number 8 is one of the main bookstores of the city, which is called "Moscow". In the next house - Bulkaya "Filippovskaya" (house number 10). Before the revolution, Filippov's family owned a bakery and bakery in Moscow. Reborn bakery on his historical place Already after the end of the Soviet power. In the house number 14 is the central gastronomic store "Eliseevsky".

Then you go to the Pushkin Square, on which a monument to the poet, made by the project M. Pekpeshin in 1880. To the right will be the cinema "Pushkinsky", and the left - Tver Boulevard. In the area of \u200b\u200bPushkin Square, there are three metro stations - "Tverskaya", "Pushkinskaya" and "Chekhovskaya". You can go to the subway, and you can continue the path. If you go straight, then on Tverskaya Street you will reach the Metro Station "Mayakovskaya". If the right one can stroll through passionate, and then Petrovsky boulevards and to go to the pipe station. If there is left, then in Tver, and then Nikitsky boulevards can be reached to the station "Arbatskaya".

Kremlin - Metro Station "Clean Ponds"

Walk from the Kremlin to Metro Station Clean ponds"It turns out 2 km. A good walking route is from the Kremlin to the northeast. To do this, go to the Manege Square and go through between the hotel" Moscow "(house number 2 in the street Okhotny row) and the red chambers in the Russian style (in this passage Typically stands with souvenirs), and then turn left. You will find yourself on the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution. There is a monument to Karl Marx, made by the sculptor L.E. Kerbel. In addition to the monument, this area is not remarkable, but if you go through it and go theatrical The passage, you will be the theater area at which there is a large theater (house number 1). In the summer there are fountains in the summer, and the Christmas tree is usually installed. Big Theater this moment Closed on a large-scale reconstruction. If standing face to him, turn right, then for theatrical passage you will reach Lubyanskaya Square (former Dzerzhinsky Square). Here is the famous Moscow store "Children's World" (house number 5 for theatrical pass). Now he is also closed for reconstruction.

Passing along " Children's world", Cross the intersection, where the angle is converged by a cannonish street and a big Lubyanka street. You will find yourself near the house number 2. In Soviet times, it was an personification of repression: it was consistently in it, NKVD, GPU and KGB, now - FSB of Russia. The building was It was built in 1898 and first there were apartments and shops. The state security authorities were given in 1919. In 1930, a reconstruction was carried out on the project A. Schusev.

If you go along it, and then go to the underground transition to the other side of the meat of the street, you will find yourself next to the Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky (Lubyansky passage, d. 3/6). A little further in the same house there is one of the main bookstores in Moscow - "Biblio-Globus".

Continuing the movement on meat, you will find out surrounded by the old Moscow houses. The first floors are now busy shops and cafes. According to the right hand, on the corner of the meat of the street and a curve-tree alley, there is a cafe "Muum" (house number 14/2). Then you reach the bank alley (it will also be on my right hand). If you go through it, then we drink directly to the Cafe Club "Bilingwa" (curved alley, d. 10, p. 5). "Bilingwa" is not only a cafe. Here is the bookstore and haberdashery with designer products, reports and poetic evenings are held.

If you go on a meat street further, then the left of you will be one very curious building in chinese style. This is a store "Tea-coffee on meat" (house number 15) - bottom of the few shopping places, which was openly before the revolution and did not close even in Soviet times. In the people, he is called the "Tea House". This is the main Tea Store of Moscow. On the other side of the street is the Glavpottamt (House No. 26).

Myasnitskaya Street will bring you straight to the square of the meat gate, on which it is the building of the metro station "Clean ponds" and "Turgenevskaya". If you go to the right, then you will fall on the purebred boulevard (at the beginning it is a monument to A.S. Griboedov, established in 1959), if left, then at Sretensky Boulevard.

Do you like romance? Do not mind check yourself in an extreme journey? "My Russia" tells about hiking routes that will surprise beauty and experience your character.


Lake Frolich. Photo:
  • Location: The North-East Coast of Baikal
  • Length: about 95 km (12 days of the road)
  • Attractions: Frolichinian reserve, thermal springs Hakus, Lake Frolich.

Baikal - the center of power for the majority of people on the planet. Foreigners (and many Russians) represent a lake mysterious and endless reservoir in the "heart" of the continent. In many ways, this description is suitable object. For a close acquaintance with the "Sea", as the lake is indigenous people, there are many ways. One of them is the Frolich trail.

12 days on the northeast, the most virgin coast of Baikal, will become an excellent test of his forces. From 2010, the route sponsored investors from Dresden, so attractive!

Its length is small - "total" 95 km. But it passes through natural landscapes of the Siberian Taiga. The center of the trail can be considered the Frolichinian reserve, whose business card is beautiful mountain Lake Frolh. The protected area was created in order to preserve the relict population of red fish - the Arctic Goltz (family of salmon, included in the Red Book of Russia).

The route is decorated with numerous glacial watercourses, protrusions of rocks and ends with the mouth of the upper hangary.

Big Baikal trail. Photo:
  • Location: around the perimeter of the lake (constantly complemented)
  • Length: multiple areas, from 1.5 km long and up to several tens of kilometers
  • Attractions: Baikal Museum, Pribaikal National Park.

The term "big Baikal trail" also hides an organization engaged in the development of hiking in the Baikal. The main goal of the project is to create a developed network trail for tourists. The number of routes is growing annually. Volunteers in the summer and winter implement projects for the development of the system trail, laying new routes, developing infrastructure and making cards. With such pace, within 10 years along the coast of the lake, a branched system of pedestrian routes is formed. The prospect looks like a "crazy" - a single trail around Baikal! Such an object will definitely become the center of world tourism.

On the way, steep rise and sharp descents are constantly replaced. From the start of tourists, the rise of 400 meters vertically with a vertex exit, which overlooks Baikal. Part of the trail walks along the coastline, on rock cliffs. Here you have to use the rope sections of the passage.

Ecological and tourist route №1

Ecological and tourist route number 1. Photo:
  • Location: Northwest Caucasus
  • Length: 93 km
  • Attractions: Khajokhskaya Tesnin, Rufaggo Waterfalls, Cave Systems, Fisht Mountain, Glaciers.

The route acts as the "successor" of the famous All-Union tourist route No. 30 and wears the second name "through the mountains to the sea." The route is high-mountainous and requires special physical training. In the USSR, this trail was one of the first and most developed. By the mid-1930s, numerous groups have already walked here.

Today the route "Horn" to 5 days of the road. Now the trail does not reach the sea: it connects the village of Guzeripl and the village of Solokh-Aul. On the way, tourists overcome ice areas, sheer cliffs and extensive mountain meadows. The trail is not the longest, but covers the landscapes characteristic of the Caucasus. Tourists take place on environmentally friendly and practically not touched civilization of the territory.

All-Union Tourist route number 55

Lake Aushkul. Photo:
  • Location: Southern UralsChelyabinsk
  • Length: 487 km
  • Attractions: Lake Uvildy, Ilmen Lake, Mount Kruglitsa, Lake Aushkul.

Another "mastodont" of hiking tourism. A complex and extended route, to overcome which takes 21 days. The trail can be overcome on foot or by bus. Typically, travelers combine these types of movement, complementing them by train. During the hike, tourists attend many reservoirs of the South Ural region, and also undergo virgin forests. Rich animal world And thick vegetation creates a feeling of pioneers and help to relax from the bustle of the city.

The trails are not equipped everywhere and are supported in good condition, but the route attracts familiarity with the Urals and its beauty.

Multi Lakes, Altai

Multician lakes. Photo:
  • Location: Mountain Altai
  • Length: about 30 km
  • Sightseeing: System of Mounted Lakes

The monument of Nature of Altai, the system of glacially high-mountainous lakes, is one of the tourist "symbols" of Altai. Lakes with crystal clear water are settled in small mountain hinders. Snow-covered slopes of Katunsky Range The lower Mounted Lake, the transverse, middle-average, talmet - and a large number of fine reservoirs. On the way of tourists are waiting:

  • Glacial waterfalls.
  • Crims through mountain rivers.
  • Rises on rock slopes.
  • Overnights on the shore of lakes.
  • Routes at the foot of the snowy mountains.

Hibiny. Big circle

Umbozero. Photo:
  • Location: Kola Peninsula
  • Length: about 75 km
  • Sightseeing: Pass and Lake Support

Circular route between lakes Big Imanndra and Umbozero. "Classical" Karelia in all its beauty! Glacial relief with cleaned spokes of rocks and glacial reservoirs and streams.

A distinctive feature of this trail is numerous ascents and descents along the streams flowing from the mountain ranges of chibin. On the trail will have to rise to the highest point of the North-West of Russia - Mount Yudimchvumchorr (1.206 meters above sea level). Many passes (per day will have to pass 1-3 such objects) require special training and skills. Tourists should have special equipment and go to the trail under the control of an experienced instructor.

Plateau Manpupuner. Hiking through the dyatlov pass

Plateau Manpupuner. Photo:
  • Location: Komi Republic.
  • Extension: from 11 km to 230 km (depending on the selected route).
  • Attractions: Dyatlov Pass, Mount Rubbed, Pechora River, Geological Monument "Weathered Poles" - one of the 7 wonderland of Russia.

But here there is no specific trail - several routes intersecting at certain points on the map are laid on a relatively small territory. Visit mysterious mountain Diezden and Dyatlov Pass enters the mandatory trail program. And of course legendary "mansionic boobs" - unusual natural objectscreated by wind. Local call Majan-Pupa-Norm "Doodle-from" or "Mount IDol". Created by nature are giant with something resemble the famous heads on the island of Easter.

Pechoro-Ilych Reserve, in the territory of which passes hiking route, It is a mountain tundra covered by swamps. The terrain is very "fragile" and difficulty. But in 2016, more than a hundred volunteers laid a safe trail, on which tourists go to the pillars, from 30 to 42 meters high.

Trail is fascinating, but requires tourist training. If you choose a walk at 11 km along the mountainside to the columns, then you can do without gear. But multi-day campaign It becomes a serious test: crossing the rivers, climbing passes and mountains, overnightlies in the taiga - the whole flavor of Siberia!

Around Elbrus

Around Elbrus. Photo:
  • Location: Caucasus
  • Length: about 60 km
  • Sights: highest point Europe - Elbrus volcano, glaciers, waterfalls, the origins of the mountain rivers.

Route mountain range and refers to 1 category of complexity. The trail attracts with its concept - to get around the most high mountain Caucasus becomes a memorable adventure. The region is well developed from a tourist point of view and travelers may not worry about how to get to Elbrus. But the terrain of the Cusar is a recent approach to this confirmation. Therefore, the route should be accompanied by an experienced instructor.

What awaits in the way? First, height. Some points lie at an altitude of 3,700 meters, which can cause humanity manifestations. Glacial lakes, such as sylllertakel, differ in clear water and beautiful species. Real mountain glaciers from which small rivers and streams begin. Pass and "Stirring" gorges with rocky peaks and vertices. Classic Mountain Route alpine Lugam Elbrus.

Shikotan. In the footsteps of "Robinson Cruzo"

Japanese Lighthouse Spamburg.
  • Location: Kurile Islands
  • Length: up to 20 km
  • Sights: Cape Earth Edge, Shikotan Mount (405 meters), Exotic Nature

Liana, Dwarf Bamboo and Japanese Lighthouse Schapamberg (1943) - the most remote Island of Russia is little similar to Russia. Japan is 100 km away, and Moscow is 7119 km.

There are practically no trees on Shikotan, but a film about Robinson Cruzo was filmed here in 1972. Stanislav Govorukhin not in vain chose this island - landscapes are very similar to uninhabited terrain. Many capes deeply go into the sea, forming attractive landscape travelers. The trail is simple and overcome it in a couple of hours. Yes, and not a trail is, but just a walk through a small island on the "edge" of the country. The route will definitely be remembered and not many ...


Walking along the capital is a real holiday for photographers, lovers of history and architecture. They will allow you to feel energy modern CityThey will inspire new accomplishments, allow to remain in good physical form. All you need for a walk is a comfortable dress and shoes, a camera and a well-thought-out route.

Metro Station "Lubyanka"
There are many parks, buildings and beauties in the capital to get around them, not one day will be required. Therefore, the first introductory route is better to build in the city center. It is convenient to start with Lubyanskaya Square, where the metro station is located. From here you should go on a lively Nikolskaya street.

Nikolskaya street
Nikolskaya Street is one of the oldest in Moscow. In the XIX century, there were the offices of large entrepreneurs, an elite restaurant and a prestigious hotel. Currently, the first floors of old houses are given under the expensive boutiques and shops. From 2013 after reconstruction, Nikolskaya Street became a pedestrian. Here reigns the perfect order, there is a place to rest.

Red Square
After passing by the Nikolsky series and the Kazan Cathedral, the German Square opens to the participants of the pedestrian marathon. Its architecture and greatness can be admired endlessly. However, you should not charge the rhythm of steps. You should pass the square to the end and head towards the Great Zamoskvoretsky bridge.

Kremlin embankment
Prospect-embankment extends along the South Kremlin Wall. From the waters of the Moscow River, it separates Parapet, near which you can admire the surrounding landscapes. Between the roadway and the wall of the Kremlin there is a lime alley. Wide crowns of relict trees will allow a little rest before the movement towards a new goal.

Church of Christ the Savior
The majestic temple of Christ the Savior with golden domes perpetuated the memory of victory over the French in 1812. During the walk of the walk, it is worth limking to his external inspection and go to the Patriarch Bridge.

Patriarch Bridge
The elegant bridge was built in 2004, stylized under the architecture of the XIX century. It crosses the Moscow river and drainage channel, connects the territory of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior with the Yakiman, Bersenev and Prechistenskaya embankments. Walk through the bridge - the ability to enjoy picturesque views and feel river cool.

Institute "Arrow"
From the height of the Patriarchal Bridge, you can see the building of the modern Institute of Media, Architecture and Design "Arrow". It is founded in 2009, activities are aimed at improving the appearance of modern cities.

Moscow, Bersenevskaya Embankment, 14, p. 5a

Kropotkinskaya (Sokolnicheskaya Line)

Museum - Art Park
The last point of the pedestrian route is the Museon Park. Here you can stay, translate the breath and slowly inspect sculptures under open sky. The collection is divided into several thematic areas and demonstrates more than 1000 works of Soviet and Russian sculptors. The park is often held concerts, photo exhibitions, sporting events. Perhaps they will be able to get and relax after the active marathon.

Moscow, ul. Crimean shaft, 2

Oktyabrskaya (annular line)

Photo source: PHOTOBANK "LORA"

To make hiking In Moscow, it is desirable to explore the routes to tourists in advance. Otherwise, there will be much time and effort to search for attractions, which in the capital, and especially in her center, mass. Here will come to the rescue.

Walking in Moscow Alone, finished routes

To explore Moscow thoroughly, it will take more than one year. However, it is possible to get acquainted with its main attractions for the day. Moreover, it is not necessary to use the vehicles for this. Enough walk through such routes.

Walk through the historic center of Moscow
It begins from the metro station "Tretyakovka", with which the tourist falls on one of the most ancient streets of the capital - a large Ordin.

Here the overwhelming majority of buildings remember the gray old old and are architecture monuments. Having come across the Big Ordyanka, a man falls on the Rauschsky embankment to the Moscow River. Here opens a breathtaking view of the surface of water, to the Big Moskvoretsky Bridge and the legendary Stalinist highness.

Going through this bridge, a person turns out to be in the "heart" of the capital of the Russian Federation - on. On it you can walk for hours, examining each stone:

· Spasskaya tower and gate leading to the Kremlin;

· Cathedral of Basil Blessed, built by Ivan Grozny;

· Monument Minin and Pozharsky;

· Frontal place;

· Famous mausoleum;

· Museum of history;

· Press George Zhukova;

· Alexander Garden;

· Monument to the most mysterious Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky.

To admire, make beautiful panoramic photos, you can get on the bridge directly from the territory of the park itself. The entrance is free.

This is not the entire list of local attractions. Next, you need to move on the revolution on the new Arbat, where the cinema is artistic.

Then, bypassing the boulevard ring, the person turns out to be at one of the most religious places in Moscow - the old Arbat.

Wall of Tsoi

This route ends on this.

Moscow is a very convenient transport hub. From here you can fly cheaply at any end of the world. Therefore, every day, millions of Russians come to the Russian capital to continue their fascinating journey. If you have a few hours of free time between transplants and crossings, and even better a whole free day, do not miss the opportunity to stroll around Moscow.

Today we will talk about what you can see in Moscow for 1 day and how best to organize a walk route in the center of the Russian capital. The route presented in the post is a pedestrian, duration of about 7 km. You can always cut it, overcoming part of the distance on the subway.

If there is very little time in stock, and I want to look at Moscow, we advise you to take sightseeing tour. The tour desk in the summer season can be found directly on the Manege Square at the Resurrection Gate, or book places on a convenient day in advance. For example, here:

About how to download a google card and enjoy it offline,

Walk through Tverskaya from Pushkin Square to Manezhnaya

Start a walk in the center of Moscow offer with Pushkin Square. Right here is the omission of the Metro "Pushkinskaya - Tverskaya - Chekhovskaya". You can find out the area by the bronze monument A.S. Pushkin installed on the site of the demolished bell tower of the passionate monastery in 1950

The monument is the elegant Fountain "Pushkinsky", which rests on the main facade of the "Russia" theater. The cinema "Russia" appeared in the 60s of the XX century. and served in direct appointment until 2012, when he was converted to the theater for musicals. Here on the square you can see the building of the newspaper Izvestia.

Pushkin Square - the most convenient point of the beginning of the route Walking in the center of Moscow

And in the meantime, we become so that the monument to Pushkin with the theater be on the left hand from us and go down the Tverskaya Street towards the Kremlin.

Tverskaya is one of the most beautiful streets of Moscow, and after the global reconstruction of 2016, it became even more beautiful. The appearance of Tver was formed in the XIX-XX centuries. There are many elegant buildings.

A few steps on the left side of you will be well-known in Moscow a gastronome "Eliseevsky". It was built in the late XVIII century. The store works here now. And on the second floor there is a museum-apartment N.A. Ostrovsky.

The next square we will meet in our route Walking in Moscow - Tverskaya. Here you can see the equestrian monument to the founder of Moscow - Yuri Dolgorukhu, and in contrast of the elegant building of the Moscow City Hall in the style of Russian classicism, erected back in 1783 on the project M.F. Kazakov.

On Tver, other interesting buildings will meet, for example:

  • the building of the central telegraph, built in the style of constructivism in the middle of the twentieth century,
  • a more ancient postnikovsky passage, built at the beginning of the 1800s. in classicism style. Now there is a theater. M.N. Yermolova;
  • the prestigious Ritz-Carlton hotel building, built in 2007 in the beginning of the beginning of the twentieth century. Eclectic style.

Worth the question: "What to see in Moscow for 1 day?" It is impossible to get around the central squares of the capital. Tverskaya Street will undoubtedly lead you to the Manege Square, known for its Fountain Complex. From here by Historical Museum It is very easy to get to the Red Square, but you can get to the left, on the street. Okhotny Ryad.

Central squares of Moscow

At the intersection of the streets, Tverskaya and the Okhotny series can be seen a pompous building, built for the Council of Labor and Defense in 1935. Now it houses the State Duma of the Russian Federation. On the contrary, in the same style of post-constructivism in the 30s of the last century, the Moscow Hotel, now, is one of the prestigious hotels of the capital "Four Seasons Hotel Moscow".

A couple of tens of meters and our route Walking in the center of Moscow will lead us to theatrical square. The area of \u200b\u200bthe square form buildings of large, small and youth theaters, the shopping complex "Tsum", as well as the Moscow and Metropol hotels.

In the center of Moscow, the square smoothly flows one to another. Turn your back to the large theater and we are moving towards the growing monument of the monument to K. Marx. After him, another central square was spread - the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution. In the XVI century The Neglinnaya River flowed here, on the left bank of which the Kingway Wall was built. Unfortunately, the genuine Wall of China-Cities has not been preserved to this day, but in Moscow, including on the Revolution Square, you can see several restored fragments.

From here, along the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812, you can go to the Resurrection Goal, which lead to main Square Moscow - Red. Be sure to look at its attractions, if you arrived in Moscow for the first time.

On a note! The May holidays - Not the most best time To visit the Red Square. From May 1 to May 11, access to the area is blocked due to the preparation and conduct of a military parade.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution smoothly flows into the Manege Square, named so in honor of the project built on the project. Beauvais in the style of the Moscow Ampury building of the exhibition hall "Manege". The Manege Square stretches along the Alexandrovsky Garden for the course of the former River Neglinnaya.

Manege square is known for its fountains. The brightest sculptural composition is the world of peace. This is not just a fountain. These are the real clocks that show time in the most large capitals Northern hemisphere. The glass dome with the map is constantly rotating, pointing to a specific hour and the number of people who have passed since the beginning of hours. Minutes can be calculated on the lighting lights. In total, they are 12. Each light bulb lights up 5 minutes later.

On a note! The Fountain "Clock World" serves as a dome of the underground shopping center "Okhotny row", where you can not only make purchases, but also dine in one of the many cafes.

Another famous fountain of the Manezh Square - "Geyser" or "Seasons", made in the form of four brave horses on the project Z. Tsereteli. Every year on April 30, the fountain hosts a solemn ceremony for the launch of all fountains of Moscow.

From here, you can go down to the bed of the former River Neglinnaya, where all the same Zurak Tsereteli performed figures of the heroes of Russian fairy tales. "Goldfish" is especially popular. It is considered if it is lost, then you will not have any problems with officials and government officials.

Interesting fact! The Neglinnaya River did not disappear on the face of Moscow at all, she was hidden into the tunnel under the ground, where it takes.

Alexandrovsky Garden stretches for non-blocking parallel to the Manege Square. The place is a sign and interesting, which, without a doubt, deserves a separate post. Today, just say a few words about his sights.

The main value of the Alexandrovsky Garden is a national memorial of military glory with a grave of an unknown soldier and eternal fire, where every hour a solemn shift of Karaul occurs.

From the grave of an unknown soldier along the walls of the Kremlin, granite posters with the names of the Great Patriotic War cities are drawn. Capsules with land from places of fierce battles inside the pedestals.

An obelisk of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov House, the grotto "Ruins" can be distinguished from the attractions of the Alexandrovsky Garden. Patriotic War 1812 and a monument to Alexander I, in honor of which this garden was and named. By the way, in the Alexandrovsky Garden are located. If you want to see the sights of the Kremlin, be sure to look here.

Left-to-right: Monument to Patriarch Hermogene and the Grotto "Ruins", Obelisk 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov, Monument to Alexander I in the Alexandrovsky Garden

Alexandrovsky Garden will bring to another central Square - Borovitskaya, where not so long ago, in November 2016, a monument to Vladimir's prince, the Baptist of Russia appeared.

From here you can return to the metro station "Library them. Lenin "and go to the neighboring station" Kropotkinskaya ", or dive to the bridge to the Prechistenian embankment, from where a minute 10 minutes to the next sign attractions of the center of the capital - the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

From the christ of Christ the Savior on Arbat

Walking in the center of Moscow is impossible not to include the main religious attraction - the Cathedral Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior. The modern cathedral appeared not so long ago, in 1997, on the spot destroyed in the Soviet years of the same name of the XIX century. The greatness of his architecture and internal wall paints amazes. Go around it around and be sure to look inside. No sculpture composition or painting will repeat.

Church of Christ the Savior - chief Cathedral Russian Orthodox Church

By the way, there are viewing platforms on the cathedral, where the entire center of the Russian capital is visible. You can get there only as part of an excursion with a group of at least 10 people. If you are smaller, it is better to call in advance by number +7 (495) 637-28-47 and find out the nearest excursion.

Next to the cathedral in 2005, a monument to the King liberator Alexander II appeared. On the granite pedestal before sculpture lists all the merits of the sovereign.

On a note! From the patriarchal bridge at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior daily in the navigation season, pleasure trams for Moscow-River are sent. You can make a fascinating hour or two-hour walk with an inspection of all the main attractions of the capital. Excellent service on booking tickets on sea walks They themselves used repeatedly. I recommend!

And in the meantime we are moving on. Bypassing the area of \u200b\u200bthe Prechistensky gate, you will get to Gogol Boulevard. There is also a lot of interesting ancient buildings and houses of the XIX - early XX centuries. In the central part in the shade of the trees there is a pedestrian boulevard. After noisy saturated areas of the square in the center, here you can truly relax the soul.

On the way, you will certainly stumble upon a monument, and at the end of the boulevard will see a monument to the writer N.V. Gogol, who gave the name to this boulevard.

The monument to Gogol is set close to the Arbatskaya Square, which in turn, leads the old Arbat to the pedestrian street. About Arbat can speak infinitely for a long time, and it is better to devote him to him. It is very nice to walk, admiring the elegant income houses on both sides of the street and listening to street musicians. This street is simply created to buy souvenirs, which will be the logical completion of our route walking in the center of Moscow.

Fear hares, protein and other liveliness on Arbat! They may appear in your frame from nowhere, and then demand for photos of 100 rubles!

From the sights of the street be sure to note:

  • the building of the restaurant "Prague", whose chef came up with the famous Cake "Prague",
  • gray house with knights, where the "Actor House" is now located;
  • posted opposite theater them. E. Vakhtangov with the Golden Monument-Fountain "Princess Turandot";
  • modern art object "Wall of Tsoi";
  • monument B. Okudzhava near the house in which he lived;
  • monument to A.S. Pushkin and N. Gocharova, installed opposite the Moscow Apartment of the Writer, where the memorial museum is now located.

Indiserly Arbat will lead to one of the seven Stalinist heights - the building of the Russian Foreign Ministry. It is quite logical to finish our little pedestrian excursion in the center of Moscow. If there were still forces, jump in the subway (the nearest station "Smolenskaya") and go to Vorobyev Mountains, from where the fascinating panorama opens. Just be prepared for the fact that from the Metro "Vorobyev Mountains" to observation deck You will have to go to the mountain in a picturesque park. Reasonably evaluate your capabilities!

See also: