Sugar is the largest desert of the world. Sugar - the largest desert of the planet

When in the scanvords we come across a question "the most large desert"- We enjoy the word" sugar "into the cells. Of course! Who did not hear about the Sahara? We were still in school they said that more the deserts do not happen:

Its area is 9 million square kilometers. To be represented, comparable to sugar with different countries World.

For simplicity, we use the circles. Here are some countries famous for us - France, Germany, Georgia, Ukraine, South Korea And Turkey:

As can be seen, Turkey looks like a kind of "strong". But what will happen if we put on this scheme - sugar?

The area of \u200b\u200bthis red circle is even more than the total area of \u200b\u200ball countries under blue circles. And if now it is clear to you that sugar is really huge, then ... Wait.

Actually I joked. Red circle is not sugar yet. This is India. Yes, the same country in which 1.4 billion (!) Man lives.

Sugar is even more, although it is 560 times less people on its territory than in India:

Now all the scales are observed. So looks like an area of \u200b\u200b9 million square kilometers. It is so much that approximately equal to the area of \u200b\u200bthe United States, China or Canada:

And you know what I want to tell you after that?

There is a desert in the world, which is even more sugar

In general, when we hear the word "desert", then, first of all, imagine sand, vegans, heat. Well, maybe still Araba is on the camel.

In fact, the deserts are very different - sandy (like sugar), clay, stony ... And there are still arctic.

Just like in the sandy desert, there is almost no life, there is almost no precipitation, very dry and terrain is plain.

The world's largest desert is a large Antarctic desert located in Antarctica. She is 1.5 times more sugar:

In numbers it is almost 14 million square kilometers, which is more than China, and the USA, and Canada. There is only one "hero", able to defeat this area - our Mother Russia:

The difference between them is "puffy", only 3 million km2. So the Antarctic Desert is quite comparable to Russia. Now imagine ...

If you traveled a lot in our country, then you understand how "non-convicted" its expanses. From Vladivostok to Sochi, from Murmansk to Makhachkala. Mountains, steppes, forests, taiga, tundra, Arctic, volcanoes, deserts ... God is mine, what we just don't have!

And somewhere there, on the other side of the land lies about the same size of the territory, only there is nothing on it. In general, nothing but the snow-white silence and frost in -30 * s is in the summer. And in winter and under -80 * p.

1. Sugar. 9,065,000 square meters. km.

Sugar desert is the largest in the world, its area exceeds 9 million square meters. KM .. She covers almost all of North Africa: Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, Sudan, Chad, Libya, etc.
The name "Sugara" - Arabic translation of the Taareg word "Desert" in summer the air temperature can rise to 58 °, in the winter it is held in the range of 15-28 ° C.

In Sugar, as in other sandy deserts, frequent sandstorms, strong winds can even convey sandy dust even to Europe.
In Sahara, more than 150 thousand mirages are observed, which are noted on the maps indicating what kind of mirage most often "show" in this area - an oasis, river or well.

The precipitation in the south of the Sahara falls less than in the north, there are particularly dry periods for up to three years, during which there is no precipitation at all. The only source of water in Sahara, except for the rain - the Nile, crossing it in the east. However, thanks to the underground waters in anhydrous desert there are oasis with deep wells, it is in oasises that travel hotels for tourists who came to drive through Sahara on jeeps, the most luxurious chipstands and sweet grapes are growing in oases.

2. Arabian desert. 2,330,000 square meters. km.

The Arabian desert is located on the Arabian Peninsula, is located in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, occupies part of Iraq, Syria, South and Eastern Jordan. The extensive spaces of the Arabian desert are occupied by moving vegans and sandy arrays, in her center there are rubles "Al-Kali, one of the largest sandy arrays in the world. Most of the territory is uninhabited due to frequent sandy and dust storms and strong winds, high temperatures With large daily amplitudes for the desert. The temperature range is 40-50 ° C in summer, the average temperature in winter is 5-15 ° C, although it can be reduced to 0 ° C.

Most of the desert occupy crubstone, sandstone and limestone plateau (Hamada), stepped from the west to the east. In the east along the shore of the Red Sea, the crystal ridge of the ETBE up to 2000 meters of height extends. In winter, episodic precipitates fall out on his eastern slopes, which caused a rustling drain in usually dry rivers of the valleys. Persistent round year Underground stoke supports grained grain-shrub vegetation, separate trees in the valleys. There were no oasis in the XIX-XX centuries, but there were keys and natural tanks filled with water rains.

In the mountains of the desert, the ancient Egyptians mined afanite, a diorit and other stones for sarcophagus and sphinxes. Then in Mount Jebel-Duhan near the Red Sea, the Romans and the Greeks mined the rumor for the release of VAZ, busts, etc. At the end of the XIX century, granite, copper, smaragda were mined in the mountains. At the end of the 20th century, the population mainly made nomads-livestock rods, on the coast of the Red Sea, oil production was made, phosphorites.

3. Gobi. 1,166,000 square meters. km.

Gobi is located in Central Asia, on the territory of Mongolia and China, stretches from Altai Mountains and Tien Shan in the East to the Northskai Plateau in the West; In the north, Gobi goes into the steppes in Mongolia, in the south is limited to Juanhe. The word "Gobi" of Mongolian origin means "anhydrous place", this word in Central Asia is generally deserted and semi-desert places. The aggregate of the desert territories Gobi is the largest desert of Asia.

The territory of the Gobi raised above sea level is about 2000-1000 meters, is the most sharp continental place on the planet. The air temperature in the summer rises here to plus 40 ° C, and in the winter it drops to minus 40 ° C. The landscape of the Saaltai, Dzhungarian, East Mongolian Gobi is diverse, it is not only anhydrous and fruitless terrain with sandy plains and high hilly vegans. Despite the arid climate, in the desert there are crystal clear water sources And the rich animal world. Its large part of it is occupied by extensive blooming steppe plains, picturesque rocky mountains, clay and stony gamads, extensive basins with rare oases, small-scale, salt marshes, tactics, dried gravel sairs and extended green sacsaulous groves. The entire landscape resembles African savannah, so sometimes the areas of the spread of Highlas are called GaBi Savannes. There are few sands in Gobi, the branched sands occupy only 3% of its territory, but clay and rocky deserts - Hamada - occupy huge areas.

4. Australian desert. 647,000 square meters. km.

The deserts got a huge territory of Australia, almost half of the continent. A significant part of the Australian deserts located in the West are located on a huge plateau 200 m high above sea level. Some deserts rise even higher, up to 600 m. Difficult relief divides the giant Australian desert into several autonomous. The largest of them, the large sandy desert, is located in the north-western part of the continent, the huge large desert of Victoria spread south. In the northern part of the Big Sand Desert, the sands have a red-brown color, other areas are not covered with sand, but a dark rubble and pebbles.
Among the sandy deserts the largest is the desert of Arunta, or the Simpson desert. It is located in the central part of the continent, closer to the West.

5. Calahari. 600,000 square meters km.

The Kalahari desert, the largest of the deserts of South Africa, covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 600 thousand square meters. km and is located on the territory of Botswana, South Africa and Namibia. The Kalahari desert occupies the south-western part of the depression of the same name, located at an altitude of 900 m. In the West, Kalahari region lies at an altitude of 1500 m above sea level, in the east - even higher; The lowest desert point is at an altitude of 840 m above sea level. The surface of Kalahari is composed with horizontally lying continental strata of sandstones, pebbles and brackets.

Recently, the desert expands its borders and invades the territory of Angola, Zimbabwe and Zambia. The sediments (up to 500 mm) are confined to the summer period (November - April), but their value is significantly fluctuated both in time and in the area. Kalahari is one of the hottest areas of South Africa. Middle Assimal temperature - plus 29 °, and the average-average - plus 12 °.

6. Karakuma. 350,000 square meters. km.

Karakuma, the sandy desert in the south of Central Asia, takes over 80% of the total territory of Turkmenistan.
Karakuma in Turkmen - "Black Sand" (from Turkksk. "Kara" - black and "kum" - sand "). Despite such a frightening name, the desert of the dwelling: there are several thousand species of arthropods, several dozen species of reptiles, two dozen Mammal species and about three dozen species of birds, plants - about 270 species.

Turkmenbashi plans were to replace the ugly desert with a beautiful forest, putting in separate areas of the trees, and also planned on its territory to build a Penguin Zoo, which would attract visitors from around the world. After the death of the father of all the Turkmen about these plans, fortunately, while nothing hear.

Sand deserts cover about 20% sushi on the whole ground. These are huge lifeless spaces, in which an unprepared person is doomed to inevitable death. The largest desertAs limitless abyss can take possession, absorb and destroy, but how it is killing beautiful ...

The biggest desert on the ground

Sand deserts are the hottest places of our planet. Basically, natural zones in Africa, Australia and Eurasia are located. There are places such as Salted desert Salar de Uyuni. Also, relatively small deserts can be found in America. Any schoolboy knows about Sahara - it the largest desert. In addition, it is also the fierce. The local temperature range varies from 15 to 58 degrees. The desert area of \u200b\u200bmore than 9,000,000 square kilometers.

If sugar would be in Russia, she would have occupied half the country. The name of the sandy natural zone mentioned above was given Arabs. In Sahara today you can find about 150,000 mirages. There is even a special card with marks, where it is more common - river, well or oasis. The largest desert of the world It stretches in the territory of almost all of North Africa and covers the following countries: Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Libya, Chad, Mauritania, Egypt, Tunisia, etc. The sandy storms of Sugara can partially come even to the territory of Europe.

The biggest deserts of the world: Arabian and Gobi

Listing the biggest deserts of the world You can not get around the second side in size - the Arabian desert. As follows from the name, the Arabian sand area is located on the eponymous peninsula. It covers the territory of Saudi Arabia, a small part of Iraq, Syria, East Jordan and Egypt. In the center of the desert there is Rub'al-Kali - this is one of the largest sandy arrays on Earth. A significant part of the desert is uninhabited thanks to frequent storms and winds, large temperature differences. The daily temperature varies from 40 to 50 and degrees in summer, and from 5 to 15 in winter. But there were cases and zero temperature.

And, of course, an at least famous zone of sands Gobi can wear a title - the largest desert. By area, this natural location ranks third in the world, and the first in Asia. The name of the desert comes from the Mongolian word "anhydrous place." Gobi is located in Central Asia, covering Mongolia and part of China, which, in turn, is represented in the world, as, practically, the biggest country in the world . The northern border of the desert can be called the Mongolian steppes, the South-River Juanhe.

The biggest deserts of the world, other options

It is worth briefly referring other large, the biggest deserts of the world - This is Australian, which occupies almost the entire territory of the country of the same name, besides there is a decession that it is also the biggest island in the world ; Kalahari - the largest desert in South Africa And the doodles - occupying about 4/5 territories of Turkmenistan. But despite the size, any desert is the same deadly and merciless place, such as the dry desert The world of Atakaba B. South America

What is the first association with the word "desert"? Most likely - sugar. But you should not consider yourself banal. Sugar is really the biggest desert in the world. Its area is equal to 8.5 million km². For comparison, this is something between Canada and Brazil - a whole country of sand. Sugar passes through the territory of 10 countries and is 30% of all Africa.

Residents of Sugara - Bedouins and Berbers. "Bedouin" from the Arabic language is "a resident of the desert, and" Berber "from the Greek -" Free person. " And the person in the wilderness can really be called free - he cut off from large cities, has few things and is not tied to them, and in everyday life does not fuss.

After the conquest of Africa, Muslim Arabs, Bedouins came from the Arabian Peninsula in the VII century and settled in Sahara. It should be understood that Bedouins are not nationality and not the people in the generally accepted understanding. Bedouins - just a common name given by the Europeans. For example, in Africa, peoples who do not have anything in common with the Arabs who won the Sahara also began to take themselves over time to the Bedouins.

Another universal misconception is all the Bedouins wound. It immediately seems to be a caravan, forever running on the spac sand. Now it is not so long ago, and in the past there were constant settlements in the mountain valleys, where the utensils were divorced and engaged in agriculture.

Modern Bedouin Photo: Daria Orlova

Berbers Hand to Ethnos also after the Arab Conquests of the VII century. Many tribes fled from the Arabs deeper into the sugar. Berber has a rather rich history, some scientists believe that their ancestors gave impetus to the development of ancient Egypt. Berbers are more settled people, but also preferring the desert and surviving in it at the expense of cattle breeding, agriculture and hand craft. Most of them live in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.

Tourists come to local remote villages and are perplexed why Bedouins and Berbers stayed here in the desert. The answer is simple - they are accustomed to freedom and openly talk about it. This is their choice. Now in Bedouin villages in Israel, electricity has been carried out and there is a normal toilet, but the general picture has practically changed. These are small buildings, pens for camels and sheep, canteens with carpets and pillows on Earth.

Most dry place On Earth - the lowest air humidity was recorded in Atakam - 0%. The desert is in the mountainous terrain in South America, for the most part in Chile. Her relief resembles the surface of Mars.

The phenomenal aridness is due to several conditions at once: the discharged air, Anda, not transmitting precipitates, and the Peruvian flow that increases the temperature with an increase in height (as a rule, happens on the contrary - with an increase in height, the temperature decreases).

If the sugar can be called the biggest desert of the world, then the Atakama can safely give the championship at age. Scientists believe that the South American desert appeared about 20 million years ago. Antarctica, the second "on seniority", formed only 10-11 million years ago.

Inhabits the desert that the people consonant in the name - Athakino. In antiquity, they were nomadic and engaged in hunting. Later, Athakeno took up agriculture and moved already seasonally. And closer to the beginning of our era, the population of Atakama was completely settled. Their main activity is concentrated on the breeding of Lam and the cultivation of corn.

The woman of the people Athakino photo: historians believe that Athakino formed their own city-state Tastil, who in the XV century defeated the inconsisters and the people of the desert had to move deep into. The inhabitants of Atakama spoke in Kuns, who, unfortunately, is already considered extinct. All the living population, the number of which is estimated in only two thousand people, speaks Spanish, lives in several small villages, as well as in tourist center - San Pedro de Atakama.

Now the city survives with the help of a flow of tourists who come to visit the most dry desert of the planet. Near the city, there are two sights - Volcano Likankan and Salon Lake, the only reservoir that does not dry in the desert.


The desert, in the center of which is the city of Uchkuduk, the famous song of the group "Yalla". The desert itself is located on the territory of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, and its area is 300 thousand km².

Weather conditions by Kyzylkum not from pleasant and lungs. 100-200 mm of precipitation falls per year, and the average temperature in July reaches +30 ° C.

People, mostly inhabited by Kyzylkum, are ancient Kazakhs and Turkmen. At first, the peoples settled the wilderness of the rivers, and then found that in this area you can do subpoppers for wells and produce water in this way.

The excavations of archaeologists showed that the residents of the desert were engaged in agriculture. Spring, (in the local "rags") arising from under granite rocks, moistened to the earth. Until now, in some areas of Kazakhstan in the desert they are engaged in "bell" agriculture.

Modern kibits photo: wikiway

Local in kibits - houses wrapped in felt. In the summer, it saved from the temperature drops, and in the winter they were squeezed by a hob, material from the swelled sheep wool. The cat served and warm floors, and a bed.

Until now, many local people live in kibits. In fact, doing the same as their ancestors of the millennium ago. In Soviet times, wheat was actively agreed on the territory of Kyzylkama, but now it cannot be about volume and speeches. Economy of the region in stagnation. There is no developed infrastructure, respectively, there are no tourists.

The desert is amazing world, in which, along with harsh climatic conditions, the magnitude and mystery reigns poor floral and animals. These deserted expanses, which are over 30, occupy about 16% of the surface. globe. There are many species of deserts: they can be sandy, clay, shale and others. But the largest desert in the world is covered with a solid purse.

The biggest desert on the ground

A huge square occupies the Antarctic Desert, which is the largest on the planet. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b13,829,430 square meters. km. Its endless expanses are covered with a thick layer of ice. The Antarctic desert is polar and is located on the southern continent of the planet. It is considered not only the biggest, but also the most severe. The climatic conditions of this region are characterized by the following features:

  • the lowest air humidity;
  • the lowest temperatures on the planet;
  • strongest constant wind;
  • the highest intensity of solar radiation.

In view of extremely harsh conditions, Flora and the fauna of the Antarctic Desert are very poor. On its outskirts approximate to the coast, moss and lichens are found, among which ticks and insects live. The largest inhabitants of the Antarctic desert are penguins, which are here there are several species.

The largest sandy desert located in the subtropical strip is sugar. Its endless expanses occupy about 9 million square meters. km, and extend almost all over the northern part of the African continent. Sugar is considered the freshest desert on the planet. In the summer, the temperature here can reach +58 ° C, while the surface is heated to + 75 ° C. In winter, the daily air temperature drops to + 13 ° C, and at night it can reach -18 ° C. The precipitation on the territory of the Sahara falls unevenly: strong thunderstorms occur in the northern zones, as a result of which floods occur, and the rains do not fall out in the southern part. It is in this part of the desert the surface is covered with solid sands, on which there is no vegetation.

In sugar there are grass-resistant grass, shrubs and trees. They grow in zones where there is a minimum provision of water. From animals there are more than 4 thousand different types of invertebrates and about 60 species of mammals. More than 30 thousand bird species are destined in the desert, most of which are migrated.

Another polar desert is occupied by the huge area of \u200b\u200bthe earth surface - the Arctic. Its area equals 2.6 million square meters. km. It is located in the northern part of the globe. Its surface is covered with ice, rubble and large stone boulders. Almost a year here holds minus temperatures, and only in the middle of summer the air can warm up to + 3 ° C. In winter, the polar night comes here, which in the very center of the desert last 6 months. AT Arctic desert Often there are very thick fogs and blew strong winds. The sky is often tightened with clouds and often falls out of precipitation. From vegetation there are only mosses and lichens. In coastal areas, such representatives of fauna, like white bears, lemming and sands live in the coastal zones.

The desert at the Arabian Peninsula takes a significant territory. Its area reaches 2, 33 million sq.m. Because of the hot climate, there is little vegetation and very poor fauna. From plants there are well-carrying herbs, shrubs and trees. The largest animals inhabitants in the Arabian desert are Gazelles. Studies have shown that earlier forests occurred in the territory occupied by the Arabian desert, and there were many reservoirs.

Between the mountains of Altai and Tien Shan in Asia extend the endless expanses of the Gobi desert, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 1.3 million square meters. km. The climatic conditions in the desert are extremely severe, which is due to the location in the continental zone. In winter, the air temperature can be lowered to -50 ° C, and in the summer he warms up to + 57 ° C. Due to such a huge amplitude of temperatures, there are few plants in the desert. Animal world Also is not diverse. Here you can meet small rodents, snakes, antelope and camels.

About 1 million square meters. The km of the Middle East occupies the Syrian desert. This is a harsh edge with very poor vegetation, which is limited to resistant droughts and shrubs. From animals there are camels, antelopes and lizards. In the steppe areas of the desert vegetation is more diverse, which allows local residents engage in animal husbandry.

A large area of \u200b\u200bthe southern part of the African Peninsula is the Kalahari desert - 900 thousand square meters. Here, throughout the year, a hot climate is saved. The air temperature in the summer months is held within + 29 ° C, and in the winter it drops to + 12 ° C. In the summer, precipitation falls in the summer, thanks to which there are plants resistant to droughts. In the desert there are many types of animals, ranging from giraffes, and ending with insects.

Along the coast of the South American continent, the Patagonian desert stretches, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 673 thousand square meters. km. Its surface is covered with sand and rubble. The dry cold climate is preserved here, which is due to the Falkland Atlantic Ocean. average temperature Located within + 5 ° C to + 13.4 ° C. In some areas of the desert with high humidity, many types of herbs resistant, shrubs and trees are growing. The fauna of the Patagonian desert is quite diverse.

The Victoria Desert, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich equals 647 thousand square meters is the huge territory of the Australian continent. km. Thanks to a warm climate, you can meet many types of vegetation droughts resistant to the desert. Fauna Victoria is very diverse. Aboriginal tribes are found on the desert.

In the western part of the North American continent there is a desert called a large pool. Its area is 492 thousand square meters. km. The desert surface is covered with sands and rocky formations. It occurs different, resistant to droughts vegetation and lives a lot of animal species.

See also: