Top islands for recreation. Offers and prices for tours to the island


Soon summer, and therefore the holiday season is not far from around the corner. Where to go to relax with comfort, swim in the Salt and at the same time to make a spiritually? Or even do it extreme species Sports like diving or windsurfing? Of course, on the islands! Here is the list of the most interesting and unique Islands World. Choose: Top 10.

10. Nusi Island

Island on one side of the classic natural beauty: there are also beaches, and palm trees, and turquoise water, and on the other hand, a unique meeting of interest: lazy lemurs, wild chameleons, coral reefs, ylang-ylang plantations, volcanic lakes with healing mud, collectors for the production of Roma, etc. For those who crave cultural enrichment, excursions are provided for historical places, Acquaintances with tribes, and in May the Music Festival of Dony is held. Comfortable temperature of both water and air is held throughout the year: +27 - +32 degrees. Island is B8 Madagascar. You can get both on the boat and on the plane. And this is the tenth position in the top 10

9. Easter Island, Chile

The island is B3 Muslims in the Pacific Ocean and get on it is not so easy. The easiest way to do this by plane with Tahiti or from Santiago. Perhaps, it is thanks to such a hard-to-accessibility that is still able to maintain its secrets in the form of sculptures from volcanic stone (maiai) in primeval form. According to some data, these sculptures are more than 1500 years. The purpose of the trip is definitely worth considering them, however, a unique landscape and wild beaches attached.

8. To Tao, Thailand

Located in the Siamese Gulf, the island attracts tourists from all over the world not only with huge palm trees and beaches with white sand, but also by sea turtles - it's not for nothing that its name is translated as the "Turtle Island". Of course, the more developed the infrastructure of the island, the smaller the turtle leave its offspring on it, but now (especially after the start of the government's program) here you can meet these animals. Many famous photos The picturesque thailand bays are made on this island.

7. Moorea, French Polynesia

Seventh place in the top 10 the best I. beautiful islands World.Island Translated Meaning "Yellow Lizard" is B17 Motion Tahiti and is the largest coral reef in the world. If diving is your vocation, then you will certainly be visited by it. Here you will see not only all sorts of corals and sea flora, but also get acquainted with the representatives of the fauna. If you do not know how to swim or afraid, you are waiting for a boat with a transparent bottom.

6. Isla Mucheres

Another island distinguished by colorful beaches, where wild fish are still swimming among coral reefs, where Windsurfers come from around the world, where Latin rhythms sound from each bar and create a fabulous mood. Be sure to try local drinks and seafood prepared on national recipes.

5. Santorini, Greece

We are confident, you have repeatedly seen these famous blue roofs on the background of the sea, now you have the opportunity to get acquainted with their history and the island itself closer. And it is worth it, believe me. The beaches are unique here and the beaches: Periss and Kamari covered with black volcanic sand, Akrotiri - red. Santorini together with the rest of the Cyclades Islands forms a picturesque lagoon, to admire which you can from the mountains.

4. San Juan, Washington

No, this is not another tropical island, here we prepared for you more interesting. Namely: the flock of tag. Park Lime Kiln Point - the best place to observe whales and marine cats from April to September. At the same time, look at the palindab's lavender farm, where you can purchase both the flowers and oil and other products from Lavender. And in the city of Freey, Harbor awaits you and an excursion with the historical heritage in the garden of sculptures, which stretched out at19 acres.

3. Bora Bora, Polynesia

Top Top-10 the best and beautiful islands of the worldopens Bora Bora. How to miss and not give it to this paradise 3rd place? In addition to the beaches of Bounty, this island will delight guests with all sorts of entertainment: Safari on jeeps, underwater park, feeding sharks, lagoon, populated by turtles, etc. Water near the banks of Bora Bora is known all over the world. The lagoon forms many "leopard" spots. The full picture is best visible from the Mountain Omeman. As you already guessed, this is the best place for honeymoon.

2. Saint John, Caribbean

Do you think there is no place better than Bora-Bor? What about St. John? Charm of this island in pristine wildlife. Tourism here is only in development and multi-kilometer tourist routes still create a feeling of pioneer. Sand white beaches are attached.

1. Ambergris ki, Belize

This place is clearly not for recreation "seal." Here, in addition to the magnificent sun and ocean, first of all it is worth enjoying the beauty of the underwater world and an incredible variety of flora and fauna. Not surprisingly, because next white Barrier Reef. But the main attraction of this paradise is big blue hole. This is an underwater vertical cave, which seems from above the bottomless, in fact its depth - 120 meters. The cave is formed by calcareous rocks during the ice age. What is interesting, the cave expands along the vertical middle and in its branches are stalactites. Jacques-Yves Custo made this island in the list best places for diving.

Rest on the island - tropical beaches with gentle sand, swinging palm trees and crystal clear water. It's just magic - touch the ground, which is located thousands of kilometers from everyday life, the Earth, on which the pace of life is lightweight and slow. You probably think that best Islands are located in the Caribbean or in the seas South-East AsiaBut you should also pay attention to several islands scattered around the world. So, the 10 best islands for recreation.

1. Boracay, Philippines

According to polls, Boracay - one of the most . The most popular island among tourists is located in the Asian part Pacific Ocean. Boracay - one of the most beautiful places in the world. If you dream about a relaxing holiday on the island or adventure, Boracay - what you need!

2. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

Galapagos Islands - One of the most incredible gifts of Mother Nature on Earth. If you like nature, - these islands for you. A large number of Different types of plants and animals, such as penguins, sea lions, turtles, iguana, giant turtles, is located on the island.

3. Mute, Croatia

Probably, you never expected to see Croatia in the list of the best islands for rest, but pay attention to the island M-fly. Beautiful Island Located near the Dalmatian coast in the Adriatic Sea. From Dubrovnik to the island of 4 hours of swimming on the ship. On the island of Mlet, there are many national parks, this is the place of real peace and harmony. There are not many tourists to the island, so you can easily enjoy amazing forests, Salty lakes, and beautiful 10 km beaches, on which you can feel all the marine life of the island.

4. Seychelles

Stack of fifteen islands, which form the Seychelles, are located in the Indian Ocean. Because of the British settlements, the island has a multinational culture with European, African and Asian influence. Fabulous are especially popular among the newlyweds, there are clean beaches and many romantic places. Here is also amazing diving.

5. Bora Bora

For those who are looking for the island for diving, Bora-Bora. - Perfect place. Paradise Island Located in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, not far from Tahiti. Stopping in the waters of the bungalow in a turquoise lagoon, which, thanks to the coral reefs, remains calm, sit on the chair and watch the floating tropical fish and enjoy the sea life of the island.

6. Bonair, Netherlands Antilles

In the Caribbean, there are many islands that can be called the best, but my choice - Bonair. The island is not far from Curaçao and Aruba. This is the world of diving and exciting marine life. Away from the shores of the island, too, have something to see. On the island you will see Flamingo, Iguan, Salt Plains, Rocks.

7. Gozo, Malta

If you are familiar with Greek mythology, you probably know that Gozo. - Motherland Nymph Kalipso, who held Odyssey for many years in captivity. The area of \u200b\u200bthe island is only 67 km², but this is a real rural idyll. If you are a lover of churches, you can find 22 churches on the island, one of them has a dome more than in the London Cathedral of St. Paul. Gozo is one of the best islands for a holiday in Europe, this is a resting place and a simple life!

8. Island of the Holy Trinity, Australia

Located on the coast of Queensland, Northern Australia, island of Holy Trinity Consists of 74 islands. Thanks to its white magnificent beaches, the island of Holy Trinity became one of popular seats for relax. According to CNN in 2010 WhiteHaven Beach (Weteheven) is recognized as the most environmentally friendly beach. Part of the island occupy national parks. Here you can see Kangaroo-Wallaby, many algae and fascinating marine life.


Magic Landscape of Haleakala (Hawaiian National Park) - Present decoration for Maui.. In general, for tourists here, there is something to see - whales, a series of fascinating waterfalls and the endless ocean.


By its name island To Tao Mandes for sea turtles living on his coast. All that will be surrounded on the island - these are cool hills built into the mountainside, at home, beautiful beaches And the endless ocean. Here almost all year is wonderful sunny weather, which allows you to come here, with any possibility.

Rest on the best islands can make you anywhere in the world. Big Island Or small, on each of them there is something unique, exciting. Each island has its own type of climate and types of entertainment.

Eternal Summer, Turquoise Lagoons, Emerald Tropical Greenery, White sand beaches - Paradise on earth - what could be better?!

Our agency is ready to offer you a luxurious most different - starting from huge archipelagoes that stretch out thousands of kilometers and ending with tiny islands in coral Atollah. Holidays in Dominican Republic And on Zanzibar, Maldives and Bali, Sri Lanka and other islands.

Holidays in Dominican Republic

Tours in Dominican Republic from 1300 $

Caribbean Islands so numerous and diverse that you can choose a vacation for every taste ( Bahamas, Barbados, Dominican Republic , Cuba, Turks & Kaikos, Jamaica and many others). Dominican Republic- These are multi-kilometer beaches, a favorable tropical climate, a high level of service - all this components unforgettable rest. Landscapes are simply amazing: coconut palms cover smooth bends of the mountains with a solid carpet, the valleys are replete with banana plantations and sugar cane fields, the warm sea splashed right at your feet, and the sun is ready to caress your skin infinitely. Dominican Republicit is becoming more and more popular among Russians also thanks to direct flights, magnificent hotels with food " All inclusive."And other advantages.

Holidays in Dominican Republic - advantages:

  • Prices on the holidays in Dominican Republic Democratic enough.
  • Convenient programs P Yerelet are direct flights, without transfers. Time in the way about 12 hours.
  • Tours in Dominican Republic you can buy a few days before departure, because Visa to Domininkan Russian citizens are not needed.
  • Hotels have chic green areas, located on snow-white beaches and operate on the system. "All inclusive"
  • IN Dominican Republic - This is Welda fun and informative, because The country offers a lot of interesting excursions.
  • Lots of water sports will be at your service in Dominican Republic.
  • Dominican Republic- For fun and dynamic people. After all, it is here that you can combine the magnificent beach rest with an active life.

Special offers in Dominican Republic

Holidays in Maldives

Tours to Maldives from $ 2150.

For those who are looking for privacy and romance, fit perfectly tours to the Maldives . Delightful Islands with their unusual individuality and charm, located, as if pearls in the biryuz water warm sea. This is a great place for secluded and calm holiday. Most hotels in Maldives are located on separate islands surrounded by pristine nature and beauty.

Holidays in Maldives - Advantages:

  • Diving in Maldives leave unforgettable injecting, because Maldives are one of the world's best places for diving. Diving in Maldivessuitable for divers of any level. Most of the islands offer divers shallow reefs from 3 to 15 m., As well as reefs at high depths from 30 m. Visibility in the ocean is great.
  • There are convenient programs flight to Maldives - Direct flights, without transfers. Travel time is about 8 hours.
  • Pugs on holidays in Maldives you can buy a few days before departure, because Visa in the Maldives is not needed by Russian citizens.
  • Time in Maldives is no different from Moscow
  • Climate in Maldives favorable for rest almost during the whole year
  • Hotels in Maldives there is a different level - from 5 * Deluxe up to 3 *. Food in hotels is also offered differently - and "all inclusive", and "half board", and "only breakfasts".
  • Holidays in Maldives - It is romance, calm and nonsense. Some hotels even have no TVs in the rooms. And not because hotels, bad, and for full of your calm. If you decide to turn off all problems for a few days, then you are here!

Tours in Maldives Special Offers in Maldives

Rest on Zanzibar

Tours on Zanzibar from $ 2350.

Zanzibar Islandlocated in the Indian Ocean and is not inferior elite resorts Mauritius, Seychelles and Maldives According to natural beauty and hotel level. Rest on Zanzibar is snow white beaches Indian Ocean, mild climate, excellent opportunities for diving, excursions and recreation.

Tours on Zanzibar - advantages:

  • Luxury beaches of the Indian Ocean. Beaches Zanzibarafive of the best beaches of the world.
  • Mild climate. The minimum air temperature (in July) - 27 C, the maximum (in February) - 32 C. Water temperatures never fall below 27 C.
  • Ability to combine holiday tropical island with a magnificent excursion program . Offered really interesting excursionsboth on the Zanzibar itself and the most interesting African safaris in National Parks Tanzania.
  • Hotels in Zanzibara- from VIP class to democratic 3 *.In most hotels (especially 4 * -5 *), the "All Inclusive" system is proposed

Tours to Zanzibar Special Offers for Zanibar

Holidays in Bali

Bali hotelsthey differ in their smartness and comfort. Here are one of the most expensive hotels in the world, among which you can point out hotels of famous networks as " Four Seasons."," HILTON "," SHERATON ", etc. All hotels are designed in the original architectural stylewhich is characteristic only by local buildings. Hotels consist of a complex of comfortable bungalows, which are not inferior to the famous European hotels in terms of service and service.

Bali tours - Advantages:

  • There are convenient programs flight to Bali - Direct flights or with stops in Singapore.
  • Excursions to Bali "This is an opportunity to get acquainted with a unique Balinese culture that will shock imagination by naturalness, a variety of paints, abundance of ceremonies.
  • Ability to combine holidays in Bali With a visit to Singapura , amazing city Contrasts where the super-modern skyscrapers and shopping ctensities are adjacent to the national historical quarters.
  • Bali vouchersyou can buy a few days before departure, because Visa to Bali Russian citizens are not needed.
  • Holidays in Bali: The resort Jimbaran is chic hotels and the sea, as well as a fish cuisine, sanur - an ideal place for sports, Kuta - the capital of entertainment and surfing, resort Nusa Dua - this is best hotels Indonesia, which are famous for comfort and high level of service.
  • On Bali you are also waiting for magnificent SPA centers!
  • Tours on Bali Special Offers on Bali

    Some tourists love to relax on the unclosed Islands, where they rarely meet foreigners. However, most travelers prefer beaten roads, albeit noisy, but with developed infrastructure and many attractions.

    Here top 10 best travel islands in 2018Selected based on the results of the reader's voting Condé Nast Traveler. Only the islands outside the United States participated in the voting.

    You'll like it:

    10. Cayman Islands, Caribbean Sea

    Farm's turtle, and snorkeling, the ability to swim with skates - All this is offered to the islands kaimanov's satisted tourists. However, in many feedback they write that there is nothing more than two weeks on these islands, it becomes boring.

    And then there is a pirate festival every year, during which pirates Caribbean Capture the streets, noisy, shout, but, fortunately, they can fly out in houses of ordinary citizens, but mainly in the peteed places. During the festival, a grand firework is carried out, costume competitions are organized (including children's), and street dancing. The festival will be held in November, the exact date in 2018 is still unknown.

    9. Bali, Indonesia

    Although the active volcano Agung threatens powerful eruption On the east side of Bali, unaffected parts of the island continue to flourish. Villas, Hotels and Spa Pavilions on the Ocean, Surfing, Diving and others water species Sport - all of this is famous for the island for many years.

    And here (and specifically - to the city of Ubud) Master from around the world to show their art. Therefore, the number of handmade products and craft workshops in this city is simply amazing. Another feature of Ubud is the Monkey Forest, in which local tailed residents are already so accustomed to visitors who react only on those who have a delicacy in their hands.

    Rosturism asks russian tourists Take into account the danger of the volcano, follow the information about him, and follow the instructions of the local authorities. And when the threat disappears, Bali will again become one of the most favorable islands for tourists on Earth.

    8. Terks and Caicos, Atlantic Ocean

    On these islands (all of them 30) there are all the conditions for the rest, which will be remembered for life: a pleasant tropical climate, magnificent nature, beautiful sunsets and even more beautiful sunrises and pure water. There are no storms and there are no rocky shores.

    The most hotels and places to entertainment are in the largest city called Providensiales. However, for Misanthropov there is individual tours on small uninhabited islands. You can reach them either by helicopter or on the boat.

    Tourists note that the prices of the islands are very high due to the lack of their own production. Products are delivered by airplanes from the mainland.

    7. Saint-Bartelemy, Caribbean Sea

    On this small island full-full of expensive boutiques and shops. Once here I got the land one of the clan of Rockefellers, and after him, other businessmen were reached on Saint-Bartelev. In 2009 russian oligarch Roman Abramovich acquired the house of David Rockefeller, and now on the island a lot of Russian rich.

    The atmosphere island is impregnated with luxury and glamor. The beaches here are a bit, but all of them are social and at the same time very clean. Topless is accepted on them.

    The people on the island are not destroyed, for which tourists love him, preferring as much as possible to meet with themselves.

    6. Bermuda, Atlantic Ocean

    Pleasant temperature - on average, +29 ° C, sunny weather, beautiful coral reefs, well-groomed botanical gardens And many bays with pink sand and blue water make Bermuda one of the branches of Paradise on Earth.

    The most famous sights of the Bermuda islands include: Cave Cave Caves and Bermuda Aquarium, located within the city of Hamilton, Royal Square and Somers Garden in St. George, as well as the 85-meter St. David Lighthouse on the island of Ordnance Island, connected With Saint George with a small bridge.

    From March to July 2018 on Bermuda Islands Eight large sailing events will be held, including two new regatta.

    5. Mykonos, Greece

    One of the best islands for reviews for readers Condé Nast Traveler cannot boast of the abundance of greenery. His strengths are a huge number of beaches and amazing architecture. From afar it seems that snow fell on Mykonos. However, under the closer look, it turns out that the "snow effect" is given by snow-white buildings.

    There are many churches on the island (they are also snow-white). A mansion among them is the Church of the Virgin of the Virgin of Paraportiani - the oldest on Mikonos. It is she who can be seen on all tourist booklets.

    And this Greek corner is called "island windmill" There are only seven there remained there, but only 20 mills from the previous 600 mills remained on all other islands of the Kiklada Group. They have long been not used for their intended purpose, and serve either by bars or museums or monuments.

    4. Mallorca, Spain

    Soft climate, ancient Moorish architecture, an abundance of greenery, warm water, golden sand bays, comfortable hotels are the main advantages of rest in Mallorca. This island is also famous for the huge amount of caves with extraordinary beauty with stalagmites. Some of them are available only for group excursions, but in some, for example, an art cave can be arrived independently. And enjoy a musical concert, which is accompanied by impressive special effects.

    Business cards of the capital of the island - Palma de Mallorca - are the castle of Belvedere and the Cathedral.

    3. Palawan, Philippines

    The Palavan Archipelago consists of the main island of the same name, which surrounds about 1,800 small islets. On the island of Palawan is the city of Puerto Princesa, famous for his crocodile farms and underground rivers. Built there National Park underground riverwhere you can admire the richest variety of Filipino fauna and flora.

    And if your goal is to silently tan, then pay attention to natural Reserve El Nido with its most beautiful secluded beaches, pure turquoise water covered with brown greenery mountains and magnificent sunsets. The reserve consists of 45 islands (most of them - uninhabited), move between which you can boat. For tourists there are special boat tours.

    2. Cebu, Philippines

    In second place in the ranking of the best islands for recreation in 2018, there is a place created by the mother-nature for lazy idleness.

    Maludious and clean beaches, the atmosphere of calm and serenity - what else is needed for happiness? Is that Diving, Shopping (according to the reviews of Cebu people, branded goods here are cheaper than in Russia), tasty, although the acute Philippine cuisine and excursions with the Russian-speaking guide, which is a lot of here.

    1. Boracay, Philippines

    Boracay love tourists for the fact that he is "closest to tropical idyll, which can be found in Southeast Asia."

    Once this island was Mecca of budget tourists from the USA and Europe. Hippie, backpackers and other fans of light life were freeches borzing. It lasted until the 80s, when the first hotel was built on the island.

    Since then, Boracay with its snow-white beaches, exotic nature, good hotels And a variety of excursions enjoys the continued success of the tourists. However, this place can not be called noisy, it is ideal for those who are looking for tranquility and relaxation after the fuss of the metropolis.


    Phi Phi (Thailand) is, strictly speaking, not one island, but at once six, of which 5 are uninhabited. Practically intact land civilization, snow-white beaches with small and clean sand, warm and pure Andaman Sea: Rest promises to be really paradise, is it wondering that the tours on these islands are so good? It was here that the famous film "Beach" was shot. Coral reefs are located around the islands of the archipelago of Phi-Phi, the coast has a huge number of underwater cliffs, caves and tunnels. There are sunken ships, and the underwater world just surprises with its diversity. Diving lovers belong to these Thai islands as a kind of Mecca. On the islands you can engage in various kinds active rest.

    Bali, Indonesia. This is a resort of a completely different type. A developed island, the infrastructure on which is hardly better than in the capital of the country, the bala can sometimes be called the state within the state. Excellent beaches, clean sea, but people are attracted here, for the most part, the amazing culture of the island. Local traditions and rites are mixed with the fact that expata and romantic tourists are brought to: a cocktail is so interesting that Bali has been situated for several decades. tourist ratings.

    Galapagos Islands belonging to the Ecuadorian territory became so famous, in many ways, thanks to the turtles that live only on these lands. Rare giants sea turtle They are under the protection of the state, and today tourists can only hunt them with the help of cameras. On islands wonderful nature. Volcanic crater, jungle, the abundance of rarest animals and plants, as well as many interesting objects for diving: Galapagos Islands have than to boast.

    Santorini is the most famous Greek island. Greece is generally famous for its islands, but Santorini rightfully enjoys the greatest popular among them all. The picturesque landscapes of the island are due to his volcanic past, so all the beaches here are multicolored, sand is black, white, red and even pink. White elegant houses, closely pressed each other, miraculously hold on steep slopes. They are surprisingly harmonious fit into the landscape. Holidays in Santorini for many turns out to be unforgettable.

    Madagascar is state in the western region of the Indian Ocean. This island is not for those who prefer to wear on the beach, but rather, for those who like nature and want to see her surprises as much as possible. Natural parks Madagascar is very diverse, landscapes here such that not everyone recognizes their earthly, sometimes it resembles the surface of Mars or Venus more. In addition to landscapes, Madagascar boasts the rarest species of flora and fauna, which is not going anywhere outside the island. You can see whales from July to September, and Baobabs, about which everyone has heard, but almost no one has seen, you can watch here round year. The cultural features of the island are not inferior to natural. For tourists there is all the necessary infrastructure.

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