Mountain Karaul Tube message. Southern Urals

Southern Urals (56 ° 00 'p. Sh. - 51 ° 00')

The Southern Urals includes part of the Ural mountainous mountainous country between the latitudinal section of the upper current of the Ufa River and the latitudinal section of the Ural River between Orsk and Orenburg. The total length of the southern Ural ridges is more than 550 km. In the latitudinal direction, the Southern Urals between Ishimbay and Magnitogorsk reaches 200 km. This is an extensive mountainous country, the ridges of which in its northern part between Ufa and the Inzer are in the overall direction with St. Josin, and in the southern part between the insion and white - in the meridional direction. At the SZ to the South Urals, the Ufa Plateau (Ufa Plateau) is adjacent to the Ufa River, which has been called on the Ufa River, limiting this plateau from the West (the most significant vertex - the mountain is naked, in Bashkir's Taz-Tube - "Bald Hill"). South of the Valley of the White Mountain of the Southern Urals, they become much lower and passed between the rivers a large IR and Sakmara in an extensive zilair plateau. However, in this part of the Southern Urals there are spots with tops more than 600 m, for example, Dzia-Tube - a meridional ridge adjacent to the Silair plateau. Southern Urals ends with low governile mountains, which are connected to the Urals actually with Muurgians. South Urals are adjacent to the ridges of the South Urals. The south between the rivers Ural and Ilek is the Ilekoe Plateau, and on the SD - Ural-Tobolsk Plateau.

The mountains of the Southern Urals are quite high, the most significant - Yaman-Tau (1640 m).

The orographic system of the Southern Urals is very high difficulty. In order to more or less consistently present an oronymic material, it had to be divided into nine regions, only in part taking into account the orographic membership: the western part of the latitudinal section of Ufa to the mouth of the SIM River, including the foothills, the mountains from the river Kusa to the latitudinal section of the Inser, The mountains between the latitudinal portion of the Ufa's upper flow and the latitudinal section of the upper flow of the river ah, the mountains between the latitudinal section of the upper flow of the river Ai and the portions of the high-flow of a large inner and white approximately 54 ° C. sh. (Western ridges), the mountains between the latitudinal section of the upper flow of the river Ai and the portions of the upper flow of a large inner and white approximately 54 ° C. sh. (Eastern ridges and Beloretsk raising), the western part to the south of the latitudent section of the lower course of the Inzer to the latitudinal section of the average flow of white approximately 54 ° C. Sh., including foothills, mountains between the high-flow areas of a large inner and white approximately 54 ° C. sh. To the latitudinal flow of white approximately 53 ° C. sh., Eastern part (Ural-Tau, Irendel and Eastern foothills), mountains south of the latitudinal area of \u200b\u200bthe White River and the elevation adjacent to them.

On the territory of the Southern Urals are the eastern part of the Bashkir ASSR, Western regions of the Chelyabinsk region and the mining part of the Orenburg region.

Oroniums of the Southern Urals Mostly Turkic Origin: This is primarily Bashkir names, among which there are interspersed by Tatar Oronymium, especially noticeable in the area of \u200b\u200bZlatoust. In the extreme south and the southeast, Kazakhs come to the change of Bashkir names. In many cases, the Bashkir names of the ridges and mountains act in written sources and on maps in a tatarized form, since in the old days they usually recorded from the mouth of the diplomas - elder and clergy, among which there were a lot of Tatars.

The Russian names of the mountains are a lot in the Chelyabinsk region, where they are in some places there are more often Turkic.

Western part of the latitudinal section of Ufa to the mouth of the SIM River, including foothills

Hookah, elongated with CERs on the Yuyuz Ridge about 20 km long between Ufa and its left tributary to the suroyam river (to the SOZ from the city of Lower Ufali). The highest mark is 750 m.

It is accurately consistent with the Bashkir hookah - "a special bag for arrows", the genus of the quiver, which was once used by Bashkir warriors. Perhaps the name of this dome-shaped vertex is a bright metaphor (Wed Mashak).

Tatar hookah - "The Cross Tube" suits much less.

Zakharova Shishka., Mountain on the right bank of the River Uarai 20 km to 3 from the top of the hookah ridge.

The combination of the Russian calendar name of Zakhar with the geographical term is widespread in the South Urals, "cone-shaped mountain", "Ostrodaya Mountain". Toponyms, which includes this geographical term, in the South Urals there is a lot: high bump, naked bump, Cutkurian bumps, etc. Geographical term arose as a result of the development of secondary metaphorical importance in the word bump in its usual sense. It was noticed by P. S. Pallas, which mentions the conical mountain near the Simsky Plant, "By the inhabitants of the likeness and called the bump."

Zotov, a small range of 4 km to 3 from the Zakharova Bishie near the UNKURD railway station. From the Russian surname of Zotov or directly on behalf of the name, derived from the now practically unsupened calendar name of the isot.

Dankova, the most significant top on the Zotov Ridge. From the Russian surname Dankov or directly from the personal name Danko, derived from the calendar names of Daniel and Donat.

Azes, Meridional ridge in the upper reaches of the River Big IR, the right influx, to the city of Unkurd. In the southern part of the ridge takes the beginning of the river Azi, the right influx of Big Arshi (pool Aya). Do not ridge tops - naked, azes (azes-Tau), etc.

Since many of the names of the mountains in these places (Hookah, Ak-Kashka, etc.), as well as rivers (Allaelga, Vaslavga) of Turkic origin, it is impractical to tie the Oronym with an obsolete Russian word azes ("Men's outerwear with long sleeves"), although it is The word is borrowed from Turkic languages \u200b\u200b(Azerbaijani Aldejam - Persia, learned, in turn, from Arabic). Rather, here is Bashkir Esem, Tatar Adem, Edham - "Man", "Adam". Arab Adam, borrowed from the Hebrew - well-known Muslim name. The local population confirms this etymology.

It is difficult to say that primary oronym or hydronism.

Mayak Tau., Mountain to Yow from the ridge of azes 30 km to from from the city of Kusa. Hybrid Oronym, consisting of Russian on the origin of the word Lighthouse and the Turkic orographic term Tau, i.e., "Lighthouse Mountain". The names of the Mayak Tau, the lighthouse, the lateral in the Oronimi of the Southern Urals are very often found. For the meaning of Orionem, see Lighthouse (Porcerer Urals).

Berkut Tau., Mountain to Yu from Mayak Tau. Bashkir Burkut, Tatar Burket - "Eagle", Tau - Mountain, i.e. "Eagle Mountain". See also Berkut.

Moder Tau., Mount to Yuz from the ridge of azes in the upper reaches of the river Big IR. Bashkir Modir - "Manager", "Head", Tau - Mountain.

Fazulov, Mount to 3 from the ridge azes. From the Turkic anthroponym of the Arab origin of Fasella, Fier-Zulla - "Grace of Allah". The name is fixed in Russian uniform complicated by the suffix "s". There can be both personal name and surname.

Saryyak, Mountains between the ridges of the River Big IR and the Ai River to the SMZ from the ridge azes.

At the old maps there is a writing Sarah-Yak, so the most likely comparison with Bashkir and Tatar Sarah is "yellow", Yak - "Party", "Edge", "terrain", that is, the "yellow side", "yellow terrain". Obviously, the "color" name, cf. Name of nearby mountain Ak-Kashka.

Locals confirm this interpretation, adding that deciduous forests that fall yellow are growing on the mountains of Saryyak.

AK-CASH, Mountain (779 m) on the right bank of the Large Arsha River, adjacent to in to the group of Saryyak Mountains. Translated from Bashkir and Tatar languages \u200b\u200b"White Spot", "White Lysin".

Kashka-Tau., Mountain in the southern part of Saryyak Mountains (8 km to the yosa from the mountain Ak-Kashka). Bashkir Bashkha - "Spot", "Lysin", "Strip (on the forehead of the animal)", i.e., Kashka-Tau - "Mountain with a stain", "Mountain with Lysina". The local population translates the "Naked Mountain".

Sakma-Tau., Mountain on the right bank of the river ah 21 km to the SMZ from Mount Kashk-Tau. In the Bashkir Sakhma language - "Floor", "Flint", therefore, Sakma-Tau - "Warm Mountain", "Flisa Mountain". Apparently, the mountain is folded by rocks that used to be used for the manufacture of fire.

Yashil-Tube, Bashkir's Jesiel-Tube, Mount 14 km on Yuywa from the village of Novobelochatay and about 25 km from 3 from the north end of the mountains Saryyak in Bashkirski Tube - "Hill", Yeshel - "Green", TE "Green Hill"

Big Munchug, Mountain on the Right Bank Aya 35 km from the village of Novobelochatay to the "Toponimov Dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR" is provided with the Bashkir form of the name Munsak, which is compared with the word Munsak - "Necklace". Probably metaphor

Karaul-Tau., Mount 20 km to yuz from village Novobelochatay

Refers to the number of numerous "guard mountains", which, both in Russian and in Turkic Oronimia, is the same sound due to the fact that the Russian word of Karaul is borrowed from Turkic languages \u200b\u200b(in Bashkirsky - Karauyl) in the South Urals there are other Karaul-Tau, and Also Mount Soleman-Karaul - Suleimanov Karaul, Kalmak-Karaul River - Kalmyk Karaul, etc. Not all of these names are connected, however, with the guardo finds observation of the terrain, forest fires and much more was the reason for widespread " guard "toponymy.

Ak-Tau., Mount 5 km on Zuzy from Karauoul and 24 km on Yuz from the village of Novobelochatay. Bashkir Ak - "White" means, Ak-Tau - " White Mount" There are a lot of such names in Bashkiria.

Tui-Tube (Tuy-Tuba), the hill on the River Bank of the Ai River stretched almost 20 km from St. Juz between the River Shlemkaya and Selo Elanlin Bashkir Tui - "Wedding", Pir, Tube - Top, "Hill", that is, "Wedding (fellow) vertex »Local residents tell that Bashkir weddings coped with this hill

Buz Arc., Mountain on the hills of Tuy-Tube is 7 km to from the village of Elanino. Bashkir Buz - "gray", "SIZY", ARCA - "RANK", T E "Gray (SIZY) RANK".

Buz-At., Mountain on the right bank of the river ah 1 km to the Sail from the village of Top Kiga Bashkir Buz - "Gray", AT - "Horse", that is, a gray horse.

Lasyn-Tash-Tau, Mountain on the left bank of the village above Lacla. Bashkirskoye (Dialecty Lasin - "Falcon"), i.e. Lasyn-Tash - "Falcon Stone", La Son-Tash-Tau - "Mount of Salin Stone" here on the bank of the river there is a rock Lasyn-Tash

Yaman-Tau., Ridge on the left bank of the River Ai to the south of the village of Lacla Bashkir Yaman - "bad", "bad", that is, Yaman-Tau is "bad mountain." Such titles on the territory of Bashkiria are a lot of locals say that this mountain is high and therefore it is difficult to raise it in fact, it is not very high, but the coolest. This, apparently, has served as the name. Sometimes indicate that "From there it is rained."

Bash-Tash, Range in the rivers Ai and Yuruzan between Yaman-Tau and the Railway Station Viznaya. Translated from Bashkir - "Head-stone", "Main Stone" (Bashkir Bash - "Head", "Chief", Tash - "Stone")

In the Bashkir ASSR, there are several other Olyonov Bash-Tash.

According to N. I. Shuvalov, the peak of this ridge is called Kugryak-Tash - "Blue Mountain" (Wed Tatar Ku-Garek - "Sinyak", Bashkir Kugereu - "Shine")

Sagan, Mountain adjacent to the SW to the Bash-Tash Range. Bashkir Sagan - "Maple". Full form, apparently, Sagan Tau, or Sagan Tash - "Maple Mountain". On her slopes originates Sagan Yelga - "Maple River" (pool). It is not known that the primary river or mountain.

Arka Tau., Mount 5 km on Yuyuz from Sagan Mountain (5 km from from the Tübelyas railway station). Translated from the Bashkir "Ridge Mountain" (Arch - "Range").

Bear Mountain (Bear), Mountain on the right bank of the Yuruzan River above the city of Ust-Katav. Russian name - tracing Bashkir Ayu-Tau - "Bear Mountain" (Ayuu - "Bear").

Yangan Tau., Mountain on the right bank of the Yuruzan River is below the village of Komsomol, 35 km on CERs from the Kropachevo railway station. In Bashkirski Yangan - "Gorely", "burning", Tau - "Mountain", that is, "burned mountain", "burning mountain" (translate and "burning mountain"). Local Russian name - warm mountain.

Hot steam is now smoking on this mountain - a consequence of a fire impregnated with oil rocks (bituminous markels), which, according to P S. Pallas, began on the lightning strike in the middle of the XVIII century, "on fairy tales near the living old-timers of Bashkirts, hit the thunder in Greater pine ... He is frozen even with the root. Flame Sieu was reported to grief, and since that time it burns inside indifferent "

There are, however, and a completely different explanation that we find in one of the tourist guidebooks in Bashkiria: "The mystery of Yangan-Tau is complained relatively recently, it turned out that the mountain is composed of bituminous shale, slowly oxidized under the action of penetrating the air. When oxidation, many heat is distinguished. Hot gases (up to 75 °) rise to cracks up and stand out into the atmosphere. "

According to G. V. Vakhrushev, this mountain before the start of the fire was called Karakush-Tau (Berkutova Mountain), and that it is called "burner" (Jangan-Tau), and not "burning" (Yangyn-Tau) because the foci of burning Over time, everything is deeper in the mountain.

Bashkirs tell the legend that in time immemorial when people still did not know the fire, there was a fire on Jangan-Tau from the sky, and people spawned it from here throughout the earth

Kara-Tau., mountain Ridge The latitudinal direction (length is 60 km) between the rivers of SIM and YURISAZ, to St. Kropachevo station in Bashkirski Kara - "black", etc. Cara-Tau - "Black Range", "Black Mountains" so-called comparatively low mountains, To the top covered with a dark coniferous forest in another version, the sun is rare on the northern slopes of this ridge, so they are always in the shade, which was the reason for the appearance of the name Kara-Tau - "Black Mountains"

The name Kara-Tau is often found in the Turkic Oronymium. This name is somewhat Bashkir Mountains, there are such mountains in Murgjary, on the Mangyshlak peninsula and in the north-west Tien Shan (Kazakh SSR).

Urman-Tau.Covered with thick forests is part of the Ufa Plateau, which is between the Kara-Tau and the lower river the Yuruzan. Bashkir Urman - "Forest", Urman-Tau - "Forest Mountains".

Hanging, Mountain on the right bank of the Sim to St. Mignar River. Most likely, from a Russian car, which is not witnessed in dictionaries, but is clearly formed from high, cf. Russian dialective word Warry - "Thin High Forest", High - "Very Rady, High Man", etc. This Oronymium may also be a purely toponymic formation that does not have direct correspondences in dialectic vocabulary.

Agigardak (Azhigardak), Range on the left bank of the SIM River to the UZ from the city of Minyar. Some sources meet the Dzhigandak version. In the "Materials on the history of the Bashkir ASSR" under 1762, we find the mountain of Zigroj, perhaps the same Agigardak. The forms of Gigardak, ZigroDyan most likely arose in Russian soil, since the initial syllable in turkishms Russians pronounce a much weaker finite on which the emphasis falls.

Oronymis from the modern Bashkir language is not convincingly interpreted. It is possible that it must be chosen not to Ajigigar + Duck (Cry-Ancienturkskoye Tag - "Mountain"), and Agig + Ardak, considering the second part as a geographical term (for details, see Zilmendak). The value of the first part is just as problematic.

Interestingly, P. S. Pallas calls Agigardak - Jigger-Tau. This form seemingly says in favor of the membership of Ajigigar + Duck, since Tau is a Bashkir geographical term with the value of "Mountain", but a single case can be considered as folk etymology.

Baskak, Range 10 km to the ZSZ from the upper wheel of the Sim and 25 km to Syuv from the Agigardak Ridge. In Bashkir and Tatar languages, the word Baskak was once existed - the Khan Dani Collector. The reason for the name is unknown, but the names of the mountains and rocks of the Boyarin, Colonel, Protopop, etc. Completed quite widely, oronyms, probably is Turkism, but he could arise in Russian, since the word Bascak in the old days penetrated from Turkic languages in Russian.

Bakhmur, Mountain in the upper river Aitya to 3 from the Bascak Ridge. The name is formed from the Russian dialect word Bahmury - "cloudy", "gloomy", i.e. Bakhmur - "Ground Mountain". In Bashkirski, this mountain is called Ara-Tau - "Intermediate Mountain".

Big Kuyuk, Mountain 3 km to Yu from Mount Bahmur. From the how to it, Mount Small Kuyuk is adjacent. In the Bashkir language Kyuk - "Gare", "Gorely". Local residents explain that on the grief, the Grass regularly burns in the sun.

Jackal, Mountain near the southern tip of the ridge Baskak. Changed in Russian soil Bashkir-Tatar name Sakaltytai - "Borodach", "Bearded". Apparently, the metaphor.

The black, Meridional ridge to Yuyuz from Mount Jackal in the interfold of the Lemésa River and its right influx of the Baberysh River. In Bashkir Kara-Arch - "Black Ridge", in the oral speech of Karaka and Krak, where the cartographic form of a craft comes from. The following explanation was witnessed: "Black Mountain, because the forest there is coniferous, so it seems the mountain black."

Another origin is the name of the mountains of Krak in the Southeast Bashkiria (see Crack).

Big Kasyk, Mount to 3 from the northern tip of the ridge black. Located in the upper reaches of the Kysyk River (Bashkir Kysyk - "narrow"), according to which it is named.

Yash-Kuz, Mountain is 8 km to the SM from Mount Big Kyysk. In the Bashkir language Kuz - "Eye", Yesh - "Young" and "Tears". Accordingly, the local population interprets both "young eyes" and "eye with tears". The reason for the name is not installed. On the maps there is an erroneous form of Yashkirt.

Ak-Kyun., Mount 6 km to SZ from Mount Yasher-Kuz. Translated from Bashkir "White Hare". Locals argue that this mountain snow appears early and late. Martographic form - Joyan.

Kashka-Tau., Mount 5 km to the SMZ from the mountain Ak-Kyan. Bashkirsky Park - "Lysin", as well as the "white spot on the forehead (in animals)." So, Kashka-Tau is "Bald Mountain", "Mountain with a stain".

Tank (Baka-Tau), Mountain on the right bank of the Lemeza River. 30 km to 3 from the Basket Range. According to the materials of the toponymic expedition of 1988, the title is based on the Bashkir word Baca - "Pericked Knife", "Razor". Old-timers say that on this mountain the old man lost a knife. It is not excluded, however, that here is the metaphor.

Manu., Range on the left bank of Simism between the lower reaches of Lemeza and Inzer 20 km to the SUZ from the Tank Mountain.

Some sources provide the Bashkir form of this manana name. It can be translated "Macked", "painting", "Makania", "dyeing". From the point of view of the structure of Turkic languages, there is nothing unusual in such toponym. The reason for the name, however, is unknown.

In the "Loponimov dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR", only the name of the village of Managora is analyzed, which is on the eastern slope of the Range Manu. Toponym Managora is considered as a literal translation of Bashkir Mana-Tau, possibly meaning "Karaul Mountain".

Russians live in the village of Managora. The local Bashkir population tells a curious legend that their ancestors, selling this land, was told by Russian migrants: "Here is the (mint) Mountain, live, handle." In sound, such an explanation is unacceptable. Here is obvious folk etymology.

Mountains from the river Kusa River to the latitudinal section of the lower flow of Inser

Tura-Tash., Mountain (828 m) in the upper reaches of the Large Arsh river 10 km to 3 from the source of the Kusa River. In the sources also Tourotash, Torartash, Tratasha, Tarantash, Karatash. On the top of this steep mountain a lot of rocks. The local Turkic population translates the "standstone", "straight stone" (Bashkir Torah - "standing"). It should be, however, to keep in mind that the Bashkir and Tatar word Torartash means "idol", "Istukan", and the collector of Bashkir Folklore A. G. Bezsonov cites curious ethnographic data: "It is so called stones, similar form per person or at what Some animal. There are Bashkir, Tatars and Meshcheryakov legend on how God turned people (just Russians) for sins (for blasphemy over the graves of Magometan saints) in stones. "

Thus, the Bashkir Torah-Tash is essentially identical to the Mansiysk Pupp-Ner - "Stone idols" and may be an indirect reflection of the ancient pagan beliefs.

On N. I. Shuvalov, Tura-Tash - "Straight Mountain" (Bashkir tour - "Direct"), i.e. "Mountain, located directly, without bends," but the mountain has two vertices, so it is very difficult to count directly .

In Bashkiria, there are several mountains with the name Torah-Tash (Tura-Tash). The Torah Torah Mountain on the ridge of Irendel is also wonderful of bizarre rocks.

Rady, Mountain on the left bank of the Large Arsha River 3 km to the city of Tura-Tash. Cartographic shape - raid.

The name of the mountain is associated with Russian dialect words: Rady - "The one who is happy", Radoshennitsa - "Parent Day", "Day of Recommendation" (cf. Cathed stone in the Northern Urals). The reason for the name is not installed.

In the records of the toponymic expedition of 1988 Mount Joyful.

Pencil (pencil), Mountain in the upper reaches of the Kusa River is 7 km on Vüv from Tura-Tash Mountain. Let us give an explanation of N. I. Shuvalov: "The specified place is known by the Graphite Deposit, which was mined here in the XVIII-XIX centuries. At this time, graphite was called pencil stones. The word pencil comes from Turkic words: Kara - "Black", Tash - "Stone".

It remains to add that the Russian name of the mountain, apparently, is also alteration of the Turkic Kara-Tash - "Black Stone".

Sherlin Mountains, Sometimes Sherlova or Sherlin Mountain, between Kuyu and her influx of the isranda to the SUS from the Mountain Pencil. The name is given according to the black Sherle (tourmaline) found here.

IsrandinskayaAlso israndskaya, a mountain between a piece and island is 5 km to St. Magnaker's workplace. According to the river island, the right influx of Kusi.

In the documents of the XIX century. The name of Mount Israndinskaya (Israndorskaya) is attached to the entire mountains between the "speech of the isranda and the Kusi right up to the source of the islands and the mountains of the pencil.

Big Miass, Mountain in the upper reaches of the River Malaya Arsha, the influx of Big Arshi, 13 km to C from the working village of Magnka. Together with the Maly Miass, which is 5 km to the mountain, forms a group of Miass Mountains.

The names of the Big Miass and the Small Miass cannot be tearned from the name of the Miass River, the Great Right Influx of Isya, however, Oronyms in this case cannot be ascended directly to Hydron: Mountains are very far from the source of the river (80 km). Obviously, the names of the mountains and the river arose independently of each other.

Since in the early fixations (XIX century), Oronyms usually perform in the forms of big mines and small mysters, it can be assumed that the name of the Miass River influenced the modern type of titles. This could occur both orally and as a result of the activities of cartographers. However, the Miass River was previously called Misia, Miyan, so Oronyms and Hydonim seem to have a common language source. This should be common in toponymy term denoting something important, especially since there is another village of Miasha on the river of the same name in the Nizhnevdinsky district of the Tyumen region and the Miass River (previously - Mising) in the Solvlovskaya area pool (Sverdlovsk region).

There are many versions of the origin of the toponym Miass (Misas), to justify the data from Finno-Ugric, Ketsky and Evenki. However, the frequency of the title and the possibility of its use, both for the designation of significant and small objects, indicate a relatively recent origin. Since in all places where the names of Miass (Mias) are recorded, they currently live or lived once than Turks, there are grounds for finding the source of these names in Turkic languages, first of all - in Bashkir.

Supporters of the Turkic version of the Origin of the Word Miass (Mias) usually lead to Bashkir Meye - "Brain", akin to the Kazakh and Kyrgyz Mii - "Top", "Flashing Place", emphasizing that the valley of the Miass River is very wetting. However, the proposed version is completely not suitable for the names of Miass Mountains.

Other Turkic Word Mees - "Neckless Squeezing Place", "Downness", "South Side of the Mountain", fixed only in Altai and Sayanov, and also can also be used to explain the Ural Oronimov, denoting enough steep mountains covered with forest.

A very interesting version has recently been proposed by the Bashkir scientist G. K. Valeyev, who is looking for a solve in the terminology of the Urals coal. It indicates that in the Urals an impractical way to produce coal in boars (coal heaps. - A. M.) was gradually replaced by burning firewood in huge brick furnaces, which could defend very far from the plants. Therefore, the names of the Holy, Forests, River, Puffy, sat with the base of Maes - "Furnace" are found near the Mining Centers of the Southern Urals.

In the summer of 1988, in the village of Muldakaevo (Beloretsky district of the Bashkir ASSR), the toponymic expedition was recorded and the name of Meys-Tau - "Head Mountain", while the locals clarified that "before there were ovens, in which the charcoal was burned.

This version explains well the origin of the Orionim, especially since the Miass Mountains in Starin really burned coal, but hardly suitable for the interpretation of the hydronime. In addition, the Miass River in Bashkirsky is not called Mees, but MES, Maees. Another difficulty is that the Bashkir word is less dates back to the Russian oven: it is difficult to believe that the word is based on the word Hydronima by origin. Maybe Oronyms and Hyronim are still formed from different words and only over time were liken to each other if so, then the name of the Miass River may be dotyurksky.

Small Miass, Mountain. See big Miass.

Maskaraly, Range on the left bank of the Large Arsha River 6 km to 3 from the Mountain Miass Mountain. According to A. G. Bessonov, the Bashkir title of this mountain Maskyaryal dates back to Maskar, masking - "Talked" (Bashkir Meshare - "Shame", "Stamp", Mesharela - "Mockery", "shameful"). N. I. Shuvalov associates with the name of the Bashkir generic group of Mascar.

According to the stories of the local population, here in the old people "offended".

P. S. Pallas calls this ridge Mastery-Arkasse and mentions the streams of mascake, falling into ah. For the term Arkasse, see the Bakal Mountains.

Copanese, Mountain on the left bank of the Large Arsha River is 5 km at CVD from the city of Kusa.

The names of Copan and Kopanka are often found in the Urals. They are characteristic of oronyms. These names are formed from the Russian verb to dig and indicate that geographical object For one reason or another, excavation works were carried out.

Makurich, Mountain on the left bank of Aya 4 km to Yuyuz from Kusi. From the Russian dialectal word Makura - "The blind (sublepping) mythical being", "a short-sized, nearby person" or the anthroponym of Makura (surname Macurin was witnessed in the documents of the XVII century).

Gornovaya, Mountain to Yow from Kusi. There are still mountains of the mountains below towards Aya near the mouth of the river Large Arsha and Mount Horborovaya in the area of \u200b\u200bUphale.

N. I. Shuvalov explained, in the quarries of these mountains mined the heat-resistant rock - quartzite (mining stone), which was used in the metallurgical production of the XVIII-XIX centuries. For masonry Mountains blast furnaces.

Shitime Mountains, Mountain ridge on the left bank of the river Ai to the city of Kusa (near the village of Medvedevka).

According to the geologist I. V. Musketov, these mountains were called "Shishi" for their general appearance, which appears to be separate groin, on the crest of which cone-shaped, sharp vertices are reliefed. Thus, the oronym is purely Russian, which is not surprising for the long-mastered mountain coating node Zlatoust - Kusa. However, the question arises about the origin of the element in the suffix. It is obviously can be considered as an eufonic, that is, inserted for Prozunya, since the adjective Shish is uncomfortable for pronunciation (Wed from Ufa - Ufimsky, and not Ufsky).

Sungurka, Top in the massif Snake Mountains (Left Bank Aya, 6 km to the village of Makurich). Bashkir Dialector Sonor - "Yama", "Rasp". Initially, apparently, Songor-Tau is "Jam Mountain", followed by the loss of the geographical term in Russian soil and the appearance of the suffix "ka". The Bashkir word Songor in the Russian forms of toponyms is regularly transmitted to Sungur (Wed. Bashkir names Songor, Songore, Songur-Tau and their Russian transmission - Sungur, Sungur-ha, Sungur-Tau - the name of the mountain in Zyanchurinsky district of the Bashkir ASSR).

BagrushinskyMountains with the direction of SV-YUZ between the rivers Bagrush and Small Bagrush. Provided by Hydonim Bagrush.

Zhuka-Tau., Ridge coming on the left bank river ah with SV on the UZ, adjacent from the UZ to the Bagrushinsky mountains. Bashkir-Tatar YuCE - "Lipa", Tau - Mountain, that is, "Lipovaya Mountain". The initial is explained by alternation and - in Bashkir and Tatar dialects.

Kazan-Salgan., Ridge on the left bank river ah, walking in parallel to the Zhuka-Tau Ridge 1 km to the SZ from Him.

Translated from the Tatar language "put the boiler" (Kazan - "Boiler", Salgan - the sacrament of the past time from the verb Salu - "put", "put"). In Turkic toponymy, the verb designs of this type are very often found. As for the value, the "boiler" names in the toponymy of various peoples set (the island of the boiler in the Arctic, Put-Tump - "Boiler Mountain" in Mansiysk Oroniam, etc.).

Buckets, Range, walking in parallel to the Kazan-Salgan Range 2 km to the SZ from Him.

The name is well explained from the Turkic sources: the Bashkir-Tatar Bash is "Head", the Criminal Code - "Strela", you are the suffix of possession. In the modern Bashkir language there is a word Bashak - "Colos", "tip", and the UK Bashai means the "arrow tip". In one of the East Turkic languages \u200b\u200b- Uygur - there is a word Bashchok - "Rock tip of the arrows". Now it is difficult to determine how the Turkic source dates this oronym, but it may be Bashkir or Tatar: geographical names Frequently retains dialect words or archaisms, already lost live speech. Taking into account all the above, the Olyonov Bashkta must be interpreted by the "possession of the tip." Perhaps this is a metaphor (cf. Mashak).

Uara, Mountain on the left bank Aya above the mouth of the river Satka to SZ from the Bashkta Ridge. Since in the middle of the XIX century, E. K. Gofman was witnessed by the form of ure, it is possible to compare with Tatar Ore, Bashkir Oro - "Thief", "Zherk", "Bishie", especially since Bashkir and Tatar "O" pronounces close to Russian " U ". Names with such a value in oronimia are often found, Wed. Zakharova Bishie, Shitime Mountains in the South Urals.

The toponymic expedition of 1987 was repeatedly recorded Russian options for the names of Wara and Uvara (the sound "in" here is "plug-in", as in Russian spaticral cocov, rado, with literary cocoa, radio).

Against this version, firstly, the fact that the transition of Ore (ure) in Uary is difficult to explain both on the Turkic and Russian soil, secondly, the name of the Yuara River (Russian Uvara) in Bashkiria. Therefore, it was assumed that the Oronym of Wara - Dotuurksky, compared it, in particular, with the Hungarian Var - "Fortress". While it is only a hypothesis.

Mamyr-Tau., Mountain on the right bank of Aya is 8 km to from from Mount Uara. From the Maamur-"West", "prosperous", T, E. Mor Mamura.

Chulkov, Mountain on the left bank of the village below the mouth of the river Satka (to the SOZ from the Mount of Wara). Also fixed options for Chulk, Chulkovka and stockings (ridge). Two vertices are distinguished - Large Chullet and Small Blowcake.

Local Tatars recorded the name Efect Tau - Silk-Mountain with a translation into Russian - Mountain Solkovka and a characteristic explanation "Long Mountain, like silk stretches." If the Tatar toponym is primed, then the Russian name is its translation with the subsequent national etymological rethinking (Mountain Silk\u003e Mount Chulk). In the future, the names of the name of the Tantsponimic Toponyms (Chulkova\u003e Chulkov) of the nickname of stockings and the surname of Blokov have long been distributed in Russian anthroponymy, and Mount Chulkov is also located in the Mid Urals.

But you can assume another: the local Tatar population rethought the Russian name and translated it into his language. In favor of this version, the existence of the Bashkir name of Mount Haldyz (on one old Map Saldyz), not found, however, convincing explanations from local residents.

Sulia (Suleia Tau), Range in Mezhdia and Yuruzani Between the Zhuka-Tau Ridge and the city of Yury-Zach Length - about 50 km The most significant peaks - Red Repka and Sulia

P. S. Pallas mentions the crack of Silias-Arkasse near the River Ai (about the geographical term Arkasse, see the Bakali Mountains). Obviously, he means precisely Souleu. German traveler Geologist G. Rose, who visited these places in 1829, writes about the ridge of Silia, through which there is a large road from Ufa to Zlatoust. On the XIX cards. Usually, power (less often Sulya, Sulia). Silias forms, power primary. They definitely correspond to the Bashkir name of the Hylae Range (Silia), which the authors of the "Dictionary Toponimov Bashkir ASSR" translate the "quiet valley" (Hil - "Quiet", "Calm", UA - "Valley").

Kukshik, Range on the left bank river ah, adjacent to the SZ to the Sulia Range.

Kramoven V. P. Chernetsov argues that Kukshik - "Blue Mountain" ("Satkin Worker", October 9, 1979). Cf. Bashkir words Cook- "Blue", "Blue", Scheque - "Peak". N. I. Shuvalov leads the same translation, but believes that chic (chik) is a word-forming suffix. In the "Toponyms dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR" left without explanation.

Interpretation of the first component (Cook) of doubt does not cause, with the second - there is no complete clarity.

Osto-Tau., Mountain adjacent to the South Kukshik ridge. Bashkir dialectic OSTO (literary Oslo) is "acute", "Pozdroy", that is, the Osto-Tau is "Acute Mountain".

Yukala, Range on the right bank of the shore of Yuruzani to in from the railway station and the working village of Viznaya. It is adjacent to 3 to the southern tip of the Sulia Range. Bashkir YuCe - Lipa, YuCEL - "Lipovaya", i.e. "Lipovy (Range)". Cf. Yukala.

Drunk, Mountain between the western edge of the city of Satka and the Sulia Range. According to legend, Emelyan Pugachev and Salavat Yulaev celebrated here.

Malchikha, Mountain on the southwestern edge of Satka. At the heart, apparently, Tatar Malchi-Tau (Tatar Malchi, Bashkir Malsi - "Skototer", "Having Cattle"), i.e. "Skototodova Mountain". Over time, the name ribbed, the geographical term has lost and was on folk etymology due to the words a boy, a boy, etc.

Cain (Caering), in written sources also Cainov and Kaynovaya, a mountain near Satkinsky pond (in the city of Satka). Initially, Cayyn-Tau (Bashkir Kayyn, Tatar Kaen - Bereza) - "Birch (Mountain)".

Kazimovskaya, Mount to Yu from the city of Satka and Satkinsky pond. They associate with the Bashkir-Tatar Kyz - "Girl", "Girl" and explain "Maiden (Mountain)". Indeed, in the neighborhood with so many settlements of the South Urals there are mountains with the name Kyzlar-Tau - Mount of Girls. There were no longer the bachelides - spring holidays and games. However, the Oronyms of Kazymovskaya in sound attitude and in the structure of incompleteness is explained by the proposed etymology. Therefore, other versions, cf are possible, for example, the Turkic name of Arabic origin Kazim is "discreet", "patient", from which the Oronym of Kazymovskaya (Mountain) could be formed, that is, "Mount Kazima (Kazima)".

Bakal Mountains, Mountain Group from the Sulia Ridge in the nearest surroundings of the city of Bakal, which contains the richest deposit of iron ores, which was openly and began to be developed in the middle of the XVIII century. P. S. Pallas calls one of these bakalacass mountains. The Bashkir word Arkasse he immediately explains as the "rocky long and cool mountain of the mane" (Wed. Modern Bashkir Arch - "Spin", "Mountain Range"). Since the name of the city of Bakal is transferred from the River Bakal River (Big Bakal), which takes the beginning west of town And then flows into a small salty, there is every reason to believe that both bachelorass in translation means simply "Bakalsky Ridge", "Bakal Mountains". They currently include Mountains Makarushkin, Burendich, Irkuskan and Schuyde Ridge.

MakarushkinOne of the Bakal Mountains in the interference of the tributaries of small satka - rivers of a large ribs and a small rib. Puts with St. Bakal City. On new maps - Ridge Makarushkin. In the sources of the XIX - early XX century. It is often referred to as the mountain Bakalskaya. Obviously, it is this mountain Pallas and calls bakalacass.

Anthroponym Makarushka is a diminutive form from Russian personal names Makar and Macarius.

Bulandich, one of the bakal mountains. Located on the southeast outskirts of the city of Bakal. Between Burendichi and the Mountain Irkuskan, the Bulan river, the influx of yurazani flowing from her. M. I. Albrut connects the Oronym of Burendich with Turkic Burelan-"Elk", Buland - "Losina" (cf. Bashkir Bolan - "deer"), but it is difficult to say that the primary river or mountain.

P. S. Pallas and I. I. Lephechin call this river Bulan and Bulanka, stressing that "Bulan - the Tatar name of the moose, which in the local ... Lesales are a great set." Rudniks near the river Bulan Pallas calls Bulanian.

Irkuskan, one of the bakal mountains. It is located to the SHA from the city of Bakal between Burendich Mountain and the northeastern end of the bitch ridge.

A.G. Bessonov, and then M. I. Albrurt translate "Earth exhausted" (mountains, by explaining Albrut, as if raised). Since except the EP Cankan - "Earth,", in Bashkir, there is another combination of Il Cankan - "Men Natailing", it would seem quite possible both interpretations. But Pallas recorded this name in the forms of Jirkuscan, Girkyuskan, which allows you to see in the first part of Oronia Bashkir "EP", Tatar fat - "Earth", and it does not associate the form not with the Bashkir verb of the Kosos - "Bloss", "Expite", and with Kiseu - "Move", "Go", "move", etc. And indeed, in Bashkir Toponymy, we find the name Ergussen (from EP Kuskin), which leads V. Sh. Psyanchin with the translation of the "Earth transfers". Taking into account the entirely said Oronym, Irkuskan should be restored in the form of Irkusksen and translate "the land moved", "the land has switched", obviously, in the sense of "The Earth moved (collapsed)." Such a translation is convincingly confirmed by the existence in the Bashkir language of the word Kusten - "Avalanche".

Shuiud., The ridge of the latitudinal direction belonging to the group of Bakali mountains and is located to the Zuzy from the bakla (between the bale and the city of Yurazan). The exact Bashkir (Tatar) compliance with the Russian name has not yet been fixed, and the interpretation possibilities are diverse. However, I. I. Lepechin in the XVIII century. witnessed the form of Otida. If she is closer to the Turkic source, then the name can be supposedly associated with Bashkir Shyza - "hard".

Naked bishie, Mountain adjacent to Yu to the Schuyde Ridge. About the geographical term bump, see Zakharov Plishe.

Bakhtiarskaya, Mountain to Yu from Schuyde Ridge. From the Turkic name of the Persian origin, Bakhtiir is "happy."

Ambarka, Range between the rivers Yuryuzan and Katav, which comes to the south of the Yuryuzan Railway - Katav-Ivanovsk in parallel with it. On the ridge begins the left influx of yurtheruani streams of Big Aksarsky.

This undoubtedly Turkic toponym is complicated for explanation, firstly, due to the high degree of Russian development, which indicates the suffix "ka", secondly, due to the fact that the primary can be both the name of the ridge and the name of the stream, Although it is more likely to still, which is based on the name of the ridge (due to the insignificance of the water object and the suffix "sky" in the hydronime). In addition, in the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthemselves, the ability to interpret. There is the Bashkir village Aksar (Aksarovo) and the Tatar village of Aksar (Aksarino). In document 1675, Kungursky Tatar Aksarko (from Aksar) is mentioned. Then there is a Bashkir anthropony and toponym Askar (village Ascarovo), which in Russian form Axarka could easily be modified in Aksard. Other versions can be offered. Most likely, it is still that Aksar - "Mount Aksar (Askar)", but the final decision of the issue depends on the recording of the Bashkir (Tatar) form of the name.

Zavyaliha, Mountain on the right bank of Yuruzani 10 km to from the Ambark Ridge. This name is due to the origin with the Russian dialectful word of Zatar, Zavyalitsa - "Blizzard", "Blizzard" or with the anthroponyms derived from him, Zavyalov.

Housing Mountains, the mountains of the mountains on the left bank Yuzhizani to the SE from the Asharba Ridge and to from from the Ranchmanka Ranchman, the Russian word noon used earlier and in the meaning of "South", which means the midday mountains - "Southern Mountains" The reason for the name may be different, it is possible that this name is opposed to name located north of the village of Zavyuliha.

Rachmanka, Range on the left bank Yurisani to Yu from the midday mountains and to the SZ from the Range of Zigalga from the Turkic anthroponym of the Arabic origin Rahman - "gracious"

Polozova, Mountain 20 km to 3 from the southwestern end of the Ambark Range. It is considered an east continuation of the Amshlar Range. This is a purely Russian name formed from the name of a large, but harmless snake - cavity, occasionally occurring in the southern Urals.

Amshar., Ridge in the upper river Sim (30 km to 3 from the southwestern end of the Axark Ridge) The main vertex is a naked bump. Local Bashkis call this mound ridge (the full form of the musical arch) - "Ryabinov Ridge" (Mint - "Rowan"), so the name of the amchar is the result of the Russian processing of the names of the mountains of this kind on the southern Urals (Wed Ryabinich to St. Cousse cities, Ryabinovaya to from from the city, the formation, a massive in the Kiginsky district of Bashkiria).

Dry Mountains, the ridge of the latitudent direction in the upper reaches of the Lemeza River to the SOZ from the Ambark Ridge on the maps sometimes artificial - the ridge of dry mountains. See the Kryogorskone

Cheerful, Mountain (1153 m) in 1 2 km to Syuv from the headwaters of the Lemeza River, adjacent to the dry mountains the highest of numerous "funny" mountains in the Urals. Cm funny mountains.

Karyazy (Karyada), Range between the mountain of the cheerful and river Tullem, the right influx of Inzer. On the ridge - Mount Big Caryada (Sareda). Probably from Bashkir Karez - "Honeycomb". The names of the names become understandable in the light of another Bashkir name Karez-Tishya - "honeycomb hole". So, according to the message of geologist G. V. Vakhrushev, one of the caves on the West IR river is called. "The neighborhood of the cave," a geologist writes, "there really resemble a giant bee honeycomb. This is a huge karst field, destroyed by failing funnels ... "

Biryan (Bashkir Biryen), the ridge between the top flow of the Lemeza River and the Inzer River to 3 from the Karyaz Ridge. Bashkirski Bir - "Give", "Give", Yen - "Soul", all the expression as a whole local residents translate "Give the Soul", "Melci" (the combination of Jen Bieuu and in the literary language means "to give the soul", "die "). From the point of view of grammar, the name fully complies with the norms of the formation of Turkic toponyms. Mount Maul could get a name that "Give Soul", or "Umci" for inaccessibility. The local population sometimes tells what the name is some man whose name was transferred to the ridge.

Mountains between the latitudinal section of the Ufa's top flow and the latitudent area of \u200b\u200bthe upper flow of the river ah

Potanina, Mountains on the West Bank of Lake Intash South Cherry Mountains (10 km from the city of Kyshtym). From the Russian Personal name of the Potany, derived from Potap, Potapia and Rare Potamia.

Borzovsky, Mountains, southern continuation of the Potanins (k from from Kyshtym). From the old Russian surname of greyhounds, or nicknames of Borzoy.

Sugomak, Mountain 4 km to 3 from Kyshtym near the Sugomak River, which flows into Lake Sugomak. Initially the name of the river, according to the name of the neighboring objects - the lake and the mountain.

Golden eagle, Mountain in the Ufa Riphells (20 km to the South Kyshtym). In the Bashkir language, the Burkut - "Eagle", in Tatar-Bürket- "Berkut", "Eagle", however, this name is impossible to attribute to Turkic Orionim with complete confidence, because in Russian there is a word Berkut - "Eagle View" (borrowed from Turkic Sources), and in Russian Oronymia, the names of the Falcon type (Balaban) are common.

Of course, Russian is the name of Berkutova Mountain (Berkuta Mountain) near Miass. On the contrary, it is clearly to Bashkirsky should be considered the Oronym of the Berkut-Tau in the Western Sprogs of the Range of Hrenovyk (Southeast Bashkiria). And again, mysteriously the name of the Mount of Berkut on the VEV from Verkhneuralsk - it can be both Turkic and Russian.

Jurma, Mountain (1002 m) between the origins of the Ufa and Kusa rivers are 15 km to 3 from Karabash.

A look is widespread that translated from the Bashkir (Tatar) language Olyonim Jurma means "do not go!", Since the slopes of the mountain are cool and difficult because of the dense forest. This interpretation is first given in the Mountain Journal, 1825, No. 5. Geologist I. V. Musketov Colorfully paints the difficulty of working in the Jurma area: "According to the south-western granite slope of Jurma, we sank into a wooded and swampy valley separating Jurma from Tagana. It is difficult to imagine that wilderness that met us in this place. As soon as passing forests, bottomless swamps with scales of scales of acute-coronal boulders and with whole cashes of a dog, often completely eliminated and wearing fresh traces of the bear, fop, deceptively covered with moss, "That's all that the observer finds in this desert."

In Bashkir and Tatar languages \u200b\u200bthere are also a verb with the basis of "YUR" - "walk" and "ma" - the suffix of the denial, which is used in the verb forms. Therefore, the interpretation "Do not go!" Not devoid of grounds. In addition, the local population adheres to this explanation.

Wed, however, Bashkir Dialecty Yurme is a "dense forest" recorded in the Mias disconnect of the Bashkir language.

Karabash, Mountain on the eastern outskirts of Karabash city is 5 km to 3 from the north end of Ilmen Mountains. Sometimes the mountains of Karabash or Karabash refer to the whole mountain ridge going in the meridional direction eastern city Karabash, and even all the mountains between the ridge of Jurma and the Miass Valley.

Initially, the name of the mountain, which means "black vertex", or "black head" (Kara - "Black", Bash - "Head", "Top"). It should be thought that the name of Karabash is a metaphor that arose on the similarity of the mountain with a dark Bashkir hat or head in the header.

Oronym Karabash (Kara-Bash, Karabash Mountains) is regularly found in the sources of the XIX-early XX century., However, the Karabash Mountain is usually referred to as the Golden Mountain (at the gold deposit).

Ilmenie Mountains, or Ilmensky Range (Sometimes Ilymeni, Ilmen), Range on the right (Eastern) bank of the Miass River, going with CER to Yuyuz among the cities of Karabash and Miass. In the southern part of the ridge, the most significant vertex is towers - Mount Ilman-Tau (753 m). South Range is Lake Ilmenskoye (otherwise Ilmen). In the area from 1920 there is a famous Ilmensky reserve.

Based on the name of the lake, but the path of the word is very tortuous. According to I. G. Dobrogomova, Greek Limen - "Harbor" penetrated into the Russian language in the forms of Limune, Liman, Ilmen, having received a number of new values \u200b\u200b("Bay", "Lake", "Spill River", "Staritsa"). At the same time, new values \u200b\u200barose not without the influence of another Greek word Limne - "Bay", "Lake", "Boloto". At the same time, borrowing was connected by people's etymology with Russian "IL" and the suffix "Men" (for example, in a dialectic unthe - "bottleneck"). And finally, it is assumed that the Greek word penetrated into Russian through the Turkic media (Polovtsy Limen, Turkish Liman). According to Dobryomov, Turkic toponyms speak and, in particular, the name of Mount Ilman-Tau in the Southern Urals. Much, however, is unclear and above all, as the word Ilmen hit the Turkic toponymy of the Urals.

There is, however, and another assumption that at the basis of Orionim, the Bashkir word names - "whole", "uncountable", "safe", "prosperous", that is, it is necessary to interpret "whole mountains", "universal mountains", "Safe Mountains" , "Harmless Mountains" (not as high as others), or Bashkir Imen - "Oak" ("Oak Mountains"). Researchers who defend this version (M. I. Albrut, K. Valeev, N. I. Shuvalov), indicate that P. S. Pallas (XVIII century) Ilmen Mountains are called name-Tau, and the lake name Kul. Russians, in their opinion, over time brought Bashkir names with the word Ilmen, which was in the speech of Russian immigrants to the South Urals. After all, Pallas writes about lakes in the Orenburg steppes, "There is no current from which there is no current" that they are usually called Ilmen. " He also leads an example - Mergen Ilmen.

The second version is preferable.

Ishkul, Range in the northern part of Ilmen Mountains (16 km from the city of Karabash). The eastern slope of the ridge - Lake Large and Small Ishkul. Primened by Hyronim, which M. I. Albrut does not successfully translate the "similar lake" (what is like?). The meaning of this name is "pair lake", or "pair of lakes", since there are two lakes (Bashkir-Tatar Ish - "Couple", "similar").

Karymka, Mount of 12 km to Yuyuz from Karabasha and 8 km to the SZ from the Ishkul Ridge. Probably, Karim is "generous" from the Turkic name of Arabic origin. Cf. Another obsolete Bashkir-Tatar Karamba is "blood revenge."

Talovsky (Big Talovsky), Range between Mount Karymka and Turgoyak Lake. The big talovka river, the left tributary of the Kushtumga River, flowing into Miass.

Varganov, Mountain to SZ from Lake Turgoyak. From the Russian nickname of Vargan or the name of Varganov (Vargien - "Noise", "Scream").

Pugacheva, Mount to Yosz from Lake Turgoyak. According to the legend, it was held here with the army of Emelyan Pugachev. In the southern Urals, many mountains that the memory of People bind named after the leader of the Peasant War 1773-1755 Russians call them Pugacheva or Pugachev's mountains, Bashkira - Bogars (Bugae) or Bogist (Bu-Gastov), \u200b\u200bsince in Bashkir's surname Pugachev (Pugach) has changed in the bog (Bugai).

Kostrominka, Mount to 3 from Lake Turgoyak. From the Russian nickname of Kostroma, recorded in the monument of the XIV century, or the surname Kostromin, who are secondary outfonic names (from the name of the city of Kostroma, known from the XIII century).

Aleksandrovskaya Sopka., separate rocky mountain (845 m) on a water-seated ridge (8 km on VuV from Zlatoust).

In Bashkirski, this mountain, as in general, the waterproof ridge is called Ural-Tau, the Russians, as he writes in the "Mountain Journal" E. K. Gofman, began to call it by the Alexander Sopnia since the climbing on this top of the Grand Prince Alexander Nikolayevich (the future Tsar Alexander II) in 1837

ITSIL, Mountain on the right bank of the River Big Kialym is 19 km to SZ from Zlatoust. Height - 1068 m.

This name contains the sound "C", which is no longer in any of the Turkic Orionov of the Southern Urals, since it is absent in local Bashkir and Tatar dialects. Obviously, "C" here is a secondary, arising from some group of consonant type "those" or "it." In research on geology and geography of the XIX - early XX century, belonging to the District of Zlatoust, there are really constantly writing, Issyl; Along with the rarestful Izyl, which already appears in the "Mountain Journal", No. 1, 1834 on N. I. Shuvalov, from Bashkir, Isilla-"Eternal Wind" because of the constant wind on this high vertex. Cf. Bashkir Isae - "blow" and ate - "Wind".

Taganai, or big tagana, Range to St. Saint of Zlatoust (Length is 20 km). The most important vertices (from the north): Far Taganay (1146 m), most distant from Zlatoust; Kruglitsa (Round Napka), or Round Taganay (1177 m), called so "because it seems to be round from the south" (E. K. Hoffman. "Mountain Journal", 1868, No. 4), Top Kruglitsa is referred to as the Bashkir hat ( According to Korofman, "Rise to the top of the top, which is like a button towers over the round mountain"); A response comb (1155 m), in powerful, almost the staome rocks of which the multiple echo occurs; Small Taganay (1034 m), or double-headed hill (not to be confused with a small taganai ridge). From the southeast, two small ridges are adjacent to the big tagana, first - the middle Taganay, and behind him - small taganay. They go in the same direction - with St. Nos.

Traditionally explain from the Bashkir-Tatar words Tagan - "Stand", "Support" and Ai - "Moon", like "Stand of the Moon", "Luna's support". This beautiful and in meaning transparent metaphor is found, however, with difficulties of grammatical nature: it is necessary to translate the "Moon stand". Perhaps for this reason, G. E. Kornilov (see "Brief Toponymic Dictionary" V. A. Nikonova) Trying to build Taganay to Bashkir Tyugan Ai Tau - "Mount Moon".

Since the Turkic Ay - "Moon" is often used metaphorically to designate something beautiful, the translation of the "stand-moon" translation is not so unfortunate, as it seems at the first moment. It is still much better to interpret the "stand-moon", but "Tagan-Moon", using and translated the Turkic word Tagan-"Treatel (iron stand for a boiler for three legs)". The shaped vision of local Tatars or Bashkir found in a large Taganai mountain range (more precisely, in its southern part, where the tops of the Kruglitz are located, a response comb and small tagana) like a tripod, tagan, a very important subject of the old Turkic life. It is not by chance that P. S. Pallas wrote in his diary on June 2, 1770: "Three-chapted (allocated me. - A. M.) High and now still covered with snow (Mountain) Taganay, which at ae the highest shields shields." This image, apparently, is quite common: in Bashkiria there are several mountains with Tagan-Tau names - "Tagan Mountain" and Tagan-Tash - Tagan-Stone.

The end element "ah" can, however, be considered as an ancienturk suffix with a diminishing value. In this case, obviously, there was a subsequent rethinking of the suffix in the word Ai - "Moon".

In Russian documents of the XVII century. Mentioned by Taganaev Volost on the left bank of the White against the Bur River. Taganai village (Taganaevo) and now exists in the Kushnarenkovsky district of the Bashkir ASSR. In this case, Taganay - anthroponym, but nothing is known about his connection with the title of Mount Taganay.

Normmian (in various sources there are also subject, Nazimsk, name), Mountains on the right bank of K 3 from the southern tip of the Large Taganai Range (between the worker village of Magnitka and Zlatoust). On some new maps - the Narms Range. At the local Russian population - the Normmian (Naznmin) mountains.

Maybe Nazim is Nazim from the Turkic name of Persian origin - "Organizer", or the other Muslim name for Nimih - "Star". Public oscillations in the last syllable toponym arose in Russian in an unstressed position.

The southern part of the Norm Mountains is called the Evgraphic Mountains (from the Russian Canonical name of the Evgraph or the name of Evgrafs. N. I. Shuvalov calls another two vertices of the Narms Mountains - a copper mine (according to the XVIII century. Copper mine) and Maximilian Mountain (Maximilian), named In honor of the Duke of Maximilian Lihtenbergsky, who visited the Southern Urals in 1845

Protopop., Mountain adjacent to with from the Norm Mountains (on the eastern outskirts of the working village of Magnka). From the obsolete Russian Protopop - the "priest of the highest rank". Apparently, the metaphor.

Cosotour, Mountain on the right side of the river ah. On her slopes there is a part of the city of Zlatoust, the originally - the Cosotois Plant.

The interpretation of "where to stand", "the parking lot" (from the Bashkir Words of Kaisa, "where" and Tourow, "stand"), from a language point of view, is unsatisfactory.

There are three ways. The first is to associate the name of Cupotur with a series of other mysterious items on the "Tour", type of Battver, Belyatur, Silitors (see Belyatur). The second is not a denying connection with the names to the "Tour", to see in Oronia the result of Russian processing under the action of such words as well-known topper and dialecty spacecraft - "oblique arc", "oblique arch". The names of the rolling of bososuria in the Northern Urals are also indicative (the left bank of the villas at the village of Akchim) and the river Coseturka in the Solvy Pool (Schalen district of the Sverdlovsk region). The third is to consider the name of the mountain purely Russian, since these places are populated and mastered by Russians more than two hundred years ago (in this regard, the already mentioned bosair and cosmourk are especially interesting).

Chuvash, Mountain on the right bank of the river Ai to 3 from Zlatoust. From Etnonym Chuvash, pointing out that in the development of the Urals, along with Kazan Tatars, the Chuvash took part. In the South Urals there are other names of this kind: River Kuudeška, Mount Chuvash-Tau, etc.

Mountains between the latitudinal section of the upper flow of the river Ai and the high-flow areas of the large inner and white approximately 54 ° C. sh. (Western ridges)

Magnetic, Mount 15 km on from the city of Satka, adjoins the Zyuratkul ridge. Sometimes - a magnetic ridge. Mountain is composed coarse-grained gabbro, in which there are more or less significant clusters and magnetic iron nests.

Zyuratkul, Range on the left bank of the River Large Satka in 1 2 km to the Satka Satka. The highest height is 1184 m (mountain Round bump). From the SW to the ridge, the same name Lake Zyuratkul is adjacent. Bashkir-Tatar term Cool - "Lake" indicates the primacy of the hydronime, but the reality turns out to be much more difficult.

There are a number of assumptions about the meaning of the name of Lake Zyuratkul ("horsepower lake", "Cemetery Lake", "Lake, who has an image," "Lake, in which, as in the mirror, the mountains are reflected), but they are all erroneous.

Hyronim Zyuratkul means "heart-lake". True, the "heart" of Bashkirski YUREK, not Zyurat, but it is known that in some Bashkir and Tatar dialects instead of the initial "and" (y \u003d\u003d yu), a special sound of the type of soft "zh" or "jy" is used, which is usually Transmitted by the Russian "s". Difficult to pronunciation by the group of consonants "QC" (Zyurak-Kul) has changed in TK (Zyuratkul). In one study on the geology of this area (1901) and the mountain and the lake are also called Zyurakkul. On the map of 1800, the lake is referred to as Zyuryak. In the record of the toponymic expedition, the name of the lake - Yurekkul.

It remains to add that in its form Lake Zyuratkul resembles the heart and that comparing this kind in toponymy is widespread: in Bashkiria there is Yarak-Tau - "Heart-Mountain" near Sterlitamak and Yurak-Tash - "Heart-stone" (rock) on the ridge Big Shatak, and in mansiysk toponymy syntin (from synuts) - "Heart-lake" and SIM-Syakhyl - "Heart-Mountain".

More or less, you can also determine the time of transfer of the name of the lake to the mountain: in the "Mountain Journal" for 1835 and 1837. Mount Zyuratkul is already mentioned.

What then remains to solve? The evidence of the XVIII century is important. V. N. Tatishchev mentions Jaran Tau (mountain of the heart), on top of which there is a lake. P. S. Pallas writes about Mount Yarak-Tau (Heart-Mountain) on the River Big Satka, called "due to the raised stupid top, which is completely goal and stony." In this case, of course, it is in mind the mountain Round bump. Approximately the same in I. I. Lepokhina, (which tells about the mountain Mount Tash (Mountain Heart), located 30 versts from the Urangy Ridge, that it is so nicknamed "on a round hill, in the middle of the ridge."

These evidence suggests other solutions: or the primary name of the mountain (Yurek-Tau), or the name of the mountain and lake (IUREKKUL) coexisted from the very beginning

In general, there is still something to think about

Maskal, Range, adjacent to the UZH to Lake Zyuratkul (1029 m). In the sources of the XIX century, Matkale, in later marshads or Moskal, apparently, not without the influence of the integral Russian Moskal - Moskvich (in Bashkiri Muscale), but the local Russian population calls this ridge Maskal.

Kamenad V. Chernetov believes that this oronymis in translating from Bashkir and Tatar languages \u200b\u200bmeans "Winches Mountain" ("Satkin Worker", 1979, October 4) and indicates that in the XVIII century. Wooden idols stood on the mascal who worshiped Bashkirs. This interpretation can be accepted, since in Bashkir language there is really the word Massey - "Witch", the form of the possession of Masqueyl - "with the witch", and in the Bashkir toponymy of the Kuvandyk district of the Orenburg region, the name of Massey Massey - "Witch" is witnessed.

The northern part of the ridge is called Mount Bulanich (see Burendich) or Small Maskal.

Bitch, Two ridges in a small satka minor interference and shut-big bitch and a small bitch. 12 km to 3 from Lake Zyuratkul is a small bitch, to the yos from her - a big bitch (1194 m). P. S. Pallas in the XVIII century. He was witnessed in the form of bitch, Sukataau.

There are three etymology: 1) From the Tatar bitch, Bashkir Huku - "Sokh", as he offers A. G. Bezsonov (if the ridge was viewed and from the side, then it can see the remote similarity with dry), i.e. before us metaphor; 2) from the Bashkir Suk - "Sopka", "Peak" (written message R. 3. Shakurova); 3) From Bashkir Soyk (Suk) - "Cold" (V. Chernetsov, N. I. Shuvalov). The lack of the first etymology is that the Turkic word is borrowed from the Russian language, therefore, it is necessary to assume that the Turkic name of the ridge arose relatively recently, and it surprises. The vulnerability of the second etymology is that bitch is two ridges, not a separate hill. Therefore, if the Turkic form of Suuk (Soyk) is reliable, the preference must be given to the third version, however, with the reservation, that it is a Tatar or tatarized toponym (CP. Tatar suice - "Cold" and Bashkir Hyuyk with the same meaning).

Kurgashka, Mount to 3 from the ridge is a big bitch. From Bashkir Kurgash - "Leads". The name is witnessed in Russian uniform with the suffix "ka". Toponyms Kurgash, Kurrichal, Kurrichada are ordinary in Bashkiria.

Uvan, Two mountains in the upper river River Small Satka, adjacent from the housing to the ridge a big bitch. Big Wawn (1222 m) is north. Small wanted. Like a bitch, are in the part of the Chelyabinsk region, where there is no indigenous Bashkir population, so the toponymic expedition was able to write this undoubtedly Turkic on the origin of Oronymis only among the Russians.

With some risk you can compare with the Bashkir Uba - "Hill", "Kurgan". Mountains Big Waw and Small Waw are separate vertices, just adjacent to the ridge a big bitch and can be perceived as separate large hills. Bashkir "b" is transmitted as "in", because it is known that there is a ringing broken "b" between vowels in Bashkir language (Russian sound "in" - lifting) and that in some of the Bashkir's diagonals "B" goes to "B" and "U". Already in Russian, the final "H" could appear, for example, under the influence of the Schikhan dialecticism widely distributed in the South Urals - "High cone-shaped mountain".

According to N. I. Shuvalov, from the name of the Bashkir generic group, the Wawn, which was part of the Katet tribe in the book of R. G. Kuzhev "The Origin of the Bashkir people" is indeed a close name for the name of the Generic group of the Housing group, but this group is not related to Katers, but To the Turkic Finno Grump.

Nurgush, Range between Lake Zyuratkul and Yuruzan River at the village of Tylyuk. The transverse valley divides it into two parts: North - Big Nurgush and South - Small Nurgush. The highest peak (1406 m) is located in the northern part of the ridge. The local Bashkir population associates with Nur - "Light", "radiance" and kosh - "Bird" (in difficult words also Gosh, see Belyagush), that is, in the translation "radiant bird". Before us or a luxurious metaphor, or folk etymology, with which it is mastered as ancient, maybe the added name.

Zigalga, one of the highest and most beautiful ridges of the Southern Urals, located on the left bank of Yurisani, between the ridges of Nurgush and Nara. Length - more than 40 km.

Zigalga was well known to Russian researchers of the XVIII century, which witnessed this name in the forms of Dzhigall (V.N. Tatishchev), Djigghagia or Dagged (P. I. Rychkov), Eggliant, Dzhigall, Dorganaga (P. S. Pallas), Dorgalga (I. I. Lephechin), Dzhighanga (I. P. Falk), Jigalga (I. G. G. G. Georgi), while Tatishchev and Rychkov emphasized that it always lies on Zigalg (as well as in Yamantau), and Pallas pointed out That on it (again, as in Yamantau), deer live. Georgi notes that the name of Jigalga refers to the highest part of the ridge, having, obviously, in view of the flame mountain-tundra zone with long lying snow. In "Materials on the history of Bashkiria", referring to the XVIII century, the ridge is called Yughang, Siegalga, Zyalega.

Bashkirs call Zigalga - Eleghe, which is quite consistent with the Form of Elegga, given by Pallas, but do not explain the name. The version of Zigalga has penetrated into Russian, has experienced an impact on the part of the Tatar language.

It is difficult to even assume that it may mean this is a very mysterious name, perhaps added. In any case, the authors of the "vocabulary of Toponimov Bashkir ASSR", leading another name for this Range - Zanggherge, compare it with the Iranian Zangar - "Big Rock", although in Bashkir language there is a word Zanggar with the meaning of Blue, "Blue". Interestingly, in this regard, the word Yelda, Yilga - "Summer Highland Pasture", "Fair Place", recorded in the Iranian languages \u200b\u200bof Tajikistan.

On the ridge a lot of islandine mountains and rocks. The most significant vertices: in the northern part of the ridge - transverse-1389 m, in the central - frowning cliff, or a frown-1237 m, in the South-1237 m (see) - 1425 m.

Southeast Sneaks Zigalgi have bright metaphorical names - big stepsok and small steps.

The local Russian population tells that on the mountain, frowning cliff lies a very long time in the snow and that one day I got lost and frozen an eighteen-year-old girl, however, in the 50s and 1960s of the current century, there was no snow on Zigalga in July.

Big shole, the highest mountain on the Zigalga Ridge, located on the extreme South-Western tip of the ridge, the third highest (after Yaman-Tau and Jeslel) Mount South Urals - 1425 m.

The name of the big shole is given by this high dome-shaped world of Russian immigrants - the workers of the South Ural plants, most likely Beloretsky. The ancient Russian word shelves - "Helmet" eventually began to mark the "hill", "Budgorm". In the toponymy of the Russian North, we find not one shelving: so called villages located on the hills. In many Russian dialects and now there is a word Sholom - "Hill", "Budgorm". It was this word that the highest peak of Zigalgi was also gained in the title, but with a well-founded additive pointing to the amount - a big shole.

Nara (Bashkir Nare), Range in Miscellaneous of the Small Inser and Tullem to the SMZ from Zigalgi. Length is 45 km, the maximum height is 1328 m. One of the high peaks in the northern part of the ridge for the characteristic form was called a key.

On the basis of the Bashkir language, the name is not satisfactory satisfactorily, so it was compared with the Mansi district - "rocky vertex", "Ural" and even with the mysterious Noros Mountains of the Greek geographer Ptolemy. The second assumption is from the field of fiction, the first - needs additional argument.

A more interesting comparison with the Finno-Ugric root, reflected in Komi Nyz, Mari Nerk, Mordovsky Nari, Nyar, Sami Nierra - "Nose": It is known that the word with the meaning of the "nose" in various languages \u200b\u200bis also used in the sense of "Cape", "Mountain Snog". The ridge of the Nara, which is between the valleys of two rivers, because of its outskirts (in relation to the highest ridges of the Southern Urals), it may well be considered as such an extension (cf. Salias on the Sallar Urals).

The Russian population binds the name of the ridge with the word Nora, but this is an explicit folk etymology.

Bayramgul, Range on the right bank of the river Tullem to SZ from the ridge of Nara. From the Turkic name Bayramgul, which is based on the word Bayram - "Holiday".

Belyugush, Range on the Right Bank of Inser to 3 from the southern tip of the Nara Range. The second part of the name "Gush" (in the local pronunciation of Gosh), Bashkirs often associate with the word Kosh - "Bird", which and complex words and in the form of "GOSH" (cf. Baigosh - "Break", Karagosh - "Vulture") . The first part of the title usually remains without interpretation, only in one case it was said that the word Bil was hidden - "Ranasnitsa" and we need to translate "Bird with the Loin". All this, of course, is very like folk etymology. Interesting the coincidence of the foundations in two unclear oronyms - Belyagush and Belyatur.

Kelty., Ridge coming between the Belyugush and the river Tullem in the meridional direction. Local residents have been transferred to Russian "remained", "remained", "left" (Bashkir kalua - "stay"), while there are various legends about the killing bride (the bride left, usually an old man), the dead husband (wife remained), abandoned settlement (place remains), etc.

Yaman-Tau., Mount to Yosz from the ridge of Nara on the right bank of the River Small Inzer is 10 km above the location of the Merge and Small Inser. On the maps and in reference books, the Mountain of Small Yaman-Tau is usually (unlike the Yaman-Tau at the top of the River Big Inzer - the most significant vertex of the Southern Urals). Translated from the Bashkir language - "Bad Mountain", "Burning Mountain".

Mountains between the latitudinal section of the upper flow of the river Ai and the high-flow areas of the large inner and white approximately 54 ° C. sh. (Eastern ridges and Beloretsk raising)

Saltanka, Mountain on the left bank of the river ah near the mouth of the Saltanka River to 3 from Zlatoust. In the recording of XIX V.- Soltanka. From the Turkic name of the Arabic origin of Sultan - "Lord", "Sovereign". Optionally from Bashkir or Tatar language, since the word Sultan and its folk compliance of Saltan (Soltan) has long been in Russian. It is not known that primary - the name of the mountain or river.

Tatar, Mountain on the left bank of the Northwest Outskin of Zlatoust. At the source of the XIX V.-Tatar Mountains. From ethnonym Tatar. Mountains with this title on the southern Urals a lot (near the city of Satka, near the Kumach Range, etc.). They indicate that the Kazan Tatars played a significant role in the development of the Southern Urals. It is true, however, it is necessary to note that the Russians in Starin were called the Tatars and other "foreigners" of the Urals and Siberia.

Ubeng, a long ridge (about 70 km) between the Zlatoust and the river Ai River (highest mark - 1198 m).

I. I. Lephechin in the XVIII century. Recorded this name in the form of Urenet and Uranhi and translated "Maplen", and P. S. Pallas recorded in the forms of Urangenetu, Urangetau, of which the first is the exact transfer of the Tatar Words of Uriesgge - "Maple", "Maplen" and Tau - " mountain". Thus, ubony is really "maple (ridge)." Travelers XVIII century. Obviously recorded records at the Tatar population (Zlatousty Tatars), since local Bashkirs from the participation of the participation of the concepts of "maple", "maple" use another word (sagan). The ridge they call, like Tatars, Uringga, but cannot translate this oronym.

From the titles of the Mountains, it should be noted the metaphorical name of the chest (in the central part of the ridge) and the Russian people's etymological alteration of the brief from the Tatar-Bashkir Kara-Tash - "Black Stone" (in the southern part).

Sviridiha, A separate mountain to Zuzyk from the chest of the chest on the Zenig Ridge. From the Russian personal name Svirid, spoken form from Spiridon, with the help of the suffix "IHA".

Nazdarka, A separate mountain on the left bank Aya to the Navy from the mountain is a short on the Ubigg Ridge. From the Turkic name of Arabic origin, Nasir - "Assistant", "Friend", "Winner". Originally, obviously, Nasir-Tau. In Russian, the geographical term was lost, and the personal name is complicated by the suffix "ka".

Elauda (Bashkir Yalauda), in various written sources and on the maps - elavda, euvda, Ivalda, Ivalda, etc. Under this name, one of the vertices in the southern part of the Ubeng Ridge (1116 m) between the Mountains of the Chest and the Koreld is known. Sometimes it is so called the whole southern part of Ubengi, ranging from Mount Eladays, as well as the berry ridge (berry mountains), which are the south-western continuation of Ubengi.

Local Bashkirs argue that the name of Yalauda should be translated "Ombrene Mountain". This allows you to tie it with the Bashkir verb to Yalau - "lick", "lick". At first glance, the ridiculous name is easily explained, if we consider that the Russians are one of the objects called Eladays, is referred to as the ridge of berries according to local residents, there were many raspberries there before. Bashkirs are sometimes called the Ridge Berry Eck-Tau - "Berry Mountain".

Biotic cones (Biyak cones, beyak), two mountains between the ridge of the berry and the river Berezak. From Bashkir Beyek - "Height", "High". About the term cone, see Zakharova Pin.

Avalyak, Range in the headwaters of Belaya, coming in the southwestern direction from the source to the Greater Avnyar River. It can be considered as a south-west continuation of Ubengi. From the west to the ridge, the mountain array of the jip is adjacent.

According to some researchers (E. Kornilov, M. I. Albrurt), this name, known already I. I. Lephein in the XVIII century. (Avalyak, Avaleak), goes back to the Bashkir-Tatar aulak - "deserted", "deaf" (in other Turkic languages \u200b\u200bis also "place of hunting", "a place that is replete with a child"). The Russian Old-timer population calls the Range of Hona, the same form is regularly used in the "Mountain Journal", 1842, No. 1.

Otherwise, in the "Toponym Dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR", where the origin of the name of the ridge from the consonant anthroponym is allowed.

In the northeastern end of the ridge, a rocky mountain with a characteristic Turkic (Bashkir) name Kara-Aygyr - "Black Stallion" (on some maps - Mount Avalyak).

Jesnel, one of the highest and most beautiful mountains of the South Urals, which Bashkirs used to be considered holy. Located near the origins of the White between the ridges of Avalyak and Bakat, but the orographically belongs to the Range of Avalyak, being its powerful Western extension. It has two vertices - a large rimel (1582 m) and the north of the Small Jerlel (about 1400 m). The top of a large rimel is called a large boar ("boars" - separate hills with a flat - "dining room" - a surface and terraced slopes; this word goes back to the Bashkir Caban - "Stack"; such "Kabanov" is a lot on other ridges and the mountains of the Southern Urals ). On the SZ from the mountain, the gracious stallion departs (from the Russian stallion), on the UZ-Mountain of Sinyak (from the Russian blue).

In the "brief toponymic dictionary" V. A. Nikonov, a multi-volume publication "Russia", edited by V.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shanskaya and a number of popular publications, especially in tourist guidebooks, it is argued that in the Bashkir language, the hirel - "Sacred (mountain)". But the "saint", "sacred" in Bashkirski and in Tataris.

It may have been in mind the Bashkir-Tatar words by Srym - "Spell", "Witchcraft", Yurmy - "Conspiracted", "enchanted", but they do not correspond to the Bashkir sound of toponym - Iremel.

In the sources of the XVIII century. The form of Iremel with those or other distortions is also recorded: Ireyan, Ereel (V. N. Tatishchev), I. Maemal Tau, Himälyaly Tau (P. I. Rychkov), I. Mal. Tau (I. I. Lepjin - repeatedly). However, none of the XVIII travelers. The name explanation was not recorded, it was not possible to hear him in any of the examined points of Bashkiria and the staff of the Toponymic Expedition of the Ural University. There were only interesting from a folk point of view, but nothing giving any stories for the etymology about the Bashkir Hero on "named after Zapreme (Iremel).

It makes it look for other ways. Here is one of them. In some Turkic languages, there is a word Emel (in Russian email) - "saddle", "saddong", ascending to Mongolian Emeel - Saddle. This word is often found in the names of Tian-Shan pass, Altai and other mountains of Central Asia and South Siberia.

It is known that in the names of the Bashkir Mountains, many elements of gray-haired antiquities are preserved, which are inexplicably from the modern Bashkir language. If we assume that the same Mongolian element was once in the language of Bashkir or their Turkic predecessors, then the jaremel easily interpret as "saddle of men (hero)", or "Saddle a man (hero)", because the word Il in the Bashkir language "man", "hero". Who saw the loop, can easily be discovered in this gigantic, imagined truncated pyramid similarity with a giant seat, and then it is a flowery metaphor in a true oriental taste. But it may be that it means that there is a vast saddle between the mountain of Great Jipper and Mount Small Jerlel, or the mountain valley between the Small Jerlese and the foal, as V. Chernets thinks, who offers to interpret the name of the mountain Saddle of the rider. Where the truth is difficult to solve.

Thus, due to its characteristic form and magnitude, the goernel has become an attractive object for figurative perception, but images, of course, are born differently. For example, for D. N. Mamina-Siberian Jerlel - "A huge ship, which has grown and tanned the current."

It is very complicated by the already difficult case of the name of three rivers in the upper reaches of Miass Jeslel, sometimes Eremel (large, medium and small) and mountains of Jespal, or the Irenel Sopka approximately 30 km south of Zlatoust. P. S. Pallas - Uremel's stream and Mount Yeremeltau. The Bashkir form of the name of the river, according to the "Dictionary of Toponyms of the Bashkir ASSR" - Iremel Jõlghah, that is, the "Raverk River". This toponym can be transferred from the title of Mount Jerlel, and then nothing changes in our constructions. If Miass names arose independently of the Oronima Jaremel, it is possible that they are upgraded to the Bashkir-Tatar Scrimp - "conspired", "enchanted" or some other word, and then were bringing close to folk etymology with the name of the famous Mount Jerlel (Iremel ).

Suk-Tash, Mountain adjacent to 3 to the mountain massifs. According to N. I. Shuvalov, from Bashkir Soyk (Suk) - "Cold", i.e. "cold stone" (cf. bitch), because "Mountain has many pretty deep karst dips, at the bottom of which student Rodniks are broken, which And the stones are always raw and cold. " In the "Dictionary of Toponym Bashkir ASSR" a similar name of the village and the cliffs of Suk-Tash in the Kiginsky district is explained differently - "sticking island stone." Local Russians call Mount Suk-Tash Chest (Wed. The same name of the mountain on the Zenig Ridge), because on it the stones "as the chests are overlapped." This is an argument in favor of the version of Bashkir scientists.

Bakat., Range on the right bank of the Yuryuzan River between the Ranges of Nurgush and Kuamardak. In various written sources of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Also indicate the forms of the Bekt (Bekt), the Bolsters, Bakhta, the local Russian population calls the ridge most often of the Beht or Bicht, but when explaining it is necessary to proceed from the Bashkir form of the name - Bakts. It can be considered as the 3rd face of the only number of past time from the verb of Baghuu - "Watch", "Look" (Bakat) and, therefore, to translate "watched", "looked". Such verb names for Turkic languages \u200b\u200bare common. As for the value of toponym - "the mountain, with which they look", then it is typical of various languages. Thus, in Russian oronyms, in particular, in the Urals, the names of the mountains are often found. The possibility of such names in Toponymia is also evidenced by Bashkir personal names of the type of buildings - "looked at the owner," Baktyuzhaz - "looked at happiness," Usazbakta - "Happiness looked", Inenbacts - "Live glanced", etc.

In general, the Oronym of Bakats in the "Loponimov Dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR" is explained: from the tank - "Look; Lookout ", with the affix" you ".

The highest vertex on the Bakt Ridge Local Russian population calls white ridges.

Bashver, Mountain on the right bank White is 15 km to the South Tipping Range Bakti. ORONIMS is located in one row with such names as white, silica, etc., containing a mysterious geographical term tour. If the component of the Bash is Turkic by origin (the Bashkir bash is "Head", "Top", "Main"), that is, all the grounds to consider and the component of Turkic Tour, considering it as a forgotten geographical term, which has survived only in toponymy. However, it is impossible to exclude that Bashkir's components appeared as a result of the rework of the pre-Bashkir name in Bashkir language on the basis of people's etymology (for more details, see Belyatour).

Pillars, Mountain on the right bank White is 6 km to 3 from the worker village Tirlyansky. The local Russian population also calls this mountain column, explaining that the "rocks are sticking like pillars" on it.

Inzer gears (Inzer Teeth), Range between the tops of the rivers of the Large Inser and Tyrylands (15 km on the ZSZ from the working village of Tylarly). Named along the River Inzer and picturesque, sharply distinguished rocky vertices ("teeth"), which stretched a few kilometers.

Kumardak, Range between the Bakot Ridge and the southern tip of the Mashak Range. The greatest height is 1318 m.

The Bashkir form of this name (Cumerzek) and its interpretation (Cumer-Gorbatoy ", ZEK-SUFFIX) are provided in the" Toponymov Bashkir ASSR "form.

It is possible, however, that the Oronym Kumardak should not be broken from other names on Ardak, Yerdak such as Mayrdak, Zilmertak. In this case, it is necessary to choke Cum-Ardak (CUM-ERZEK), but the origin of the name and its value is not yet established.

Mashak, Range between the heads of the rivers Small Inzer and Yurazan. It begins 8 km to the SN from Mount the Great Sholon and initially goes in the southwestern direction, and then from the highest vertex - the mountains wide (1341 m) turns steep to the south. Other high peaks of a bear-bear (1307 m) and stoic.

The name is compared with the Bashkir Bashak (in dialects - Mashak) - "Colos", UK Bashai - "Arrow Tip". This is an elegant metaphor: The Mashak Ridge has emerged indeed reminds with its sharp vertex and even slopes the arrow or spear tip (this is how it looks like, for example, according to the author's observations, from the Zilmertak Ridge).

In the record I. G. Georgi (XVIII century) - Mashak, Mashaktau.

Yaman-Tau., the highest mountain in the South Urals (1640 m). Located in the upper reaches of the Large Inzer River to the South Ridge Mashak, has two vertices - Big Yaman-Tau (1640 m) and small Yaman-Tau (1519 m). Translated from the Bashkir name means "bad mountain", or "bad mountain" (Yaman - "bad", "bad", Tau - "Mountain"): The top of the mountain is often covered with clouds and fog, and on the outskirts to the mountain deaf place And the swamps. At the top of Yaman-Tau, an extensive plateau with stones and scanty vegetation, unsuitable as pasture.

I. I. Lepjin gives a different explanation to the name: "For always snow, the top of the mountain of the covering, the evil is nicknamed from Bashkirts." V. N. Tatishchev and P. I. Rychkov also emphasize that snow always lies on this mountain.

On the territory of Bashkiria there are several more mountains with the name of Yaman-Tau.

Kyan-Tau., Mount to 3 from Yaman-Tau. From Bashkir Kyan - "Hare", that is, "Zayacha Mountain". In Bashkiria, there are several more mountains with this name.

Belyatur (Bashkir Baletur)Ridge between rivers Big and Small Inzer in their upper course. In the north, adjoins the mountain massif in Yaman-Tau, in the south-west ends separate mountain Dunean-Suigan (see). A separate mountain Kara-Tash is adjacent to the central part of the ridge from the North-West near the village of Kuzelga - "Black Stone" (1171 m). Another high peak on the ridge - the Mountain of the Sunduk-Tash ("Chest or the Sounds of Bashkis is called all rocky outcrops on the ridge of the mountains" - it is written in one work on the geology of the South Urals of the end of the XIX century, Wed TASH).

The question of the origin of the name of Belyatur is very complicated. The local Bashkir population does not know what this orony means, but the toponymic analysis allows you to highlight the components of Belya and the tour in it. The basis of Belya is also found in the same mysterious names of the Belyugush Ridge (see) and the Mountain Balatar, or Belometar (Bashkir Balteher and Baletur) on the right bank whites to the east of the Basal Ridge. The component of the tour is witnessed in a number of names of the northeastern part of the Southern Urals (Silitut-Tau, Silituts near the city of Kusa, Silatutors, also sertour, Saratur in the upper reaches of Miass, Baktat Baktat

The foundations are "revealed" with the help of the Bashkir language (SILE- "Corps of the Truck", the Bashkogo "Head", "the main", CAP - "sharpened", "grinding" or Sarah - "yellow"). You can find a satisfactory explanation and for the basis of Bell (Bashkir Bale - "trouble" However, the component of the tour does not find decent attention to the analogies in the modern Bashkir language. It makes it necessary to think that the word tour has been reliced \u200b\u200bonly in toponymy, more precisely, in oronimia. About his meaning can Only guess (Mountain, ridge, stone?). But since the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bare not known oronymic terms of Tor Type, Dor, Tour, Dor (Wed, however, the Kyrgyz Thor - "Alpine Pasture"), permissible and version of the name of the names on the tour With an ancient Poshshirt substrate. In this respect, Iranian data is interesting: Ossetian Dor, Dor - "Stone", reflected in toponymy (Names of Mountains: Shavedor - "Black Stone", Sagdor - "Deer Stone", Sturdor - "Big Stone" and Dr.), Tajik Thor - "Top", Torak - "Top", Yazguliam Tour - "Top", "Upper". But, first of all, the assumption about the Iranian (Skifo-Alansky) Substrate in Bashkiria has not yet been proven (its must confirm other oronymic and Hydronimic facts), and secondly, with this hypothesis, the ease of interpretation of the first component of Orionimov on a tour from the Bashkir language is poorly combined, which, however, can be explained by people etymology so characteristic of Bashkir toponymy.

Thus, if the word tour is not archaism, once existed in Bashkir vocabulary, or not yet fixed dialecticism, the version of its substrate origin remains in force. In this regard, two points are curious. First, the Turkic word Bale - "Bed" is Arabism, widespread in Iranian languages \u200b\u200b(Ossetian, Persian, Tajik, Iranian Languages \u200b\u200bof the Pamirs), and secondly, and it is worthy of special attention, next to the Belyatour Range - "Unhappy Stone "(?) Is Yaman-Tau -" Bad Mountain ", and next to the Belyagush Ridge (cf. Tajik Korah -" Mountain ") -" Mountain of misfortune (?) "- Small Yaman-Tau. Maybe this is not by chance. On the other hand, it is necessary to keep in mind the Iranian Bala - "Top", "High".

Dunyan-Suigigan.Also Danan-Suigan, a separate mountain, adjacent to the SMO to the spite of the Belyatur (1091 m). Name This refers to the area of \u200b\u200bthe horse's household Bashkir and translates the "stallion stallion" (Dongen - "Stallion (three-year)", Huyan - the selection of the past time from the verb Huyuyu - "Cut"). The cartographic form is tatarized (Tatar Suhu - "cut").

Cappals (Russian trailer), Mount 15 km to Yu from Yaman-Tau. From the Bashkir Kapka - "Gate", Kappals - "with a gate."

Yalangas, Mountain (1297 m) 10 km to from the Mountain Cappon and 15 km to the CVD from Beloretsk (Bashkir form of Yalangas-Tau). Bashkirski Yalangas is "open", "naked" (about the locality), Tau - "Mountain", therefore, "Open Mountain", "Naked Mountain". This oropy is found in other areas of Bashkiria.

Malinovaya, Mount 10 km to SZ from Beloretsk (1152 m). Sometimes - the raspberry ridge, Raspberry mountains, Malinovka. The name is given for the abundance of berries (raspberries), which is well confirmed by the Bashkir name of the mountain Elk-Tash - "Berry stone".

Mratsina (Bashkir morath), Mountain in the city of Beloretsk. From Bashkir anthroponym morath. In Russian, the suffix "KA" was attached and the loss of unstressed vowels occurred: moisture - mrakkin (mountain).

Mayrdak (Bashkiri Mayerzek), Range on the right bank of the White 15 km to 3 from Beloretsk. In the dictionary of Toponymov Bashkir ASSR, the formant ZEK is allocated - "Mountain" and the basis of Maire with an unknown value. In the record of the toponymic expedition, Maeierzek is the name of Bashkira. It looks like folk etymology. It is more convincingly to select the ERZEK component (Ardak) and associate with other names of this type (see Zilmerdak).

Yandek (Bashkirski Yendek), Mountain in the southern part of the MayRdak Range. Sometimes the name Yandek is used in relation to the entire ridge. From Bashkir Dialectic Yendek (Literary Janlek) - "Beast", "animal". The name is given for the abundance of the beast, game. On the ridge a lot and other hunting titles: Caez Athcan - "where they shot a roe", etc. (K. Valeyev).

The western part to the south of the latitudent section of the lower flow of the Inzer to the latitudinal section of the average flow of the river Belaya (approximately 54 ° C. sh.), Including foothills

ULU-TAU (Bashkirski Ool-Tau), low, but long (up to 30 km) the ridge, going with the CER to Yuyuz from the River Bass to the Zilim River, one of the ridges that limit the mountain Bashkiria from the West. Translated into Russian - "Big Mountain". There are mountains with such names in other places of the Southern Urals (on the ridge of the Hrenovyk and the north of Verkhneuralsk).

Ak Biik (Bashkir Ak Bayek), Mountain, adjacent to in to the Ulu-Tau Ridge (16 km to the Sail of the village of Arkhangelskoe). Translated from the Bashkir language "White Height", "White Mountain". In Bashkiria, there are other mountains with the name Ak-Biik - on the ridges of Basal, Boutine, in the Valley of the Big Inser.

Iman-Arca, Mountain on the right bank of the Kurgash River to the Southern Mountain Ak Biik. In Bashkir's Imen-Arch - "oak hill".

Timer-ArcaThe low ridge coming to in from Ulu-Tau between the River Kurgash and Zilim in the direction of CER - Yuyuz. From Timer - "Iron" and Arch - "Range", i.e. "Iron Range". It was previously mined iron ore.

Magas, A separate mountain on the right bank of the Zilim River 15 km to 3 from the Ulu-Tau Ridge. Starting with J. Kiekbayev, compared with the Hungarian Magas - "high", based on the famous hypothesis about the past stay of Hungarians in Bashkiria. Comparison is very tempting, but it needs additional arguments and, in particular, first of all, further searches for Hungarian toponymy in the White Valley are needed.

Kyr-Tash, Mountain on the left bank of the Zilim River 9 km to from Sathbabino village.

In the literary Bashkir language Kyr - "Field", "Field", also "wild", Tash - "Stone", therefore, a translation "wild stone" is possible, however, it is necessary to keep in mind that the word Kyr in Bashkir dialects may have And other values, for example, "ridge" "Range", "Rock Comb".

Fatima Tash, Mount to Yu from Mount Kyr-Tash 15 km to from the Workers' village Krasnousolsky. Translated from Bashkir - "Stone Fatima" (Fatima - Women's Turkic name of Arabic origin, Tash - "Stone").

Caramals, A separate mountain 21 km to from the Krasnousolsky workers' village. In the Bashkir language Karama - "Elm (Tree)", Caramals - "Vyazy", consequently, "coming". On the territory of Bashkiria there are many other mountains and rivers with this title.

Takati (sometimes tacati-arch), Ridge coming on the left bank of the Zilim River from the mouth of the river Big Revat to the northern end of the Ala-Tau Ridge. Bashkirski Tacket - "Patience", Tekatte Shorty - "get out of patience", "bother". The locals are still explained - "patience burst" (because it is difficult to climb).

Biik-Tau., a low mountain range of the meridional direction to Yu from the working village of Krasnousolsky (between the right lifts to White - hand and Zigan).

Bashkirski Beek - "high", "height", Tau - Mountain, therefore, "High Mountain". In Bashkiria there are other mountains with this title.

Beautiful illustration for the thesis that an idea of \u200b\u200bheight relative: in the foothills it seems a high ridge, which in the center of the mountain country could be called with the value "low".

Shikhana (Sterlitamak Shikhana), Single mountains on the right bank of the White in the Sterlitamak area, for which a conical shape with steep slopes is characteristic. The most famous - Yarak-Tau (see), Kush-Tau (see), Tura-Tau (see). The geographical term Shikhan - "Hill, especially cool, isochih", as well as the "top of the mountain" is widely distributed in Russian counseling and Russian toponymy of the South Urals, the southern part of the Middle Urals, the Middle and Lower Volga region: Mount Schikhan near Saratova, the tract of the shyhans west of Buzuluk, Mount Schikhan on the outskirts of the city of Ust-Katav, Mountains of the blue Shikhan and Araculian Shhalan in the Chelyabinsk region, Baklushin Shhahan at the Tagil Urals and others.

There is an assumption that comes from V.I. Dal that the geographical term of Shikhan is borrowed from the Tatar language, but so far no one could specify which Tatar word was borrowed. Given that this term is primarily in Russian dialects, you can express another assumption: the word Shikhan is produced from the geographical terms of the Shish, the bump, denoting the pointed peaks in many places of our country (wolf cones on the Kola Peninsula, round bump, shelvyagin bump, aspen A bump in the Chelyabinsk region, Bystrekhinsky Shish in Altai, etc.). The path of education (Shish, a bump - Shikhan) here is about the same as in the case of the shoulders - the nickname Plekhan (surname Plekhanov). It is necessary, however, to take into account the data of Turkic languages, in particular, Bashkir dialectic Scheque - "Peak", so that the final solution to the issue is still ahead.

Yarak Tau., Mountain on the right bank of the White to CER from Sterlitamak. One of Sterlitamak Shikhanov. P. I. Rychkov in the "Topography of the Orenburg province" correctly interprets "Mountain Heart" (Bashkir Yurek - "Heart", Tau - "Mountain").

This is what a legend tells about this mountain A. D. Koptyaev in the sketch "I love you, Bashkiria":

"In the distant times, the guy loved the girl. She said: If you want to prove your love, bring me your mother's heart.

The son ruined the mother's chest and carried her the heart of the girl. But on the road he stumbled and dropped the heart into dust. The dying heart was attronable, he asked sparkling: "Do you hurt my son?" - And petrified. So on this place there was a mountain Yarak-Tau, which means "heart-mountain".

Kush-Tau., Mountain on the right bank of the White to Vs from Sterlitamak, one of Sterlitamak Shikhanov. In the "Topography of the Orenburg province", this name is given in the form of Kos-Tau and is accompanied by the transfer of "Double Mountain" (Bashkirski Kush - "Paired", "Dual", "Pair").

Tura-Tau., or tra-tau (Bashkir tyra Tau), mountain on the right bank of the River Belaya against Sterlitamak. P. I. Rychkov in the "Topography of the Orenburg province" wrote that on this mountain, "on taking Bashkirtsev, some Nogai Khan lived, why it is called a tour", "For the tour of Nogai nashia means an earthen town or shaft." I. I. Lepjin translates this name "Gorget Mountain".

The authors of the "Dictionary Toponimov Bashkir ASSR" are compared with the ancient Clkhirsky tour, Torah, Tyra - "Town", "Fortress", the ancient Turkic tour - "fortified dwelling", "Fortress" and indicate that, according to Bashkir six, Mount Tyra-Tau was In ancient times, the location of the Bashkir Khanov.

Camerala, The meridional ridge is about 30 km long between the ridges of the Zigan River and the Uryuk River.

In Bashkirski Casel - "Dear", "honorable", "respectable", also "cherished", "protected", "secret", in Tatar Caderla - "Dear", "precious", "cherished". If this comparison is true, then it is necessary to assume that the name acts in a tatarized form.

Ak-Kyr, Mountain on the right bank of the Nugush River 10 km to Yuyuv from the southern tip of the Caderal Range. Translated from Bashkir, confirmed by local residents, "White Ridge".

Bash-Ala-Tau, Range on the right bank of the Uryuk and Nugush River to Yuyuz from the Kaderaly Ridge. Length is more than 30 km, the most significant vertex is a red stone mountain. Translated from Bashkir Ala-Tau - "Pestrade Mountain", Bash - "Main", that is, the "main Pepper Mountain". For the reason for the name, see Ala-Tau.

In the dictionary of Toponymov Bashkir ASSR, it is indicated, however, that the component of the Bash in this case arose "in geographic literature" (from Bashkir).

Balya, Mountain on the right bank of the White to Yuz from the Range d Bash-Ala-Tau. From Bashkir Bale - "Bed" ("Dictionary Toponym Bashkir ASSR").

The mountains between the high-flow areas of the large inner and white approximately 54 ° C. sh. To the latitudinal flow of white approximately 53 ° C. sh.

Zilmendak, long (more than 70 km) ridges of the meridional direction between the Inser River and the Zilim River (White's influx) in its upper course. Orography is located between the ridges of the Byriana and the Boutine. The maximum height is 921 m. In Bashkirski, respectively, ElmeRzek (ridge) and yews (river), V. N. Tatishchev leads the name of the ridge in the form of Gilmzak. In Russian sources of the XIX century. The ridge is called Ilmerzak. In Bashkir Shezhera, according to R. 3. Shakurov, River Zilim - Liree, Gi Life, Life, Chetum, Wheel; P. I. Richkov and P. S. Pallas - Ilim, which allows you to compare this hydronism with the name of the left tributary Chusovoy - River Ilim. Forms with the initial "s" - Zilmertak and Zilim - the result of Tatar media.

A. A. Kamalov suggests that an ancient-bashkirsky geographical term is hidden in the DAK component (ZEK) with the value of "Mountain" (can be compared with the ancient Turkish tag - "Mountain"). In the initial component ate (ZIL) you can see the Bashkir word "wind". This, it was obvious that the basis for numerous people's etymological explanations of the names common among the local population, connecting the name of the ridge with the word Auba - "Wind" or the verbel Enelseu - "Waving", "Cry". At the same time, they tell about big winds on Zilmertak, that the flag was put on the top of this ridge during the war, and he was waving there, etc. One of these people's etymological explanations was penetrated into the "Dictionary of Toponyms of the Bashkir ASSR", in Which Oronym ElmeRzek is matched, however, in a cautious form with Elmer, Yelbar (ate - "Wind", Bar - "Have") and ZEK - Mountain.

When explaining the name Zilmendak, two circumstances should be taken into account.

Firstly, the Zilmendak Ridge is located in the upper reaches of the Zilim River, and these two names cannot be torn off from each other (cf. Zilm's basis and the name of the Zilim River, in the monuments of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Respectively, Jylm, Ilm and Ilim). True, in the modern Bashkir language there is a difference in sounds - ELMERZEK, but we ride, but it is well known that in the Bashkir language "s" in some cases goes back to L ". It could well be that in one word with a forgotten meaning and more difficult to pronounce because of the length there was a loss of vowel and "L" turned out to be in front of consonant (ElmeRzek from the alleged ElemeRzek), in another, where "L" was between vowels, he Switched to "s". If this construction is true, then the element Zilm in Oronim should be interpreted simply as "Zilimsky", since the names of rivers are usually ancient and, except for the Zilim River (Ilim) in Bashkiria, there is another river Ilim, flowing into Chusov.

Secondly, in a number of Bashkir Oronimov, the element of Ardak, Yerdak (in Bashkir - Erzec) regularly repeats. In addition to the name Zilmertak, you can give:

Awardak, Ridge near the origins of the Bass and Kurgash rivers (Bashkir's EuzERZEK), Mayrdak, Ridge West Beloretsk (Bashkir Maeierzek), Agigardak (see), Ranked east of the city Asha, finally, Kuamardak (Bashkirski Kyumarzek) If only this name is not chosen by Kumar Duck (for more details, see Kuamardak).

The Ardak component, Yerdak is not explained from the modern Bashkir language, and the listed Oronyms are usually interpreted by the local population only at the level of traditional etymology and with great difficulty. It is not by chance that the compilers of the "Dictionary Toponimov Bashkir ASSR", analyzing the Oronym of the Mayrdak and highlighting the element of Duck - "Mountain" in it, indicate that the value of the base of Mayar is unknown.

Meanwhile, such a repeatability of the Ardak component, the Yerdak and the presence of an element Zilm ("Zilimsky"), in Oronia Zilmertak allow you to assume that some geographic term is hidden in this component. He, of course, may be an ancient bashkirsky, but a word from consuming (cf. Ardacates), but its subject matter cannot be excluded. In order of very problematic assumption, you can compare Ardak, Yerdak with Ossetian Ardag - "Half", "Party", allowing the existence of a Scythian-Alan-Alan substrate in Bashkiria (cf. Tour in Belyatur).

The local Bashkir population often calls Zilmertak just Arch - "Range". On this long ridge a lot of vertices. Among them: Kayeu-Uigen - "son-in-law" (someone married and folded a bunch of stones in honor of this), Kalla - "Bloody", May-Cascan - "The oil rang", Et-Athans - "Dog shot", Tash-oh - "Stone House" (in Mount there is a cave), Moron - "Cape" (southern tip of Zilmertak).

Revat Biik (Bashkir Raeuet Beek), Mountain on the left bank of the River Rivat, the right influx of Zilima, to 3 from the Zilmertak Ridge. Translated from the Bashkir "Revatskaya Height".

Susak (Susak Tau), Mountain to from Ridge Zilmertak near Sela Aryshparovo. In Bashkirski Susak - "Natka".

Sarlak, Mountain to from Ridge Zilmertak at the village of Aryshparovo. Bashkir Dialect Sarlac (Literary Sarzak) - "Cherdak". Probably metaphor.

Kyzlar-Karauyla, Mountain to from Range Zilmendak near the village of Aisovo. Bashkir Kyz - "Girl" (Kyzlar - "Girls"), Karaowyl - "Karaul", "Guardians" (s - affax accessories), i.e. "Karaul girls." Locals clarify: "The girls watched the girls guarded."

Yabagy., Mountain to from Ridge Zilmertak in the upper reaches of the Zilim River. From Bashkir Yabaga (Yabaga Tai) - "Starigoon" (born in spring).

Ala-Tau., Range on the left bank of the Sheshhenyak River (the influx of Zilima) to the SUZ from the Zilmendak Range. Translated from Bashkir - "Pestrade Mountain". So usually call the mountains with well-pronounced vegetable areas, as well as mountains, on which snow spots are held for a long time. This name is widespread in Turkic toponymy: Dzhungarian Ala-Tau in Central Asia, Kuznetsky Ala-Tau in Southern Siberia and others.

Kalu (in many sources erroneous - coke), the long meridional ridge between Zilim and Nugushche on the right bank of the Sheshhenyak River to Yuyuz from Range Zilmendak. Range length - up to 60 km.

The Bashkir form of this name Kalu is literally translated "remain", "stay". The local population tells various legends that are generally reduced to the fact that someone on the ridge remained or was left (old Mullah, abandoned by a young wife; a child who has nothing to feed, etc.).

The "Toponimov dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR" is given the name of the influx of Sheshinyaka River Calueliyira (Calua - "Rest", "Extreme", Iyra - "Flow", "Sleeve River", "River").

Perfect most likely oronym.

Cook Biya (Bashkir Cook Baye), Mountain on the left bank of the Zilim River 6 km to the village of Zigaz. Translated from the Bashkir "Singing Mare" (Cook - "Blue", "Blue", Baye - "Mare"). Normal for Turks figurative name, reflecting horse breeding.

Butin, Range between Rivers Zilim and Big Nugush to the Yilmec Range. In the Bashkir language Bash - "Head", "Top", Tin - "Kopeika". One of the locals and transferred the name: "Copey's head," immediately adding with bewilderment: "Not glued!". Indeed, interpretation is very strange and looks like folk etymology. In this regard, it is curious that V. N. Tatishchev (XVIII century) leads a name in the form of Bestyn, and that some locals it is recorded with another vocational school in the first syllable - Beshtin, Bishtin. The instability of sounds indicates the oblivion of the initial meaning of the name, which naturally leads to folk etymology, therefore, that initially the name bischtin sounded, that is, "five kopecks"

The Bashtin locality in the Blagoveshchensky district (below Ufa for the flow of the White River) is mentioned in the "Toponymov Bashkir ASSR dictionary" (below Ufa for the flow of the White River), which for legend was sold for five kopecks, and the field of Bishtin Yalans in the Stupid district. Maybe the Range Boutine at one time was acquired by someone acquired for this similar price.

The northern part of the Bashkirski Range is called Zur Boutine - "Big Boutine", South Balkesa Boutine - "Small Battower" on the ridge a lot of vertices Ak-Moron - "White Nose", Kara Moron - "Black Nose", Arch Yort - "House on the Ridge", Koza-Ash - "Sva-Good Food", Kyzyrum-Tau - "Confirmed Mountain" especially beautifully typically Turkic name of one of the peaks of Ala-Cuzley - "Ponvert-eyed" (the forest on this grief alternates with big glades) .

Ardakty, Ridge to Yu from the ridge Boutin. Bashkir forms of Arzakti and Erzecte in the "Toponym Dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR" are left without translation. It is possible that in the title complicated by the affix accessories "You", is hidden for the Bashkir geographical term Arzak (ERZEK), or an ancient substrate word. For details, see Zilmendak.

Jurma Tau., long meridional ridge (up to 80 km) between the river river Zigaz and the White River from Starosubkhangulovo. The most significant vertices of Ismakaevskaya 5 km to 3 from the village of Ismakaevo (from Anthroponym Ismakai), Beritek - "One Slope", "One Lifting", Jurma, Small Jurma

In cartographic materials, in the geographical and local history literature, the form of Jurma-Tau was noted. The local population more often calls the Range of the Yarma Tau, although it is recorded and Jurma-Tau is primarily, apparently, the form of the Yarma Tau, which is translated as a "cereal mountain" (Yarma - Cropa, "Moite"), because, on explaining old-timers, On this grief there are many placers of small pebbles, similar to Cropa. The form of Jurma-Tau is usually associated with the word Yurme - "family of meat kushanya", or with the verbs of Jurmeu - "Sew through the edge", Yurtu - "Run Ryssy". It looks very similar to all this from the field of ethology.

Otherwise, in the "Toponym Dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR", where the name of the mountain is compared with the Bashkir ethnonym of Jurma.

Cf. Also Jurma and Bashkir Dialecty Yurme - "Dremucky Forest".

Kukashash, Mountain, West Schogh Ridge Jurma Tau 10 km to the SE from the village of Zigaz. Bashkir phrase Cook Pakasya translates the "Silest Spot". The name could be given for the characteristic change in the color of any part of the mountain, and the comparison is extracted from the arsenal of horse-cutting terminology. However, the Kukkushka River, whose name is being built to Zoni-Mu is mentioned in the "Loponymov Bashkir ASSR dictionary" is mentioned. This allows you to assume the name of the name on mountain peak with an adjacent object.

Basal, Range, going with CVD for Yuyuv between the ridge of Jurma Tau and the White River. In Bashkir, the parallels were not found, in the "Toponym Dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR", the interpretation is not given. In order of hypothesis, it can be compared with the are of Nuturki Basal - "Mountain Onion (Cheremsh)".

On the ridge of the vertices of Caez-Tash - "Koznyny Stone", Ak-Beek - "White Height", Kymyz-Tube - "Mute Hill" (here once they prepared koumiss during overnight stays).

Bayit Tau., Mountain to in from the ridge Basal at the village Novosubhangulovo. Bashkir Bayeth - "People's Poemy Work, Beit", consequently, Bayit-Tau - "Mountain, where (read) Bates." Informants say that on this grief earlier read prayer poems when someone died.

Masim (Bashkirski MEEME), Mountain (1040 m) on the Right Bank White to 3 from the Basal Ridge.

In the Bashkir folk epic appears oil-khan, or mambara. Since the rate of this feudal, according to legend, was in the upper course of white, there is grounds to associate the name of Masim Masim with anthroponym of Maseyhana (Masiba).

It is difficult to say that the primary is the name of the mountain or folklore character. In any case, the message of the famous ethnographer S. I. Rudenko is of interest, which in the book "Bashkira" writes that on the top of Masim-Tau Mountain, he had to see "the victims brought by the History of the Mountain of the Mountains to her who rose to it; The victims most often were either copper coins, tin or silver decorations of female breastplates, or, finally, the loskutka of the matters naked on the trees or tied to a stick, stuck in the crevice between the stones on the top of the cliff. " That is why the main peak of Masima is obviously named Kyzlar-Tash - "Devichy Stone". The experts of these places unanimously argue that the rocks on the main vertex are very beautiful (high pillars folded with pink quartciths). This, apparently, made Kyzlar Tash to the place of maiden holidays and rituals.

It is very important that in these places there are other mountains and rocks, the names of which are associated with the Bashkir Folklore: Mount Babysacmbay, Mount Karahyyr ("Black Cow"), Atyasel ("Zarezh, Father") and others.

Bash-Tau., Range with the direction of CER - Yuyuz, coming on the right bank of the White River between Selo Lowermen and the working village of Upper Avzyan. Length - up to 40 km, the most significant vertex of the Mountain of Big Sala in the central part of the ridge. Translated from the Bashkir Bash-Tau - "Home Mountain", "Head Mountain", but the fact is that Bash-Tau is a cartographic form, and the local population calls the Bisht Tau Ridge, or more often Bashitek, Beshather (see Big Shatak ).

Big Shatak, the most significant mountain (1270 m) on the ridge, which in some cartographic sources is called Bash-Tau (see), in others - Big Shatak.

Bashkir name of the entire ridge - Bishitek, Bashtek (less often Bish-Tau), the shape of a big chant (or just Shatak) is the Russian processing of the Bashkir name, and other ORONIMA options found in the maps and in special works (Shatan, Shaitan, Shatag), - Distortion of the name. The Russian shape of Shatak arose, apparently long ago. In any case, it was fixed already by I. I. Lephechin in the XVIII century.

Bashkir name Bashitek, Beshtek translates "Five Podolov (Ruff)" in the sense of "five slopes", "five lifts" (Bish, Bezh - "Five", ITEK, ETEK - "Hem", "Oracker", "Mountain", " "slope"). On the ridge really five vertices. The "Five Mountains" translates is less commonly found by Bish-Tau.

Yaulik Tau., or Yauluk, in written sources also Yauluk, Yavluk-Tash, Mountain in the upper reaches of the right influx of the White River Yaulik to in from the northern tip of the Bash-Tau Ridge. Translated from the Bashkir "Shawl Mountain". It is unclear that primary is the name of the river or mountain.

Kraka, Mountain arrays on the left bank white to in from the village of Uzan and Kaga (the most significant height is 1037 m). There are northern arrays, medium and southern craft. Geomorphologist N. P. Verbickskaya describes this part of the mining Bashkiria: "The characteristic feature of the relief of the collapse arrays is their strong dismemberment. The thick peristo-branched network of rivers and logs is deeply embedded into the slopes, as a result of which narrow ridges divergent from nodal waterproof vertices were formed.

In Bashkirsky, the ridge is called Kyraka (V. N. Tatishchev leads the shape of a Karaka, reflecting the likelihood of vowels in Russian or Bashkir speech). The local population believes that Kyrak's name dates back to more ancient Kirk-Arch - "Forty ridges" (Kyrk-"Forty", Arch - "Range"), which exactly corresponds to the above geomorphological characteristic. It is quite possible to assume that difficult for the pronunciation of Kyrk-Arch eventually turned into a kyraca, but still retains its original meaning in popular memory. At the same time, another is possible: we are simply a successful folk etymology that has gained widespread among the local population.

In the "Toponimov Dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR", the ORONIMS is being built to the Bashkir Word of Kyrak - "Range", "Mountain Ridge".

Eastern part (Ural-Tau, Irendel and Eastern Floor)

Ural-Tau., The waterproof ridge, going with the CER to Yuyuse through the entire Southern Urals from the Railway, Zlatoust - Chelyabinsk to the Verkhovy Sakmary and Zilair Plateau. On the CER to the Ural-Tau, almost the entire waterproof ridge to Karabash can be attributed, since the local Turkic population also calls him Ural-Tau (the cartographic form is the Uralsky Ridge). The total length of Ural-Tau is 300 km, and with the Range Ural - up to 340 km. We need to translate the Orion Ural-Tau simply "Ural Range" (see details on the origin of the word Ural).

Nurali, Meridional ridge in the very upper river Miass. In the pronunciation of Russians, due to the assimilation of vowels, they usually gone, therefore, in writing sources, options were often found and the Naradian Mountains. From the Turkic name of the Persian origin of Nurali (from HYP Ali - "Light Ali").

Kerdy, Mount 11 km to from Nurali Range on the left bank of Miass. From Bashkir Kurta - "Bog" with the help of affixes of "dy" affix, therefore, Keronds are "quag". The fact is that below the mountain of the Miass River flows through an extensive shadow swamp.

Ausch-Tau., Mountain 4 km to the South Town of the Nurali Range near Lake Aushkul (Mountains are also sometimes called Aushkul, Wed. Zyuratkul). More reason to consider the hydronism derivative, as the Bashkir Aushe, Tatar Ausch - "inclined", "leaning", rather, can be attributed to the title of the mountain ("inclined mountain").

Kumach., Range, going with the CER on the Yuyuse from the headwinds of the Miass River to the Ui River. It consists of massifs of Big Kumach (8 km on the Southern Mountain of Ausch-Tau) and Small Kumach. Near the ridge flows the Kumach river, flowing into Miass. According to the explanations of the local population, in these places they sow bread, they collect good crops, so the mountain is called in Tatar Kumache - "Bull", "Kalach" (Bashkir Kumes). But maybe we have an ordinary metaphor: the mountain shape suggests a comparison with a round or oval loaf.

Ozonegur, Range 3 km to from the southern tip of the Kumach Range. In Bashkir Ozone - "Long". The component of the GUR, apparently, originated from the KYR - the "field", "ridge" ("K" passed into "G" after the ringing "H"). The ridge is small (2.5 km), but narrow and therefore has an oblong form, which could be reflected in the name of the name - "long field", "long ridge". Since the exact Bashkir form is not established, it is also necessary to keep in mind the Bashkir Ozan - "TETEREV-KOSAH", i.e. Ozan-Kyr - "Tetherian (coshair) field (ridge)."

Shelkanda, Mount 13 km to from Mount Kumach. Probably, the title of Bashkaresko-Tatar Shalkan - "Rope", Shalkanda - "Repon". The importance of "repin" for the mountain is somewhat strange, but you can also give the name of the mountain Red River on the Sulia Ridge and Mountains Shalkan Tau - "Repon Mountain" near the Village Muldakaevo in Beloretsky district of Bashkiria. Cf. Also related "agricultural" Oronyms Kumach and Ozongur.

May-Tube (Bashkir May-Tube), Mount 9 km to South Mountain Big Kumach. From Bashkir May - "Oil", "Fat", Tube - "Hill", "hill", i.e., May-Tuba - "Fat (Oil) Hill". Maybe for good grass in the land (Wed. Mountain name Oil on the Polar Urals). Cf. Also related names Kumach, Ozongur, Shelkanda.

Ola-Tau., Mountain 1 km to the South Town of the Kumach Range. Apparently, inaccurately recorded Bashkir Ool-Tau - "Big Mountain".

Karagaz-Tau., Mountain on the left bank of the Ui River 3 km to the Yuyuz from the southern tip of the Kumach Range. Bashkir form Karagas-Tau - "Larch Mountain".

Small Irendyk, Range (SV - UZ) on the right bank of the river Sy between the upper and the Uya and the Urals. Length is 15 km, the highest height is 922 m. See Hrenovyk.

Ui-Tash, East Spurs of the Ural-Tau in the origins of the Ural and Uy Rivers, which originate, respectively, in the southern and eastern slopes. On the main vertex, numerous rocks, of which the most famous rock finger. Translated from the Bashkir name means "Uyan Stone". In the record I. P. Falka Witau, that is, "Uyskaya Mountain" or Karatas - "Black Rock" ("Black Stone"). P. S. Pallas and I. I. Lephechin call the vertex, which starts the Urals and Yi rivers, Karatas - "Black Rock" ("Black Stone").

Ala Biya, a rocky ridge adjacent to the UZ-TASH array. Bashkir Ala - "Pegii", "Morning", Beee - "Mare", i.e. "" Pepper Mare ". Metaphoric name from the sphere of horse breeding, ordinary for Turks.

Tash-mosque, Mount of 9 km on SZ from Massiva Ui Tash. Bashkir Tash - "Stone" and Messet (Tatar Mother) - "Mosque", i.e. "Stone Mosque". Metaphor in the similarity of the form. The name is Russified.

Zengur, Mountain is 11 km on ZSZ from Massif Ui Tash. Bashkir Zangger - Blue, "Blue". The geographical term Tau (TASH) is lost in Russian.

JarTube (Bashkir Yar-Tube), Mount 5 km to Yuyuz from Massif Ui Tash. Translated from the Bashkir "Outflowing Top", "Rounded Hill" (Yar - "Cool Beach", "Open").

Yantyk, Mount of 12 km on Yuz from Massiva Ui-Tash. In Bashkir, the word Yantk has the meaning of "coast", "curve". Such a name could be given for a specific form. Several otherwise in the "Loponimov dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR", where the ancient Turkish Yantik is attracted - "the slope of the mountain."

PressureSometimes Press-Tau, the name of the two mountains 12 km by 3 and 16 km on Zuzya from the rux of Ui Tash. From the Turkic name, Nimih - "Star" or Nazim - "holding in order", "Organizer", Arab on origin.

Caragona, Mount 7 km on Zuzyt from Mount Press (South) and 23 km on Zuzya from Massif Ui Tash. The Bashkir Karagosh - "Vulture" dusted by the Russian language. The Mount Karagush is somewhat north.

Bik-Baiter, Mount 12 km to Yuyuz from Massiva Ui Tash. Bashkir's Beyek - "High", Batyr - "Bogatyr", "Hero", i.e. "High Bogatyr". Normal for the names of the mountains of the metaphor, based on the likelihood of a mountain man.

Ara-Tau., Mount of 12 km on Yuyuz from Massiva Ui Tash. Translated from Bashkir - " Midland"," Intermediate Mountain ". One of the tops of this mountain is called Berkuta (Bashkir's Bashkut-OA) - "Orlia's nest".

Ishikai, Mount 1.5 km to Yu from Mount Ara-Tau. From the Bashkir-Tatar personal name Ishikei. Local residents are associated with folk etymology with the Bashkir word of Ishka - "Door".

Ayu Athans, Mount K 3 from Mount Ara-Tau. Bashkir Ayyu - "Bear", Athcan - the sacrament of the past time from the verb atu - "shoot", means Ayu-Atan - "(Mountain, where) the bear shot."

Kanchel, Mount 5 km to the CER from Mount Ara-Tau. According to the "Dictionary of Toponyms of the Bashkir ASSR", from Bashkir Kan - "Blood" and Shal (Sal) - "Branch", "Snoggy of the Mountain", "Mountain", i.e. Kancheal - "Bloody Sprog".

Silay-Tau., Mount to Yosz from Ara-Tau near the village of Buragulovo. Bashkir Seyel - "Cherry", i.e. Silay-Tau - "Cherry Mountain".

Serkidey Tau (Serykai), Mountain in the riverfire of the Urals and his right influx of the River Barlag between the settlements of Buranguulovo and Kiryabinskoe. In Bashkir, Sergei - "Komar", Serkeide, "Comarery", therefore, Sergeyda-Tau - "Komarina Mountain". I. I. Lephekhina - Mount Chirkay with the translation of Moshkara.

Yakub-Tau., Mountain on the left bank of the Urals to the SE from the village of Buragulovo. From the Turkic name Yakub, i.e. "Mount Yakuba. By origin, this is the Hebrew name, which penetrated the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthrough Arabic through. In the Christian born, it corresponds to Yakov. The primary meaning of the name is "coming next."

Kaza Tau., Mount to 3 from the village of Kiryabinskoe. Bashkir caza - "Goat", i.e. "Goat Mountain".

Japper Tau., Mountain between the rivers of the Bars and Baral, the silence of the Urals 6 km on Yuyuv from the village of Kiryabinskoe. In the speech of the local Russian population - the Egypt. The maps occurs an erroneous form of a diaphracta. Bashkir Japper - "Sheet", therefore, Japper-Tau is "Sheet Mountain". Local residents tell that "there was a lot of leaves, the rich was crop." This explanation, however, does not disclose the cause of the name.

Cuby, Mount of 12 km on Yuz from Japper Tau. See cubic.

Cubacian, Mount 24 km on Yuz from Japaque Tau and 3 km from the village of Kubakovo. From Bashkir anthroponym CABEK.

Kalkan-Tau (Kalkan), Mountain is 12 km to from Mount Karaki near Lake Kalkan (to the CVD from the city of the city).

P. I. Rychkov leads in the forms of Calgan and Kalkan-Tau with the translation "the rest, or extreme mountain". This interpretation occurs in the local lore literature, with reference to the Bashkir Calgan - "Outside", "Other", however, the local population claims that the Oronym of Kalkan needs to translate "defense" and additionally explains that "Bashkir soldiers earlier such plates metallic attached to the chest To protect against weapons. " In Bashkir, Kalkan - "Shield", Calgan - "Outside", "Other", Therefore, the interpretation of Kalkan-Tau as a "shield mountain" is preferable.

Karagay-Tau., Mount 7 km at St. Calkan-Tau to from from the city. Translated from the Bashkir "Pine Mountain". There are a lot of such names in the southern Urals.

Tash-Yar., Mount 15 km to from the city of Uchbay. Translated from the Bashkir language "Stone Open".

Akhuntov, Mount of 12 km to Vyuv from the city of Ucha. Modern Bashkir form - Akhun-Tau. Turkic Anthropony Ahun, or Ahund is a form of Persian on the origin of Agahudavand - "Mr. Vladyka". Two ways of formation of the Russian form are possible: from the Ahund (Ahun) version with the help of the Russian suffix (a) and from the Option of Akhun with the processing of the Turkic Tau in Russian soil in TOV (a), just like from the Ural-Tau (Oral-Tau) It was an oral (b) of the city.

Bangul, Mount 20 km. On the SMZ from the Mountain Cubacik and 15 km to from the working village Tylarly (953 m). At the heart of the Bashkir personal name Brangol (in the Russian transmission of the Brangul), in some dialects - Barangol, cf. The names of the Bashkir villages of Buragulovo in Abzelilovsky, Davlekanovsky and participation areas.

Ustu-Biik, Mountain on the right bank of the Ural River 15 km to from Mount Bangul. In Bashkir, Osto Beyek - "Acute height".

Ulu-Tau., Mountain on the right bank of the Ural River 2 km to Yuyuz from the Mountain of Ust Biik. In Bashkir Ool-Tau - "Big Mountain".

Uraz-Tau., Mount of 25 km on Yuyuz from Mount Bangul and 20 km to Beloretsk. Another uraze-Tau is in the Bashkir Assure Bashkir Assar region near Starosubkhangulovo. According to the "Dictionary of Toponyms of the Bashkir ASSR", perhaps from Bashkir Ureze - "sublime, hilly place". The population associates with the religious holiday of Uraz (Muslim post), apparently, on folk etymology.

Uzun-Kyr, Range of 1 2 km on in from Uraz-Tau Mountain and 18 km to ZZZ from Verkhneuralsk. In the Bashkir language Ozone - "Long", Kyr - "Field", "Kryazh", i.e. "Long field", "long elevation" (the length of the ridge is 12 km). 3 km from the ridge - Lake Uzunkul - "Long Lake". The lake also has an oblong shape, so it is difficult to say what kind of name is primary.

Tash-kaya-Tau, Mountain on the left bank of the Urals 15 km to the CVD from Verkhneuralsk. Translated from Bashkir - "Mountain Stone Rock". On the mountain there are many stone placers and rocks, which caused the name.

Yukala, Mountain on the right bank of the Urals is 18 km on SZ from Verkhneuralsk. From Bashkir YuCEL - "Lipovaya", i.e., "Lipovaya (Mountain)".

Revolution (Velve Mountain), Mountain in the Urals Urals to 3 from Verkhneuralsk. According to the explanation of N. I. Shuvalov, in the XVIII-early XIX century. "There was a way from the Major Mountain, where iron ore was mined, on Beloretsky and other ironing plants. The peasants who took the ore of the remuneration, usually stayed on this mountain to relax, hence the name ... "

Mother, Mount of 12 km to Vyv from Verkhneuralsk. From Bashkir Anthroponym MEYEY (Wed Mami - "Sweet", "Children's Food", but also "Muam").

Kurcac, Range between the tops of the River Mindyak and Small Dvizil 22 km on Vüv from Beloretsk. The most significant vertex in the southern part of the ridge is also called Kurkak and has an absolute mark of 1008 m (in some sources this vertex is referred to as Kara-Tash - "Black Stone").

Bashkirski Kurcak - "Coward", "Course", but no confidence that the name of the mountain is really connected with this word.

Kur-Tash, Mount 10 km on Vüv from Beloretska (Bolshaya Kur-Tash-1021 m and Small Kur-Tash). G.E. Cornilov explains from the Cor-Tash - "Tetherian Stone".

In the "Toponym Dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR" The name of Mount Kurtash is interpreted from the chickens - "rich" and Tash "Stone".

Arvyak-Rai, Mount 20 km to Yuyuz from Beloretsk (1067 m). This ORONIM "is designed" on the common principle of Mountain is called two rivers taking place near it (the river river falls into the white left, the Arvyak River is a flow of ripples). Bashkirs themselves call this mountain Ryas (RES), Ryaz-Tash (Raz-Tash), that is, "Ryazsky Stone", or Arvyack. In the geographical work of the 40th GG, Razjaztash is referred to as "Toponymov Bashkir ASSR dictionary" - Arvyack.

Utkal-Tash, Mount 7.5 km on Yuyuz from Mount Arkhak-Alder Bashkir Utkel - "Passage", "Transition", which means Utkal-Tash-"passing stone."

Shonkar., Mountain to Yu from Mount Utkal-Tash in the upper reaches of the River Small Kizil. From Bashkir Schongkar - "Falcon", "Falcon".

Rat-tau, Range of the almost meridional direction between ridges of Kurcak and Irendel. From the west, the ridge is limited by the valleys of the rivers of small and large dogs, which then bypass it, respectively from the north and from the south. Range length - about 60 km. The most significant vertex of the ridge is Mount Kara-Tash (1114 m) - "Black Stone". Other high peaks: Sroll-Tau (Shooky Tau) - "Spouse Mountain" (1087 m), Ak-Tash- "White Stone".

In Bashkirsky, the ridge is called Kirkta-Tau, or Kirkti. This name literally means "he refunded" ("cut", "cut"), representing one of the forms of the past time from the Bashkir verb Kyrkyu - "refurb". G. E. Kornilov translates - "Cropped (chopped) mountain". Usually, this sense is investing in this expression: the Greater Kizil river flowing along the ridge (Kyzyl) ridge, steeply turning to the east between the ridges of the rat and Irendel, "cut" the mountains and escaped on the steppe space. At the end of the Bashkir legend "Ural-Batyr" we meet with the same explanation, but already in the poetic form: the son of Ural-Batyr Bogatyr Idel's blow of a beaded sword big mountainAnd the gorge has become known as Kirkty (and on the gorge and ridge). It is possible that S. F. Mirzhanova assumes, the modern Bashkir form arose on the basis of people's etymology.

The Bashkir ASSR Center dictionary is given another interpretation from Bashkir Kyrk - "forty" in the meaning of "many", "many" and suffixes you (Tau) - "Mountain".

Kuryatmas, Meridional ridge to in from the Range of Kratkty-Tau (25 km to 3 from Magnitogorsk). In the local lore literature, the name is given in the form of chickens with the translation of "Tetherov do not live." Since "Tetrayev" in Bashkir's Cor, and the word Yatmasm can be considered as a negative form of the severity of the future time from the verb of Yatua - "lie", "go to bed" ("Tetherov will not lie"), this translation is quite accurate.

Tashti-Kuryatmas, Meridional ridge to in from the Kuryatmas Ridge (23 km to 3 from Magnitogorsk). Bashkir Dialects Tashti - "Stone", therefore, Tashti-Kuryatmas must be translated by the "Kuryatmas" (see Kuryatmas).

Magnetic, Mountain array on the left bank of the Ural River on the eastern outskirts of Magnitogorsk, which contained the rich rich deposits of iron ore - magnetic Zheleznyak, open in the first third of the XVIII century. The array is pulled from the Urals from the Urals and is surrounded by other less significant peaks. The highest mountain of Atach (614 m), located in the southern part of the array, is considered the main vertex of magnetic. This is quite consistent with the observation of P. I. Richkov in the "Topography of the Orenburg province" that the magnetic mountain "in the Bashkir Name of Atachi is referred to." In some sources, Mount Atach is also launched.

The Russian name of the array (magnetic) does not require any additional clarification, on the contrary, the value of the indigenous name (attachment) is established with difficulty. M. I. Albrut, who studied this issue, rejects the assumption about the relationship of Orionem Atach with Bashkir ETES, Tatar etch (add another Kazakh etche) - "Rooster", since the mountain configuration does not have similarities with a rooster. He prefers to compare the name of Atach with Bashkir-Tatar AT - "Horse", Ah (AS) - "Hungry" ("Hungry Horse"), as Mountain is deprived of vegetation, and, moreover, leads the legend about Bashkir Bogatira's attack, as if buried on top of the mountain.

The legend, of course, as in many other similar cases - later, fabrication, and the etymology of Atach - the "hungry horse" is unsuccessful, because the order of Ah + AT ("Hungry horse") is natural than AT - (- Ah (Horse Hungry) . On the contrary, the assumption about the connection of the name of the attack with Turkic words with the meaning of the "rooster", contrary to Albrut, interestingly. In the sound attitude, comparison with Tatar etch impeccable (long-learned names in many cases are tatarized), and in relation to Orionim, it is necessary to keep in mind As described in 1901 (to intensive development of magnetic) Mount ATACH was a narrow comb length of more versets. The similarity with the roushin comb, observed at a certain angle, could lead to the appearance of the name of the Atach - "Rooster". This version seems therefore more justified.

From the names of other vertices of the array (birch, long, everybody, tosyanka) is interesting only to the Uzenank, which is connected with the Bashkir-Tatar Uzen - "Valley", "Valley", "lowland".

Kuibas, Mountain array to SV from magnetic with tops Large and small kuibas. In the Kazakh language Koy - "Sheep", bass - "Head", therefore, Kuibas - "Sheep's head". The nature of the vowel first syllable could affect the related Tatar and Bashkir word Kui - "Sheep".

Aydarla, Mount to Yuz from magnetic. In the Kazakh language Aydar - "Chub", "Khokhol", as well as "hill", "Hill with a cone-shaped bunch of stones upstairs", Aydarly - adjective from Aydar. According to the geomorphological observations of 1901, the mountain is characterized by a pyramidal form.

Kara-Adyr-Tau (Kara-Adyr), Mount to Yuz from Mount Aydarly. Translated from the Kazakh language "Mountain with black hill (hill)".

Kuchaykin, Mount Kara-Adyr-Tau from Mount Kara-Adyr-Tau. From the Bashkir Anthroponym Kuchy, in Russian assimilation - acer.

Uzun-Dzial (Uzun-Zyal), Long ridge to the SD from Major Mountain on the River River Humbai. In the Kazakh language, Zuben - "Long", the blinding "Mane (Horses)", portable "mountain range", therefore, Zuben-Dzial - "Long ridge". The name accurately conveys the nature of the object.

Irendel (Bashkir's Irise), Sometimes Irenedyk-Tau, the ridge in the southeastern part of the Bashkir ASSR on the border with the steppe supplement. Starts on the right bank of the river big dogwood and ends south city Baimak. Ridge length - more than 110 km. The northern continuation of the Irendel behind the river Greater Kizil is the ridges of rats-Tau and Kurcak. Then, even further to the CER between the heads of Yu and the Urals, we again encounter the ridge (approximately 15 km long), which is called Irendel, and on the maps - a small hornger (see). Therefore, it may be that before indigenous population I considered the Range of the Harende to the whole mountain chain, walking parallel to the Ural Tau, but 15-20 km east.

The highest part of the ridge is located in the center against the lake Talkas and is called in Bashkir Kara-Tash - "Black Stone" (987 m). From the names of numerous vertices are interesting: Tagan-Tash - "Stand-stone" (cf. Taganay), Kozdon-Tash- "Voronov Stone", CamE-Bash - "Boat vertex" and Balta-Tau - "Topor Mountain" ( It, according to the description, oblong, sharp and cool vertex).

The name of the Irendel mysteriously. He was trying to compare with Bashkir Yyryn, Yyrynda - "ravine, dusty water", but this is not suitable in sound. In the "Dec" component found a modified ancient-bashkirsky geographical term with the Mountain value (ancient Turkic tag - "Mountain").

Locals associate the name of the Range Small Irendel with Ireneu - "be lazy" and tell various legends, but all this is clearly from the field of folk etymology.

It is possible to decompose this name on the components of the IR (Turkic "Earth" or "Hero") and Endack (in the middle-turk, there was a closure word ENDEK with the "roof" value). In this case, Irenedyk is the roof of the Earth. For the inhabitants of the Zararal steppes, such perception seemingly, it would be quite possible, however, this version is smaller.

It is curious that I. I. Lephechin recorded in the XVIII century. The name of the ridge in the form of an Irentik, and P. S. Pallas mentions the name of the two salty lakes near Chelyabinska Irentik-Kul, in Russian - bitter lakes. However, the name of the lakes is difficult to compare with oronym.

In the "Toponimov dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR", IRENDEK is based on the basis of Irene and Suffix Dec - Mountain. The base of Irene is compared with the Hydroim of Irentik-Kul and the River Irene, the influx of Syll.

Karagay-Susak, Mount West Range Irendel 20 km to CVD from the city of Baimak. In the Bashkir language Karagay - "Pine", Susak - "Sopka", that is, "pinestock".

Aitugan., Mountain in the top of the Cana River, Belaya Flow, 30 km on ZSZ from Karagai Susak Mountain.

The name of the mountain may be anthroponym, because Aitagan, the son of Kasbulata, is mentioned in the Schreter of the Bashkir tribe Taman. Anthroponyus Aitugan means "relative of the moon". But it may well be that before us is a pure toponymic metaphor (cf. Taganay).

Yelbash, Mountain at the southern end of the Range of Irenedyk 30 km south of the city of Baimak. Perhaps, in this oroime, Bashkir words were combined - "Wind" and Bash - "Head", "Top", that is, "windy vertex". The name of this kind is appropriate for the mountain located on the border with an open steppe. In the toponymy of various peoples, such names are often found, Wed. The famous rack of the windy belt in the north-west of the Arkhangelsk region.

Check, Mountain on the left bank of the Urals is 50 km to from Baymak. Apparently, the tatarized form of the Kazakh shock is "Hill", "Budgorm with a poisoner top". Geologist XIX century. G. P. Gelmersen Kara Chek (Obviously, the Kazakh Kara-shocks) - "Black Hill" (Wed Kara-shock, Mulgarians).

Ala-Baital, Mountain on the left bank of the Urals against the mouth of the river Large Urtazimka. Bashkir or Kazakhstan name with the meaning of "Pegaya Mare" (Ala - "Pegui", Baital - "Non-Outborn Mare"). The name reflects the horse breeding of Turks.

Asafkina, Mountain to Yow from Mount Ala-Baital. From Anthroponym Asaf, who dates back to the Hebrew source and penetrated Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthrough Arabic through. Its initial value is "the one who adds God." The name of the mountain is formed from the Russian form of Asafka.

The mountains of the south of the latitudinal area of \u200b\u200bthe river white and the elevation adjacent to them (are given from 3 to B)

Common crawl, extensive elevation - the watershed of the Urals and the Volga, which is a powerful Western span of the Ural Mountains. The most significant vertex is the Mount of Bear Lob North-west Orenburg (405 m). Toponym the total crawl is already used by P. I. Richkov in the "Topography of the Orenburg province".

The Turkic word crawl is the meaning of the "elongated plane elevation, forming a watershed". The well-known researcher of the Southern Urals Geographer E. Eversmann in the book "The Natural History of the Orenburg Territory" writes that the general source "forms all over its total separation of water, which means the most Russian-Tatar name. All streams and rivers flowing on the southern slope of common raw materials go to the Urals; On the northern slope - they fall mediocre or directly in the Volga. "

Otherwise, this name is E. M. Murzaev and V. A. Nikonov: the total plant did not settle for a long time, but was used as pasture and Kazakhs, and the Russian population.

Finally, at the very recently, X. A. Samakayev from Orenburg offered another decision. In his opinion, the Common Syr is occupied by the dominant combining situation among other similar hills (raw), famous for the names of Cretaceous Syrov, Middle Syrte, Blue Syr.

The regularities of the appearance of toponyms are more responsible to the point of view of E. M. Murzayev and V. A. Nikonova.

Lighthouse (Mayak), Mount to 3 from Orenburg. In the "Topography of the Orenburg province", P. I. Richkov, this mountain is called Syrov, and it is indicated that there is a lighthouse on the grief. See Lighthouse (Porcery Urals).

Ilekskoe plateto, the lifting of the latitudinal direction in the Ural interference and his inflow of the Ilec River (length is more than 150 km). Named on the river Ilec.

Boat Mount, Mountain on Ilek's plateau 22 km to SZ from the city of Sol-Iletsk. Here in 1919 parts of the Red Army fought with White Guards.

TUZ-Tube., Name of the mountains near the city of Sol-Iletsk, containing a huge salt deposit. In the "book Big Drawing" 1627 it was written: "Pala in Yaik, with the left sides of the Yaik, Ilz River, below the mountain Tusteri, on our mountain Salo Mountain: Break Salt in it." Translated from the Bashkir and Kazakh languages \u200b\u200bTuz-Tube - "Salt Hill", "Salt Mountain".

Korsak-bass, Mountain on the left bank of the river Ilec in the upper reaches of the River Malaya Hobda. Kazakh Karsak - "Korsak (Steppe Fox)", bass - "Head", i.e. "Korsak head". This sharp characteristic mold is made by red-colored sandstones. Hence the metaphor.

Nakossa, Meridional ridge on the border of the Bashkir ASSR and the Orenburg region on the right bank of the River Big IR (to from the working village of Tulgan). The greatest height is 667 m. Breaks the big fence and small tax. Here is the river Oaksa, the right influx of Big ICA. The authors of the "Dictionary Toponymov Bashkir ASSR" are compared with Bashkir's hillocks - "Small", "Kutsy".

Bish-Blyulyak, Range between the Okata River and the tributaries of the Togustmir River (Salcsa River Pool) to 3 from the Space Ridge. In one work on the geology of Orenburg, there is also the translation of this name - "five hills". More accurate translation - "Five parts" (Bashkir Pilek, Kazakh boilele - "Department", "Part"). The fact is that this small ridge is dismembered on a row of hills

Yaman-Tau., Mountains on the left bank of the River big and k to the South School of the Space Ridge. Translated from the Bashkir language - "Bad Mountain", "Bad Mountains".

Zilair Plato, extensive plateau in South Bashkiria between the Large IR River, the right influx of Sakmary, and the Sakmaru River. By the name of the right-wing tributaries of Sakmary Rivers Yalar Zilair - "Field Zilair" and Urman Zilair - "Forest Zilair", crossing this plateau with C on Yu, as well as the village of Zilair - the center of Zilair-district. The Russian name reflects the Tatar form in Bashkir's toponym sounds yyliyr.

Diau-Tube, The meridional ridge, walking along the right bank of Zilair, and then along the right bank of Sakmara almost before her turn to the west at the city of Kuvandyka. Length is about 45 km, the maximum height is 619 m. The ridge is adjacent in the north to the extensive Zilair plateau.

Bashkir's words of Diau (in the Literary Language of Yau) and Tube mean, respectively, "Fight", "Army" and "Hill", "Top". Thus, Dzyou-Tube should be translated - "The top where the fight was." In the Bashkir villages in Sakmar, they say that there was some kind of battle in the old days, sometimes they add that the battle was between Bashkirs and Kazakhs. In the southern Urals there are many similar names: in Bashkiria there is, for example, Mount Jagasta - "the army retreated", and in the Orenburg region, North-west Sol-Iletz-ka - Mountain (see).

Russians are called Dzia-Tube - Shaitan, or Shaitan Mountain.

Gubernlyan Mountains, low, but long ridge (more than 100 km long), coming on the right bank of the Ural River between the city of Kuvandyk and the workers' village of Iriklinsky. The mountains were called on the Guberel River, disseminating the ridge into two parts and in the Urals flowing into the Urals already in the writings of V.N. Tatishchev, P I. Richkov, P. from Pallas (XVIII century).

The Governors of the Mountains together with the left-bank hills are associated with the Urals actually with Muurgians.

Matveyev Alexander Konstantinovich

Crimea is famous for the whole world with its mountain arrays and incredibly picturesque landscapes. Mountain Karaul-both is one of those places that, undoubtedly, it is necessary to visit lovers of mountain slopes, steep lifts and unforgettable sensations. Karaul-both is located between the town of urban type, the new light and the silence of the fun.

Geographic coordinates of the Mountain Karaul-Boe on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.8168, E 34.9088

Mount Karaul-Boe It consists of an ancient coral reef with the highest point of 341 meters. With the Turkic language, the mountain name is translated as "guard" or "observation vertex". This name is fully justified, since, rising to the highest point of the mountain, you can contemplate the eastern coast of the Crimea until Cape Megan and the southern coast to Mount Ayu Dag. Great, blue and green bay of new light are perfectly visible.
Such favorable location took advantage of the Bosporus Tsar Asandr in the middle of the 1st century BC, who gave a decree to build the Kutlak fortress. To date, you can see only the remains of the defensive outpost in the western part mountain Massiva Karaul-both. Archaeologists have repeatedly found fragments of ceramics of brazers on the slopes of the mountain, which dates from the second century to our era.
Karaul-Boe is saturated with all sorts of rocks, which are reminded in their outlines of various animals. The landscape highlight of the mountain is the Valley "Paradise" and "hell." The paradise valley is filled with trees and shrubs, and the valley of hell with impregnable rocks.
Passing contrasting valleys, the path brings to the viewing platform with a stone chair, which is called Golitsyn's chair. Historians argue that it was here that Lev Sergeevich loved to consider local possessions. He with a special trepidation referred to the new light and in every way landscaped him. For example, all stone stairs were built thanks to Golitsyn, which tourists use today.

The stone staircase, which was still constructed by brands, leads to a narrow gorge "Adamovo Lodge". This place of the Mountain of the Karaul-both especially mysteriously, as the walls are witching ivy and even the day here is dark and gloomy.
The highest point of review mountains Karaul-Boe It is a peak space from which incredible landscapes are opening, breathtaking. It is there that you can feel like a bird in flight.

Another incredible beautiful place Karaul Boe is the royal beachwhich is located in the Blue Bay. There is crystal clear water, but it will not work there, as it refers to the protected area.
Karaul-both is a geological miracle of light. This status was sent for no accident, on the slopes of the mountains, tree-like juniper groves grow, which are pleased not only by the gaze of tourists, but also smelling. Karaul-both of the most beautiful places

(56 ° 00 "- 51º00" p. Sh.)

The Southern Urals includes part of the Ural mountainous mountainous country between the latitudinal section of the upper current of the Ufa River and the latitudinal section of the Ural River between Orsk and Orenburg. The total length of the southern Ural ridges is more than 550 km. In the latitudinal direction, the Southern Urals between Ishimbay and Magnitogorsk reaches 200 km. This is an extensive mountainous country, the ridges of which in its northern part between Ufa and the Inzer are in the general direction with the St. Josin, and in the southern part between the insion and the ledge - in the meridional direction. South of the Valley of the White Mountain of the South Urals, they become much lower and passed between the rivers Big IR and Sakmar in the vast Zilair plateau, named on the right tributaries of Sakhmary Rivers Yaler Zilair and Urman Zilair, crossing the plateau with C on Yu. However, in this part of the South Urals There are ridges with tops more than 600 m, for example, Diau-Tube - "combat vertex", a meridional ridge adjacent to the south to Zilair plateau. Southern Urals ends with low governile mountains, which are connected to the Urals actually with Muurgians. They got a name on the Guberev River, the right influx of the Urals. The mountains of the Southern Urals are quite high, the most significant - Yaman-Tau (1640 m).

The orographic system of the South Urals is highly difficult. In order to more or less consistently present an oronymic material, it had to be divided into six regions, only partly taking into account the orographic membership.

On the territory of the Southern Urals are the eastern part of the Bashkir ASSR, Western regions of the Chelyabinsk region and the mining part of the Orenburg region.

Oroniums of the Southern Urals Mostly Turkic Origin: This is primarily Bashkir names, among which there are interspersed by Tatar Oronymium, especially noticeable in the area of \u200b\u200bZlatoust. In the extreme south and the southeast, Kazakhs come to the change of Bashkir names. In many cases, the Bashkir names of the ridges and mountains act in written sources and on maps in a tatarized form, since in the old days they usually recorded from the mouth of the diplomas - elder and clergy, among which there were a lot of Tatars.

The Russian names of the mountains are a lot in the Chelyabinsk region, where they are in some places there are more often Turkic.

The western part of the Southern Urals from the latitudinal section of the Ufa's upper course to the latitudinal section of the Inser's lower flow, including foothills

Hookah, elongated with the CER on the Yuyuz Ridge about 20 km long between Ufa and her left tributary to the suroam river (to 103 from the city of Lower Ufali).

It is precisely consistent with the Bashkir hookah- "A special bag for arrows", the genus of the quiver, which was once used by Bashkir warriors. Perhaps the name of this dome-shaped vertex is a bright metaphor (Wed Mashak).

Tatar hookah - "The Cross Tube" suits much less.

Tura-Tash, Mountain (828 m) in the upper reaches of the Large Arsha River 20 km from the Hookah Range. On the top of this steep mountain a lot of rocks. Bashkir and Tatar word Torartash means "idol", "Istukan", and the collector of Bashkir Folklore A. G. Bessonov gives curious ethnographic data: "This is the name of the stones, similar form per person or some animal. There are Bashkir, Tatars and Meshcheryakov legend on how God turned people (just Russians) for sins (for blasphemy over the graves of Magometan saints) in stones. "

In Bashkiria, there are several mountains with the name Torah-Tash (Tura-Tash). The Torah Torah Mountain on the ridge of Irendel is also wonderful of bizarre rocks.

Thus, the Bashkir Torah-Tash, in essence, identically by Mansiysk Puigg-Ner - "Stone idols" and is an indirect reflection of the ancient pagan beliefs.

Maskaralya, Range on the left bank of the Arche River to the SOUTH from the mountain Tura-Tash. According to A. G. Bessonov, the Bashkir name of this mountain Maskyaryala dates back to Maskar, Maskyal - "Delighted" (Bashkir Mәshәrә - "Shame", "Stamp", MәShәRәL- "shameful"). N. I. Shuvalov associates with the name of the Bashkir generic group of Mascar. P. S. Pallas calls this ridge Mastery-Arkasse and mentions the streams of mascake, falling into ah. For the term Arkasse, see the Bakal Mountains.

Azes, a meridional ridge in the upper reaches of the Large IR river, the right influx of Aya, 20 km from the southern end of the hookah ridge. In the southern part of the ridge takes the beginning of the river Azi, the right influx of Big Arshi (pool Aya).

Since the adjacent names of the mountains (Hookah, Tura-Tash, etc.), as well as rivers (Allaelga, Vaelaga) of clearly Turkic origin, it is hardly advisable to bind Oronym with Russian outdated azes ("Men's outerwear with long sleeves"), although this word And borrowed from Turkic languages \u200b\u200b(Azerbaijani Aldejam - Persia, learned in turn from Arabic). Rather, here is Bashkirskoye, Tatar ADM, әDәm - "Man", "Adam".

If the hydronime is primed, then it is possible that we are an ancient Dotuurk name, assimilated by Turks and recycled in the spirit of ethology.

Saryyak, ridge between the river river Big IR and the Ai River to the South Ridge from the azes ridge.

Most likely a comparison with Tatar Sarah - "yellow", Yak - "side", "Edge", "locality", that is, the "yellow side", "yellow terrain". The reason for the name, however, is unclear. The recording of the Tatar or Bashkir form of the name is necessary, especially since there is still Bashkir Narayak, Tatar Sarayak - "calf cow-pilot."

Ak-Kashka, Mountain on the right bank of the river Large Arsha, adjacent to in to the Saryyak Range. Translated from Bashkir and Tatar languages \u200b\u200b"White Spot", "White Lysin".

Karaul-Tau, the mountain in the Western foothills is 30 km from from the Saryyak Range.

Refers to the number of numerous "guard mountains", which are many both in Russian and in the Turkic oronium. The same sound is due to the fact that the Russian word Karaul is borrowed from Turkic languages \u200b\u200b(in Bashkir - Karaaul). In the South Urals there are other guard-tau, as well as the Mountain Karauoul-Tube - "Karaul's Sopka", Mount Soleman-Karaul - Suleimanov Karaul, etc.

Not all of these names are associated, however, with guard forces. Observation of the terrain, forest fires and much more was the reason for the widespread "guard" toponymy.

Shitime mountains, mountain ridges on the left bank of the river Ai to Z from Zlatoust.

As the geologist of I. V. Musketov explains, these mountains received "the name" Shishi "for a common view, which appears to be separated, on the crest of which cone-shaped, sharp vertices are relieving. Thus, the oronym is purely Russian, which is not surprising for the long-masted mining zode of Zlatoust - Kusa. However, the question arises about the origin of the element in the suffix. It is obviously can be considered as an eufonic, that is, inserted for Prozunya, since the adjective Shish is uncomfortable for pronunciation (Wed from Ufa - Ufimsky, and not Ufsky).

Zhuka-Tau, a narrow, but rather long ridge, going on the left bank of the river ah with St. Juz between Rivers Ai and Big Satka (from the city of Kusa to the Workers' settlement Berdyush). Bashkir Yoka, Tatar Yuka - "thin", "thin", Tau - "Mountain", that is, "Thin Mountain", "Lyudaya Mountain". The initial is explained by the alternation of th - in Bashkir and Tatar dialects. Cf. Another Bashkir-Tatar Yukә - "Lipa" ("Lipovaya Mountain").

Kazan-Salgan, ridge on the left bank river ah, adjacent to the SZ to the Zhuka-Tau Ridge.

Translated from the Tatar language "put the boiler" (Kazan - "Boiler", Salgan - the sacrament of the past time from the verb Salu - "put", "put"). In Turkic toponymy, the verb designs of this type are very often found. As for the value, the "boiler" names in toponymy of various peoples set (the island of the boiler in the Arctic, Put-Tump - "Boiler Mountain" in Mansiysk Oroniam in the Northern Urals, etc.).

Tui-Tube (Tuy-Tube), mountains on the River River Ai River 30 km from from the Zhuka-Tau Ridge. Bashkir Tui- "Wedding", "Pier", tube - "Top", "Hill", that is, "Wedding (fellow) vertex".

Sulia, Range in Mezhdurya Aya and Yurisani between the Zhuka-Tau and the city of Yurazan. Length is about 50 km.

Difficult to explain the name. In order, hypothesis may be associated with the Tatar Sul, Bashkirsky һul - "left", Tatar Soulyak - "Exchange", "Left side". If you are melted down, Sulia will be left.

P. S. Pallas mentions the crack of Silias-Arkasse near the River Ai (about the geographical term Arkasse, see the Bakali Mountains). Obviously, he means precisely Souleu. German traveler Geologist G. Rose, who visited these places in 1829, writes about the ridge of Silia, through which there is a large road from Ufa to Zlatoust. If the forms of Silias, the power are prim than, then to explain the name of the ridge, you can attract Bashkir Oronym (power) in the Salavatsky district of the Bashkir ASSR, which the authors of the "Dictionary Toponimov Bashkir ASSR" translate "quiet valley" (һul - "quiet", "calm", UA - "Valley"). In addition, it is necessary to keep in mind that in the southern part of Sulia takes the beginning of the Silga River. This name may also be related to the name of the ridge.

Kukshik, a small ridge on the left bank of the river ay, adjacent to the SZ to the Sulia Range.

Editor V. Chernetsov believes that Kukshik is "a bluish mountain" ("Satkin Worker" for October 9, 1979). Cf. Bashkir words of Cook- "Blue", "Blue", shәke-"peak".

Bakal Mountains, a group of mountains to Yu from the Sulia Ridge in the nearest surroundings of the city of Bakal, which contains the richest deposit of iron ore, which was open and began to be developed in the middle of the XVIII century. P. S. Pallas calls these mountains bakalacass. The Bashkir word Arkasse he immediately explains as the "rocky long and cool mountain of the mane" (Wed. Modern Bashkir Arch - "Spin", "Mountain Range"). Since the name of the city of Bakal moved from the name of the river Bakal, which takes the beginning of the south-west of the city and then flows into a small Satka, there is every reason to believe that both bachelorass in translation means simply "Bakalsky Range", "Bakal Mountains". They currently include the Mountains of Burendich (see), Irkuskan (see) and the Schuyde Ridge (see).

Burendich, one of the bakal mountains, on the slopes of which are iron mines. Located on the southern outskirts of the city of Bakal. Between Burendichi and the Mountain Irkuskan, the Bulan river, the influx of Yuruzan flows from her. Geographic M. I. Albrut connects the Oronym of Burendich with the Turkic Bulan - "Elk", Buland - "Losina" (cf. Bashkir Bolan is "deer"), but it is difficult to say that the primary river or mountain.

P. S. Pallas and I. I. Lephechin call this river Bulan and Bulanka, emphasizing that "Bulan Tatar name of the moose, which in the local ... Limits are a great set." Pallas Muses near the Boulan River calls Bulanian.

Irkuskan, one of the bakal mountains rich in iron deposits. Located to the SN from the city of Bakal between the mountain of Burendich and the northeast end of the bitch ridge.

A. G. Bessonov, and then M. I. Albrurt translate "Earth exhausted" (Mountains, on explaining Albrut, as if raised). Since, except for the EP Cookan - "Earth,", in Bashkir, there is also a combination of Il Cankon - "Man Naughty", it would seem that both interpretations are quite possible. But Pallas recorded this name in the forms of Jirkuskan, Dzhirkyuskan, which allows you to see the Bashkir EP, Tatar fat - "Earth" in the first part of Oronyms, and it is not involved in the shapeless form with the Bashkir Glagol Kosoy - "Blax", "Expite", and with Kusu - "Naval", "Go", "move", etc. And indeed, in Bashkir Toponymy, we find the name Erguskәn (from EP Kuskn), which leads V. Sh. Psyanchin with the translation of the "Earth transfers". Taking into account the Olyonov said, Irkuskan must be restored as

Irkusku and translate "Earth moved", "Earth crossed", obviously, in the sense of "The Earth moved (collapsed)." Such a translation is convincingly confirmed by the existence in the Bashkir language of the word Kusten - "Avalanche".

Schuyde, a ridge of a latitudinal direction, belonging to the group of Bakali mountains and located to the Zuzy from the bakla (between the bale and the city of Yurazan). The exact Bashkir (Tatar) compliance with the Russian name has not yet been fixed, and the interpretation possibilities are diverse. However, I. I. Lephechin in the XVIII century witnessed the form of Otida. If she is closer to the Turkic source, then the name can be supposedly associated with Bashkir Shyza - "hard".

Bash-Tash, Range in the river river rivers Ai and Yuruzan K from from the Sulia Ridge (20 km to from the station Vizial). Translated from Bashkir - "Main Stone" or "Head Stone" (Bashkir Bash - "Head", "Chief", "Head", Tash - "Stone").

In the Bashkir ASSR, there are several more mountains called Bash-Tash.

Yangan Tau, Mountain on the right bank of the Yuruzan River below the village of Komsomol, 35 km on CER from Kropachevo railway station. In Bashkirski Yangan - "Gorely", "burning", Tau - "Mountain", that is, "burned mountain", "burning mountain" (translate and "burning mountain"). Local Russian name - "Warm Mountain".

Hot steams are now smoking on this mountain - the consequence of the fire impregnated with oil rocks (bituminous markels), which, according to P. S. Pallas, began on the impact of lightning back in the middle of the XVIII century: "In fairy tales near the living old-timers of Bashkirts, hit the thunder In a big pine ... I have frown even with the root yourself. Flame of this was a grief, and it burns inside inside since that time. "

Agigardak (Azhigardak), the ridge on the left bank of the Sima River, adjacent to the city of Asha. Some sources meet the Dzhigandak version. In the "Materials on the history of the Bashkir ASSR" under 1762, we will find the mountain of Siegerdian, perhaps the same Agigardak. The forms of Gigardak, ZigroDyan most likely arose in Russian soil, since the initial syllable in turkishms Russians pronounce a much weaker finite on which the emphasis falls.

Oronymis from the modern Bashkir language is not convincingly interpreted. It is possible that it must be chosen not to adjigar + duck (Wed. Ancienturk tag - "Mountain"), and Agig + Ardak, considering the second part as an archaic or even the substrate geographical term (for more details, see Zilmertak). The value of the first part is just as problematic.

Interestingly, Pallas calls Agigardak - Dzhiggertau. This form, it would seem, speaks in favor of the membership of Agigar + Duck, since Tau is a Bashkir geographical term with the value of "Mountain", but it can be considered as Bashkir processing of the substrate toponym.

Unfortunately, an accurate Bashkir form name is unknown.

Baskak, ridge 10 km to the ZSZ from the upper wheel of the Sim. In Bashkir and Tatar languages, the word Baskak was once existed - the Khan Dani Collector. The reason for the name is unknown, but the names of the mountains and rocks of the Boyar type, the colonel, the protopop, etc., is distributed quite wide. Oronym is probably Turkism, but he could arise in Russian, since the word Baskak in the old days penetrated from Turkic languages \u200b\u200bin Russian.

Tank (Baka-Tau), mountain on the right bank of the Lemeza River 20 km on Yuyz from the city of Asha. Turkic tank - "Frog", therefore, tank - "Frog" ("Frog-Mountain"). The names of this kind are also known in Russian oronyms. There are, for example, a mountain frog in the river basin in the Northern Urals.

Manu, a low ridge on the left bank of Simism between the lower reaches of Lemisa and Inzer.

Some sources provide the Bashkir form of this manana name. It can be translated "Macked", "painting", "Makania", "dyeing". From the point of view of the structure of Turkic languages \u200b\u200bin such toponym there is nothing unusual. The reason for the name, however, is unknown.

In the "Loponimov dictionary of the Bashkir ASSR", only the name of the village of Managora is analyzed, which is on the eastern slope of the Range Manu. Toponym Managora is considered as a literal translation of the Bashkir manatau, possibly meaning "Karaul Mountain".

Further refinements are needed.

Byriana (Bashkir's Biřín), a ridge between the heads of the Lemeza River and the Inser River, the Northern Continuation of the Zilmertak Range. Bashkirski Bir- "Dai", "Give", Yәn- "Soul", all the expression as a whole local residents translate "Give the Soul", "Melci" (the combination of Yәn Bieuu and in the literary language means "to give the soul", "die "). From the point of view of grammar, the name fully complies with the norms of the formation of Turkic toponyms. Mount could get a name that "Give Soul" or "Umci" for inaccessibility. The local population sometimes tells what the name is some man whose name was transferred to the ridge.

Two wonderful Crimean bays, Blue and Kutlakskaya, are divided by a closing massif Kaul-Both, sometimes you can hear the old name of Cape - Chicken-Kai. From the village of the new light on the labeled trail 3.5 km to the top, and from the tour duct in the village of cheerful only 2.5 km. True, the road due to the lifting and numerous stops on the photo shoot and the sighting of the sights is delayed for a long time.

Origin of titles
Toponym Karaul-Both Turkic origin, deciphered as a watchdog mountain.

The value of the name Kutlak is interpreted as: the Turkic Koot root means happiness, and the suffix "Lac" says that there is a lot of objects. Thus, Kutlak is a place where many happiness has been collected. No wonder nearby is the Valley of Paradise.

Walking on the cliff Karaul-Boe

This route is simple, even the laughter at the age of age rises. The steps are burned on steep areas. It begins up the rise up near the juniper grove or from the cape of the addict in the village New World. There are many paths, they converge, then they are going to one again. Step up, do not miss!

Although there are people in beach shoes and clothing on the way, it is better to take care of equipment. In the trekking shoes or sports sneakers, headdress and shorts you will feel comfortable. Take a camera and a bottle with water.

On the whole path there are excellent sightseeing platforms, fancy pine shapes and juniper. The road smoothly rises, more and higher.

  • Here is the throne of Golitsyn. Good photos are obtained here.
  • Further descending to the cave is cold, from where it makes a long-term Merzlot. You can get there only with special spekelery.
  • And here the roots of the trees intertwined and turned out to be enjoying the ladder, worthy of your attention.

Where are the valleys of Paradise and hell

The glade of hell you will find out on the journey of frightening stones. Come to the cliff and admire the beautiful sea landscapes: Cape Kapchik, away Cape Megan, Blue (Tsarskaya) bay. The Emperor Nicholas II was bought here during the visit to Prince Leo Golitsyn and his estates paradise (modern new light). The exit from the valley of hell guard two rocks, called the damn horns.

Further on the inflection paths carefully look at the right. The main trail leads to the Kutlak bay, and the ruble path goes upwards. It goes to the Paradise Valley and a sentigible peak (the modern name of the peak of space). Such a modern name was invented by another sightseeing site. You can again admire landscapes and photographed.

Video review of the guard-both

As a guard-both helped the ancient brands

A little more, and you will raise the top of the guard-both, the height seems to be small, 342 m, but the views from the rock are excellent. Each weather and lighting create interesting effects. On the way, numerous clefts and caves will meet, under their feet of the remains of the ancient stairs of the Tavrov. When the Crimea attacked Roman legionnaires, the local residents had to leave fertile lands and hide from the enemy in the mountains, arranging dwellings in the caves. Tavra not only hid, but also attacked the barbarians, used the Karaul -Oba rock to observe the troops of the enemy and the signal fires.

Returning to the marked route, follow the fun. Another interesting stone is standing at the end of the way, it is a cliff of sequirs. To someone, she really resembles an instrument in shape, and someone sees the mushroom in it in half. After a few hundred meters, the trail will lead to the recreation center "Marianide".

Inspection of the ancient Kutlak Fortress

If you are lucky, then on the descent from the tourism, you can inspect the remains of the walls and defensive buildings of the ancient fortress. It was located on the natural terrace, approximately 70 m above sea level. The Kutlak Fortress The most ancient fortification structure in the Crimea refers to the time of the reign of the Bosporian Tsar Asandra. Her remains archaeologists have discovered relatively recently, in 1982. It is believed that the fortress defended the boundaries of the Bosporian kingdom from the barbarians and the marine pirates 2,000 years ago, at the turn of the old and new era. The antique fortress had a quadrangular shape with guard towers in the corners. The height of the preserved walls reaches 4 meters.

Heaving in the village of Mesh, go to the way back ...

How to get to the cliff Karaul-Boe

If you are going to make a walk on the climbing massif Kaul-Both, then you need to get to the village new light. Here every hour follows minibuses from the city of Sudak.

Another option is to start the route in the village of Cheerful. Whatever option you choose, then you have to go on foot, roads on the guard-both are not laid.

Kaul-Boe on the map of Crimea

GPS coordinates: 44 ° 49'21 "N 34 ° 53'36" E latitude / longitude

* The first settlement near the station Kartaly was the village of Poltavsky, founded in 1743 as a military settlement of the Orenburg Cossack troops in the Novolinear region under No. 6. Named to the memory of the famous Poltava battle of 1709. Now one of the towns of the city.

Karasa Four rivers, left influx of underwear (territory of the city of the formation), pool yy; the left influx of big dogwood (Kizilsky district.), the pool of the Urals; Right influx of Berseate (Bredian district), Tobol pool; Left influx of Lower Toguzak (Varna District); Lake, Nagaybak district.

Turks are so called steppe new-dealing rivers and lakes that feed on spring waters.

Carat, Karasia, Carasevo, Karasi - more than a dozen lakes and rivers in different parts of the region.

Lakes are almost all non-flowing, stagnant, powered by groundwater outputs. Part of the Russian names, pointing to the type of fish common in water bodies. Others - arose as a result of rethinking in Russian "in Karasia" Bashkir toponym Karasa, pointing to the source of nutrition in soil waters; Third educated from personal Bashkir names: Caras, crucian Karas, Karasa.

Caratan Village, Lake, Etkulsky district.

In toponym, historical relationship with the name of the Bashkir family who lived here is based on the ancient Turkic name Karatan - Karas, associated with the cult of fish.

Karatka Lake, Oktyabrsky district.

From the Turkic Male Names distributed in the past near the Tatar and Bashkir Karatau, karatava.

Kara-Tau, Range, Ashinsky district.

From the Bashkir "Mountains with a Dremucky Forest", where ka - "dense", tau - "Mountain".

Kara-Tash, Top of the Karaul-Tau Ridge, Ashinsky district; Two mountains, Uyan, Verkhneural districts.

Translated from Bashkir - "Black Mountain", where ka - "Black", tash - "Stone", "Mountain"; Here is a word ka Indicates not only on the black color of rocks, but also for lack of vegetation.

Kara Tibis, Lake, Oktyabrsky district.

Title from the language of the Siberian Tatars, ka - "Clean", "Transparent", tebis, Tabs, tabs - "Mirror" (smoothly smooth, as a mirror); So they called open areas of water - "glass" on the lake insertion. Kara-Tibis - "Lake, with open, clean stroking and transparent water."

Kara narbis Rivers, the right influx of Humbai (Nagaybak district), the pool of the Urals.

Translated from Bashkir - "spring duct" or "River arising from the Earth (Earth)", where ka - indicates the nutrition of the river with groundwater, narbis - "River".

Karaulovka Village, Katav-Ivanovsky district.

The village arose in the second half of the 20th century. At the site of the factory picket guard.

Guard-tau ridge Karau-Tuba, Mountain, in Kara-Tau, Ashinsky district; Kaul-Tube, Mount Agapov district.

From Turkic words karau, Karauyl - "Karaul", "Inspection", "Guardians", tau - "Mountain", tube - "Top", "Hill", "Mountain", i.e. "Watchtail or Karaul Mountain".

Guard Lake, Oktyabrsky district.

In the XVIII - XIX centuries. There was a post of Orenburg Cossacks.

Kara Chura (Kara-Churin), Lake, Nagaybak district.

From Tatar male name Karachura , with the basis ka - "Black", "Chernets", chura - "Slave", "slave", "Assistant".

Karashar River, left tributary ya, Uyy district.

From the Karashar's ancient Turkic men common from Bashkir - "Blackless".

Carbiz-Kul, Lake, Oktyabrsky district.

From the Turkic names common from the Tatar and Bashkir Carbiz, Carbos.

Karel Rivers, the right influx of low satka; Mountain, farm, former Karelian mine, Satkin district.

Most likely, from the Turkic name Kara-tree - "River with dark water."

Karmatkullake, Argayash district.

From the Turkic Male Names distributed from Bashkir and Tatars CARMAT, KARMAK, CORMAT, CERF.

Karsanak, The village, the territory of the city of Upper Ufale.

From the ancient Turkic male name Karsanak.

Karsa village; Kara Stopping platform, Trinity district.

The village is based on the place of the former here in the XVIII century. POST STATION Yam Uslaminsky (on the river Usamma, from the Turkic name of the Uslam). Renamed Kars - from the Turkic Male Name Karas , Karas. So named the neighboring lake.

Kartabz, Village, Lake, Oktyabrsky district; Cardak Village, Lake, Troitsky district.

From the ancient Turkic male names Kartabz and Cardak Where kart - "Old", "Elder", abyz - "scientist", "enlightened", or simply "competent" person (from Arabic hafiz - "Defender").

Karyas Mountain, Katav-Ivanovsky district.

From the widespread Tatar and Bashkir of the ancient Turkic male name

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