Dangerous lakes in the world. The most dangerous lakes of the world

A less explicit, but no less serious threat can be in themselves city reservoirs adjacent to industrial enterprises.
The fact that water is in the form of usual, nothing means and cannot serve as a reason for everyday adoption. water procedures. Nitric acid - it is also transparent, but the hunters are not located in it.
Ponds, near which factory pipes are looked, it is better to avoid, then not to be surprised in incomprehensible from where the skin diseases come. The same applies to any Research Institute and Military Institutions.
During service in the army, I lay in the hospital in the same ward with a military builder, who only washed his hands (!) In a random stream, text on the side of the rocket part. After half an hour, he was taken to intensive care in a hurryly caused by a sanitary helicopter! Ultimately, it was released, but his life he reduced at least three times.
In extreme cases, inspect the reservoir you liked, go around its shores in search of the plump-sticking properties of pipes, close a pile of fertilizers and technical materials. But, without finding those, do not rejoice hard: the most intelligent business participants are the most toxic waste prefer to dump through the pipelines below the water level.
Watch carefully behind the floating, jumping and striking on the shores of grains. In what # x2011; the degree it can serve as an indicator of water purity. Not every fish, frog, snail or cancer are able to survive in a technogenic cocktail, offered by a nearby industrial enterprise. True, such biological expertise is able to indicate only to the presence of obvious poisoning substances incompatible with life. Inspire the same frog about her health, well-being and life expectancy you, alas, can not.
Reservoirs, where lilystances are few or not at all, where the paths are not conducted by people, where they are not visible wild beaches, it is better to tear. Do not strive to be the discovers of new purchase. Trust the local residents who are not less suffering from the heat, but nevertheless, in a close, promising reservoir, do not climb. They know better where he flows from and that after such a bathing can make a man.
In all cases, when bathing in an unfamiliar reservoir, try as little as possible in the unknown composition of the driver, for which they scarce, shout and talk during swimming. And, of course, in no case do not use this water for drinking and cooking.
Not only water, but also the coast can be a certain danger for vacationers near the reservoir of people. Concentration on the top of car breaks, pulling and having a close, fastening vegetation soil can cause the collapse of the top of the slope on the water located near the water.

Especially dangerous niche and cave arranged under the cliffs, where vacationers have a habit of hiding during the rain.

If you are not indifferent to your loved ones, do not let the cut breaks for Lychim motorists (Fig. 61), walk away for woods, and children who have an improvised coast tool with the goal of the Magic Caves of Aladdin, or Fishermen, too Worms, distingate away. And however, as it were, SIM # X2011; Sim did not open and did not bring you on the head three # x2011; four tons of coastal pound.

No less danger than rivers, ponds, lakes and reservoirs, self-typical reservoirs are typical - abandoned by negligent builders, filled with melt or rain water of trenches, foundation pitchers, etc. Artificial origin of the pit. Unlike others, people in their will do not bathe, but, it happens, drown. Fall in this, often located at the intersection of lively pedestrian trails, water is not difficult, to get out - a problem.
I myself am in early childhood as # x2011; it was swimming in the construction pit and I can testify: His shores, if you look from water, are not so easily accessible, as it seems from above. Vertical, deprived vegetation walls do not give the opportunity to cling, clothes swelling, pulls down, and the risks of moisture, poured along the perimeter of the pit, the soil is treacherously sliding under his feet.
With all the comicness of the situation, the water accident is two steps away from its own entrance (!) - To die in it - a pair of trifles. Especially if such a sad incident happened at night or during the cold season, when ice water is capable of killing a person in a matter of minutes. You can not underestimate the potential opponent! Water - she is water everywhere! And if in the construction trench you can not reach the bottom of the legs, it becomes no safe open sea. And there, and there a person is choking or freezes the same way! Only in the trench it looks not so romantic.
Most often, children who love to play near the water (throw stones, let ships, etc.) die in such incommesed pits (throwing stones, to get damped things (otherwise the mother will burn!). And also their returning parents home.
Saving these least reasonable categories of the population, it is necessary to ensure that the builders have rejected water from the left, or, even even the forces of the residents of nearby houses, caress dangerous reservoirs. In trenches and pitchers having high vertical walls, it is desirable, as it can be strange, in one # x2011; two places to build improvised ladders, for which a fallen man, boiling, could get out. And then, no matter how it happened, as happened to one my friend, being waiting for help in full autonomous swimming from night to morning.
- I was ridiculous to me, then I was ashamed (he was ashamed to call him!), Then it is scary, and by the morning it is indifferent, "he told me his epic." If the wipers were not noticed in time, rightfully!
And he, by the way, was a sailor. By seas # x2011; the oceans went, and shipwreck failed in the abandoned trench! Okay, even knew that in such cases, it was taught on the fleet. So and saved.
Once in a similar difficult situation, a person, if he knows how to swim, must, until it is frozen, find a more sublime plot at the bottom or gentle entry to the shore, without spending time on unsuccessful attempts to absorb the breakdown in the place where he fell. If you do not know how to swim - you need to try in any way to consolidate the walls, including the brackets in your pockets - perochy knife, apartment keys, comb, etc. The main thing in this case is not to fuss, do not try to get out. It still will not succeed, since the support is too weak and drive it deep into the ground, so that it can withstand the weight of a person is impossible. On the other hand, it is quite sufficient to resist afloat, calling for help people. With the same purpose, you can use clothes removed from the body - scarves, jackets, pants, with the help of which, throwing them to the shore, you can try to catch the building trash sticking out of the ground.

Always - do you relax on the reservoir, do you go through the shaky walkway through the construction trench, do you go on the ice trail, are you sitting during winter fishing over the hole - remember: there is no safe water! From the water to the trouble of a person separates one ternky chamber. Try not to do it. Avoid a water accident, wherever it happens, is much easier than getting out of it alive!

Relatively safe is considered to be a current of 0.5 mA. The current of 10-15 mA is called unsubstituted (person cannot independently break away from the electrical conductors, break the current chain in which he got). The current of 50 mA affects the respiratory organs and cardiovascular # X2011; the vascular system. The current of 100 mA leads to a stop of the heart and blood circulation disruption, such a current is considered fatal. By the way, the current that flows in the household network - 5 - 10 A, it repeatedly exceeds death.
However, regardless of the magnitude of the "Waltage", the rules of electrical safety are one. The main thing sounds very simple:

If you want to live for a long time - do not approach without the extreme need to be under the wires and electrical installations. And since there is a voltage in them or not - it is unknown, do not approach anyone! 70% of electric PE are connected with the violation of this particular religion rule.

Now from the elements of the water we turn to the elements of fire, more precisely, electricity.

I want to quit all the things in this stuffy city and go to the warm edges to the beach, closer to the water, but no opportunity? We offer to take a look at our selection - perhaps the desire will disappear.

1. Lake Death, Italy

On the island of Sicily, who received fame due to the destructive strength of the ethna volcano and no less frightening, although not exposed to the show of the Mafiosis clans, there is one very dangerous landmark. The water of the Lake of Death, which is essentially not the waters at all, and concentrated sulfuric acid, are so devastable that this place, according to Sicily, was rumored to use the goat of the Nostra to conceal the corpses of his unfortunate enemies. In a few minutes, the deadly reservoir, powered by two underground sources with H2SO4, destroys any organic, leaving around only lifeless space.

2. Rio Rio Tinto, Spain

Red, as if the blood, the water of the Rio Tinto River, originating in the Spanish province of Huelva and flowing across Andalusia, is unattractive not only externally. Due to the high concentration of metals coming from copper, silver and gold mines, this reservoir received the glory of one of the most acidic places on Earth. Water, the pH factor of which fluctuates within 1.7-2.5 and practically corresponds to the acidity of the gastric juice, is dangerous for any living being. The only inhabitants of the "Martian River" are those who are beloved by scientists, EXTREMOPHILE aerobic bacteria, fed by iron.

3. Lake Black Hole, Russia

A few years ago, according to the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Wetlands Lake is a black hole located between Nizhny Novgorod And Dzerzhinsky, followed sand and to challenge from the ground. The reason for such a barbaric attitude towards the water is simple - this object of the socialist heritage, saturated with the waste of the Plexiglas plant, is recognized as one of the most polluted in the world. SMRAG, emanating from the black hole, is so strong that he interrupts even from the fires, covering Russia into hot summer days, and the fluid filling the lake, and reminds the caustic black resin at all, sucking everything alive.

4. River Yangtze, China

The third in the length of the world river, inferior only to Amazon and Nile in length, exceeds them in another, not at all positive quality. Due to the fact that 17,000 Chinese settlements located on the banks of the Yangtzeians do not have purification systems, all waste of their livelihoods are reset in reservoir without filtering. The river and numerous chemicals, steel and oil refineries, as well as regular transportation of dangerous goods, do not add purity. According to the most modest calculations, the volume of polluted water in the main water artery of China reaches 34 billion tons and continues to grow.

5. Lake Karachay, Russia

Another recently one hour spent on the shore of Lake Karachai in the Urals was enough to meet a painful death due to irradiation in 600 x-ray. The entire blame of the explosion that occurred on the repository of splitting materials of the Mayak plant in 1957 and the cause of unprecedented pollution of the River Tech and Cascade of Her Ponds. Although each year the company receives several million rubles to eliminate the consequences of the catastrophe, groundwater continues to spread deadly radiation. Fortunately, according to the latest research, the situation in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Karachai is gradually improving.

6. Amazon River, South America

7. Boiling lake, Dominican Republic

About the lake, located near the Valley of Despair in Dominican national Park Morne-Tru Pyaton, walks bad glory. If the lacquer to plunge into the arid season, you can easily welcome alive, repeating the path of the soak king from the Skate Gorboon. The temperature of the water in the center of the boiling lake shrouded in thick white ferry reaches 92 ° C and is suitable for making tea. This reservoir caused so many accidents that even in a rainy period, when the lake becomes relatively cool, it is categorically prohibited here.

8. River Gang, India

The Indian Epos "Ramayana" says that the water of the sacred river Gang is endowed with the power to return to the life of the dead and get rid of the rhodes. Unfortunately, reality is far from myths: the main river India is included in the list of the most clogged water bodies of the world. There are waste of numerous industries and feces coming from overcrowded cities. Even bathing in Ganges, the number of enterobacteria in which is 120 times the norm, leads to infectious diseases and annually becomes the cause of the death of thousands of people. The ritual burial of the body in Varanasi is added to the problems that interfere with the cleaning of the sacred reservoir.

9. Onondaga Lake, USA

In the XIX century, Ondondag Lake, located near the American Syracuse, was a popular holiday destination. A century later, the reservoir, which came under the influence of technical "progress", was on the verge environmental catastrophe. In 1901, ONONDAGA water, rich due to the discharge of industrial waste with nitrates, phosphates, mercury and pathogenic bacteria, was forbidden to be used in the food industry. In 1940, a veto was imposed on a bathing, and in 1970 - and fishing. After the ban on waste emissions, the installation of cleaning structures and the adoption of the law on clean water, the situation with the lake is gradually being uploaded, but to be cleaned with a reservoir for a very long time.

10. River Citarum, Indonesia

With the advent of progressive technologies along the shores of the once picturesque, and now one of the most stuck in the nature of the rivers, located on the island of Java, more semi-pious plants has grown. The reservoir previously served as a source of income for numerous fishermen became a house for other hunters - garbage catches. Dirty water siscing bacteria and an invisible under the thick layer of household and industrial waste is still used for drinking and irrigation of fields. Scientists predict: In the coming years, the pollution of the citrum will reach the critical mark and can lead to a stop of the largest HPP.

The world of 70% consists of water, we drink it, bathe in it, grow food with its help, and just exist thanks to her. But some reservoirs are very dangerous. We present to your attention the list of lakes and rivers that can cause a person serious harm or even kill.

Rio Tinto is one of the rivers with the highest level of acidity, pH at best, 2, which is approximately equal to the level of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract of a person. This is enough to kill any fish that dares to swim into this river. In all likelihood, the same thing threatens and man. Water is dangerous due to a special bacterium living in it. Such substances were found on Mars, forcing scientists to think about what the key to the riddle of the Red Planet lies in this river. As long as this is just a non-abundant dream, but no doubt you cost the fear of Rio Tinto as well as angry grizzly, to -re and the river, and the animal belong to those who are nice to watch, but it is better not to touch.

Whoever invented the name of this place, he did not have to think long: the boiling lake fully justifies its name. For the first time, the lake discovered two Englishmen in 1870. Five years later, it was possible to measure the temperature in the lake, which hesitated from 82 to 91.5 degrees Celsius. One thing is already enough to get burns, but this is the temperature along the edges of the lake. In the center it is much higher, so much that it is even impossible to measure without the measurement is not welded alive.

300 meters of Lake Kivu is a slow motion bomb. About 250 cubic kilometers of carbon dioxide and 65 cubic methane kilometers are hidden in the depths of this lake. It can flood all nearby settlements, taking thousands of lives. So far, the gas is harmless, but just one eruption of the volcano (and taking into account that there are a lot of them there, it may well happen) so that the gas rose to the surface, destroying everything around.

This is one of the most polluted rivers on Earth. Because of 500 plants located on the banks of the river, the lack of garbage collection systems and the modern water supply system, the river is filled with garbage so much that the water itself is almost not visible. This river can carry many lives, but only in our fault. And this is the most important water artery in the terrain! Local use water for drinking, bathing and even cooking! But, unfortunately, they have no other choice. They themselves beds themselves bed and now they will have to sleep on it.

There is little pleasant to get infected with an intestinal wand, and now imagine that we are swimming in the water that is chisit. Such is the reality for many rivers Johannesburg in South Africawhere E. coli bacterium level exceeds the allowable limit, in some places 240 times. This problem will not leave, as representatives of the local government actively deny it. Although when health care professionals say that it means to drink a fatal danger from this river, it would probably be worth listening to them ...

In too large quantities There is nothing good too. Ask any resident of Virginia, living near the Blywater River, who has seen floods much more than anyone over the past few years. After 60 years of relaxing existence, the Blackwater River was poured and flooded nearby cities about six times in the last 10 years. Fortunately, until it led to the death of any of the inhabitants, but this is just a matter of time if this will continue. And, unfortunately, no one can say why Blackvotrer is so often poured. But whatever the reason local residents We intend to figure out this in order to finally stop worrying about the fact that everything they lived will again take the rapid flow of the river.

Tulatin River, in Oregon, is not the most the best placewhere you can go swim with your pet: every year animals die in the river due to poisonous blue-green algae. Algae, which are actually nothing more than a deadly bacterium, grow rapidly, filling the water deceptively beautiful turquoise color. Those unfortunate, which plunged into this river, will at best wait for weakness and diarrhea, and in the worst paralysis and even death.

Like supermodel, which is hidden by a bomb under the dress, Lake Karachay in Russia is beautiful, but deadly. This is the most radioactive reservoir all over the world. This is the main place of burial of nuclear waste from the 90s. The lake is so toxic that you can die, not even touching the water. Just standing on the shore of the lake for about an hour you will receive radiation in 600 x-rays. For comparison: most people die from radiation in 500 x-rays. Now everything is possible to solve this problem and recently the tests have shown either a low level of radiation, or its absence. Maybe after 500 years, people can even swim in this lake. May be….

Bel Forsh-no boiling, not a poisonous and non-radioactive river, but nevertheless represents a huge danger. She has already taken some lives. In 2010, his father, together with his daughter and friend, drowned when the rapid thresholds thrust them out of the boat. A few years later, another case reported, which almost attracted a person's death, again because of the rapid flow and dangerous thresholds. Although this river rarely attracts the attention of the press, yet it can be considered quite dangerous.

Although most people, this river is known only to the fact that it is Washington, District of Columbia, but the legendary river has another feature, it often takes the lives of people. From Great Falls to a chain bridge of the river forms a series of thresholds and waterfalls, which are 1.5 km away by the raging stream. Approximately 6 people per year dyed in the waters of the Potab River and even more people risk their lives, simply playing on the banks of the river. It is so dangerous that the local authorities launched a public prevention campaign using the most accurate wording: "If you go to this river, you will die."

Little can be the same fresh and soothing than the transparent water surface of the lake. Beautiful lakes admire and mounted to themselves, and the thrill of diving in deep, calm water is incomparable with anything in the world. But as far as much in the light of beautiful, seductive gifts of nature, the same many and lakes representing a deadly danger. This danger lies in creatures hiding at the depth, in poisonous gases and radiation, and other malicious factors. Sometimes such lakes appear according to human fault, but often this is the result of the mother of nature. I present you a selection of the most dangerous lakes of the world.

Boiling lake

The name speaks for itself. Located on Dominica, beautiful Caribbean islandThis is a lake - in fact the second largest natural hot source on Earth. The water temperatures in the boiling lake reaches 90 degrees Celsius and are unlikely to be able to check the source temperature on their skin. It is enough to look in the photo and it becomes clear that the water here practically boils. The temperature is impossible to adjust, because it is the result of the crack at the bottom of the lake, through which the hot lava is erupted.

Lake Powell

Despite his positive name (horsepower Horseshoe), located near the city of Mammot Lakes Lake Powell is a frightened killer. The city of Mammot Lakes was built on top acting volcano, and this is not best location. Nevertheless, for many years, the lake was considered safe. But approximately 20 years ago, the trees around the horse's horseshoe began to dry and dying. After the elimination of all possible diseases, scientists decided that the trees suffocate from excessive levels of carbon dioxide, slowly integral through the ground from underground cooling magma chambers. In 2006, three tourists found shelter in a cave near the lake and suffocated from carbon dioxide.

Lake Karachay

Located in the beautiful Ural Mountains of Russia, this is a dark blue lake - one of the most dangerous mass of water in the world. During the secret government project, for many years, starting in 1951, the lake was used as a landfill for radioactive waste. This place is so toxic that a 5-minute visit can cause nausea in humans, and a longer visit within an hour will be guaranteed fatal. During drought in 1961, the wind moved toxic dust, hitting 500,000 people - the tragedy is comparable to an atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Definitely, this is one of the most polluted places on Earth.

Lake Kivu.

This lake is on the border between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ruand, with large layers of carbon dioxide at the base of the volcanic rock, as well as 55 billion cubic methane meters at the bottom. This explosive combination makes Lake Kiva the most fatal of three exploding lakes in the world. Any earthquake, or volcanic activity can be a lethal threat to 2 million people living in this region. They can die from both methane explosions and suffocations with carbon dioxide.

Lake Michigan.

Of the five Great Lakes on the border of Canada and the United States, Michigan Lake is the most deadly. Warm, attractive lake - popular place Resting numerous tourists, despite his most dangerous underwater flows, carrying out at least several lives every year. The form of Lake Michigan makes it particularly susceptible to dangerous flows that arise spontaneously and sharply. The lake is becoming more dangerous in the fall, in October and November, when sudden and significant changes in the temperature of water and air occur. The height of the waves can reach several meters.

Lake Mono

One of the most developed ecosystems in the world, Lake Mono is located in the California District of the same name. This ancient salt lake has no fish, but trillions of bacteria and small algae flourish in its unique waters. Up to 1941 it is amazing beautiful lake It was healthy and strong. But Los Angeles intervened, who just started his gigantic growth jump. The city was depleted by the lake tributary, which began to disperse. This is scandalous destruction natural resources It continued for almost 50 years and when it was stopped in 1990, Lake Mono had already lost half of its volume, and his salinity doubled. Mono has become a toxic alkaline lake, overcrowded carbonates, chlorides and sulfates. Los Angeles decided to fix his mistake, but the recovery project will take decades.
Lake Manun.

Located in the volcanic field of OKU in Cameroon, Lake Monun seems to be an absolutely normal mass of water. But his appearance is deceptive, since it is one of three explosive lakes on Earth. In 1984, Monun exploded without any warning, while throwing carbon dioxide cloud and killing 37 people. Twelve people from the dead drove in the truck and stopped to look at the effects of the explosion. Just this moment is lethal gas and did its job.

Lake Nyos

In 1986, Lake NIos, located just 100 kilometers from Lake Montun, exploded after the magma eruption and released carbon dioxide, converting water into carbonic acid. As a result of the most powerful landslide, the lake dramatically emptied the giant carbon dioxide cloud, killing thousands of people and animals in local cities and villages. The tragedy was the first famous major choking caused by natural phenomenon. The lake continues to pose a threat, because its natural wall is fragile, and even the slightest earthquake can destroy it.

Lake Ozark.

Although Lake Ozark and seems to be a serene place to relax with cool breezes and chirling birds, in fact, everything is just the opposite. Without any water protection, large racing boats and cruisers are rumped in at high speed, representing a fatal threat to smaller boats and bathing rooms. Here every year there are deaths accidents. In order to aggravate the situation, the colonies of intestinal sticks were discovered here, partly due to the local restaurant, dumping wastewater in the lake. Ozark Lake is rated as the third most dangerous waterway in America, after Atlantic Ocean And the River Colorado.

Changes in the environment always occurred. Previously, a person attributed evil spirits to such phenomena or an unclean power. Today everything has changed, and now he himself became this "evil spirit" and "unclean force."

Rio Tinto, Spain

Rio Tinto - River in the south-west of Spain in autonomous region Andalusia. Takes the beginning in the north of Huelva Province. There merges with the river Odel, forming a common estuary of Ria de Wuelva.

River waters painted red. It is a high concentration of copper, iron and acidity of water. For several hundred years in the upper reaches of the river, mining is carried out, which led to pollution of water. There is no fish. And no matter how hot, it is not advised to wet my feet in Rio Tinto.

Source: Eco-Turizm.net

Boiling lake, Dominica

This lake would be quite able to become thermal resortIf it were not for one thing: the water temperature in the reservoir ranges from 82 to 91.5 ° C. In the lake, it is not that it is not recommended to swim, but even approach it is prohibited. Although if you want to welcome alive, they ask for mercy.


Thank you - 300-kilometer river in Indonesia. The river plays an important role in the life of people from Western Java: It is used to support agriculture, water supply, industry, sewage, etc.

About five million people live in the pool. For many years of utilization of local waters, these residents have turned the river to the most real garbage. If you take water on the sample, you can find almost all the elements of the Mendeleev table. It is worth saying that the concentration of most of them is several times higher than permissible norms.

Source: Rumbur.ru.

Kivu, Africa

Lake Kivu is a freshwater bomb of slow motion, a volume of 500 cubic kilometers, located on the border of Rwanda and Congo. Under the thickness of the water, more than 250 km³ of carbon dioxide and about 65 km³ of methane are hidden. The lake is located in a rift valley, which is gradually growing, causing volcanic activity, which in turn can lead to an explosion. The last eruption of the volcano in the district led to the fact that the water in the lake Zakipel, and the fish welded alive.

Source: Forum-grad.ru.

Kaja, Russia

Karachay - Lake in Chelyabinsk region. From October 1951, it is used to store radioactive waste by "Lighthouse". According to some data, today there is about 120 million Curie radioactive materials. From 1986 to the present, work on the backfill of the reservoir is underway.

In 2015, the Russian authorities plan to fully fall asleep this horror. But even these measures cannot prevent radioactive infection of groundwater in the underground space, which can well be one of the power sources of the nearest reservoirs.

Potomac River, United States

Potomac - the river in the east of the United States, flowing into the Chesapeake Bay of the Atlantic Ocean. Length with the South Potab River - 590 km, with Estoarium 780 km.

Industrial and radioactive waste is not discharged into this river. But it is no less dangerous. All due to strong underwater flows. Together with thresholds and waterfalls, these calm sections are melted with a fatal threat, which annually takes dozens of lives of fans of water extreme.

See also: