Geographic objects of Africa. Etymology of the names of physico-geographical objects of Africa Aden

S. I. Rundkov

Natural land objects. AFRICA:

Geographic nomenclature and guidelines

Saransk 2010.



NEEDLE "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 125 "height \u003d" 120 src \u003d "\u003e Yu. Sh., 19 ° 59" in. d.). Located on the territory of the South Africa republic, in 155 km south-east of the Cape of Good Hope.

Rasha Hafun

Hafun, Cape on the Men Somalia, the extreme eastern point of the African continent (10 ° 26 "northern latitude and 51 ° 23" Eastern longitude). "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 100 "height \u003d" 64 src \u003d "\u003e Green Cape - Peninsula on the African coast Atlantic Ocean, in Senegal. The most western point of continental Africa. On the southern tip of the Green Cape is the city of Dakar, the capital of Senegal. "width \u003d" 19 "height \u003d" 40 "\u003e. GIF" ALT \u003d "(! Lang: Signature:" align="left" width="316" height="130 src=">.jpg" align="left" width="94" height="64"> Эль-Абьяд, мыс на побережье !} Mediterranean Sea, 13 km north-west of Bizert (Tunisia). The northernmost point of Africa (37 ° 21 ° C. sh. And 9 ° 45 ° C. d.).

Bays and bays

Cider (Big Sirt) "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 106 "height \u003d" 83 src \u003d "\u003e cider (East. Large Sirt) - a large bay of the Mediterranean Sea At the shores of Libya, depth to 1374m, width to 465km (at the entrance to the bay).

Gabes. "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 136 "height \u003d" 112 src \u003d "\u003e Gabes - the Bay of the Mediterranean Sea near the north shores of Africa, in ancient times they called Small Sirt. Washes the territory of Tunisia. Extends on more than 100km and has a depth of about 50m. In the southern part of the entrance to the bay is the island of Djerba, and in North - Kerkenna Island

TUNISIAN "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 232 "height \u003d" 96 src \u003d "\u003e Tunisian Bay - a large bay of the Mediterranean Sea near the northern coast of Africa, Isaming the territory of Tunisia. On south Bank The bay where the capital of Carthage was previously located, now the city of Tunisia is located.

Guinea "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 126 "height \u003d" 86 src \u003d "\u003e

Guinean Bay - the Bay of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Equatorial Africa. Going into the land between capes Palmas in the North-West (Liberia) and Palmayyrinhasha (Angola) in the south-east. The components of the Gulf of Guinean are bays of Benin (in the north) and Biafra (in the East).

BENIN "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 131 "height \u003d" 102 src \u003d "\u003e Benin - Bay in the Atlantic Ocean on southern coast West Africa, part of the Gulf of Guinea. It extends to 640 km to the east of the Cape Saint-Paul (Ghana) to the mouth of the Niger River. Benin Bay Water is washed by the coast of Ghana, Togo Benin, Nigeria.

Biafra "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 104 "height \u003d" 81 src \u003d "\u003e Biafra - Bay in the Atlantic Ocean, part of the Guinean Bay. Water The bay is washed off the coast of Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Laymen and Gabon.

Adensky "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 298 "height \u003d" 169 src \u003d "\u003e

The Aden Bay is part of the Arabian Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Indian Ocean. Length 890km. The North Bay of Bay is the Arabian Peninsula (Yemen State). The South and West Bay of the Bay is African Continent (Somalia and Djibouti states). In the West, the Bay of Tajura is distinguished, in the south-east, the bay is separated from the rest of the Indian Ocean to Socotra (Yemen). The bay is connected to the Red Sea Bab El Mandantry Strait.


Gibraltar "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 148 "height \u003d" 102 src \u003d "\u003e Gibraltar Strait - an international strait between the southern tip of the Pyrenean Peninsula and North - The coast of Africa, connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean. Length 65km, width 14-44 km.

Bab El Mandant "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 186 "height \u003d" 165 src \u003d "\u003e Bab El Mandsky Strait - a shed between southwestern The tip of the Arabian Peninsula (the state of Yemen) and Africa (Djibouti and Eritrea states). Connects the Red Sea with the Aden Bay of the Arabian Sea. The smallest width is 26.5km, the smallest depth on the fixer 182m.

MOZAMBICAN "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 123 "height \u003d" 102 src \u003d "\u003e

Ocean flows

Canary "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 172 "height \u003d" 161 src \u003d "\u003e canary current - cold and, subsequently, a moderately warm force In the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. Most water canary flows in Azores and Portuguese current, as well as from the water-rich and rich water minerals. At the beginning it proceeds in the southern and south-west direction along the North-West Coast of Africa and the Canary Islands .


Bengelska flow, cold current of the Atlantic Ocean, the northern branch of the flow of Western winds. It takes the Western shores of South Africa from the south to the north and then to the north-west, moving to the southern trade house.

Mozambique "width \u003d" 20 "height \u003d" 112 "\u003e gif" width \u003d "19" height \u003d "75"\u003e. gif "width \u003d "64" height \u003d "115"\u003e "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 294 "height \u003d" 198 src \u003d "\u003e Amyrah Islands - Archipelago in the Western Indian Ocean to North East of Madagascar Island, approximately 300 km south-west of Seychelles. Participated by the Republic of Seychelles. Area 83 square kilometers. "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 88 "height \u003d" 69 src \u003d "\u003e. jpg" align \u003d "left" width \u003d "148 "height \u003d" 115 src \u003d "\u003e

about. Ascension

Ascension Island - volcanic islandLocated in the Atlantic Ocean in 1600km west of the African coast. It is part of the British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena, from which is located in 1287 kilometers to the northwest.

Canary "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 112 "height \u003d" 76 src \u003d "\u003e. jpg" align \u003d "left" width \u003d "100 "height \u003d" 76 src \u003d "\u003e

Green Cape "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 100 "height \u003d" 76 src \u003d "\u003e. jpg" align \u003d "left" width \u003d "100 "height \u003d" 76 src \u003d "\u003e islands Green Cape They are a cluster of 10 large and 8 small islands in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, west of Senegal, separated on the weathered and imaginary group.

Madeira "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 142 "height \u003d" 172 src \u003d "\u003e employees" href \u003d "/ text / category / sluzhashie / "REL \u003d" BOOKMARK "\u003e Employees of the guinea of \u200b\u200bthe Birds are the islands of the dessertash and the islands of Selwazh.

Sv. Elena "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 98 "height \u003d" 69 src \u003d "\u003e 148" height \u003d "40" style \u003d "vertical- Align: Top "\u003e Saint Elena Island is located in the Atlantic Ocean in 2800km to the west of Africa and belongs to the UK. The island of Saint Helena is the overseas ownership of Great Britain, somewhere except the island of St. Helena, enter the islands of Ascension and the Archipelago of Tristan Da-Kunya, as well as small islands and rocks.

Comorese "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 208 "height \u003d" 88 src \u003d "\u003e Comoros, Union Comoro Islands (SKO) on the O-GBO Archipelago (Anjouan (Njuani) - 424 square meters. Km, Grand Comor (Nhazjezha) - 1146 square meters. Km, Mayotte (Maor), Mokhli Island State South eastern coast Africa. Located in the Mozambic Strait of the Indian Ocean between the east coast of Africa and the North-Western oh. Madagascar.

Seychelles "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 89 "height \u003d" 100 src \u003d "\u003e republic Seychelles - island state In the western part of the Indian Ocean, a little south of the equator, approximately 1600 km east of the African mainland, north of Madagascar. The republic includes more than 100 islands and islands, inhabited only 33. The most big Island - Mae (142 square meters. Km.). On him is the capital of the state - Victoria. Other large islands - silhouette, Praslin, La Dig.

Maskarensky "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 124 "height \u003d" 84 src \u003d "\u003e. gif" width \u003d "43" height \u003d "137 "\u003e. Pemba "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 100 "height \u003d" 76 src \u003d "\u003e pemba, coral island in the Indian Ocean, in the eastern shore of Africa , Dissolved from the mainland of the Pemba Strait. The area of \u200b\u200b984 square meters. km. Part of Tanzania. Height up to 99m. Climate Equatorial-monsoon. precipitation up to 1000mm per year. The cloves are cultivated, coconut palm trees. "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 132 "height \u003d" 89 src \u003d "\u003e Zanzibar - Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Tanzania, which And belongs. The largest islands - Pemba and Unguja, in everyday life also called Zanzibar. "width \u003d" 96 "height \u003d" 78 "\u003e. jpg" align \u003d "left" width \u003d "112" height \u003d "85 src \u003d "\u003e .gif" width \u003d "31" height \u003d "106"\u003e Madagascar is the fourth largest island of the world, located in the Indian Ocean, the eastern shore of Africa, separated from her Mozambique Strait. Island Area - 590 thousand square meters. km. Length is about 1600 km, width - over 600 km. The state of Madagascar is located on the island.


Socotra-small archipelago from six islands in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia, about 350km south of the Arabian Peninsula.

Guinean Gulf "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 184 "height \u003d" 116 src \u003d "\u003e the largest islands of Bio, Sao Tome, Principe, Annobon. Bio - island in the Biafra Gulf (part of the Guinean Bay) of the Atlantic Ocean, the largest of the islands owned by Equatorial

Guinea; Ocean.


SOMALIA "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 125 "height \u003d" 107 src \u003d "\u003e Somalia (African Horn) - Peninsula in the east of the African continent. From the north is washed by the waters of the Gulf of the Gulf, from the East - Indian Ocean. The territory of the peninsula is part of the Somalia state, part - in Ethiopia. Area is near sq. M. Km.

River "width \u003d" 97 "height \u003d" 59 "\u003e NILE "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 92 "height \u003d" 63 src \u003d "\u003e Nile - River in Africa, one of the two greatest longs rivers in the world. The river originates on the East African Plateau flows into the Mediterranean Sea, forming a delta. In the upper course, it takes major tributaries - Bahr el-Gazal (left) and Achva, Sat, Blue Nile and Atbara (right). Below the mouth of the right influx of Atbara Nile flows on the semi-desert, without having tributaries over the past 3000km. The length of the Nile (with Cavero) - about 6700km (the number is most often 6671km), but from Lake Victoria to the Mediterranean Sea - approximately 5600km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe pool, according to various sources - 2.8-3.4 million square meters. km. (Fully or partially covers the territory of Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan and Egypt).


Atbara (Arab. Bahr-El Asuad) - River in Africa (in Sudan and Ethiopia), the right influx of Nile (flowing into the Nile River near the city of Atbara in Sudan). The source is located near Lake Tana in Ethiopia. Flows predominantly on Sudanese plateau.

Blue Nile

Blue Nile is significantly shorter than white, but in the formation of the Nile regime below the Khartoum, it plays a much bigger role. Blue Nile originates from Abyssinian Highland, emerging from Tana Lake.

White Nile

Below the river's dog is obtained by the name of the White Neal (Bahr-El-Abead), leaves the bog region behind, and then calmly flows in a wide valley on semi-desert terrain to Khartoum, where it merges with the Blue Nile. From here to the Mediterranean Sea River is called Neil (El Bahr). The distance from Khartoum to Nimule Gorge is approximately 1800 km; Victoria Lake - about 3700km.


Kager - River in East Africa, proceeds through the territory of Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, as well as partially on the borders between them. Is the longest influx of the Nile. It is formed during the merger of the Rivers of Niavarongo and Rovuvo not far from Lake River, from where its length is 420km; If you count from the source of the River of the Svetrar, which is located in Burundi near the north edge of Lake Tanganyik and is the most remote from the mouth of the river system of the river system, then its length is about 800 km.

Congo "width \u003d" 13 "height \u003d" 62 "\u003e Lualaba is the local name of the upper current of the Congo River, foreign researchers are described as the main influx of the Congo. It takes from the source on the plateau of the ball before the waterfalls Stanley in the Congo. The length of about 2100km. HPP was built in the upper thread. In the middle course of the river shipping (644km).


Hopper "href \u003d" / "Rel \u003d" Bookmark "\u003e Topper River Congo). Some researchers are considered the main source of the Congo River (Zaire). Length (from the source of the Chambash) Over 1500km, the pool area is 265.3 thousand . square. km. Take the beginning south lake Tanganyika, flows by several sleeves in Lake Bangveulu, then flows through Lake MVERU, below which is called Luvua.

Like "width \u003d" 186 "height \u003d" 12 "\u003e



Lomas - River in Africa, on the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the left influx of the Congo. Length 1450km, pool area about 110000 square meters. km. The river originates on the Katanga Plateau, flows to the north, forming numerous waterfalls and bystrin. "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 256 "height \u003d" 255 src \u003d "\u003e Ubanga

Ubangga, River in Central Africa, the largest right influx of p. Congo (Zaire); proceeds along the borders of the Republic of Zaire with the Central African Republic and People's Republic Congo. Food is formed by r. Node and mb. The length of the source by the node is about 2300km (by other data, about 2500km), the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool is 772.8 thousand square meters. km.


Quango-river in Angola and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Quango River is the left tributary of the Kassai River. Its length is 1,100 carometry. The origins are in the Highlands of the Central Angola, the river flows mainly to the north. In its middle course, Quango forms state border Between Angola and Congo, overcomes the waterfall of the joke-timbly, then flows through the territory of Congo and below the city of Bandundu in Casa.


Casia, River to the center. Africa, the largest left tributary p. Congo, the stock is 20% of the Congo drain. Length 2153km, Pool area 880.2 thousand square meters. km. Takes the beginning of the Plateau Lunda, descends from its northern slope, forming picturesque thresholds and waterfalls; Separates Angola and Congo. The main tributaries on the right - Lulua, Sankur, Fimi-Lining, on the left - Quango.

Rufidzhi. "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 208 "height \u003d" 165 src \u003d "\u003e Rufiji - River in Tanzania. The river is formed when the Kilbero rivers configured And Louzega, originating in the mountains to the east of Lake Nyasa (Malawi). The length is about 600km, the source is in the southwestern part of Tanzania. In the upper reaches the mountain river. Below the waterfall Shukuli flows on the lowland in the wide valley. Flies in the Indian Ocean Next to the Mafia Island is about 200 km south of Dar Es Salam. Pool area 178 thousand square meters. Km. The main influx is Big Ruha.


Interstate structures "HREF \u003d" / TEXT / CATEGORY / MEZHGOSUDARSTVENNIE_STRUKTURI / "REL \u003d" BOOKMARK "\u003e between states of Ami Tanzania and Mozambique. Length is about 800 km, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool is 145 thousand square meters. Km. Takes the beginning in the mountains to V. from Lake Nyasa (Malawi), flows into the Indian Ocean. The largest influx - the r. Luzhdanda (right).

Zambezi "width \u003d" 125 "height \u003d" 55 "\u003e Zambezi - fourth river in Africa. Pool area - 1 square meters. km, length - 2 574km. The source of the river is located in Zambia, the river flows through Angola, along the border of Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe, to Mozambique, where it flows into the Indian Ocean.

Kwando "width \u003d" 172 "height \u003d" 38 "\u003e Luangwa "width \u003d" 100 "height \u003d" 31 "\u003e Limpopo. "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 220 "height \u003d" 162 src \u003d "\u003e Limpopo - River in South Africa. Proceeds through the territory of South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique. He originates on the slopes of the Withersrand Ridge, flows into the Indian Ocean. The length of the river is 1600 km, the square area square. km. Large tributaries: Basha, Ulifantts, Shangan.

Orange "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 160 "height \u003d" 147 src \u003d "\u003e. gif" width \u003d "116" height \u003d "47 "\u003e. Shari, River in Central Africa (Tsai, Republic of Chad and on the border of the latter with Cameroon). Food is formed by r. UAM and Goningi; falls into lake. Chad. Length, according to various sources, 1400-1500km (from the source r. Um), the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool is about 700 thousand square meters. km.


Niger is the most important river in West Africa. Length 4 180km, pool area 2 118 thousand square meters. km, third for these parameters in Africa after Nile and Congo. The source is in Guinea, then the river flows in Mali, Niger, along the border of Benin, then flows through Nigeria and flows into the Guinean Bay. The main tributaries of Niger: cute, baths (right); Sokhoto, Kaduna and Beniu (left).

BENUE "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 80 "height \u003d" 88 src \u003d "\u003e. gif" width \u003d "96" height \u003d "50 "\u003e Senegal - River in West Africa and forms a natural border between Senegal and Mauritania states. The length of the river is around 1970km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe river basin is 419575 square meters. km. The main tributaries: Fool, Karakoro and Gorgol.

GAMBIA "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 158 "height \u003d" 151 src \u003d "\u003e



Victoria - Lake in East Africa, in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. Located in the tectonic deflection of the East African platform, at an altitude of 1134 m. Area 68.870 thousand square meters. km, length 320km, the largest width is 275km. Multiple River Kager, flows out the Victoria-Neal River. North coast The lake crosses the equator.

RUDOLF "width \u003d" 78 "height \u003d" 58 "\u003e Kyoga is a major shallow-water lake, or rather the complex of lakes, in Uganda, the area is about 1720kv. km, It is located at an altitude of 914m above sea level. White Neil flows into a cogu on the way from Victoria Lake to Lake Albert.


Hrakey, Flatless shallow salty lake in East Africa, on Yu.-Z. Tanzania. Lies in a tectonic depression at an altitude of 792m. "width \u003d" 16 height \u003d 16 "height \u003d" 16 "\u003e

Nyasa "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 220 "height \u003d" 112 src \u003d "\u003e Malawi (Nyasa) - Lake in Central and East Africa. The lake runs from the north to south, the length of 560km, the depth of 706m.

Bangveulu "width \u003d" 137 "height \u003d" 66 "\u003e .jpg "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 148 "height \u003d" 132 src \u003d "\u003e MVERU - Mountain Fresh Lake on the border of Zambia and DR Congo. Located at an altitude of 917m above sea level south-west of Lake Tanganica. Maximum length 110km, width 45 km, depth up to 27m. Shipping. In the lake there are bream and tilapia. Described by David Livingston. "width \u003d" 19 "height \u003d" 123 "\u003e .gif "width \u003d" 275 "height \u003d" 34 "\u003e Tana "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 315 "height \u003d" 78 src \u003d "\u003e Tana, Tana, Demba, Lake in Ethiopia, on Ethiopian Highlands, at an altitude of 1830m. length 75km, width to 70km. Area 3100-3600 square meters. Km. Depth up to 70m.

CHAD "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 127 "height \u003d" 86 src \u003d "\u003e The surface of the lake is not constant: occupying about 27 thousand square meters . Km, the lake on the rainy time of the year is spread to 50 thousand, and in dry - it is reduced to 11 thousand square meters. km. km from the south in the lake, the Rivers of the Shari River with a wide and shallow divida and mbulu, from the West - Kamadugu Vaub, and From the east - the low-water Bar el-Gazal.

ASALAS "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 122 "height \u003d" 100 src \u003d "\u003e" Livingston Waterfall "- a system of thresholds and rapid in the lower current The Congo River, are located on the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in Western Equatorial Africa. These named by the Scottish Researcher of Livingston, the "Waterfall" system is a spinning section of the river with a length of 350km with a total fall of 270m.

VICTORIA "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 122 height \u003d 94 "height \u003d" 94 "\u003e Stanley Stanley Waterfalls, waterfalls in the upper course of p. Congo (Zaire), between Ubundu and Kisangani, in the territory of the Republic of Zaire. 7 significant thresholds separated by the films, at a distance of about 150km; The total drop is about 40m.

Merchson "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 222 "height \u003d" 155 src \u003d "\u003e Atlas Mountains, mountain system in North. Africa; to the west. Parts of Morocco - three parallel. Chains: Average (high. Atlas or Idrar-In-Drenne with the top of Jebel-Ayashi. 4500 m., South Anti. And Sev. Er-Reef; in Algeria and Tunisia Two chains: on S. Mal. Atlas or Talla , on Y. Great Atlas (2300m.), between the Schott Plateau (1100m.).

Sugar Atlas

Sugar Atlas, a system of mountain ranges and arrays in Yu. mountainous country Atlas within Algeria. The height of 1200-1500 m, separate vertices over 2000m (Ice up to 2336m).

Antiatlas. "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 124 "height \u003d" 89 src \u003d "\u003e Ethiopian (Abyssinian) Highlands - Mining system in the northeast Africa in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and North Somalia. The average height of m. highest point - Mountain Rassed 4533m, fourth in height in Africa.

Mitumba, Mountains

Mitumba, mountain range in the center. h. Vost.-African Plateau, on the SE. and V. Congo (former Zaire). Folded by young volcanic and ancient crystalline rocks. Length with S. on Yu. OK. 400km, height up to 3305m. Flat tops prevail on several levels. Sowing. h. The ridge extends along the tectonic lowering engaged in Lakes Eduard, Kivu and Tanganyik.

Dragons Mountains "width \u003d" 113 "height \u003d" 77 "\u003e

Cape Mountains

Caps of Mountains, Mountains on Y. Africa, in South Africa, between Port Elizabeth on V. and the mouth of r. Oliphants in the West. Length about 800km. Consist of several parallel ridges. The average height is 1500m, the highest - 2326m.

Ras-Dashan, Mountain

Rashan, the highest peak in the mountains of Semini on Ethiopian Highlands. Height 4620m.


Kenya is the highest mountain of Kenya and the second highest mountain in Africa (after Kilimanjaro). SAME high peaks are Batianm), Nelion) and Point Lenanam). The mountain is located in the central part of the country a little south of the equator in 150km to the north-northeast of Nairobi.

Kilimanjaro, Vulcan "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 173 "height \u003d" 120 src \u003d "\u003e Somalia - plateau, bordered in the southeast and north coastal lowlands. River - Dzhubba, Veby Shebeli. Most of the territory is a desert.

Darfur, Plateau "width \u003d" 98 "height \u003d" 51 "\u003e High plateau is the common name of intergurged semi-desert plateau in the atlas. Height m in the West, 700-800m in the East. Located between the ridges of Tel Atlas on S. and the Sugar Atlas on Yu.


Bodele "align \u003d" left "width \u003d" 115 "height \u003d" 80 src \u003d "\u003e cattara - anhydrous waterfront in Egypt in the north of the Libyan Desert in Africa . Square. Km.


Calahari, Wpadina in the central part of South Africa, which coincides with the Syneclese of the African Platform. Located on the territory of Angola, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, South Rhodesia and South Africa. The area is about 630 thousand square meters. km.


Arabian "width \u003d" 44 "height \u003d" 70 "\u003e Arabian desert, Sev.-Vost. h. Sahara (Egypt) between the Valley of the Nile and XP. Ettay extending along the Red Sea. On Yu. (At 22 ° C. sh.) Goes into the Nubian desert. The plateau is reduced from V. on Z. to the Nile Valley from 1000 to 200m, intensely dissected by valleys with dry beds (Wadi). "Align \u003d" Left "width \u003d" 149 "height \u003d" 114 src \u003d "\u003e Nubian

Nubian desert, in Africa, mostly in the territory of Sudan, between p. Neil and the Red Sea, from which it separates her ridge Ettay.


Libyan desert, desert in Africa, in the northeast of Sahara, west of the river. Neil, within the eastern part of Libya, Western part of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Northern part of Sudan. The area is about 2 million square meters. km.

Africa - the second largest mainland, is located in all four hemispheres. Africa Square - 30 million km2.

Extreme points of Africa:

  • north: Cape Ras Engel (38 ° S.Sh., 10 ° V.D.);
  • south: Cape needle (35 ° Yu.Sh., 20 ° V.D.);
  • western: Cape Almadi 1 (5 ° S.Sh., 17 ° C);
  • east: Cape Rasha Hafun (11 ° S.Sh., 51 ° V.D.).

From the West Africa is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, from the East - Indian, from the north - waters, from the northeast - red. Previously, it was connected with a 120 km wide width, now a Suez canal passes through it. From the mainland is separated by the Gibraltar Strait.

The coast of Africa is relatively weakly cut, there is a large Guinean bay in the West and Adensky - in the East, a large peninsula - ps. B is: Madeira, Green Cape, etc. In the east of the mainland there large Island - except for him in the accumulations of small islands - Comoros, etc.

The specificity of the relief of Africa lies in a large number of plains and a flatbed. Most of the north of the mainland occupies with Highlands Ahaggar and Tibst. Noticeable mountain ranges Two: Atlas Mountains in the north and caps - in the south. In the east of Africa there is a large East African plateau. Such a structure of the relief is explained by the fact that most of the mainland is located on a single ancient African-Arabian platform, separated in antiquity from the general continent - Gondwana. Northern and southern mountain ridges Formed in the collision zone of this platform with other large plates.

Lakes in Africa are quite large, formed in breed faults and therefore very narrow, long and deep: (maximum depth - 1400 m), (700 m). The lake, on the contrary, petty, feeds mainly due to precipitation, in the arid periods of its area is greatly reduced.

Since most of the mainland is in tropical, subequatorial and belts, it is warm here. Summer and winter the average monthly temperatures They differ insignificantly, the seasons differ in the number of drop-down precipitation: for the summer it falls the rainy season, while drought comes in winter. There are tropical forests - swimming pool, east coast of Africa, where up to 3000 mm falls. precipitation. There are arid areas - savanna, desert.

Natural areas of Africa are expressed quite clearly and are arranged accordingly. At the equator and in the Congo, a zone of wet equatorial forests was formed. Here there is a huge variety of trees and shrubs, a tirelessness is well expressed. Form red. In the forests live monkeys, small ungulates, many birds.

Equatorial forests are almost immediately moving to Savannah - a special kind of encountered single trees. This natural zone in Africa occupies an extensive space. There are many herbs, from trees there are acacias, Baobabs. The soil is formed red-brown. Many large empty animals (giraffes, buffaloes, antelopes, zebras, rhinos), there are predators (lions, cheetahs, hyena).

No less large natural zone - tropical deserts, represented by two large deserts: Namib in the south and sugar in the north. Sugar desert is a huge desert located in the northern part of the mainland. Dry Passats, prevailing here, raise sand particles, so for the desert there are no rarity storms, literally paralyzing all living things. Even in the shade rises to + 50 ° C, the sand heats up to + 70 ° C. At night, the temperature drops sharply, it can descend to 0 ° C. In this regard, survival is very difficult, people live exclusively in oases arising due to the proximity of groundwater. Most animals lead a nightlife, afternoon afternoon in Norah.

The zone of subtropical harshish evergreen forests stretched out with two narrow stripes on the north and southern coast of the mainland. Here are growing beech, oaks, citrus fruits, many coniferous plants and shrubs. Animals are mostly small: foxes, small deer, boys.

In the XIX-XX centuries, Europeans actively destroyed unique nature Africa, cutting valuable forests, exterminating animals. Many species died themselves due to the destruction of their natural habitat. This led to the fact that the territories occupied by forests are sharply reduced, but the desert areas, on the contrary, are increasing. To preserve and increasing the populations of wild animals, many of them have acquired world fame - Kruger, Serengeti.

Mainland Africa is the second largest on the planet after Eurasia. It takes more than twenty percent of all sushi and almost completely located in a hemisphere in the south.

Mainland is washed by several oceans: Atlantic and Indian. The territory is divided between fifth five countries.

African countries and their capital

Africa countries are commonly divided into five groups. The list is as follows:

From the point of view of economic indicators, the most developed and rich is located in the south of the mainland of South Africa. At the same time, the inhabitants of many states, in particular the central part of the mainland, are below the poverty line, in particular the CAR, DRC, Burundi are the poorest countries in Africa.

The largest in the territory of the state is Algeria, and Little Mayotte. The most numerous is Nigeria, and the lowest population in the islands - Seychelles.

His sovereignty African states found in the middle of the twentieth century. Most modern names appeared at the same time.

For example, until 1985, Côte d'Ivoire was called the ivory shore, and Djibouti had official status and name in the form of the French territory of Afarov and Issa. Such changes touched almost half of the territorial units of the mainland.

Characteristic Africa

The area is twenty nine millions of square meters. km. Prevalence from the north down - eight thousand kilometers, and from the West to the left - seven and a half.

Physical map of Africa (press to enlarge)

There are several options for the origin of the name. The most common of them:

  1. Afri - people who lived next to Carthage later, the Romans became so called the whole area, and then the continent of Africa.
  2. From Latin Aprica - Sunny.
  3. From Greek AFRKN - without cold.

Note: Africa is considered to consider the pranodina of a person reasonable, it was there that the remains of the oldest ancestors were found, in particular the hominid and the Sachelanpov.

The continent has long been attracted by Europeans, as the opening history has shown, an active study began with the fifteenth century, when Vasco da Gama across the way to India ran into Africa.

From the end of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth centuries, the mainland was divided among the great powers:

  • north - part of the Ottoman Empire;
  • south - Spain, Portugal and other colonialists.

After World War II, the map has changed, as a wave of independence began. Today there are several territories on African mainland under the control of Europeans, in particular Canary Islands, Madeira, Chagos Archipelago.

Extreme points of Africa

About what point is the most northern, the most southern, what the easternmost, and where is the most western one - it tells well the following image:


More than one billion people live on the mainland today. Along with this, there is the greatest increase in the number and life expectancy. Demographic estimates predict the increase in population by half over the next thirty years.

In Africa there are two main races:

  • nero-shaped - in the center;
  • coresoid - mainly in the north and in the South African Republic.

The most common nationality are Arabs. Population density is low compared to Europe and Asia. To date, inter-ethnic conflicts continue.

It is worth noting: The level of urbanization in countries is low, but its pace is the highest in the world.

As for religion, the world's leading, but presented all other religious flows is mainly distributed. Traditional beliefs are still distributed in the central part.

Climatic belts

Africa is considered the warmest mainland, here is the warmer place - Dallol. The whole territory is distributed in warm climatic belts.

The main of them and their characteristics:

  1. Equatorial - strong rains and actually no change of season, here is a permanent summer.
  2. Subscance - two main season, rainy summer, winter is characterized by dry trade winds.
  3. Tropical - there is almost no precipitation, the deserts are common.


Africa is rich in minerals that have a high price.

In particular, the main one includes:

  • gold;
  • oil.

The north coast is also rich in manganese, iron ores and phosphorites.

Flora and fauna

The organic world of Africa is characterized by exceptional diversity.

In tropical areas there are a variety of large animals, in particular, rhinos, elephants, lions, zebras, monkeys and others.

Large birds live on the continent, as Flamingo, Ibis.

In the north, the lizards and snakes are mostly inhabited, which adapted to the climate of the Sahara. The south of the mainland is a "big five": buffalo, lion, leopard, elephant and rhino.

The climatic conditions of North Africa contributed to the adaptation of many plant species. In the south, there are more than two and a half thousand flowering - it is almost ten percent of world wealth.

Geographical objects

Atlas Mountains

The main objects of the geography of Africa include:

  • Atlas Mountains;
  • Congo pools (lower point) and Nile;
  • Rift Valley;
  • Ethiopian and Ahaggar Nagorna;
  • desert - Calahari, Namib and sugar.

In addition to the oceans, the mainland is washed by one sea - the Red and Suez Canal.

Rivers and seas

One of the most extended rivers in the world is located in Africa.

The length of Nile is almost seven thousand kilometers.

To the number of others large rivers relate:

  • Niger;
  • Congo;
  • Zambezi, Limpopo and Orange.

Africa is rich in large lakes: Victoria, Nyasa, Tanganyika and Chad. The latter is the largest salt reservoir, which is inside the mainland.


Plains in Africa are represented by plateales (East African) and pita (Chad, Congo, Calahari).

The plateaus is high plains, along with them, low.

Mountains Africa

Mostly Africa is a mainland on the plains, it has enough mountains:

  • Athamkogo - in the north;
  • Ahagar and Tibest - on the territory of the Sahara desert;
  • Effiopic Highlands - in the East;
  • Caps and dragons - in the south.

The highest point is Kilimanjaro Volcano, his height is five thousand nine hundred meters.

In conclusion, I would like to focus on the concepts of "Mainland" and "Continent". On the ground there are only six continents, they are all well known. But the continents are only four.

"Continent" translated from Latin means "continuous". Since Eurasia and Africa are connected together by the Suez Canal, they are not separated from each other, because they are not separately continents.

Africa is a unique mainland that combines the variety of plant and animal world. Most of the states are at the stage of economically developing countries, it is partly due to the prolonged colonization of the region.

Detailed decision Paragraph § 27 in geography for grade 7 students, authors Corinskaya V.A., Sushina I.V., Schenshev V.A. 2017.

Questions and tasks

1. Name the most significant geographical objects of South Africa.

Zambezi, Calahari semi-desert, dragons and caps of mountains.

2. In a comprehensive map, highlight the main types of business activities in South Africa.

Agriculture and mining mining.

3. Name the main features of Nature and the economy of South Africa.

South Africa - a country of diverse natural complexes and huge natural wealth. Most of the country is a flat plateau, which gradually steps rises to the south and east, by changing the mountains. Savannas prevail in the country. Natural conditions, as in all South Africa, change not only from north to south, but also from east to west.

South Africa with a large variety of landscapes has a very rich fauna. In many areas, hunting and fisheries are still - the main occupation of the local population. But with the arrival of Europeans, the number of wild animals declined markedly and many species almost disappeared. Especially reduced the number of herbivores - antelope, zebras, giraffes, elephants, large black buffaloes, rhinos. Lions, leopards, almost completely disappeared.

In order to preserve wild animals from full extermination, as well as in general natural complexes in South Africa created reserves and national parks. In the largest of them - national Park Kruger - collected all types of animals found on the mainland.

The territories with fertile lands in the country belong to white farmers - owners of private agricultural enterprises. Farm farms are widely used by equipment and fertilizers and therefore get high yields. They grow corn, wheat, legumes, sugar cane, citrus, cotton and other cultures. On the elevated plateau with good pastures, farms on the breeding of sheep and cattle are placed. Pasture animal husbandry occupies the most important place in agriculture.

South Africa is rich in various minerals. Geological miracle call this country. South Africa takes one of the first places in the world by reserves and mining diamonds, gold, platinum, uranium and iron ore. The economy of the country is depending on the English and American monopolists who lead the development of minerals and receive huge profits.

There are many factories and factories in the country, industry develops rapidly.

4. Compare nature, the population and its economic activities of North and South Africa. What is the similarity and difference? Explain the reasons for differences.

North Africa is part of the Middle East and even sometimes turns into it. Sowing. Africa is the undoubted and inseparable part of the Muslim Arab world, mainly deserted territories and inhabited, it is mostly Arabs, Berbers, and other seven-khamitic tribes along with the traditional African population of Africa. South Africa is classical Africa except that it is more developed, along with the same North Africa, compared to other parts of Africa due to the greater presence of the white population there due to its rich lands.

Consignment of knowledge on the topic

1. Name the main features of the surface of the Africa. What are they explained?

By the type of relief, Africa can be divided into two parts: Low is located in the north and west, high in the east and south. In the relief, the mainland is dominated by plains and plane oils high from 200 to 1000 m, the greatest territory is occupied by East African and South African Plateau. The sublime areas of the mainland alternate with the hollows, the largest of whom Wpadina Congo and the Kalahari Calahari. The highest parts of the mainland are Ethiopian Highlands (up to 4500 m) and the dragons of the mountain (more than 3000 m). You can explain such features of Africa's relief by the fact that most of the mainland has been formed on an ancient Arabian-African platform, within the Relief Platforms are represented by the plains. Atlas, Kapsky and Dragons Mountain are confined to folded belts of different ages. In the east of Africa there is a large rift of the earth's crust - continental rift. In the rift band, the flow of heat flows and the rise of the substance from the mantle, the formed blades are occupied by the lakes, along which the cones of volcanoes rise. It is here that the highest peak of Africa is located - Kilimanjaro volcano (5895 m).

All the well-known statement "Africa is the hottest mainland," it can be explained by the fact that the mainland is located in the most warm climatic belts of the Earth (Equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical). Africa is located on both sides of the equator, within the latitudes, which receive a significant amount of solar radiation from 160 kcal / cm² to 200 kcal / cm². The temperature on the mainland throughout the year above + 20 ° C. The greatest amount of precipitation falls on the equator, since the belt of low atmospheric pressure is formed here, in which the ascending air currents form clouds saturated with moisture. The smallest amount of precipitation falls on a tropical belt, where the contrary, the formation of clouds does not occur in a high atmospheric pressure belt. The climate of the coasts of the mainland is influenced and cold flows.

2. What are the features of the climate of Africa? What do they depend on?

Features of the African climate was formed as a result of a system of various factors. Most of the mainland is located between the tropics, and therefore the climate of Africa is characterized by high values \u200b\u200bof total solar radiation. Accordingly, a significant part of the mainland has high temperatures, and therefore Africa is considered the hottest mainland. There are areas where the air temperature is sometimes greater than 50 ° C.

In the latitudes of Africa over the ocean, constant winds are dominant - trade winds, which significantly affect the distribution of precipitation. Southeast Passat blows from the Indian Ocean, therefore brings wet air masses. Northeast Passat - from Eurasia, and causes dry weather. South-Western delaying mountains, which affect the redistribution of precipitation: a large number of They receive coastal areas, there are few precipitation.

In the formation of the climate of the coast of Africa, sea currents play a significant role. Therefore, the reduced humidity is typical for the North-West coast (due to the cold Canary current), south-west, eastern (Somalia). On the contrary, the western and southeastern shores are well moistened due to warm currents (respectively, Guinean and Mozambique).

In the central part of the mainland, the air is evenly heated throughout the year. Temperature fluctuations are clearly manifested only in tropical and especially in subtropical latitudes. The climate is different, mainly by the amount and mode of precipitation. The greatest number of their number falls on Equatorial areas: the Congo River basin (Zaire) and the Gulf Coast - 2000-3000 mm per year, and on the slopes of the mountains - up to 9000 mm. North of 20 ° PN. sh. and south of 18 ° sh. The climate of Africa tropical, in the northern hemisphere desert, very dry. In Sahara, the amount of precipitation decreases to 100 mm and less per year; Eastern sugar is the most arid area of \u200b\u200bAfrica (10-20 mm precipitation per year).

Africa lies within seven climatic belts. Due to the fact that the equator crosses the mainland in half, climatic conditions are mirrored by the equator to the edges of the mainland. Equatorial, two subequatorial and two tropical belts are allocated on the territory of Africa. The extreme southern and northern parts of the mainland are located in subtropical belts.

The equatorial belt extends a narrow strip along the coast of the Guinean Bay and then deep into the mainland to the eastern coast of Lake Victoria. In this belt round year It reigns constantly wet and evenly hot equatorial air. The air temperature during the year is high here: 26 ° C - + 28 ° C. The total annual precipitation is more than 2000 mm, which are distributed evenly during the year.

3. List the main features of the Africa rivers. Which of them depend on the relief, what - from climate?

The longest river of the world - Neil (6671 km). It begins on the East African Plateau and flows through Victoria Lake. In the upper flow of the river, rushing down the gorges, forms thresholds and waterfalls. Going to the plain, she flows slowly and calmly and gets the name of the white Nile. The city of Khartoum River merges with the waters of the largest tributary - the Blue Nile flowing from Ethiopian Highlands. After the fusion of the White and Blue Nile, the river becomes wider and gets the name of the Nile. On average, the Nile cuts up a plateau composed of solid rocks, so there were thresholds that prevented navigation. Now, thanks to the Dam's built in Aswan, shipping conditions are improved. In the bottom of the river flows calmly. When you fall into the Mediterranean Sea, it forms a large delta, in the place of which several tens of thousands of years ago was the Bay of the Mediterranean Sea. The coolest and second on the length of the African River - Congo (Zaire) (4320 km). According to the pool and the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool, it is inferior only to Amazon. The river in two places crosses the equator and multi-year year round. Congo (Zaire) flows on a plane's ledge, so there are many thresholds and waterfalls. Shipping is possible only in some sections. The river, in contrast to the Nile, does not form a delta, her muddy fresh waters are far away in the Atlantic Ocean. The third largest pool area of \u200b\u200bthe Africa River - Niger. On average, this is a flat river, and in the upper and lower current of its many thresholds and waterfalls. On a significant part of the river crosses arid territories, therefore it is of great importance for irrigation, dams and irrigation canals are built on the river. Zambezi is the largest of the rivers of Africa flowing into the Indian Ocean. Here is one of the world's largest waterfalls - Victoria. The river with a wide stream (1800 m) drops with a ledge of 120 m height in a narrow gorge that crosses its channel.

The source of the river is located in the area of \u200b\u200bblack swamps in the north-west of Zambia, among the hills covered with a forest at an altitude of about 1500 meters above sea level. Eastern source is a belt belt with rather steep northern and southern slopes, lying between 11 and 12 degrees of southern latitude. This belt passes a watershed between the Congo and Zambezi rivers pools. He clearly separates the Lupala River pool (the main influx of the Upper Congo) from Zambezi. In the vicinity of the source, the watershed is expressed implicitly, but these two river systems are not connected. Zambezi is a powerful river. Although the length of Zambezi takes only a fourth place in Africa, but in terms of annual flow, it goes to second place and is inferior only to the Congo River. Food Zambezi mainly gets from abundant summer rains (in these latitudes summer lasts from November to March). At another time of the year, the river is much less complete. The river mode is characterized by a rapid decrease in the water level in March and the subsequent rise in November. In order to prove the dependence existing between the inner waters and the relief, it is necessary to trace the nature of the flow of rivers and the form of the lakes. Mountain rivers differ from the lowest rivers, high shores, the presence of thresholds and waterfalls. Lake Tanganic, located along the line of the Great African Fault, has an extended shape in the meridional direction. The lake length is almost 10 times higher than its width. On the nature of the climate, the fullness of rivers and lakes depends, the mode of their filling water. One of the main sources of nutrition of rivers and lakes are atmospheric precipitation. Therefore, it can be safely argued that rivers and lakes located in the field of equatorial climate are more perpetrated compared to rivers and lakes located within the tropical desert climate. The shallow-water lake Chad, located within the subequatorial climatic belt, periodically changes its shape, increasing and decreasing twice. Such a transformation is associated with the frequency of incoming water from the rivers flowing into the lake. Thus, we see an obvious dependence that exists between the relief, climate and inner waters.

Completeness of the whole year (Congo), or dependence on rains in lower reaches and high spills (NIL).

4. What natural zones prevail in Africa? What are their features and what are they explained? What areas of which zones are most favorable for agriculture?

Africa mainly plain mainland. Mountain systems occupy only the northwestern (atlas of the mountains) and the southern (Cape Mountains) of the outskirts of the mainland. Eastern part of Africa ( High africa) It is engaged strongly raised and fragmented earthly crust shifts by East African plateorem. Here are the highest peaks of the mainland - gigantic extinct and existing volcanoes Kilimanjaro, Kenya, etc. Features of the development of Africa determined the main features of the structure of its surface. For most of the mainland, there is a plain relief with a wide development of alignment surfaces from permo-carboxylic and triad to non-heugenic and even quaternary with separately protruding among them by lump and volcanic mountains. Thanks to its own geographical position (mostly in the hot illuminated belt) Africa - is the fierce mainland of the Earth. Thanks to its geographical position (mostly in a hot illuminated belt), Africa is the fierce mainland of the Earth. It gets more solar heat and light than any other mainland. This is the only continent extending from the equator about the same distance to the Northern and South Hemisphere. The sun throughout the year between the tropics is high above the horizon, and twice a year at any point is in Zenith. The main features of the climate are determined primarily by the position of the main part of the mainland in tropical and equatorial latitudes. On the background permanently high temperatures The main differences in the climate of individual areas are determined by the amount of precipitation and the duration of the rainy season. In tropical latitudes there are huge deserts, closer to the equator - the areas of summer rains, in the equatorial zone of precipitation fall throughout the year. Extensive spaces have acute lack of moisture. The continentality of the climate is particularly sharply pronounced in the northern part of Africa thanks to its large size and near the neighborhood of Eurasia. The Western shores of the continent in tropical latitudes are washed with cold currents - Canary and Bengelsky, cooling air lying over them so much that its lower layers up to a height of about 500 m are becoming noticeably colder than. This eliminates the possibility of developing ascending currents and precipitation. Therefore, along the Western shores in tropical latitudes are the propheanic deserts. The south-east coast, on the contrary, is washed by a warm Mozambic course, which enhances the instability of the air masses and contributes to the fallout of precipitation on the mountain slopes of Eastern and South Africa. Most of the Africa is under the influence of the transmission circulation of both hemispheres. The northern hemispheres coming from sushi carry continental air with low relative humidity. The Passat of the South Hemisphere, coming from the Indian Ocean, is carried to the eastern outskirts of the mainland mass of wet-unstable air. The distribution of the river network and drain on the continent is extremely uniformly, which depends mainly on the difference in climatic conditions, the relief and the nature of the breeds of certain regions. Along with areas having a thick hydrographic network and large lakes, the huge spaces of Africa are almost or completely devoid of a local river network. Many rivers do not reach the ocean and end in intrama-matericular sleeping depressions. Almost all rivers of the continent have rain food. Only in the deserts and semi-desert foods their primer, and on high vertices Atlas Mountains and East Africa, the origins of the rivers are also powered by the same waters of snow and glaciers. In the extreme north and south, the zones of severe evergreen forests and shrubs are located, then the semi-desert zones and deserts, savannah, alternating and constant wet forests are followed. The latitudinal zonality is violated only in the territory of the mountains and Nagrai, but they are a bit on the mainland.

Nature Savannnes, most favorable for agriculture. A distinctive feature of Savannan is the alternation of arid and wet seasons, which occupy, about six months, replacing each other.

5. Name the several of the most prominent natural objects of Africa.

Sugar, Kilimanjaro Volcano, Victoria Waterfall, River Neal.

6. What natural riches is Africa?

Crude oil, natural gas, iron ore, phosphates, uranium, lead, zinc, manganese, limestone, gypsum, talc, asbestos, lead, copper, diamonds, gold. Chrome ore, tungsten, mica, silver, hydropower resources, fish, salt.

7. Give examples of changes in Africa's nature. So that you are offered to stop the offensive deserts to the savannah.

Back in the XIX century. Africa was represented as a continent of virgin nature. However, then the nature of Africa was significantly changed by a person. The forest area was reduced, which were crushed in centuries and burned under arable land and pastures. Especially great damage to the nature of Africa was inflicted by European colonialists. The hunt, carried out by the sake of profit, and often athlete interest, led to massive extermination of animals. Many animals are completely destroyed (for example, some kinds of antelope, zebras), and the number of other (elephants, rhinos, gorillas, etc.) is greatly reduced. Europeans exported expensive wood to their countries. Therefore, in a number of states (in Nigeria, etc.) there was a danger of the complete disappearance of forests. The territory at the site of the detached forests occupied under cocoa plantations, oilseed palms, peanuts, etc. So on the site of equatorial and variable-wet forests, savannes were formed (Fig. 59). Significantly changed nature and primary savannah. There are huge areas of plowed lands and pastures. In connection with the incorrect management of agriculture (burning, excessive grazers, as well as cutting down trees and shrubs), for many centuries, the savanna is inferior to the deserts. Only over the past half a century, sugar has moved significantly to the south and increased its area by 650 thousand km2. The loss of agricultural land leads to the death of cattle and crops, to the famine of people.

Stop cutting out forests, planting vegetation, desert flood, streamline economic activity.

8. What do you think will happen to the borders of natural zones, if there are no measures to protect the nature of Africa?

The zone of Savannan and Equatorial forests will decrease, and the desert, including sugar, will expand.

9. What cards will you enjoy to describe the nature of Madagascar? What data can be obtained from each card?

Physical (relief), climatic (precipitation, middleweight temperatures of January and July, flow), map of natural zones (vegetation, animals).

10. What nations inhabit Africa and how are they distributed on the mainland?

Africa is populated with a variety of nations. Other peoples were added to the indigenous people for a long history, the roots of the origin of which are not related to this mainland. The colonization of Africa contributed to the resettlement of peoples living in Asian countries, Europe, America. The Arab peoples populate the north of the mainland. The central and southern regions are settled by the peoples of the Negroid race. In the north and south of the mainland, descendants of Europeans live: French, the British, the Dutch.

11. What changes occurred on political map Africa for the last 40-50 years? What do these changes indicate?

Many of the countries have gained sovereignty. This indicates that the peoples got the chances to build their states.

12. Name the Africa states known to you and their capital.

Algeria, the capital of Algeria. Ghana, the capital of Accra. Nigeria, the capital of Abuja. Ethiopia, the capital of Addis Ababa. South Africa, the capital of Pretoria. Egypt, Capital Cairo, Tunisia, Capital Tunisia.

13. Highlight among African countries that are located on the plains, and those that lie in the mountains.

On the plains are located: Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Algeria. Located in the mountains: Namibia, Botswana, South Africa.

14. In which parts of Africa would you like to take a journey? Why?

I would like to travel throughout the continent of Africa to see all the features, similarities and differences.

Geography of Africa
Click to enlarge

In the south of Africa is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, in the northeast Sinai peninsula washed by the waters of the Suez Canal and the Red Sea, in the East and Southeast, the continent is washed Indian Ocean, and in the West - the Atlantic Ocean.

Geographic objects of Africa


The system of attras mountains extends from the southwestern part of Morocco along the Mediterranean to the eastern border of Tunisia. It includes several smaller mountain chains, namely: high satin, middle atlas, and seaside atlas. The highest point is the Mountain Tubkal, located in the western part of Morocco, with a height of 4 167 meters.

Pool of the River Congo

The Congo River pool, located in the central part of Africa, is located on most of the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as the neighboring Republic of the Congo. In addition, it applies to the territory of Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, and Zambia. The area of \u200b\u200bthis fertile basin is approximately 3,600,000 sq. Km, about 20% of all the tropical forests of the world grows on its territory. The Congo River is the second largest river in Africa, and the network of its tributaries and streams performs transport function for the population of Africa.

Great rift valley

A sharp deepening of the earth's surface, about 6,400 km long, extending from the Red Sea, not far from the border with Jordan in the Middle East, south to Mozambique. Essentially, this valley is the result of a series of geological faults caused by large volcanic eruptions a lot of centuries ago. The result of the same faults became numerous sheer cliffs, mountain ranges, rocky valleys, and very deep lakeslocated throughout the significance length of this valley. In the immediate vicinity of the valley there are many of the most high mountains Africa, including Kilimanjaro, Kenya, and Stanley.

Highlands Ahaggar

Ahaggar - a high-mountainous region in the central part of the Sahara, on the territory of the southern part of Algeria - 1,500 km. South of the capital of the country, and west of Tamanarian. The region is, for the most part, the rocky desert, with an average height of over 900 m. Above sea level. The highest point is Mount Tahat (3 003 m.).

Desert Kalahari

The desert area is about 259,000 sq. Km, it covers most of the Botswana, the southwestern part of South Africa, and the whole western part of Namibia. At this desert plateau, the set of mouth of dry rivers, and thick shrubs grow in abundance. In this area there are several small mountain ranges, including Caras and Hans. In the Kalahari Gersbok National Park, located in South Africa, on the border with Namibia, there are large herds of wild animals.

Desert Namib

Namib is a coastal desert in the southern part of the African continent, extending in length over 2,000 km along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The desert begins on the territory of Angola, passes through the entire Namibia, and ends at the River Oliphants in the Western Cape Province in South Africa. East of the Atlantic Coast, the desert is gradually gaining height, up to 200 km. At the foot of the mountains a big ledge.

Annual precipitation range from 2 mm. In the most arid areas of the desert up to 200 mm. On the hills, because of what Namib can be considered the only real desert in the southern part of Africa. Namib is also the oldest desert in the world, geologically, it consists of dune (sandy) seas in coastal areas, gravel plains and rocks are dominated in the internal areas.

Sand dunes of deserts, some of which reach 300 meters in height and 32 km. In length, are the second largest in the world, yielding only dunes of Badyn Jaran in China.

Sahara Desert

Covering almost one third of the entire African continent, sugar is the largest desert In the world, with an approximate total area of \u200b\u200b9,065,000 sq. Km. Topographically, the desert includes the stones of the plain areas, movable sand dunes, and numerous dune (sandy) seas.

The height of the desert varies from 30 m. Below sea level up to 3,350 m. Above sea level ( mountain peaks in Ahaggare and Tibsty). At the regional level, the Libyan Desert, Nubian Desert, and the Western Desert in Egypt, to the west of Nile, are distinguished from Sahara.

The precipitation in the Sahara is practically absent, but several underwater rivers take place on its territory, originating in the atlas of the mountains that help irrigate insulated oasis. In the east of the water, the Nile helps fertilize small areas of the desert.


Sahel is a wide strip of land extending over the entire width of the northern part of Central Africa, in the southern edge of the constantly expanding sugar desert. This border region is a transition zone between the dry regions of the North and the tropical areas of the south. Very few rain rainfall (15 - 20 cm per year) falls on this territory (15-20 cm. Per year), and vegetation here is presented mainly by scarce herbal cover and shrubs.

Nile River System

See also: